HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-06-29, Page 8'PAGE '8 THE CLINTON NEWS RECOR , TI URIs., JUNE 29, 1939 1 HEAD CHEESE, M. 1Oc, lb. 15c HOME-MADE SAUSAGE SPRING LAMB FOR WEEKEND v ORDERS TAKEN FOR SPRING CHICKENS 20 -LB. PAIL of LARD for r $1.85 CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert: Street Call and See OUR GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT WATER PITCHERS — GLASSES —.BOWLS — CASSEROLES ENGLISH TRAYS & ETC. GRANITE WARE—Ivory and Red, Ivory and Green We have a few LAWN MOWERS left and are offering same at a Special Price to Clear. DON'T FORGET TO SEE Our New 1939 FRIGIDAIRE The only Refrigerator with the Meter -Miser SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. \� k M'ra_ w 31 BARGAINS IN Second -bland Sinks 18x30 Flat Run $3.50 16x24 High Back $6.50 ' See These Before Buying HAY FORK ROPES and PULLEYS HAY FORKS of all Kinds. �A That North .Window• . Started a few vreeks ago at "Your Choice" $1.00. It has daily been re- duced in price and the goods dim-' Ihnished in quantity ever since, until to -day (Thursday) it is 90 and on Monday, July' ,lOth it ^will be le. Be- Ifore we started, through the store we went, inspecting stock on shelves, Peering into drawers and cases, rout- ing out left -over stoelc, sometimes just one of a kind, in some cases out 'of style, in others discontinued lines. "Out you go" was the slogan, away with you we said to scores of dif- Iferent things, and they went. While giving you a chance daily to make your own lower price, we daily re - II plenish the articles in the window, Ito all we have given or will give !positive notice of dismissal. I kins Hardware and To T"1 p•R. A� 1 / f.3.�� ,{;,• ��• ♦�����•9 Plumbing ♦��?hone 244 1414•Nib•••••••••+Hi•iH•C+i•1�w �H�H�H:H:H�•�H•HSN H. eMolel`tKoRe - Fencing Troubles Try the SPARTON ELECTRIC FENCE and your worries will be over, It solves your fencing worries. Now is the time to purchase the BICYCLE you promised the boy or girl for passing exams. We have a splendid choice. GUNS, FISHING TACKLE, CAMPER'S NEEDS You'll find them at Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales 0 - FISH - IALLY the Bass season opens on Saturday, July 1st. Make your first attempt on the finny tribe as successful as possible by re -fitting your tackle box with all the essential lures, baits), hooks, lines, reels, rods and sundries of our fishing tackle stock, which you may see on display in our window. Remember — "If it swims, we can catch it." Superior Stores from this vicinity are Mary Virginia p Harris and Delphine Bisback, Clinton; PHONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR JUNE 28th 29th 30th STRAWBERRY JAM, 32 oz. jar 23c SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 27 oz. jar 23c EAGLE BRAND MILK, ... tins 10c CREAM TEA SANDWICH BISCUITS lb. 17c SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA, pkg. 5c FRY'S COCOA, . '/z Ib. tins 19c CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE lb. 36c IVORY SOAP, large size, 2 cakes 15c "FOR YOUR PICNIC" PREPARED MUSTARD; jar 10e DERBY CIDIESE, y/z lbpkg 14c SHRIMPS tin 16e SARDINES, Glacier tin 10c COOKED HAM, .... �/2 lb. 28c PAPER NAPKINS 100 white 15c PICNIC PLATES .... doz. 10c DRINKING CUPS, ,. 12 for 10c ORANGES for Juice doz. 19c NEW CABBAGE, age. head, each 10c CAULIFLOWER, good size, ltd. 10c GRAPEFRUIT, Seedless ., 6 for 25c Beryl Carter, Londesboro; Dorothy Drover, Eleanor Alice Hudson, Geo. Pryce, Seaforth; John H. Bates, Estelle Cunningham and Jean McDon- ald, Brussels. T. R. TNOh9PSON PASS NORMAL SCHOOL. EXAMINATIONS Of the 106 students who wrote examinations at Stratford Normal School, 95 were successful, Those Tile vv. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest--Alwara the heat Ij f 'I��I�I���D��olOglllllllmnuu�i ii,"rn�;uninunl�olllll Mrs G. D. Roberton is visiting in De- troit this week. Miss W. E. O'Neil returned from Halifax on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Margaret Johnston of Marlette, Mich., is visiting friends in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Evans of St. Marys visited at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Evans on Saturday. Miss Marion Morrell spent a few days last week at :the home of Mr. and e n Mrs. A. J. Can t to ,oderich town- ship. ship. Mr. Frank Bull of Fullerton, Ont., formerly of Orillia visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson on Sun- day last. Mr. and Mrs. John Moon, Toronto, were in Clinton yesterday attend- ing the funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas H. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bishop of Burl- ington spent the weekend at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jervis, Mr .and Mrs. Frank McElroy have returned to Toronto after visiting at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Shobbrook. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Willard, of Buf- falo, who have been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Shob- brook have left for New York on their trip home. Big Clearance Sale • of Spring Plants NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO FILL IN YOUR GARDEN AND FLOWER BEDS AT BARGAIN PRICES All Onr Box Plants Are On Sale BUY A BOX AT THE REGULAR PRICE AND GET 1 BOX s Free TOMATO PLANTS PEPPERS - CELERY — CAULIFLOWER Also TOMATO PLANTS in Bud and Bloom' at Reduced Prices ASTERS — BALSAMS CALENDULAS, — SALVIA RED and BLUE STOCKS - NEMESIA — PETUNIAS STATICE —, ZINNIAS MARIGOLDS ENGLISH DAISIES — RUDBECKIA STRAWFLOWERS AGERATUM ETC. PERENNIAL PLANTS GAILLARDIA — FOXGLOVE — BABY'S BREATH and RUSSELL LUPINS ASPARAGUS — SPARGEM FERNS, Fine Large Plants 35c EACH Full Count of Boxed Plants Not Guaranteed GET YOURS EARLY AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. — Phones 176 and 31. HEARI The Red & White Store ,.^ Clinton Prompt Delivery Service To Observe the Dominion -wide Holiday, this store will be closed all day Saturday, Jul? lst, end will remain open Friday evening, June 30th.. Special Values June 28 30 DOG FOOD Spot LAMPS, 60 Watt SALMON, Fancy Pink CHICKEN HADDIE, TOMATO JUICE, G.M. tins 25 Phone 48 Fresh Fruit CHERRIES, Home -Grown Red ORANGES, Sunkist Sweet Juicy 2 doz. 35c CANTALOUPES, Extra .Large Each 19c APPLES, For Table Use dozen 45c. STRAWBERRIES; Fresh Daily PEACHES, qt. 15c 3 for 25c dozen 15c 2 fo25c 15c tins Fresh Vegetables 1 2 tins 25c NEW 3tins 25c HUSKIES, The New Cereal 2 pkgs. 14c pkg. 23c 3 for 256 5 for 16c 19c GRAHAM WAFERS, TOMATO CATSUP, 'Aylmer SOAP, Toilet Coleo GRAPE JUICE, Niagara 16 oz. TEA, Orange Pekoe, , lb. 65c BAKING POWDER, qt. jar RUBBER RINGS,_ PRUNES, Choice Meaty SOAP FLAKE§', Pure SODA BISCUITS 33c 2 pkgs. l lc 3 lbs. 25c 5 lb. pkg. 45c pkg. 10e PEAS' & CORN 3' tins 25c POTATOES, No. 1 Grade ... 10 pounds 23c Field -Grown TOMATOES, Selects 2 pounds .25c Home -Grown PEAS, Fresh Daily 2 pounds 17c r t! CAULIFLOWER, Home -Grown 2 heads 15c Ii BUTTER BEANS, Horne -Grown 2 pounds 19c CELERY, Crisp White, Canada -Grown; each stalk CUCUMBERS, for slicing, each 1Oc CABBAGE, Solid Heads each 5c 1Oc Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bowers of Tiver- ton spent a few hours on Sunday with Dr. and Mr. 1. S. Evans. Those from Clinton who attended the Golden Wedding celebration on Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hood of Iiippen were Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Fisher and Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jervis and son Clifford of Napanee, Indiana, visit- ed at the home of the former's brother, Mr, Oliver Jervis, and sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. W. Marquis, Miss Carol Evans, who was success- ful in passing the Reg. Nurses' Examinations left yesterday for Hamilton General Hospital where she will spend a short time before leaving for a position in Dunville. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Layton, accom- panied by the latter's mother, Mrs. Robert Dalrymple and Mr, and Mrs. Fred Nott motored to Callander going by way of Guelph, Barrie and Orillia. Then to North Bay, Sudbury, and down through the Manitoulin Islands and home by way of Owen Sound. They report a very enjoyable trip and saw the famous quintuplets. VARNA Miss F. Logan of Hensall was re- newing acquaintances in the village Monday. Mrs. East and friends of Clinton visited with the. Pilgrim family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Making of Goderich visited with Mr .and Mrs. A. Me - Connell Monday evening. We are pleased to report that Mrs. L. Beatty is recovering after her re- cent illness, Mr. and Mrs. Lee McConnell and .Mr. and Mrs., Percy Johnston visited friends in Marlette, Mich. during the past week. ow•' a1«,wa ld4i.H.•+.+ d»r+8•k .4.••g, ,w,«I»: M:B» -di : k.•3 +.++ 6 2»t23elel,i e StrawberryiSoclal +: ;i auspices Woman's Association ,.i 3 ;'s.jThursday,EJune 29th>= it at Ontario St., United Church i ;i • ;i Supper served from 6 to 8 2, Adults 25c Children 12 yrs, and under 15c +_�� A Real Chance to Save We are advancing our Furniture Sale one month, starting June 30 and running it until July 31st. During this time you will be able to save up to 15r/r off our regular prices, which are al- ways reasonable. You will find a large assortment •of Chester- field, Dining Room, Bedroom, and Kitchen Suites, Studio Couches, Occasional Chairs, Beds, Springs and Mattresses, Tables of all kinds, Cedar Chests, Fancy Mirrors and Lamps for all purposes. Also a Grand Selection of Sumner Furniture. So it will surely pay to make your selections early. Hardware Dept. See the new stock of AWNINGS for your home, easily put up, and you can raise or lower them from the inside of windows, Price only $2.50. We have our usual large stock of Hay Fork Rope and Cable, Forks and Harvest Tools. Preserving Kettles and Granite -Ware in all the modern colors Shick Razor with 8 blades and a Tube of Palmolive ;Shaving Cream for 49 cents. Tho Store With the Stock. BALL and ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Embalmers, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. Phones: Store 195; N. Ball, 110; J. J. Zapfe, 103 S8 -2V I HOLIDAY SPECIALS Saturday of this week is a holiday, therefore Fri- day night our store will be open for business. We will be open Saturday night also. Women and Misses Washable Silk, Crepe, Voile & American. Print Dresses, will be on sale. Your choice of any dress in the store for $200; Soine of these dresses are cut to almost half of their regular price. Children's Dresses from age 1 to .14, Washable Silk, Voile, and Cottons, these dresses will be sold at prices that will give you value for your money. IIOLIDAY5 ARE HERE AGAIN Sun Suits, Play Suits, Overalls, Slacks,) Farmerettes and Straw Hats are in demand. We have a good stock of these lines and will Men's \Silk Hose, be pleased to'serve you. Do you need WHITE FOOTWEAR for the Holidays. We have a good assortment for ,$1.15 Boy's Dress Long Pants, summer weight ... FFORD "JOBB & , SONS you to choose Irani. Dress Shotes, Oxfords and Canvas Slippers.i. Also a good assortment for the children. Boy's Short Pants, summer weight ..............:.,..•., 69C •••••1.�mr -0.•••••••••••••CLI Men's White Buck Oxfords per pair $3.15 Men's White Elk 'Oxfords per pair $2.85 Men's Camp Oxfords with heavy crepe soles 2.89' Boy's White Elk Oxfords, sizes 1 to 5 Men's Dress Pants in light weight and $1.59 & $1.79 color Men's Dress Straw Hats, assorted shades Each Men's Dress Shirts, .................. 89c, $1.25, $1.49' 3 pair for $1.00' Men's Dress Braces, narrow width, per pair 69c,