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The Clinton News Record, 1939-11-09, Page 4
PAGE 4 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS.,NOV. 9, 1939 CCf Rubber Footwear NEW STOCK OF RUBBER 'FOOTWEAR JUST ARRIVED. COMPLETE NEW STOCK. at Moderate Prices FOR i'IEN AND BOYS WORK RUBBERS — KNEE BOOTS — LIGHT OVERS & SPAT RUBBERS for STREET WEAR, ETC MISSES OR LADIES — In All Heels LIGHT OVERS — FUR GOLOSHES — ETC. KEEP YOUR: FEET DRY AND AVOID COLDS A. T. COOPER. Phone: 36w Main Store, 36j Second Floor Don't Miss these Specials For Friday and Saturday. A VISIBLE FOiJNTAIN PEN, Value $2.00 59c CROSS ,'ii LOCKET NECKLACE, Value $1.50 59c GARDENIA POWDER, PUFF & PERFUME, Value $1.05 29c SHAVING OUTFIT, Super -Fine Lavender Cream; Shave Lotion; 5 Blue Blades Styptic Pencil; Value $1.10 39c EXQUISITE DUSTING POWDER and PUFF, Value 1.00 39c W. S. IlONHOLMES, PNM Be CLINT, ONT. PBONa, 51 FORSYTH The Guaranteed Shirts and Pajamas More men are wearing Forsyth Shirts and Pyjamas than ever before and no wonder because this famous maker has brought a new kind of smartness to these garments—Rich new colorings, exclusive designs developed in a number of interesting fabrics— styled and tailored with keen attention to every smallest detail. In our opinion these are really unusual values --and we know you'll agree after you've seen and worn them. We also carry a full line of smartly styled Forsyth Cravats, designed to harmonize with Forsyth -styled shirts. Also Forsyth Shorts, Handkerchiefs and Mufflers, - NO ONE EVER. REGRETTED BUYING QUALITY. DAVIS & HERMAN rxl »: ,":«: » 4.. � ... » « 4,..8»: !! �«:.. f .moi» .:..... ..»1.«:«.Z»;»:«, ..1i M1 Pattison9s 5c to �' 1 Store •jF Phone 140 for Prompt and Courteous Service. Sai yF� SEE OUR ADVANCE SHOWING OF Christmas Cards , REMARKABLE VALUES AT: 5 for 5c; 3 for 5c 2 for 5c; 3 for 10c; 5c and 10c BOXED CARDS lOc,. 15c, 25c, and S0c CHRISTMAS GIFTS & NOVELTIES OF ALL KINDS AT NEW LOW PRICES. WE HAV.E A COMIPLETE RANGE OF TOYS COMPARE OUR PRICES. SPECIAL SALE OF PEERLESS WOOL 4 -Ply 1 oz. Balls, all colors I0c ball DUE TO OUR ADVANCE BUYING ON ALL CHRISTiMAS MERCHANDISE OUR REGULAR LOW PRICES WILL BE IN EFFECT. 3e .k hvi l t© Fanners OWING TO FURTHER UNAVOIDABLE DELAY WE WILL; NOT BE INSTALLING THE NEW GRINDER FOR A FEW DAYS. We suggest that you lay in a further supply of grist to keep you . going, and in order to avoid confusion come ht as early as possible in the morning. Clint Fe ,., ill ams eaeaeaaaesser- C g .ry' 1ST hAS IS C MING WE ARE READY EARLY- ARE YOU? Did you know that this is Costume Jewellery Year?, lockets newline of m etc tour calovely invite you to inspect complete Wep matching bra and necklaces with g celets. We also have on display something very different in pictures anda particularly nice range of' handkerchiefs—and don't forget 'o . your CHRISTMAS CARDS..Make your selection early and get .,„ the choicest of the. choice at T EASETh`>E USE Store Hours: 9.30 to 12; 1 to 6, 61-1 STANLEY Mrs. Neil McGregor left last week to visit friends at Tiverton. Miss Jean McEwen of Toronto vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex .McEwen over the weekend. I Mrs. Thos. Baird, Sr., who has been -visiting her sister, Mrs. Angus Gord- en at Shepperton for the past six weeks returned home last' Sunday, 1 The. November meeting of the Stan- ley tanley Community Club, was held at Mrs. Peason's, home with 26 members and 6 visitors present. The roll call was answered by a Remembrance Day verse. A program of, readings was given by Mrs. J. A. MaEwan, Mrs. Norman Baird, Miss Pearson, and Mrs. Glen. The December meeting is to be held at Mrs. McCowan's, the Roll Call will be answered by "Your first remembered Christmas,. gift" PRESENTATIONS TO CLINTON COUPLES MR. AND MRS. LOUIS FREEMAN, The Legion Hall was the meeting place on Friday evening for friends of Mr. and Mre. Louis Freeman. Isp,- ward. of 150 assembled'; to honor the young couple who were 'recently mar. ried and are now making their home in Clinton. The evening was spent in dancing to the music of the Kinburn• Oren estra and °there who relieved them in order that members of the orch- estra might also join with the dane. ers. Dusting the. evening Mr.aand Mrs. Freeman were invited to the plat- form where Mr. Ernest Vanderburg. read an address on behalf of the friends gathered. Wilfred Freeman and James Riley then presented them with a handsome studio couch. On behalf of his bride and himself, Mr. Fieenean expressed ;.their sincere thanks for the gift and ' good wishes as expressed in the address, During the intermission period the guests. were entertained by Ross Mann who contributed' solos, accomp- anying himself on the guitar, and Mel. Crich, Dan Cook and Alf Norris gave an exhibition of the Scotch reef. The gathering did not disperse until the early hours. Following is the address read to Mr. and 'Mrs. Free- man: To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Freeman: Dear Margaret and Louis: We can assure you that it affords us all a real pleasure to meet with you thi`si eviening to celebrate this happy occasion, in honour of your recent marriage. We realize that married life has many opportunities for the future. There may be occasion for a great many pleasures as well as trials and sorrows.' all of which we would gladly share with: you. We beg of you to accept this gift, which we have given as a token of our worthy esteem. We all join in wishing you much happiness and prosperity. • —Signed on behalf_ofyour many friends. MR. AND; MRS. H. TYNDALL About one, hundred and thirty God- erich township neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tyndall assembled at their home on Thurs., Nov. 2nd. The friends all enjoyed a good game of cards andthe children games. Before lunch was served Mr. Bert Rowden asked the' bride and groom to come into the front. idem. Bert read the address, - Dear Mr. and. Miis1- Tyndall: We your friend and neighbours have taken this opportunity to as. semble in your home to extend to you a hearty welcome to our com- munity. We also wish to congratulate you upon your recent marviage„ and we wish you eveay, Happiness in your new life as well asin your new home, and hope that this evening may be a start an the road to becoming better acquainted.and.that you will soon feel. very much at home among us. As a small rementbnance of this happy occasion we askyou to accept this chair and hope that you will find it of some service: to you in the years to come:. Signed on behalf of the neighbours. —Mrs. Bert Rowden;. Mrs. Wilfred Colclough , The groom,graciously thankedi on behalf of his wife, the new neighbours for the kindness they' grove.. MR. AND MRS. CHARLES. BROWN On Monday evening, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James VanEgmone,: Hullett township, Mr. and Mrs. Chea. Brown, were honoured guests when the neighbours of that vricinity gatlta ered to spend, a social, evening, with. the newly -married couple. The even- ing was pleasantly, .spent in. a socias" way and during the evening Mrs.. Cheater Fermata]: read: a landitory address and Ma's, Wes.: Sbobbrook on behalf of the friends; ,present made the presentation of a lovely table lamp and glass bowl, Charlie made a suitable reply of thanks. Knitting Instructions DIRECTION FOR SCARVES Thur, Na. 7 or 8 Needless, Cast on 40 stitches. Searf should be 11/k. yards long. Coloured bands at ends. No fringe. 3 or 4 ply wool. 3 ply is better.. DIRECTI„ONS, FOR WRISTLETS Set S of 4 Na. 1 1 Needtsa '. Cast on 48 stitches (16. 16. 16.). Work: 4 inches • ribbing (K2, P2)..C'est off in ribbing.. DIRECTIONS FOR KNEE CAP Two Ne, 9 Needles Cast on 38 stitches. Work 10 rows Garter stitch.. filth row: K17. In- crease 1 stitch in next stitch. Knit to last 18 stitches. Increase 1 stitch, in next stitch. K17. 12th row: Knit. Repeat last 2 rows to 66 stitches on needle. Work 37 rows even in Garter stitch. Proceed: 1st row: K17. K2 together. Knit to last 19 stitches. K2 together. K17.I 2nd row: Knit. Repeat 1st and 2nd rows to 3'S stitches an needle. Work TO MAKE UP: Press carefully.110 rows Garter stitch. Cast off. Sew together the cast -on.. and cast-off edges: Work another Knee Cap to correspond. BAYFIELLi Mrs, D. Harrison There died et her home in Goderich on Monday, November 6, one who was well known in this community in the person of Margaret. Anne King, Wife of Daniel Harrison. The deceased woman, who was the daughter of the late Elizabeth Davison and John King was born in'Stan,ley township on Aug- ust 21, 1857. Mast of her life was spent in Bayfield where as a young woman she followed the vocation of a dressmaker. On Christmas day, 1891, she became the bride of Daniel Har- rison of this village, the ceremony be- ing, performed by ; Rev. Newton. To this union were born four children, two of whom, (Jean;'' and Jack) pre- deceased their mother. Over thirty years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and family moved; to Goderich where they have resided ever since. Mrs. Harrison was a life-long member or. the Anglican Church: Besides, her husband and two children, Robbie (Mrs. MCIlwain) and Ross of Goder- ich, she is survivled by three brothers and three sisters, George Ring or Bayfield, John, Lloydininster, Sask., Harry of Los Angeles, Mrs. George Parke and Mrs. Will Treleaven oe Vancouver and Mrs,. J.. S. Calderwooa of Ottawa. The funeral, which was aim ,charge a of Rev. Calder of St. George's Church, Goderich, was held from her ' late residence en Wedneee day afternoon and Interment made in Bayfield Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crane of Dettmit spent the weekend with the latter's parents', Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLeod. Mr. Lawrence Fowlie of London spent tire weekend the guest of his sisters, the Misses E. and F. Fowlie:. Mr. and lifxs. E. Kendall of Elmira, Ont, spent the weekend with the lat- ter's parents; Mr. and Mr. W. Jewett Mr. and Iifws- Fred Crane and son Jerry of Detroit were guests of Mr. Richard Weston. over the weekend. Mrs. R. F.. H. Gairdner spent the weekend in London, Miss Maud Stirling visited over the weekend in Gad'emich. Rev. and Mrs. W. Bugler of Bur. ford were the guests of Miss E. Cameron over the weekend. Mr. Bug - leg taking Rev. Mr. Calder's servicee in Goderich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Mallett and fam- ily of London spent the weekend with Mrs. J. Davison. ' The services in St. ,Andrew's United Church were conducted, en Sunday by Mr. Colin Campbell inn the absence of the pastor, Rev. R. M. Gale. Mr. Campbell chose his text from Mat- thew 5:13, "Ye are fire salt of the Earth." Miss Lorna Westlake of London spent the weekend at herr home here. Mrs, George E. Morley of Chatham is the guest of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Gale this week. The parishioners and many friends of Rev. R. M. Gale, who has been seriously ill will be glad to know thst he is improvhug in health. A service of Remembrance will be held at - the Cairn in. Clan Gregor Square on Saturday morning at 1040. The service will lie conducted by Rev. G. Peddie anda Rev. J. Graham. Should the weather be tri- clement the service will lib held in Knox Clhurch and the wreaths and poppies placed on the Cairn Im- mediately fallowing it. Mrs. Hayter of Stephen township is visiting her cousin, MTs;. M. El- liott. Mrs. R. Bassett went to Egmond- tulle on. Wednesday where she will spend several days with lbei- aunt, Mrs Finnigan. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ferguson, Mrs. Jus. Ferguson and Mrs. JC, A. Ferg- uson were in London. on Wednesday for the funeral of the late•. Wm. A. Backwell. Mrs. J. Graham addressed the mothers at a meeting of the Little Goderich en Saturday. Thb service Helpers in St. George's Crunch, at woe• conducted by Rev. J. Graham in the absence of the rectors:. FORTIETH ANNUAL REUNION Plans are under way far the For- tieth Annual At -Home of the Huron Old Boys Association to be heldin the Eaton Auditorium„ Friday even- ing et 8.30 p.m., November 24th. The Huron County Junior Associa- tion are -working with the Senior As- sociation on this Annual At -Home. H. M. Jackson, President, of the Sen- ior Association and Bob. Leiper, Pres. of the Junior Association,, advise they have a splendid prog;:ae n committee working with them and, plan to snake this one of the mostsuccessful re- unions ever held inn, Toronto. An invitation is extended to all Huron County folk^, young and old, residing in the district of Toronto, to come along and renew old acquaint- ances, bring your friends, make up a., party and ,join in the fun.. This is an Official Invitation, to: be present since no personal invitations are being mailed. Sweet dance • music will be 'supplied by Joe DeCouroy and his orchestra ana there will be Bridge and Euchre for those interested The Huron County Associations are very muchinterested in the work of the Red Cross Society and will donate all the surplus after expenses ate paid to the Red Gross Society to as- sist them in their good, work. A special invitation is extended to all Hurortnites visiting Toronto atthis time. This is, an opportunty to meet all the Toronto friends. The officers of the Huron ,County Junior Association of Toronto for the. ensuing year are as follows; Pres IN THE LETTER BOX Beueefield, Nov. 6th 1939 To Editor of News-Reeord, DEAR SIR:—At Baird's Cemetery to the accompaniment of ,shot ,guns, rifles, and howling hounds, on Sun- day, November 5th the funeral of ono of the most highly esteemed ladies of our neighbourhood was held, and the same ,sacrilege would be cold conic fort to another highly esteemed fam- ily who were bereaved a few days earlier. I am not alone in this pro- test, 'sa in future I will take the names of these townsmen if known and the number of their cars and forward them to the police, not mer- ely as a common informer but from a sense of common decency, Signed George Wilson, Caretaker to Baird's Cemetery. OBITUARY MRS. ANN B. ROY A native of .. Clinton, Mrs. Ann Brownlee Rey, widow of the late ReV. Franklin E. Roy, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. M., Rogers, West 10.111, on Tuesday. She was- her as her 72nd year. Mrs. Roy, who had .been ill for' some time, was a resident of Toronto for many years before she moved. to West •Hill four months ago, Until' five yearns age- she was an active member of St. Clements. Church, at Toronto. Her husband, before his death, was associated , wieh Trinity College School for a number of years. She is survived by three sons, Roy, of Clin- ton; Randall, of Toronto; Menefee, of Ferran, Quebec, and two. daughters, Mars. M. Miller, Toronto, and Mrs. R. M. Rogers, West Hilt MRS. Mk SINCLAIR The death of Margaret Chapmant widow of the late William. Sinclair occurred on Friday, Nov. 3, at the. home. of her daughter„ Mrs. Peter Moffatt, Seaforth. Mrs.. Sinclair, who was a daughter of the late Mr. ancr Mrs. William Chapman was. born in Tuckersmith in August. 1860, and was mutinied on December. 28; 1887, to the late Wm. Sinclair::. After their marriage they resided for a number of years in. Goderich township, later moving to Stanley where she had since resided and where her husband died in„ 1922. Mrs. Sinclair was a member or Wesley -Willis Church, Clinton, and was highly esteemed in the cam - enmity in which she lived. The funeral was held from. her late home on the 2nd of Stanley on Sunday afternoon. Her pastor, Rev, Andrew Lane officiated assisted by Rev. H. V, Workman of Seaforth.and Rev. Wan. Bell of Stratford. The pallbearers were six nephews of the deceased, William, James and. Lyle Hill, William Caldwell, Ross Chap- shin and J.. K. Cornish. 'llurviving are four daughters: Mrs. J. Leslie Cox of Goderich township; Miss Annette Sinclair, Clinton;. Mm. P. B. Moffatt, Seaforth; Mrs. Rich- ard Bond, Goderich, and one son, William C. Sinclair, Stanley, town - elite, also one siislter, Mrs. Arthur Caldwell of Stanley and two.' broth- ers, William: and Thomas •Chapman, of Tuckersmith.. FUNERAL OF 'THOMAS GLAZIER: The funeral service fox- Thomas Glazier was held at his late. residence last Thursday afternoon .and was largely attended. Many beautiful floral tributes surrounded the casket and in addition to those from im- mediate relatives the Women's In- stitute and. the Women's Missionary Society of Ontario Street Church sent beautiful sprays. Many o€' deceased, friends called at the residence prion to the funeral, to offer sympathy to the bereavied. Rev. G. Bur -ton, pastor of Ontario Street Church conducted the service and also sang a solo. Those who bore Mr. Glazier to h:, resting place in Clinton. 'Cemetery were J. T. McKnight, A. D. McCart- ney, Thomas' Livingston, Artlinrr Graves, John V. Diehl and George H. Elliott. The many beautiful flowers were borne by grandsons, Ahem Clarence, Clifford and Billy Cooper, Mervin Glazier, Elgin Dale, Vilcent and Raymond Youngs. THOMAS T. MURPHY Stricken with an acute heart, attack while unloading furniture outside his hone at Goderich, Tliomae Muvphy, aged 69 years, former division, court, clerk,; was found dead by two bays on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Murphy had been engaged during the clay in moviing from hire home , on Newgate street to another- residence and it is thought he over-taxedh bis strength, Born in Goderich tovmship, he was for many yearrsagent.. in Clinton; and Goderich diatrict for o well known farm machinery Y companies aues zmd was 'widely known throughout the county. He relipqunshed the dieleion court clerkship in 1934 and has. since lived retired. He was an Anglican in re- ligion sued a member of Clinton lodge A.F. & A.M.. No. 84 and the Canadian Order of Foresters: Surviving are hie wife, formerly Effie Gardiner; a daughter, Mts. Stanley McLean, God- erich; a sate, 0. A, Murphy; Detroit; three sisters, Mee. Harvey McC'arb- ney, Goderieh township; Mrs.. 'Day- , mond and Mas. Laithwaite in t h e West; also two brothers, Bert Mur- phy, Stanley township and Will of Winnipeg, Bob Leiper; 1st' vice Pres., Gordon Fowler; 2nd vice Pres., Gerald Stew- art; Secretary, Jessie Archibald; As- I sistant Secretary, Doris Hill; Treas- urer, Fred Elliott. CONSTANCE Bir.. Wilfred Scott, Alvin and Fred Riley and Luther Sanders left Thurs- day morning for Noathevit Ontario to hunt deer. Ella and Marie Armstrong and Mrs, Mat, Armstrong spent the week end at the home of Mr. and 'ViralFred Armstrong, Grimsby, We are pleased to learn Mrs. Glid-! don who is in Scott Memorial Ho'e- pital is improving in health. Mr, Cameron Rintoul has opened up a chopping mill this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Riley, Bernard and Miss Pearl Glidden spent Sunday with friends in Cromarty: Mr. Robt. Grimoldby was in' London on. Monday. Our new blacksmith has taken up housekeeping. Mr. Frank Riley is wearing a broad smile these days, in Clinton Hospitai, November 7th a bouncing baby boy, WILDING—KING A quiet fall wedding wae eelerns c ized at Knox Presbyterian manse, Listowel, on Saturday, October 28, at three o'clock, when Rev. W. E. Kelley united in marriage Bertha Jean King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John i Ring, Listowel, and William John Wilding, 100th Field Battery, R.C.A•, the youngest son of Rev, George Harold Wilding and the late Mrs, Wilding, Holmesville. A street -length frock of Elizabeth blue velvet, a hat of the same shade, and black accessories were worn by the bride. Miss Pauline Rogues at- tended the bride, and wore a street - length dress of harvest wine. Mr. Gordon Welch, of the 100th Field Battery, was groomsman. The bridal party returned to the horse of the bride's parents where a wedding luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Wilding will reside in Lis.- towel. is=towel. High Production Plus Low Cost with Slur -Ganem 35% Dairy Concentrate IT IS -- Thoroughly Sweetened -Palatable= -nigra in Fat and in Healthful Minerals -Moderately Bulky audf 'Mildly Laxative --High in Balanced Pioreins;,, PALATABLE EFFICIENT LO iii' COST' SHi3} GA'Ii 35% DAIRY CONCENTRATE is , higher in protein than most Dairy Concentrates. ; With a highly balanced: 111rotdn make-up; S'HUI GAIN Dairy Concentrate can be used with very large quantities of home-grown grains to make properly Balanced'. daily rations ofvery low cost.. GET' YOURS' TODAY AT' 1.2.ten 17� 1 T. K. CORN1bbi- Brucefield.. Aif,EX WELLS Londesboroi, Under• and by virtue of the authority conferred' upon me by tire Animal Contagious Diseases. Act, Chapter 75, R,S.C., 1927, and - the regulations relating to rabies passed by Orders in Council crated August 10, 1905 and May 28, 1909, I do hereby declare that having had reported_ to me the existence of rabies in certain par- Balis at the Province of Ontario, the hereinafter described ter- ritory is: declared to be an infected area - 1. In the. County of Huron the Townships of,— ' Turnberry,. Howick, Morris, Grey, Wawa.. nosh East, Wawanosh West, Ashfield; Col- borne; IfulIett, McKillop, Goderich. 2: In• the County of Bruce the Townships- of;--- Huron, f;—Huron, Kincardine, Kinloss, Culross,. Car- rick., Brant, Greenock, Bruce: 3.. In the- County of Perth the Townships 01; — Wallace, . Elmo, Logan. I do hereby order that all dogs within this area shall be kept tied un, and not allowed to eon at large unless effectively muzzled. All dogs found' at large unmuzzled may be destroyed fbrtliwitb, ,and the owner is rendered liable to mosectation under the Animal Contagious Diseases Act,. Inn tiety of the fact that rabies is readily transmissible to huinaun beings, the attention of all provincial' and municipal officers is. especially. directed to this Order, anti their cooperation in its en- forcement is earnestly requnested. Dated at. Ottawa, this twenty-fifth day of October, OneThoajsancl nine limidred and' thirty-nine. (Sgd.): H. Barton, Deputy Minister of Agriculture.. 'This is a Government Order and also passed by .Mullett Township Council on Nov. 6, 1939; and is in force now.. l; JAS. TVIcCOOL, Clerk, Hullett T`wp. 61-3 ON CASH SALES A short time ago we offered to allow you the salesman's com- mission on SPARTON RADIOS., It worked. We could not supply the demand. Now we are stocked up again and will allow the same -liberal terms, also a ten per cent reduction on Cash Sales. PRICE INCREASE—We have received : official notice that after. Nov. 10th REFRIGERATOR prices will advance from 15 to 20%. If you care to. purchase before that date a deposit will enable us to place your order at the old price. Delivery. may be made within two months if you desire. FOR ALL SPARTON" REQUIREMENTS EPPS Sport Shop