The Clinton News Record, 1939-08-10, Page 3a tate of Seaforth' fin -
St. Joseph at a standstill — Mon- High School, scarce 50 feet atter some spectacular suers' standing, commented Mr. Will.
sieur Contin of the "city of St. "1 met a man fleein' through the manipulating of his two parachutes. seri.
Y1I IJ S.,
AUGUST 10, 1939
bo You Remember What Happened During The Last
Decade Of Tlie Old Century?
FROM THE NEWS -RECORD, Baines, Wingham; Sebert G. .Henry,
Clinton;' Leyden M. 'Hill, Parkhill;
AUGUST 13, 1899
Austin E. Hoare, Clinton; Nathaniel
Mrs. Trotter of .Caledonia is the U. Jones, Goderich; Emily P. Law,
guest of Mrs. H. B. Chant. Drumbo; Vena H. Lobb, Clinton;
Miss Ethel Herman left Tuesday Nelson, Clutton; Hazel Palmer, Am -
to attend a few days in Brussels. berley; Grace Plunkett, Auburn; Mae
Mr. Will Holloway of Harriston is J. Ryan, Stratford; Lyla M. Spar1-
spetilfng a couple weeks in' town, ing, Cranbrook; Hattie .7. Turner,
.14Iisses Lulu and Muriel Tweedy Seaforth; Richard Ryan, Nile.
of Goderich are visiting friends in On' Saturday evening about six -
;town. Ithirty o'clock, fire was discovered. in
Mrs. T. D. Johnson Masters the 'Hotel Normandie barn and the
Clarence and Belt, were guests of brigade were quickly upon this scene.
Goderich friends over Sunday. The Normandie team was on the bus
Miss Minnie Lavan will return to meeting the train and there was only
onehorse the le; belonging
n in tab
to Mr. Copeland of Bayfield. It was
Mrs. Weary and Miss Lillie Weary overcome by smoke and was brought
of Goderich, formerly of Clinton, were The Kiltie Band Lawn Social was
guests of Mrs, George Shipley oa a successful event last Thursday
Tuesday, on their way to Woodstock, evening. Miss Kate Sheppard held
where they will take up, residence, +the winning ticket and was awarded
Miss Rath of Dundalk is the guest first prize of 500 lbs, of coal: •
Jessie McKenize, Bayfield; Walter
her sh
Bloomingdale on Saturday, w e e
will commence her school duties on
around by Drs. Ball and Evans.
of Mrs. S. Kemp.
Guest of honour at a huge banquet
given the Federal Leader in the Royal
York Hotel, Toronto, more than 3,500
Liberals from all over Canada. joined
in paying tribute to Mr. King on the
occasion of his twentieth year as
Chief of the Federal Liberal Farces.
Canada's position with regard to
world 'affairs would coutinue to be
one of caution, and no policy would
be enunciated "in a state of affairs
which has not yet developed and
about which we know nothing at the
present tine" declared the leader in
his remarks on' international con-
While politicians in general expect-
ed the leader would announce the
date of the expected election, no an -
nouncement was forthcoming.
Ontario's total light honey crop is
estimated at one-third below normal
by Dr. E. J. Dyce, head of the apiary
department, O.A.C. The statement is.
based on a report received from
68807 operators all over Ontario. GODERICH —. With over 20,000 taken to the hoose goo.
spectators present the second interna_ Sky Harbor Airport Club played
host to 200 aviators and their friends
was a
Hnge Crowcls At
Second Air
tional air pageant at Sky Rather
Mike Morris, of heLeamington, i at a banquet, at which G. L. Parsons,
huge success and• thrilling
showing a small bottle he picked up spectacle with 52 planes on the field, vice-president,. presided. Speakers
along the beach near Point Pelee. In- 72 licensed pilots and 150 air visitors were: Warden Turner of Huron
side the bottle is a.slip of paper dated the numbers exceeded those of lass County;. Hugh Hill, airport president;
April 6, 1932. It is presumed it L. E. Cardiff, •Oonseryative candidate
year There were 3 000 paid a lmis-
took the' bottle over seven years to
float from Kingsville, the point of
origin, td Leamington, a distance of
eight miles.
Port Burwell may become an in-
corporated village, it was revealed
Saturday when members of the 'vil-
lage council reported that they were
inquiring into the possibilities of in-
augurating the change from the pres-
ent police village status. The pop-
ulation is about
0 and summer
homes` are estimated at 200. The vil-
lage is more than 100 years old.
Seeding of grain by airplane at the
rate of more than an acre a minute
has been undertaken in the United
States where farmers are accepting
more federal aid and pressing their
government to undertake mare re-
search work to help them solve their
stens on Saturday and over 10,000 on fox Noi'th Iiuron; Dr. R, 0, Lee, 'pub
Sunday, with as many more occupy -
relations man for'General Motors,
jug every vantage paint on three sides Detroit; Cass Hough, one of the o' -
of the field and on the high ifanlcs ganizers of the show here and a Ply -1
of the Maitland River a mile distant, mouth, Mich., manufacturer; Ernie!
Practically every type of the latest Taylor, of Hamilton; Miss Clare Liv -1
civil aircraft was represented. Per- ingetone, of Puerta Rico, who flew
feet flying weather prevailed each:a Puerto Rican Government plane!
here front Detroit; Miss Helen liar
' • ris'on, Canada's only woman ' flying :
A predominantly United States instructor, Hamilton. Miss Joyce
show last year, this year it was al- Reid, aged 17, Canal ' t
r Canadia airmen licensed girl pilot, also trade a bow.
ming in greater numbers and Ant-' .___
i an in. -ewer,
c s f `
tis yotmges
most .a reverse n
While this year more civil aircraft Seaforth Sells School
of the latest 'models were on the
field, the show lacked the military Debentures
touch entirely.
successful venture and thrilling spec- Seaforth under authority of Bylaws
tache. The saunters were. headed by 402 and 403 of 1938, were sold this
This year's pageant proved a most Debentures issued by the Town of
Miss Ida Garbutt of Kingston, and'
Malloyof London are: g Cass Szmagaj, test pilot of Stipson week by tender, the successful bid be -
Mrs. W. J. CANADA'S 20Q,000 BICYCLES Aircraft, Detroit, flying a high-jrcw- ing a joint tender by W. C. Pitfield
guests of Mr. and Mrs. James'
4 t I ed hair-raising vertical and horizont- ris, Ramsey Sc Co,, of Toronto. inc
Miss Nora Morgan of Detroit is Centenary Celebrations in September al snap rolls slow rolls the Inunel price was $102.39, plus accrued inter-
Har -
eyed, paper wing Waco, who perform- Si Co., of Montreal, and Messrs Har -
The Goderich Townn of Three Rivers,
Friday evening so > Mich. took a summer course in ad-
Toronto, at a price of 100.58. The
bonds bear. interest at three per cent.
The money from the bond issue will
be used to pay for the recent ad-
dition to the Collegiate Institute.
Council heard bitter complaint of
e guest of Miss Charlotte Everett : Tkr G d 'ch Council on Lillian Spaulding
Mann loop arid roll outs and various est. The total issue covered by the
Miss Birdie Hillier of GoderichMcKeis F 'd Id $13 200 10 year other loops and rolls. The flying of two bylaws is $35,000, and the de -
the guest of Miss Blanche McKeown.' The direct ancestor of Canada's H & C of A. O. "Shorty" Finlayson, of Sky bentures pay 3t/ yer cent. Nine
Miss Lottie Cantelon, late of Mount 200,000 bicycles is being commenter-
Forest, is the guest of Mrs. Peter ated by the unveiling in September Harbor; Tont Senior, of.Toronto, and tenders were received.
Cantelon. of a plaque to mark the -hundredth Ernie Taylor, of Hamilton, was only' The funds raised through the sale
Clinton bowlers win over crack anniversary -of the. invention of the slightly less spectacular, I of the debentures will retire bank
loans resulting from Collegiate ad -
teams from Mitchell and Woodstock. first bicycle to be propelled by There were massed flights to open ditioii and public school alterations.
Clinton teams were J. P. Tisdall, pedals, each day's remaprogram, balloon bursting p
James Fair, D. A. Forrester with W. The inventor was Kirkpatrick Mac-. the condition of the Bue Water High (`Queen Vici aria" the Holstein cow and s of landing contests betnb dro _which were completed last year. The
Jackson, skip; and L. Kennedy,' J. 'Milan, a Scottish blacksmith, and he way,north and south of Goderich, in with a 700 trust fund, is dead—at. p ' p premium received on the debentures
$ ping and forst sensational parachute covers the bank carrying charges, ac -
W. P. Spalding with W. was 29 years old when he mounted the county of Iiuron. The condition 29 The animal received its name jumps by George Bennett, a 5,000 -
cording to Treasurer D. H. Wilson,
Jackson, skip; D. McQorvie, D. L. Mc- his bicycle and rode off to Glasgow was described as a menace to mot- by virtue of having been, born on foot double -delayed jump. Each time The fact that the debentures met.
Pherson, W. Brydone with D. A. For- to see his three brothers, one of orists by Mayor NIacEwan and Coun- British Queen Victoria's birthday and Bennett landed on the airport in toll with such a ready sale and command -1
rester, skip and J. Bell, I. Taylor, L. whom, a former tutor of John cilor Ruskin. In committee of the was believed to 'be the oldest cow view of the large crowd, just clear•- ed such a premium, is an indication
'Kennedy with J. Johnstone, skip. Bright's, was Rector at Glasgow whole, council decided to bring -the in the United States. ing 'a fence on the last jump, by of the healthy s s i
vaned baseball coaching. at Columbia
University. Said she: "I've ' always
wanted to be able to tell the .boys
in my seventh grade how to correct
their diamond faults."
condition of the highway to itmited-
iate attention of the department of
highways and the county's two
Joseph has been called a conundrum, air on wheels,"cried a shoemaker The comedy Eccrine was provided On Wednesday the Teasurer re -1
but that is by the unbelievers who when he encountered the first bicycle
will not be convinced that this enter- in action, "and if it wasna' a man, _ in an "elopement" in which figured ceived the successful firm's cheque
prise is such a one as he attempted then it must ha' been the Dell him, two automobiles, one occupied by the for the entire amount and was advis-
reasonable hope of success. Such self' ", eloping couple in form' attire, "Les ed that the firm had already dispos-
people ,assert that a harbour at that The plaque is to be placed on the Naftel and Hope Match," and irate ed of the debentures. — Huron Ex
point is absurd; •and without one the wall 'of Kirkpatrick Macmillan's father -in -law -to -be with a shotgun, positor. I
"Shorty Finlayson," in a rickety car;1
Ever since an Ailsa Craig man,
more than 80 years of age, was in-
volved in a collision while driving an
automobile this summer, authorities
have been debating whether or not
Ontario should set en age limit for
automobile drivers.
Rev. A. E. Silver, Pastor
11 a.m.-Sunday School
'7 p.m.—Evening Worship
Rev. A.'11. ,O'Neil, B.A., BJJ.
-10 a,m,-Sunday School
11 am, Morning 'Prayer,
Capt. McDowell
11 a.m.---Worship, Service
3 p.m.—Sunday School
'7 p.m.—Evening Worship
Rev. G. G. Burton, M,A., B.D'i
10 a.m.—Sunday School
11-a,m.=Divine Worship
9.30 a.m, Turner's Church. Seas
vice and Sunday Seh:ool'
7 p.m. Evening Worship
Rev. Andrew Lane, B.A.,.BD:.
10 a.m.—Sunday School
W'ors'hip service at Ontario na.
Church during July..
Re.. Gordon Peddle B.A.
9.45 a.m.. Divine Worship
11.15 a.m. Worship Service at.
p.m.Evening Worshipat.
7.30e t
Bayfield. g
Kenneth Scott, 18, of Londesbara,
"city" can never be a city in reality, smithy at Conrthill in Dumfrieshire.
the transfer to planes, the thrilling:
chase in the air, the forced landing
of the lovers by the girl's father,,
who, on landing, was arrested and'
handcuffed by Constable Lever anal
The News -Record drove to St. Joseph It is estimated by the British cycle suffered severe injuries Friday morn -
for available information. We went 'makers Union that in the world to- ing when the. car owned by his fath-
by the way of Varna, thence to the day there aro 61,000,000 descendants er, John Scott, and which the son, was
Goshen and down the Line to Zurich. of this first bicycle. Last year Great driving, crashed into a bridge on a
Farmers in that district have coma Britain sent 576,458 abroad, of which
fortable homes, large barns and well- total 156,166 were sold to foreign
fenced fertile farms. Zurich is a neat countries, a record figure represent -
little village, ready to bloom into ig in value £486,306.
greater things on the advent od a
xailway St. Joseph is not ss prose -1
erous as it was twelve months- agog1
when building operations were in
progress. Since last September not
a brickhas been laid; nor is there'
any stock on hand for that purpose.:
The mammoth hotel and stores have
not got beyond the first storey, and
Has Diesel Locomotive Specially
Built For It
An outstanding achievement of.
Premier Maurice Duplessis of Que-
bec has annouced that his Govern-
ment has acquired all rights on the
Nedelec Indian Reserve in Tenuskam-
Hullett township concession' • road. He
was taken to Isis home with body ing. The land will be • opened to
cuts and possible internal injuries. settlers. The reserve consists of
The boy was returning after swim-
ming in the Maitland River when the
car went out of control five miles
northeast of Londesboro. A passing
motorist called County Traffie 0.1'- fund of the Dominion Government
ficer Norman Lever, of Clinton, who branch responsible for their welfare.
9,000 acres of good, fertile land. The
government, in acquiring the ter-
ritory, compensated the Indians by
depositing $30,000 into the Indian
Neaxly 100,000 acres of land have
SLASHED BY TRANSIENT been leased in the vicinity of Port
Stanley with a view to increasing gas
not much prospect of work being re- Police on Friday inves iga e .. production. At the resent time a
p pe .British engineering enterprise is the P
sumed. building of a Diesel locomotive to run reported attack upon a nine-year-old well is being drilled on the farm
Seaforth lad by an unidentified trait- owned by Premier Hepburn,
on the highest railway line in the p
world, near La Paz, the capital of siert, who is said to have inflicted !a
When The Present Century Bolivia. half-inch knife wound in the lad's
The engine has now passed all
>E right arm. Harold Knight was play- An automobile turned two complete
�8S OUng tests, including the six -mile climb ing with several other lads in a corn- somersaults in a freak accident in
•with a gradient of 1 in 14 along, a Meld near his home in the vicinity of Toronto. The driver didn't even lose
THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD series of sharp 'S'' curves from the CN.R. tracks. his hat and his passenger emerged
AUGUST 20, 1914 Pas to the plateau 2 000 feet above The lad suffered a half-inch gash with eyeglasses intact and still on.
the city and 16,000 feet above sea in his arm, inflicted, he said, by a
the weekend in town wth Mr. and Built for the Peruvian Corporation knife and then escaped by climbing Compulsory "dimming" of motor
• dl hts t
it will notL.hintpassing
Messrs. Tom Herman, Ike Batten* conditions are so severe that en n- lest than 5ded feet from oncoming and Wilbur Ford left mY tiers have hitherto believed them to
onde cars is providein new lighting reg -
for a trip down the St. Lawence. be beyond the powers of such an Matrons now in effect as part of the
Mr. Robert Beacom .a Pickford, engine, which they thought would Highways Traffic Act. In passing
Mich., who thirty-five years ago was prove so cumbersome and costly Many kinds of insects occur in the light beam must be lowered and
a familiar figure an the streets of (compared with the present electric dwellings. Some of the insects' at- may not rise higher than two inches
Clinton was in town yesterday, He traction) as to be economically un-- tack human beings and may be as- from the road' at a distance of 7b
is visiting his brother, Mr. John Bea- workable. sedated with the dessinunation of feet in fro
hip I meP Corporation cense freers of highway patrol have been
cam of Goderich towns
Peruvian disease. Others feed d up
nt of the • other `car. 01
on oth,
Miss Elizabeth Sheppard of Water- quently placed a number of safe- house furnishing, and others clarticleings instructed to rigidly enforce the new
burg,' New Haven accompanied by guards n .their contract, and a' firm of value, and often do serious dam- regulations.
her nice, Miss Eunice Yates has. in Leeds, Yorkshire, accepted the age.. Still others infest foodstuffs,
been visting her sister, Mrs. J. G. "challenge". The engine they built and not ably cause material loss but Col. Jack Addie, originator of the
Steep of Goderich township and her has now proved able to handle its may endanger health through eon- Salvation Army in Canada died in
cousin Miss. Kate Sheppard of town. Load with . ease at the highest alti- Laminating them with bacteria and Portland,. Oregon, last week. About
Misses Olive and Edna Cooper are tudes of the tortuous mountain track other organisms. Certain species are 60 years ago, the late Col. Addle
expected home from Ontario, Calif., and to be exceedingly economical on pests of house plants and se on, aP-°took up residence in London, Ontario,
to -morrow. fuel.
patently little in the home being from' and conducted open air services there
Rev. Kenneth and Mrs. Beaton of Special features of the locomotive attack. I for several years. He also served in
Toronto have been spending a vacat- are: supercharged engine, 330 horse- In view of this state of 'affairs,' Toronto and other Ontario 'points -be -
fan at tote former's parental home in power, with exceptionally large rad- a 100 -page publication has been pre -1 fore being transferred to the United
town. iator to maintain; anefficient temp..' pared by Dr. Arthur Gibsep, Dom-! States. He has lived retired since
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hawke of erature athigh altitudes where air inion Entomologist, and G. R. Twittn 1924.
of the Entomological' Division,
Science Service, Dominion Depart-
ment of Agriculture for information
regardinv the life history and control
of household . insects.
Northwood have been visiting friends density and conductivity are greatly
in town. reduced; independently -fitted ad -
Mr. Clarence Rance, youngest son ditionai starting system, petrol-driv-
of Mr. O. C. Rance of Toronto, who en, to avoid any possible delay; and
was employed on the '600d Road's a quadruple system of brakes, work -
Commission was suddenly .stricken ing, independently.
with appendicitis. He is in Toronto
General Hospital. 1 BLAZE AT WINGHAM
Warden Cantelon Was in Wingham Fire of undetermined origin Friday
on C'aunty business on Mondata totally destroyed a small frame barn
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cooper leave in Wingham at the corner of Patrick
next week for Taranto. street and Carling Terrace. The barn
Teachers -to -be at the Clinten Model was owned by Patrick Kehoe, Fire -
School: Flora Allen, Stratford; men stopped the blaze from spreading
Cecilia Breckenbridge, Ripley; Mary although they had a hard battle with
F. Carbert, Olinton; Veronica Car- grass, fires which kept starting along
beet, Clinton;. George Case, Dungan- the C.N.R. right-of-way. Twenty -
non; Mabel Clarke, Varna; Clara L. three loads of hay, • owned by W. J.
P. Copp,Clinton; Rhoda Douglas, Clark, as well as a quantity of farm
Ripley; Gladys Draper, Clinton; implements were destroyed. Loss was
Frank Fingland, Auburn; James O,estinyated at $300.
slip -
Mother: "Sa you got those beauti-
ful moccasins for daddy? They are
splendid; but don't; you think, dear,
he would have preferred carpet slip-
Young hopeful: "You've never been
spanked with carpet slippers!"
An ugly, white scratch on dark
polished wood will usually disappear
if rubbed with a freshly cut nut. The
nut oil darkens the white scar.
Heaviest yield of wheat yet report-
ed in the northern townships of Hur-
on County comes from the' farm of
John Garvey, Blue Water Highway,
Ashfield. From 22' acres, 1,100 bush-
els were harvested or the even. 50
bushels to the acre.
Probably the largest field of wheat
int the county, 60 acres in one stretch
was threshed in the field on the farm
of James Shields, at Dunlop, three
miles north of . Goderich. Grown on
light, land, it averaged over 30 bush-
els. The average yield in the county
is 3$ to 45 bushels. It weighs 60 to
64 pounds to the ' bushel and the
sample is excellent.
Hush, saddened June bride,
Don't you cry,
He may like your cooking
By and by.
tit yews?
To send her to a position
without training — neither
is it fair to the employer.
Through our system she can
be trained as a stenogapher
inside of 3 months home -study
Typewriter sent to your home..
Freefolder describes our
a b c System. of Shorthand,
which is easier to learn than
any other system, Write
Cassan Systems
Toronto 9, Ontario
Dept. 33
"The purest Form In which
tobacco eco be smoked"
We wish to enlarge our list
of readers and will send
The Clintoll
to the end of the year for