HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-11-09, Page 2PAGE 2
THURS.,, NOV. 9, 1939
apture Beyond
TENTH INSTALLMENT father and Jock. Suddenly, duringnot let me know her secrets. She will
a dance Jock rushes her out and says not love me. I must learn the truth
Synopsis hE ']s going to take her home, thus of my own life by my own efforts.'
She turned the little keyand, ullea
Jocelyn, Harlcwe, raised in a French saving her from seeing Felix there 1 p
convent, at the age of eighteen joins dancing with a gangster's girl. Alone open the thick small metal door.
her mother, Marcelia, in New York. with Jack; he kisses her passionately, Behind it lay aleather• box and this father, of his sisters. Jock was ten
' Worried about her safety, because when suddenly her father eomes in she drew cut and set upon the top or years younger than I. But he cured
she is unfamiliar with the• modern and orders Jock`'ta leave, Her father the prie-dieu. She raised the lid.
world and has developed into s has a stroke from the excitement, and The glory that had lain hidden
beautiful woman, her mother's first after sitting with ham an night, °Joe- there glittered across her eyes like a
wish is to get her safely married, elyn finally goes to Jock for help;.
mesh of living stars,; Jewels as rich
Attending her first ball, Jocelyn
meets Felix Kent, rich, handsome and
nineteen years older than herself. En-
couraged by her mother, she and
Felix quiekly become engaged. Alone
in her apartment one night, a cripple,
Nick Sandal, enters by the fire -
him. He had a crafty gift for sleight
of hand. He could make a pack of
cards do anything. Hefd pull coins out
of the air. Got a circus chap to show
him how to throw a knife. I got ibis
little sear on any cheekbone letting
Jock practice knife -throwing on me.
1 certainly did trounce him_ for that,
He was a no -account' entry from the
starting post. Seemed to settle down
at college and came through the
ing school with honors, But that yel-
low streak was there; and when it
came to riding' lite—to: stick to our
figure — he didn't put his spurs in
straight and, well—he bit the dust."
"Did you dislike him always, Felix?
"No, there was a tirne when I took
an interest in him. I wasfond of his
as a queen'.s Rubies, emeralds, asap-
" "' a ib have l phires and white diamonds, cut into
Nicks suffering tern ly. L `� blazing angles and set in a heavjy
to leave him. lintricacy of dark gold. Two long ear -
His reasonable cool voice answeredrings to match were chadled at either
instantly, "I've beexu expecting it. III end of the old leatherbox which was
beIn fifteen minutes L red's admitted decorated' with a worn golden carom et.
Mari to confides in her that he is herNick'sy bedroom. He passed The 'value: of these jewels in such a father and that her real name is setting must be fabulous.
her anwent to Nick. The sick man's
Lynda Sandal. Visiting her father ht contorted face smiled.crookedly. Jock 'Jocelyn closed them in, returned •the
Itis apartment, Jocelyn meets Jock passed his arm ,.under the writhing box to its pIaee, snuFPed out the can-
AyIewaxd; a gambler. When she men body and seemed at areae to give it dies and hurried to her bed.
tions the name of Felix Bent, he tellsThe shock and the excitement of
his story of how he was a mining en- greater ease. Neither of them said
good-bye to Lynda nor even seemed to the long night were suddenly too key of deeper terror, "Do you think
gineer, worked for. Kent, and was notice that she went away. !much aso for her. She fell down and wept we've lost her?"
sent to jail for making what was in a sort of helpless spiritual agony.
When she climbed in at her bed -
adjudged a false affidavit, One night1 When Felix Kehr came to see his
Jocelyn goes to a partywith lyes room window she •was scared- by the
young fiancee the next ruining,
brightening sky: She could not be- Which was a S ay, he found her
lien that she had not been seen. But
The Clinton News -Record she was more afraid of what she so white and heavy -eyed that not only
With which is Incorporated must meet when :she should be in
his pride of a possessor but his lovers
rp r� tendo ziess was roused, startled.
THE NEW E•itA that small bedroom face to face with "Darling,da�"
the future Mrs. Felix Kent. That1 you feel ill.
"I didn't sleep."
intezwliew, however, was postponed. "Let me take you down to the
As she slipped into her nightgown, coast. Sea air how about it?"
she heard a movement somewhere he "I'd love that. I've never been to
gond the bedroom passage. It ort of'the seashore. Boulogne, when we and looked sanely at Jock. The young
to her that there was some sort of sailed, was just a wharf and the big man had not changed from his even.
stirring as of step er areas in the steamer." ing clothes.
living -room. The little clock on her i "You'd better go and get some
sleep," Nick whispered. "Business
good last night?"
"Pretty fair. We lost Judson."
Nick's eyes began to beg.
"Pm a great one to call you a con-
vict and a cardsharper, eh? When 1
taught you most of the game myself
and live on what you make from in
Why don't you chuck me, Ayle-
"Got the habit of holding on to
"Last night --when I came in .
you and Lynda, you know? I'd like
you to understand why I—why /—
flew out the way I did. When I saw
it beat sidewise with a sort of greedy please let me know you making love to' her I thought of
gr you? Don't keep other women I'd seen( you with --and
fixity over some object on the top of your real self from me, please, I'd of myself --and—"
the priedieu. Its long hair hung rather know anything, cruel or wrong Jock swore softly. "Why not strut
down in heavy braids on either side or queer , .. anything, no matter how up?" he suggested. "You were right
of this gloating face. It lifted' itself frightful, no matter how bad. I could at that, Only it was a superfluous ex -
slowly, saw the silent intruder and love you better, I think, for knowing hibition of paternal chivalry. I dont
me of my affection for him. He put
me through a bad time with that mine
I never saw a crook so'neatly caught
out and tried with his dishonor."'
Again Felix uttered the flat dead'
laugh and swung' his car out along
the country highway in a burst of
masterful speed.
s Jocelyn pulled down her small hat
and bent her head, Even behind the
windshield the air of their flight
caught at her face sidelong and whip-
ped her eyee.
The fear that ran through Nick's
delirium prompted his questions;
"Your won't leave me, Jock? Is that
you, Jock?" And then in a changed
$1.50 per year in advance, to Can-
' adieu addresses; $2.00 to the U.S. or
other foreign countries. No paper
discontinued until all - arrears are
paid unless at the option of the pub-
lisher. The date to which every sub -
"Sure, I'm here. Why should I
leave you?"
But when it came • to "Have we
lost her?" the answers though patient
had a different note:
"Keep quiet, Old' Nick. You haven't
last anything. Here . . yes, she'll' be
back. Did you ever know a woman
you could lose so easily?"
By ` ten o'clock of that Sunday
morning Nick's pain had left him and
Ire lay still with a white racked face
seription is paid is denoted on the dressing table told her the time, four; "Dear," he began when he was at
label. in the morning. She put on her bath - the wheel of his car, "I wish you'd
ADVERTISING RATES — Transient robe, thrust her feet into soft slippers try to tell me what's in your mind.
advertising 12c per count line for and stole out along the passageway. I hate you to worry and to keep
first insertion. 8e. for each subse- At its end the door stood partly open things to your self. If you' aren't hap-
quent insertion. Iieading counts 2 and a faint and golden light shone py—" the incandescent eyes turned
lines. Small advertisements not to from the room.,toward her apprehensively.
exceed one inch, such as "Wanted", Jocelyn came as far as this door.Jocelyn was touched by himfor the
"Lost, "Strayed", etc., inserted once She could see then that the leather first time. Hitherto he had made no
for 35c., each subsequent insertion entrance to her mother's little sane- such appeal.
15e. Rates poi display advertising tuary had not been closed, that its "Felix dear, I -I want to be happy.
made known on application, curtains too had been pulled aside. You are the only person in the world
Communications intended for pub- The two tall candles burned steadily now who seems safe to me."
notion must, as a guarantee of good and a figure crouched, surely the fig- "Safe? What a queer little lingo
faith, be accompanied by the name ure of a stranger: It had neither the you have all of your own. Doesn't
of the writer. attitude nor the aspect of prayer. your mother seem --safe?"
G. E. HALL - - Proprietor Dressed in a dark and flowing robe "I can't know her, Felix. Will you
Notary Public, Conveyancer
Financial, Real Estate and Fire Ia-
euranee Agent. Representing 14 Fire
Insurance Companies.
Division Court Office. Clinton
Frank Fingland, B.A., LL.B.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
Successor to W. Brydone, B.C.
Sloan" Blocs — Clinton, Ont.
Electro Therapist, Massage
Office: Huron Street. (Few Doore
west of Royal Bank)
Hours—Wed. and Sat. and by
t= nanrpulation Sun -Ray Treatment
Phone 207
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron
Correspondence promptly answered
Immediate arrangements can be made
for Sales Date at The News -Record,
Cl>lntor., or by calling phone 203.
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction
Fire Insurance Company
$lead Office, Seaforth, Ont.
President, Thomas Moylan, Sea -
forth; Vice ?resident, William l{nox,
Londesboro; Secretary -Treasurer; M,
A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors, Alex.
Broadfoot, Seaforth; James Sholdice,
Walton; James Connolly, Goderich;
W. 11. Archibald, ,Seaforth; Chris,
Leonhardt, Dublin; Alex. McEwine,
Beth; Frank McGregor, Clinton.
List of Agents: E. A. Yeo, R.R. 1,
Goderich, Phone 603r31, Clinton;
Jaynes Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper,
Brucefield, R. R. No. 1; R. F. MclCer-
cher, Dublin, R. R. No. 1; Chas, F.
Hewitt, Kincardine; R. G. Jarmuth,
Bornholm, 11. R. No..1.
Any money to be paid may be paid
to the Royal Bank, Clinton; Bank of
Commerce, Seaforth, or at Calvir
Mates Grocery, Goderich:
Parties :desisting to eifeet insur-
ance or transact other business will
be promptly attended to on applica
ion to any of the above officers ad-
dessed to their respective post obi•
ccs, Losses inspected by the directo,
who lives nearest the scene.
Trains will arrive at and depart from
Clinton as follows:
Buffalo' and Goderich
Going East, depart 6.43 a.m.
Going East, depart 3.00 p.m
Going West, depart. 11.45 am,
o',,,A INNPo'.�i�e1'r"i,Piii rr",r o sear'Jrrets'.''."YiaVoe. rocs' �cc'Si.�."1ecen i e o o'n,y
doubled down over its treasure, With all there was to know about your
a chill down her flesh Jocelyn than life, about yourself. I would so hate
recognised Marcella, to marry you, Felix, and then to find
• There is a German word for that out—" she faltered, her tilted wet
nightmare and ancient superstition of eyes turned blindly now uponhien.
an astral body, of something that "And then,' said Felix, "and then
walks both together and apart with to find out what?"
every human form, a Doppelganger, "That you were rat this main at written examinations will be discon-
beat which goes double. It was not all. That you were not my Felix
Marcella but Marcella'= Doppelganger hent." timed in Ontario, Hon. Dr. L. J.
that Jocelyn"I'll Simpson, minister of education, an-
seemed to see. It spoke be that in any case, child. • pounced. Middle =drool certificates
breathlessly and harshly, "Go back to What makes you think I'm going to will be issued en the recommendation
your room. What are you, doing change? You're going to be my wife,l of principals and teachers of second -
there. and as it spoke and the young you see. And I dont want a morbid +.ary schools, he said. The department
girl turned away, it drew the curtains wife. I want a happy one."
� of eduoatian will, issue high school
close across that biding place. 1 Yes. I want to be happy.' graduation certificates to those who
A few minutes later there carne a "Then we're agreed; i have completed the work
knock at Jocei"Andp prescribed
yn's door. She opened I want to make you happy.' the grades of the middle rehear.
it and stood aside. She was trembling. Are you happy, Felix?" I The action has been takenwith the
But the woman who entered in a long "Sure thing. That's easy, sweet- concurrence of the universities,- he
red dressing gown was new Marcella heart. I'll seen teach you how to do said, It is, expected the universities
her usual self, .sterner perhaps, pre- that. If you'd stop all this question.)
rand ;other institutions of higher
pared to deliver a reproof. ing of yourself and me and just layllearnitig will peevede for the admia-
"Did you feel ill, Jocelyn." hold of life with some sort of con- sion of applicants who are unable. to
"No, Mother. I heard you moving fidence ... you know, Jocelyn, life's obtain middle school certificates by
about. I' wondered who it could .be." a queer sort of animal:' special tests or by the acceptance of
"I'm sorry. Mather, I I did nos "A wild horse to ride," suggested teachers reports "or by such other
think that you were at your prayers. Jocelyn remembering Nick. I means as circumstances warrant."
You were holding sosmethihrg, I "That's it, If you don't lido him I The minister announced the provls-
thoughtyou were ..." with a emir and a quirt, he will sane ions under which certain, upper school
That was the little cross at the enough ride you." : pupils have been granted certificates'
end of my marker, It had come un "Felix," iter' tongue felt dry and aP standing on the recommendation
fastened from the chain. I was trying moved with difficulty but she forced of the principals and teachers of the
to fix the links together so that X it to shape the ovoids, "did- yon evt�r secondary schools will be withdrawn'
could leave it in the book before 1 hear of aWarned—Aylewardl"
went back to bed. You startled ane. "What the day -1 Now where did
You did not look like yourself, Joce- you ever dig up that name, child?"
Ion. Why didn't you speak to me?" For the first time, to keep Lynda's
"Mother," Jocelyn a hand rose to secret, Jocelyn made use of an in -
her throat, , "I too -I thought that ventiom
you did not look like yourself." l . "Cousin Sara Muller once knew a
Marcella bent over the girl for one clergrelan of that name , . . who had
of thedry°kisses and went out, a son." f . i I ', • I •.I al
Jocelyn lay broad awake. The clock
in the living -room chimed five. Chim- "And who kicked the son out and
lone you daughter, Nick,"
Middle School Exams
Annual departmental middle school
(too pyright)
1.? ,n
lfrr A oVer'i i i .'o i ed'u sere' 'ere oar'" se "uo.""o,r 's"a'Vess n°n�'ein u'x'id•etr% �F
T havebeen listening to a man who- rent and what is called relief. One
has just returned from a visit to way by which those now on relief ane
New York.: There he - talked with a those unemployed can be given cin.
number of business' executives about ployment is by .shortening the. num-
the war, and because what this Tor- bee of bath working days and hours
onto man said tome, ever the lunch-
eon table, after his return, •home, was
se very interesting, I hacvle_ felt that
it might be likewise interesting to
readers' of the News -Record.
The general opinion of well-inform-
ed and thoughtful Americans; , it was
said,. is that the present war in
Europe won't last -long—thee it'may
come to an end. next year. One ex-
planation of the failure of the Ger-
mans to strike like lightning against
Britain and France is: the German
army chiefs d'e •not see eye to eye
with Hitler, and so Hitler':= desire to
launch •a major offensive is being,
bhwaa•ted by critics• of his policy and
purpose. Hitler is losing estimation
by. the Junket' class, and by the high-
up army man, Even if Hitler be
deposed from his present position, the
army will fight. against Britain and
France, and will go on fighting until
either defeat' or the German people
will 'stop the fighting.
It is admitted that Hitler ha a huge
following, but as a military strategist
he is not held in esteem. The aristo-
cratic Junker class have not accepted
Hitler with an enthusiasm. It is be-
ing increasingly perceived that Hitler
—Ribbentrop diplomacy has cost
Germany dearly.
There is a strong feeling that the
United States will be drawn into the
European war—that if it lasts. long.
The United States is strongly in fav-
our aR Britain and France, and does
not want to see any further spread
of Russian doctrines or political
beginning with the school year 1940-
41, but that the recommendmations of
principal and teachers will be accept
en) with respect to the work of the
present school year.
By reason, however, of the suspen:
sion of the middle school examina-
tions, it was considered desirable that
all upper school candidates should be
required to pass a departmental ex-
amination ;before' proceeding to the
ee six, changed his, own name in order not universities, normal schools er other
Her 'suspicion, her curiosity, had bee, to share it with a convict; Wasn't that institutions. The maintenance of the
corse a fever, a pain that she could it? Yes, I knew that unlucky parson." upper school examination will make
not endure. Ghost -softly She crept "What did the son da to. be one it possible to introduce such measures
again out to the living -room, Her to prisoh? A •clergym:anis.:son—it es may be required to preserve ode -
heart pounded and her head swam. semis so dreadful." quate •standards of s ch o l a r s h 1
She went to the narrow leather doors, "Olergymen's sonsare a proverb, throughout the secondary schools •' 01
opened them,' found herself within. darling. This one took a bribe and the province:
Having closed herself safely both handed in a false report on a zinc
with doors and curtain's, she lighted mine. I lost a good lot of money mem REV. W. H. HARTLEY GIVEN'
the two candles. Her heart stomped self through that report. Ayleward
and started again. Thera was no junior got away with his profit alI
book, no erose, no chain anywhere to right, I guess, but I was lucky enough • Appointment of Rev. W. 11. I-Iart-
be seen. And yet she felt Sure that' to catch him out and I had :him sent ley, rural dean of Bruce and rector.
her mother had taken nothing with', up. I was sorry* for his father and of the Church of the Messiah, Krncar-
hex from the crypt. Jocelyn search -1 his two sisters but if ever a man de- dine, as archdeacon of Perth was an -
ed the enclosure. No drawer, no cup -1 served what he got it was that fellow. no aped yesterday by Bishop Seeger.
board and ova 'shelf, no possible re- the dirty trickster!" The archdeacon will retain his pres-
ceptaole for ally object, large or "You don't think there could have est charge, his lordship said, and hie
small, Almost instinctively her hand been any .mistake, that the owner of jurisdiction will include the counties
rose to the velvet drapery behind the the mine perhepe deceived him? I of . Gray, Perth and Bruce.
altar, She lifted it, mean . , I feel so sorry ( for that Rev. Mr. Hartley will succeed Arch-
A small deep-set door with a lack, clergyman" deacon Perkins who goes, to Elgin to
the key still in it, lay behind than "Be sorry` for the cl'ergymman by all fill the vacancy created by the death
altarpiece. Marcella had been startled,- means but don't waste your pity on of Archdeacon Andrew, of St.
the young one. I knew that boy, Ther>las. The new archdeacon of
knew him from the time he was a kid.' Perth was a graduate of Huron Col -
He was always( a pretty slick young l lege, and has served the church for
customer. Queer how it came out in 1 many years in this diocese,
Going West, depart 9.50 p.rn. had moved away quickly, and left hex
London, Huron & Bruce key.
Going North, ar 11.21, lye, 11.47 a.m• Jocelyn, tightened her lips and spoke
Going. South ar. 2.50, leave 8.08 p.m. to her uneasy conscience: "She will
heavy tax burdens, the impossibility
of supporting idle persons becomes
increasingly apparent. Yet it is mpmt.
at all cleat how each country concern-
ed will solve its plroblein It is still •
to be seen if Labour's plan of shown
ening the work week fox workers' in a
ppurpoee to give more persons needed
employment is a practical solution or
the problem:
Also, it is a question if the best
solution of social and industrial prob-
lems and difficulties is transferring
them from private enterprise and
in each week for each employee, 1G privarte concern to the State. There
is Labour which is determined to are many who believe that the best
bring about this situation. By this government is the least government
practice those now out of employment Most of us in, this country are net
can be provided with work. It means •convinced that the Russian and the
that Labour, Met succeeds in its aims, Garman ways of regulating industry
will talk authoritatively and master= and society are best; iltost of us
fully to management; . also, that man- r in this country .continue to believis
agement will he under the control of in democracy—which is' government
Labour in other ways, by the people for the people, Deanoc-
_- .-- racier have not yet, despite centuries
This man wha has visited New of -experiment,. solved very many lan-
York, and wile had talked with ex- I d'amental problems. One reason'iso
ecutiNes there, holds the opinion that, the cannon people themselves have
after the present war, when thingsjnot ,made themselvs well-informed
become more' composed, theme will be' about many problems; they have left
a new social order; not aril, in the their problem to legislators, and
United Skates, but also in Great many of the legislators are as badly
Britain. In regard to Great Britaininfand as Iegarthic as are the
he hold's the "view that Britain will eleetars*
be under obligation to evacuate a
large prgportion of her present p.op-
ulation'--that ,she will be unable( to
give employment to all her workers,
or to feed those who may be unem-
ployed. Britain's enormous tax bur-
den — the burden which follow the
war wilt make it impossible for
her to sustain her unemployable and
unemployed, and therefore she will
have to end a large portion of hes•
people to Canada, Australia, New sion or equivalent. But industry alone
Zealand, Africa. cannot assume responsibility for the
An trying said was Britain continuing •income of its operatives.
has placed very large orders already It cannot afford to do' so.
One thing is pretty certain, nam-
ely: Canada and other under -populat-
ed countries will have to receive the
surplus peoples of European countries
One urgent matter is personal
security -security continuing on into
old age, As things are today, most
of us are afraid of the future. We
cannot see for ourselves an assured
income beyond the middle years of
life. One can understand Laboue+'s
insistanence chat industry shall either
give workers' long-term employment,
or, alternatively, to give them a pen -
with U.S.A. firms for supplies of all
descriptions, in the confidence that
the embargo on the sale of arms and
other things to belligerents would he including the British Isles. I know
lifted. Britain has done this because
Canadian factories are not yet ready quite well that it will be declared by
to supply Britain's requirements with many that Canada cannot now em -
expedition•. AIso, it may be long be ploy all its workers; that Canada can
But it was • what this man said fere Canada will be able to menu -
about already produce more than she can
about the developing anti -capital consume and more than she can sell
facture certain lines in urgent de -
opinion in the United States• that iso- on other markets. But this is true:
mend, whereas U.S.A. factories aro
the peoples of the world, taken as
a whale, are insufficiently supplied
terested me most. It was declared
that business sees a rapid drift away
from pgivately-awned and operated
business enterprises toward state
ownership and state adtniniis'tration
of business. It " was said that the
trade unions have acquired such pow-
er aver American business that it is interesting is: it is American opinion tion?
they, and not employers, who have as held in New York by high-up mem! We are entering on. a new •era. Life
sovereign power today. Also, this visitor's own views are ahead for those who can hope to live
Labour feels • itself to be insecure. just views. They may be wise ones; for another fifty years is going to be
Or perhaps it is better to put it this may be worthless. .. thrillingly interesting.
way: workers feel that they lack Yet itis certain that we are in
security of both employment and in- these times crossing a stream in re -
come, Workers are being ejected gaud to social and industrial coisdit-
from enrploymeht, in far too many ions. We are leaving old concepts
instances, while still in middle life, and practices, and are entering into
There is a developing hatred of the hew concepts and prraotices. It is
relief •systern—a growing determine- recognized that no country can con -
tion. to give everybody employment, tinue indefinitely supporting those on
and in this way get rid of unempley- relief, and with new additional and
already equipped and ready.
—'-"- with the necessities of life, let alone
Whether or not all this visitor to the Iuxuries of Iife. It will be a
New Yorlc at the tail end of October problem far all countries to solve --
said and heard is dependable is not, how can there be a more equitable
perhaps, very important. What is distribution of the world's produc-
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