HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-11-09, Page 6'PAGE6. 'THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., NOV, 9, 1939 1 , 1 VisEtteittlefteestatithernitesetbiteritnintessittestitettleiesittitenseeketsesielekenneleitettINS*Ineskse Hon. Mr. Gardiner Tells How Canadian Farmer Can Best Help In War el r./41i440":0:44;016144R40446.6.4-444.04 044+4 4444 040 0.1.44,00+0-0-10044-44:0440..al. Farmers th Canada can best serve. long story short, hogs were Tower • the Dominion and best serve the EM- on October 12th, in Montreal than . pre awl' the Allies( during the war than they have been, on an average by doing the . things' best that they throughout the whole year in any • ave been ,doing shed they started yearsince 1913, excepting the years farming, said Hon. Janaes G. Gard- 1931-32 and 1933, when the market bier, Dominion 1Einiater a Agrieun for 'every farm product was at the • tun, when he spoke at the banquet bottom. • at Bret's-vine, Ontario, on October 13, "I state these fads to indicate at the conclusion of the International that no fanner in Canada is asking Plowing Match. He emphasized, that to be placed in the profiteering class • while he thought that the farmer when he is suggesting a better price should get a price that would advance for farm prodnete than he is ob- production the felt 'sure that in tablihig. at peesent, time of war price is not the first "Why are farm products so low in coneideration, but supply. Price? The reasons which are gen- Continuieg Mr. Gardiner said: orally applicable are two in number-. "AvIerage production is assured, by (1) European, countries which good' farming in an area where the were our natural 'market for food seasons' and rainfall are reasonably products ten. years and more ago constant. The individual can, in such have been preparing for the corn - areas, be assured of certain return ing death struggle by giving which will depend upon the nature or every encouragement possible to his soil, provided he farm* well. the production of food at home. "If -such areas are fully occupied (2) In order to compel that pro. is only possible to increase pro- duction, those countries have duction by improving farming incited- ,placed every possible obstruction ing fertilizing ,methods. Good plow- ,in the way of the importation of ing which you are encouraging tends food products. toward that end. "Added to these general causes "A year ago 1 addressed a number some farm products, such as wheat, of plowing matches and. thought , it are in storage in greater volume, now my duty 4 explain the law returns than ever before while countries at we were receiving for farm products great distances from the European by the fact that there was fear of markets are fearful that the trade war. / advised the best farming and routes may be closed and are rush - an increase in production on the I ing their commodities to those mar - ground that if confidence were re- kets. stored through the establishment of Britain cur Natural Market peace the European markets would "Britain is the natural market for again be thrown open to us and much of our surplus food. Britain Europe would go back to 'producing has changed her whole attitude toe what 'she is best suited to produce ward trade in food products in the • and trade her surplus for ours. I last eight years. Down to eight years also stated that if the other alterna- ago there were no bonuses on pre- tty° followed and war came Europe duction in Britain, no obstructions to would require all we would produce free importation of food into Britain, during the conflict to feed the Allies no checks -in the form of quotas, no and their armies while fighting made boards to control the production, dis- production in those lands only pos- tribution, and use of food products. sible in a limited way. To -day the British market is as high- ly bonused, quota -ed and Boarded as any market in the world. "I hoped we would be met by the "The food products entering Brit - first alternative. It so happens that we are confronted by the latter - war. "We, in Canada, have joined forces with Britain and France in what may turn out to be the greatest death struggle of all time. We are offer- ing our services in men on sea, on land, and in the air, and we are so "Canada, along with Australia, blessed by Providence that we can New Zealand, South Africa and In - gine greater services by providing dia, is entitled to and will receive a supplies than any other country in preferred place in that market pro - the world. Among the most necessary vided, the quantity and quality of pros Of the supplies is food which we plow duct required. The decision to stand the fields and scatter the seed to shoulder to shoulder with Britain and provide. "We are meeting with some dif- ficulties at present because of the fact that we have what is most es- sential at the beginning of a war -bountiful supplies and well stored. Those conditions are made the source of greater immediate difficulty be- cause others have bountiful supplies not so well stored, or even if well stored at greater distances from the place where the need exists. May Be Death Struggle ain to -day are or will be purchased through an organization set up under a Pood Department. No matter what we may think, thereds only one door by which we can be assured of get- ting any product into Britain and that is by way of some Board under the control of that Department. "Four lines of farm commodity are expected from Canada in great vol- ume because Canada has been one of the important sources of supply in the past. They are cereals, meat and meat fats, dairy products, and fruit in certain:processed forms with fresh fruit demands limited. While poultry and eggs are not in the same class because of past performance, suppliee could no doubt be disposed of in considerable volume if available. . "Of the four lines expected in von -time, two are of particular interest to the Province of Ontario. They are dairy product e and meats, particular- ly bacon and hams. "When war started cheese was sell- ing 'at about ten to eleven cents and butter at from 20 to 22 cents. With costs of production what they are a farmer cannot Continue to accept such low prices for these products. Fortunately butter rose to 28 cents and cheese to 14 cents. "These prices are only what the farmer as getting for dairy pro- dercts in the low price summer season of 1938. It was only during the war scare of the late summer' of 1938 • that dairy product fell to low levOs. The prices remained low until after war was deelared and even now are 'only back to about the yearly aver- ages for 1937 and 1938. No Species of Profiteering '"It is, therefore, rather difficult lat anyone acquainted with agricul- ture to understand suggestions made from time to time that increases in butter or cheese price since the de- • claration, of the war might be looked upon as a spedes of profiteering. "As a matter of fact, the average yearly butter jobbing price from 1922 to 1929, when there was no war, ran from 85 to 39 cents a pound at Mont- real and cheese averaged from 17 to 21 cents a pound on the some mar- ket during the same period. "I think it important that we place these facts, on record now so that we may not be making comparisons with unreasonably low prices for farm products eaused by war fear when speaking ef profiteering through rise in price. 'Tet us look at hogs. To make a 1 France guarantees that place. Canada has an advantage over all others in that the shortest, safest route from any great food producing country to Britain is across the North Atlantic from Canada. "We can hold that place by -- keeping up and improving the quality of our product; increasing the vol- ume of the essential products as necessity arises; pushing our supplies constantly across the ocean when the route is open and losses of cargoes are light against the day when the routes may be hard to navigate, "While I think we should get a price which induces production I do not think price is your first cone sideration. Personally, I am pre- pared to trust Bnitain to the, extent of pushing the food forward, knowing that, when the way becomes harder, if it does, and she cannot draw uppn the stores of the outside world, she will be prepared to give us the re- tard which our service to the Em- pire deadens. "You are going to take your place as farmers in the great struggle be- fore you. To do so you will organize to produce well and much and to store and deliver. "To make 'it possible for you to do this it becomes the duty of the British and Canadian Governments to relieve you from great financial wor- ries while the task is being perform- ed. You will not require of govern- ments great profits provided they de not permit them to others, but you will work to better advantage if you are free from the worries which lack of reasonable returns brings." THREE GENERATIONS IN SAME BUSINESS In the village of Lucan they have a rather remarkable family in as much as they have followed the one profession for three generations, and the three generations are still actively practicing that profession. The elder member of the group is Charles, E. Haskett. Mr. Haskett is the oldest practicing undertaker in Ontario, having aver sixty yearn of service behind him. He started in Thedford and worked there for three years and has recently completed his fifty-- seventh year of service in Inman 1 -lis son, W. Charles Haskett is also an undertaker, and, the grandson of Mr. Haskett Sr., Arthur Charles Hackett is in charge of an undertaking bud- ness at Grantor. Quite some record. These gentlemen should change the first letter of their name from "II" C. P. R. Promotion The promotion of H. C. Jame, assistant general passenger agent, Canadian Pacific Railway. Com- pany, Montrearto the similar post in charge of the Ontario District, with headquarters at Toronto, has been announced by George E. Carter, general passenger agent of the company. Mr. James suc- ceeds the late C. B. Andrews and takes over his new duties Novem- ber 1st. Mr. James in his 25 yearn' experience with the Canadian Pa- cific Railway has covered a wide field in Canada and the United States, embracing positions of ever increasing importance and responsibility, FORMER MAYOR OF WINGHAM DIES .William Henry Willis, farmer mayor of Wingtham, and a prominent businessman in that town, died in hospital in London an Friday after two years' ill2lOSS. For 31 years Mr. Willis had cam &eked a retail shoe business in Wing - ham and in addition, for the past 15 years, operated a small factory manu- facturing leather goods to tia own patents. Prior to going to Wingharn n 1908 he had a retail shoe Ade in Seaforth. Mr. Willis served for a number of years on the Wing/ram Town Council and held the mayor's chair for two terms. He was a member of the United Ohurch. For the past 12 years he had been organist af St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Surviving is his wife. A son predeceased him by aix years. THE FRENCH RIVER A. Hunter's Inlyerie Beside the river's edge the hunter rests. The morning's chase has been an arduous one and Lady Luck hat been fickle. Far, while his two, com- panions halm bagged their deer, a careless step upon a dry branch that snapped like a pistol Shot had fright- ened off his quarry just as he was getting in position for a shot. TWO graceful leaps and the deer had dis- appeared into the safety of the bush. And the hunter realizes that long years spent behind a desk have sap- ped his vitality and deadened his senses; that no longer is he the tire- less youth who, in earlier years, spent so much of his time along the river. And so he rests and thinks of the pleasant days he has spent here in years gone by. Of his first deer hunt when he was hardly big enough to carry a rifle, and of the excitement and thrill of the chase, although that time he did not • get his deer. Of the many summers spent in the company of his boyhood chum exploaing, in a canoe, the intrieate pattern of the river, and of its tributary lakeand streams. And of the day wirsair a storm came up on Lake Nipissing and he and his companions were forced to seek shelter on an island through- out the night. The cool fall wind chills his over- heated body and he rises and walks slowly along the river's edge and gazes reflectively into the dark Van waters. The wind whips the fallen leaves into a cluster and sends them whirling along the ground at his feet exposing the mass of granite rock below. Behind bin stand the skele- ton hardWoods, stripped of all their covering, with here and there a great pine towering majestically above its fellow trees. Bleak and lonely it ap- pears, but the hunter is thinking of it as it is in the summer when the river sparkles, in the bright sunlight and the trees, garbed in new splendor, cast their shadows along its, edg•e. When the twitter of the birds and the scurrying of the small denizens of the forest breaks the stillness of the wilds. When it is a great north, - ern playground and the, fisherman casts his line into the waters for the fighting base and giant muskies that havie made the river world famous. A halloo *breaks upon his reverie. He starts., answers the call, and strides away to rejoin his compan- ions. At the edge of the bush he stops and looks back longingly at the river -hie river -The French. A moment's pause and than he disap- pears into, the forest, A squirrel scampers, along the ground and up a tree. The gentle nipple of the waters alone breaks the silence of the,wild- eeness. The hand that reeks the cradle Je mow stained with ticotine, And the foot upon the rocker Like° to step on gasoline. 1116WA6 E___INSMIT-I.L.W011" 40/wiffire CI filia444 4rif -r 4.6.7-, As emphasised by Canada's Prime Minister, in a recent address to the radio audience, the final victory of the Allied cause May, well be the mighty air force which Canada is now building, he co-operation with other Empire Governments. In view of this important pro- normeement, interest centres in a special broadcast planned by the CBC in connection with its series, "A Day in the Life of a Recruit", which was inaugurated Fridey, October 27, over the National Network. The second in the series arranged by the OBC feat- ures department, with the approval of the Department of National De- fence, will present sound pictures of "A Day With the Air Force", Friday, November 17, at 9.00 pan. EST, from 'somewhere in canadn'• Actual scenes at a Royal Canadian Air Force centre, giving intimlate glimpses of Canada's air pilots and technicians during study, daily rout- ine and recreational activities, will be presented. The whole authentic re- cord'wlil be supplemented by musical sequences, supplied by regimental bands. The feature will be produced by J. Frank Willis and will be heard over the coast-to-coast network of the .OBC. I L H. 11:111, of Indiarmapolis, an in- ternational figure in the world of co- opexation, will be the first epeaker to be heard in a new. series al inter- •riews opening on C B C's Ontario Farm Broadcast, Thursday, Novem- ber 23rd at 12.30 pan. EST. Mr. Hill, who will be interviewed by Don Fairburn, is General Manager of the Indiana Farm Bureau, and President of National Co-operatives, a federa- tion of regional ,co' -operatives cover- ing 28 states. Following his appear' ante on the Ontario Farm Broadcast, at CBC's Toronto studios, Mr. Hull will address the annual convention of the United Farmers of Ontario. Percy Faith' most successful Music, - al presentation, "Music By Faith", is back on the air with the young maestro conducting and writing spec- ial modern arrangements. Louise King and Dave Deeves are the pop - Wee vocalists and there is a modern mixed chorus to assist in the inter- pretation of Faith's sophisticated scoring,. Another CBC vocal itartlet who ar- rived in Toronto via the chimney pots in 1920, is being featured this season. Frances Creamer is the songstress with "The Tunesmiths", who will be heard next on Saturday, November 18, at 8.00 pan. EST, with William Isbister at the piano rind Leonard Smith, directing his novelty group in a programme of popular arrange- ments, Miss Cramer made her 0 B debut as a member of the Fashion: aires when she was 17. She has the entertainment world in her blood, for she is a grand -daughter of the fam- ous Seconds, w h a .ba.rn-stoemed through Ontario a happy half century ago. CBC is presently featuring one of its "discoveries": Women on the air are no novelty. Successful woman commentators in any language are few and far between, according, to esmerte. But there is a young lady who talks about "Sot4able Sports" (sprits that the greenhorns can enc joy if they go about it in the right way), and listeners who tune in Tues- days at 4.15 p.m. EST, will hear a pleasing voice, plus personality. Els- peth Chisholm is the commentator; she writes the scripts she delivers. Miss Chisholm is librarian at Trinity College, Toronto. Incidentally, Miss Chisholm makes it clear that the novice does not need a million dollar wardrobe to engage in the invigorat- ing sports that she recommends. Her Majesty The Queen To Broadcast To The_ Empire The British Broadcasting Corpora- tion announces a special Rememb- rance Day broadcast by Her Majesty the Queen, addressed especially to the women of the Empire. This will be the first broadcast by Her Majesty since the farewell greet- ing to Canada from Halifax on June 15 last, and again on this occasion the Canadian Broadcasting Corpora- tion will relay the speech, throughout the Dominion, beginning at 3.00 p.m EST (8.00 pare GMT) on Saturday, November llth. A recording of Her Majesty's ad- dress will be made and broadcast in subsequent Empire transmissions (4.45 p.m., 7.30 pan. and 11.00 pan. EST). The CBC will also make a recording of the speech, to be re- broadcast aver the 0 B C National Network during the evening hours, exact time to be announced, "YOUR HOME STATION" CKNX 1200 kcs. WMGHAM 250 Metres WEEKLY PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10th: 11.15 ear:. Bing Crosby 11.45 a.m. "Victoria Regina!' 12.46 pan. The Bell Boys '7.00 p.m. Jean Ellington. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11ths 8.30 am. Breakfast Club 9.30 a.m. Kiddies' Party '7.00 p.m. Was. McKnight 7.45 pen. Barn Dance. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12th: 11.00 ani.. Rev. J. F. Anderson 1.00 pan. Guy Lombardo, Orch. 1.30 p.sn. Melody Time 6.16 pan. Freddie Martin. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th: 11.45 a.m. "Victoria Regina" 12.45 p.m. The Bell Boys 6.30 pan. "Heart '1;lu•obs" 7.10 pan. Landt Trio TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14th: 11.30 a.m. "Peter MacGregor" 6.45 pm. Sunset Skyriders 7.00 pan. Hildegarde. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th: 11.46 aan. "P. T. Barnum" 12.45 pm. The Bell Boys 7.00 pan. Jean Ellington 8.00 p.m. CKNX Little Band THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16th: 11.45 a.m. Lawrence Welk 6.30 pan. "Heart Throbs" 7.00 p.m. Novatomes. PARCEL POST TO REICH STOPPED Parcel post seevjee from the United States to Germa.ny--which designee tion includes Danzig and Czechoslo- vakia -was suspended by the Post Office Department because of the lack of adequate transport facilities. Parcel post to the area which form- erly was Poland had been suspended some 10 days previously. Parcel post to all other countries continues, though subject to delays caused by wartime disruption of transport. • It appeared that the question of sending contraband through the mails did not figure in the decision, for packages containing food which the British consider to be conditional contraband, and money which is ab- solute contraband on the British have been going through to Germany since the outbreak of war. The Post Office sought by rerouting its paresis through Italian ports to avoid search by the British Navy, 'which occurred in a few isolated cases ett Don't Miss 4 ‘SALADA' r STAMPCLUB "DRAMA of STAMPS" WEDNESDAYS 42 P.M. AT WI' GEESE CONFUSED BY LIGHTS This being the season when wilds geese are winging their way front Nerthern Canada to the sunny climes of the Southern Staten operators at the Hanover hydro plant have again found that the geese are confused by the Well -lighted grounds, a eonditims masks more noticeable this year by - the fact that powerful search lights hams beeninstalled in ceder to help s guardthe plesit against sabotage. The other night, a flock of about a hundred geese, flying over the town. was so confused by the lights that they came down and were flying in • and out among the lights and sqawk- ing loudler until the guar& and op- erators saw their plight and turned off the lights, whereupon the geese recovered their bearings, went up to a much higher altitude and continued ' their migratieh to the Southern • States, This has happened on seY-, eral occasions this year, as well as hr former years, and there have been large flocks of wild geese pass over Hanover. Unlike human beings, tha. geese seem unable to adjust them- selve to artificial light, and instead of ignoring them on their flights, they have come down to, investikatr• and have become confused by the, glaxe.-1/anover Post. OLD (VIRGINIA Fine Cut Tobacco t. presents V Ilea robs A galaxy of radio stars in an entertaining program ol MUSIC, song and story. CKNX6.30 P.M. MON. & THURS. How Illch Would You Pay For A Dollar Bill? 1 his is a True Story IT STARTED WITH A HALF -SERIOUS WAGER, AND IT TEACHES A LESSON Two business men were visiting a famous resort. One offered to bet the other that he couldn't sell real dollar bills for 50c apiece. The other accepted the challenge and went to werk, "How do you do," he said to a passing stranger. "Will you give me 50c for this dollar bill?" The stranger paid no attention, The salesman tried again, and again. But nobody bought -- and finally he had to admit that he'd lost his bet All of which suggests that people like to knave who the seller is before they buy. You can trust the merchants who advertise their products in this newspasse" The ad- vertisements offer useful, dependable information about thinge you teed and want. Read and heed the advertises muds carefully and you will reap savings and satisfaction. Advertising in the Columns of The Clinton News-liecord Brings' Results