HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-10-05, Page 1The News -Record Est. 1878
With . Which is Incorporated . The Clinton New Era
NO. 5956. -60th YEAR
Inexpensive Gifts for the
Autumn Bride
Jr We have a splendid selection of articles
suitable for that wedding.
In Silverware, Clocks, Glass
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We are doing this to introduce the New 1940
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Just bring in your old razor and we will allow you
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On Display in Our Window.
Remember WATCH REPAIR is a job ,for experts.
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II"Counter's for Finer Jewellery for ,over Half a y ' on County
— Cientllr ' I11 " Ur
The New Era Est. 1867
GOOD! ATTENDANCE AT C. C. I. Winners at Huron-
BAYFIELD FAIR County Track Meet
The Clinton Collegiate, by obtain -
Exhibits Good in All Classes ing 144 points ee the annual Huron
n track meet last Frtda were
Cau tY y, a
the McMillan
t'he n winners of M n
The weatherman sunned on the n x
directors of Bayfield Fair last week: i given each year to the school winning
and. Wednesday and Thursday
the mas
t points. Senor
one.af the biggest crowds at the e'ar ion. Was Jack Tailor and Jean. Fair -
at Bayfield for the annual fair. ES -service senior girk champion, both of
sties local collegiate. The meet was
hibits in every class were good and ,held at Seafoxth with students par-
spectators followed with, interest the i ticipatirtg from Clinton, Goderich,
judging of the various exhibits. The
handiwork of the ladies was Hensall, Exeter, Seaforth, Mitchell.
as usual
r that of former years. A partial list of the winners from
well up to Poultry exhibits also were good.and Clinton of various events follows:
in every livestock class competition Senior Boys First in Running
was keen. The list of prizewinners 1 Broad Jump, Hop ,Step and Jurnp,
follows: mei Jump, 440 yd. dash, shot put
and half -mile relay, J. • Thdor. Second
in 100 yd. dash and Hop Step. and
Jump, J. Hawkins.
Intermediate Boys 1st in High
Jump, D. Hanley;' 2nd in 100 yd.
dash, A. Shaddick; Srcl in high jump,
220 dash, 440 dash, A. Shaddick.
Junior -Boys-High Jump,' L. Pul-
ford 2nd, K. Tyndall 3rd; Half -mile,
W. Carter. 2nd, 0; Clayton 3rd; run-
ing broad jump, K. Tyndall 2nd; Hop
Step and Jump, L. Fulford 2nd; 220
dash, L. Fulford 2nd•; Half -mile re-
lay, Clinton lst.
Senior Girls — 100 yd. and 75 yd.
dash, high jump, J. Fairse%vice, all
1st; • target throw, Helen Shaw 2nd;
high jump,, V. Hoggart 3rd; softball
throw, R. Carter 3rd; Relay, Clinton
2nd; running broad jump, V. Hog-
gart 2ncl.
Junior Girls—High jump and targ-
et throw, B. McEwan 1st; 75 yd.
dash, B. McEwan 2nd; broad jump,
J. Cuninghame 2nd; 75 yd. dash, bas-
ketball throw, broad jump, high jump
and saftbail throw, J. McDougall 3rd;
relay race, Clinton lst.
Wagon•Class—Brood mare, E. Fos-
ter; foal, W. M. Decker, Mrs. Jacobs;
gelding or filly two years old, E. Fos-
Percheron or Belgian—Brood mare,
W. Clark, E. Foster; two-year-old, C.
Campbell, K. Merner; foal, W. G.
Clark, E. Foster.
Agricultural—Brood mare, N. Keys
& Son, H. Turner & Son; foal, M.
Turner & Son, N. Keys & Son; geld-
ing or filly two years old, H. Turner
& Son, N. Keys & Son; gelding or
filly one year old, H. Turner & Sons;
team,E. Webster,
Heavy Draugh—Brood mare, M.
Grainger, P. Steeper; foal, F. Steeper,
N. Keys; gelding or filly two years
old, M. Grainger F.Steeper; t
F. Steeper, Mrs. ,Jacobs.
Roadsters—Brood mare, E. Porter,
lst and 2nd; foal, R. Manson; gelding
or filly 1 year old, F. Keegan; single
roadster, G. King, F. Hopkins; best
gentleman's outfit, G. King, V.
Carriage—Brood mare, R. Manson;
foal, R. Manson; one -year-old R, Man-
son; single carriage horse, W. Decker,
E. Porter; lady driver, G. King, F.
Grade Cattle—Milch cow, L. Smith;
heifer, one year old, R. Pepper; heifer
calf, R. Pepper lst and 2nd; steer
calf, R. Pepper 1st and 2nd; steer,
one year old, R. Pepper 1st and 2nd.
Durham—Milch cow, R. Pepper;
heifer, two years old, R. Pepper;
heifer, one year old, R. Pepper; heifer
calf, R. Pepper; bull calf, R. Pepper
1st and 2nd.
Herefords—Bull calf, E. Webster
1st and 2nd.
Jersey—F. Johnston lst and 2nd.
Special for best beef herd—R Pep-
Hclstein-Milch cow, C. Campbell,
W. Sparks; heifer, two years old, W.
Sparks, C. Campbell; heifer, one year held in the Lecture Room of the
old, W. Sparks lst and 2nd; heifer
calf, W. Sparks, C. Campbell; bull I church on Tuesday afternoon., Clot.
calf, W. Sparks, C. Campbell. 10th, • when a chapter of the new
Eaton's Special—C. Campbell. Study Book will be introduced.
SHEEP Rev. G. G. Burton's subject for the
Leicester—Ram two shears ar morning service
is "A Delayed De -
over, G. Dorrance, C. Lawson; shear. cision". The evening service will be
ling ram, C. Lawson; ram lamb, C. conducted by Rev. C. L. Brown, B.A.,
Lawson let and 2nd ewe two shears D.D., of Victoria Street, Goderich,
or over, C. Lawson, G. Dorrance; sermon subject "Spectators".
shearling ewe, G. Dorrance, C. Law- Miss Pearl Elliott will be in charge
rsaonnce.ewe lamb C. Lawson, G. Dor-
the Young People's s M
meeting on Monday evening. Comnmit-
Lincolns—Rani, two shears or over, tee of Stewards meet Friday evening.
A. D. Steeper; shearling ram, A. D. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup -
Steeper, Snowden & Grainger; ram per at Turner's Church on Sunday
lamb, A. D. Steeper let and 2nd; ewe, at 2 pin.
two shears or over, A. D. Steeper lst Baptist Church
and 2nd; shearling ewe, A. D. Steeper
1st and 2nd; ewe lamb, A. D. Steeper Anniversary services were carried
ist and 2nd. out with success last Sunday. Good
Oxford -Ram, two shears or over, attendance marked both services to
W. M. Henry, F. McClymont; shear- hear Rev. Don Cameron and the
ling ram, W. M. Henry 1st and 2nd; splendid • lamb, W. M. Henry 1st and 2nd;plendid music rendered by the Lobb
ewe, 2 shears or over, W. M. Henry quartette and choir. On Monday even-
lst and 2nd; shearling ewe, W. M. ing Mr. Cameron returned to Clinton
Henry 1st and 2nd; ewe lamb, W. M. with his church choir of 30' voices.
ShHenry lst and' 2nd. The program throughout was inter-
erW H. DRam, two shears ar estin and helpful. At the close of
aver, W. H. Douglas; shearling•- ram, g
W. H, Douglas; ram lamb, W. H. the program the London visitors were
Douglas 1st and 2nd; ewe, twc shears guests of the Ladies Aid.
or over, W. It Douglas lst and 2nd; At the evening service this week
shearling ewe, W. H. Douglas lst and the pastor will speak on the subject
and; ewe lamb, W. H Douglas 1st "Men Who Have Fou ht A Good
and: 2nd. Fonght
Dorset—Ram, two shears or over, Fight."
E. Foster; ewe, 2 shears or over, E.
Foster 1st and 2nd; shearling ewe, St. Paul's Church
E. Foster lst-and 2nd; ewe lamb, E. At 11 aim, on Sunday morning
Foster 1st and 2nd. there will be a Layman's' Service, the
Grade Class—Ewe, : two shears or
over, W. H. Henry, Snowden & Grain-
ger; -shearling ewe, W. H. Douglas, Appleyard, B,A., rector of Meaford
Snowden & Grainger; ewe lamb, W. will preach. Evening Prayer at 7
M. Henry, Snowden & Grainger; psn,, preacher, Rev. Appleyard.
wether Iamb, A. D. Steeper. The W.A. meets in Owen Memorial
Wesley -Willis Church
The W.M.S. will hold their regular
meeting October 12th at 8 o'clock.
Miss Fowler's group in charge.
The Salvation Army
Sermons on Sunday will be based
on the following subjects: morning:
"A Holy Life"; evening: "A Saving
Faith". Prayer meeting on Thursday
Ontario Street United Church
The Missionary meeting will be
Headed by Mrs. (Dr.) F. G.
Engagements Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Moon of Lon-
desborn announce the engagement of
their daughter, Mary Kathleen .of
Toronto, to Mr. Moody T. Holland o2
Walton, son of Mr. Theodore and the
late Mrs. Holland, The marriage will
A. fairly large crowd was present !take place in Toronto in October.
in the Town Hall last Thursdayeven-
ing. The meeting was under the
chairmanship of Mayor George H.
Mr. E. J. Smith of Stratford, a
member of the Provincial Society or
Red Cross, was the special speaker.'
Mr. Smith gave a brief but interest-
ing history of. incidents that led to.
the formation,of the Red Groes So-
ciety, and also stated what work was
caried on in peace time and wartime.
Later, during the election of officers,
Mr, Stnit7i had invaluable advice and
suggestions,' which enabled the local
unit to farm itself easily, without un-
due misunderstanding. Those presene
were asked to co --operate with their
committees and to bring others. Rev.
Father Sullivan was present and
spoke interestingly of his recent trip
to Europe and incidents that occur-
red on the trip. He quoted Mr.
Chamberlain, in saying that we were
fighting evil things.
When it was first thought that e
Red Coss unit would be formed in
Clinton, the men and women decided
to farm one branch. Then it was
learned that most branches elected
lathy officers, with the men forming
themselves into a finance committee.
In order to follow in the same way,
a few changes were trade in the slate
of officers, submitted by the conn-
On Monday afternoon, the ladies
met in the Council Chamber, with
over fifty • in attendance. Mrs.
Thompson, the president was in the
chair. The purpose of this meeting
was to compose the committees for
work. The enthusiasm of the meet-
ing was evident in the fact that many
volunteered their services in various
capacities. Committees were also
formed for each ward, These ladies
are going to canvas the town. It
was felt that many would be inter-
ested in the work, willing to work at
home, if they could not attend the
meetings. Therd is a fee of 26 cents,
which entitles one into membership
in the local branch.
The next meeting is to be October
16th in the Council Chamber, begin-
ning at two o'clock. Meetings are
to be held weekly for the present.
Officers and committees for the
Clinton Branch of the Red Cross arc
as follows: Mrs. F. Lobb that a vote of apprecia-
tion be tendered to Mr. Jefferson for
done, Mrs. T. Mason and Mrs. his very instructive address.
G. D. MacTa gg•art,
Mr. C. V. Cooke,florist,
President: Mrs. (Dr.) F. G. Thomp-
Berkshire -Boar, H. Penhale. on. Wednesday evening His Lordship,
Yorkshire—Aged boar, A. H. War-
ner, R. Manson; brood sow, A. H.
Warner 'lst and • 2nd, boar, littered
this year, A. H. Warner lst and 2nd;
sow, littered this year, Jas. Stirling,
A H Warner.
Tamworth—Aged boar, Snowden &
Grainger; brood sow, R. Manson,
Snowden & Grainger; sow, littered
this year, W. M. Sparks 1st and 2nd.
Best pair bacon hogs, any breed --
A. H. Warner, Jas: Stirling.
Best pair of sow pigs — A. H.
Hall . Tuesday at 3 p.n. At 8 p.m.
Brahmas—Pullet, cock, hen, cock-
erel, all firsts, M, A. Fraser.
C'ochins—Pullet, cock, hen, cock-
erel, all firsts, M. A. Fraser. •
Langshans — Pullet, M. A. Fraser;
cock, M. A. Fraser; hen, M. A. Fraser,
J. Kochemis; cockerel, all firsts, M.
A. Fraser.
Barred Rocks, Utility—Pullet, F.
McClymont 1st and and; cock,.. M. A.
Fraser; hen, M. A. Fraser; F. Mc-
Clymont; cockerel, F. MoClymotit lot
and 2nd.
Rocks, White, Utility — Pullet, 3'.
McClymont, Snowden & Grainger;
cock, H. Penhale, Snowden & Grain-
ger: hen, J. Kochems, Snowden &
Grainger; cockerel, Snowden. & Grain-
ger, F McClymont
White Wyandottes — Pallet, cock;
hen, cockerel, all firsts, 0. Battler.
$50 Donated to R'ed Cross
As a representatives or the people
The engagement is announcedal of Clinton, the Town Council on Mon -
Elizabeth, , Ruth, daughter of Mrs, day ay even g in• ;went on record as being,
Jackson and the late Thomas Jackson behind the Government and the'Brlc-
to Leonard Mackenzie Buchanan, son ish Empire: The facilities of the
of Mr. and Mrs, Walter A. Buchanan, Board Room, Council Chamber and:
the marriage to take place quietly Auditorium are available to any or-
al]. October the twenty-first in Deer ganization Or body free of charge for.
Park Chapel, Toronto. any meeting designed to assist the
Mr. and Mis. Edward J. Welsh government' in the present war. A
wish to announce the engagement of
donation of $60 was .voted the local.
their elder daughter, Donna Marion, . branch of the Red Cross Society to:
to Harold Franklin, elder son of Mr. further the work of that organization
and Mrs. - Frank J. Tyndall. The
in Clinton.
marriage .to take place quietly the' Councillor Agnew suggested that
middle of October same effort should be made to inter-•
1est the Government in •using •buildings:
Mr. and Mrs. Lewie J. Par•soils,1 in Clinton, either for making a.Brantford, announce the engagement munitionsor outer uses as they see
of their only daughter, Lenore Beat- fit, While no motion was put through.
rice, Reg. N., to Harold David to this effect it was unanimously
Scotchmer, B.S.A., Toronto, son of i agreed that such a suggestion . was;
Mr. Robert Scotchmer of Bayfield. 1 timely.
Theweddingto takeplace the 25th
Communications at this meeting oc-
of October , _ cupied considerable time, no less than
�'- eight being read. William Parks,.
WOMEN'S INSTITUTE London, presented a bill for $35 for:
work doneon roof on town hall and
The Women's Institute held their
regular meeting in the Agricultural enclosed an estimate for other needed
rooms on Thursday, September 28th repairs. His letter was ordered filed.
with the president, Mrs. Batkin in John Ashton presented a claim for
$4.95 for broken car window, which. '
charge and Mrs. Bozell as secretary
in the absence of Mrs. Adams. The he alleged was broken due to the
members answered the roll call byIrough ed filedossingsonnMill
ed street—
giving their maiden name. Miss,
Agnes Cameron sang two very pleas -Ratepayers on Fulton street asking
ing numbers, "Oh, Play to mc, for additional street lights—referred
Gypsy" and "The Voice in the Old • to Street Committee. H. C. Lawson
Village Choir", she played her own
accainpaniment on the guitar. � asked for use of town. }tall on Oc-
tober 7th 1 for militia—granted. Sher-
lock -Manning' Co._ asked council (to
Mrs. N. W. aTyfottha said Satur- share taxes for 1940. Secretary 'of
day was tag day . for the blind and
asked the ladies to kindly respond to Girls Auxiliary asked council to put.
the children when they called, chase piano for $50. Elmer D. Bell,
The president, Mrs. Batkin, was re McKenzie Hotel taxes. Ontario
appointed to attend the Red Cross Municipal Eleettie Asscn, re protec,
meeting to be held in the hall Thurs-
of power plants.
day evening. 1 In reference to the latter most of
The guests speaker was Mr. George the councillors had something to say.
1i. Jefferson, who had for his subject It was the general opinion that such
"Education". He said we had one at plants should be protected. The gen-
the best educational systems in the eral opinion however seemed to be
world and that in later years there that it was a matter for the Public
had been many changes trade, many Utilities themselves to take care or
new subjects had been added. He para this work. "They don't give us Hutch
tribute to Mr. Mustard who lost los co-operation. It is their own job."
life in the Athenia disaster, as he was Councillor Waters said in part to his
one 15110 had been responsible far notion that the communication be
many of the changes made in the handed to the mayor as a member of
educational system. It was moved the Commission, he to report back
by Mrs. McKinley and seconded by at the next meeting.
Regarding the letter of Elmer D .
Bell amotion earried that the clerk
advise Mrs. McKenzie's solicitor that,
the assessment had been reduced two
years in succession and that if Mrs.
First Vice -Pres.: Mrs. (Dr.) W. A.
Second Vice -Pres.: Mrs. J. Radford
Secretary: Miss Evelyn Hall.
Treasurer: Mrs. Frank Fingland.
Cutting and Sewing Committee:
M 0 k M Cameron M
M. U a es, Mr , Ta.
Manly, Mrs: M. Batkin, Mrs,
Knitting Committee: Mrs. J. "W.
Stevenson, Mrs. Cantelan, Miss
)3: Greene.
Packing Committee: Mrs. W.
Cowan, Mrs. Radford, Mrs, J.
Flynn, Mrs. M. Counter, Mrs. R.
Membershp Committees
St. Andrew's Ward—Mrs. B. J.
Gibbings, Mrs. W. J. Piumsteel,
Mrs. J. Wilson and Miss A. Bart-
St. George's Ward—Mrs, Paisley,
Mrs. Waters and Mrs. Cameron.
St. Johns' Ward -Miss Greene,
Mrs. G. Knights, Mrs. Mae-
St. James' Ward—Mrs. Paterson,
Mrs. Scribbins.
Collision on No. 4 Highway.
demonstration as to the best method'
t' ishould
isn satisfied shes o
MeI{enzie of sa u
1 which was
of arranging bouquets, vh
g g q ,
Courtof her plea to the
much appreciated by the. ladies. net Present'
Re -
hostesses were Mrs. C. V. Cooke, vision.,
Council agreed to purchase tlie•
piano from the Girls Auxiliary of
1914-18 far the sum of 350. provid-
ing the'proceeds go, to the Red Cross
Society. Trewartha-Aiken moved that
the Sherlock -Manning. Piano Comp-
any be advised to refer their appeal
to the Court of Revision if they wish
to appeal.. The sidewalk on King
street is to receive immediate atten-
tion. At present it is badly broken
up and will be resurfaced in the most
economical manner. Councillor Wat-
ers suggested
aters.suggested that the same material
as is now being used at Goderich
should be applied. The day constable
and chairman of Street Committee
will interview officials there and get
the necessary information before pro-
ceeding with the work.
A motion substituting the' name of
Robt. G. Draper as a memGer of the,
fire brigade• m place of Edward Et
Hat was carried.
When the minutes were read they
included the report of a special meet-
ing held on September 29th to con -
skier the formation of a Board of
Education at which a motion was
A head-on collision on No. 4 high -
Bishop Seager of London, will be way opposite the home of Milton
present to adminster the, Rite of Con-
firmation and to preach it the ser-
vice. -The fall convention of the Dean.
ery of Huron will be held at St.
Paul's Church, Hensall, on Thursday,
October 12th. •
Twenty-five members of the Ladies
Guild of Sit. Paul's ' Church were
present at the October meeting on
Tuesday afternoon, whch was held in
the Owen. Memorial Hall. Mrs. H.
Bartliff presided and preparations
for the annual bazaar to be held. in.
November were discussed. Mrs. A.
H. O'Neil was appointed as delegate
from the Anglican Church to the Red
Cross Society. In charge of refresh-
meats were Miss A. Bartliff, Mrs. C.
V. Cooke, Mrs. McInnes and Mrs.
Tasker. '
The Farmers' Market
Buckwheat 60c.
Beans $1.85 •
Barley 54e
Oats 30e
Wheat 70c
Cream 81c, SOc.
Bogs $8.25
Mrs. Shobbrook, Mrs. M. Ford, Miss
Harrison, Mrs. East and Miss Brig-
News -Record Wanted
The News -Record of September
21st was of particular interest to
readers connected with Hohnesville
Church. The extra copies printed
failed to meet the demand and a
number of people were disappointed.
If anyone has a copy of this issue
they do not need it would be ap-
preciated if they would leave it as
this office so that we might pass
it on to those who wish to keep it
or send clippings to relatives.
Wiltse on Friday evening caused in-
jury to three persons and badly dam-
aged both cars involved. The drivers
of the vehicles were Richard Yuell,
station agent at Belgrave, and Mike
Kashloss of Kitchener. Mrs. Yueli
was considered to be badly injured,
her husband and the driver of the
other car were also tall'en to the hos-
pital for treatment. A light ram was
falling at the time of the accident made by Waters -Agnew that the
and visibility poor. (continued on page 4)
Patriotic and RecruitingF eeting
in the inteilests of
Saturday EvenIngOctoher lth 1939
Tn Bo Held In.
at 8.00 p.m,
Lt. Cole Hamilton Bingl
will adciress the meeting on subjects vital to all Canadian citizens.