HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-12-07, Page 5"THURS., DEC. 7, 1939 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD rt :.. - Announcing the Opening of . 44 'h4J•iGarage LOCATED ON THE HISTORIC SITE OF THE FAIR, FLOUR MILL, CORNER PRINCESS and ALBERT STREETS, CLINTON. DOUGLAS BROTHERS are distributors in this area for RED ;STAR PRODUCTS, andto acquaint you with the quality of their products offer- s OPENING SPECIAL -With every change of oil, or five gallons of Red Star gasoline you receive absolutely FREE a vest-pocket FLASHLIGHT (Complete). Inspect this modern garage, try this high quality product. WE. WILL APPRECIATE YOUR PATRO'NA.GE.• Douglas Brothers (Dealers, write us for particulars of our attractive proposition) AUBURN . NIrs: Zeller and Elsie of Kitchener .,and, Mrs. Wm. Hill of Goderich vitited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ralthby on Sunday. Private Kenneth Scott of Kingston Training Camp returnedto Kingston Sunday. This will be his last visit home before going overseas., Mre. F. O. Macllveen and Charlie of Bowmanville spent part of the weekend with Mrs. McIlvleen's par- • ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Asquith . On their return home they were ae- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Asquith who will spend the winter at. the Mollveen home. Mr Andrew Webster returned home Monday after a visit with relatives at Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson and Stewart visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Chester Taylor, St. Helens Miss Mildred Scott R.N., of Strat- ford is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Scott. Gunner William IL Thompson of Camp Borden spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Thompson. Mr. 3, C. Cameron,teller of the Bank of Commerce is on his holidays at present, Mr. Dan Burns of Streets- villa is relieving here. Mrs. Wm, Patterson who has been visiting Mr, and Mrs, Alex Manning of Belgrave, is visiting Mr. and Mrs.i Nelson Patterson of East Wawanosh. A very impressive service was held in Knox Presbyterian and Knox United Church on Sunday. At the Presbyterian Church Private Ken- . meth Scott was presented avith a testament. Mr. J. 3. Wilson, clerk of the Session read the address, and Rev. Dr.' 3. H. Barnett made the presentation. At the United Church Rev. IL C. Wilson presented Gunner William Thompson with a testament. Miss Margaret Ferguson of Park- hill spent the weekend with her par- ents,. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson. Mrs. W. 0. Robertson and Miss . Elizabeth. Elkins received, word of the death of their nephew's wife, Mrs. Leslie Cummings of Chicago, I11. Mre. Cummings was a visitor here this past summer. Mr. William Mollwain is celebrat- ing his 75th birthday Tuesday, I The Red Cross are having a con - .cert in the Forester's Hall on Friday, December 15. The concert will be in the form of one contest between East and West Wawanosh, and Hallett' ' and Colborne. Mrs. John McKnight returned honte ou•'Saturday after nursing for some time Mrs. xichard MacWhinney of Nile. • Mr. Fred Denstedt is visiting his niece, Mrs. 1. D. Munro and Mn Munro. The regular monthly meeting of I the Women's Institute will be held in the Forester's Hall on' Tuesday,' were read by bhe secretary, Mrs. A. Robinson, and the roll call was an- swered.by "The Minister's name who married you." The December meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Ernest Patterson and the roll call will be answered by "A Verse of Your Fay - tithe Christmas Carol." Each member was asked to bring a block for :a crazy quilt which will be quilted at the next meeting, also one donated by Mrs. James Webster. Four quilts were sent from this society with a bale of clothing recently sent by the W.M.S. of the United •Church'.' Miss Maxine Ball gave Several amusing riddles. Readings were givien by Mrs. Jas. Webster, Elsie Patterson, Mrs. Foster Wright, Mrs. Guy Cuningham, Mrs. Win. Archambault. Mrs. Ernest Patterson and Mrs• Archie Robinson. Many old favorite songs were sung and the meeting was closed with prayer after which a dainty lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Foster Wright. W.M.S. Meeting The W.M.S. of Knox United Church met on Tuesday afternoon in the basement of the church with Mrs. Earl Wightman in. charge. The scrip- ture was read by Mrs. W. H. Shepa pard and the Lord's Prayer was re. peated in unison. Mrs. II. 0, Wilson gave a missionary reading and Miss Sadie Carter and Mrs. Fred Plaetzer rendered a duet. The topic on "The 'Untouchables of India" was divided VARNA A reception was held In the Town Hall Tuesday night in honor of the newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie. We welcome the young, couple to our village. Members of the Council met in the Township. Hall Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Dunn of Londes- boro have been tuning pianos and organs in churches and homes in the village and community during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Reid of Flint, Mich. spent the weekend with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Schell and family of Detroit were guests at the home of Mrs. A. Austin and family. Miss Lizzie Slavin of Hensall re- turned to her home Sunday after spending the past week with her cousin, Mrs. M. G. Beatty. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Beatty and family spent Sunday at Ripley. We are pleased to report that Master Jno. McConnell is able to be out and around again. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stewart were guests at the 'home of Geo. Beatty Sr. on Friday afternoon'. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. McConnell and Mr. and Mrs. J. Richardson visited with Miss E. Logan of Heaisall one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rathwell spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson. We are pleased to report that Mrs. into four parts, these parts being talo- J. Smith who has been in Clinton hos- en by Mrs. Thos. Jardine, Mrs. Fred pita for the ,past two weeks is much Toll and Mrs. Earl Wightman who also took Mrs. Gordon. McClinchey's 'part in the topic, Mrs. McClinchey being unable to be present. A number was given by a trio, Miss Sadie Cat - ter, Mrs. Sidney McClinchey and Mrs. Plaetzer. Ms. Wm. Anderson closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Jas. !Woods took over the business part of the meeting. The new slate of 'officers was presented and accepted: 'President, Mrs. James Woods; 1st vice -President, Mrs. H. C. Wilson; 2nd vice -President, Mrs. Howard Rob- ertson; Recording' Secretary, Miss Margaret King; Corresponding Sec- retary, Mrs. W. II. Sheppard; Trees - improved and will soon be home. GODERICH. TOWNSIrIP Iris, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Flewett strayed away from hone last Thursday evening, and although the neighborhood Hien turned out in full force, she was not found until about eight o'clock near the river, sound asleep. Mr. Charles Ferguson and Miss, FIorence Lovett of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Welsh and Helen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ar- urer, Mrs. Chas. Straughan; Literary thm Welsh Secretary, Mus. Jas. Robertson; Mie- The ladies on the Bayfield Line be- the same trophy in 1934, on the team sionary Monthly Secretary, Mrs. Wm.Ionging to . St. Andrew's, Bayfield, that won Blake -Baumgartner -Long met at the home of Mrs. L. Stems OS IX aaa 1 ANY IINF Alis . CHRYSANZ'IiEMUM TIME For several weekswe shall have a good supply, all colors and 38 ' varieties. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. Cooke FLORIST, Phones: 66w and 66j CHICKEN & FOWL MARKET When your chickens are fattened for market we will be glad to quote you prices either live or on a dressed basis. Always in the market for fat hens. Our Egg Candling service by ex- perienced candlers will give you the oast of satisfaction. N. W. TREWARTITA Day Phone 214—Night 328 or 602r5 BIRTHS ADDISON In Clinton Hospital, on Thursday, November 30th, to Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Addison, Zurich, a son—Cameron Walter. MORGAN In Clinton Hospital, on Thursday, November 30th,. to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morgan, Clinton, a son. DEATHS SNELL—In Hallett township, on Fri- day, December 1st, Annie Elizabeth Wheatley, beloved • wife of Andrew Snell, in her 75th year. BROADFOOT- do Clinton, on Mon- day, December 4th, Elizabeth Mar- ion Middleton, widow of William G, Broadfoot, IN MEMORIAM ADAMS—In loving memory of Mrs. Henry Adapts who passed away 12 years ago, Dec. 8, 1928. We think of her in silence Her name we oft recall. There is nothing left to answer. Bat her picture on the wail. —Sadly missed by husband and fancily. i 1 Mr. Jacob Taylor Back in Florida A marked copy of the Evening Independent, St. Petersburg, Florida, came to our desk this week. We were 'quite interested; ` at his many other Clinton friends will be, in the fol- lowing article, in that issue regarding Mr. Jacob Taylor, which reads: "Jake Taylor, one of Toronto's top bowlers, arrivied at the. St. Peters- burg Lawn Bowling club Saturday. He has been coming to Florida for 17 winters, at Clearwater for two seasons, at Orlando eight, and the rest at our club. He was here far the season of 1925-26, then tried the other .bowling greens and came back to us in 1933. His tournament record is impres- sive. He was on the Orlando rink that won the Chamber of Commerce trophy in 1928, on the rink that wan Mcliwa n; Stewardship Secretary, son andquilted a quilt for the W.A. Mrs. Earl Wightman, Finance Sec- rotary, Mrs, Joe Washington; Temp- Mr. Olivier Welsh has purchased erance Secretaries, Mrs. Jas. Jackson the 20 -acre farm on the Bayfield and Mrs. Ernest Patterson; Strang- Line, one mile from Clinton, from er's Secretaries, Mrs. Joe Irwin and Mrs, Gordon Dow, Miss Amelia Mcllwain; Supply Sec- Miss Mabel Rathwsll bas sold the retary, Mrs. Harty Wagner; Pianists, (some, farm to Ma Fred Soot inner Miss Sadie Carter and Mrs. R. D. Iof Kitchener. We understand the Munro; Music Convenor, Mrs. Wm.purchase price was around $4000. Anderson; Flower Committee,' Mrs. A. J. Ferguson, Mrs. 0. E. Erratt, Mrs. Harry Sturcly; C.G.I•T. Leader, Miss Dorothy Anderson LONDESBORO Dec. 1281 at 2.30. : The Christmas' bus, ,James Hill of Kitchener call- topic will be taken by Mrs. Earl ed on Mr. and Mrs. David Ewan one Raithby. The roll call to be answer- day last. week. ed by "Exchanging of Christmas Sonte things never grow old—such 'Gifts". The hostesses are .Mrs. R. as the play "Cheerio My Deario", J. Phillips, Mics. Edgar Lawson and which was presented in the Com - Miss Sadie Gaiter. Will the members inanity Hall by, the United Church please take note that this meeting Choir the second time last Weclnes- is a week earlier this month. 'clay evening to a full house, and en - The regular monthly meeting of joyed as much as ever This play the B. Y. P. U. will be held in the .has also been given at six different basement of the 'church on Sunday places in the last few weeks, and evening, Dec. 10th at 7.30. The meet- still have many further engagements ing to be in charge of Rail Raitltby. if weather stays favorable and' roads Special moats will be provided by good Mr. Drum of Niagara and Mr. Robert Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Lyon of Blyth Gibbs and son, Donald of Londesborca were the guests of Mi, and Mrs. Wm. 'The topic written by Miss Margaret Lyon bete on Sunday. Stnall of Toronto will be read by . Mr. and Mrs. -'John Fingland. and Miss Amelia Mclliwain. Everyone is 'Alice,' visited with their daughter and welcome; family, Mrs. Janes of Aylmer one Messrs. Robt•: Turner and Wm. clay recently. Haggitt (sponsored a dance in the Mr. Wm. Bromley Sr., has been Forester's Hall last Friday night. quite sick at the home of his grand - Music was provided by the "Tipper- son, Albert Shaddick. art Orchestra" from Goderich town- The White Gift Service of the Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thompson and family of Tillsonburg, and Mr.. Joe Thompson and son, Harold, upsit- ed on Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Thompson. The Wallcerbnrn Ladies Club •was entertained atthe home of Mrs. Jas. -.Ire erton, Auburn on -Wednesday. lien members were present, with the presi- dent Mrs, Ernest Patterson' in charge. 'The min.u'tes 01 he previeus meeting, Sunday School will be on Sunday, morning, December 10th. CAPTURES HORNED OWL George Brown, of Hallett, recently captured a horned owl, The bird had a wing spread of 52 inches.. Mr. Brown caught the bird in a trap: he had laid for him but before he did he claims the owl had accounted for; about 'twenty' chickens. An Example of the Community Spirlt A pleasant surprise took place last week at the home of Mt. and Miss Hastings, of Goderich township, in the event of some of their immediate, neighbors gathering at their farm residence for the purpose of replac- ing• the roof on a building adjoining their residence. During the clay the roof was replaced bya brand new one, much to the joy and satisfaction of the occupants. While the visitors hummed and whistled as they hurried across the fields to commence then• work the green trees and the birds resting therein joined with them and evidently lauded them in thein com- mendable act. The contribution which was the Unfolding of "good will" was receiviecl with' pleasant appreciation. Mr. Hastings, who is a Iife-long and pinch respected resident of Goderich township, is in the evening of life, and has been partially afflicted with blindness, but practices retaining, a eheerfulness. Miss Ilastings crown- ed the rown-ed'tlte day by providing a "good will. supper. Neighbors present were; Masers. JohnMcGuire; James ing, who providedthe singing during the clay, and Wm• McG:iire. Mt.' and, Miss Hastings feel that Santa Claus has commenced to make his rounds • Indicative'- of the • spirit fostered among juvenile members of the Jun- ior Red 'Cross was the spontaneous request from all, over Canada, for in- structions as to how Canada could be helped in 'wartime. Hundreds of queries were received frosn school classes, Replies were to keep healthy, be friendly to all other bays and girls, and help grownups as much as possible. trebles in 1933 and again in 1986, on the winning team for the Press trophy in 1938, won the Mercer singles in 1935, won the Open Doubles with the late Frank Whitehall in 1936, and was on the team that finished third in the club doubles in 1936." Wanted A used upright piano, Plain case, medium size, style full particulars of piano, itt your early reply. W. Martin, Box 195, Exeter. 65-1 TO 'THE RATEPAYERS: 1 wish to take this opportunity to thank those who voted for one on Monday. Although the vote was not sufficiently large to elect the to office, I do appreciate the support I received. Wishing you the compliments of the season, F. LIVERMORE To Clinton Ratepayers: Your support at the polls on Monday is appreciated. Although not elected, I am grateful to those whto voted for me, Wishing you all the complim- ents of the season, W. G. COOK The Ratepayers of Pt. Andrew's Ward: Your support at the polls on Monday is appreciated. A F. CUDIVIORE PAGE 5 ROXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW PLAYING: Gene Autry itt "IN OLD MONTEREY" MON., TUES., WED. Out of Hollywood's historical, hysterical yesterdays come the greatest screen thrills of to -day "HOLLYWOOD CAVALCADE" (IN TECHNICOLOR) ALICE FAYE —.,DON AMECHE J. Edw. Bromberg &-'Alan Curtis THURS., FRI., SAT. — By Popular Request -- "ALEXANDER'S "ALEXANDER'S RAGTIME 'BAND" starring Tyrone POWER -- Alice FAYE Don AMECHE—Jean HERSII'OLT Coming: "I STOLE A MILLION" Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE 1 REGENT THEATRE GODERICII SEAFORTH NOW: Gene Autry in NOW: "fHIS EXCITING NIGHT" "ROVIN' TUMBLEWEEDS" & "R&D RIVER RANGE" MON, TUES., WED. d Four Stars in "Librty" last week? "The REAL GLORY" starving A 'L Gary COOPER — ndrea LEEDS A nation .is wreste from a mid- American, jungle in this spec- tacular new screen drama 'TIHURS, FRI., SAT. George RAFT — Claire TREVOR, and Victor Jory A. real guy with a heart of gold finds that two wrongs won't make a right. "I STOLE A MILLION MON., TUES., WED. Bette DAVIS Sr Miriam H2OPKINS Once in a while comes a picture with a 'heart -tug and an unforget- table memory — such a one is " OLD MAID THURS., FRI, SAT. Gene AUTRY & Smiley Barnette Out on the plains, under the stain, fol., a swift adventure and 'Some ranch meloray "Ro vin' TunibleWeeds" Co}nning: Coating: "ESPIONAGE AGENT" 'INDIANAPOLIS. SPEEDWAY" Mat.: Wed., Sat, & Holidays 3 p.m. Mat.: Sat and Holidays at 3 p.m. Bartliff's the Place For Light or Dark Fruit Cake Plum Pudding Macaroons – Short Bread Cream Goods Chocolate Boxes — Creams Mixed Candy—Nuts—Fruits Cigarettes—Cigars Pipes—Tobacco BARTLIFF'S Phone L Clinton For Sale Two cattle, weight around 900 lbs., also a good eow,6 years old, due to freshen in January A. Shanahan, R. R. 1, Clinton. Phone 037r16 65-1 Pigs For Sale Seven choice suckers, six weeks old. Apply to Ross Fitzsimons, Clinton. Phone 76. 65-1 Photography A snap of your child or pet, indoors or out, day or night, would make a fine Christmas Card, Try J, B. Lobb, Victoria street, Clinton. 65-1 Kindling For Sale A quantity of cedar for sale at $2. a cord. Apply to Arnold Dale, R. R. 1, Clinton or phone 3 on 637, Clinton Central. 65-1-p Car For Sale Buick Coach, $45.00. Apply News - Record office. 65-1 Roomers Wanted Apply to P. 0. Box 343, Clinton.WHEN PAINS ARE TORTURE from 64-1 Rheumatism, Sciatica, Backache, use Laundry Work Rumaeaps — their Two -Way Action Advertiser can take washing or attacks the cause. Hovey's Drug ironing, or if preferred will do either Store. one. Apply .Mrs. Lenora Pearson, Victoria street, or leave inquiries at News -Record. 65-1 VITA -MINERAL A The bread with the extra "Wheaty" taste. Eat it for health. It contains Vitamins A.B.E.G, and the following minerals: Phosphorus, Calcium Mag- nesium, Potassium, Sodium, & Iron. The Vita -Mineral Loaf is Nature's White Bread. Get a'loaf today. Compare the taste and quality. Wendorf's MONUMENTS! To . those contemplating build- ing a Monument . . Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT, CLINTON MAItBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton Ontario Successor to BaiI & Zapfe i 59 tf BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) DURING THE MONTH OF DEC. WITH EVERY SUIT PRESSED ,WE WILL. GIVE YOU THIRTY' MINUTES REPAIRING FREE ALBERT PALMER Isaac St., Clinton. STRATFORD-GODERICI COACH LINES FALL AND WINTER TIME TABLE Leave Clinton -for Strattord Daily 8.25 A.M. & 5.10 P.M. Leave Clinton for Goderich— Daily except Suns. & Holidays, 1.45 P.M. & 8.30 P.M. Sundays & Holidays, 1.45 P.M. & 10.40 P.M. Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock. BARTLIFF',S, Local Agents, Phone 1 ARE YOU THE MAN?. You will make amazing profits every hour sell- ing 200 guaranteed necessities used in every home. You can have a solid business established within; 3 months, If you are tired of working to earn profits for someone else OWN YOUR. FOR, SALE fo BUSINESS and. enjoy all the profits, NO OBLIGATION, Get details and Well -Equipped Weed -Working Shop (catalogue FREE. BE FIRST. .F AM - on Albert Street. ILEX PRODUCTS -570 St. Clement, Including Motors, Ten Machines, Montreal. Stock and Tools. 62-1 — also One and one-half storey HOUSE on Shipley Street, containing 8 rooms furnished or unfurnished. • T. R. WIGGINTON 5511. For Sale Bourbon Red Turkeys, hens and Toms, suitable for breeding stock. Apply Walter Dale, R. R. 4, Clinton. Phone 616r24. 64-2p Skates For Sale Pair of tube skates, size 8, in ex- cellent condition, Will be sold at a bargain. Apply at Bartliff's, 64-1 House for Sale or Rent Seven -room frame house, modern conveniences, good garden, and frult FLOOR SHOW -Featuring trees; also for sale. Moffat electric For Sale Comfortable two storey house, cor- ner Dunlop and Isaac streets.. Apply Mrs. John McKinley, Clinton. 57 tf CLAYTON STEEPER & HIS CANADIAN COWBOYS —AT - FRIDAY, DEC. Sth k` VIOLET ARBUCKLE range, single bed with Marshall mat- Tap and Acrobatic Dancer tress, china cabinet, hall rack and ADMISSION 35e kitchen table Phone 293 or see Moss Edith Hunt, evenings or Saturday afternoon. 64-2 i tom: The Lowest Price in Rogers History Now's the time to protect ,your radiator against freeze -ups. Let us make the change -over today —before dangerous cold weather comes. We charge only for the anti -freeze used. BROWNIES' SERVICE STATION - Cars Called for and l7elvered Phone 5 — Clinton Roye'cs 14/41 Don't judge this batery radio by its amazingly' low price. Real selec- tivity and power, with long battory life and life -like tone. Rogers double- purpose tubes give. 0 -tube power and selectivity with 4 -tube economy. The big, clear - vision gold dial covers the ontire broadcast band. Genuine 5tft" Alnico speaker power output of 200 milli - watts. Genuine walnut cabinet. Have installed oneof the latest Tube Testers for all makes of tubes. A. W . Groves PRINCESS STREET CLINTON AGENT FOR: Phonola, Rogers, DeForest and Philco Radios 'Apex Washers and Norge Refrigerators. • Community Auction Sale at Dick Hotel Stables Seaforth EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON The usual run of pigs, cattle, fur- niture, produce and miscellaneous articles. Bring anything you have to sell Rates are reasonable. HOMER HUNT, Manager. Phone Seaforth 228r12 0E0. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. 65 tf COURT OF REVISION THE COURT OF REVISIOIN for the TOWN OF CLINTON will hold its first sitting in the Council Chamber at 8 o'clock p.m. on, MONDAY the 18th day of DEC. 1939 R. E. MANNING, Town Clerk. 65-1 For Sale ' Comfortable house, situated at the east end of Ontario street. If not sold, will rent to responsible tenant. Apply L. Peacock, Phone 636r16. 58-tf Wanted Raw furs for highest market price. It will pay you to deal with Norman East, R. 1Z. 1, Clinton. 63.8 Heater For Sale Good wood heater for sale. Cheap. Apply News -Record. 61 tf For Sale Two farms, about one and a half miles east of Londesboro. Apply to R. Shaddicic, Londesboro, Ont. 68-3 To Rent Six -roomed cottage on Rattenbury street. Furnace, bath, wired for electric stove. Apply to Mrs. Farn- ham. 50 tf-1p Wanted to Buy Old horses and dead cattle. Must be suitable for mink feed, removed promptly. Fred Gilbert, Phone 608r22 Clinton central. .34-tf. W anted Old horses or cattle for mink feed; if dead phone at once. Will pay a.c. cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone,, 607r5, or Lloyd Batkins, d19r14. 84 t.f-.e-a-'w•. House for Sale A most desirable 7 -roomed 'house- itt good locality. A few minutes walk from the Collegiate. Electric light and water,largo lot with some fruit trees. Apply New -Record Office. Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coats and Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRING W. J. TAGO, TAILOR If not open work may be Lett a@., Resift Barber SIAop. -