The Clinton News Record, 1939-08-17, Page 1the News -Record Est. 1878
With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New gra
NO. 5949. -60th YEAR
The New. Era Est. 181,
Two Watch Specials at
FIRST — A WRIST WATCH in SECOND—A Yellow Gold Finish t
White Metal Case. 17 Jewels. Case. WRIST WATCH, 15
This watch is dust -proof and
"'. water -ti ht
$17.75 Jewels for .95
Both of the above are WFSTFIELD Watches, fully guaranteed..
Call today and select yours.
For over thirty-six years we have specialized in Watch
Repairing, in Clinton. That is why customers of the days gone
by, bring their watches to us, today.
Should you wish yours especially quick. Many times an
hour or two is all that is necessary fp;•ilii. expert who does his
own Watch Repairing to get your WOO put in. order.
Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j
IF Warm Weather
To Clear at Hall Original
If you are Thrifty you will Want
to Take Advantage of this
Exceptional Offer.
They include Women's and
Children's Sizes
We will Continue our Sale of
Sport Wear at One -Half of
Former Prices, Until the
Stock is entirely
Glopoint Lighters
We have the new Lektrolite Glopoint Lighters.
They are small and very neat M design. They
light your cigarette under all conditions, rain or ..,
shine or wind, by merely pressing a button
on one end and holding the cigarette to
the open end. No flame, just a heated
filament. A smart lighter for lady or
gentleman, neatly boxed and
Price $1.50
We also have a great many other lighters.
We recommend the. Chic and Master Kaschie light-
ers at $1.00 each, The Evans at $2.50, and
we have a nice range of Ronsons to choose
from at $4.50 and up.
Remember we carry a large assortment of:
and also,
as well as fancy ash receivers and numerous other
items that are always acceptable gifts
for a pian who spokes.
Remember WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts.
Our work assures your satisfaction.
"Counter's for Finer Jewellery for over Halfa
Century in Huron County"
"Thrills at Motorcycle It Really :Happened .. 7Jngagelnel t Announced. Among the Churches BAYF'IELD
game Monday evening was a long Chatham, announce the engagement Service on. evening cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Talbot of
Motorcycles of. every make and de- time citizen of ClintonSunday who will be of their youngest daughter, Lylaat 7 Edmonton, Alberta, and Mr. and Mrs„
scription and handled by riders from 92 years of age in a few weeks, !Adelaide, to John ROSS •Carter, soh p.m, ,Sermon subject The Sin of Harry Talbot of Bayfield at her new
London, Kitehener, Clinton, 'Goderieh This gentleman' was enjoying his of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Carter, of Inigratitnde. summer home "The Trail Blazers
and other paints featured in some evening meal when all at once he was Clinton, The marriage to take place' St, Paul's Church Cabin", tea being served at 3 a'eiack-
breath-taking races and hill climbing heard to exclaim; "By George, I al -The latter part of August, o'clock.
contests on the farm of George' Flew- most forgot that ball game." With egatiing service and'Junior eon-' Misses Dorothy and Jessie •Gres•
al -
rt Goderich h to s t
wn on dare
t, h Sunanon at 11m
a Mr
P y that exclamation tie .his eg gHand-
ha xe oma n evening meal
1der of
The feature attraction of the after -son of Huron College will Toronto, Miss Shirley Hardy
was finished. He- xeaahed for Inchi'bat Shareholders Meet g preach. and 'Mrs, Delbert Haw of proton,
noon in connection with the annuallandcane. Then another exclamation There will be no, evening service. Station were guests of the hatter's
motorcycle ionic was a ride byBob« ' A meeting of:. the shareholders of -
Y p Dorothy, cancel all telephone en-' the Huron -Bruce Oil Company was The Salvation Army mother, Mrs, W Heard over the week.
Farrish of Goderich who drove his gageanents. Then out the door for held in Legion Hall on Momdend
machine tluouagh a blazing barricade, the ball park. y morn- Services far the day will be teen. Mr, and Mrs. Fold King stir:
Negotiating this hazard safely his Yes,' you guessed it It was none ing with et very representative turn- by Envoy John McDougall of SSea- of Toronto spent the weekend with-
out o ' 'shareholders;
machine got out control on the side other than that ardent ball fan, David ..i forth on Sunday. Come and hear Mr, and Miffs. George King:
of the steephill when it struck a ' The directors gave a full' report him,
C'antelon They don't make them any of bho organizat•
ion of the company Rev. Mr. Bugler and family of:
depressions The rider was thrown, better, and it still takes a good tn,an and their experiencesWesle - ' li Ch I Burford are spending their vacation;
but was uninjured, Ito follow him in a da 's work, He; in sinking the , Y Wil s Church Y ; in the village.
The hill climbing event prayed to well to an approximate depth of 3,60(1
is still young in heart and head. Good' On Sunday morning in Wesley -1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brandon of`
be the most excitingand called for , feat. A showing of gas and ail was
lisle to you Dave, well see you at' encountered at ut depth of 1650 feet
.Willis Church Rev, Andrew . Lane Landon spent; a few days last week:
the next game: (contributed)d '
will preach to the united eongrega- with Mrs C. Brandon
ana maoaiti of th shat h ld
An interested spectator at the ball
Mn and Mrs W. F. Montgomery, Baptist Church Mrs. Iiaiay Ahrens entertained her
both pluck and skill of which the var-
ious contestants seemed to have an J Y e e o els tions of Wesley -Willis and Ontario) Rev, and Mrs, Graham and family -
abundant supply. Their machines at expressed their desire to see further Street on "Sacred and Seculaa'"; The are spending the next week at the:
times ave the im ession of Oats Yield 90 Bushel tests: made, both at, the .bottom of
g LM buckin • g evening subject; "The Temple, of Anglican church camp at Kintail.
branches; but in the majority of cases to the 'Acre
the well and at, the 1660 fedi level, God„ Mr. and Mrs, Claude Robins and'
the riders were able to hold their 1 to ascertain if oil could be, found in babe and Mr, Alex Walker of Detroit
Off a one and a half acre lot A. D. paying quantities. The 'Catholic Church
seats. 'Rae Watson of London was Mc0ariney, Clinton,' has, recently The fowler board of directors -were spent the weekend at the home of
the official timekeeper for this and harvested 141 bushels of oats. There all retutmed with the exception of Last Sunday four chadren of the Mr, and Mrs, W. J. McLeod, Mrs..
other racing events. He was assisted are those who say "1 don't lelieveDr. J. S. Evans who had expressed parish received their first Holy Com- Robins and babe remaining for the.
by Bob Campbell of Clinton, it" Yesterday we talked to Mr. J. the desire to resign. Mr. Bart Allen =union, These were Donald Shama- next two weeks.
In -the hill climbing event Hon Eby Shearer, Agricultural Representative, of Halletttwigwas elected in han, Dorothy McGuire, Phyllis Shana-I Miss Lucy Woods who spent the.
of Kitchener was first, making the being ourselves rather skepticol. 'Mr. his place township han and Billie Matthews, The pastor past three months in England return-•
grade in five seconds flat; second, Shearer said he believed the yield The directors were authorized to took occasion to comment an the i ed home on Monday.
Wm,' Parrish, Goderich, 5 140 sec- a lhenti o ars the grain had been make enquiries and to use their judg- necessity of children at an early age I Mr. and Mrs, C. Playtex and fame
g d n he town scales and point- ntent in further "exploration of the being grounded in the fundamentals ily of Detroit spent a couple of days.
ed out that the seed was purchased wen.
from Alexander Stewart of Ailsa
ener. In the T. T. Course event in Craig, a farmer who has held the
which the riders made a circle over title of Canada's Oat Ring. "Another PEOPLE YOU KNOW
hill and dale in a race ,against time, thing' said Mr. Shearer, "that' par- .
winners were Elwood Epps, 39.8 sec- ticular plat of land was heavily fest- Miss Shirley Sutter is visiting rela-
ends; Stan. Keleher, London, 40.4 sec- ilized and well cultivated. Then tool tives in St. Catharines,
ands and Don Eby, Kitehener, 40.8.the season has been exceptionally Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott of Toronto
onds; third, Del Brighton, Kitchener,
5.2 seconds. Hill climbing speed race
was won by Del Brighton of Kitch
of their Holy Faith. I at the home of Mr, and Mrs, W. J:,
Mass next Sunday morning 10.30. 1 McLeod. Barbara and John Playtex -
i who have been visiting their grand-
for the past six weeks' re -
'turned Locals turned home with them.
The Clinton Concert Band will visit' Mr. and Mrs. G. Knight and family
Blyth on Sunday evening where they! of Toronto who spent the past two--
wowill present a concert commencing at weeks at the home of Mrs. F. Gem -
Another race causing lots of mem- good, yes, I believe it" spent ten days with Mr, and Mrs. 830 einitarelt returned home on Sunday
went, especially for the contestants, Since the average yield for the W J. Elliott,
was thethinking Mrs, G. Koehler of Zurich spent
pop contest, The Province is 30 bushels to the acre' Miss Helen Tomkins of Elora spent , We have had on display in our I the past week with her sisters, the -
speed with which they downed their this establishes something of a re the weekend with her aunt, Mrs, window this week a stall: of Sudan Misses E. and F. Powlie, returned to
drinks and made the race dumfounded cord. The grain was harvested with Thomas Leppington, Grass grown on the farm' of William her home on Saturday.
the timekeepers entirely and they ;a combine and the land is situated Mr. Frank Donnelly, Goderich, called Reid, 5th concession of Stanley. The' Mtis, Butler and fancily . of St.,
forgot to set their stop watches. Re -:just within the town limits. Mi Mc- at the home of Mr. Thomas Lep- stalk measured eight feet, Catharines who were visiting Mrs. W_
salt—no winner was declared. All in within,
claims he intends to feed the ptngton on Tuesday, �'
all however the event was enjoyed by oats to his horses,but since he has` Mrs. Thomas and Miss Mary Thomas hie meteor display last Friday Ferguson last week returned home on
the large crowd of spectators, also' . of Ayr are vision night was witnessed by several rest- Sunday.
recently acquired a truck he is re- , g the ormers dents of town who stayedMrs. Roth Poth and son of Cale -
by the contestants who after their 1 ceiving numerous suggestions, wise sister, Mrs. W. J. Nediger-. up until!
splendid efforts journeyed to the and otherwise, as to the disposal of Mr, and Mrs. E. Watson and son the early hours of the morning spending some weeks in the village.
coria reamed home on Monday after
lakeside for .supper. Ted of Hamilton are vting the watching numerous changes. They
I his crop.
Win From Goderich 5-5
Having previously suffered a 5-4
defeat front the Hensall Juveniles the
Clinton lads took no chances in the
return semi-final game here last Bill MMW
Thursday night. They took a cern- in the fifth inning to score eight runs me adeime atson and Mr. Grandmother's Day will be obsery-I Dawna Toms is visiting friends in.
mendinglead of six runs in she first to Thomas, of Hamilton spent the
give them victory and added five ed by the Women^sI Institute next Toronto,
weekend with Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Y August{ Donald Guest of Toronto is vision
inning and the issue was never in more itt the sixth to make the the Thursda , g24th. Grand -g' the hone of his aunt, Mrs. M...
doubt from then until the end of the decisive in the first game of the mothers provide the programme
and Mrs
Wilmer Wallh sent .
am P
e whtet elide
g l d 14-3. At the con- playoffs. which will be given on the lawn of L. Tents'
the past two weeks with the forte -1 pp g Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones and Miss
elusion of the game the Hensall lads Hensall seemed to be carrying the. Mrs. Ernest Epps, Kin street. An
er s sister, Mrs, W. R. Hume, of g Sadie Holman,Toronto were visiting
decided they had had enough and de -play up to . that disastrous inning Milton, exhibition of something worn on theg'
faulted the deciding game to Clinton when the Colts broke out in a hitting wedding day will be given and picnic friends in the village on Sunday.
g ' Miss Daisy Nediger of Hamilton re-
giving them the opportunity to lock rash. Up to that point M, Tudor
lady's sister, M(iesay it was a marvellous sight which Mrs, G. A. Walker. Kitchener are visiting Mrs. F. Ed -
Miss Bessie Shaman of New RooheIle, fies description. I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grierson of
on, ,
!wards this week.
New York, is 'visiting her sister, ..•'The new boxes and interior changes' Mr, and Mrs. Brown Higgins and:
Miss Sarah Siouan and other Clin- at the postoffice mark the first inti- family of Sudbury are visiting Mr..
Trailing on the short end of an ton friends. provoment in 36 years, With the and Mrs. W. Higgins.
8-3, score at the end of the .fourth Mx. and 'Mrs. Rees Jenkins and Miss additional floor space, the new boxes! Mrs. Richardson and Miss Ruth
inningin a ball Mary Jenkins called on Mr. and and extra wickets the work is matte Richardson of Waterloo are visiting
game that featured Mrs. W. Dalling of Moncton this mush ifor or the staff and is an
everything to make it interesting for Mrs. R M. Gale. parents, Rev. and
the fans, the Colts came from behind weals' added convenience to the public. Mrs. R. M. Gale.
horns with Goderich. I ltd allowed only four hits, but had]
tuned ]tame on Saturday after vis -
The first game in this series took given seven walks. Then the picture
l iting at the home of Mr, and Mrs,
place in Goderich Tuesday night and' changed, All batters were up, five ilii W. J. Nediger.
Mr. and M,.
the Clinton Juveniles defeated the 1of them twice, and hammered Tudor Norman Creoles and
lunch served. I Mr. S. Castle of Simcoe is spend-
ing his vacation with his inother, Mrs..
Geo. Castle, Sr.
GOD.ERIcH TOWNSHIP I Mr. and Mrs. Guest of Toronto,
spent the weekend with Mr. and M•rs.
aiighly-touted Sailors 6-5 in one of and Kipfer's offerings all over the son and daughter of London, visit- Master Elgin Snider of Gobles, who M, Tons.
the finest, most thrilling games of field. ed on Sunday at the home of Mr, has been spending his vacation atl Mr. and Mrs. W, Buchan and son,
the season. Bert White was dynamite :at bat and Mrs. W. M, Aileen, the Name el his grandfather, W. H, of Dunnville, are visiting Mr.
Monteith pitched fine steady ,ball and blasted the ball four times in five Mr. and Mrs. Cecil VanHorne return- Lobb, returned home on Sunday, Ewingn's sister, Mrs. M. Woods,
ed to Toronto on Sunday after two Mr. C. B. Middleton had the mis-I Word was received on Tuesday by
week's vacation spent with relatives fortune while unloading grain to have Mrs. F, Genteinhat•dt of the sudden
in Clinton and vicinity. the trip -rope break, throwing • him death of her daughter, Doris, (Mrs.
heavily to the floor. While rendered Graham) in Tillsanburg hospital. The
unconscious far a time, he is improv -1 sympathy of the community goes to
the bereaved family.
and helped his own cause with two times up, a triple and three doubles.
of Clinton's six hits His first effort, a triple, with two
1st. inning—Cook was the only man men out threatened to tie the j count
Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Paisley left on
to get on as a result of an error by at one all, but H. Hawking' hard Sunday for Kirkland Lake where
the Goderich centre fielder, With two drive to secand was nicely handled iitheY will visit their son, Mr and
ing nicely no*.
Mrs. E. W. M. Paisley. A very pleasant evening was spent
Mr. and Mrs. F. Lawrence of Ham- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
ilton and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Trick Stettler, who are shortly -moving to
of Dorchester visited last week Aubmn, When on Friday evening, the
with Mr. and Mre, T. R. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rands and son
of Huntsville, who have spent the
past few weeks at the former's
parental home, have returned home.
Mrs D. S. Cluff of Toronto and Mrs.
Charles Stewart o£ St Marys visit-
ed at the home of Mrs W. Robert-
son, Rattenbury street, on Wednes-
out for .Goderich Bloomfield singled
and Westbrook tripled for the first
rum of the game.
2nd inning—With two out for Cline
and Bert was left stranded.
Neilans' triple in the second came
at a needed time, driving m Hovey
to put Clinton ane run ahead. 'Then
ton a single by Counter and another Hensall came right back to score four
by .Fremlin which Castello let by, more runs, one of them on a walk
scared the tying suer. Goderioh went and a wild overthrow. Clinton sear -
out in order. In the next Clinton's 1 ed one in their half, The visitors
bases were loaded but no runs scored, I banged hone three more runs in the
Goderich got one man to second, Both , fourth while Clinton added ane and
teams went out in orderhn; the fourth: the score stood at 8-3 for Hensall.
and 'Clinton left two on bases while Then came the barrage. Eight hats
Goderich retired in order in the fifth, ' and four walks materialized into
6th inning—McDonald opened with' eight runs, giving Clinton the lead
a long double, stole third and scored for the first time in the game.
an a wild pitch. After Counter struck' Five mare runs made the issue Mr, J. L. Johnson ,and daughter Betty
out, foul walks to a row were given; decisive for Clinton in the sixth and
by Bloomfield. A. fielder's choice and final inning but the victoryWas taig-
a timely single by Monteith scored ed with sadness due to a •serious lit-
three runs for a total of four in this jury, to Kerslake, the Hensall catch
inning. Loose fielding let in .another er, who suffered a broken arm in a
runn'fom Goderich in their half, I desperate 'effort to tag Neilans at
7th inning—Young pitching for i •the home plate:. However, the game
Goderich got ono man out when . a was in the bag for Clinton before
single, walk, three stolen bases and the accident. The heart was taken
fielder's choice scored another run for, out of bosh teams by the mishap and
Clinton. Goderich gat one on a single wild cheering which had featured the
and error. In the final frame Clinton.: game, up to that point noticeably de-
put twa mere on but couldn't score.' creased,
Then came' Goderich. A hit batter, tl Hensall trotted out their string o
two, singles, two passed balls and a pitchers, M. Tudor, Kipfer' and J.
wall: and it looked bad for Clinton Tudor. Bab Draper went the route
for with none out and then011 sea- for Clinton and did a mace job. High -
and and third ,a single would win the lights in the work of the outfield Mrs. G Sharpe of Seaforth is spend
ing a week's vacation at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Jenleins'while
her son, Keith, accornpanied by his
friend, Allister UVigg', are touring
Nobbhern Ontario.
of Chippewa, accompanied by his
another, Mrs. T. D. Johnson, are
visiting .at the home of ,Mr. and
Mrs. W. L..Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eagan of Tor-
onto have returned home after
Anniversary Services
The 37th anniversary of St. And-
rew's United ehuach, Bayfield, was.
neighbors and friends of the oomtnun- observed on Sunday, August 13th.
ity met and presented them with an
r12ev. George W. Oliver of St. John's.
eatheal chair. Mr. Francis Powell Church, Landon preached most im-
ed address' and Mi. D. Deeves1pressive sermons at both services. At.
presented the gift. 8±i and Mrs, the morning service he took as hie
Stealer thanked them in a very app 1 theme, Christ,en the, mount of. Tians-
eveniate ,manner, after which the figuration, yet having to go all the
evening was spent in dancing and way even unto death. In the evening
social chat. I he spoke on the hope we . have in.
Miss June 1Vliiler is spending her Christ, basing his remarks on tlte, 5th. •
holidays in Goderich Chapter of Romans. The 'choir did
Miss Fay Lindsay, .nurse -in -train- splendidly, and was most able assist-
ing at Hamilton hospital, who has 1 ed by the "Rennie Malo Quartette"
been holidaying at her home; returned from Seafort'h, The special numbers
to her duties on Saturday. 'rendered by the Quartette were not
only much enjoyed, but contributed
greatly to the impressiveness of the
s4tending their vacation at Grand
Mz• and Mrs, Paterson, Mr. and attended bath morning and evening. whale service. Splendid congregations:
Bend accompanied. by Mrs. G. T. Mrs, Anderson and daughter, Miss,
Jenkins and son, Reginald. Margaret Mercer of Montreal and;
Mr. Mercer of Scotland, are visiting home in the village.
Mr, and MTs. M. 13 McFadden of Mr, and Mrs, A., Paterson, 1 Mm. and Mao, John McIntosh of'
Cookstown and Miss Beatrice Me- Mr, and. Ms -s Clements and ciaugh- Taranto are -visiting friends in the,
Fadden. of amnia were weekend ter of Shakespeare visited Mr and village and vicinity this week
guests of Misses E. and Z. Cornish. 1 Mrs, G. Swan, I Mss, Rev, A. E. Allen of Goderich.
Mrs. McFadden remained for a visit Mr. and Mrs. J, Smith and family is visiting at the hone of Mrs, d,.
with her sisters. of Wingham spent Sunday with Mr•. McQueen and Mrs. Forrest this week.
and Mrs. H. Barry, ' A recent caller was Mrs, John Wat
On Thursday, Mrs. Abe Zapfe was son of Egmondville.
rushed to the Clinton hospital for an' Mrs; Hess of Hensall and Mrs. A.,
arppendix operation She is getting McDonald of Dundas were visitors at
along fine Haugh,
ne at time of writing.: � the torte of MnMr. and Mrs. C. 1:I 8
Mn, and Mrs'. J. Grainger, Miss last week,
Jessie Grainger of Clinton and Mrs,I Mi Lawrence Reid and Mr, Stanley'
Weekend guests at the home of Mr, W. Wright of Seaforth, spent a few Reid of Toronto spent Sunday in the
and Mrs, W. J, Jones were 1VIes. R. days at Teeswater,
J, Dunseith, Mrs. Murray, Betty Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott mut Ken -
and Marjorie, Miss Dorothy Bos- meth spent the weekend at Burlington,
sence, Stratford, Mrs. Hughes and Miss Hazel Haugh, R.N., o± Tor -
eon, Joey of :St. Marys. onto is spending her holidays at her
game; for Goderich. Then the first Were 'supplied by Livermore and
out carte by a pap Premlin, A' Foster with same beautiful catohes
stiikeoub followed and Westbrook try -land after Clinton's infield had been
ing to steal home ended the game re -arranged fielding improved,
when Powell clappied the ball on him. The return game is being played in
(Return game here Friday night) Hensall tonight, If the Colts can
e R H Irl take this one a third game will nob
Clinton 0 1 0 0 0 4 1 0-6 6 4 be necessary. Handicapped as they
Goderich 1.0 0 0 0 1 1 2-6 5 4 awe with the loss of their best catcher
Batteries --Clinton, Monteith and it is doubtful if Hensall can make
Powell; Goclerieh, Bloomfield, Young, the grade. If they do, . the deciding
Henry and Bissett, genie will be played here Saturday.
Mr. J. K. Cornish, Mr. Jahn Snider
and Mr. Melvin Snider attended the,
Hensall-Clinton baseball game emu
Monday night in Clinton,