HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-07-06, Page 8IPNGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., JULY 6, 1939 BREAST ;OF LAMB BREAST OF VEAL VEAL CHOPS COOKED JELLIED HOCK HEAD -CHEESE lb. '15c lb. 15c ib. 22`c tb• 20c lb. 10c' CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT. MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street i Call and See our New Models of Show Bird Washers carrying a guarantee for 12 years. Also the WATERFLUX with nothing but water moving in the machine. ' HOT PLATES — IRONERS — TOASTERS RANGETTES—COAL OIL and GAS STOVES Don't forget to see the t Frigidaire Electric Refrigerator the only one with the Meter-Miser—Carrvin , a five-year guarantee. SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ,ONT. GRANARY LINING $3.80 Per Square Line your granary and save your grain. This is the month to have that barn EAVE TROUGHED, Let us attend to it for you—Best materials and workmanship—All work guaranteed. i� HARDWARE and l'rki lS, PPLUMBING C�Fd«2»ho»�•f»I4k$»«:«f ,q4- :«2»;.44:41 :.a»::»:A+o3 44 4.4.44144 b `M N. Fencing Troubles Try the SPARTON ELECTRIC PENCE and your worries will be over. It solves your fencing worries. Now is the time to purchase the BICYCLE you promised the boy or girl for passing exams. We have a splendid choice. GUNS, FISHING TACKLE, CAMPER'S NEEDS You'll find them at Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales Superior Stores PRONE 111-CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR JULY 6th 7th 8th hospital with a broken ankle was brought to G. G. Newton's to recup- erate.. Sympathy is extended to Austin Sturdy and his mother and sister in the death of his father, Mx. G. 0. Sturdy, Mr. Allen Betties had a cow kiIIed TOMATO JUICE, Aylmer with lightning during the storm on 3.04az., 6 this 19e Thursday evening. Sehocds out! What a relief to IONSO, Large Pkg. 220 teachers and pupils. Congratulations to all who were successful in exams. Mr. John McClure is confined to BISCUITS, Normandy Cream, lb. 15e his bed with shingles. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, .. 2 tins 19c Mrs. J. S. Lockhart is in bed with COFFEE, Maxwell House, lb. 36c GRAPE JUICE, Aylmer; bottle 17c1 GRAPENUT FLAKES, 2 pkgs. 17c/ CHEESE, Finest New. .... lb. 18c 1r'EA, Blue Boy, . . th lb. pkg. 25c CORNED BEEF, ......... 2 tins 27c DEEP BROWN BEANS, ... tins l0c TOMATOES, PEAS, or CORN 3 tins for ..........:...... 25c JIF SOAP FLAKES, pkg. 19c NEW HONEY, ,......r 2 Ib. tin 25c ORANGES, doz. 19c — 25c and 30c GRAPEFRUIT, large size, 5 for 25 NEW GREEN PEAS, 6 qt. bskt. 25 FRUIT JARS, ... . Small doz. 99 Med. doz. $1.0 PARAWAX, 2-1 lb. pkgs. 25 heart trouble. Bessie Young is with Iyer. Group, No. 2 of Ladies Aid held a quilting at Mrs. Bert Cox's. A Presentation About 60 friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wilson on Monday evening. The address was read by Isabel Woods and the pres- entation of an end table and 2 lovely pictures by Austin Harris and Wil- InterHarrison. Charlie made a very nice reply, thanking them on behalf ;of himself and Mrs. Wilson. Lunch was served and a very happy even - ling spent. I Dear Reva and Charlie: c We, your friends of Grace United (Church have gathered here to -night °Ito offer our congratulations and best wishes for happiness in your married 9 life. We are sorry that you have (left this community where you are so c well :acquaintedand where we have all spent so mainy pleasant social Lingering Lots: dowered in Price ; To -day the price of any article in our North Window Thursday 4c Friday 3c Saturday 2c I Monday lc To us this has been an in- teresting plan to clean up our stock. Perchance there remains in the window some article you can use at the price. me w, D, Fair Co Often the Cheapest -,Always the Beet IOU 1,IIIIIInnuIL...iull�.11i�il�IIJ11 Al�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,n,,.... ...n niU III WIII97., Miss Edna Jamieson has left to take a summer course at Hamilton. Mrs. Chesney of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mrs. H, Plumsteel. Mrs.' 0. W. Potter is visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. W. Dippell of Bowntanville. Miss Evelyn Cooper is spending her vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doris Dale, Hullett. Misses Dorothy Corless land teen Swan are spending their vacation at the beach at Port Stanley. Mrs. (Dr.) Balmer and son Jack of Vancouver were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore this week. Mr. and Mrs Jint Lake and son John of Lindsay were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jervis. Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas Hawkins and .son Jack, also Miss Madelon of Toronto, were in Meaford last weekend. Mr. Cyril Richards returned home on Sunday to Toronto after spending bis holidays with friends in Clinton and vicinity. Mrs. Ed. Swan of Mitchell spent the week visiting at the home of Mrs. Isabella Walker and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Princess street, Mrs. W. J. Stevenson is spending the summer at Southampton, a guest at the summer home of Mr. George D. Heyd, K.C., of Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glew and daugh- ter Anna, and Mr. and Mrs, Abe Orpen spent the weekend at Ham- ilton, Niagara Falls and Fort Erie. Mrs. M. T. Corless was a weekend guest over the holiday weekend at the home of Binford J. Colquhoun of Staffs. Mr. and Mrs. D. 3'. Atkinson, Mr. and , Mrs" E. W. Colophons'. land Mr. Laurie Colquhoun attended the School reunion at No. 6 Hibbert' last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pepper, Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wallis spent the weekend in Pontiac, Michigan, with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crich. Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore en- joyed a very pleasant motor trip last weekend going as far as Niag- ara Falls and visiting different places of interest en route. T.R1 Free Delivery PORTER'S HILL Miss Elva Elliott .left Monday Morning for Guelph and will be ab- sent five weeks attending the Ag- riculture college. Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Newton, little ison and daughter of London are spending, a ferw holidays at the home of Mr, and Mrs. G. G. Newton, Miss F. Roberts who has spent Pie past nine Weeks in Goderich times together, but this community is well known to you, Charlie and we know that Reva, too, will soon make many friends, Among the neighbours here we wish you both all the blessings of health and hap- piness and may the radiance of God's presence add brightness and joy to your future and your home. As a token of our affection) and re- gard we ask you to accept these I gifts, and we hope that they will (servo as a constant reminder that 'you have the best wishes of the mem- bers and adherents of Grace United Churdh for the privilege .of enjoy- ing many years together. -Signed on behalf of the 'congregation. SHEARI G The Red & White Store Clinton Clinton's Leading Grocers Phone 4 FRESH CHERRIES For Pies ..,,., qt. 10c CAULIFLOWER large snow-white ... 2-25c BEETS 3' large bunches 13c RADISHES 2 bun. 5 TOMATOES, Firm Selects 2, pounds 29c ORANGES SUNKIST-JUICY 2 doz. 35c NEW POTATOES HOME-GROWN, LARGE 10 lbs. 39c 5 � COOKING APPLES Yellow Transparents 3 pounds 25c CELERY HEARTS Home -Grown, Crisp ... 2 large bunches 29c EATING APPLES 'Sweet, large .;......,.,. doz. 39c BUTTER BEANS Tender .,.,i 2 pounds 15c CABBAGE Solid Heads Each 'Sc CUCUMBERS Each 1Oc CARROTS, Home-grown buncll. ;5c Strawberries Delivered to the Store 3 times Daily Price 3 boxes 25c Subject to market changes Dr. Pomelo's GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 3;.20 oz. tins 25c Falcon PEAS & CORN 3 tins 25c Weston's CREAM BISCUITS 15c ib. GRAPENUT FLAKES Pkg. 9c QUALITY COFFEE Lb. 29C SUPREME_ Shortening.: 2 Lbs. 23c ' C Clark's PORK & BEANS 3tins 25c - Sun Ripe TOMATO JUICE 4 large tins 25c NOEL NIPPY Med. CHEESE Lb. 19c SPOT DOG FOOD 3 Tins 25c Quaker PUFFED. WHEAT 3 pkgs. 25c BRAN FLAKES Pkg. 9c CAUSE AND EFFECT A fat man bumped into a rather lean gentleman. "From the look of you," he said belligerently, "there must have been a famine." "And from the looks of you," re- plied the lean gent, "you're the guy who caused it." PROMPT ACTION SAVES HOME Nothing but prompt and heroic action of Gordon S. Kidd, principal of Wingham public school who was sitting next door, prevented a serious fire when the coal oil stove in the home of Miss Letitia Dreany at Dungannon exploded. With nothing but a rug thrown over the blazing stove, he carried it outdoors where it burned itself out without doing any damage. Miss Dreany's dwelling, which was one of the first buildings erected in Dungannon, and of frame construction, would have been an easy prey to flames had the fire gained much headway. Mr. Kidd re- ceived some burns to his hands, but is to be congratulated upon his good Work. Miss Dreany, who is over 70, lives alone. Mr. and Mrs. J. Turnbull of Kitch- ener, Mr, and Mrs. J. Jordan, Mrs. D. Jordan, and Miss B. Jordan of Brussels visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Jordan last Thursday. Mr. William Palmer and daughter, Miss Roxie Palmer of Hamilton visited the former's niece, Mrs. J. T. Crich on Sunday, coining up to attend the 'Butt reunion at Har- bour Park, Goderich, on July 1st. Mr. E. S. Livermore K.C. of St. Thomas, only son of Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore was in town Tuesday, going on to Goderich where he presided over Magistrate Court for Mr. Makins who is on holidays. Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. A, J. McMurray were Miss Marg- aret Colquhoun, Mr. and Mus. Ern- est Selves' and 'family of Science Hill; Mrs. Ruby Shaw, Miss Druc- illa' Shaw of Harrriston, and Mr. Albert Lyons of Mt. Forest sem• FINAL CLEARANCE SALE of all Boxed Plants Your choice of Tomato, Celery, Peppers, Asters, Marigolds, Zin- nias. Some choice Petunias, Celosia, Phlox, Tagetes, Stocks, etc., at Only 10c a box while they last. To reduce a large stock of Asparagus, Sprengerii Ferns we are offering then at only 25c each We have just a limited number of some varieties of the annuals on sale.. Buy early and avoid being disappointed. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 A Real Chance to Save We are advancing our Furniture Sale one month, starting June 30 and running it until July 31st. During this time you will be able to save up to 15% off our regular prices, which are al- ways reasonable. You will find a large assortment of Chester- field, Dining Room, Bedroom, and Kitchen Suites, Studio Couches, Occasional Chairs, Meds, Springs and Mattresses, Tables of all kinds, Cedar Chests, Fancy Mirrors and Lamps for all purposes. Also a Grand Selection of Summer Furniture. So it will surely pay to make your selections early. Hardware Dept. See the new stock of AWNINGS for your home, easily put up, and you can raise or lower them front the inside of windows, Price only $2.50. We have our usual large stock of Hay Fork Rope and Cable, Forks and Harvest Tools. Preserving Rettles and Granite -Ware in all the modern colors Shick Razor with 8 blades and a Tube of Palmolive Shaving Cream for 49 cents. Tho Store With the Stock. BALL and ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Embalmers, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. Phones: Store 195; N. Ball, 110; J. 3'. Zapfe, 103 +} e*Ftl lel 2».. °.•3•:•4 •(•+1.192 t;»1 :4141 +14.4;W 4.414v9s9t2::«bd T»:»1.-6,4 '.,64441'4141 «n - SHOE SALE - Of Good Shoes, but broken lines that are being cleared out. If you are not in the need of dress shoes these lines are a bargain for work. Women's Grey Pump and Tie, sizes 4 and 41/2i Reg. Price 2.98 for $1.00 Women's Brown, Blue and Red Sandals, sizes 61/2, 7 %2 and 8, reg. twice 1.49 for 98c Women's Strap with Cuban heels, size 5, 6, 61/, 7 and 8, Reg. 2.69 for $1.49 Women's White Pump, sizes 5, 51/ and 6, $1.49 Reg. 2.69 for Women's and Misses White Strap 'Slippers, sizes 4, 51/2, 6 and 7, Reg. 2.59 for $1.49 'Women's and Misses White Oxford, sizes 41/2, 6, 6%z, 714, 8, Reg. 2.59 for $1.49 Women's and Misses Elk Sport Shoes, black or tan, sizes 4, 41/, 5, 51/2, 6 Reg 2.29 for $1.49 Misses Canvas Slippers, sizes 1 and 2, Reg. 69c for 49c 101111111111111■11=110a Girls Canvas Oxfords, sizes 13 and 2, Reg. 85c for Child's White (Strap Elk Slippers, , sizes 5, 5'/=, 5Y2, 9!=, 10 & 11. Reg. 1.39 for 95c Misses White Strap Elk Slippers, size's 1, 11/2, 2 and 211/. Reg. 1.75 for $1.25 Boy's White Elk Oxfords, sizes 11/, 3, 31/2, and 4 $L89 49c 'Reg. 2.49 for. Boy's Black Oxfords with heavy panco soles if you want a shoe that can take the rough stuff buy this one—sizes 2, 4, and 51/4 Reg. 1.98 for $1.59 Men's and Boy's Black and White Oxfords, sizes 6 and 6/. Reg. 2.75 for $1.75 Men's White Elk Oxfords, sizes 6, 61/2, DA, 8, 81/2, 9 and 10. Reg. 2.98 for $2.19 Men's. Leather Work Boots with panco soles, Reg. 2.25 for $1.69 CLIFFORD: LOBB• & SONS t4