HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-09-28, Page 5THURS., SEPT. 28, 1939 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD` ante FARM IMPROVEMENTS AT IOW COSI WITH AN CALL or write for a copy of our folder "Moderniza- tion Loans for home Owners". For borrowers with seasonal incomes repaymentmay be made in other convenient periodic instalments. BANK 01' MONTREAL Established 1817 "ta. bank whore small accounts are welcome' C AUBURN Mr. and Mrs. John McKnight along With Lois Ferguson of Clinton are 'visiting Mr. and -Mrs. Harry Logan of Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. John Graham of De- troit spent the weekend with Mrs. F. Ross. Jack Weir of Toronto -spent the weekend with his father, Dr. B. C. Weir. Harold Asquith left on Saturday • to start his initial studies at Queen's University, Kingston. Reg: Asquith returned to enter his fourth year at Queen's. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. 'Robison spent Saturday at London. and Mrs. Wm. Roberton. Harvest Home Services will be held in St. Mark's Anglican Church next Sunday. Services will be at 10.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The morning ser- vice will be conducted by the rector, Rev. R. M. Weekes, and the guest speaker at the evening seryices will be Rev. A. H. O'Neil of Clinton. Mr. Thomas McNall and Kenneth Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs Robt. Scott left Monday for London where they have enlisted Everett Yungblutt has also joined the army. Mr. Arthur Yungblutt of Detroit was a weekend visitor with his father Mr, Geo. Yungblutt. Doris McKnight is ill at present with chicken pox, Owing to infan- tile paralysis being up in Westfield district the school there has been closed until October 3rd. Miss Martha Patterson of Toronto was a weekend visitor with Dr. B. C. Weir and Josephine. Mrs. Alex Nolan of Regina and Mr. Red Cross Society. Mrs. Lawson ex- ' Miss Mae Hallam of Gainsborough,. pressed words of sympathy for Mrs., England, came on the Duchess. of. King in the death of her brother. A' Athol to visit her uncle, Mr. Thos. hearty welcome was extended to all grandmothers present. Gifts were presented to Mrs. Donald Patterson for being the oldest grandmother present; to Mrs. William Straughan, the youngest grandmother, and to Mrs.j John McKnight the youngeNc. great grandmother. The Chair was then taken by a grandmother, Mrs. W. C. Robertson for the following program: •Ohorus by Mrs. John 1Vic- Knight, Mrs. Wm. Roberton, Mrs. Annie Waiper, Mrs. J. Taylor, Mrs. H. Mogridge and Mrs. Amos Snell; Reading by Mrs. Donald Patterson; Duet by Mrs. Wm. Anderson and Mrs. Harvey Wagner, who were very amusing in their costume;; reading by Mrs. Thos. Wilson; a play "The Sew- ing Circle" with the .following cast, Mrs. Chas. Straughan„ Mrs. Wm. Haggitt, Mrs. Wm. Roberton, Mrs. Jas. Woods, Mrs. W. H Sheppard, Mrs. H. Mogridge, Mrs. K. Dawson, Mrs. H. Wagner, Mrs. F. Ross, Mrs. H.10. Wilson, Mrs. J. McKnight, Mrs. T. S. Johnson; Mrs. W. Bradnock and Mrs. J. Taylor; a reading by Mrs. George Dawson;, an Indian song by Mrs. John McKnight, Mrs. H. Wag- ner and Mrs. Wm. Roberton who were dressed in native costume; read- ings by Mrs. Annie Walper, Mrs. J. Washington and Mrs. A. Nesbit; Mrs. H, Mogridge and Mrs. Wm. Roberton dressed in. Scotch kilts sang as a duet "Hunting Tower"; a play "Do You Remember" was presented by Mrs. J. Taylor,• Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Mrs. Wm. Roberton, Mrs. Chas, Straughan, Mrs. Wm, Anderson, Mrs. Wm. Sinaugnan, Mrs. H. Wagner, Hallam. Miss Hallam intends • re- maining for a year where she will visit relatives.: , BIRTHS PAGE 5; Sneitwe wpweei:- CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion JUST ARRIVED Paper White NARCISSUS and Yellow NARCISSUS Easy to grow for very early bloom. Tulip, Daffodil, Hyacinth will arrive in about three weeks. We shall have thousands of them. C. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 683 f CHICKEN & FOWL MARKET When your chickens are fattened for market we will be glad to quote you prices either live or on a dressed basis. Always in the market for fat hens. Our Egg Candling service by ex- perienced candlers will give you the oest of satisfaction. DOWSON—In Scott Memorial Hosp- ital, Seaforth, on Sunday, Septem- ber 17, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Dowson, Varna, (nee Frances Pearson), a son William Henry Dowson. BISHOP — On September 26th, at Mount Hamilton Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Bishop (nee Cora M. Jervis), of Burlington -- a daughter—Beverley Rose. AMBLER—In Pontiac General Hos- pital, Pontiac, Mich., on September 15th, to Mr; and Mrs. H. W. Amb- ler (nee Dorothy Rorke), a daugh- ter—Margaret Voy. •DEATHS McQUEEN—In Vancouver, B.C. on Tuesday, September 20th, Eliza-. beth Wanless Foote, beloved wife of W. B. McQueen. CARTER — In Clinton, on Monday,. September 25th, Frances Cochrane, wife of Thomas T, Carter, in her 60th year. POVEY—In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday, September 26th, John Povey, formerly of Clin- ton, in his 75th year. LONDON ROAD Fourteen members and three visit- ors gathered at Mrs. W. 1Vlonahan's hone for the September meeting. The • and Mrs Dick Elliott of Hollyrood Mrs Fred Ross Mrs win Graig,business part was somewhat shorten - visited with Mrs. A. Robb. Mrs. R. J. Phillips, Mrs H C Wilsoed as a quilt was quilted. The roll call was answered by lips,eST S. Johnston, F. Ross and Taylor, Mrs. Geo. Sturdy, Mrs. Thos. Pay". Different matters pertaining Laura Philips were at Wingham on Haggitt, Mrs. Wm. Haggitt, Mrs. J. to the sewing and fall bale were dis- Saturday. McKnight Misses Sadie Carter Jos- cussed. More !flannelette' is to be "Sing, Say of M d mes R, J Phillips E. Phil- Mrs Kainier Dawson Mrs. Gordon N. W. TREWARTHA Day Phone 214—Night 328 or 602r5 Some from here attended Donny- ephiiie Weir Laura Phillips Vivian bought, also all persons with sewing , CARD OF THANKS The family of the `late Mrs. Thos. T. Carter wish to express their thanks to neighbours and friends for their kindness to Mrs. Carter during Tier illness. They also graitefully acknowledge the many beautiful floral tributes, messages of sympathy and loan of cars. brook Anniversary on ' Sunday and Straughan, Zeta Munro, Betty Craig re knitted quilt blocks are especially some attended Harvest Home Ser- and Joan Sheppard. The singing of requested to hand them in at the next vices in Blyth Anglican Church. !the National Anthem brought the meeting. After the quilt was corn - Stewart Ferguson: spent the week -1 meeting to a close. A. vote of thanks pleted Mrs. Monahan served a delie- end visiting friends in Sarnia. !was extended to Mrs. herb Mogridge, ions lunch to those present. The the Mr. Fred Smith df Winnipeg is the convenor of the program. A tober meeting will be held at the visiting Mr. Hank Irwin. dainty lunch of sandwiches, cake and home of Mrs. N. Manning. The roll ent Mr. and Mrs. Percy Yungblutt, ice-cream was served by the hostes- call is to be answered by wcill and Barryof Oakland visit -events• Mrs. an M. Haply member's' res: Mrs. W. T. Robison, Mrs. Geo. nish the programme. Every member's presence requested, Mrs. • 3. Forbes and Neville spent Sunday at tine home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tyndall, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Townsend,. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sturdy and Jack wish to thank friends and neighbors for the many acts' of kind- ness and expressions of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement. The loan of cars and the many beautiful floral tributes are gratefully ack- nowledged. ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bean, far. 0. E. Erratt, Mrs. Gordon John Yungblutt.,Taylor and Mrs. J. Washington. Vis - Mr, and Mrs. M. Alli�$ton and itors were present from Clinton, Lon.. Betty of Parkhill visited on Sunday, desboro and Dungannon. with Mrs. Alliston's parents, Mr. and -- Mrs. David. Hamilton. Some 100 friends of Mr. and Mrs. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Mn• and Mrs. Wesley Hogarth visited John Lockhart gathered in the For. with Mr, and Mrs. Howard Snell on McNall on Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Sam McNall of Goderich; Mr. and.ester's Hall, Friday evening to do Sunday. Mrs. Wellington McNall and Mr. and honor to the efor-wedded couple. Mrs. Geo. McNall of Blyth; Miss Dancing was the form of entertain - Doris Wilson and Mrs. Kenneth Mc- rent for the evening. At midnight • Lean of London. Mr. Bert Roach and James Me - Whinney ;of Dungannon in the vil- age on Monday. Tom Lawlor Injured A. bad accident occurred Sunday ;night about 7.45 on the Colborne - West Wawanosh boundary, about one. mile and a quarter east of the vil- the couple were called to ,the plat= form and presented with a purse of money. Evelyn Plaetzer read the ad- dress ddress and Ivan Bean made the pre- sentation. •t There 'will be no •service. in .Knox Presbyterian Church next Sunday owing to Harvest Home Services in the Anglican Church, ]age.; The accident happened in front Miss Elizabeth Nicholson, and Mrs. of the farm now occupied by Walter James Match attended on Monday Bohner. Torn Lawlor, 22 year old son the funeral of their cousin, Mr, Rob - de Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Lawlor was ert Nicholson. driving west in his 1930 Marquette There will be no service in the coupe when he attempted to pass a Baptist Church next Sunday owing ear driven by Mr. Quigley of Ash- to anniversary services in Clinton field. The Quigley car was also pro- Baptist Church. needing west. The Lawlor car. hit, Death of Matthew Chester some loose gravel on the side of theMrs. Wm, Patterson received word road, went into the south diteh•,�of the death of Mr. Matthew Chester across the road into the north ditei,lof Ninga, Man., who passed away Tom was thrown from the car and on Thursday last. Mr. Chester had •the car on rolling over three times never fully recovered from a severe rolled over him once, pinning !nim illness two; years, ago but was able under it. The Quigley car was un- to be about until two weeks ago. The damaged. Tom suffered severe hr- late Matthew Chester was beim in ternal injuries, and was ordered by Little Strickland, England, on the J g :Dr. B. C. Weir to be taken by ani- 3rd of May, 1804, coming to Canada bulance to Goderich hospital. Latest in 1884. IIe resided at Blyth until reports state that .his condition is 1889 when he settled at Maple Grove favorable.. Traffic Officer Norman Lever investigated the accident. Women's Institute Grandmother's Day was observed in the Forester's Hall on Friday af. 1ernoon by the local Women's Insti Lute.: The hall was beautifully de- corated with autumn flowers. The president, Mrs. Edgar Lawson presid- ed over the opening exercises ana the absence .of the secretary, IVIiss .Margaret King, Mrs."'Peed "Ross read. Miss Kathleen Patterson is visit the minutes. "Arrangements are to ing her cousin, . Mrs. Clarence Cox at be made at once" to organize 'a local Whileehuroh; • Help Wanted Male Vacancy for mentally aggressive young man, free to travel, for per- manent position with circulation de- partment of large Canadian company. Apply Advertiser M News -Record. 55-1 Help Wanted Female Part or full time employment for lady 'handling Christmas subscription orders for. Canadian publishing house. Excellent remuneration. Advertiser M. News -Record, , 55-1 district where he successfully farm- ed until 1927 when he built his pres- ent home at Ninga. He is survived by his wife, formerly Agnes Appleck of Lanarkshire, Scotland; one daugh- ter, Mrs. Wm. Chester; also. three brothers' and three sisters. Mrs. R. M. Wend, of Regina, who has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Maitland Allen and Mrs. Wm, Craig, has gone to Napancm to visit her mother, Mrs, James Stalker. Te -sate? Fan. ,ONTARIO'S LARGEST TWO-DAY FAIR Tuesday and Wednesday 'OCTOBER 3rd and. 4th $2500.00 IN PRIZES Soma of the attractions: - 2.27 Trot er Pace, $.150,00 purse. 2.18 Trot or Pace, $150.00 °pin•se. Running Rads, $30.00. FOUR BANDS,; including. the •famous Elgin Regiment. Bugle Band. Hurdle Jumping, Tandem Teams, Miniature Chariot Race, Twins Sim- ilarity Contest, Big "Mystery Attrac- tion" (a real thriller), and one 'of the hest exhibits of live -stock that can be seen in Western Ontario. ADMISSION 25 and 15c, NSTICE ROXY THEATRE Clinton. NOW PLAYING: Roy Rogers in "ROUGH RIDERS ROUNDUP" Special Pictures from • Europe Mon., Tues., Wed. "OKLAHOMA KID"' A notorious outlaw avenges the murder of his father and brother, and at the same time rids a pioneer town of the 'I rule of the ,gambler. James Cagney—Humphrey Bogart and Rosemary Lane Thurs., Fri., Sat. "KING OF THE TURF" A thrilling race track drama which is ably acted by Adolphe Menjcu — Roger Daniel Dolores Costello and Walter Abel Coining: Melvyn Douglas and Joan Blondell in "GOOD GIRLS GO TO PARIS" CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich NOW: "KID FROM d,OKOMO" a riotous prize ring farce Mon. Tues„ Wed. ALEXANDER' KORDAtpresents in TECHNICOLOR "FOUR FEATHERS" an impressively magnificent spec- tacle of the British Sudan military forces. C Aubrey Smith, Ralph Richardson Clive Baxter and June. Duprez Thurs., Fri., Sat. GeneA'il l RY Smiley BURNETTE Noah BEERY & William Farnum The popular saddle -pals in another thrilling and 'melodic' adventure "MEXICALI ROSE" REGENT • THEATRE Seaforth NOW: Roy Rogers in "WESTWARD H'0!" Mon., Tues., Wed. THE LANE SISTERS with GALE PAGE -JOHN GARFIELIS Claude RAINS & Jeffrey LYNN' Presents. the "Pour Daughters." folks in another grand homey story " DAUGHTERS COURAGEOUS" --Thurs., Fri. & Sat. RALPH RICHARDSON and LAURENCE OLIVIER with mystery rays and foreign agentsa modern wartime menace is portrayed. "CLOUDS OVER EUROPE" ' Coming: 'GIVE US THIS NIGHT' Coming: Louis Hayward as _"The Man in the IRON MASK" Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. 0 Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. , Mat.: Wed., Sat. & Holidays 3 p.m. womwmffieneseencmoresenemeseeery- OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDIT- IONS WE ARE DISCONTINUING OUR COUPON SYSTEM AT ONCE Coupons will be honoured until Saturday, October 14th, 1939 We have just received our shipment of TULIP BULES, also PAPER -"WHITE NARCISSUS, DAFFODILS and HYACINTHS. Tulips are from 35c a dozen up, MUT CH BROS 55-2 GRAND OPENING — AT IP E SATURDAY SPECIALS X PECAN ROLLS X BUTTER HORNS X PUMPKIN PIE X TEA BISCUIT'S' X SUNSHINE DOUGHNUTS ;i •t We mean it when we say they're Fresh, Delicious. A trial purchase will con- vince you. BARTLIFF'S LIFF'S Phone 1. Clinton. — ON — FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 — WITH — BENNY PALMER AND HIS ORCHESTRA Don't miss the first of a series of good times, dancing to one of On- tario's smartest dance bands. High Scholl Students 25c General Admission 50c C. WATSON, Manager Clifford H. Epps Phone 264 54-1 Clearing Auction Sale FOR SALE Well -Equipped Wood -Working Shop on Albert Street. Including Motors, Ten Machines,' Stock and Tools. —also — One and one-half storey HOUSE on Shipley Street, containing 8 roans furnished or unfurnished. — of — FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS etc„ at Lot 9, Con. 11, Hullett Township, 4 miles east of Lendesboro, air WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER llth at 1 &clock sharp. CATTLE—Roan coW, - 3 yrs., clue to freshen in October; red cow, 3 ,yrs., due to freshen April 25; red heifer, 2 yrs., due to freshen April 22; roan. cow, due in January; black cow, 3 yrs., milking good, not bred; 4 polled Angus steers rising 2 yr. old; calf, 2 months. HORSES: Aged" team of horses. IMPLEMENT'S -M. -H.• bincler, 6 ft. cut; M. -H. mower, 5, ft. cut; M.-11. manure spreader; M. -H. side delivery rake; Frost & Wood hay loader; hay rake; 16 foot movable rack; cultivat- or; steel roller; set diamond harrows; steel stone boat; Bain wagon & box; steel -tire buggy; cutter; walking plow; Oliver riding:plow; set team harness; Web fence stretcher; De Laval cream separator, 500 lb. cap.; fanning mill; grain grader; 500 bus. oats; about 20 tons of hay; Finlay; range, nearly new; 3 -burner Coleman coal oil stove,nearly' new; good set of dishes, 96 pieces; quantity of other household effects; forks, chains, whiffletrees and numerous other art- icles. Everything to. be sold without reserve as proprietor, has sold his farm. • TERMS—CASH Everything to be settled for on day of sale, except the oats, strangers paying by .cheque will have to present marked cheque or be identified. Jolie' JENK,INS, Proprietor. GEO, H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. • 55-2 • T. R. WIGGINTON 55tf. For Sale 1931 Qhevrolet Coach in good run- ning condition. Apply News -Record. ( 55-1 Tempters MUFFINS FRUIT SCONES 15e doz. Doz. 15c Fruit COOI{IES SHORTBREAD Doz. 15c Doz. 20c BUNS — 12c doz. SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL WHEN PURCHASED WITH ANY OF THE: ABOVE' BAKING BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE AURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) Do Nuts 20c doz. SUEYS 15c each Date Cake .. 15e Cherry Cake 15c Pumpkin Pie 25c Date Squares 20c doz., Lost Fox terrier, white with two black spots on back near tail, one spot large: Black, head and ears, with white stripe down centre of face. Re- ward, Return to Miss F. Higgins,, Clinton, Ont. 55-1 Housekeeper Wanted To take charge of country home. Please apply on premiAes to John McCowdn, R. R. 2 Seaforth. 55-1 Pullets' For Sale 100 choice early April -hatched Pullet's for sale. For information apply Clinton News -Record. 55-1 YACTIVE DEALERS WANTED Men 'and women make easy money selling sour line of 200 products, Needed in every home. Sure repeat- ers. Wholehearted cooperation. NO RISK. Inquire TODAY: FAMILEX PRODUCTS, 570 St. Clement, MONTREAL. 55-1 FRESH FRESH FRESH DON'T GO SHABBY NOW IS THE TIME TO RENOVATE YOUR CLOTHES. ROASTED NUTS WE ARE EXPERTS IN THIS' BUSINESS i{ CHOCOLATES ALBERT PALMER MARSHMALLOWS Isaac St., Clinton. Wendorf's A GOOD PLACE TO BUY GOOD' BAKING AND CANDY MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument . . Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe 40t2 Tomatoes Bonny Best & John Baer FINE QUALITY 50c Bushel BROILERS and ROASTING CHICKENS E. L. Mitten PHONE 213 For Sale or Rene, Desirable property on Victoria st. Good house, garage, barn, garden and small fruits. For particulars apply to Mrs. Herbison, Victoria street. 53tf For Sale or Rent 100 acre farm, Lot 12, Con. 8, Hullett, . Possession given at once if required. Far particulars apply to John P. McIntosh, Clinton, 53.3 WE ARE PREPARED TO GIVE Expert Repair Service ON ALL MAKES OF BATTERY AND ELECTRIC RADIOS FOR FIRST CLASS SERVICE PHONE 213 MITTELL'S RADIO & ELECTTRIC SERVICE STRATFORD-GODERICH , COACH LINES SUMMER TIME TABLE Leave Clinton for Stratford— Daily 8.10 A.M. & 5.10 P.M. . Leave Clinton for Goderich— Daily except Suns. & Holidays, 1.15 P.M. & 8.00 P.M. Sundays & Holidays, 1.15 P.M. & 9.40 P.M. !Connection at Stratford for Toronto, (Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock. BARTLIFF'S, Local Agents, Phone 11 Reserve the Date The W. A. of Wesley -Willis will hold a COUNTRY FAIR in the As- Ro'rICE Voters' List, 1939, Municipality of the Township of Goderich County of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given that 1 have complied with Section 7. of the Voters List Act and that I have post- ed up at my office in Goderich town- ship on the 8th day of September, 11939, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Munieipality at Municilral elections and that such list 'remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law. Dated at my office this eighth day, of September, 1939. R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk. 53-3 senibly Hall of their Church on Sat- Apples urday, October 28th. Watch for fur- Sprayed apples for sale. Spies, ther announcement. 53-1 Kings, Russets, Tolman Sweets, Bald- Poultry Wanted. win and Greenings. Phone 622r24, Wanted to purchase White Leghorn Fred McClymont, Varna. 56-4 and Barred Rock Pullets. Send full SewingClasses and number for sale. Sam !particulars an Mrs. Gordon Qnninghame will re- Pattison, Fergus, Ont. 54-4 sumo her sewing classes on Saturday, October 14th. Arrangements may be Bicycle For Sale made by telephone. 55-1 Lady's Bicycle, practically new and moderately priced. Apply Clinton News -Record, 54-2 AUCTION SALE of Furniture and Household Effects ea FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th at 1.30 p.m. Corner Fulton and Dunlop Streets, CLINTON. Property of Miss B. Watt and W. G. Cook. GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 55-2 Spirella Foundation Garments Spirella Foundation Garments sold by Mrs. 3. Silcock, C'orsetiere, Clinton, 54-2 Farm For Sale 80 acres, 4th concession, Goderich township; creek; bush; suitable for farming or grazing, reasonable price. Mrs. H. L. Salkeld, Goderich. 54-3 Scotch Shorthorn Sale For Sale At Elmundorph Stock Farm, on 14, 14, i�., 31 and 1 H.P. Electric Tuesday, October 10th' at 1.30 p.m. motors. Motors, Generators, etc., re- ' 26 bead, all ages. For catalogue paired and rewoimd. All guaranteed. write Clifford H. Keys, proprietor, Lorne Johnston, Exeter, Ont. 54-2 Varma. 54-3 FARM POR -SALE The Administrators of the Estate of Rebecca Shnith, will offer for sale by public auction, subject to a re -1 serve bid and ether Conditions of Sale, on Saturday, September :30th, 1939 at the premises, North Half of Lot 25, and the South Half of Lot 26, Concession 4, London Road Sur- vey, Tuckersmith. 1 The said farm consists of. 100 acres, good clay loam, on which is said to be erected a brick house and two barns. On the said premises is 10 acres of bush, 19 acres seeded to wheat, and 40 acres seeded to grass. DATED this 19th day of, Septum- bar, A.D. 1939. ! GEORGE H. P:LLIOTT, . Auctioneer., William Fear and James Leslie Fear, Administrators Estate of Rebecca Smith Deceased 54-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Inn the Estate of Thomas K. Mair, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, Deceased. All persons, having claims against the estate of the above deceased are required to file the . same ,with the undersigned, Solicitor for the Ex- ecutors, David R. Mali ,and Myrtle, 1V1. Fairservice, on or before the 30th day of September, A.D.; 1939, after which date the assets will bedistrib- uted amongst the persons entitled thereto, having . regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton this 9th day of September, A.D. 1939. F. FINGLAND, I{:C., Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors, David R. Mair and Myrtle M. Fairservice. , • 53-3 Farm For Sale 80 acres on concession 14, God- erich township, 81/8 miles from Clin. ton. Good house and barn. Posses- sion this fall. A. real good buy. Fox information apply to Jennie Tebbuttr Cutter Street, Clinton, Ont. 50tf-1p; To Rent Six -roomed cottage on Rattenburyi street. Furnace, bath, wired fon electric stove. Apply to Mrs. Fern. haat. 50 tf-In Wanted to 'Buy Old horses and dead cattle. MusU be suitable 'for mink feed, removed promptly. Fred Gilbert, Phone 608r22 Clinton central. 34-tf. Apartments to Rent Single rooms or 2 -room apart-, meats. Kitchenette, Hot water, steam heated, electricity., A�ryjily Nxiws- Record, 52.5 House For Rent Very desirable house, , newly re- decorated. All modern conveniences. Possession October 1st. Will rent furnished or unfurnished. Amply Newts -Record. J3-3 Wanted Old horses or cattle for mink feed; if dead phone at once. Will pay ac- cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone, 607r5, or Lloyd Baticins, 519r14. 84 t.f-.e-oave House for Sale A. most desirable 7 -roomed house in good locality. A few minutes walla from the Collegiate. Electric lights and water, large lot with some fruit trees. Apply New -Record' Office. 26-e.. Cleaning add Pressing Suits, Coats and Dresses' DRY CLEANING AND REPAIIUNO W. J. JAGO, TAILOR 11' not open work may be left e® Hearers Barber Show.