HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-11-09, Page 3THURS., .NOV. 9, 1939
1)o Yowl Remember What Happened During The Last
Decade Of The OId Century?
B 1899.
Two urchins were locked in the
cooler Monday afternoon: on -the
charge of breaking- Miss Poster's
windows: In the evening they were
takerk before the Mayor who gave
then a fatherly lecture and let them
gene). condition that they Would make
gd the damage within twenty-four
Mr. John Bell is having an addition
made to his handsome residence on
Albert Street. lKr. T. R, Walker is
the mason in charge of the work.
Mr. W. D. Fair has been highly
complimented by Chariest Austin
Bates, noted expert, upon the, fine
ads. he writes. 'Their greatest
merit," says Mr: Bates, "is their ex-
plicitness, and your catch -line, 'Of -j
ten the cheapest. Alway the Best', is
one of the best I have seen.
Another effort is being made to
bring about a union of the two Meth-
odist churches in town. Both Official
Boards have pronounced inits favor
and at a joint meeting held Tuesney
night a committee of six was sip,
pointed to bring in a report a week
hence. The scheme has gone even
further than this before so that even
-row there is no surety of union
SUMME`+ILUILL,On Monday, Nov,
the lath the sale of stock and imple-
ments of J. J. McLaughlin will com-
mence at 1 pan, he having purchased
a property near Lucan, where he
takes possession this month. — The
Rev. E. B. Smith, our pastor, we
learn has lent the state of single
blessedness to enter the state of mat-
rimony with Miss Duck.—Miss Flora
Miller, another young esteemed lady
of our community has also secured a
life partner in the person of Mr. A.
MgBrien of Clinton. Rev. E. B. Smith
performed the ceremony. The attend
ants were Mise Kerr of Wingham ani
Dr. Ball of -Clinton.
derstand that Thos. Burrows, seed -
man. of Goderich is erecting a new
residence en a newly -purchased lot
hi, the business section. This will
mean a comfortable home for some-
one,—Willie Westlake while driving
with Nelsen Steep the other day had
a lucky escape. When the vehicle
went over a bump his legs became
entangled in the spokes of a wheel.
Fortunately Nelson had the presence
of mind to quickly halt the horse and
extricate the lad from his position.—
The Bun Social in Zion Church at
Taylor's Corners was a decided suc-
cess. It was in the form of a Nene
England States house warming.—We
learn that Mike O'Mara has purchas-
ed' a new patent pig trough whieh is
a marvel to behold.—Mr. Robert Mc-
Cartney, who has been living in Clin-
ton for some time, is mewing on to
the Sperling farm on the 10th con
cession which he drought some time
Mr. Wood, who has been in the
employ of T. Jackson Sr. for the past
Stix Months left on Wednesday to take
a position in Chapman% of London.
Mr. John Maguire bas been offer-
ed and aaeepted a position in what
is known as "W" office in the G.T.R,
offices at London. This is a Promo-
tion and over the heads of his soniors
in the service.
Mr, Nelson Bell of Cheboygan',
Mich., has been the guest of his uncle,
Mr. mos. Bell of the Qu'een's Hotel,
this week. Mr. Bell has had Klondike
experience but for the past year or
so hag been engaged in the drug
business at Cheboygan.
Mr, Donnie Reynolds of Mullett
township has bought from the Flynn
Bros. the fifty acres lying east of his
farn>;. The price Paid was $2,000
which is considered a good figure for
each a good place.
When The Present Century
Was Young
• NOVEMBER 5, 1914
The A.Y.P.A. of St. Paul's church
was organized last week with the
following officers: President, Rev.
Mr. Potts; Vice, Fred Slomtaai; Sec.,
Harold Holmee; Treas., Mis's, Ruby
An audience_ which taxed the seat-
ing ciapacity in Wesley -Willis Church
on, Sunday evening to hear Rev. IL
T. Croesley who spoke on "Conver-
ecion". During his discourse he told
of the conversion of Sir John A. Mae
denald`in one -of the Crossley -Hunter
meetings many years ago.
Mr. James Petrie of the London
Road has answered the appeal- of the
Brucefield •patriotic Committee, by a
real donation in the ;form of one
hundred dollars.
Mr. and -Mrs. has. F. Libby yest-
erday celebrated the forty-first an-
niversary of their wedding d'ay. They
have been residents of Clinton for
about a year, having come 'here to
take over the management of the
Knitting Company.
A curling club has been organized
here with the following as officers:
Pres., C. •E. Dowding; Vice, Dr. Shaw;
Sec„ W. Jackson; Assistant, J. Wise-
man; Unease 11. E. Paull; Rink Cont.,
Dr. Ball, W. Grant, G. Roberton;
Massaging Qom., C. F. Libby, Er..
Ball, J. Taylor, J. Nediger, W.
Much regret was felt on Sunday
when it became known that Mrs. Geo.
Mair of the Huron Road, west, bad
been &led away. The deceased; was
a daughter of Mr. Richard Baker of
town. She leaves behind a family of
six children:
Mrs. Fred F. Gillies will receive
for the first time since her marriage
at her home on Albert street on
Thursday afternoon from three to
five o'clock, also in the evening. Her
mother, Mrs, S. J. Andrews, and Mr.
Gillies' mother, Mrs. D. H. Galles of
London, will receive with her.
Rev. Chas. Langford, formerly in-
ncumrbent of the Middleton Holmes-
ville pariah, has been appointed rec-
tor of St. Thomas' Church, Owen
Sound, and goes to his new parish to-
day. For the past few weeks he has
taken the services of Rev. Canon
Gunn, of Christ Church, London.
Mr. Knox Mair, after spending a
fortnight's vacation with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs, J. K. Mair, left on Fri-
day to resume his, duties as account-
ant on the staff of the Ford Motor
Company at Walkerville.
The marriage took place in Clinton
on Wednesday of last week of Miss
Jean Burdge to Mr. Robert Watson.
:Rev, J. Greene, pastor of the Bruce -
field Methodist church officiated. Mr:
and Mr. Watson left the same after-
noon on a honeymoon trip to Toronto
and eastern: points and on their re-
turn they will reside on the groom's
farm on the London Road.
Numerals an inch larger than those
used in the past and a color scheme
rated by' scientists as that affording
the highest possible visibility with
be features of Ontario's 1940 auto-
mobile license plate. Bright yellow
in color, with black numerals and let-
ters, they are expected to be visible
at greater distances and under far
less favorable light conditions than
those of the current year. Contrary
to last year's practice, when the 1939
markers were made available to the
public in November, 1938, the new
license plates will not go on sale un-
til January 1, 1940. Mr. Bickel; an-
nnounced. The ruling is subject to
F. G. Todd and Son of St. Helens
are among Ontario cattlemen, who
have made entries in the 1939 Inter-
national Livestock Exposition, to be
held at Chicago, the first week in
Two animals of Todd's famous Ab-
erdeen-Angus herd are entered, and
will be in. charge of Tom Todd when
shipped to Chicago, along with other
Ontario cattle entered' in the Expos-
The score of medals, cups and si-
lver trophies, that were displayed in
Lucknow on Fall Fair day, give some
idea of the competitive successes of
this herd, But never before have
they been entered at the Chicago
TO Stations Oshawa and east to Cornwall inclusive, Uxbridge,
Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford, Newmarket, Callingwood, Meaford,
Midland, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and West to
Also is Brantford, Chatham, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, London,
Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia,
Stratford, Strathroy, Woodstock.
See handbills for complete list of destinations
For fares, return limits, train information, tickets, etc.
Consult nearest agent
(Toronto Star)
It is to be 'hoped that the warmth
of feeling toward Quebec which has
been generated in Ontario by the
election results will not too quickly
evaporate. I.t would be a fine thing
for Canada if it were to become per-
If such is to be the case, Ontario
people will have to seek an under
standing of the Quebec outlook, the
Quebec viewpoint. It is in some re-
spects different from our own, for
these people are chiefly of another
race. Outside the great industrial
centres they are perhaps mot so mod-
el as the in •bits of Ontario;
ern _ ha nts O ,
they do not move at so fast a pace;
their minds and habits' are more leis.
urely than .ours. They savor life
slowly, and the hard practical On-
tario man finds this difficult to un
ders and. It does not occur to hint
that he,' in his haste, may miss In
life some of the things which" he
ought to be enjoying. It does not do
to presume that Quebec has nothing
to teach her sister province.
The main thing is to study her
viewpoint ,sympathetically and with-
out prejudice.' This will not neces-
sarily mean agreement but itwill
mean something equally important, a
sympathetic understanding. There is
na reason why these two provinces
should, so to speak, glare at each
other, as they sometimes appear to
do. They have many things in: com-
mon, and each can learn something
of value from the other.
So the kindly spirit which has been
engendered by the election should not
be permitted to evaporate. Let us
have, by all means, an Ontario -Que-
bec axis, not directed against other
provinces or against the federal auth-
ority, but for the cultivation of
mutual friendship and goodwill, and
for the successful prosecution of the
great task whieh lies before the na-
tion in this war.
Announcement of Commission Head
to Goderich Group
Chairman Doubts Feasibility of
Maitland River Scheme
GODERICH, Nov. 5—Contracts of
Ontario municipalities with the
Hydro - Electric Power Commission
for supplies of power are perpetual;
there is no fixed expiration' date for
the reason that municipalities are
bound by contracts made by the R.
E. P. 0. subsequent to the signing
of their own agreements.
This, in effect, is what Dr. Hogg,
chairman, of the H. E. P. C., told a
Goderich P. U. C. delegation. to Tor-
onto, Mayor MecEwan told the Town
Council. His worship said that he
and fellow -members of the P. U. C.,
and citizens generally had for years
been under the impression. that Gode-
rich's contract with the H.E.P.C. was
for 30 years only and was due to
expire in 1942. For that reason the
delegation had gone to Toronto, only
to be disillusioned.
"I have been a member of many
deputations, but I never got a more
friendly or courteous receptionin my
life than we received from. Dr. Hogg
and his board," said the mayor. "He
told us the dates on our contract
with the H.E,P.C. had no significance
whatever, that there was nothing in
it to say when' it should be termin-
Dr. Hogg was quoted as admitting
Goderich had a $110,000 equity in
hydro, but if the town wished to
withdraw from the hydro family, it
could not collect. Dr. Hogg had said
that the H.E,P.C. did not wish to
be arbitrary or use a big stick and
had to send engineers here to make a
survey to see if cheaper power than
hydro could be developed locally •-_
but under hydro auspices — Diesel,
steam, with by-products of salt, or
by the construction of a dam on the
Maitland River.
The hydro chairman had told the
delegation that he was thoroughly
familiar with the Goderich situation.
He gave it as his opinion that the
capital cost of constructing a dam on
the Maitland River capable of taking
care of the high-water mark of the
spring freshets would be too great,
considering the local market for
power, If Clinton, Seaforth and rural
area were included, it might be just-
ified. He sand that a market for
100,000 horse -power would have to be
found to justify a steam plant.
Dr. Hogg reminded the deputation
that in 1914 Goderich paid $64.21 per
horsepower to hydro, and in 1938 paid
only $35.24, allowing for the 13th
power bill credits. He thought the
commission should get some credit.
As yet no way of putting the zoning
plan -into effect had been found.
Mayor Ma.cEwaar said the P, U. C.
Would make a fuller report on its
visit to Toronto. •
A new development in air-raid pre.
cautions appeared recently when it
was announced that backyard shelt-
ers could be purchased by the public
en an, installment plan in London,,
England. ,
The shelters can be bought out-
right or on: a monthly -payment plans
at costs ranging from about $27 to
$40, depending on the size.
This week, we are called upon to
chronicle the death of the late James
McClinahey, of , Hensel;, who; passed
away at his hoane here on 'Wednes-
day last, following an illness of two.
weeks' duration, during whieh time
he was confined to his room. Al-
though he had beep in. poor health for
some months past, he was able to be
around and fulfill his duties, but the
end carne on Wednesday morning
when he passed peacefully away. Mr.
McClinchey, who was in his • 72nd
year, was born on the Goshen" Line,
where; he farmed for many years be,
fore moving: to 11ensail some years
ago. He was a kind husband and
loving -father, a kind neighbor, and
will be much missed' by his widow,
family and neighbors and friends
from' Masai' and district. Surviving
are his widow, three sons, Garnet, of
Seaforth; Edgar and Beverley, at
hone; two daughters, Mrs. Manley
Mai, Mensal]; Mrs. Jack Tinaiey; of
Hay township; two brothers, George
of Hensally and Johan, of the Goshen,
and one sister, Mrs. Edward John -
sten, of Clinton. The funeral, which
was private, was, held from his late
residence an Friday afternoon at 2
p.m., when Rev. R. A. Brook, pastor
of Hensall United Church, officiated.
Favorite hymns of the deceased were
sung during the service, "Safe in the
Arms at Jesus" and "Take My Life
and Let It Be." Assisting with the
singing "were Rev. Mr.' Brook, Miss
Greta Lawn mie, Miss Helen Smale,
and Mrs. Maude Hedden. The floral
tributes were lovely. The pallbear-
ers were friends and neighbors of the
deceased from the Goshen Line:
Lorne and William Armstrong, Robt.
and Orville McClinchey, Lloyd Daw-
son and David Stephenson. Inter-
ment was in Bayfield cemetery. At-
tending the funeral from a distance
were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zettle, Mrs.
Fred Grayson, Mr. and Mrs, Harry
Grayson and Fred Grayson, all of
London.—Huron Expositor.
"Judy," the retreiver dog belonging
to the Burchill boys, was missing, and
although Peter took a half-day off
from school, failed to find her. On
Sunday when the Allen boys were
walking up the river in a bush close
by, they found "Judy." She had step-
ped into a trap and was held there
for five days. The boys carried her
to their home ~where she is being
kindly treated, with the hope that she
will not lose her foot.—Brussels Post;
Last week we told you of the two
stovepipes at Bert Ward's home that
are 43 years old. We'd have bet a
silk hat that they would set a records
for age. But they don't. In. fact there
merely in their "infancy" for this
week Mrs. Sam Durnin, eastreof the
village, tells us of several lengthy of
s'tosiepip,e at her home that are 53
years old and still in good condition
They too were bought at Thomas
Lawrence's, and therein may be the
screen - Probably Mr. Lawrence had
a special formula for stovepipe mak-
These pipes were bought by Mrs.
Durnin's parents Mr. and Mrs. John
Gaunt when they moved from the
farm to their home in St. Helene,
now owned by Mr. and Mrs, Robinson
Woods. Mrs. Gaunt was fond of
plants and `flowers and had a great
many of them. They required heat
during the winter months, and for
their protection Mrs. Gaunt set up
four stoves in their new home, three
of which were used all winter. The
stovepipes still in use at Mrs. Duo.
Win's home were among those bought
at that time.—Lucknow Sentinel.
Who Were The Canadian
We cannot forget the slaughtering
of 60,000 of our young Canadians: in
the ,Creat Warr nor the :maiming
of an additional 173,000. It: does not
make us hate other mations for they,
too, lost heavily in man power, but
it does force, us to, realize that men:
can be made to hate each other. But
when the cosmopolitan nature of
Canada's war dead is considered., we
know that different; races, creeds, and
tongues can live as brothers.
Canada is a land of many racial
origins. ' The Census Branch of the
Dominion Bureau of Statistics gives
23 racial origins iCanada. The
largest group is British, then French,
German, Scandinavian and :Ukrainian,
follow in order. When" thewar of
1914-18 broke out, theie various races
rallied to the flag of their adopted
There were 156,000 English -born,
47,000 Scots, 36,000 Americans, 19,-
000 Irish, 5,000 Welsh and 8,000 New.
foundlaaiders. The enliattment in
Canada of 1,200 Australians, 1,100
from British India, and 3,000 othere
from British South Africa, New Zeal-
and, British Guiana, Tasmania, Fiji,
Hong Kong, Isle of Man, Malta, the
Falkland Islands and Aden; was rath-
er remarkable. Among the recruits
were men from most of the islands
of tpie West Indies and others from
seventy-five 'outlying spots in British
Africa; along with 350 natives of
South Arniericanl coslntries, who
claimed British ancestry.
In addition to the Empire -barn and
American -born, there were 23,000 ma
dries of continental Europe in the
Canadian army. There were over
7,000 Russian -born and close to 6,000
Scandinavians, 2,000 from Austria-
Hungary, 2,000 from Italy, 1,500 ora..
tives of Prance, 1,300 Belgians, 400
Roumanians, 400 Greeks and 260 Ser-
vians. Most remarkable of all was
the line-up of 245 natives of Ger-
many. Eight of the German-born and
eight of the Austrian -born were of-
ficers. Every country in Europe was
represented in the Canadian army.
There were over one hundred Turks.
There were 700 Asiatics, 280 being
natives of Japan and over one hund-
red natives of China. There were
some from Arabia, Bhuton, Cochin -
China, Siam, Siberia, Manchuria, In-
ndia, Ceylon, Afghanistan, Persia and
the Straits Settlements. There were
thirty-two Africans.
Such was the cosmopolitan; nature
of the Canadian Army during the last
Great War. Armistice Day recalls
these things to us.
'A New Iron Lung
A Canadian boy was the first to
use the mew iron lung developed to
work the ehest muscles and leave the
limbs outside. He is Breen Hogan,
aged six of Windsor, Ontario. The
boy had been so badly stricken with
Infantile Paralysis that he eonld not
expand his lungs. Members of the
Windsor Isolation Hospital knew that
tests were being made in the Detroit
Children's Hospital and borrowed the
new device. Breen Hogan was in one
of the ordinary iron alungs, which
have the disadvantage of completely
encasing the body and are huge and
cumbersome. He was transferred to
the new emergency lung.
This new device is constructed of
rubber and transparent .material. A
perfect seal is insured b ya pneumat-
ic rubber ring and by a sponge -rub-
ber flap whieh adheres tightly even
to the clothed body, A backstrap
holds the lung in position and allows
the patient to sit upin bed, or even
in a chair.
Air is supplied to the emergency
lung through an ordinary vacuum
hose by an electrically driven pump.
The air is compressed and decom-
pressed about sixteen times a minute
—the rate of normal breathing.
In this new lung, the Hogan lad
within six weeks could breathe near-
ly an hour without the aid of ap-
paratus of any kind. His arms and
legs could be kept in splints so that
they would not become hopelessly
deformed. At the time this informa-
tion was released it seemed likely
that the new lung would enable the
boy to recover partially and perhaps
The National War Memorial erect-
ed in Ottawa has an interesting Ins -
tory. This strueture, occupying 35
large crates, was shipped from Eng-
lancl in parts. It was fashioned by
seven brothers and a sister in studios
at Farnborough, Kent. It is the re-
sult of ten years' work.
When it was decided that Canada
should hawse a memorial of her own
in her capital city, architects and
sculptors were invited to submit de-
signs. Over one hundred entries were
received, among them that of an
English sculptor, Vernon March, Lat-
er, he heard from his radio that a
Kent sculptor, namely himself, had
wolf an ' Ilnteainaitional, competitions,
for the Canadian War Memorial, Ile
and his six brothers and their sister
at once set to work on the full-scale
design. This was in 1926, but in 1930
tragedy overtook the family, for Ver-
non March died. The work, however,
went continuously forward, the broth-
ers and sister basing their labour on
the small soft -clay model made by
their brother. It is now kept under
a glass case in their home in Kent.
When completed, the memorial was
erected temporarily in Hyde Park,
where it made a deep and lasting
impression on all who' saw it, a silent
reminder of the sacrifice made by
60,000 Canadians.
Consisting of a tall granite arch,
surmounted by huge bronze figures
of Liberty and Vietory, the memorial
symbolises the triumph of peace over
war. At the base of the arch are
22 figures representing every branch
of the war service hurrying towards
the new dawn and leaving behind
them an 'unlimbered gun. The nuly
inscription on it is simply "1914-
1918". All told, the memorial reaches
a height of 70 feet.
Sculptures by the March family are
well-known in Canada. In Hamilton,
far example, there is the famm,ons
memorial to the United Empire L.ey-
alists, executed by Sidney Marsh; in
front of the Parliament Buildings in
'Victoria, British Columbia, stands the
Provincial Wan Memorial, also the
product of the March workahips,
while in Orillia, Ontario, stands Ver-
non March's fine statute of Cham-
plain.` '
Mr. Sl E. McDowell,, who for the
last four years has been science
master at the Goderich Collegiate
Institute, will leave Goderich at the
end of the fall term to take a position
on the staff of the Fort William
Vocational School. Mr. McDowell's
resigns$ion has been accepted by the
Collegiate Institute Board ,,and ap-
plications' for the position are now
under consideration.
Mr. McDowell will have charge of
the industrial chemistry department
in his new' position. The Staff of the
Fort William school is composed of
completely. thirty-four teachers.—Signal-Star.
We agree with the London Free Press in its attitude to Premier
IIepburn's movie to eliminate municipal elections for .the duration
of the war. The arguments `as theyapply to London are equally
applicable to other municipalities. The editorial leads:
"We do not question the sincerity and good intent of the Ontario
Government, in proposing that municipal elections in the province
be abolished for the remainder of the war, following the dousing
elections, but we seriously doubt the 'wisdom of'suoh a move, The
savings generally are small and a municipality might easily- be
saddled with an extravagant mayor and city council which might
be responsible. for many times the expenditure of an election. In
any case the electors ;should be given the right of recall of mayor
or council which h ha
diask the confidence of the citizens.
"The 'farthest the Government ,should have gone should have
been to give a municipality, if it so desired, the right to extend the
term of its council' without an election This move smacks of
autocracy and takes away the rights of the 'electors.
"Then there is the question of money and other by-laws. It was
proposed to submit to the electors a by-law on the building of one
or two new bridges and there may be necessary a plebiscite on the
street railway. An election with all its costs will be necessary in..
any event in such cases,"
Rev, A. E. Silver, Pastor
11 a.m.—Sunday School
7 p.m.—Evening Worship
Rev. A. H. .O'Neil, B.A., B.D,
2.30 pm.—Sunday School.
11 am. Morning Prayer.
7 p.m.—Evening Prayer.
Capt, Mciuwell
11 am,—Worship Service
3 p.m.—Sunday School
7 p.m.—Evening Worship
Rev. G. G. Burton, M.A., S.D.
2.30 p.m.—Sunday School.
11 a.m.—Divine Worship
9.30 a.m. Turner's Church Ser•
vice and Sunday School
' 7 pen. Evening Worship
Rev, Andrew Lane, B.A., B.D.
11 a.m.--Divine Worship
7 p.m.—Evening Worship.
Sunday School at conclusion of
morning service,
Rev. Gordon Peddie, B.A.
Sunday School 10 a.m.
Worship Service 11 a.m,
-3 p.m. Worship Service at Bayfield
2 pm.—Sunday School, Bayfield.
W. J. Cowherd, Supt. ,
Monday 8 pm. Young People
Thursday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting
11 a.m, Sunday School
3 p.m. Fellowship Meeting
8 p.m. Evangelistic Service.
The Tara Leader says in Its news
columns: "The appointment of Ken-
neth W. Johnston, law clerk in Camp-
bell Grant's office at Walkerton, to
acting deputy -Sheriff of the county
of Bruce, to servle in the place of
Capt. Arthur Donald, second in com-
mand im the 97th Field Battery, IOC.
A., evidently has caused some friction
in political circles. We understand
that Mr. Johnston offered his services
to his country in this' war, but was
turned dowar by the medical examin
ere, and, coupled with the fact that
he has legal experience, was given
the position,. However, the fact that
he is not the right shade of polities
has evidently stirred up dissatisfaction
with office seekers, and a movement
is on foot to have the new appointee
dismissed. Surely petty politics is
not going to enter into this case,
when everything should be done to
ensure unity and co-operation in such
momentous times. Playing petty pol- j
itics should be absolutely barred at
this time, and those in positions of
authority should waken up to that
fact. Let us pull together for the
best interests of our country as a
whole, and forget party politics:"
Sugar From Trees
Bridaiu's Forest Line of Defence Can
Give Motor Fuel Too
Britain's forests are one of her
lines of defence.
ScienEsts now know the secret of
extracting sugar, from the softwoods
of the English countryside, such as
birch, ash, elm, and sycamore. Cloth-
ing material, motor car fuel, dyes,
many essential chemicals, various
cattle foods, tranparent paper and
even sausage :skins are among other
items which can be yielded by trees,
If all other supplies, of these con
modities were cut off, Britain could
"live ors her forests" for at least six
months, -and very likely a year.
Apart from private plantations}
hundreds of thousands of acres of
trees have been planted by the For-
estry Commission since the war of
"W can produce many of the vital
necessities of life from wood," stated
the chief chemist of the Forest
Prod -one Raseeroh Laboratory. 'There
is no waste, for science has made
every part of a tree :valuable for
"So-called waste wood has been
used for a year by one of our own
research workers as fuel for his mot-
or car. Using it in a speeial and
inexpensive generator, he gets speeds
of over 50 miles an hour and covers
great distances at the cost of a few
"A substitute for glass, used chief-
ly for aeroplane windows, is yet an
other product of the woods and for-
ests of the British Isles.
The historic hand' press on which
Canadai's' rebel, Willian Lyon Mac-
Kenzie, printed' the Colonial Advo-
cate,attacking the "family compact"
and advocating reforms, has been 'ob-
tained by the Niagara Parks Com-
The press, whieh more than a cent-
ury ago was thrown into Toronto
harbor by MacKenzie's political op-
ponents who raided his office, will be
placed in the • William Lyon Mac-
Kenzie ;rebuilt home at Queensto
The home is being set up as. a mus-
eurn of the early days. of the Niagara
In been
recent years the press had be
in the possession of Ii. J. Pettypiece
of Forest, Ontario. The Niagara.
Parks Commission, after extended
negotiations, has, purchased the relic.
MacKenzie used the press for the
first news -of the Colonial Advocate,
printed at Queenatom. He took it with re
him to Toronto when he n:rend
there in November, 1824,
A total of $21,695,523 rode with
the horse that galloped the Canadian
turf during the 1939 racing season.
This was a decrease of $1,419,729
from total wagers of 1938, Prize
money, however, jumped $35,800 to
$1,070,770, Tore 1939 season covered
285 racing days at 35 meetings put
on by 26 racing associations, while
in. 1938 24 associations held 33 meet-
ings with 281 racing days. Along with
the betting the 1939 gate receipts de-
clined to $626,023 from $700,433 to
The head and hide of a deer than
had recently been shot, were found
in the ditch on the second concession
of T'uekersanith.
Some person, apparently, had shot
the deer and after appropriating the
carcass, had thrown the head and
hide away.
Venison is a very tasty morsel at
this time of year, but the person or
persons concerned in this instance,
will find it a very expensive bill of
fare if they are implicated by the
authorities, who have the matter In
band, and are snaking every effort to'
trace the guilty parties.
There have been an unusual num•
ber of der in this and other country
districts this year,
`, Tart gr vItars
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