HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-10-05, Page 5'TIIURS., `OCT. , 5, 199 efsegeseel egegeerellegeg glegge 10.0 TOR V al o. Vo*te4fr RE&SoNS FARMERS needing money to finance improvements which good business judgment approves, are invited to consult with our near- est branch manager. The Bank of Montreal recognizes the need of farmers to keep their properties from becoming run- down and their equipment from becoming obsolete. Borrowing to keep your farm in good working condition should be profitable; it is a constructive use of credit. • • • Our local branch managers' are familiar with the needs of farmers in each locality. They welcome applications for loans having a constructive purpose. BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1812 \lyq Sank ateite &mail accusal/1 c. weAvime" Clinton Branch: H. M..MONTEIrkle Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and Thursday 9TA AUBURN with pink and white decorations and the house was decorated with autumn • Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Cummings and flowers. Mr, and Mrs. Snell will re, 1VIr, and Mrs. Leslie Cummings of side on the fourth, concession of East Chicago, Ili., visited for a few days Wawanosh. • with Mrs. W. C. Robertson and Miss E, Elkin. Mrs. Win. Cummings was formerly Emma Elkin, sister of Mrs. Robertson and Miss Elkin, Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Medd, Don- ald and Stephanie of Woodstock and the age of 82. The deeased was the Mrs, John Medd spent Sunday with son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mr. James Medd. Riddell and was born on a farm 2r/s Private Wni, Thompson, Jr., of the miles east of Londesboro. He left Hussars Tank Corps, London, spent here 59 years ago to make his home the weekend with his parents, Mr. and in the West. He is survived by his wife, formerly Selina Eddy of Lon- desboro and family; also 2 sisters, Mrs. Stevan of Adamam Sask.,, Mrs. Cunningham of Glencoe; 3 brothers, W. T. Riddell of Auburn; R. C. Ric - dell of Pilot Mound, Man., and H. G. Riddell of Lulton, Sask. Three brothers and three sisters have pre- deceased him. The funeral was held from his residence on Tuesday, W.M.S. Thankoffering The W,M.S. of Knox United church held their autumn thankoffering Tums of Toronto as guest speaker. meeting in the church basement on Special music will be rendered by the Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. 0. Straugh- choir. Services at 10.30 din. and eel was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. 7.30 pen. A. J. Ferguson read the scripture. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hunkings of The heralds were given by the fol - Detroit are visiting; relatives here, lowing ladies: Mrs. 0. E. Erratt on Mr. Wm. H. Anderson, Oliver and Temperance; Mrs. Herb. Mogridge on Dorothy Anderson are visiting Mr, China; Mis. W, H. Sheppard on Anderson's son, Mr. Thomas Ander- Christian Stewardship, . Miss Sadie son, and Mrs. Anderson of Sturgeon Carter and Vivian Steaughan favored Ttrver. with a duet and Mrs. Harry Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Rory Mackenzie of sang a solo. The guest speaker was Lochalsh spent Sunday with Mrs, A. Mrs, R. M. Weeks whose message Robb. was on "Thanksgiving and Thankof- Thomas Lawlor was brought home Tering." At this meeting Mrs. Herb. Monday from Goderich hospital after Mogridge was appointed delegated ,being, a patient there for over a the sectional meeting at Bayfield on week, the result of a car accident. October 21st. Well -attended services made the Kitchen—Robertson spirit of Thanksgiving very evident A pretty autumn wedding was 'at the Harvest Home Services at St. solemnized at Knox United Church Marks. Anglican Church on Sunday. on Tuesday morning when Rev. H. C. At ,the morning service, Rev. R. M. Wilson united in marriage Isobel 'Weekes Breached from the text Helen Robertson, only daughter of Malachi. A quartette consisting of Mr, and Mrs, J, J. Robertson of Co - Mils Bettye Asquith, Mrs. R. M- borne township, to Harold B. Kitchen 'Weelees, Mrs. Alfred . Nesbit and of Blenheim, son of Mrs. Kitchen and Mary Nesbit sang. At the evening the late A. E. Kitchen of Strathroy. service, Rev. A. H. O'Neil of Clinton The bride who was given in marriage preached on "Ploughmen for the by her father wore a Persian Iris Kingdom of God", using as his tem, suit with' black accessories and. silver Luke 9t62. The Blyth Choir was fox collar and wore a corsage oe present at the evening service and orchids and lily-of-theevalley. The rendered an anthem, Master Lionel bride was attended by Miss Josephine Gallagher of Windham sang a solo Weir of Auburn who chose a gown of at this service. Larkspur blue wool crepe with bur. Snell -Cook; bundy accessories with a corsage of A lovely autumn wedding took Talisman roses. The bridegroom was attended by Mr, piece quietly at the United Church Bev. Jay of Ottawa. [Parsonage, Auburn; on Saturday, The tivedding musie was played by September 30th at four- o'clock, when Miss Helen Shaw of Blyth. Following rho ceremony a wedding breakfast Rev, H. C. Wilson united in marriage Death of James, Riddell Mr. W. T. Riddell received the sad news on Sunday of the death of his brother, Jaynes Riddell, who passed away at .,his home in Winnipeg' at Mrs. Wm. Thompson. Miesi Mildred Scott of Stratford, and Miss Grace Scott of Port Dover, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 3. Scott, Mr. and Mrs, John Finlayson, Mr. and Mrs. John Sclater and Marion and Miss Hattie Murray, all of Sea- forth, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Lawson: .Anniversary services will be held tbie Sunday, Oetober 8th in Knox United Church with Rev. G. A. Wil - was served at the bride's house, Fee.. Mr, and Mts. Walter Cook of ,the lowing a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs: fourth concession of East Wawanosh, Kitchen will reside In Blenheim. to Alvin Edmunds, second son of Mr., end Mrs. Gordon Snell of East Wa-, kr,ONSTivi,l�lr'1i wanosh: The bride were a street length dress of Victorian wool crepe Mrs. Ernest Adams, Kelso and in French plum shade, with wine ac- ' Donelda spent Saturday in London. cessories and shoulder corsage of Mr. and Mis. Pete P.apineau of white carnations with fern and silver 'Strathroy are spending a few days ribbon.She was attended by her with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Clark, Mr. cousin, Miss Mary Kechnie of Blyth and Mrs. Papineau attended the fun - who, was dressed in moss green with eral of Mrs. Papineatt's sister, Mrs, xuit accessories and wore a shoulder Sam Pollard of Blyth. corsage of pink carnations. The Mrs.. Robert Lawson is spendinga bridegroom was attended by his few days with her son and daughter, brother, Mr, Ernest Snell. After the Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lawson. wedding immediate relatives and Miss Jean Webster of the Clinton friends • gathered at the bride's home Public School staff spent the week - for a reception, The wedding dinner end 'with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson. was served by. Miss Anna McDowell,' Mr, and Mrs. Walter Scott and Mr. Mrs.' Douglas'.Campbell and :Mrs, E, and Mrs. Lorne Lawson attended the. McKnight. The tables looked lovely Teeswater Fair on Wednesday. BIRTHS DIEHD—In Clinton hospital, on Sat- urday, September 30th to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Diehl of Goderich township—a daughter. McKAY—In Clinton hospital, on Sat- urday, September 30th to Mr. And Mrs. Fergus McKay—a daughter. ADAMS — In Clinton hospital, on Saturday, September 30th to Mr. and Mrs. 3. Adams—a son. BROWN' — In Clinton hospital, on Sunday, October lst 'to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Brown—a son, DEVEREAUX—In Clinton hospital, on Tuesday, October 3rd to Mr, and Mrs, August Devereaux of Auburn ---twin daughters. MARRIAGES CARTER -FINCH --At the Ontario Street Church Manse, on Wednes- day, October 4th Olive Mae Finch of Clinton and Clive i3rilliant Car- ter of Seaforth were united in mar- riage by Rev. G. 0. Burton. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs, Roe- DEATHS oy [DEATHS McI{AY—In Egmondville, on Sunday years old; brown agricultural mare, October lst, Robert McKay, form- 0 years old; aged team agricultural Tnares, CATTLE—Roan cow, 4 yr. old due to freshen Feb. 27; Durham cow, 6 yr. old, due May 26; Durham cow, 5 yr. old, due May 3; 2 Holstein cows, due June 6; Holstein heifer, 3 yr. old, due April 20; Holstein heifer, 4 yr. old, due May 12; Holstein cow, 7 yr. old, due May 18; 11 head of steers and heifers rising 2 yr. old; '7 goringcalves, POULTRY -100 White Leghorn hese, 1 yr. old, IMPLEMENTS—M.-H. binder, 7 ft. cut; M. -H. mower, 6 fut cut; M, -H, bowl harvester; Frost & Wood drill;; two set disc harrows; steel roller; spring -tooth •cultivator; -set of diam- ond harrows; Fleury walking plow; Coekshutt walking plow, nearly new; wagon; wagon rack; gravel box; set of Gurney scales; fainting mill; bagger; horse rake; steel -tire buggy; Portland cutter; set of Manitoba bob sleighs; 1929 Chrysler Sedan in good running order; De. Laval meant sep- aretor, 500 lb. cap,; wheel barrow; good ladder; block & tackle; grind stone; mailbox; bag tracks; waffler; quantity of good hay and bean straw; quantity of wood and lumber; set or slings, pulleys; about 2500 second- hand brick; 2 set double harness; set of single harness; set of bells; pair. horse blankets; several extra collars; oak barrel; 600 bus. of oats; 400 bus, mixed grain; forks, chains, whipple- trees and numerous other articles. TEEMS—CASH Everything to be settled for before being reproved from. the premises. Strangers paying by cheque will be requested to present marked cheque or be identified. At the swine time and place the ;Farm which consists 'of 103 acres of choice land will be offered for sake subject to reserve bid. This is a most desirable property with new modern brick house and practically; a new barn. 12 acres of hardwood bush, an abundance of water. 8 acres of fall wheat, about 15 acres plowed, 2 acres of young orchard set out: with apples, plums, cherries, .primes and other small fruit, Also lot 31, which con- sists of 100 acres, more, or less, with frame barn, with an abundance of water and shade, suitable for grain or grazing, with 8 acres of fall wheat and 15 acres plowed will be offered for sale subject' to reserve bid. TERMS on property, made known on clay of sale. MISS MABEL RATHWELL, Prop. GEO. II. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 56-2 THE CLINTON French &" Dutch BULBS NEWS -RECORD imunimminimml 1 PAGE 5 THOUSANDS OF THEM NARCISSUS Paperwhite and Yellow. Polyanthus NARCISSUS Several striking colors. DAFFODILS 4 Varieties. The Giant Blooming kind. HYACINTHS 5 Celars. Special bulbs for early flowering. TULIPS Double — 5 Varieties. Single Early — 8 Varieties. Darwins 6 Varieties. JONQUILS The large flowering kind. Crocus & Graper Hyacinths Dutch & Spanish IRIS. The 'best growers in the Dominion say: "Plant at once for sure results both for inside growing and out- side bedding. We shall have a good stock of these specialy selected bulbs for two weeks only, after that all surplus stock will be planted. Any advice or help you may require regarding cul- ture will be gladly given. C. V. Cooke FLORIST CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion Phones: 06w and 66j CHICKEN & FOWL MARKET • When your Chickens are fattened for market we will be glad to quote you prices either live or on a dressed basis. Always in the market for fat hens. Our Egg Candling service by ex- perienced candlers will give you the oast of satisfaction, N. W. TR.>WARTHA" Day Phone 214—Night 328 or 602r5 For Sale 1928 Plymouth Sedan, in first-class shape. Apply to John Plumtree, 56-1p Clearing Auction Sale of Farm, Farm Stock and Implements, Ray, Grain, etc. at Lot 26, Bayfield Line, Goderich Township, 114 miles north, of Varna, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18th at 12.30 sharp, consisting of HORSES—Grey agricultural horse 6 er Warden of Huron County. LINDSAY—In Goderich, on Sunday, October 1st Benjamin Lindsay, for- merly of Goderich township in his 52nd year. WALDRON---In Toronto on Wednes- day, October 4th, Gordon Waldron ICC., heather of Miss Eliza and Mr. Byron Waldron cif Brucefieid, in his 76th year, Little Locals Employees at the, Wearweil Hos- iery this week received a five percent wage increase. All employees are working full time and production is at its peak. Strawberries rind raspberries are still being picked. On Sunday Mr. Norman Livermore picked enough for supper. Raspberries were picked by Albert' Palmer. An exhibit from Clinton attracted much attention at Teeswater Fair this week. The display was arranged by the Epps Sport Shop, featuring sporting goods and other lines ear- riod by then,. The shield won by the Clinton Rifle Club has been returned to the Do- minion Marksmen's Association for competition after being retained by the local club for one year. Members of the Clinton Club intend to come Pete again this year (probably this month). Anyone interested in be- coming a . member should report at the rifle range in the Epps Trans- port Building. Cattle For Sale * 12 two yr, olds; 12 one yr. olds; 2 cows, due Nov.; 3 cow's, clue Jan.; 3 cows, milking, due itt the spring, Arnold Dale, 3 miles north of Clin- ton. 56-2 Reserve This Date The Ladies of Brumfield Church will serve their Annual Hot Fowl Supper on the evening. of October 26th,' followed by a movie of the Royal Tour Pictures. 56-1 Men Wanted Be a local or rural F AMILE,X DEALER:. Wonderful chance to melee big cash •profits! Everybody must buy the 200 guaranteed neces- sities that you handle. Weekly prof- its grow as you expand your protect- ed rotate of regular use's. Once n buyer always a customer, ENJOY ALL THE PROFITS TO BE MADE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. Write for FREE DETAILS and CATAL- OGUE; FAMILEX, 570 St. Clement, MONTREAL. -56-1 ROXY THEATRE Clinton. CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich REGENT THEATRE 5eafatth NOW: Adolphe Menjeu & Dolores p Costello in "KING Of The TURF" NOW: Gene Aut to MIIXTCALI ROSE' NOW: Laurence Olivier in "CLOUDS OVER EUROPE" Mon,, Tues., Wed, cc „ "Good Girls Go To Paris A pretty waitress from Minnesota with a yen, to go to Paris, solves her problem by lining up fora boy friends to take her ,there Joan BONDELI.—Melvyn Douglas and Walter Connolly Mon., :Pres,; ,Wed. LOUIS HAYWARD i Joan Bennett & Warren William presont the /engrossing semi -hist - rom e pen ortcalof Alexandermelodrama f :40"s "THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK" Mon.. Tues., Wed. "LOVE AFFAIR" xeatu .angtieaallgy excite socomedy t headed by, Charles BOYER' & Irene DUNNIE Thurs., Fri., Sat. CONSTANCE BENNETT and ROLAND YOUNG Continue the hilarious adventures of Tepper and .his ghost companion "Topper Takes A Trip„ Thurs Fri., Sart. "GUNGA DEIN" A brilliant drama of British milit- ary adventure in Northern India. Cary GRANT, Victor McLAGLEN Doug. Fairbanks Jr. & Sam Jaffe Thurs., Fri. & Sat. ADOLPHE MENJOU and DOLORES COSTELLO eo-starred in a great fattier and son story with. a race trach background. "KING OF THE TURF” Coming: Constance Bennett, Rol- and Young and Billie Burke in TOPPER TABES A TRIP" Corning: Rudyard ICipling's GUNGA DIN" Centistg: Bette Davis in "DARK VICTORY" Mat": Sat: and Holidays at 3 p.m. Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. 1111111191161911119111111 , Mat.: Wed., Sat. & Holidays 3 Pm. SATURDAY SPECIALS X PECAN ROLLS X BUTTER HORNS X PUMPKIN PIE X TEA BISCUIT'S X SUNSHINE DOUGHNUTS We mean it when we say they're Fresh, Delicious. A trial purchase will con- vince you. BARTLIFF'S Phone L Clinton. FOR. SALE Well -Equipped Need -Working Shop en Albert Street. Including Motors, Ten Machines, Stock and Tools. — also -- One One and one-half storey HOUSE on Shipley Street, containing 8 rooms furnished or unfurnished. T. R. WIGGINTON 5511. Royal Tour Pictures Showing Their Majesties from the time they left Buckingham Palace until their return house. The film will be shown in Brumfield United Church, Thursday, October 26th. , ., 56-1 Notice Cars painted and simonized. Fur- niture refinished. Alt work carefully and economically attended to, Save and proteet your investment. See Edward Grealis, Huron street. 56-2 Presbyterian Church The October meeting of the Pres- byterian Girls Club will be held on I whips Wednesday, Oct. 11th at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Peddie. A full We have just received our shipment attendance is requested, of TULIP BULBS, Cow For Sale also PAPER -WHITE NARCISSUS, Also a cream separator, in good DAFFODILS and HYACINTHS, • shape; root pulper in good shape; 25 Tulips are from 35e a dozen up. bags of potatoes. James Levy, 66 n' WINTER BOUQUETS 25c ton. (Mixed Strawflowers and Staticee Candy Talk COOL WEATHER REMINDS US OF GOOD CANDY — CANDY THAT IS' IN A'CLA'SS BY ITSELF' "HOME- MADE" CANDIES WITH TRUE PURE INGREDIENTS. CANE SUGAR, MILK CHOCOLATE FINEST NUTS, FRUITS and RICH FRESH CREAM. Weekend Specials NUTS— CREAM FUDGE WITH FRUIT SNOWBALLSANCRD ` VANILLA EAM MILE CHOCOLATE and COCOANUT. Peanut Krisp SELECTED PEANUTS—IN A PURE CRUNCHY TAFFY. USUAL PASTRY SPECIALS • Wendorf's A GOOD PLACE FOR "GOODIES" MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument . . Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton Ontario Successor to Bali & Zapfe 40tf Young Hens Dressed to 4 lbs. 14c lb. E. L.:Mitten PHONE 213 For Sate Leicester rant lambs, government graded. Apply C. Lawson, R. R, 2, Bayfield, Phone 25-600 between 8 and 10 p.m. , 56-2p Clifford H. Epps Phone 264 54-1 BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) n Men Wanted TO KNOW THAT SUIT'S'HAVE) ALREADY GONE UP 10 PER CENT. WHY NOT HAVE YOUR OLD CLOTHES FIXED. WE KNOW HOW. ALBERT PALMER Isaac St., Clinton. WE ARE PREPARED TO GIVE Expert Repair Service ON. ALL MAKES OF BATTERY AND . ELECTRIC RADIOS .FOR FIRST CLASS SERVICE PHONE 213 MITTELL'S RADIO & ELECTRIC SERVICE OTIC OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDIT'i IONS WE ARE DISCONTINUING OUR COUPON SYSTEM AT ONCE Coupons will be honoured until Saturday, October 146, 1939 MUTCH CH KOS 55.2 STRATFORD-GODERICH COACH LINES SUMMER TIME TABLE Leave Clinton for Stratford— Daily 8.25 A.M. & 5.10 P.M. Leave Clinton for Goderich— Daily except Suns. & Holidays, 1.45 P.M. & 8.30 P.M. Sundays & Holidays, 1.45 P.M. & 10.40 P.M. Connection at -Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock. BARTLIFF'S, Local Agents, Phone 1 To Rent Six -roomed cottage on Battenbury street, Furnace, bath, wired for electric stove. Apply to Mrs. Farm, ham, 50 'if -Ip Spirella Foundation Garments Wanted to Buy Mrs. J. Silcock, Coisetiere House Wanted ' OId horses and dead cattle. Must Clinton. 54-4 Wanted to purchase reasonably, for - be suitable for mint: feed, removed cash, a small, well-equipped dwelling, Apples promptly. Fred Gilbert, Phone, 608x22 good location, suitable for small fang Sprayed apples for sale, Spies, Clinton central. 84-tf. ily. Apply P. 0. Box 129, Clinton. Kings, Russets, Tolman Sweets, Bald - 56 -1p win and Greenings. Phone 622124, AUCTION SALE House For Rent Fred McOlyinont, Varna, 55=4 of Comfortable house on Albert street. Furniture and Household Effects Town lights and water. Immediate Clearing Auction Sale on possession. Apply to Albert Morels, of — FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th at 1.30 p.rn R. R. 1 Londesboro. 56tf FAR3I STOCK, IMPLEMENTS etc., Corner Fulton and Dunlop Streets, Duplex For .Rent at Lot 9, Con. 11, Hullett Township, CLINTON. Good sized duplex with all modern 4 miles east of Londesbare, on Property of Miss B. Watt and WEDNESDAY,conveniences. Redecorated through- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER llth W. G. Cook. out, Immediate possession if desireat 1 o'clock sharp. GEO, H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer ed. Apply etod Charles Brown, Clinton, CATTLE—Roan cow, 3 yrs., due to • • 55-2 eon, freshen in October; red cow, 3 yrs., due to freshen April 25; red heifer, • 2 yrs., due to freshen April 22; roan CLEARING AUCTION SALETuesday, October 10th at 1.80 pan. cow, due in January; black cow, 3 ' of — yrs., milking good, not bred;4 polled 26 Bead, all ages. For catalogue FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS Angus steers rising 2 yr, old; calf, 2 write Clifford H. Keys, proprietor, at Lot 22; Con. 5, Mullett Township, months, Varna. on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12thr• HORSES: Aged team of horses. Reserve the Date at 1.30 sharp consisting of the IMPLEMENTS—M.-H. binder, 6 ft. The W. A. of Wesley -Willis will following: cut; 111-H. mower, 63 ft. cat; M:H. hold a COUNTRY FAIR in the As- HORSES—Pereheron horse, 8 yx': Old, manure spreader; M, -H, side delivery semblyHall of their Cluiro t 1700 lbs.; Clyde horse, 8 yr, old, 1400 rake; Frost & Wood hay loader; hay urday, October. 28th. Watch for w= lbs.; aged horse. rake; 16 foot Tnovable rack; cultivat- titer announcement. 53-1 fresh, Durham'ham cow; G yr, oM, or, steel roller; set diamond harrows; , _.,_, . heifer, 3 yr. old, due steel stone boat; Bain. -wagon & box; f Poultry Wanted in Oct,; black cow, 9 yr, old,' due in steel -tire buggy; cutter; walking! Wanted to purchase White Leghorn Jan.; Durham cow, 8 yr, old due in plow; 'Oliver riding plow; set team.and Barred Rocic Pullets. Sena full Mar.; 2 Durham cows, 6 yr. old, due harness; Web fence stretcher; De particulars and number for sale. Sam in Mat„ Holstein .cow, due in Mar,; Laval cream separator, 500' lb. cap.; Pattison, Fergus, Ont, 54-4 Durham farrow cow, 6 yr. old, milk- fanning mill; grain. grader 500 bus., - ing good; 4 Durham steers, 3 yr, old; oats; about 20 tons of hay; Finlay Farm For Sale 2 Durham: steers, 2 yr. old; 8 spring• r nearly new; 3 -burner Coleman 80 notes, 4th concession, Goderich gage, n Y t , new;township;creek; bush suitable for calves. coal oil stove, nearly good set ' IMPLEMENTS — Farm wagon and of dishes 88' pieces quantityo• cher farming. or grazing; reasonable pxiee, box; set sleighs with platform; 1 f o Mrs. H. L. Salkeld, Goderich, 64-3 household effects forks, - chains, side -delivery rake; hay loader (Mc whiffletrees and numerous other art- For Sale or Rent Cormick); fanning mill; De Laval teles. Everything to: lee sold without 100 acre farm Lot 12 Can, i8 cream separator, 500 lb. dap„ 160 reserve as: proprietor has sold Iite Hulett: Possession• iven at once if egg incubator;,' Quebec cook stove; farm. g coal base burner. Numerous other required. F'or particulars apply to TERMS—CASH John le McIntosh, Clinton. 58-& articles, Everything to be settled for on day Everything to be sold as proprietor of sale, except the oats, strangers. is in failing health. ;paying by cheque will have to present TERMS—OASIT marked cheque or be identified. OWEN REYNOLDS, Proprietor. ' J.O H JENKINS Pro rietor.. II p Scotch Shorthorn Sale At Elmandorph Stock Farm, on. GEO. IL ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. 107r5, or Lloyd Batltins, d19r14, 56-2 r 55-2 84 tf .e-o�� ` a Wanted Old horses or cattle for mink feed;. if dead phone at once. Will pay an. - girding to value, Elsner Trick, phone: 54-3