HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-12-14, Page 4x',04.0 'wa a, y9 , '+ s '' r 441, ° ,' ' ° +'Os o' +r ►' v r r' . a' ' CHRISTMAS TIES For Men or Boys A choice assortment of ties in snappy patterns and good quality silk. All nicely boxed. at 25c and 50c MEN'S ; HOSE A real Christmas gift for men, always,ac- ceptable. S;el ec t ed range of All -Wool in nice patterns at 25e and 50e 35c of 3 Pur for ,$1.00 BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Gordon Screen -Toned Made of materials of merit, `fused collars, wash well & wear well, $1.56 Ea, 2 for $2.98 Broadcloth Shirts at Special Price of • $1.00 LADIES ss BOUDOIR SLii'PERSO For Leisure hours. + Style and, Quality, supr.nle Wine, Blue or Black 1 Per Pair $1.00 & $1,25 MEN'S SUSPENDERS All nicely boxed with cellophane Gg Per Pair ... 50c POLICE BRACES at 25c Pair RUBBEti FOOTWEAR Ladies or Children's; N Ur-'d'op' GOLOSHES Men's or,,Bny?s. OVERSHOES FIRST QUALITY AT POPULAR PRICES They Make a Real Christhras Gift. SANTA CLAUS Invites You to Visit , TOYLAND ON 2ND FLOOR TABLE DISPLAY OF TOYS FOR THE YOUNGSTERS SUCH AS V TRAINS -- AEROPLANES — DRUMS etc. BIG TRUCKS & NOVELTY TOYS PAINTING AND STORY BOOKS cle?zte+mtE= texitma6c+.. >. tgtN � WAVAtr; dA Ke 3u -taletverste+ +Kt '-EkklA+t+d€-www-t&V � `,tF, tK+-rK,g+ywoe g PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY ryN 1 -- 3 Ea. 5e .& 10e OUR DOLL BOOTH CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS it t e, nom ct ve,too , , �; ;o!,�m OFFERS YOU A LARGE SELECTION OF # Sleeping Dlo11s at $1.00' a;, THE DECORATED HOME ADDS TO YOURpO CHRISTMAS LINENS Wetum Diolls at 49c & 98c CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES Unbreakable Doll 15c to $L00 Doll Prams Ian WR +'ATHS 5c' 10c 15e 1 79c, $1.49, $2.25 (land Embroidered. Child's Table and Chairs, Etc ' (CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS HUNDREDS OF FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS id SPECIALLY PRICED FANCY BOXES ., EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS 3 in Box, CHOICE FOR 19c, 25e & 50e CHOICE CLOTHS l PILLOW SLIPS ICICLES A 5c per pkg. 5c per pkg. GAMES SNOW A BIG ASSORTMENT OF POPULAR I GAMES CHINESE CHECKERS .., .. , .... 25e 50c 'A ELECTRIC TREE LIGHTS 1 TABLE TENNIS Many Other Games TOWELS MADERIA LUNCHEON SETS 4-etece Set .' $2.25 and 50c at 49c and $1.00 LINEN GUEST at '10c, 15c, & 25c A SECURE YOUR SUPPLIES ON 2nd FLOOR n Each 25c, 39c, & 49c 98c & $1.50 Pr. TURKISH TOWELS Single and in sets. 39c, 59e, 79c, 98c tele ta;$tatSttVg06:00Pta 5 - --, mat.+KV e-NOVMEM>+KtC+ +a,+K+ (COV +WV4ICAa 4C-Wa+;VIMSV•0 a izmtwimommomaesommi--mz osimmammaka avaamatm-,mmtva-Dr-Dawmea mTarmot o ma,00 stwar3rarar ramtomm7r maDzizomeral2ima �rarz.aratyaA4..m-Draizal- mbegl--moi 'Tar,,awa^rawal-D iwytm rlmt GIVE SILK or RAYON FOR PRACTICAL GIFTS GIFT STATIONERY SURE TO PLEASE Every box -fitted with good quality PAPER — 'ENVELOPES or CARDS _. . 25c t° $2.50 Priced From. GREETING CAR_ DS FINEST SELECTION IN TOWN. BOXED1 CARDS .•. 25c • t° $1.00 CARDS with Envelopes 5119, 15 & 25c Other Lines as low as.5 for 5c CHURCH HYMNALS — BIBLES and. TESTAMENTS LOVELY SATIN SLIPS IN WRITE & TEA ROSE A SPLENDID SELECTION From 79c t0: $1.98 14 SATIN PANTIES Gift Special 98c SATIN NIGHTIES SUPER QUALITY From 98c to $3.75 SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAPPINGS WITH SEALS, TAGS & RIBBONS ' a KAYSER HOSE TO IMP a RESS YOUR LADY 100 Selected' Tags, Seals, etc. 10c 4 FRIENDS 175' Selected Tags, Seals, .etc. 15c Per Pail 7I c & $1.O0 ic!,,,w Cm'.F-3f.'•P,na+.P, kKoP.k',1Aa+copag-,,,,,,,,,,,SK1,.,,,wzu".f:,0",th4'a:keta`+�' oc-tvat41 1.>°'1.mK!€ ez-t 'X>'.€'J�sg STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS • We appreciate the hearty co-operation you have shown us in the years past, and we wish you the Merriest of Christmas Seasons, and a New Year that will bring the Peace and Prosperity we all ,se ardently hope for. LADIES DRE SES COATS and HATS at REDUCED PRICES CHOICE FELT and VELVET HATS REGULAR UP TO $2.95 To Clear Choice For 98c NEW FALL DRESSES VERY SMART, MADE FROM 10 CREPES AND FINE WOOL g. MATERIALS REGULAR UP TO $4,95 V Now Selling at ... $2.9.$ CHINA DEPARTMENT BRIMFUL WITH CHOICE ' GIFTS ALL OUR LADIES WINTER COATS 9 ARE CHAMOIS LINED NOW REDUCED TO CLEAR ivE 2012rar'e t &hrrr 2r2t. CHINAWARE SILVERWARE GLASSWARE ELECTRIC LAMPS SPECIALLY PRICED TABLES 25 & 500 SELECT EARLY . Many Lines Cannot be Replaced at Our Low Prices. :' -tc?•l:> '0,1dtM" "R'.'.aklate-1eP'ta1C4te-tetCO'+eta-tb'.c E+M1,WAVKtata2AlatetntatPtMa`.>„ tK-IME-tP,' tCV,S'a%&'.M,.Elt w A. T. COOPER .�� C L I. N TO N eN�s Ate•Maar,SW tMgN' k�'Ctt�s: �+o V ' 3 % , j -',AVM >'Az AbDMM c7* h aAW s' t e a THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE ELECTRICAL G1FTS SPARKLING IN THEIR USEFULNESS, EASY AND SAFE TO OPERATE, THESE ARE GIFTS WORTHY OF CHRISTMAS GIVING. .r�..ar.'�i"d��.-'S'rk'�rd�J.,a.is3`�',�?'vr".>'7'Ct,.^-'P>lvW�+k:.sw��a-.a��Atu!KGF;'w'g-f;v,..:+°nn...�.,..,..�>Sk-,.:nS-,., �.?'.@;�..„_•b^.t,f:.,.>-•a.:>..t'� str, ELECTRIC IRONS 5 Always Appreciated. oar "IRONMASTER" with the Priced very reasonable for such ril thumb -tip regulator will COREY GLASS COFFEE MAKER T Q' a beautiful product. f4f, prove a popular gift. obta :,,c4comwmtwer lalteg-A: -tc- A Are,:zizoctq rbe441—cy+AeY'a'a „oociia;qtr claw rm m>itca €.,Nvz:,,revolg.agrK-e:o:a0 Other Suggestions we would like to make are intended to brighten your home. WALL, TABLE and DESK LAMP'S, also those of the clamp -on style. Modernistic Designs, 9 34.7 V-ta .•Ata 1K :o'R,1P.�6'r,,Vglc-'',ti-t$=",go'voc'.a'Qtvc4ataezctel.°:A .4atvtgazitocaltVaCte!;aK'.eavgAc-t,G'c'.A'l'1Pz,a4sP,Mfl iactatcr4tatmcafn 9� Big ELECTRIC SANDWICH as TOASTER'S & h GRILLETTES id Here's a gift she's sure to d^ appreciate, It wi.l lighten These always make popular work and improve the quality ELECTRIC :FOOD MIXERS - gifts. Beautiful new designsof her work, that are sure to please, ,��w qc tevc'&''R,ae?5stem otractEitoK'k'tetctertmat aleteta',-m-tc—vametetetc-Fewm'm,c-fe ;'.",- :YaoctetRSP:'A.re,«! ovetz,Raty dgvav fe:2w,!LtalG't; Then We Have: - ELECTRIC HEATING PADS — WASHING MACHINES — :STOVES VACUUM CLEANERS and POLISHERS, Merry Christmas To All GIVE PERSONAL GIFTS THIS CHRISTMAS The smartest in SLIPPERS just received for the Gift Shopper's selection. (All 'New and Neatly Boxed) CLUFF'S SHOE STORE Ili a o . R crea ion CIGARETTES & CIGARS (Christmas Wrapped) GIFTS GALORE • For the Smoker. MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM Le wa' a •o Winter, Pro • We take advantage of this opportunity to wish you all the compliments of the Season. You are assured a warm welcome at the friendly and a host of other useful gifts from which to make your selection. Red & White Store where low prices are combined Naturally we can't tell you all that we have. Won't you come in and look around? j� aKt!etaa�Pt�+tatttKta+„'� pt� ,,l z with quality. `Wk -tot aseZ.atAe'at c au b+�.G�•ekPt&t�1P'ateavvetc teteke?ocvetatakmtaketetclP<Ptmc—tetPtatPtetK+a'.t%,ogici CLINTON PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM! SHEA ING & Phone 48 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1