HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-11-30, Page 8P'AGE'R THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD' THURS., NOW' -30,' 1939 ' FRONT QUARTER of CHOICE ,BEEF 12c 1 HINDI QUARTER of CHOICE BEEF 14c lb. DRESSED: HOG by HALF 20 LB. PAIL LARD SMALL PAIL HONEY DUCKS— CHICKEN & GEESE For Weekend. 14c lb. $2.40 25c CO,NNELL •& TYNDALL CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street 1 We Carry a Full Line of FINLEY Stoves & Ranges Part or Full Enameled. 'Also the Famous McCLARY RANGES, such as The McClary Charm with enamel inside and out. 1 Pepper Stoker, slightly used, as good as new at a very low price. 1 Second -Hand Furnace, new casing, like new, at a real bargain. Several Used Cook Stoves and Heaters. 1 Second -Hand Washer. 1 Beatty Washer, slightly used, a real buy. SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. Cold. Weather WILL SOON BE HERE. Let us install that BATHROOM for you and enjoy winter comfort. It is not too late to have that leaky furnace overhauled. It might save your life to have it repaired now. See usabout it. T. 11111111111iiihis, HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 .c FF04-4, Int:,F•,:«;a441.«ryI»:»8/-44:4».«I«:.:»rcS»S4.341:44::+F:+i» i The Flying Fool Here's a toy for kiddies. Small model aeroplanes. Practically indestructablo, Inexpensive. SKATES — See our display at Lockwood's. We advise you to buy early. Prices are bound to advance. If its guns, ammunition, bieycles, motorcycles, accessories or any sporting equipment you need it will pay you to visit Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales Superior Stores- PaONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR NOV. 30, DEC. 1.8z 2 FLOUR, ARCTIC PASTRY 24'c 55c FLOUR ARCTIC PASTRY . 7's 19c SHORTENING, Hillcrest . 2 lbs. 23c BAKING POWDER, Superior, 16 oz. 210 NEW SULTANA RAISINS 2 lbs. 25c CLEANED CURRANTS .. 2 lbs. 27e BLEACHED SULTANAS ... lb. 19e CITRON PEEL %z lb. 15c CUT PEEL, LEMON, ORANGE CITRON lb 25e SHELLED ALMONDS i/ ib. 15c SHELLED WALNUTS,.., %z lb. 19c LEXIA RAISINS with Seeds ....... 2 Ips. 25 LEXIA SEEDED RAISINS . ]b. 16c ICING SUGAR :. .. ... 2 lbs. 19c "The Vogue" A SALE OF HATS DRESSES and COATS will commence at "The Vogue" this week and continue for two weeks. Big Reductions in Price, in all .Lines. Come in and see the spectacular bargains that are being offered. The Vogue I I, 63-2 AFTERNOON TEA HOME-MADE BAKING and HANDICRAFT SALE in the Guide Hall VANILLA EXTRACT . ,3 oz. l5c SATURDAY, DEC. 2 ^CARDINAL MOLASSES l%z's tin ... .......... lOc Auspices of the Girl Guides "` MENU: ---Chicken Paddle iGLACEi CHERRIES .... r/ lb. 10eSalad and Bread 15e Tea 5c Cake 5c GLACE PINEAPPLE .ICINGS Everybody Come We ..Deliver. %a lb. 15c COCOANUT .... .. ..,... lb. 25c 3'EEL, LEMON & ORANGE Ib. 25c T. 111,„TITINSON STANLEY Mr. and Mrs, Keith Feagan. visited on •Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane. - Diesel Engine Silenced Citizens who live in the vicinity of the Chopping Mill are loud in their praises' of the decision by the owners to install electricity in place of the Diesel engine which for a number of years has been to them a constant source of annoyance. During the past week the ` engine has been removed and in its place electric motors are being installed, totalling 100 h.p in all. Froin n.ow on' all the machinery will be electric- ally' operated. By this move the Constant thud of the engine has been ,permanently silenced. • Personal or Private Christmas Cards With the critical or more discern- ing the ordinary Christmas Card is considered insufficient to completely. satisfy their requirements. Something' personal and intimate was desired: This want is found 'and satisfied by nearly 'every patron in our Sample Book of the latest novelties and new- est designs for the corning season now ready for your inspection,. The Book affords selection .from 52 Cards and your choice of 14 greetings and priced from $1.00 to $3,50 a dozen, The feature of your.name and ad, dress being neatly printed on each card makes your Christmas salutation one of refinement to the one receiv- ing and is pleashvgly expressive and exclusive to the sender. INSTINCTIVE Boxed Christmas Cards We are of the opinion that our stock is the largest and hasthe best values in boxed cards that we have seers in years. All are very, well colored, have pleasing and artistic designs with various seutunents and greetings. • Prices range as -fellows, 12 for 17e, 12 for 20e, 12 for 25c, 12 for 35e, 12 for 50c, 20 for 75c, and 21 for $1.00, Made in Canada and designed by Canadian. artists. Christmas Day falls on Monday this year. Tie W. D. Fair Go Often the Cheapest -Always the Best 1 �N • Mrs. Rees Jenkins spent the weekend with friends in Toronto & Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Toronto Miss Jo Anne Cuninghame spent the weekend in Wingham, the guests of Miss Joyce Walker. Mrs. Harrison Wiltse has returned to Clinton after having spent several weeks in Toronto and Eastern On- tario. Miss Kathleen Cuninghame of Tor- onto University spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame. Mrs. W. Aikenhead of Brimfield vis- ited last week with Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Tucker of London. H.er little daughter, •Mary Jean Faye stayed with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cochrane, Mary street. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sperling of St. Marys were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fear, Tuckersmith. Mrs. Mary Sparling turned home with them and will on from there to Niagara Falls for the winter months. HOLMESVILLE Red Cross Society Organized as a branch of the Clin- ton Red Cross Society, the following are officers of the local branch:. Con- venor of Women's Work, Mrs. S. T. Walter; Secretary -Treasurer, Mrs. Orville Rodges; Finance Committee, Rev. Wilding; Canvassers, Brodgen MeMath, Eldred Yeo, Robt. McCart- ney, Elmer Potter, Irvine Tebbutt. Just Forgetful A certain young ,man front the city got himself in ,quite a dither here the other night and all because he was forgetful. Here's how it hap- pened. Parking his ear as the evening shadows fell, he meandered over to. attend to the wants of the inner man. Absorbed in the culinary art of the Clinton restaurant keeper and puffing. a • popular Stinkaroohe eventually ambled forth to head for home. Alas, no •Carl and the hitch -hiking not• so good. Rushing down to: the .police office he imparted the sad news ibis car had been stolen, With clock-lilte efficiency.; the wheels of justice went into, . action. The telephone wires fairly sizzled and all efforts were expended to appre- hend the mean culprit. Visiting the scene of the crime with the unfort- unate man thepolice officer asked "What hind of a car was it, and what street did you park it on, what color was the car?" The snake and color of the ear was easy meat for the poor man, but the street, well, that was another question. Being a stranger he didn't. know one from the other. Without undue exeitement the officer pointed to a car in the distance and asked if the car stolen was the same color', Yes, you guessed it. The poor man had got Iost in our spaciops town and forgotten where he had parked. We migdit.add he droMe away with a very red face. Nov. 30 'to Dec. 6 1,-,._.__0,••_� GREATER FOOD BARGAINS GREATER BARGAINS WATCH FOR HAND BILLS LIPTON'S, SALADIA or RED ROSE TEA 33c. 1/2 Ib. pkg. Seedless RAISINS 2 lbs. 25c. Orange & Lemon PEEL .lb. °23;c Broken WALNUTS /2 ib. � 19c Bleached RAISINS lb.19c Red Glaced CHERRIES 1/4 11' lOc Dalton's VANILLA gI/2 oz. 15c Nov. 30 to. Dec. 6 WE BUY EGGS (AND PR CES) PLUS 2c PER DOZ.. IN TRADE; ELGIN PURE LARD 2' lbs. 19c GOLD MEDAL PEAS tin 9c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 20 oz. 2 tins 19c GOLDEN BANTAM CORN 3 tins 2sc AVIATOR RED SOCKEYE SALMON I/2's tin 19c READY CUT MACARONI 2 lbs. 9c BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP 2's tin 17c` MILD TASTY CHEESE ib. 16c SUPREME. Shortening 2 lbs. 2,3.c G. M. TOMATO• JUICE 2 lg. tins 15c CLARK'S T. & V. WINDSOR CHOICE V 'k. SO U P S SALT TOMATOES a tins 20c pkg. 5c CLARK'S COOKED CLARK'S PORK j LIBFY'S; SPAGHETTI & BEANS MILK _ tin 9;c tin 9c 2 tins 15c 3 tins 25c Here is a Variety of Best Quality Fruits and Vegetables Kept Garden Fresh By Modern Air -Conditioning Equipment. CELERY HEARTS 3 & 4 to a bunch. 2 bunches 13c GRAPEFRUIT FRESH — SEEDLESS 8 for 25c CAULIFLOWER MUSHROOMS SPINACH RADISHES TOMATOES CUCUMBERS Sweet POTATOES, GRAPES FANCY EMPERORS 3' lbs. 25c, 1 ib. 10c HEAD LETTUCE • FIRM CRISP 2, heads 15c GREATER BARGAINS WATCH OUR WINDOWS QUALITY Blend ACE. (in jar) or LONDON: HOUSE tin) COFFEE 39c • LB. Re Cleaned' CURRANTS 2: lbs.. 29c Out Mited P. E.E L New Choice ALM.,ONDS 1/2 Ib. 29c Lexia RAISINS 2 lbs. 25'c New Pitted DATES 21bs. 29c Rose Baking POWDER. lb. tin 17c .PHOREARING 8 - "The Red & White Store" CLINTON RILEY'S Where Quality Sells & Service Tells EXTRA SPECIALS BENMILLER PASTRY .... 24's 49c BENMILLER PASTRY 7's 19c MACARONI «kers 2 lbs. 9c SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lbs. 25c RECLEANED CURRANTS 2 lbs. 27c Fresh Shredded COCOANUT ]b25c SEEDED RAISINS 15e VALENCIA RAISINS ... 2 lbs25c GREEN or RED CHERRIES lb39c CORN, PEAS, TOMATOES, Libby's PORK & BEANS 3 for 29c GRAPEFRUIT, large ... , 8 for 25c TANGERINE ORANGES . doz19e SUNKIST ORANGES 25c, 29e, 39c HEAD LETTUCE , 10e CELERY HEARTS, Large 2 for 19e FRESH GRAPES .... 2 lbs. for 19c RILEY'S GROCERY Free Snappy Delivery — PHONE 39 Plants and Fiavvers WINTER FLOWERING PLANTS are now available in nice variety. CYCLAMEN — CHERRIES PRIMULAS and BEGONIAS are popular kinds and are reasonably priced We have MUMS, ROSES and CARNATIONS in Cut Flowers. POM POMS and SINGLE MUMS in a wide assortment of colors arc popular at 50e a bunch. Special attention given to funeral orders. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176yand 31 Gift Suggestions A Small Deposit will secure your gift up to Dec. 22. Most girls want a Cedar Chest. We have some beauties in all sizes styles and prices. Make your selection early. Most young men like a smoker, or footrest, something to make life more comfortable. Well, we have the stock to make your choice very easy. Then for LAMPS, we never carried such an. assortment. They were all bought before the advance in price, so it will be good business for you to buy lamps this year. We ;have Bedroom Lamps of all kinds and colors, Table Lamps, Bridge and Tri -Light Lamps, at most reasonable prices; also a grand selection of children's furniture and doll cabs. HARDWARE DEPT. In this department it will be easy to find many useful and lasting gifts, including Coleman Lamps, Irons and Lanterns; Chronium-Plated Serving Trays, Casseroles, Electric Irons, Toast- ers, Curlers and Pads. Also a large stook of Kiddie Cars, Tri -cycles, Sleighs, and the Old Reliable C.C.M. Skates and Hockey Sticks, The Store With the Stock. BALL and ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Embalmers, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. Phones: Store 195; N. Ball, 110; J. J. Zapfe, 103 — BAKING SPECIALS gm - Plus Plus Our 2 cents per dozen allowance on eggs, when the case is exchanged for Our. - Merchandise, Figure out the Golden Opportunity, Others are profiting by it why not You? You may also exchange your egg money on Drygoods, Rubber and Leather Footwear and receive your 2 cents per Dozen allowance. SUGAR, ► 10 lbs. 61c PUFFED RAISINS in Bulk (SEEDLESS RAISINS in Bulk WHITE RAISINS LEXIA RAISINS with seeds CURRANTS; Fresh and Clean 2 lbs. 28c 2 lbs. 23c per lb. 17c ;.. 2 lbs. 23e 2 lbs. 28c DATES, pitted , 2 lbs. 28c FIGS, large and fresh 2 Ibs. 23c PRUNES, large and fresh 2 lbs. 27c CITRON, ORANGE & LEMON PEEL, Cut and mixed per lb. 23c PINEAPPLE RINGS per lb. 49c LEMON and ORANGE PEEL, in : pieces - per' Ib. 23c RED' GLACED CHERRIES per Ib. 37c GREEN GLACED CHERRIES per 3 oz. pkg. 10C, WALNUTS, Broken per' lb. 39c ICING SUGAR 3 lbs. 25c FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER with Glass Premium HURON PASTRY FLOUR, LARD, any brand in stock at COOKING APPLES 23c 241b. sack 52c i2 lbs. for 23c 11 qt. basket 25c. These prices are for Cash and will be in effect from Dec. 1st to Dec. 6th' LIFFORD lay :°' '` ,. yy��SON