HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-11-02, Page 5''':THU'.RS., NOV. 2, 1939 THE CLINTONNEWS-RECORD 1s _STRONG AND HELPFUL T1t4o449h 122 Zfecu -Ever>srtong and trustworthy, through 122 ;years iof'Canada's history, the Bank of Montreal has contributed much to this ,country's financial security. To,the individual depositor the Bank has ameant complete safety for personal savings. 'Tb the farmer it has been a strong, ,useful ally and a reliable counsel on con - 'aliens. To industry it has been a source of'financial power and a help in avoiding runwarranted speculation. For Government --national, provincial and local—a depend- able financial collaborator. All Canadians, whatever their station in life, working for a greater and still greater Canada, know they can place full confi- dence in an institution which has never changed in character, yet has constantly modernized its services, In 1817 we pio- neered along sound, . helpful lines. The year 1939 finds us still pioneering along sound, helpful lines. BANK OF MQ:TREAL. ESTABLISHED 1817 Clinton Branch: H. M. MONTEITH, Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and Thursday. MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE... the outcome of 122 years' succeisfrel operation 116A AUBURN Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Downs of Tor- eento and Mr. and Mrs. Kruse and 'William Kruse of Galt spent the 'weekend with Mr. and, Mrs. Edgar .Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. John Blake and Bernice of Dungannon visited on Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Mrs.-John cMrs.-John McKnight, ,is. away . at present nursing' her aunt, Mrs, Rich- ard McWhinney of Nile. , Mr. and Mrs, Jame :R'ofbertson 'spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. ''rank Woods of Londesboro. Mr. Gormley Thoanpson and Bobbte of North Bay are visiting the form- ora parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson. We are sorry to report that M. Herb. Govier is confined to her bed, ]raving lost the use of her limbs. Anniversary services will be !held this coming Sunday, November 5th in Knox Presbyterian Church. Ser - 'vices will be at 11 a.nt. and 7,30 p.m. and the guest Speaker will be Reel. Hugh Jack of Seaforth. Special music 'will be furnished by the choir. On Monday a Hot Fowl Supper will be :.served. Miss Amelia Meliwain has return- ed to her home here after spending the summer with Mrs. B. J. " Craw- ford of Dungannon.' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yungbhitt ,and Earl have moved in with Mr. John Wagner on his farm on the Base Line Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bradnack were at Zurich on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Rnssell Xing cele- brated their 1.9th' wedding anniver• nary an Friday. hir. and Mrs. J. A. Nott and Ger- aldine of Stratford and Mrs. A. Mc - 'Cool of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. W. T, Robison. C.G.I.T. Sponsor Programme The C.G.I.T. under the leadership of Miss Dorothy Anderson sponsored rt prog am and play in the Forester's iIail Friday might. Rev. I3, C'. Wilson was chaiinnanfor the evening. The program opened with a thorns and a 'number' of old favorite songs with Ila `Craig at the piano; solos by Mary Nesbit, Edna Archambault; tap danc- ing, Marguerite Killough'aeompanied by Zeta Munro-; reading, Mrs. H. C: 'Wilson; duet by Vivian Straughan and Zeta Munro accompanied by 2darer Munro; Instrumental by Ila Craig. A play "Miss Molly" was presented': by the C.G.I.T..of Benmii- ler,. Those taking part were Donald Arlin, Harold Faegan, Donald, Pfrim- mer, Ina Masked, Dorothy Moore, Phyllis Jewel, Grace. Pfeil -inner, Laura Durst, Norine and Verdun 'Vanstone presented musical numbers between arts. Baptist Church .Annual Meeti:1g The annual congregational meeting •of the Baptist'. Church 'was held on Thursday evening. Early in the even- ing the members sat down to a table of good things and enjoyed the sup- per provided by the ladies. At the eonclttdion, the pastor, Rev. A. E. Silver, called the membersto order and in a few well chosen words, ex- pressed himself as to his: work here during, the summer. He thanked all for their eo-operation and felt. that the £inure would-be a time of blessing if all 'did their 'part. •, He also gave a report on some parts of the As- sociation reecntly attended at Wing- ham. The financial report of the church treasurer and other depart- ments were received and the feeling expressed that the year had closed with exceptionally good standing. Everyone entered cordially into, the election of officers and accepted such reponsibility as came to each. Hearty vote of thanks were extended to the organist and choir•leader, also' janitor and caretakers of the church. It was pleasing to learn of the extensive re- novation which had been carried out at the parsonage, and of the fine ap- pearance it now presents. Our pastor contributed a large part in time and labor in bringing this about. Many phases of church activity were disc cussed .and all look forward to a year of activity and progress both financ- e y inanc-ally and spnrtually. The nreetmng was closed by singing "Blest Be The Tie that Binds" and Mr. George Raithby leading in prayer and Bene- diction. LONDON ROADS A very successful meeting of the tLondon Road Community Club was held at the home of Mrs. N. Man- ning on Thursday lad. Seventeen members, four visitors, and six child- .tea were present. The president, Mrs. Henderson, occupied the chair. The meeting opened by singing "Abide with Me" followed by the Creed. Mrs. Hanly then gave the secretary's •e - port. "Lead Kindly Light" was -sung. Two quilts which had been pieced Isince the last meeting were shown, also knitting and sewing which had Ibeen completed were brought in, oth- er sewing was handed out to be done 'before the next meeting. Mrs. Hanly gave two very interesting readings, also conducted a contest, Mrs. M. Wiltse being the winner. Wonnetta Henderson sang a sola. The meeting closed by singing the National An- them, after which some of the ladies cut flannelette while others enjoyed a social hour together. Mrs. Manning !served'a delicious tea. The November meeting will be held at Mrs. M. Wiltse's home. The roll call will be' answered by "My Maiden Name and Where I Was Born". Mrs. Swinbarsk will be responsible for the program. A quilt will be quilted at the meeting. GREATEST DEMAND YET FOR BOTH NATURAL GAS AND OIL All Wells are being pulled on very heavily, owingto the unprecedented demand, which will increase with the colder weather now here. E, P. Rowe, Toronto petroleum geologist, is harrying preparations for the sinking of a new Well on the Bruotte farm, near Prairie Siding, to be known as Prairie Na. 7 and which Well, it is expected will be completed to the 3300 foot level about the end of this year. Bruotte 4, for the month Aug. 20— Sept. 20., paid last week $12.92 Prairie! 6, about $12.00 on each $400, Bruotte 5 paid $30 on each interest and '- Braette 3's 22nd consecutive monthly dividend cheque will be out today last month's cheque from Braette 3 was $17.60, By the end of the prepenit year, Bru:ette 3, in the two years it has been operating, will have;. returned nearly 100% of the whole capitalization, CONSTAN CI. Constance United Churchanniver- sary services on Sunday last were successful in every way. Rev. Harold Snell of Ethel` conducted the services. He preached two able and impgessive sermons. Music for the occasion was capably rendered by the choir, a solo was sung at the morning service by Mrs. Menzies, in the evening by Mr. James Scott. The attenandce at the James Scott. The attendance at the morning. The free-will offering for the day amounted to 3126. At the fowl supper Tuesday evening about 500 were served. A play "The Man from Nowhere." was presented by the Y.P. of Ebenezer church, which was much enjoyed. The Constance Orchestra selections during the even- ing were much enjoyed. Duets were sung by Mr, Bert Lobb's family of Holmesville, with guitar accompani- ment; a solo was sung by Mr. Jantes Scott accompanied by Miss Helen Britton. The chairman for the even- ing was Rev. Mr. Menzies. With an abundance of fowl for the supper and an excellent program everybody went away well satisfied. Proceeds for Sunday and Tuesday evening amount- ed to 3353.0. Mr. Harvey. Taylor is wearing a broad smile these days, In Clinton Hospital on October 23rd, a daughter, Marilyn Louise. Mr. Maurice Durham, who has been in the West for the past two months returned to his home here on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Walter . Scott spent Sunday at the home of an aunt in Dublin. We are pleased to, learn Mrs. Glid- den who has been under the doctor's care with a bad heart is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs, Glidden and fatuity moved. on Tuesday to Mr. John Mills farm near Walton. • Mr. Clarence Montgomery is visit- ing his mother in Dundalk, who is seriously ill. Seaforth, Ont., Oet. 7, 1939 Mr. H. G. Meir, Barrister, Seaforth, Ontario. Dear Sir: In settling, the controversy: between Mr, Ernest XCnox and myself, I air glad to take this opportunity of rectifying any wrong. which I may have done to him. If any remarks of mine have been interpreted as in- ferring that I have accused Mr. Knox of ,theft of a pulley, I am very sorry. 1 have no• such accusations to make against Mr: Knox and 7 regret any embarrassment or inconvenience I. may have caused hian. You' may pub- lish this letter if you so desire.. ' Yours truly, • WILLIAM LEIPER,, Londesboro, Ontario. NO HELP WANTED Clinton, Ont., Nov. 1st, 1939. Dear Editor: Would you kindly give space in your esteemed Journal to print the following statement. At no time since I have been e member of this Town's Council has any citizen of Clinton or neighbor- hood ever written am suggested to me any motion. that I have moved. To Ithose who really -know me, this state- ment miust 'surely be superfluous, Yours truly, v MORGAN' J. EW. A� N'G PAGE 5 4l;aZ y., 1001.31S ItiliattOppOIIAMIX CHRYSANTHEMUM TIME For several weeks we shall have a good supply, all colors and 38 varieties. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j CHICKEN & FOWL MARKET When your chickens are fattened for market we will be glad to quote you.prices either live oron a dressed basis. Always in the market for fat hens. Our Egg Candling service by ex- perienced candlers will give you the oast -of satisfaction. N. W. TREWARTICA Day Phone 214—Night 328 or 602r5 MARRIAGES BROWN-VANEGMOIND At the On- tario Street Parsonage, on Thurs., Oct. 26th, Hazel VanEgmond and Charles W. Brown of Clinton were . united, in marriage by Rev, G. G. Burton. • McCOWAN-SMITH-At Seaforth; on Saturday, October 28th, June l'g. Smith of Kippen, and Frank M. McCowan of Brucefield were united in marriage by Rev. W.A. Bremner. DEATHS GLAZIER—Suddenly, :in Clinton, on Tuesday, October 31st, Thomas William Glazier, aged 65 years. DIEHL — In Stanley township, on Monday, October 30th, Melinda E. Tindall, beloved wife of Val. M. Diehl, aged' 66 years. SAUNDEERS-In Hullett township, an Thursday, October 26th, Martha Jane Sanderson, widow of the late L. A. Saunders of Blyth, in her 76th year. ALLEN—At her home in Buffalo, 3 Colonial Circle, Mrs. (Dr.) Thomas Gilghrist Allen, Sr., another of Dr. Thomas Gilghrist Allen, Jr., Edwin T. Allen, 3rd, sister of. Mrs. Ed- mund Hurrell-Fry, Fort Erie, Ont,, and the late Mrs. A. 0. Pattison of Clinton, Ont. IN MEMORIAM ANDERSON—In loving memory of Louis A. Anderson, Who died No- vember 4, 1938. "Sleep, dear husband and take your rest, God called you home, He thought 'it best." —Ever remembered by his wife. IN MEMO'-BIAM CRICH—In memory of my loving father, Mr. Iddo Crich, who passed away November 3rd, 1937. A hallowed memory I retain, A heart of love which does not wane, A great desire oft seizes me His voice to hear, his face to see. —Ever . remembered by his only daughter, "Lulu". CARD OF THANKS -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nye wish to express their thanks to their many friends and neighbors of Summerhill for their gift which was greatly ap- preciated, also their .kindnesses dur- ing their stay here. Also many thanks to Dr. Douglas and; Dr. Oakes and Miss Grainger, superintendent of the Hospital and the nurses for their kind attention while under their care. For Rent 7 -roomed stuccoed house. Furnished or unfurnished. Apply News -Record. 60.tf Pullets for Sale Good barred rock pullets for sale. Apply to E'd, Miller, Clinton R. R. 3 or ring 6 on 611, 60-2 For Sale Quebecheater, good as new; anieli electric radio; radio set tester; phono- graph records; one-sixth horsepower motor; grinder, saw and drill outfit; wire; flashlight and various other radio and electrical items. E. E, Mit- tell, Princess street. 60-1 Apples Far Sale Good cider apples, 25c bag at the orchard. Other, varieties of No. 1 apples, hand-picked from sprayed trees. Percy Gibbings, R.R. 1 Clinton. Phone 641r32, 59-2 For Sale Comfortable two storey house, cor- ner Dunlop and Isaac streets. ,Apply Mrs. John McKinley, Clinton. MEN WANTED You'll like being. a Familex Man., Earn easy money in a district pre- viously covered, selling the best line of daily necessities on the market. For further information and FREE CATALOGUE:. FAMILEX,570 St. Clement, MONTREAL. 60-1 Notice The . annual meeting of the Clinton Hospital Association has been post- poned until February 6th next as Regulations tinder. The Public Hos- pital Act made by Order in Council, datedOctober ,20th, 1939, has changed n ed the end of the fiscal year from Sept, 80Th to December 31St. 59-2 BOXY THEATRE Clinton.Goderich CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE KA 0 seafoeth NOW PLAYING: Daus Sheridan. in "WINTER CARNIVAL" NOW PLAYING: Gene Autry in "COLORADO SUNSET" NOW PLAYING: Gene Autry in "IN OLD MONTEREY" Mon..Tues., Wed. A laugh at Life—A leak at novo and, a heart -deep thrill for you Ginger ROGERS & David. NIVEN in "BACHELOR MOTHER" Mon., Tues., Wed. Bing CROSBY -Joan BLONDELL and Mischa Auer in "East Side of Heaven" A crooning cab driver sings his way into trouble when he becomes a stepfather b popular request. P Y, Mon., Tues., Wed. Charles BOYEIt & Irene DUNNE portray in grand style a picture •�� bht will become a mom't'y "LOVE 'AFFAIR Thurs., :Fri., Sat.—Double Feature Charles Ruggles and Ona Munson with Stepin Fetchit and a fun cast. in "His Exciting Night" John Wayne — Ray .Corrigan and Max Terhune present a thrilling outdoor adventure tale "Red River Ringo :' Thurs., Fri. & Sat. GENE AUTRY—Smiley Burnette and June Story put some new' twists' into their brightest and most entertaining hit ,.COLORADO"' UN SET" Thurs., Fri., Sat. ROY ROGERS—MARY HART and GEORGE' HAYES in a grand western action drama. cc " SOUTHWARD HO 2 Coming; Ginger Rogers in "BACHELOR MOTHER" Coming: "FOUR FEATHERS" in Technicolor Comiwn:N GeneOLD AMutryONTEinREY" "I iMat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. Mat.: Wed., Sat. & Holidays 3 p.m. Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. Bartliff's. IS THE PLACE TO BUY ICE CREAM CONES CHOCOLATE BARS GUM PEANUTS (Freshly Roasted) POTATO CHIPS COUGH CANDIES CHOCOLATES, AFTHRDINNER MINTS BRIDGE CANDY and QUALITY BAKED GOODS. BARTLIFF'S "The Home of Good Eats and Quality Baking" Phone a. Clinton. Notice I will be butchering as usual dur- ing the winter months, beginning November 1st. Ernest Brown, Clin- ton. Phone 19W. 60-1 NOTICE We are Authorized Agents for Allis Chalmers Rumely Ltd. for South Huron. If contemplating purchase of Tractor, get in touch with us. We can give you a real deal. These Tractors as to initial cost and operating econ- omy are leaders in their field, John' H. Hyde. Howard W. Hyde, phone 86r14 Hensail. (Also Used Tractors). 58-1 CLAYTON STEEPER & His Canadian Cowboys with The JOHNSTON SISTERS, Prize winners of the famous Ken Soble's Amateur Hour AT THE OLD TIME DANCE Ki ,►?' FRIDAY, NOV. 3 ADMISSION 35c • APPLICATIONS For the Position of MANAGER and MATRON For The HURON COUNTY HOME CLINTON. Will be received up to and including November 10th, 1939. J. M. ROBERTS, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. 60-1 BAZAAR to be held in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON Saturday, Nov. 4th Under the Auspices of the W.A. and W.M.S. of Hohnesviile United Church Fancy Work—Home-Made Baking and Candy Booths. AFTERNOON TEA: Pressed chicken, Salads, Bread & Butter & Tea 15c. (Pie and Cake 'Extra). P1111 NEXT MEETING' OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL will be held in the Council Chambers, COURT HOUSE, GODERICH Commencing TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2lst 1939 at 2 p.m. All Accounts, Notices of Deputations, Applications and other business re- quiring attenbiona of council should be in the hands of the clerk by Nov. 11. J. M. ROBERTS,' County Clerk, i Goderich, Ont. 60.2 CLERK'S NOTICE of First Posting of Voters' List Voters' Lists, 1939, Municipality of Clinton, County of Huron. NOTICE is . hereby given that T have complied with section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up in my office at Clinton, on the 31st day of October, 1939, the dist of all persona entitled to vote in. the said Municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection,. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceeding's to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, the last day for appeal being the 21st day of Novem- ber 1939. DATED at Clinton this 31st day of October 1939. R. E. MANNING, Clerk of''the Town of Clinton. CANDY TALK Depend on our Home -Made Candy for "Freshness" and Purity. SPECIAL DO -NUTS "SCONES" BUNS & ROLLS For Every Occasion Wendorfs A GOOD PLACE FOR "GOODIES" MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument . Get my prices before. buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & . GRANITE W,ORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Bali & Zapfe 59 tf FOR. SALE Well -Equipped Wood -Working Shop on Albert Street. Including Motors, Ten Machines, Stock and Tools. — also One and one-half storey HOUSE on Shipley Street, containing 8 rooms furnished or unfurnished. T. R. WIGGINTON 55tf. ° Far Sale Electric Washing Machine. Price $10.00. Apply to J. Plumtree. 58 tf For Sale Seven -roomed house, modern con- veniences, good garden, Write Box 355, Clinton P.O. 59-2 TIME TO PLANT TULIPS—HYACINTHS—CROCUS and SPRING FLOWERING BULBS. PAPER -WHITE NARCISSUS 40e per doz. Try some of the early Double Sweet Scented Tulips— 50c a doz. WINTER BOUQUETS 25c (1Vlixed Remy -flowers and Statice) Clifford H. Epps Phone 264 58 tf Clearing Auction Sale of FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS at Lot 9, Con. 11, Stanley Twp. 414 miles north of Zurich on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: HORSES: 1 good Clyde; 8 yrs. old filly,. broken; general purpose mare, 10 yrs. old; aged work horsy. CATTLE: Grey cow, 8 yr, old, due Mar. 14th; red crow, 6 • yr. old, due May 12th; red cow, 5 yr. old, due April 23; black cow, due Mar, 18; spotted cow, due May 14; spotted cow due May 29; white cow, due May 2; red cow, milking; red cow, 4 yr. old, milking; 7 calves. 5 doz. White Leghorn hone. IMPLEMENTS: M.-11. binder, '7 ft.; Deering mower, 6 ft.; M. -H. drill, 13 hoe; M. -HI. hay rake; M. -H. bean puller; M. -H. spicing-tootlt cultivator; 3 drum steel land roller; National gang plow; walking plow; Diamond :harrows; wagon with box and shely- ing; wagon -box with. stack rack; hay reek; bob eleigahs; cutter; buggy; fan - acing twill; set team harness, almost new; set plow harness; galvanized: water tank; big rope and pulleys; set sling ropes;. ladders; grindstone; stonieboaat; whiffle trees; forks; shovels;' Renfrew cream separator, nearly new; washing machine and wringer; kitchen table; small table; stands; kitchen chairs; bedstead; Isprings, mattress; milk pails; sealers', lamps; Saskatchewan robe; quilts and numerous other articles. 900 bus. oats and barley; 1 acre corn BURGERS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) PALMER'S Tailor Shop During the winter months starting. Nov. lot, our hours of business will be from 9 A.M. tilt 9 P.M. except Tuesday 6 P.m. ALBERT PALMER Isaac St,, Clutton, Community Auction Sale at Dick Hotel Stables Seaforth Friday, November 3rd 35 head choice stockers, ranging from 400 to 800 lbs.; 85 pigs, weanlings to 125 lbs.; poultry; potatoes; furniture and other items. Bring anything you have to sell Rates are reasonable. HOMER HUNT, Manager. Phone Seaforth 228r12 GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer, 57 tf 2p STRATFORD-GODERICH COACH LINES FALL AND WINTER TIME TABLE Leave Clinton for Strattord— Daily 8.25 AM. & 5.10 P.M. Leave Clinton for Goderich— Daily except Suns. & Holidays, 1.45 P.M. & 8.30 P.M. Sundays & Holidays, 1.45 P.M. & 10.40 P.M. Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock. BARTLIFF'S, Local Agents, Phone 1 To Rent Six -roomed cottage on Rattenbury street. Furnace, bath, wired for ,electric stove. Apply to Mrs. Farn- ham. 50 tf-Ip Wanted to Buy Old horses and dead cattle. Must be suitable for mink feed, removed promptly. Fred Gilbert, Phone 608r22 Clinton central. 34-tf. For Sale Comfortable house, situated at the east end of Ontario street. If not sold, will rent to responsible tenant. Apply L. Peacock, Phone 686r16. 58-tf Apples Spayed apples for sale. Spies, Kings, Russets, Tolman Sweets, 'Bald- win and Greenings. Phone 622r24, Fred MsClymont, Varna. 55-7 For Sale or Rent Seven -room frame house on Prin- cess street. For information write or call this office. 57-t2 e Feeds 1100 CONCENTRATE. POULTRY CONCENTRATE. COMPLETE 19% EGG MASH. Free Choice Laying Mash, O.A.C. Pig Weaning and Starting Mash. COMPLETE HOG GROWER. A Full Lute of Roc Feeds Sold By Ho CHARLESWORTH 59 tf. Heater For Sale Quebec heater, large size. Good as new and may be seen at any time. !Apply Henry Corey. Phone 607r32. 58-E A. Portable electric Singer Sewing' For Sale Machine, In A.-1 shape. Apply News - Record. 58 tH. in steak, TERMS—CASH Everything to be sold as proprietor has sold his farm. GEO. H.' ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. TH S. ROBINSON Protrie t ar 9-2 IN anted OId horses or cattle for mink feed; if dead phone at once. Will pay ae- cording to value. Ebner Trick, phone 607r5, or Lloyd Batkins, 619r14. 84 t,f-.e-oetve House for Sale A most desirable '7 -roomed house. in good locality. A few minutes walla from the Collegiate. Electric light and water, large lot with some fruit trees. Apply New -Record Office. Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coats and Dresseli DRY CLEANING AND REP.AIRINQ W. LTAGO, TAILOR If not open wont may belea al, Hesrd's Barber Shop, ,