HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-09-28, Page 81 fGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD TI-IURS., SEPT. 28, 1939 HOME-MADE HEADCHEESE COOKED. JELLIED HOCK 20 -LB. PAIL OF LARD LARGE PAIL OF CLOVER HONEY 85.c Roasting Chickens For the Weekend ,lb. 10C 1b. 20c $2.40 CONNELL, & TYNDALL CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street HOW ABOUT THAT ,STOVE OR FURNACE YOTJ HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT. L.. SEE OUR STOCK WE CARRY A FULL LINE ,OF McClary's Famous Stove's' and Finley Celebrated Stoves and Ranges. • Quebec Heaters, Wooer Heaters and Sheet -Iron Heaters. 1 Slightly Used Wood Heater. 1 Second -Hand Quebec Heater. Several Second -Hand Cook Stoves. 1 hand -Power Washer, only used a few times. SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANSC NTON, ONT. PHONE 147w. 'rirfi%d�d»:»I�&3»:::«4•� :»:»5�,�:»»: 3.ww».,»»;:3•�3»'-'r'r:*..:«;»S+,*.:•d..g+1wT._+�. 3£ tftit Stove Time is Here Again See our RANGES and HEATERS before buying. — CLARE'S FURNACES and RANGES — PLUMBING and EAVESTROUGHING Prices are advancing — order and save. T® ita S �r HARDWARE and 3 Ifi PLUMBING S. Phone 244 AT 1 HE OLD PRICE We have a large stock of NEW and USED BICYCLES and SPORTING EQUIPMENT to sell at the old price. When this stock is gone prices must be increased. On GUNS and AMMUNI- TION especially we have some attractive buys. Be prepared. Save now by buying at the old price. Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales Superior Stores PRONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR SEPTEMBER 28-29-39 PRINCESS FLAKES, Glass Bawl Free with .... 2 pkgs. for 27c lvlcCORMICK'S SODA BISCUITS 2 lbs. 25c NEW SULTANA RAISINS, 2 lb. 23c McCORMICK'S MIXED BISC>dITS ib. 17c SURPRISE SOAP 4 bars 19c SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA pkg. 5c WASHING SODA ....,..... pkg. 5c FLUSHO tin 21c CHATEAU CHEESE .... y2 lb. 17c PETERPAN PEAS tin 10c PURE CLOVER HONEY, 2s, tin 25c KLEENEX, 200s 2 pkgs. 25e PAPER NAPKINS, 100s, . , pkg. 15e ROYAL YORK TEA, %2 lb. pkg, 33c1 FRY'S COCOA, ..,. 1/2 Ib. tin 19c ORANGES, good size .... doz. 3001 LEMONS, size 300s doz. 29e1 GRAPES, basket 27c1 POTATOES, 15 lb. peck 29c THFIMPSON TUCKERSMITR Turner's. Church was closed last Sunday in order that the congrega- tion might attend the 61st anniver- sary services being held in Ontario BULBS Garden flowers will soon be done for this season, but the time for planting of bulbs has come. Paper -White Narcissus will give you early and lovely bloom. Easily grown in either water or soil, they Will bloom in a few weeks. It is not necessary to put them away in the dark to form root growth. Paper -White Narcissus make an ideal gift for your sick or shut-in friends, also make mteresting Christmas gifts and they are in- expensive. Ten cents worth of bulbs will give you a lovely bowl of bloom. Our Paper -White Narcissus have been imported direct from Holland. Tolle' SIZE BULBS ONLY 3 FOR 10c Grow good quality bulbs and get good bloom. We expect shortly to have a full assortment of Fall Bulbs. Your house plants require trans- planting in the fall. We sell prepared soil. 15c a Pail Cut Flowers for every occasion. Chinese Lanterns ,.. 15c a bunch F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 Newspapers and periodicals cover,, carry and convey the liews. Presi- dents, poliltioians, statesmen,` Kings and Emperors, and Dictators release their statements of import to man- kind, and even the petty events' that are civilization's nuisances are daily recorded. Battles and encounters so depressing as well as battles of the bat, the football, glove and puck are told with the embellishment of ,thrill and suspense, whether a play is good or otherwise, whether a book is this or that, a market brooding or -boom- ing; the answer is found in your fav- orite newspaper. Can you miss to have an understanding of the state of current events. Subscribe here! Announcing a new arrival in our varied Fountain Pen stock! The Imperial Fountain Pen, as good as the rest, and better than the best in its price range. Conies in six varied multicolors with a non -corrod- ible nib and stub filling. Manufact- ured in England and the price is 89c each. WHITE WARE SPECIAL An exceptionally opportune buy at this time, when china prices are on the rise. While the stock lasts we offer cup and saucers, 2 for 15e; oatmeals, 2 for 15c, and breakfast plates, 2 for 15c. It will pay you to investigate this sale. Street Church, Clinton. Many took advantage of the occasion to hear Dr. Neal of Toronto. Rally Day Service will be held here on Sunday afternoon with Rev, A. W. Gardiner of Egmondville as guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crich spent a few days last week with relatives in London. Miss Sadie Ball and Mr. Melbourne Bali motored to Detroit last weekend taking with them their sister, Mrs. Erickson and daughter, Ardyth who have been visiting here. The W. U. Fair Ca Often the Cheapest --,Always the Beat ilIGlo mommy ''sll o0 iIl Mr. and Mrs, Sam. Jordan spec t Sunday with friends in Exeter Mrs. F. A. Axon and son, Fred left last Thursday to reside in Toronto. Mr. Charles Wallis returned home on Monday from an extended visit in the Western provinces. Miss Will of Toronto was a weekend guest with her friend, Miss Beat- rice Green, Huron street. Mr. Ralph Hueston, superintendent of the East General Hospital, Tor- onto, spent the weekend in town. Mrs. Will Woods has returned to Walton after visiting for a few weeks with Mrs. James Livermore. Mrs. J. Appleby returned home on Monday after an enjoyable visit with friends in Comber and Detroit. Mrs. L. R. McBride of Windsor spent the weekend at the home of her sister, that of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Kay. Miss Madelon Hawkins of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. John Dennie of Dun- das were weekend visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs, George Jordan and daughter, Freda, of Belgrave were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Groves. Mr, C. Bomhoff of Kentucky, former manager of the Richmond Hosiery, has been visiting Mr. and Mrs, A. Garen and other Clinton friends. Mr, James Walker, Princess street, left on Monday for Toronto where he will visit for a tine before go- ing on to the New York World's Fair. Mr. and Mrs, A. T, Cooper were.in Toronto on. Saturday attending the Smith - Struthers wedding which took place in Rosedale United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peacock were in Toronto on Tuesday, attending the ordination of the former's son, Rev. Roy C. C'ook, B.A. Mr. William Draper left this week to continue sudies at•the Univer- sity of Western Ontario, and Mr, Edward Elliott is, commencing a course at the O.A.C., Guelph, Rev. David Williams and wife, of Madera,• Cal., were weekend guests at the home of Mrs. George Hol- land and family.. Mrs. Williams is a cousin of Mrs. Holland and Mr. J. B. Lobb. Mrs. Ferg. VanEgmond has returned from a week's visit in Toronto where on September 17th she was present at the Silver Wedding an- nivesary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gillies. Dr. and Mrs. Garrett of Winnipeg have purchased Miss B. Watt's house at the corner of Fulton and Dunlop streets. and will take up residence here very soon. Mrs. Gar- rett is not a stranger here, she is a sister of J, E. Cook, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Cuninghame and daughters motored to Toronto last weekend and while there ,were guests of Mrs. Cuninghame's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Carl East. Miss Kathleen Cuninghame re- mained in Toronto and will enter upon a course at University Col- lege. h r GREATER GROCERY VALUES GOLDEN KERNEL Corn 2's RED ROSE Tea 1/2 lb Pkg 2 for 23c 33c CHERRY VALLEY Raspberries QUALITY Coffee tin 15c lb 39c RED & WHITE Tea ORANGE PEKOE GOLDEN SPRAY Cheese 1/2 lb pkg GINGER Snaps BLUE ROSE Rice CHOICE MEATY Prunes ROLLED Oats WHEAT ib 69c Flakes 15c IPASTRY Flour RED & WHITE 7's 2 lbs I9c 3 lbs 25c lbs 19c 5 lbs 25c 5 lbs 25c 25c Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Cooked -- Smoked Pickled Meats Grapes GBLACKD basket 25c FRESH FLAVOURFUL Chinese Lettuce bunch 15c EGG -PLANTS Sweet Pot <Etoes 4 lbs 25 Grapefruit seedless 6 f r 25c Cooking Onions 10 lbs 1.9e PEACHES QUALITY DELICIOUS Pepper Squash Celery Hearts 2 BUNCHES Market Prices EASY TO PREPARE each 5c 25c for 25c 3for c basket 29c Celery LARGE STALKS EXCEPTIONAL QtiALITY Lei Ao:. s Juicy MACINTOSH • APPLES SPRAYED FRUIT Your Red & White Store Pw Phone 48 Clinton BRITISH SAILORS .Z'ROVIDE FOOD AS GERMAN VESSEL'S LARDER BARE The comradeship of men who go clown to the sea in ships triumphed over the bitterness between nations at war and brought a German crew of a tied -up freighter at Boston food for their empty larder—the gift of a British ship. Weary after a long trip from New Zealand, the crew of a British freigh-, ter put in at Boston with a cargo of wool and hides after a round -about zig-zag course. The vessel tied lip a short distance from the Pauline Friedrich, a Ger- man freighter which stopped there when war started. Rations were short on the German ship. Sunday, her crew of 26 finished the last of them —a batch of spareribs and topped. off by a basket of apples. Word of the Germans' plight reached the skipper of the British vessel and his chief officer. "But they're Germans," said the man w'ho brought the news when the captain and chief officer sug- gested sending over some food. "Well, what the hell of it," retort- ed the chief officer, "they're humans, aren't they. Send it over." BAPTIST CHURCH Anniversay Services SUNDAY, OCT. 1st at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Speaker: Rev. Don Cameron of London. Illustrated Lecture MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 2nd REV. CAMERON, ex -member .of the Royal Air Force, will lecture and illustrate with lightning sketches and original cartoons. Musical Numbers by the LONDON BAPTIST CHURCH CHOIR ADMISSION: Adults 25, Children 10 55-1 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. David Steep wishes to thank her many friends and neighbours for their kindness to her during her stay in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, Miss Grainger and the Nursing Staff. rSt3 d»'r:S!1v::.' `.F_'.• �:.: a»: .;»ww;n;»::3L ; �:»;�;»`.�.»: +•,« . ».»:»: •; . 4.-84.5.x. Be Ise We have bought very large stocks of both FURNITURE and HARDWARE at the old prices, as far as possible, but as prices are advancing and in some things its impossible to get them, we would suggest you fill in your requirements now, as we want to be fair with our customers and friends and 'help you save, so we will not advance our prices until we have to pay the higher prices on goods we buy. You will now find a large stock of DINING, BEDROOM, KIT- CHEN and CHESTERFIELD SUITES, STUDIO COUCHES and OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, LAMPS of all kinds, TABLES, SMOK- ERS, FERNERIES, MIRRORS, and a large assortment of CARPET and LINOLEUM RUGS, and all kinds of FLOOR COVERINGS. IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT You better hurry if you need a new STOVE as they are going to be hard to get before long, and naturally prices will be a lot higher. The same condition pre ails all through the HARD- WARE STOCKS, so be wise and but now. Tho Store With the Stock. BALL and ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Embalmers, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. Phones: Store 195; N. Ball, 110; J. J. Zapfe, 103 CASH SPECIALS PASTRY FLOUR, Patapan, 24 lb. sack BEEF, Fresh Boneless and Rolled, per lb. 17c SAUSAGE, Small sized per lb, 21c FRESH PICNIC HAMS, per lb. 19c BOLOGNA; Swift's, in piece per lb. 14c HEADCHEESE, in piece per lb. 15c, WEINERS, either large or small style, per ib. 23c BACON, Breakfast, in piece, per lb. 29c SHORTENING, Jewel 2 lbs. for 26c, BENSON'S CORN STARCH 2 pkgs. 21c BREAD FLOUR, Five Lily's, 98 lb. sacks ... $2.98 65c LIPTON'S TEA, Black or Mixed, per lb. 65c COFFEE, Our Own Blend, freshly ground from Bean and quality guaranteed per lb. 45c JELLY POWDERS, McLaren's or LX.L.... each 5,e TAPIOCA in Bulk 2 lb. for 19c RICE, Good Quality, 3 lb. for 27c CUSTARD POWDER, Harry Horne's, 16 oz. tins 25c MOLASSES SNAPS, best quality 2 lb. 25c CHOCOLATE MALLOW BISCUITS ... per lb. 19c FIG BAR BISCUITS per lb. 18c BREAD FLOUR, Robin Hood, 98 lb. sack.. $3.00 j MIXED SWEET BISCUITS per lb. 17c Our Regular Stock of Fruit and Vegetables Will be. on Sale CLIFFORD , :J;OBB"j SONS