HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-07-06, Page 1Mit News -Record Est. 1878
With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New Era
The New Era Est. 186
NO. 5943. -60th YEAR
We have madeselections of the better makes
and best values and bought accordingly.
'Come in and see our Men's, Special, finished in gold,
Newest Design, 15 jewels—for only '9.9
Best Values Obtainable
Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j
New Low Prices on Afternoon
Tub Frocks. If You Can use
Another Before Going on
Your Vacation, this is
your Opportunity.
A number of $3.95 Empire Crepes
to clear. at only $2.95.
Your own stock may Require
Replenishing lenishing your or American
friends will Appreciate Choosing
All Linen Hand or Tea Towell-
ing from our Most Attractive
SPORT TOGS - At new low
Prices for July Clearing.
We have on display in our window an
assortment' of Pearl Necklaces in single,
double and three. strand styles. They
come in a number of lengths from 16
inches to 30 inches. Some are composed
of pearls all the same size while others
are graduated. Pearls are always in
fashion, may be worn to advantage with
any costume. Cheaper strings from 75c a
to $3.25• Others from $5.00to $45..
If we have not got thestyle or price you
want we will be pleased to get it for you.
Come in and ask to see them.
Remember WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts.
Our work assures your satisfaction.
"Counter's for Finer Jewellery for over Half a
_Century in Huron County"
Telephone Changeover Satisfactory
Local Ladies Place First Call.
to signal the operator all one has to
do is lift the receiver. This causes
a light to flash on. the .switchboard
in; front of the operator. 'Replacing
the receiver indicates the conversa-
tion is ended.
Explaining the workings of the new
board and giving individual instruc-
tion to the local operators was Miss
D. Madigan of the General Traffic
Office, Toronto, She had been here
for the past twoweeks in the capae-
ity of advisor so that the operators
might be familiar with the new board.
It was fitting that the first local
call through the new system shbuld
be placed by two ladies who had
marked the progress of telephone
service in Clintony 'Mrs. Clara Rum -
ball and Mrs. William Jackson. Mrs.
Run -thrill was manager here from
1909 to 1933 and Mr. Jackson was
also a former manager. The ladies
50 Years a Subscriber enjoyed the conversation and the
Fifty years as a continuoustele- privilege extended them by the comp-
p one customer will soon be the re- any. Then a long-distance call was
cord achieved by Dr. J. W. Shaw placed with Mayor Elliott talking to
who became a telephone customer his cousin, Mr. Noble E. Wilson at
here in 1891. The genial doctor finds Toronto. When these calls had been
the telephone almost as necessary as completed minor adjustments were
the little brown bag he carriesHe made.
was an interested spectator ye •ter- Among the interested spectators
day when the telephone change -over were Dr. J. W. Shaw and Mr. A. T.
was made. Cooper. The former is probably the
)oldestcontinuous subscriber in Clin-
5, 1989 marks another mile -
ton, while Cooper's store has the dis-
stone in telephone history in the town tinction of being the only business
of Clinton. Yesterday, shortly before place in town still operating since
two o'clock, in the presence of var-those days of telephone pioneering.
ious officials of the Bell Telephone The mayor made a few brief re -
Company and a number of interested marks expressing the appreciation of
citizens, the awaited ehange-over the citizens of Clinton for the prog-
from the crank style of telephone to ressiveness of the Bell Telephone
the common battery- system went'•Company in their endeavor to give
into effeet 'Clinton the best in telephone service
It was a tense. moment: Engineers, and .to Miss Kennedy and her staff
experts in their particular line, mom-; for their efficiency. The present
entarily held their breath as the staff is Miss L. Kennedy, manager;
deadline approached; the +rperators, Mrs. J. Leiper, Mrs. J. Hart, Misses
Miss Mary Andrews, M..,,,,:Kate M. Durst, A. Mc0liecbey, M. And-
Niekle and Mrs. 3. Leiper were keyed rews, K. Niekle and Mrs. M. Jordan,
up for the first call to go forward relief operator.
from the new type switchboard, The Bell Telephone Company officials
changes had been accurately made
p' were resent J, M. McIntosh,District
however, and at five minutes to two
the change had been made and every- Manager; J. Young, Plant Wire Chief,
thing was working monthly. i Stratford; R. L. Stratton, District
Only those responsible for this int-' Manager; F. F. Brittain, Traffic
/movement Imo* the enormous Supit•; A. C. Ion, Equipment Fngin
ear; W. '. Fenlon, Assistant; C. H.
amount of work entailed in such a Jack of Detroit left on Monday af-
Westman, Main Supervisor; J, ter spending the holiday at the
project. Mr. R. L. Stratton informed �
us that it had taken almost a year Jeffers, Utility Foreman, all of Lon- home of Mr, and Mr. Alex Sloman.
to engineer the change. Those who don; F. G. F. Barr, General Traffic Mr. J. C. Shearer is enjoying a vaca-
made the necessary adjustments may Office, Toronto; W. J. Hodge, God -
feel justly proud of their work. To erich.
describe the working of the new
board one would have to be a trained i Engagement Announced
telephone man. From a customer's.
viewpoint it simply means that in-; Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Jamieson, Con -
stead of having to turn the crank stance, announce the engagement of
their eldest daughter, Mary Isabel,
to Mr. Arthur Lawrence Colson, only
Clinton Tied for Group son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Colson,
Leadership , Blyth. The marriage to take place
the middle of July.
Misses N. Bentley and E. Chuff spent
the holiday in London.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Paisley spent,
Saturday at Strathroy.
Mrs, Ed. Crawford of Londesborce is
visiting her sisters in town.
Mrs. E. Watson of Hamilton is vis -
Council Meeting Monday Night.
Ask For Vote on Board ;mayor's previous suggestion, 'Conn
of Education , eiller Waters suggested to Mrs. Ma
l Kenzie that her appeal should. b
BAKERS RAISE PROTEST made to the Court of Revision.
AGAINST PEDDLERS The local bakers in their earn
• Imunication asked some assistance
iting her sister,, Mrs, G,; A. Walker, Council members were tardy get- offset unfair competition from. out
Vise Cora Streets of Zurich spent ting started an the business before side firms who bring. in bread etc
the holiday weekend at her home them at the July session on Monday and take money front the toevse with
here. night. Called for eight o'clock it was out contributing anything in the way;
Mrs. Florence Maguire and Edgar almost 8.30 • before• they settled down of taxes to the town's upkeep. Their
Pattison, spent the weekend in to a busy evening. letter painted out that there' is un.,
troit A motion by Agnew -Waters was fair discrimination between the men
Miss Delle O''Neil of Toronto is carried as follows: "That the follow- who are willing to pay forthe privi4
spending the holidays 'at her home Ing question be included as a plebis- lege of doing business here and those
here. cite on the election ballots for 1940— who are not. Agnew -Waters moueµ
Mr. and Mrs, Bert -White and Ger- 'Are you in favor of the establish- that a copy of the letter be foreverd-
aldine spent the weekend at Jack- ment of a Board of Education to ed to the Department of Mixnicipai
son's Point:. control the affairs of the Public Affairs, with the suggestion; that if,
Mrs. Cleave Stevenson of Landon is School and the High School in the possible legislation to counteract this
visiting' at the home of Mrs, Mac municipality oe Clinton'. This board be passed.
Montgomery, to be composed of six elected mem-i Other communications were them.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Weir of Dunville hers of which three are to be elected H. G. Meir, Seaforth, representing•
were weekend visitors ,with Mr. annually for a period of two years. Mr. Middleton regarding town drain
Robert Welsh. This proposal to came into effect in emptying on his property. This was
Mrs. Bert Boyes is attending West- the year 1941. if accepted by a ma-jreferred to the town solicitor, also s,..
ern University, London, taking a jority of the people." 'letter from Town of Goderich rely
course in music. Speaking to the motion, Waters tive to appeal of equalization. The -
Mr. and Mrs. Will Appleby and Mrs. said he had learned that this form of hospital asked a refund of $68.25 on
Lottie Appleby of Toronto visited School government had : been very drain, This was granted, also, a dam-
-Clinton friends on Sunday. successful at Exeter. Cook wanted age claim from C. H. Epps amount -
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pinner of Tor- to know if we had authority to ing to $10.83. W. S. R. Holmes ask -
onto were weekend visitors at the arrange our awe school board. Agnew ed permission to erect a sign and:"
home of Mrs. C. H. Bartliff. said this was a democratic country this also was granted provided he•
Mr. Alex Haddie, Don and Wes are and the people should have a chance assume liability for any damages re- •
spending the vacation with friends to speak for themselves. sulting therefrom.
at Toronto and Bowmanville. Mrs. McKenzie addressed council There was some good natured'
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Epps and, Mr. at some length in reference to her raillery when the street committee
C. Witte spent Sunday atith purchase of the former Rattenbury reported on oiling of streets. Waters
friends at Scotland, Ontario. Hotel, Prior to completing the pur-i and Trewattha were accused of being..
Mr. L. Cranston of Port Arthur chase there had been some difficulty' too favourable to their respective
visited at the home af. Mr's, John regarding wiring which had been wards. More oil is on the way how-.
Torrance during the past week. condemned by the Hydro Commission.' ever and it was suggested that the
Mr. Edgar Maguire Pattison returned Following negotiations the deal was councillors in the wards not yet treat -
on Friday from a trip up the Great completed and Mrs, McKenzie claim- ed should accompany. the driver of
Lakes, visiting Mackinac Island and ed she was promised exemption: of the oil' truck and give him proper'
Chicago. taxes for five years. This promise instructions. In the financial report.
Mrs. G. A. Meaague and daughter was made verbally by Mayor Elliott the cost of tar is shown as $446.84.
of Hanover visited on Sunday at said Mrs, McKenzie. Mayor Elliott of wheh $198 is recoverable from the.
the home of Mr, and Mrs. John in reply denied this, stating that he Bell Telephone Company and Hydra
Schoenhals. had said he was only one member for work done an the side of Albert
Mrs. Gordon Howes, Miss Bessie and could not promise this alone, but street. Chief Fremlin was granted'
Smith and Miss Minnie Walker are felt that council would be lenient. 'two. week's holiday and P. Bowden is
spending this week at the cottage Mrs. McI{enzie stated she had spent engaged to take over police duties.
at Kintail. in the neighbourhood .of $17,000 in in his absence. Now that the fire -
Ws. Gordon •Cuninghame with Misses fixing up the hotel and asked for truck has been painted the propertpr•
Kathleen and JoAnne left this week some concession, saying that unless .committee was given authority to
on a trip to the Canadian Rockies some help is offered she would be have the doors on the fire hall paint-
and the coast. unable to Carry on. Backing up the (Continued on page 3)"
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McIlwain and
Miss Jean of Gelert spent the
weekend with the lady's, mother,
Mrs. Carrie Jervis.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy and San,
Before a very poor crowd of fans vARNA
Monday night the Colts batted them-
selves into a two-way tie with Lucan Mr. and Mrs. George Connell and
Irish Nine for the leadership of the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connell attend-
Huron -Perth League, While Blyth ed the funeral of Mr. George Austin
have a good pitcher in Jardine, aided Sturdy of Goderich township on Sun -
by relief man Doherty, they received day. Mrs. Connell is a niece of the
floor support and were freely batted deceased,
around the lot. Blyth's chief error' Mr, and Mrs. Balentine and daugh-
maker was their catcher, a long rangy ter of Detroit spent the weekend at
boy by the name of Fairservice. In the home of Mr. and Mrs, D. And-
the fourth inning two runners were ersere
safe on a ball he let slip by and he i We regret to report the death of
was replaced by Gray early in the another of our Varna boys, Mr. Jas.
sixth. Poor fielding accounted for Collins who passed' away Tnesday
Blyth't downfall. Although they night in Westminster Hospital, Lon-
seemed to be connecting freely with don, where for some time past had
Draper's offerings very few got by'been taking treatment. We extend
the fielders. six innings they lour sympathy to his sister, Mrs. C.
tallied only four hits for three runs. . Pilgrim of the village and the rest
:Tank Hawkins started things going of the surviving family.
by driving Glow home in the first on I Mr. H. Elliott of Kitchener and Mr.:
a three -base hit, Matthews pounded A, Elliott of.Harriston spent the holi-
out a three -bagger in the next and day with their parents; Mr. and Mrs.
was sent home puffing by Monteith. M. Elliott, ,
Singles by Glees, 3, Hawkins, Gibbs, The W. A. of St. John's Anglican
Matthews and Fairseivice's error in Church met at the home of Mrs. M.
the fourth accounted for four runs. Elliott 011 Thursday last With a good
A walk and two steals, then another .attendance.
innballingsl,et Gibbs
threeahomebagger in: rhoby d other visiting. members attended
The members of the .WAIL: Varna
Glees and singles by J. Hawkins,
Draper, H, Ilawkins and Neilans ac-
counted for three more runs in the
service in the United Church on Sun-
day and listened to a very able ad-
dress delivered by Rev. Mr. Peters.
Mr. and Mrs: J. A. Pattison of
Sims'. and Jardine eaeh got a' two- Detroit were weekend visitors with
bagger in the third. Aided by a Mr. and Mrs. Alex McConnell,
couple of Clinton errors they and Miss Peters has returned home to
Elliott crossed the plate for the only spend her vacation with her parents.
Blyth score of the game. Grey . and Mrs. Emily Evans of Toronto is
Fairservice were the other members visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. John -
of the team to connect -with Draper's Ston.
offering's for safe, hits, Outfielders
on both teams s p ailed off some nice
catches and if Blyth's infield had BAYF1EL" D
done as well it might have been a
different story. Rev. and Mrs. John Graham enter -
The boys go to Exeter tonight fortwined the clergy of the Deanery o
another intermediate baseball tilt, the Huron and their families at the
return game here on Tuesday. mere rectory on Friday afternoon, Rev.
support would be appreciated at the Dr. Hurford of Seafotth read asplen-
home games, 1 did paper an "Preaching"; the hal
tag•es for the season: Mr. and Mrs.
Little Locals
J. C. Cook and family of Clinton;19'
Mr. and Mrs, W. Greig and family The exterior of Sutter & Perdue's
of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Frank V. store presents an improved appear. -
Martin and fancily of Detroit; Mr, .ante with an application of patat,
and Mrs: N. R. McConkey and family! Mr, Samuel Temp is the first to
of Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. T. Orr report new potatoes ready for table .
tion at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, and family of Stratford; Mr• and use. Mr. Kemp enjoyed new potatoes
and will return to his duties at I Mrs. G. Churchward and family of and green peas from his garden on
the Agricultural Office on the 17th,
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Rozell of Kitch-
ener were visiting relatives in Clin-
ton last weekend on the occasion of day next. The Rev. Mr, Kerr of g
their thirtieth wedding anniversary Brussels will be in charge of the ceived her first-class certificate and
Mr, R. Nixon Welsh, principal of services. The Male Quartette of First will return in the fall to assume her
Victoria Street School, London, ac- Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, will teaching duties there at an increase•
eompanied by Mrs. Welsh spent sing at both services. in salary.
Sunday with his father, Mr. Robert Dr. E. P. Lewis of Toronto spent) This Sunday evening there will be
the weekend with Mrs. M. Woods. Ian Orange Service in St. Paul's
Mr. A. E. Fines left yesterday fox Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and son and Church. Members of the Order ovil`.
Toronto aronto where he will assist m Mr. and Mrs.Barrett ar etc and son of De- meet at the Lodge Rooms at 6,30.
marking examination papers. Mis. troit spent the weekend with Mr. Visiting brethren are cordially invit
Fines and family accompanied him 'and Mrs. Harty Weston. ed to the service.
ionuon. July 1st.
Anniversary services will be held
in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sun- I Miss Marion R. Gibbings who has.
to Kitchener where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. A. Wiley and .804
a time. of Detroit went the weekend with k/'Mr. John R. Noble has returned
Mr. and Mrs Carter of the Huron Mrs, M. Castles. i home after spending the week with
Dr. and Mis. Harvey Reid and fan- his son Reg., at St. Hubert's Air -
Road spent a week with their son,
Mr. Aubrey H. Carter of Pictan, tly of Toronto spent the weekend at' port, Quebec. Mr. Noble posted a
who has been appointed to the staff their cottage here. Metter on an aeroplane leaving the
of the Walkerville school, instead•
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crane and son,, airport an Sunday night for Goderich.
of Walkerton as repotted last week. Jerry, Mr, Harry Chane and Mr: ands carrying twelve passengers and 650
Mr. •and Mr. F. W. Johnston visited Mrs. Ted Crane of Detroit spent the lbs. of nail. Mrs. Noble received
relatives in Ashfield on Sunday weekend with M. R, Weston. the letter Monday;, he airport covers
Mr. and Mrs. G, Knight and family ;3,000 acres of laid and is a busy
and on Monday accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs: F. J, Johnston went of Toronto spent the weekend with place. Me. Reg, Noble is in charge
Mrs• F. Gemeinhardt. there.
to Sarnia for the Johnston clan re-
union. They returned home on
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Palmer, son
Alden, daughter Mrs. Frank Brown
and two children and granddaugh-
ter, Miss Betsie Palmer of Sault
Ste. Marie, Mich,, ,visited the form,
er's nice, Mrs. J. T. Crich' on Sun-
day. They also attended the Butt
reunion at Harbour Park, Goderiee.
on July 1st.
once 'of the afternoon was spent in
discussion and sports. After which
Mrs. Graham served a delicious tea.
Dlr. and Mrs. Percy Parker and
son Billy of Nakoma, North Dakota,
aro visiting Mr. Parker's, parents,
Mr... and Mrs. Chas, .Parker. We are
glad to say that Mr. Packer Sr. who
has been seriously ill for some•weeks
is improving nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Al. Fuerter.' and Son
Billy of Barrie are visiting Mrs. W.
Miss Mary Jan McAskill of Copper
Cliff, Oicte is visiting Miss Betty
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Dymen, and
family of Detroit spent the weekend
with Mrs. J. W. Tippett:
Gordon Mason of Detroit is spend-
ing the summer with relatives in the
Among those who are at their cot -
Mr. and Mrs. W. Buchan of Dunn-
ville spent the weekend with Mrs. M.
Mrs. Douglas Geminhardt returned
home on Saturday after spending
some time iu Orillia and Termite. /
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Middleton of
Port Credit (nee Jean Woods of
Bayfield) met with an unfortunate
accident near Wingham on Saturday
an' their way to visit Mrs. M. Woods
of Hayfield, Mrs, Middleton suffered
a very bad fracture of the right ankle
and other abrasions, after receiving
treatment at the hospital in Wing -
ham she was brought, to her home !,
here where she will probably remain
for some weeks. Mr. Middleton re-
turned to Port Credit on Monday.
Mrs, McKegney and family of
Sarnia spent Tuesday the guests of
Rev. and Mrs. J. Graham at the
Mr•, and Mrs. V. Bert and family ,r
of London spent the weekend with Officiates at Change -Over
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker,
Mrs: M. Prentice of Toronto spent When the telephone system was
the weekend wr it
h her mother, Mrs, changed here yesterday Mayor Geo.
Sr.tinson. H. Elliott was the first to place a
Mand Mrs: L. Smith and family long distance call. The telephone
of London spent the weekend with carried greetings to ,his cousin in
Mr, and Mrs. C. Parker. Toronto. The mayor in it short ad -
The Government supply- St. Helens dress commended the Bell Telephone
called here on Tuesday, when they Company on their endeavor to . give,
painted the signal house and left Clinton users modern: egpipment andi
supplies for the season, efficient service:.