HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-09-14, Page 2PAGE
THTJRS., SEPT. 14, 193?
apiure ¶Bcyond
SECOND INSTALLMENT keep him at a distance.
"Darling, I"m so sorry. I beg your
Synopsis pardon. I know I frightenedyou.]
Jocelyn Iiarlowe, raised in a French Pleaso do forgive me." He felt as
convent, at the age of eighteen joins though he 'had been sent bade in. a, "
her mother, Marcella, in New York. dream to play the part of a Victorian.
Worried about her safety, . because lover. I want you so. I want you
,she is unfainiliar with the modern to marry me."
world and has developed into a .After a considerable silence Jocelyn
. ;beautiful woman, her mother's firse composed herself.
wish is to get her safely married,
,Attending her - first ball, Jocelyn
meet Felix Kent, rich, handsome and
'nineteen years older tha% she whole,
.she -had known at the age of, twelve
'and who tells her that; heihas waited
:all those 'ears to marry her ,, En-
couraged . by her mother, he comes to
'the apartment often and as the Iasi
installment ended he had just kissed
1iera-her first ldss.
There were evenings, however, even
now, when his role of restraint was
difficult to ,maintain. On one such
evening he left Jocelyn abruptly with
a manufactured excuse.
Marcella began during the period
"Oh, no," she whispered, "Oh .. ,
:no . . . . no. .I can't."
Kent came toward her,enot close,
:for her arms were stretched. out 'to,
The Clinton News -Record
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"You won't do that again?"
"Not until you wish' it. Please,
Jocelyn, give me just the tipof your
silly little convent `fingers."
She let hint take her hand and: kiss
it. She brushed the other hand across
her eyes and smiled.
"Then it's all right?" he asked her.
"I think so. Yes, If my mother..."
"Your mother gave me her con-
sent at that same costume ball where
I was Jack of Diamonds. Do you
mean this, child? I am in earnest."
"Do I mean that I will marry you
you are asking?"
He had given her the choice, but
her freedom actually Was not greater
than that of a caged bird. All about
"Yes. They were lovely to me. "But '?tiereeeea` '.'.'a'■•■S.'".".•.:'■•.elee V.S�"1'. eedae•,Y; rr",',r„"■".`,� reee m : , �, •: "- I and Greece got Thdssalay. New states
▪ arose Servia; Rooanania, Bulgaria;
▪ and then, following the Great ` War,.
Poland's size was greatly, increased
': and she was given access to the sea
via the strip through which the
I can't talk about the nuns now; {
Father. Really. I was glad to leave'
them and to come to "America. To 4,'
New Yorlc. I wanted to begin , " . to }
"And now you're .,.. living, eh?"
"I soon shall be."
"Poor kid! When will you be mar-
He was listening all the while for
the sound of an arrival in the build -
"In two months now, Father."
"U -hum. You'll bo a pretty bride.
More than pretty. Will your mother
deck you out with ail her jewels?"
- Jocelyn threw back her head and
of Jocelyn's engagjemenit to attend "Mother's jewels! Can you imagine
evening ;srvioes regularly. So it it? Row you .must have forgotten
happened that when Felix left so her! She despises the things of this
early Jocelyn was left entirely alone, world. She wears : dresses of plain
Even the servant was away. black with a cross here like a nun.
For "a while, Jocelyn stayed near the. She would think it a sin ta' havewindow, leaning against its 'frame, jewels'. in' her possession, Father. You
looking `tirelessly at the wonderful must reallyhave forgotten; her. Do
great city. A city of Mars, So tell me about' her and about yourself
strange, so bright, so tall. and what happened :.to separate you?
At last she went backs into the, Her father stood hp., catching at
room and sat down by her piano, his cane, :smothering a cry at the
brooding. pain all 'sudden movements cost him.
She played her own music as she "I can't tell you, Lynda. Anything.
had not been able to do of late. She I mustn't even see_ you, again. But—
played for along while. - here's my' address." He pushed a fold -
The door from the passage which ed •scrap of paper into .her hand and
led back toward the bedrooms'; opened bent herfingers, over it. "I want you
softly. Jocelyn whirled about, sur- to have that for two reasons. If you
prised. ' She could see no one. But ever needme you can send for me or
the door had moved. come to me. But, I adviseyou, unless
Then she saw him,•coming round a it's a. very serious business, to: forget
great throne of a chair which had
her mind and her life and her will interposed between them. .The crip-
stood the walls of her inexperience, ple. .The little bent man, sidelong,
of her mother's silent coercion, of with brighteager eyes.
the unfair opportunity that had been Jocelyn would have screamed but
given to this older man. he arrested her with speech.
"May I have a pian?" whispered "Don't be frightened, Jocelyn," he
Jocelyn. said gently in a voice full of pleas -
The question sounded -so like mere antnesd, "1' wouldn't scare . I
childishness that Felix laughed out, wouldn't hurt you for all the world.
but very carefully, put his arias You see, you poor •little child, I am
about her. She came to him but your father."
not so softly, so completely, as before. And Jocelyn recognized him.
"You may have a piano, my dart- "I'mnot afraid of you,' she said—
ing. You may have anything you a queer first speech from child to
want in all the world." . parent.
"I want a lot," she said She put out her hand.
The piano was a symbol. All the Vick causiht at et and tried to
material world was a symbol .. of straighten himself to his daughter's
some desire, some need, whose very level. Rheumatism had himin its
name she did not know. But how was clutches and the motion cost him a
such a man as Kent to understand? grimace. But it succeeded and he
"You shall have everything," prom- stood there, sidelong still, but at a
ised the Jack of Diamonds. height even a little taller than her
It was an engagement in the old own.
literal sense of that term for marital "Thanks," he said dryly. "I'm
bargains: an engagement entered grateful for small mercies." His eyes
upon by one party in the blindest ran rapidly about the room. -
ignorance of the price expected .of "I'm glad mydaughter is not afraid
her. of me. I thought by this time you'd
Early that morning, creeping into be made . , of fear—I used to call
her mother's bed where Marcella lay, you 'Lynda.'"
broad awake — she prayed through "Sit here beside me on the sofa.
nights of fearful sleeplessness—Joc- I won't stay long. And you mustn't
elyn asked her in a quivering under- tell your: mother that I've been here.
"Why did I feel like that when
Felix kissed -me, Mother?" night of your first ball. I read of it
"Feel like what?" in the papers and waited there and
�- ■■ •■ori•■r
i have been looking at an old atlas
--one published between 1850 and
1855. It contains a nainea-Rosa . , .. ?
by JOHN C. KIRKWOOD Vistula flows — the strip which eut
", • , . ar of Dantzig and East Prussia from the
■ e• ■ dL '''''V 'r""Ar'' iw'." ■`i "% pre-war Germany. Many countries,
land, Wilnn. Its states bordering on as separate enitirties, disappeared in.
Turkey aro Poland, Podolia and Bee- the rye -mapping of Europe after 1018,.
sayable. This map of Russia is mado and some neer states or kingdcmie
Metcalf, of Toronto, who dates up of "Russia Proper", The Grand were created --- Jugoslavia, and
her autograph 185E Duchy of Finland, the Kingdom of Czeeha Slovakia by way of example;
I have ,been looking, in particular; Poland, and the, Caucasian Provinces: and Hungary became detached from
at the mans of middle Europe, and al Poland is quite a small ,country. Austia•
Asia. Some of these maps are confua Turkey in Europe has ;a map all to In Asia, M e
mangoes, became contract-
ing in their colorations and boundary itself, and its composition is indicated ed and China expanded. Then casae
lines, Thus, Belgium would seem to
include the states of Limburg and
Luxemburg; yet, when I. turn to,. the
map of Germany, both these states
are attached to Germany.
The map of Germany it puzzling.
Across it is the weed "Prussia', yet
the next map in the atlas is Prussia,
and it excludes a number of starter
included in the .map of Germany, That
is to say, Prussia, though part of
Germany, would seem to be a sep-
arate entity.
The map of Germany shows the
following political divisions—probab-
ly principalities: ,the Prussias, Harr -
over, Mecklenburg, Bohemia, Mor-
avia, Bavaria, the Archduchy of Aust-
ria, Styria, Tyrol, Wurtenburg, Sax-
ony, and a number of other and sinal -
ler states:
The reap of Prussia show's by col-
oration, Rhenish Province and Weet-
me and my whereabouts. The other phalia as separated from the two
reason . well, I Won't .bother you Prussias., These two Prussias—West
with .that. May I kiss you?" and East are made up of these
• She lifted her face. . She was in states: Saxony, Anhalt, Schwartz -
tears. burg, Silesia, Polson, Pomerania,
"Don't be a fool,"lie said roughly. Brandenburg, and West and East
"IVething to cry about. I'm glad you Prussia side by side, and together
aren't afraid ..: eren of fathers. taking in Dantzig and the territory
"You keep rile there, 'hidden, m now known as "The Polish Corridor",
your heart. But don't let me disturb through which the Vistula River
its nice strong beating. I'm going out flows, emptying itself into the Gulf
the way' I :came. Down your fire- of Dantzig.
escape. It's a very simple arrange- Inset tri this map is a small map
ment, that fire, escape. The ladder at of Hohenzollern"
� with the words, Ad -
the end flies up twice a tall mane led to Prussia in 1849.
height ,from the ground. But, if you There is an annotation on the map
throw a weighted rope and pull it of Germany regarding the languages
down there you are! See" spoken in Germany—Danish, French,
"So if you ever want to run away, Italian, Slavonic, Magyar, reliant,
Lynda, I'll show you how. But don't and others.
forget a rope." The man, of Austria is likewise
She followed him into' the small puzzling, for it seems to include
back room, her own bedroom. Now -1 states also included in the map of
Sandal got himself painfully out Germany. The Austrian Empire, as
across its sill and Jocelyn watched it is called„ which includes Hungary,
him climb down, swiftly and quietly includes these states: Bohemia, Mor-
in spite of pain and his twisted body. avis, Silesia, Galicia and Lodimer,
Jocelyn shut the window, and went Tyrol, Lombardy, Elyria, Croatia,
back to the lighted front room and Clavonia, Dalmatia, Styria, Barran
paced it rapidly. and Transylvania.
She unfolded the little paper he had North Italy is made up of Sardinia,
given her. Nick Sandal ...with an Piedmont, Milanstates border on France, Switzerland,
Lombardy. These
address. She carved it into her mem-
The Tyrol and Austria,
Russia in Europe has as its western
states -those bordering on the Baltic
Sea—Finland, Estonia, Livonia, Kur-
ory before she watched it burn. San -
I won't come here again, I saw you dal. Sandal. Was that her own right
at the end of that ,awning on the name? Jocelyn. nt
Harlowe. Lynda Sa
'Don t be frightened, Jocelyn; be said in a voice full of pleasantness
"Like killing him," t
"You are a foolish, wicked child. Go
back to bed. Felix will teach you
everything you ought to know. -It is
quite right :and natural that you
should be frightened by your first
"1 wasn't frightened, Mother."
"Yes, you were. You misinterpret
you own emotion. It was not Felix
you wished to kill." ,
"Who then?"
"It was ... yourself. Something in
you that woke., You were frightened,
furious, ashamed, as what went
through you under his kiss."
Jocelyn dropped her head and pees,
ently withdrew it and her soft cling-
ing arms. She groped her way back
to her room.
The engagement of Miss Jocelyn
Harlowe of New York City to Mr.
Felix Kent of Chicago with all possi-
ble other details of information was
presently in due form announced And
Jocelyn wore upon her third finger a
diamond ,as splendid as a star.
"You shall be married in the :spring
after a four months' engagement,"
Marcella promised and added to her
chosen son-in-law, alone, "I want her
to get used to you, Felix, so that we
won't have a runaway bride on your
hands. A,.% for her further education, X
must leave that to you, to your kind-
ness and patience and wisdom, Felix.
For after all, what can I tell her that
would help her to be a happy wife?"
This wailing question did not
startle Felix. He gave Jocelyn -s
mother scant attention, being prreoc-
cup!ed with problems of tutelage, and
with a vision of the education soon
to be given to an unsuspecting gold-
en girl.
I caught myself in the stupio mist-
ake of falling in love with you, Then
I say your engagement announced.
That scared me somehow. It's so
soon. You're only eighteen and you
can't know anything. I'm ill,"
Jocelyn, seated beside him, a
strange warm surge of welcome in
her blood, raised his hand, gently.
"I'd love to take tare of 'you."
"Couldn't stand a woman's fussing,
Lynda. Couldn't even bear a woman
round me now. I came to ask you...
are you happy?"
"Yes. And thr-rilled."
"Ilhum. I suppose so. Will you
get his picture for me?"
"Felix Kent's?"
"Sure thing, Your young man's."
She laughed. The whole experience
began to be an astonishing adventure,
This father had'.a way with him that
opened a door in her 'heart. She hur-
ried to her room to get the picture.
Coming back light-footed she found
him returning to his place from some
swift furtive investigation .. of the
room. She noticed this, but in her
confused excitment it made on her at
;the time no particular impression.
Nick drew' her down beside him and
bent over the large handsome pliota-
"Not bad looking. Well set up. Got
a tight mouth and a big eye. Goner-
ous chap, Lynda?"
"Oh, isn't he?" she showed her
ring. •
"That! Ho'd,have to give you that.
I mean. other ,presents."
"16%1given me a lovely, ' writs:
watch. Shall I get it to show you?"
"No. Sit still, 1 thought convent
girls were always composed. Did they
treat you well?"
dal. Another personality seemed to
be taking possession of her, climbing
up out of some dark well inside her
as the bent twisted figure of this
man had climbed up, from the dark-
ness into her home, into her life.
Like every other human child, Joce-
lyn' wanted to love and be hived. Loy-
alty she knew to be the very root of
such attachment. During the days
that followed her acquisition of a
half -guilty secret, therefore, her con-
science suffered: for loyalty was now
divided and her heart felt a dark
Said Marcella one morning turning
abruptly from the desk at which she
sat paying her bills, "Why do you
look at- me like that, Jocelyn, with
such great sad eyes?"
"Mother, I don't want to leave you
so soon," she said, trembling.
"It is better for you to marry and
to go away and begin a life of your
"But ... won't you be lonely?"
"I am used to being alone. It suits
hie best."
'Don't you love me, Mother?"
!'I will tell you the truth, Jocelyn.
I will not let myself love any one.
Human love has never brought' me
happiness. I have directedmy love
elsewhere. I care deeply for you. But
you simtst look to your husband for
warmth of feeling."
"Here's Felix now to console you,
darling."Jocelyn sprang up, turned. her back
to the room and swept the tears from
her eyes desperately. "Don't tell him,
Mother. Mother, please don't tell
hint," she prayed in a passionate
whisper. "Don't tell him I leave been
crying please!"
Marcella laughed and when, a fewmoments later, a man's strong awns
turned her about Jocelyn knew that,
by some signal or murmur, her moth-
er leaving them alone had betrayed
her confidence.
(Continued Next Issue)
"Don't be frightened, Jocelyn," he
said in a voice full of pleasantness.
Despite the inachine age Dobbin is
holding his own in this province—in
filet at present there is a better
market for good farm horses than
there has been for sometime. Horse
Shows report increased entries. while
Canada's Premier Horse Show hold'
in the Coliseum Arena at the Cana-
dian National Exhibition is so flour-
ishing that . several classifications
Have been, added this year. ,
be' Turkish .Provinces, Turkish the incursions of Japans into the metre -
Provinces under Turkish and Russian land of Asia, with the taking 4
protection, the Republic of Montene-1 Korea; also the capture a Formosa,
gro under Turkish and Russian Pro- and the .setting up of the puppet
teetion, state of Manchukuo. The United
Bordering an: Austria — Hungary. States . took over the, Phillipinee Pol-
and the states of Croatia, Bosnia, lowing the war with Sain.
Servia, Walachi, and. Moldavia. • -- I?
My object in providing the readers
of the 'News -Record with this survey
of the composition of parts of Europe
Bordering on the Greet= Arehi- and of Asia as they. were 100 or se
pelage are Thessalay and Rouinelia, years ago and as they aretoday is
above Roumelia and bordering on the to make freshly visible, at this petal -
Black Sea is Bulgaria. cular time, the instability of political.
units and systems -due to the schen-
ings and the madnesses of individuals
and bf small groups of individuals,
Even the present warring% will not
end wars. Titus, both Russia and
Japan are out to change their respec-
tive maps.
Bordering' on the Adriatic axe
Herzegovina, Montenegro and Al-
Turning to the Map of Asia, it
shows Turkey in AAia bordering on
the Grecian Archipelago; ' Persia,
Tartary and Tibet, The Russian Em-
pire, and the Chinese Empire, Nippon,
Arabia, Afghanistan, Beloochistan,
Hindoostan, Burma, Amen, Malaya,
Formosa, the Phillipines, and the
East Indian Islands, Borneo, Sum-
atra, Java, and others, we have heard—and it is especially
The Chinese Empire shows Mon- funny since it is said to be bane and
golia stretching from Tartary on the evidently happened not so: many.
West, to the S!ea of Japans The •miles. from Trenton concerns the
region marked "China" is south of minister whet was holidaying in is
Mongolia, with Tibet as its western! cottage near a 'secluded northerte
neighbour. Neither the Chinese Em- 'lake. Arriving there rather early so
pire nor Japanis given a separate the season, he was delighted to find
map in this 90 -year old atlas, yet that apparently he and his family
Russia in Asia has its own map. were the sole visitors. But unknowa.
to him, two city girls were staying
across the lake, and one sunny morn-
orning these two, also ignorant of the
presence of any other vistors, were
enioying a sun bath on the warm
sands of the lake shore, minus cloth-
ing. Hearing a rustle in the under-
growth they hurried to conceal them-
selves and were horrified to see the
'reverend gentleman emerge, look
around carefully and casually divest
himself of his clothing also and stroll
out of sight around the point. Now
it happened that the parson was is
candid camera fan, and he walked
away, leaving his camera lying on
his clothing. Some impieh thought
occurred to the girls, and they slip-
ped from the bushes, snapped each
other a la nude, and after laying
the camera back in place stole away
to their camp. Now—just how is
the reverend gentleman going to ex-
plain to the drug store clerk or his
,wife when he has that roll of film
;developed?—Trenton Sim.
One of the best stories of the year
I quite' recognize that this account
of various maps, and of the countries
named in connection with each map,
is likely to be bewildering. It will
have been seen that the countries of
Asia of 100 years or so ago are those
of today—with scarcely any change,
unless in regard to Turkey in Asia.
But it is quite otherwise in respect
of Europe—that is to say, those por-
tions of Europe referred to --Russia,
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy,
Turkey in Europe, and those count-
ries bordering on the Adriatic and
the Grecian Archipelago.
A century ago Alsace and Lorraine
belonged to France. Then, in the
war waged by Germany against
France in Bismark's day, these two
countries went to0Gerinany. In the
Great War of 20-25 years ago, Alsace
and Lorraine were restored to France.
In the course of the years Italy
gained Tyrol, Lombardy and Illyria;
llllderw'ood Typowriters
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New Portables complete with carrying case.
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It has the Sealed Action Frame, Champion
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The C!inton ?S'owsi000rd