HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-07-27, Page 5¶1 IURR., JULY 27, 1939 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD , l'W on's OLDEST BANK 1S Canada's OLDEST BANK SIXTY . YEARS ago on August lst, 1879, Clinton welcomed the establishment of its firs permanent banking office. Today, that office is part of the nation-wide system of Canada's oldest bank = the Bank of Montreal. Just as the Bank of Montreal—now in its 122nd year of active and uninterrupted service—has been identified with every, phase of Canada's economic development, so, through six decades, its local office has aided and shared in the growth of Clinton. to its present position of importance in the thriving county of Huron. BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 "a bank where small accounts are welcome" CLINTON BRANCH—H. M. MONTEITH; Manager A MILLION DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS DENOTE • CONFIDENCE AUBURN ithorpe and James Sims. Rev. A. Silver 'spoke a few words. R. Miss Margaret Ferguson spent the Phillips • and Lloyd Raithby h • +weekend in Toronto. charge of the tent while Thorn Mrs, Alice Palmer of Edmonton+ Johnston and Keith Arthur sere -Alta., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Win. the hot dogs. • McIllwain, Dr. B. C. Weir and Jack were in Stxathroy on Sunday. They were ac- Barn Destroyed by Fire • eompanied home by Miss Josephine • A. large bank barn on the farm of Weir who has been visiting her aunts Vete Cunningham on the 8th con. of for the .past week. •Colborne, three miles west of Auburn, Mr, and Mrs. John Finlayson and was completely destroyed by fire Mrs, Wm. Slater of. Seaeoree spent '• about five o'clock Saturday after •Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs. Edgar:neon. 75 tons of hay, some of last Lawson. year's wheat. and 16 head of sheep, Dr. and Mrs. McDonald of Port also most of the farm implements Dalhousie visited with Mr. and Mrs.' were burned. A strong wind was W. H, Sheppard one day last week.; blowing from the west and the flames Mise Betty, Asquith• is visitingquickly spread to the house which friends in Toronto, i was nearby: Neighbors managed to Donald Rosa and Reid Sheppard save all the house furnishings, cloth-' have returned home from a ten-day ing and a sum of money which Mr. visit at Brampton, Toronto and Cunningham had put away in the Niagara Falls, !house before going to Auburn on Mrs. James Woods is attending the business. He ,was informed of the.) World's Fair at New York. !fire by some children in the village Miss Edna Adams nurse at the' and hurried home to assist in the, General Hospital, Woodstock, is re- futile efforts of saving the two cuperating at the home of Rev. and structures. The Cunningham furnit- 14Irs. H. C. Wilson following an op- e was moved to the farm house eration for appendicitis. i ar formerly occupied by E. V. Lawson Rev. Mr. Pritchard of Montreal• now of Siohneevilie. Mr, Cunningham will occupy the pulpit at Knox Pres- l bought it this spring. When th byterian Church next Sunday morn -'fire was at its height it jumped acro ing, Mr. Pritchard preached here the road beside the.:Ounninghat some years ago as a student. ',property and spread towards th Rev. Wm, Taylor of Dorchester will home and barns of Gordon McPhee have charge of the service next Volunteer fire fighters concentrate Sunday morning in Knox United their efforts on extinguishing the E. adlGOD.ERICH TOWNS . MMlr. and Mrs. Fred Wallis were as guests on Sunday of. Miss Kathleen ed Beacom, Mrs, A. B. Stephenson returned on Sunday after a visit with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Livermore of London and Mrs. Wheeler of Parkhill. Mr, Lawrence Stephenson and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mrs, D. Wheel- er of Parkhill. Stephenson Reunion On Saturday,' June 22nd the first reunion. of the descendants of David and Susannah Stephenson, to the number of thirty was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallis on the shore of Lake Huron, The weather was warm, also the' lake and after a good swim, games and boat rides,, full • justice was done to a bountiful supper. Relatives were Present from London, Clinton, Ham- ilton and . Goderich township, Miss June Stephenson is spending her holiday with relatives in London. The neighbours and friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Flewitt on Friday evening and spent a social evening in honor of . their recent marriage. el s I VARNA n' Mr. andnd Mrs, John Dowsein spent el Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. d Lloyd Keys and family. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys and fain Church at Auburn and. Rev, J. B. field fire and threw water on the ily spent Monday evening with Mr. Townsend of Belgrave : will have McPhee buildings with the result they l Quite an Mrs.dda a James M. Reidethe Cointon. age charge of the' services at Westfield did not catch fire. Mr Cunningham' and Donnybrook. 1 estimates his loss about $8,000, par- attended the Garden Party at 1VIiddle- I balky covered by insurance. ton',e last Wednesday ., evening. Mr. Harry Riordan is relieving at Mr. G. V. Raymond of London the C.P.R. station at Streetsville at' /3' A. Kay aif Clinton has been .present. • given the contract of painting the spent a couple of days last week at A. large number of friends fromInterior of the Auburn public school the lime 'of Geo, Beatty Sr, here attended the funeral on Thur- by the trustees, Harry Sturdy, Sid-' • Mr. G. Beatty Sr,, Mrs. M. G. day of Dan Geddes of Wingham 1ney McClinchey and Harry Yungbiut, Beatty, Miss Mossop and G. Raymond and Mrs. Amos rani, Rueseli and, Margaret, all of Meaford were re -i I'OiIT]CR S HILL Mr,, and Mrs. G, H, Beatty iln.d cent visitors with Me. and Mset' of rs. Jere -1 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ram family spent Sunday at Ripley. RLI, and Mr's. Wm, Clugston,+ Mr.. week motored to Grand Bend one day last miah Taylor, 'Detroit and Mr. and Mrs Robt Little Jimmy Lee Argo is spending Mr; and Mrs; Norman McBrien, Cantelon of Stratford were visitors the weer: with Ills grandmother, Mrs. Mrs. Harvey McBrien and 1VIrs. Stin- with Mr. and Mrs. Jas: It. Stirling d McConnell. son, all of Detroit. on' Sunday, day and Mr. Will Reid is endeavour- ThreshingMi and Mrs. W Ii Sheppard, J Miss Grace Staling who h been is again the order of the Joan g epetidin' her vacation with, aspar- ing• to do his best to help the farm - and Toni and Mrs. F. Ross were at her par- er Owen. Sound on Sunday. ents returned to Toronto on Sunday. anddor cover, s get their bountiful crops threshed Mr, and Mrs. Thomas McCauglieety. Mr, Geo. Hopson had .the nusforc- un and family and Mrs:. Sicily all of une to have his leg broken in twb ` The members of Si. John Anglican' Toronto are visiting Mr. and Mrs, places in a car accident last week. Church attended service' in Trinity. Ezekiel . Phillips. l Mr.; Leo Clark of St. Thomas . was Church, Bayfield Sunday, It being The main street of the village has visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. the ninetieth anniversary. been given a coat of sodium, chloride, 14zeGuire, I Mr. and Mrs. R. Laithwaite and Mr. and : Mrs. Robert Stalker a Miss Elizabeth Thiel of Pr • son Billy, and Gladys Beatty of Lon - Mr. Mr. Mid hies. Forest Hawke all of staying with Mr, and Mrs. John�Mc don,' are holidaying at the home o, Flint, Mich„ visited with ' Mr. and Guire after having her tonsils re- Mrs. L. Beatty, Mrs. Malt, .Allen. moved at Clinton. I , Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Beatty Woods __— and little daughter Nancy of Toronto • i rt' ' visited with the Beatty relatives over STANLEY weekend,, Baptist Church Garden Party Mr.' and Mrs. W, Marshall of Clin;- Mrs, Geo,' Wilson has returned tont A. large crowd attended the Garden home from Carlisle in Cumberland n sp nt Sunday with Mr,, and Mrs, -Party Friday night which was under England, her mother, Mrs. Adam Mc Jas. Grassick. • the auspices of Baptist. Church, and Leod accompanied her. Both r ' MPS. Schell and sons of Detroit re - which was held on the Anglican h ei�ort- turned to their home on Sunday after A g ed a good trip. 'spending a week ,with Mrs. A. Austin Church lawn. The Blyth Citizens' Mr. and Mxs, Goldie Graham and Band under the leadership of Dr. C. family spent Sunday in Goderich. and 'family. E, •Toll and Harvey MSeaforth o McGee were guest Mrs. Archie McGregor of rtSeaforthMr. and Mrs. Billy Austin and •artists. Irs addition solos were rend- isdaughter visited at the home . of Mrs, this week visiting Miss Mary Austin Sunday. ered by Stanley Sibthorpe; Jimmy Gilmour, .Sibthorpe, James Sims, duet by Stan- Miss Kate McGregor and Miss ] The King and Queen will leave ley Sibthorpe and Harvey Mason, a Margaret McGregor left on Monday July. 31st, for a stay in Balmoral .brass quartette consisting of Dr. G. to visit in New York, and also at- Castle, royal residence in Aberdeen - .E, Toll, Ray Dobbin, Stanley .Sib -,tend the New York World's Fair,' ]shire, Scotland, CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j A GOOD POULTRY MARKET We are always in the market for all kinds of live poultry, •Culling done at .night by an eaperieneed poultryman. Good service in grading your egge by competent egg , candlers. N. W. TER WARTHA Phone 214i; Night 214w. BIRTHS LO!BB--In Tuckersmith, on,. Friday, July 21st., to Mr. and Mrs, Mervyn Lobb, a son. I, , MARRIAGES JACKSON -SUTHERLAND — In Chalmers United church, Woodstock on Saturday], July 22nd. Isabelle A. Sutherland, of Woodstock, and Charles L. Jackson of Seaforth, were united in marriage by Rev. V. T. Mooney of Windsor, assisted by Rev, A: R. Husband of Wood- stock. HEWLETT-REEVES—In St. Anne's Anglican Church, Toronto, on Sat- urday, July 22nd. Lillian Ruth Reeves of Seeforth, and Maurice J. Hewlett, Toronto, were united in marriage by Rev. Newton Smith. COLSON.-JAMIESON—On Wednes- day, July 26th„ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Jamieson, Hallett township, Mary Isabel Jam- iesoir and Arthur L. Colson were "united in marriage by Rev. A. 10. Menzies. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. N. Wheeler and Joanne, Mr. and Mrs. A .Wheeler and Donald of Detroit spent last week with Mr, and Mrs. T. 1, Wheeler. Mr, and Mrs. N. Yellowlees of Bowmanville spent the weekend with Mrs. A. T. Scott. Mrs: Jamieson and Mrs. Brock are visiting relatives in St. Clair, Mich, Mr. and Mrs. G. Swan •spent Sun- day in St, Marys. Mr, and Mrs. H. F. Berry, Mr, and Mrs, W. 11lcBeth and Douglas spent Sunday in Port Huron. Mrs. Robt. Davidson spent last week in Inwood, Mr, C. D. Simpson visited in Petrolia last week, Mrs. Davidson of Sask., (formerly Miss Tough) is the guest of her sis- ter, Mrs. Stevens this week. It is 21 years sinee she visited her friends here. Mrs, Thomson and family of Sar- nia are also visiting with Mrs. Stev- ens this week. Mr, and Mrs, Frank McKenzie of St. Louis returned to their home this week after spending last week at the home of the former's mother, Mrs, R. McKenzie. Mrs. Thompson, who has beon spending the past month with her son in Stanley, returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Meodie this week. Mrs, Seldon Ross and family re- turned to her home in the village after spending last week at the 'hone of her mother in Goderich, 10 -DAY PRIVATE SALE Commencing Friday, July 28th Consisting of carpet, 9x16; 2 rugs; 2 bedroom suites, mattresses and dpaings; drop -head Singer sewing machine; tables; chairs; hanging lamp; dining room extension table; buffett; ,kitchen cupboard; feather beds and pillows;; copper boiler; 2 couches; 2 tubs; 3 toilet sets; dishes, mirrors, lawn mower and many other articles, Mrs. Ellen Armstong, Orange street, Clinton, 46-1 • IIURON & BRUCE OIL COMPANY, Limited L a e- g'- 9 e D 0 s t- DATED at Linton, this 26th. day of July, 1939. F, FINGLAND, Secretary. NOTICE OF ANNUAL: and SPECIAL GENERA MEETING OF SHARLHOLDERS TAKE NOTICE- that the annul and special general meeting of slhar holders of Huron' & Bruce. Oil Comp- any Limited, will be held at the Le - ion ion Hall, Clinton, .Ontario, on, IVIondaY the 14th. day of August, A.D. 193, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon for th Purposes following, namely: to re- ceive and consider the annual state meat of accounts and reports of.th Directors; to elect Directors;:and t transact all such other business as may properly come before, the mee in PAGE 5 ROXY THEATRE Clinon. t CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich REGENT THEATRE Seaforth ° Now: "LITTLE TOUGH GUYS IN SOCIETY" Now: Louis Hayward in "THE DUKE OF WEST POINT" Now: Gene Autry in "SHINE ON HARVEST MOON" Mon,, Tues„ Wed. - 'The Crime of Dr. Ballet' The;. gripping ; story of a doctor who offered his own' life that another might find glory. Ralph Bel1laaiy Josephine Hutchinson and William Gargan Mon. Tues. Wed.—DOUBLE BILL ANNE SHIRLEY — NAN GREY and RALPH BELLAMY present a sound and solid piece of entertainment "WRVS SCHOOL" Charles Farrell & Jacqueline Wells, Suspense, ,mystery and romance e above the clouds The Flight To Fame' • Mon., Tues., Wed. Melvyn Douglas & Virginia Bruee an hilarious tale with a ,mysterious • jewel robbery woven in "THERE'S TIIAT AGAlN" Thur., Fri., Sat ----DOUBLE BILL FAY BAINTER—IDA' LUPINO and HENRY ARMETTA in - "The Lady and the Mob"Thurs., and Charles Starrett & Iris Meredith « In West of Santa Fe�� Coming: Merle Oberon & Laurence Oliver in "Wuthering Heights" Thurs., Fri., Sat. Jahn Wayne—Ray Corrigan—Max Terhtlme and Louise Brooks the West of today in a fast-moving melodrama "Overland' Stage Raiders" Fri., Sat. Adolphe Menjon—Dolores Costello in a grant .race -track story "KING OF THE TURF" • Coming: Bette Davis in. "D -ABIs VICTORY" Coming: "BLONDIE MEETS THE BOSS" Mat.: Sat. and holidays at 3 p.m. any Inca Mat.:' Wed., Sat. & Holidays 3 pan. Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. m..� - YOUR CHEAPEST HOT WEATHER DESSERT: ICE CREAK SOLD IN BRICK OR BULK LET US TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR BAKING DURING THE HOT WEATHER BARTLIFF'S Phone 1. Clinton. E—X—T—R—A New and Old Time DANCE under auspices of the Clinton Old Time Dance Club THURSDAY, JULY 27 BAYFIELD, PAVILION The Rustic Rythmaires . THE ,OLD TIME DANCE BAND You are Assured of an Enjoyable Evening — FLOOR SHOW — By Two of the Best Tap and Fancy Dancers in Western Ontario. PRIZE for the Best Gentleman Clog Dancer in the Hall DANCING FROM 9 P.M, to 2 A.M, EVERYBODY WELCOME ADMISSION 250 - ;i • +440400 ELECTRIC FIEFTIiGL:4'ATOR O With the famous surplus powered (Double -Warranty) Rollator, Dry Zea® Insulation, Round Sanitary Corners, Rubber Sealed Door, One -Piece Por- celain Interior,. Norgloss Exterior Finish, and other great convenience features. Easy to own on our "Use - As -You -Pay" Plan, 'r<,. ' ' -^ ' Agent for: Rogers & DeForest. Radios and Apex Washers. Baden Electric Fence, com- plete with batteries and insulators for only $15.00. Ever -Ready Batteries Come in and see the NEW 1940 RADIOS now on display at A. W. GROVES Princess St. Clinton ALL Y:GAR INCOME( selling . Iarge lines spices, extracts, toilet requisites stock and other farm products. Our combination offer open every door. No experience needed. Pleasant work, went aground on the shoals off Point Steady repeat orders from old and Clark, north of Goderich on Monday new customers. A. small 'amount puts and was held fast until nearly mid you in business for, yourself, NO night. gapft, Bert McDonald of God- RISK. ESccellent opportunity to right each responded to the call for help party. For free .details and catalogue with two towing launches. It re - without obligation, FAMILEX CO. quired the power of both to haul the CAKES COMPARE OUR QUALITY -- SEE OUR PRIDES AND BE 'CON- VINCED T13& -T YOUR HOME BAKER DESERVES YOUR SUPPORT SCONES FILLED WITH FRUIT. FRESH FRUIT PIES & TARTS. FRUIT LOAVES. BUNS — Plaht and Fancy, — SLICED BREAD THIN FOR SANDWICHES FOUNTAIN SERVICE. at Wendorf's Phone 68 MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All :work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE 1V,ORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Bali & Zapfe 4011 3 SWING-& SWAY =f ._. To The Tantalizing Music- Of :_ . DO'N. HOPKINS AND HIS ORCHESTRA -- RENDEZVOUS — BAYFIELD, .3 ik Every Tuesday, Wed., T. Friday and Saturday a� ' at the — 43-tf i e»MM teleeetew,w#: ». s u e i»: ttHeleet»: iu e l roitters Em L. Malli PHONE 213. FO • ALE Six -room house on Princess street. Quarter acre lot on which is a good barn. Price $450 cash, to settle estate. Apply News -Record Modern furnished. BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE aiURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) SP ECIAL Until further notice, with : every suit we press 30 minutes Repairing Free. .50c PRESS 90c DRY CLEAN DEANS do our Cleaning. ALBERT PALMER Isaac St., Clinton. WE ARE PREPARED TO GIVE' Expert Repair Service ON ALL MAKES OF BATTERY AND ELECTRIC RADIOS FOR FIRST CLASS SERVICE PHONE 213 MITTELL'S RADIO & ELECTRIC SERVICE ST-II.ATFORD-GODERICH COACH LINES SUMMER TIME TABLE Leave Clinton for Stratford— Daily 8,10 A.M. & 5.10 P.M. Leave Clinton for Goderich— Daily except Suns. & Holidays, 1.15P.M.&8.00P..M. Sundays & Holidays, 1.15 P.M, & 9.40 P.14I. Connection at Stratford for Toronto, 'Hamilton' Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock, BARTLIFF'S, Local Agents, Phone 1' Housekeeper Wanted To take charge and snake home comfortable for elderly plan. Apply. to James Cook, Clinton. 45-2 Honey No. 1 Clover honey for sale. Seven cents a pound in your containers, J. R. Murdock, Brucefield, Phone 86r11 Hensall. 45-1 FARMS FOR SALE Valuable Farms in Goderich Township. (1) About 103 acres, new house and new barn and outbuildings, 12 acres good bush, young orchard. (2) About 87 acres with good barn. Both farms in excellent cultiva- tion. Plentiful supply of good water. Apply Mabel Rathwell, R.R. Clin- ton, Ont., or W. E. Foster, Hensall, Ont., Administrators Estate of Isaac Rathwell, 44-3 For Sale Comfortable frame house in good condition, on Rattenbury street. Ape ply Mrs. Mary Sperling, Clinton, 43-11 Wanted to Buy Old horses and dead cattle. Must be suitable for • mink feed, removed For Rent promptly. Fred Gilbert, Phone 608r22 Clinton central. 34-tf. house, all conveniences, Apply to Phone 135. Roofing 46-1 ' Why not try Liquid Fibre Coating for steel and flat Asphalt roofs, Only • Beatty Electric Washer Copper tub. 8 pieces. Wash day equipment. Guaranteed. Small bal- ance—Terms. ' T. Hawkins Hardware Phone 244. 46-1 Housekeeper Wanted Bachelor of the better sort desires capable trustworthy housekeeper for modern surburban home. White, Protestant, non-smoker. State age, particular's and wages expected. Write Advertiser B. The News - Record, 46-2p Property Exchange Will exchange good lot in Bayfield for one located on lake or river with- in five miles of village. Reply Ad- vertiser B, The News -Record. 45.2 Choir Leader Wanted A choir leader for St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, Duties to commence September lst. 'Apply by letter to W. L. Johnson or G. M. Counter, Clinton, 44-2 A yacht from Grosse Point, Mich. $2;00 a square; and we keen thea, in repair for 5 years. We also sell cement chinnley tops, Joe; Beeler, Clinton, Phone 42. 36-tf. N anted Old horsesor cattle fo;• mink feed; if dead phone at once. Will pay ac- cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 607r5, or Lloyd Batkins, 619r14. 84 t,f-,e-o-et ,House for Sale A. most desirable 7 -roomed .house in good locality. A sew minutes walk om the Collegiate. Electric light d water, large lot with some fruit trees. Apply, New -Record Office, 26-c. • Upholstering Chesterfields, antiques, chairs, etc. reasonably done, wide range of cov- erings, 16 years experience, prices on request,' Win. Reid, West street, Goderich. 2p-tl•. House for Sale or Rent Comfortable frame residence on Vice toria street with niodern conven- iences, good garden, house in good' condition. Apply to Lorne or Charlie Brown, Clinton,: Ont. 09-tf, Cleaning add Pressing Suits, Coats and Dresses DRY GLEANING AND REPAIRINi11 W. J. SAGO, TAILOR if not open work may be left at ..46.11570 'St. Clement, Montreal. ' '• 46-1 stranded vessel off the shoals. g garbm;, :9hom, tr