HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-09-21, Page 81pAGE THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD• HOME-MADE SAUSAGE HOME-MADE HEAD CHEESE RENDERED TALLOW in cakes 5c 1b, VEAL STEWS 15c 1b, PORK CHOPS 22c lb. only 15c lb. 10c Ib. CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET Phone 162. Albert Street GET READY FOR THE COOL WEATHER TREAT YOURSELF TO A NEW Stove or Heater' 1 1 1 1 1 — See Our Display — FINLEY QUEBEC RANGE with High Closet or Shelf, McCLARY'S QUEBEC RANGES With High Closet or Shelf. Quebec Cook Stove with high closet and oven. Used Quebec Cook with reservoir only. Second -Hand Heater $4.00 Used Electric Washer, looks like new. Hand -Power Washer, only used twice. SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. Stove Time is Here Again (See our RANGES and HEATERS before buying. — CLARE'S FURNACES and RANGES — PLUMBING and EAVESTROUGHING Prices are advancing — order and save. • 3 �► HARDWARE and Phone 244 S PLUMBING Hitlei hasn't Got it, We Have The new Winchester Repeater Shotgun at $33.95. Also a full stock of rifles on which we will give you the highest trade or the lowest cash price. It's time you had a new gun, why not get it now while prices are low. A full line of ammunition to fit any type. Bicycles, Motorcycles, Washers, Cleaners, see them at Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR SEPTEMBER 21-22-23 AYLMER TOMATO SOUP, 10%z oz. tins 2 tins 15c AYLMER CORN, Golden Bantam 2 tins 15e BUTTER BAR BISCUITS .. lb. 15c DERBY CHEESE .. '/z lb. pkg. 14e HANDY AMMONIA pkg. 5c 2 IN 1 SHOE POLISH PASTE . 12e SOAP CHIPS 3 lbs. 21c CERTO bottle 25c HEAVY ZINC RINGS .... doz. 23e PAROWAX 2 lbs. 25e VINEGAR XXX gal. 40c KLEENEX, 200's . , . 2 pkgs. 25c MINUTE TAPIOCA pkg. 10e ,WHEAT BERRIES, 5 lb. bag 25c PASTRY' FLOUR, .... 24's bag 63c SUPER SUDS, giant size, pkg. 35c SUNKIST ORANGES ..., doz. 30c EXTRA SPECIAL 10 LBS. .... SUGAR , ... FOR 63c WITH ONE DOLLAR GROCERY ORDER. T. 'Rt' TiIDMPSEJN Free Delivery STANLEY Miss Nora Stewart of London is spending a few days with her par- ents, IVIr. and Mrs; Adam Stewart. Mrs. Gabe Elliott and Mrs, Wit- ham Glen of Toronto spent the week :with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Glen. , Mr and Mrs. Ken Taylor and fain - Diamond Jubilee Anniversary Holmesville United Church SUNDAY, OCT. 1st: Preachers: Rev. J. W. Johnson 11 a.m.; Rev, A. Sinclair '7.30 p.m, TUESDAY, OCT. 3rd: Play 'The Strike in the Ladies Aid' Adults 23c, Children 15e. THURSDAY, OCT. 5th: Speaker: Prof. F. C. Elford; Ottawa. SUNDAY, OCT. 8th: Preacher' Rev. T. R. Courtice, as- sisted by Rev. J. W. Herbert. TUESDAY, OCT. 10th: Fowl Supper arid Programme. Adults 5uc, Children 25c. ily of Blyth, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs, John McFarlane Sr. Mr. Francis Daymon and son, Stewart of Chatham, and Mr. Will Spear of Highgate were weekend vis - iters at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stewart. Mr, and Mrs, Will McEwan and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stewart spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Hogg ; at Drumbo. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Batt of Stouff- ville visited the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jahn McCowan, for a few days this week, Mrs. Thos. Baird Sr. left this week to visit her sister, Mrs. Agnes Gord- on at Shepperton. Mrs. Peter Fisher who spent the past few months visiting at Graven- hurst, returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Moffat. Miss Viola Fraser of Palm Springs, California, and.. Mrs. Blount of De- troit, visited Mrs. Frank McGregor last week, Mrs. John Hohner, and three child- ren, Kenneth, Anna Jean, and Doug- las, of Goderich, also Mrs. Alice Rohner, visited at the home of Mr., Geo. Baird Iast , Saturday, Aew Fall Books of Importance "STEP BY STEP (1936-1939)"—The Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill. Price $3,75. This book deals with National Ser- vice, Needs of. the Navy, the tragedies of Abyssinia, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Spain, Germany's demand for colonies, and her alliance with Japan - Moscow, the Mediterranean and Pal- estine and our friendship with France. Step by Step presents Mr. Church- ill's reactions to recent International affairs which brilliantly exemplify their writer's penetrating insight in- to the political cross -currents of these amazing and perilous times. For example, a head line in a re- cent paper "Want to Know Where Bremen Is, Eh?" Nazi Envoy Says Churchill could Tell." "ORIENTAL ASSEMBLY" Price $3. This book contains all the hitherto uncollected writing by Laurence about the East, also the full text of the suppressed Introductory Chapter to "Seven Pillars of Wisdom." With over one hundred remarkable and mostly unpublished photographs taken by Laurence during the Revolt in the Desert. Here are features of this week's "Star Weekly". A story about Neville Chamberlain,—Britain's War Prime Minister — and informat — about the 'llustrious Chamberlain farnily. Every body wants to know the background of this man who guides• the E'mpire's destiny at this trying time. Britain's Flying Fighters, illustrations and story of Gibraltar, Key to Mediter- ranean Sea and many timely pictures 'n Rotograuvre. The W. D. Fair Co Often the Chea,eet—Always the Best I _ " Miss Pearl Elliott is visiting this week with friends in Port Huron. Miss Muriel Perdue is visiting in Detroit where she attended the State Fair. Mr. Cal. Streets has returned home after holidaying in Hamilton, Tor- onto and Niagara Falls. The many friend of Mrs, Elizabeth Kennedy will be sorry to learn that she was. taken to Clinton hospital on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs, D. J. Atkinson and Miss Eileen Atkinson were in "For- est on Saturday, attending the Steed -Doan wedding. Miss Florence Rorke and Miss Ruth Hinchcliffe of Toronto spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke at their summer home. Mr. Norman Fitzsimons returned on Monday to Kirkland Lake after a week's holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Fitzsimons and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Wilson and Mrs, Walker, Princess street, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colwill of Bruce - field spent the weekend visiting friends in Comber and Listowel. Mrs. G. H. Ball of Londesboro; Mrs, D. Wright of the Base Line, and Mrs. J. T. Crich of town are visit- ing this week at the home of their uncle, Mr, William Palmer of Hamilton. Mr, and Mrs. George VanHorne to- day celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary. It is also Mr, Van- Horne's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nediger Jr. will celebrate their 12th wedding anniversary today also. Mr. George Elliott Jr. returned home on Monday from Findlay, Ohio, where he has been engaged in veterinary work for several weeks. He will return to the 0. A, C., at Guelph shortly to resume his studies. Visitors during the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Mc- Murray were Mrs. Mary C'olquhoun of Mitchell; Mrs. Maud Young, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pridham, Mrs. Earl and Miss Norma Pridham of Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame spent last weekend at their summer home in Bayfield which has been occupied for the past three months by the family of Mr. J. H. Stevens of the Empire Brass Manufactur- ing Company, London. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 1., Ilall and family of Cayuga, spent the week- end with relatives in Clinton and district. They were accompanied by, Mrs. Hall's sister, Mrs. A. L. Cartwright, who will visit her sis- ter, Mrs. Harvey Alexander of Goderich township, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Halstead who lived for some years on the Mait- land and have been visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity for the past four weeks, left for their. ,home in the West an Saturday. Mr. Halstead is a brother of Mrs. G. Youngblutt of Goderich. Mrs, Stead is a sister of Mrs, George Holland ancl Mr, 3, B. Lobb of town. • IIIIlIp�ll uioiwumllllonilnuannnmumnnpigliLUin11111iI�Y II'' THURJ$A, SEPT.'.21, 1939 BUY AND SAVE AT THE RED AND WHITE STORE Specials Sept., list to 26th ORDER EARLY PLEASE, TO AVOID "DL1A'P- POINTMENT AS WE CANNOT GUARANTEE HOW LONG :OUR SUPPLIES WILL LAST AT THESE ADVERTISED PRICES. BUTTERMILK'£`.- Cookies SURPRISE Soap 2 doz. 9c 4 for 19e RED & WHITE No. 4 Peas 3 tins 25c KEL,LOGG'S Corn Flakes 2 pkgs. 15c BURFORD' Pea rs 3 tins 25c Chipso WI HPLATE BOWLAND 25C Asparagus cuttings 2 tins 23c Pork td Beans TIN 2 tins 19c NATIONAL SOAP FLAKES 5 LB. CARTON _. 29c STANDARD TOMATOES LARGE TINS 3. for 25c SALADA T E- 'A: BROWN LABE`',sr Y2 lb pkg. 35c CARBOLIC Soap Wpeens SUPREME Shortening 3 for 25c 2 Pkgs. 25c Check This List of Fresh,. Quality Fruits and;. Vegetables -- We offer- you a wide Variety at Low Prices LEMONS, Large Size, Juicy GRAPES, Select Quality MACINTOSH APPLES, Home -Grown ,SWEET POTATOES LARGE SIZE FULLY RIPENED CANTALOUPES, Local -Grown 6. for_.14r. basket 29t basket 25c 4 pounds 25c 2 for 25.c,. EXTRA LARGE HUBBARD' SQUASH each 25c. BANANA SQUASH .............. each 15c -CELERY STALKS 6 and 9c, each '` n CAULIFLOWER, large white heads Z fol° 25c COOKING ONIONS 10 pounds 19c SPANISH ONIONS 2 pound -s 13c COOKING APPLES basket 25c EXTRA GOOD QUALITY — SPRAYED ,FRUIT PEACHES BOTH NO. ONES 'AND NO. TWO'S AT MARKET PRICES. SHBARING k NORMAN PHONE 48 r CLINTON Gospel Services WEEK NIGHTS at 8 o'clock. SUNDAYS 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. in the Hall over Hawkins' Hardware Store, All Welcome. Hymn Books provided (No connection with Russelism) Evangelists P. John and A. Moore. ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH 61st Anniversary Sunday, Sent, 24 Annual Supper Tuesday, Sept. 26 5.30 p.m. — 8 p.m. Admission: Adults 35c; Children 25c .ay.wn.+•..+.++++wry.«, F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel, Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 FRESH ATTRACTIVE Chinese Lanterns FOR SALE 15c a Bunch Time to transplant House Plants, make cuttings, etc. To get good results you need properly prepared soil. We sell it 15c a pail CHOICE BOSTON FERNS $1.00 each CUT FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS • .�A.'«�I�%;'F�C!o+::'C�Iti•.w: ;w,«p.W�,g,;«;.+, +�.;«w«jH;w;«;'.�'�.!+;::»:.«7Pl'.�.T�,+�«�!d4'k'�$�'' We Have The Solution In order to really introduce these grand TRI -LIGHT LAIVIPS, with beautiful Silk Shades, we will allow you $2.50 for one of your lamps, so you may replace that dark corner with a lamp that will light up the whole room, wonderful for reading. Only one dozen of these in stock, so hurry and get your bargain now, as we cannot replace them when our stock is sold. We are sorry to advise you that furniture prices are bound to advance, our same reasonable prices will prevail While this stook lasts, so it will pay you to place orders quickly. The same principle applies to all hardware as you know all metals will soar, we don't know when or where they will stop. The Stove Season is on. We carry' the famous Beach, Harriston, and Wingham Stoves and Ranges, so you will have a wonderful selection and price range. BE WISE, SHOP EARLY The Store With the Stock. BALL and ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Embalmers, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. Phones: Store 195; N. Ball, 110; J. J. Zapfe, 103 . •IA F».. i e .'»I .» »w.t+:v:;»w d+,»;»w,.A:s»: 4++4+:»B A•I+t÷.1.44+4t. 110100140.01601111114~101110111.11011111~%0400040 011180111041"6.101WWIN0~110%", YOUR OPPORTUNITY To Save Money this meek -end, We are offering our entire Stock of Dry Goods at the Old Prices. iimmommumoy WOMEN S ALL WOOL SWEATERS & WOOL SWEATERS, 8, 30, 32 GIRLS CO ?sizes 2 sizes 22, 24, 26 CHILD'S :ALL WOOL SWEATERS CHILD'S KNITTED! SUITS, 3 & 4 years BOY'S BRUSH WOOL SWEATERS, sizes 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34 $ 1.00 MEN'S- COTTON WORK SWEATERS $1.59 MEN'S HEAVY ALL WOOL SWEATERS $2.98 BOY'S WALKER BRAND OVERALLS, sizes 26, 24, 22 $1.10; sizes 34, 32, 30, 28 $2.25 75cl 59c 95c $1.00 BOY'S LONG PANTS, TWEEDS BOYS' SHORT PANTS, TWEEDS . $1.29 $1.69, $1.89, $1.98 89c & 98c MEN'S WALKER BRAND OVERALLS, Light Blue ;Shade $2.00 CLIFFORD L MEN'S WALKER BRAND! OVERALLS, Dark Blue Shade $2.29 Each pair of Walker's Overalls have a printed I . pocket and when these pockets are returned to us 25c will be allowed. MEN'S SUMMER WORK SHIRTS 69c to $1.00 MEN'S WINTER WORK SHIRTS $1. to $1.39 MEN'S WOOL MACKINAW CT, tiorted shades :Prices $2.75, $3$0OA' $4Sas.59, $4.89 BOY'S WOOL MACKINAW COATS, Prices $2.29, $2.50, $3.75, $3.98 UNDERWEAR for MEN and BOYS Any garment in Stock at last year's prices.. LEATHER FOOTWEAR has advanced in price. We have made no change. Check up on your RUBBER FOOTWEAR and place your order now. We know that when we buy again, many lines will cost us more money and we will be forced to charge more. B