HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-07-06, Page 4''PAVE 4
Seasonal Specials
For Your Holiday
Picnic or Holiday Specials
MEN'S WHITE OXFORDS at $2.95 pair
MELT'S SPORT TROUSERS from $2.95 to $3.95
NAVY DRILL SHORTS 79c and $1.00
SPORT SHIRT' SLUG CLOTH in Pastel Shades " , , at ,$1.00
$1,00 and $1.25
Phone: 36w Main Store, 36j Second Floor
For Your Health and Comfort
Keeps you fit and fine.
ib. can 39c
Your best friend for Insect Bites, Poison Ivy.
Sore and Blistered Feet
If your feet do not track right—try a pair of
new feet -25c
Take Your Pick!
3 Smart Swam Styles
At These Low Prices
Smart . . . comfortabie . . , quick -drying because they're all
wool . . and priced to make them real news. Speed styles in
one-piece suit in black only . , . detachable zipper top suit (trunks
can be worn with or without top), black and wine, black and royal
or plain black, and lastly the season's smart trunks in all wool,
in black, wine or royal, or rayon -faced satin "Laster" type in
royal, wine or canary. Suits in sizes 36 to 44, Trunks in sizes
30 to 40.
75c to $1.95
2 -PIECE SUITS $2.50 to $2.95
�� 4H4H H4 ��f f.f�is�'MHiH�Hi, t f � r s:H�H�H�H.,i+�H�HTH�Hi�a..H�H��ifH�i.�H�HtH�HFHrH�HtH�YyH�M�i.�H� ,j
Pattison's 5c to $1 Storey f
Pllonb 140 for' Prompt and Courteous Service.
Make this Store Your t
eat quarters Eon. Picnic #_
:4Hi44H„ f?Hf f , i i , i , i f i ++4 -k+ i �X..X.4HfF i 14$4 R.5 � ,X i» Fla H4
We Carry a Full Range of Saxllluer Toys.
New Range of Sim Suits, Children's Overalls and
Suits at Popular Prices
iflaattieta;2 vaail
Com. 5 YAL
'eft ES
Why take a chance on worn
out tires.
Before buying come in and
see us. We make Liberal;
allowances on old tires for
new ones.
Have that Radiator flushed
out—Prevents over -heating
and saves gas and oil, .cuts
down repair bill, improves
motor efficiency.
REG. SHIPLEY'S Service Station
Many from this vicinity spent Do- Mr. and Mrs, Archie Bryant, and
+:minion Day at .Goderich, son Gary of London, and Mrs. Jas.
MT. and Mrs. John Turnor visited Bryant of Seaforth visited at Mr. J.
&he former's ,brother in Pontine, Mich. McGowan's last week,
'last weekend. Miss Kate McGregor of Win ham
Messrs. Fletcher Whitmore and Wing
'Garrett have gone to Haniil- and Mies Margaret McGregor of Tar
ten to resume their course in Manual onto are spending their holidays with
Training for the summer months. their mother, Mrs. Neil McGregor,
Mr. 'and Mrs. Clayton Martin of Miss 'Nola Taylor ofandon visit-
- Englehart are visiting' Mr. and Mrs. ed Mr, and Mrs..Walters Baird this
,J" E. Ball, Mr, Martin is also taking week.
tasummer course at Hamilton, 1
THUItS,, JULY 6, 1939
Mr. Charles Ferguson and Miss
Florence Lovett of London spent' the
weekend with Mi•, and Mrs, Lawrence
Stephenson, ,
Neighbours and relatives to the
number of about fifty gathered .at
the home of Mr, Earl Switzer and
presented their daughter, Eva, who
was recently married to Clifford
Addison of Londesboro, with a mis-
cellaneous shower. A very pleasant
evening was spent by all.
Miss Esther MacMath and her pup-
ils of Gully School, S.S. No. 8, along
with members of her Sunday School
class from Knox Church, Goderich,
enjoyed a picnic together at the
school grounds and by the beach on
the afternoon of Friday, June 30th.
Mrs. D. A. Snaith entertained the
ladies executive of the Huron Fruit
Growers at an afternoon tea to ar-
range for the big picnic to be held
at Mr, Geo. Laithwaite's farm on
Friday, the 21st of July.
Miss Grace Stirling of, Toronto was
home for the holiday weekend.
The haying will be almost finished
this week. The weather was good and
the hay is a fine quality.
Miss Elizabeth Thiel' of Preston
was visiting friends this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnstone and
babe of Windsor, 'and Mr. and •Mrs.
Jack Clifford of Detroit, were vis-
iting with Mn and -Mrs. W. A. Me-
A very pretty presentation took
place in S.S. No. 9 school last week,
when the pupils • presented 'their
teacher, Miss Helen McGregor, .with
a pretty silver cream and sugar on
a tray. Harriet Wise read the ad-
dress and Muriel Bowden and June
Miller presented the gifts. Miss
MacGregor was taken by surprise,
;but thanked her pupils and all sang
"She's a Jolly Good Fellow.".
Mr. and Mrs. W. Whitsworth, Miss
Marilyn and Mrs. George Rathwell
of Toronto spent the weekend at the
home of Miss Mabel Rathweli.
Miss Mary Muir of Toronto, Miss
Margaret Muir of Woodstock and
Master Ronald Hebden of London are
holidaying at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. A. T. Hebden.
Mr. A. T. Hebden visited for a few
days in London.
Council Meeting
Council met in Holnresviile on. July
3rd. Tenders were crushing and de-
livering crushed gravel from Cliff.
Holland, Geo. Elliott, Geo. Lavis, B.
IL Goldthorpe and Reuben J. Brewer.
The offer of Geo. Levis for 40c per
yard being the lowest, was accepted.
Tenders for road insurance were re-
ceived from IL G. Lawson, Jas, Me-
Gee and J. E. Howard. All being the
same, insurance was renewed with
Mr. Howard, the premium .being $125.
The County equalization by-law was
received from the County Clerk, not-
ed and filed, The County Clerk also
notified council that Goderich Town
and the township of Stephen had ap-
pealed against their rating. The
Reeve was appointed to attend in the
township's behalf. Red Gross re but-
ter was read and the Clerk was in-
structed to give the vouchers to the
Women's Institute of Clinton to be
distributed to needy people in this
township. The Print Shop, of God-
erieh tendered on the printing of our
voters lists. The Clerk was instructed
to give the Signal -Star and the News -
Record a similar opportunity. The
following accounts were paid: Jas.
Turner, sheen.elaim 26.00; Dean Coal
Co., fuel for relief, 8.06; J. E.
Howard, road insurance 125,00; Hut-
lett township, for relief paid 37.46;
County of Huron, our share of Hosp-
itaI account 14.85; W. H. Lobb, valu-
ing sheep 3,60; Reeve and four coun-
cillors, services as road, commission-
ers 125.00; Supt. pay •voucher No, 4
207.40. Council then adjourned to
meet on Tuesday, August 8 at 1.30
p.m. --R. G. Thompson, Clerk,
Mr. and Mrs. Ilarold Whitmore -and
son of Hamilton spent the weekend
with Mr, and Mrs, Frank Whitmore.
Mn and Mrs, Gibson of Detroit are
visiting with MTs. W. Mulholland.
Miss Wilhelmina Trewartha of
Toronto called on relatives and
friend3 over the weekend,
Misses Thelma and Rata Gudmore
left on Friday last to spend the Sum-
mer in Grand Bend.
Muss Cora Trewartha of Powassan
returned horse last Friday to spend
her holidays.
• Church services next Sunday will
be held at 10.30 and will becon-
ducted by Rev. Penrose.
Rev. and Mrs. Herbert and Bill
called on friends on Monday.
Mrs: J. B, MaeMath spent a few
days, in Toronto this week.'
Rev. Mr. Telford of Eginondville
will preach hare next Sunday at the
usual hour.
Mr. and Mrs. McGomery and son
and Mr, and Mrs. Britton spent Sun-
day in London. `)
Mrs. (Rev.) Clifford Britton and
children of Inwood are visiting at the
home of MT.' and Mrs. Britton. Mrs.
Clifford Britton leaves on Thursday
on a motor trip to visit her parents
in Saskatchewan.
Mrs. Hugill's group- No, 4 met at
thehome of Mrs. Mat, Armstrong
on Friday last to quilt. 24 ladies
attended, A delicious lunch was serv-
ed at the close of the meeting.
Clinton Collegiate Results
The following pupils have been
From Grade X-toGrade XI
(Form II to Form III)
Lydia Eell
Betty Brandon
Helen Bond
Melvyn Brunsden
Melbourne Carter
Gerald Clayton
Gerald Fiemlin
Lloyd Fulford
Donald Gibbs
Lois Hanley
Ivan Jervis
Fanny Lavis
Bernice ,,Lobb
Harry McEwen
• Dorothy McIntyre
Erma Mair
Phyllis' Manning
Fred ,Middleton
Phyllis Middleton
Helen Miller
Patricia Morrison
Austin Nediger
Wilma Radford
Lois Rathwell
Allen Shaddick
Shirley Sutter
Mary Torrance
Keith Tyndall
John Webster
Passed conditionally:
Anna Cornish
James Lockwood ,
Donald McDonald
Helen Pickett
From Grade IX to Grade X
(Form I to Form II)
Lloyd Butler
Ruth Carter
William Carter
Kenneth Colquhoun
Cecilia Denomme
Helen. Dixon
Helen Greens
Robert Hanley
Phyllis Herman
Catherine Jefferson
Keith Jenks
Frank Lawson
Kenneth Miller
Jean Morgan
Cameron Proctor
Margaret Razel'1
Audrey Scott
Marie Savage
Jean Tasker
Margaret Taylor
Donelda Vanderburg
Grant Bisback
Esther Hayman
James Dewar
Elizabeth Falconer
Alice Glen
Gordon Herman
Donna Hudie
Mary Hudie
Winnifred James
Ena McEwen
Anson McKinley
Kenneth Steepe
Shirley Turner
Lula Tyndall
Lenora Welsh
Glen Wise
Fiftieth Wedding
Anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Hood
A happy and pleasant event took
Place at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on
Tuesday, June 27th., when a gather-
ing of children, grandchildren, and
other imtnediate relatives, to the
number of fifty, met to celebrate the
fiftieth anniversary of the wedding
of 1VIr. and Mrs. Joseph Hood of the
second .concession of Stanley. A
pleasant afternoon was spent in re-
newing of old acquaintances after
which all sat down to a sumptuous
repast, completer by a generous help-
ing of bride's cake and ice cream,
the cake being Diode by the bride of
fifty years ago. The guests Were then
called to order and Mr. Walter Mof-
fat read the following verses, which
were composed by an old friend, Mr.
W. H. Johnston of Exeter:
For fifty years, a good long time
In double harness you have pulled,
have built a home of happiness.
And little children's sorrows lulled.
Today those children, older grown,;
Doth bless their parents kind & true,
Extol their virtues, gratefully,
Their patience and their training too.
Kind friends are here to wish you
And every one doth wish you joy
With many more long. years of life
With God's sweet smile without alloy.
The younger one's with love un-
For' uncle Joe and sweet aunt Jane;
Hope for their Diamond Jubilee,
And may their wishes'. not be vain,
May God's rich blessing rest upon
This worthy couple whom we love;
Bestow upon them. firmest faith
And lead them to the home above,
Mr. hood made a :fitting reply,
thanking the guests for their good
wishes, and gifts. The crowd then
began to disperse to their various
homes, all wishing, Mi. and Mrs. Hood
continued days[ of health, and hap-
piness, in this life; and also a part
in that more blessed life, of joy, and
peace, in the place prepared by
Christ, for all those who love, trust,
and obey Him.
Guests were present from London,
Clinton, Brussels, Ayr, Hensel', Kip=
pen, Varna,• Exeter and ;Brueefield;
Among the Churches
Baptist Church
"W ntecl—A Functioning Church
Membership" will be Rev. Silver's
subject on Sunday evening.
Salvation Arniy
At the morning service Capt. SIc-
Dowell will speak on the subject "The
Holy Spirit" and in the evening, "Can
the Blind Sees"
Presbyterian Church
Mr. D, C. Hill of Exeter. will • be
the speaker at the morning service
in Clinton, commencing at 9,45.
Anniversary services in KnoX
Church, Bayfield, on Sunday, Rev:
Samuel Kerr B.D., of Brussels will
be the minister.
Wesley -Willis Church
Please note the change' of date of
the Sunday School and Congregation-
al Picnic from Wednesday afternoon,
August 9th, to'August 2nd.
The W.M.S. will hold the July busi-
ness meeting at the church on Thurs-
day afternoon, July 13%. There will
be quilting• and' lunch. Quitters are.
asked to come: early,
Ontario Street United Church
United` services of Wesley -Willis
and Ontario Street congregations.
Rev, G. G. Burton will preach at both
services. Morning subject "Puritan
Protestantism." In the evening, "Tire
Noble Bereans."
'Young People meet on Monday
evening for an outdoor service on the
lawn of Mrs. M. Barkin. Citizenship
department ht charge.
W.M.S. meeting wil be held in the
lecture room on Tuesday afternoon,
July 11th at 2.30. A chapter from
the Study Book will be given.
St. Paul's Church
At the morning service a Men's
Choir will sing. At 7 p.m. members
of the Orange Order will attend the
Tomorrow (Friday) St, Paul's
Picnic. Cars will leave the' Parish
Hall at 1.30.
Sunday ,evening, July 16th the
choir of St. James' Church, Strat-
ford, under the leadership of Mi. Olin
Brown, will render a number of
anthems, duets, etc. Evening prayer
will be conducted to the end of the
third Collect, the remainder of the
service will be the special musical.
The Catholic Church
The members el St. Joseph's
Church were reminded last Sunday
that the month of July was dedieat-
ed by the Church to the Most Pre-
cious Blood of Jesus, Recalling the
fact that the month just ended, was
dedicated to the Sacred Heart, the
local pastor explained the care which
the Church has always exercised, in
emphasizing the Humanity of Christ
as well as His Divinity. The beauti-
ful month of May has been dedicated
to the Mother of God made Man,
with precisely the same idea in
Many tourists and visitors who
Were in town in connection with the
holiday attended pearly Mass and
heard the announcement that all dur-
ing the warm season (July and
August) there would only be low
Mass, out of consideration for travel-
lers and tour'alts, who might find
the longer service, a grave inconven-
Circulars describing the Catholic
Summer camp at .Kitebigami during
the Month of " August, were present
ed, and the Martyr Shrine and
other interesting points on Georgian
Bay, was prominently displayed in
the vestibule of the church.
• With the famous surplus powered
(booble-Warranty) Rolietor, Dry Zero'
Insulation,: Round Sanitary Corners,
Rubber Sealed Door, One -Piece Por.
celain Interior, Norgloss Exterior
Finish,. find other great convenience
features. Easy to own on our, "Use.
As•You-Pay" Plam
25c per day
DeForest Crosley Radios
and Apex Washers
Batteries and Parts in Stock
r'wing Miish
A. complete balanced growing
mash that will maintain even
steady growth, It keeps pullets
in active, growthy condition
with no excess fat, It builds
bone, flesh and feathers. We make and supply Shur -Gain
16% Growing Mash right here in Clinton. It is fresh when ,
you get it—ill its most palatable form, gfr
M® Compare this price •
Developing Concentrate
If you have your own grains to feed—balance them 'with Shur -
Gain 34% Developing Concentrate. We are well equipped to do
your grinding and mixing here at the mill. Our •Zo
price, per 100 lb. bag Developing Concentrate..
Follow the leader and get the beat. 'Shur -Gain formulas and Sftur-
Gain Quality axe guaranteed. Pullets grown on Shur -Gana 16%
Growing Mash or 34% Developing Concentrate become big -boned,,
big -bodied layers which are capable of steady, high egg: production.
Make sure of better pullets at less cost the Shur -Gain way.
Other Shur -Gain Feeds
Minton Feed Mill
We eau finance refrigerators up to
21 months. Payments average 25c
•r day, Think el itI You actually
throw out that =oh wasted food
er spend more on ice.
Either a small down payment or a
trade of your radio or icebox puts
ons in your hone. Sparton Re-
frigerators are clock controlled and
guaranteed to be the most econ-
omical on the mattet.
`SWANKIES'—The newest in per-
sonal radios. We have 9 different
models priced from $21.00 up. Why
buy one model when you can have
your choice. See them in Lock-
wood's window.
e Buy your tires from us ON
TIME! Pay no money down!
We'll put new Goodyears on
your car TODAY .. , you pay
in small amounts weekly. Drive
in for details ... today!
Brownies's Service Station
Clinton, Ont.
tat 02'
Three flurt
Phone 5
Iof navy blue net with white awes.
series and corsage of red roses and
A car crash, resulting in three lily -of -the -valley, Mrs. Merrier was
women being injured, occurred at the gowned in violet chiffon with corsage
bridge on No. 4 highway, south of of Talisman roses, and Mrs. Burn
Wing/lain late S'atru'day'- John worpl'navy blue sheer with corsage
Sproule, driver of a car, from God- of punk roses. After the reception,
erich was driving north and met a Mr:"- and Mrs, Bus left for Quebec,
car going south driven by Mrs. Jean and will live in Milverton on their
Middleton, Port Credit,in the centre. , return,
of the bridge. Both drivers applied,
their brakes but they crashed head'
en,, Sproule was unhurt. A pas-
senger, Norah Tieswell, suffered head;
injuries and Lillian Ttrarnbla.y,:.had a!
fractured ankle. Mrs. Middleton Cad Caven Presbyterian Church, Hen-
n broken ankle and her husband, R. sill was the setting for the wedding
H. Middleton with her in the.' car at of Olive Ma.y, eldest daughter of Mr.
the time of the accident, escaped anal! a.nd Mrs, Isaac Sims, Exeter, to�-Mr,
injured, Traffic Officer Norman Wilson James Beadle, son of Mir. arrcl,
Laver, of. Clinton, investigated. Mts. George Beadle of London, Rev,
!D. C. Hill officiated, The bride, giv-
en in marriage by her father, was
BURN-ML+'RN1 R gowned 1 an afternoon frock , of
aquamarine blue chiffon -with white
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnaccessories.. Slre'was: attended by
Wesley Memel., Zurich, was the set- Miss Winnifred Judge, London Mr.
tingfor a pretty .wedding when their Leonard Beadle, brother of the bride-.
daughter, Catherine Anne, was maw groom was groomsman. Mrs, J. Or:
ried. to Mr. Carl Aaron Burn, son Cochrane played: the wedding music.
of Rev, Emil Burn and Mrs. Burn and the soloist was Mr. Thomas
of Milverton. -The father of the bride Prawn of,.Londony The.ushers were
groom officiated, Given in marriage Mr Melilyn Sims, .Exeter, and Mr.,
by her father, the bride wore a gown dycgI .'Keenliside, Landon.