HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-07-13, Page 5• THURS., JULY 13, 1939 THE CLINTONNEWS-RECORD AUBURN BAYFIELI1' Mrs. Eves and three children ,af ;Sudbury are visiting the former's mother, =Mrs. Geo. Dawson. . Miss Dorothy Burdette 'of _Essen' is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raithby, .Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ;Rollinson, :.. ;Murray and Isobel, spent Sunday at London. Mr. Alex MacKenzie is visiting his daughters, Mrs. A. P. Walker and . Mrs. A. Good, both of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. 1t. J. Phillips, Mrs • C. A. Howson and Mr. John. Walker • spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Walker of Fordwieh Mr. Wnt. Shepherd of Clinton spent <'the weekend with his si1lter, 'Mrs, Harry .Govier. " Mr. and Mrs. Percy. Yungblutt of Oakland were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Yungblut. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor and Marion spent the weekend with Me. i Miss Nerah "( hest - of Toronto is c and Mrs. M. Allison of Parkhill. ;visiting her corisin Dawna Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Treleaven of , Mr,, and Mrs Chas; 'Butte; and Toronto, Mrs. Francis Courtice and fancily of St.' atharnies were guests ::Mrs. Robert Treleaven both of Dun=lof Mr, and '141is: 'W. Ferguson last gannon, visited with Mrs. F. Ross on week. .: Friday. I Mrs. Jennings of .London is spend - The regular monthly meeting of ing this week with her daughter, the Woman's Institute will be held in';Mrs. G. Churchward. the Forester's Hall on Tuesday ,af-. Miss Mary Jean Moorhouse of Lon:. ternoon, July 18th at 2.30 p.nf Edon is spending the holidays with her • Mrs. Martin Armstrong is visiting . aunts, Mrs. J. A. Ferguson and Mrs. her son, Mr. Wm. Armstrong and W. Jowett. ."Mfrs, Armstrong of .Toronto, l Mrs. Weir of Seafortih, is. a' guest Some thirty-four members of the of Mrs. George Woods this week. Women' Institute motored to Clinton' The anniversary services were held on Wednesday evening to visit'' the' in• Knox lrregbyteri'au. Church on County Home' and put on a program Sunday. The Rev Mr. Kerr of Brus- for the inmates. Isels was the special preacher and the The regular lieY.P.U. will be held Male Quartette df 'Seafortli. Presby - in the church basement this SundaylterianChurch sang: at both services. evening, July 16 at '7.30 p.m,`Donald A great many people were dt7sap- Itoss and Harry Webster will ,be in' pointed not being able...to; attend the ,••charge. ' ! !evening service on account of the severe electrical storm. Successful- Eayfield Music Candidate Miss Vera Pease, pupil of Gladys The Bayfield Orange Lodge No. 21 are celebrating in Brussels this year. Miss Dean Castle, Burse in train- ing in Hamilton General Hospital is spending her vacation with her par- ents,.Mr. and Mrs. Tho.. Castle. Miss Monica Graham is visiting friends in Brussels for a few days this week, Mr:' Lawrence Fowlie of London spent the weekend with his sisters, the` Misses E. and F. Fowlie, "Canon Wm. Townshend of London was a guest at the Rectory on Wed- nesday last. Mr. and Mrs. T. Mallett and fam- 1 ily of London spent the weekend with Mrs. J. Davison. Mrs. Frank Kling and daughter 'Marlyn of Egmondville; were guests of Mrs, Wm. Ferguson for ,'a few days last week. Baptist Ladies Aid The Ladies Aid held their monthly •' meeting • on Thursday afternoon': at M. Gale A.T.C.M., passed with hon- - the hone of Mrs. Stanley Johnstanjburs the Toronto Conservatory High- - Mrs. C. ,A. Howson presided over the er Junior Piano examination which .meeting. .The devotional' •period was 'was held at Clinton a week ago in taken by Mrs. John McKnight. Read- 'Mr. Ander%otr's. studio. Ings were given by Mrs. Janes Web- I Ken and Arthur Pye of Windsor ster, Mrs. Stanley Johnston, Mrs, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Annie Walper, land Mrs. C. Widdeombe for the sum - Mrs. Glenn Raithby, and Marjorie mor. Johnston. Mrs. Earl Raithby gave Near Drowning • • the topic, this topic was prepared by. "Tootsie" Watson, four year old Miss Margaret Small of Toronto. idartgi}ter of . Cliff Watson, manager .. Elaine Johnston and Marie Raithby ! of the Rendezvous Dance Hall here, sang a duet. -Mrs, Glenn Raithby, Was nearly drowned on Sunday when invited the 'ladies to come „to --her she fell off the dock into the river, home for the August meeting. Lunch her young brother, Dick, age 8, res- was served by Mrs. F. Raithby and cued her as She was going down. Mrs. Johnston. for the third time. The Senior Girls Class of Knax United Churoh of which Mrs. Gordon BRI CEFIEL J • Murray- is teacher, held a Weiner. The Brucefield U.F.W.O. meeting roast on the flats on Friday even -will be held at the hone of Mrs. J. ing. The Young Peoples Society of Cairns on Wednesday, July 19th. the United held a weirs roast at. Don't forgot the membership drive. Hrbour Park, Goderieh on Tuesday Anyone` desiring information see or night. i phone Mrs. C. Haugh, Brucefield. The sacrament of Baptism 'was •The anneal Sunday School and. dispensed in Knox Presbyterian gregational gdcnic is to be held on con church on Sunday morning', Clifford'.July 21st atayfield. B Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Scholtz, Dir. and Mrs. JJ. B. Mustard and nd Margaret Elizabeth, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nevins were bap- fanny have gone to, their cottage at Iu tried. Rev. A. M. Boyle preached an verhuron to spend their holidays. appropriate sermon. Donald Ross t" Miss • Gretttt Mustard R, II"of presided' at the organ and Mrs. Wes- Hearst, spent Sunday at the home ley Bradnock sang a solo. • t of her another in the village. She The Sunday School Picnic of Aub- will spend her vacation at the hone urn and Clinton Baptist Churches of her brother in Tnverhuroli, will be held on Wednesday afternoon, Master Douglas McKenzie of Lon - July 10 at Harbour Park, Goderich, ,done is spending •his holidays at'the The places in the sidewalks of the home of his grandmother in the vil- village which were broken er uplifted la e. Mary 1V have: been freshly. cemented. This a y IeAsh who has been spending the past few weeks :at the adds much to the appearance of the 'streets; , home of her sister, Mrs: R. McKenzie Mrs, Deaver, Edith and Vivian of returned to her home in Hensall last 'Dorian, Northern Ontario visited with week, Mrs. Gordon Murray, gues o rs. J. Jamieson this week. There were two funerals held from CONSTANCY. the church last "Thursday and Friday. Mr. Jas. Collins of Varna, who .had Miss Clarissa Dale who has been been ill for the past year, and bIrs. 'engaged •as teacher of S. S. No. 6 John Walker passed away after a 'McKillop, is at ` Maodonald Ilan,' week's illness: She. was in her 84th Guelph, attending' summer school. year. +. Mrs. • Chesney of Toronto' is the t f M 3; Weeds are unsightly and: a public nuisance. Destroy them if: before they go to seed. DO YOUR SHARE. ; The Ontario Weed Control Act. ebates "every occupant of +_ . AO Y land or if the land is unoccupied, . the owner shall destroy all ) • weeds designated noxious by the regulations as often in every +.. +3, year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their reed. .*t e‘ • Weed Control is a Public Problem: Will you co-operate. 1+ D. ELLIOTT, Weed Inspector.. , I. 9. •. 4t w 'T...14•**4 f+'+++'++.. f i4«M,-*.inK.-4.+ f f f 4,••*:„1H t«t« 4-0-1+0-0-, N 144:.,1H'+ lice Relit cede + + JA. wn' ip of ,,: f Eiullett .,.. 4 ,.. .:. 3, 4. 3 3 +f y+ Y+ All noxious weeds, according to Department regulations must be cut by July 3lst. Anyone having g complakirts from weeds must notifyy Mr. Murdock Ross, on or berate July 20th,, All ratepayers are required to comply with Department regula-,. tions, otherwise the weed inspector Will be compelled to see -that .' weeds are cut, and cost will be borne by the land. MURDOCK ROSS, Weed Inspector, ; Township of Idullett. • , ,�j+ 44-2 $, L:ONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs, Emanuel Lyon of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. W, Lyon and other friends this week. Mr. J. D. Elsley,- Lois and Ellis of "--Listowel visited at the hone of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Sisley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Morris, Tor- onto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, J, P. Manning and other friends. The regular monthly meeting of the- Woman's Missionary Society will be held in the basement of the church on Friday afternoon, July 14» Guests will be the Mission Circle, Mission Band, and Baby Band. Groups No..1 and 2 will serverefreshments, the visitors supplying the program. To all ladies of the congregation is ex- tended a cordial invitation to attend' this"meeting on Friday afternoon at 2,30 o'clock. • Mr,. and' Mrs. Wm. Hiles of Clin- ton,,, lin- ton, Mt:, ..Aubrey Hiles Carter .of Seaforth,, were callers in the village Monday.,Aubrey who has been teach.,. ing in Picten for the just few years, has Bow, been engaged as teacher' in Walkerville school. Mee. John Bloor and daughters of Mt. Forest were callers on the forme ex's sister, Mrs. W. T. Bundson re-. centlye, 44 • Children's Day at Institute Meeting The regular monthly meting of the Londesboro Woman's Institute was held at Community Hall on Thursday Iast, the president, Mrs. R. Fairservice presiding. This being Children's Day, there was an attend- ance of 115. Before opening the meeting the President welcomed the children and told them to ladies were looking forward to their program. Meeting then opened in the usual form by singing opening ode, follow- ed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The treasurer's report was given and items of business taken up. At the conclusion of business, several gues- sing contests were asked the children by Mrs. Fairseevice, followed by a chorus by all the children singing, "0 Canada". Guitar solo, D. McNally Piano instrumentals, Donald Gibbs and Margaret Tamblyn; Chorus by all the children of, the village; God Save the King was sung by, all. Then all went outside where the following races were run off and prizes given for same; 6 yrs, and under, David Fairservice and Billie Cowan; 4 to 6 yrs., Kenneth Wood, John Picicett; Girls, '7 to 9 yrs,, Shirley Rapson, Marie Menzies; Girls 10 to 12 yrs., Velma Hesk, Eleanor Sundercock; Girls 13 to 16, Helen Hewett, Flor- ence Garrett; Boys 10 to 12 yrs., Hugh Miller, Beecher Menzies; 7 to 9 yrs., A. Menzies, Jimmy Howatt; 3 -legged race, Doti McNali, Hugh Mil- ler; 3 -legged race, Florence Garrett, Audrey Little; neck -tie race, Jack Webster, Hugh Miller; neck -tie race, D. Little, Russell Scott; Tln'eed the needle race, Helen Radford, D. Gibbs; thread -the needle race, L. Rapson, E Archambault; wheel barrow race, A. Menzies, Ken Armstrong;; wheel bar- row race, Florence Garrett, E. Little; Leap frog, Edith and Audrey Little; Leap frog, Hugh Miller and D. Me Nall; peanut race, Margaret Tamblyn, A. Little; soda biscuit race, Florence Garrett, K. Armstrong; kicking the slipper, girls, B. Brundson, Lois Rap- son, graceful walking, Mrs. Hutton,. Mrs. C. Crawford; kicking slipper, ladies, Mrs. V. Roy, Mrs. E. Woods; dinner call, Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. C. Crawford; fat woman's race, Mrs. Menzios, Mr.s E. Wood; lean woman's race, Pearl Griffiths; Dorothy Little; animals calls, Beecher Menzies, Hugh Millar. When the races were over the president called all - present over to the swings and teeters which were recently erected by the Institute and before cutting the ribbon that was across the swings Mrs. Fairservice told the children the swings were for their use, but not to be abused. She also warned the children to be care- ful: The ribbon was then cut, Mrs. Fairservice, the president, and Mrs. B. Brundson, the secretary, had the first swing. After the children had a swing they were called into the basement where sandwiches, tarts and cookies and a treat of ice. cream were served by the ladies. This wound up a very pleasant afternoon where everyone enjoyed themselves.' VARNA Mr. Nelson Reid had the misfor- tune to have his ankle broken while drawing in hay when the load up- set. The Varna L.0.L, treated the vil- lage to some very fine music before leaving for Brussels. Miss Jean Mossop of Detroit is spending her holiday at her home' in the village. Miss Ruth Kruger has returned to her home in Zurich after spending a few days with her 'aunt, Mrs A. Ings. Mr. Jno. Seeley of London and Mr. and Mrs. Colbeck and family of New York visited with Mrs. A. Austin last week. Mr. G. B. Woods of Toronto spent the weekend with relatives. Mr. and 'Mrs. Geseho spent a day at' the "home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Inge. Weddingbells are singing .in the village, .,.Mr. ,arid Mrs. Jas. M.. Reid. 'of Clin- tan vieited on Friday evening' with. Mr, and Mrs: -Lloyd Keys ,aid. family. • et, ,lwJh .1111111119:47.111R.110[10.1. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j A GOOD -POULTRY MARKET• We are alwa'yaein the market for all kinds of live poultry. Culling done at night" -by 'an experienced poultryman, .• • .. . •'Good service in grading your; eggs by competent egg candler s, • N. - W. •TREWARTIIA Phone 214i; Night- 214w, BIRTHS GODDARD-In Clinton Hospital, on June 23rd., to Mr. and Mrs, Robert Goddard, a daughter --June Dolores Anne. t `1 '... I MARRIAGES BEATTIE=LA1DLAW - In WesIey- Willis 'United Church, on Wednes- day, July 12th,. by Rev. Andrew Lane, Buphemia Isabelle Laidlaw and George Beverley Beattie of Clinton. . MURCH-ANDREWS--On Saturday, June 8th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W.. Andrews, Clinton, Mary Orilla Andrews and William Thomas Murch were united in mar- riage by Rev. D. E. Foster of Hespeler United Church. DEATHS McGEE;-In 'Goderieh township, on Tuesday, July lith., John Thomas McGee, in his 83rd. year, IN MEMORIAM PILGRIM In loving memory of my dear grandmother, Mrs. Charles C. Pilgrim, who passed away July Oth,, 1928. "The cheery voice is silent, The busy hands at rest; But always in the memory Of those who loved her best" -Ever remembered by her loving granddaughter, Mrs, Harold Barnes, (Hazel Hunking). Men! Get into business for your- self, be Sales Distributor for Elect- ric Fence Chargers. Only men with ability and some capital required. Write or wire today for full informa- tion and what territory you want as your district. Apply 'Welker Indust- ries Limited, Queen Street, Waterloo, Ontario. 44-2 Strayed Cow Strayed from the fat•m of Robert Campbell, one mile west of Varna., a Holstein cow, mostly black. Please notify 626x16 Clinton or 91r12 Hen- sall. 44-1 Housekeeper Wanted Middle-aged housekeeper wanted immediately. Good home. Light duties. Apply R. Tiplady or write Box 209 Clinton. 44-1 ST. HELENS Mr. and Mr. Stanley Todd have re- turned from their honeyirioon trip and are, living in the groom's house. We welcome Mrs, Todd to our burg, and wish them many years of happy wedded life. Miss Irene Woods is visiting her friend, Miss Logan, of Ripley this week, Mrs. R. J. Woods has returned after a pleasant visit with her daugh- ter, Mrs, A. E. Tyson of Geraldton, and also with her niece, Mrs, 13, B. Williams and family of Souris, Man. While there she had the pleasure of meeting her sister, Mrs. John Woods of Melfort, Sask., who came to Souris to meet her. Mr. Wm. Dougherty of Guelph spent the weekend with Mrs. B. J. Woods. Mrs. Dougherty who spent the week hero ;accompanied Oipm home. Miss Gwendolyn is staying with her grandmother for a couple of weeks, Born - At Wingham Hospital on May 8th, to Mr, and Mrs: Lorne Martin a son, Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. W. i. Miller and Miss Isobel and Dorothy. Mi1Ier, Miss Mary Rutherford and Miss Ethel Robertson motored to Owen Sound on Saturday and took a pleasant boat trip to Killarney, Little Current and Tobermory, -,returning " on Monday. Mies Mary Rutherford stayed and loft to visit friends at Sault Ste. Marie. Mee. Currie of Goderieh.-is visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. Phillips; also Ronald Beattie of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs: Albert Harriston, Keith and Lois of Seaforth, and Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks of Clinton are vise iting with Mr. T. B. Philips. - ' : Mr. Wm. Thom. of Auburn. is• visit- ing his brother, Mr, E. J, Thorns . ' Mr., .and Mrs. Graham McNee of, .allowed for cash, JAMES' PIERCE Proprietor Nile at: Mr. Lorne -' Woods..... l,, Ii. GUNDRX `& SON,` Auctioneers. XY THEATRE Clinton CAPITAL THEATRE Galerieb REGENT THEATRE Seafoith Now: Fred Astaire and Ginger lcger5 in "The Story al VERNON and IRENE CASTLE,'" ROYAL VISIT PICTURES in the United States - Now Errol Flynn in "DODGE CITY" with Olivia De Haviland Now: Fredric 1FYareh and Joan, March in `TRADE WINDS.." Mon., Tues., Wed. " Merle Oberon - Laurence Olivier and David Niven A. powerfully dramatic picture based on a classic in literature "Wilthering Heights" Mon., Tues., Wed.-- AN EVENT! IGNACE JAN PADER.EWSKI featured in a story blended to his superb artistry "Moonlight Sonata" his first & only screen appearance! with Charles Farrell & `Marie Tempest. -- Men., Tues., Wed, "TRADE WINDS" Fredric MARCH, Joan BENNET!' Ralph Bellamy and Ann, Sothern Thurs., Fri., Sat. "DODGE CITY" A spectacle of the West back in when the railroad re ached ?2GENE Southwest Kansas, and the steers out of Texas made that outpost town a roaring beehive of activity ERROL FLYNN and OLIVIA DE HAVILAND mar., Fri., & Sat. -Double Bili Fay Bainter and Ida Lupine present an entertaining farce c‘The The Lady and tie, 19I019 Thurs.. Fri., Sat. AUTRY and SMILEY BURNETTD in u " Blue Mountain ' Skies A westen tale concerning :a band of fur smugglers. Charles Starrett & Iris Meredith' ii: x melodic western' adventure "West of Santa Fe" Coming: Will ,Fyffe and Margaret Lockwood in "TO THE VICTOR" Comity "JUAit1iZ" g' Coining: " g> Topper Takes a Trip" Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. Mat.: Wed.,. Sat. &"Holidays.3 p.m. Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. Your Home BAKER Needs Your Patronage WHY BUY OUTSIDE PRODUCTS WHEN WE SELL QUALITY GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES? TRY OUR BREAD, CAKES, BUNS, COOKIES -Compare the Quality. BAR LIlFF"s Phone 1, Clinton. BRAY PULLETS have rvon a real reputution as, layers, BRAY COCK- ERELS and CAPONS as meat birds. See me about your needs. D. 31. MALTBY, Mgr., Clinton Creamery, Clinton, t u SWING $. SWAY {_ re To The Tantalizing Music Of DON HOPIUNS ;r+ ( AND HIS ORCHESTRA ,. - at the - '_+ - RENDEZVOUS -- _ BAYFIELD.' Every Tuesday, Wed., ;_;. Friday and Saturda4y ,l i 3 -ti' y HURON COUNTY COUNCIL ANNUAL PICNIC will be held at - GRAND BEND at 2 o'clock en WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, next July I th All ex -reeves and their fanmilies are cordially invited to attend. A good program will be held. Bring your own basket, knives, forks and cups. Robert Turner, Chester Mawhinney, Warden. Committee Chairman CARD OF THANKS Mrs, William Hunter and family take this opportunity to thank friends and neighbours for their kindly as- sistance and sympathy in their re- cent bereavenment. Fioral tributes, loan of cars and the kindly ministra- tions of ,Rev G. G. Burton are grate- fully acknowledged. Chair Leader Wanted A choir leader for St, Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, Duties to commence September 1st. Apply by letter to W. L. Johnson or G. M. Counter, Clinton. 44-2 FARMS FOR SALE Valuable Farms in Goderieh. Township. (1) About 103 acres, new house and new barn and outbuildings, 12 acres good bush, young orchard. (2) About 87 acres with good barn. Both farms in excellent cultiva- tion. Plentiful supply of good water, Apply Mabel RathweIl, R.R. Clin- ton, Ont., or W. E. Foster, Hensall, Ont., Administrators Estate of Isaac Rathwell, 44-3 AUcUU ,i an of;ale - of '-. 24 HORSES and COLTS At 11. J. McFarlane's Farm, 3 miles east of Goderieh (on Highway), 9 miles west of Clinton. Tuesday, July 18th at 1.30 o'clock' p.m. 2.6 -yr. -old Mares, about 1400 lbs. 5 -3 -yr. -old Mares, about 1250 lbs: '4 -3 -yr. -old Geldings, about 1250 lbs. 1 3 yr:old Gelding, about 1200 lbs. This lot are all broken and ready far work. The balance are two-year- olds, Fillies and Geldings, and are all well. halter -broken. This is a load of well-bred Young Horses raised by farmers. Some well - matched pairs and will be sold without reserve. TERMS -Three "months' credit will• be given on fnrnishiig approved joint. notes. A discount at rate of 6% Baking Troubles --- SOLVED Phone 68 FOR PLAIN ROLLS FLAKY TARTS or RICH MELLOW CAKE WE WANT MORE CLINTON HOMES, TO USE CLINTON BREAD, BUNS and CAKE Wendorf's Phone 68 MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- - ing a Monument . , Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All :work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton - Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe 40t1 GARDEN PARTY St. JAMES' CHURCH, MIDDLETON en the lawn eofJohn Hudie, 7th. con. Goderieh Township ! WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th Meat Supper served rem o PROGRAMME; Harvey McGee, noted entertainer; Tipperary Trio Players of CKNX Wingham; Tap Dancing & other local talent. BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing ' '1 (Open Every Day) SPECIAL Until further notice, with every suit we press 30 minutes Repairing Free. 50e PRESS 90c DRY CLEAN DEANS do our Cleaning. ALBERT PALMER Isaac St., Clinton. WE ARE PREPARED TO GIVE$ Expert Repair Service ON ALL MAKES OF BATTERY AND ELECTRIC RADIOS FOR FIRST CLASS SERVICE PHONE 213 MITTELL'S RADIO & ELECTRIC SERVICE STRATFOILD-GODERICH COACH LINES SUMMER TIME TABLE Leave Clinton far Stratford-. Daily 8.10 A.M. & 5.10 P.M. Leave Clinton for Goderieh- Daily except Suns. & Holidays, 1.16 P.M. & 8.00 P.M. Sundays & Holidays, 1.15 P.M. & 9.40 PM. Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock. BARTLIPF'S, Local Agents, Phone 1 House For Sale Apply to Mrs. T. J. McNeil, High Street, Clinton, Ontario. 42-tf ADMISSION 85c and 20c -I Comfortable frame house in good For Sale FOR SALE CASE TRACTORS -a size for every need. 6 -ft. COMBINE HARVESTERS. 77 different high quality farm mach- ines ineluding Grain Binders (horse or tractor), Threshers, Corn Blowers, Cern Binders, One -Way Type Tractor Discs, Fertilizer Drills, Plow's, Cultivators, ete. condition, on Rattenbury street, Ap- iply Mrs, Mary Sperling, Clinton. 43-tf Tractors for Salo 25-40 Rmniey tractor; one English Fordson, only run one year, equipped with Firestone ground grip tires, lights, generator and battery. John 1VI. Leiper, Phone 283. 43-2 Cherries Phone 25 Seaforth. reverse charges g Fine large Montmorency and Brack J. N.McKENZIE, Dealer Cherries, ripe soon, come and get a Seaforth 48tf FOR SALE Six -room house on Princess street. Quarter acre lot ori Which is a good barn. Price $450 cash, to settle estate. Apply News -Record 41-tf USED MACHINES FOR SALE 6 -ft. -cut FROST & WOOD BINDER 6 -ft. MASSEY-PARRIS BINDER/ INTHROW McCORMICK-DBERING DISC --nearly new INTHROW MASSEY-HARRIS DISC -in good repair TWO WAGONS TWO -FURROW BEAVER RIDING . • PLOW COCKSHUTT Foot -lift SULKY PLOW MASSEY-HARRIS two -horse SCUFFLDR with Bean attachment II. W. CIIARLESWORTH CLINTON ONT. Watch ,for Further Bargains For Sale Black Currants, red currants and gooseberries. Leave orders at Palm- er's Cleaning and Pressing Shop. 44-2 Barn For Sale Good frame barn for sale. Size 2'7x18. Price reasonable. Apply to Herbert Castle, Victoria Street, Clin- ton. Phone ,303w. 44-2 WE'VE GOT ITB Prosperous Me. Asselstine has it! YOU GAN GET IT TOO! CASH IN on the BIG- GEST, BEST 'line. of H0USEHOLD NECESSITIES to be sold direct frani factory to customers.' ' $$UCCE$$ ASSURED. Write today -'.for FREE PARTICULARS. FAMILEX PROD- UCTS COMPANY, '570' 84. Cle'inent St», Montreal,,-Que, ;44-1 /supply. C. Hoare. 43-2 Wanted to Buy Old horses and dead cattle. Must be suitable for mink feed, removed promptly. Fred Gilbert, Phone 608r22 Clinton central. 84-tf. For Rent Brick house, corner Rattenbury an.,d Orange streets. Modern conveniences, hard and soft water, garage. Im- mediate possession, Albert Seeley, Gunton. 43-8 Roofing Why not try Liquid Fibre Coating for steel and flat Asphalt rods. Only $2.00 a square and we keep them in repair for 5 yearns, We also sell cement chimney tops. Joe, Becker, Clinton, Phone 42. 36-tf. Wanted Old horses or cattle for mink feed; if dead phone at onee. Will pay ac- cording to value,' Elmer Trick, phone 8073.'5, or Lloyd. Batkins, 619r14. 84 t,f-,e-o-w House for Sale A most desirable 7 -roomed house in good locality. A few minutes walk from the Collegiate. Electric light and water, large lot with some fruit trees. Apply New -Record Office. 26-c. Upholstering Chesterfields, antiques, chairs, etc. reasonably done, wide range .of cov- erings. 16 years experience, prices on request. Wm. Reid, West street, Goderieh; 26-t5. Rouse for Sale er /tent Comfortable frame residence, on Vice toria street with modern convene iences, good garden, house ingood condition. Apply to Lorne or Charlie Brown, Clinton, Ont. 09-11. Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coats and Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REP.4JRU1'M* W. L (AGO, TAILOR If not open work way be left , Haute Barbar Sharp. ,,