HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-06-22, Page 4PAGE 4 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., JUNE 22, 1939 For A Summer's Day on the STREET OR AT PLAY. YOU'LL. FIND WE NAVE WIHAT YOU REQUIRE SUMMER .DRESSES SUMMER HATS SUMMER SHOES BATHING SUITS SUMMER GLOVES SUMMER SOCKS SUMMER. SHIRTS SUMMER TIES .A.. T. COOPER. Phone: 36w Main Store, 36j Second Floor Do You Need a Truss If so, we can fit you properly if a truss wilt help you, if not -we will advise you. We can give you comfort and security at' a minimum cost. It will cost you less here. W. S. I HOLMES, PHMI B. CLINTON, ONT. PROM 31 LL` thing @ 4 > its One -Piece in Black and Maroon $1.50 & $1.95 Two -Piece with zipper $2.50 & $2.75 TRUNKS AR -Wool with Support—Blue, Maroon and Black $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $1.95 BOYS TRUNKS, All -Wool, 26 to 30, Black, Blue and Maroon 75c & $1.00 DAVLS & HERMAN r=`h'.M+!.i.s .fnf.�•!f:t!'R !H H �H� ! � t:1 HH�I�. ice! Hf rH+ iH. rH'wH�W..�� T '":H:H.: i•'iH: e s *Hi 31Pattison's Phone 7.40 for Prompt and Courteous Service. BOYS' OLIVER TWIST WASH SUITS COTTAGE CURTAIN SETS 21"x42" 20"x34" Colors, Blue, Green, Yellow & Rose. SET 69c s'. ' 'a att� IVHITE SCRIM CUR'T'AINS Floral Valance with Tie Backs Size 15" by 2 yds, Rose, Blue, Gold & Green 450 PR. WHITE SCRIM CURTAINS Forel and Dot Frills to Match 25".by 233 yds. Rose, Blue, Gold 69e R .; Covert C otic with Beit'... 69c s CHILDREN'S BILLY 130Y x OVERALLS 2 to 6 years . 25c & 43c '• LADIES FI.ORAL CREPE z' PYJAMAS 89e LADIES FLORAL CREPE S� NIGHTGOWNS 980 LADIES CELANESE & FANCY FLORAL CHINTZ SUEDE SATIN SLIPS z CUSHIONS 25e Tea Rose & White 59c, 69c, 79c ;b aai a.HM:.ar M:: a.: i a .a...MelaaaeratataraHerel .ae ra :H r : i :"O.H .HMi• ar lJ rN 14fi8i: t ro� °:.:C 41' ^'k 0dti(<%4A4ir'Si+i�rri?"1 BUY YAL 111 lES Why take a chance on worn out tires. Before buying come in and see us. We make liberal allowances on oldtires for. new 'ones. Have that Radiator flushed out—Prevents over -heating and saves gas and oil, cuts down repair bill, irnprovles motor efficiency.. CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED REG. S WWLEY'S Service Station PHONE 182 VARNA Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reid, Miss Pearl and Eric Reid of London spent Sun- day with friends in the village,.• Mrs. J. Stelek has returned .to Windsor .after spending a fortnight at her home in the village. A large number attended the fun- eral of the late Geo. IVIaLinchey on Monday, to pay their last tribute to a much respeeted friend and neighbour. The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved widow and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. Latham and son and Miss G. Beatty of London spent Sunday with Mrs, L. Beatty and Miss' Edith, who we are zorry to report is not enjoying the best of health, but their many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Jas. Stephenson; of Goshen Line spent a couple of days with her sister, Miss E. Massop, Mr. IL Rathwell of Windsor spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rathwell. Mrs. M. Anderson of Goderich is visiting her brother, Mr. Ben. ICeys. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys and fam- ily visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Reid of Clinton and also attended the Magna Charta Service. 41414+4444.44.,..1 weddings DRAPER,ANDBEWS i> WALPER-STEEP The home of Mr. and Mrs. F, W.( A pretty wedding was solemnized. Andrews, Clinton, was the seene of at the Wesley -Willis United Church a quiet Wedding on Saturday, June Parsonage, Clinton, at 10 o'clock on 17th., when their daughter, Norma: Saturday morning, when Vera Life - Mildred, was united in marriage to line, daughter of Mrs. James Steep; Robert Gerald Draper, son of Mr, and Clinton, and the late James Steep, Mrs. Caryl Diaper, Clinton. Rey. became the ,bride of Lloydon Ivan Andrew Lane, pastor of Wesley-, Walper, only son' of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Church officiated. 'Henry Walper Zurich, Ontario. Rev. • The bride wore a pretty dress of A. Lane officiated. orchid shade with darker shade bolero,, The bride looked lovely in a gown white hat and accessories and• carried of powder blue Pont, d'Esprit net an arm bouquet of yellow butterflyoverblue satin with pink accessories.' rases. The young couple were un_i She marled a bouquet of pink Tabs - attended, Following the' ceremony,�'m'an roses and orange blossoms and they left for a trip to St. Catharines, l wore a wreath of orange blossoms in Niagara Falls and other points.. On`her hair. They ,were unattended. their return they will reside Ind Immediately after the ceremony a Clinton. SMITH-ASHTON Ontario Street United Church Manse, Clinton, was the scene of a pretty wedding at twelve -thirty on Saturday when Velma Pearl, daugh-' ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ashton, i became the bride of Mr. John Ernest) Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward i Smith, Clinton. Rev. G, G. Burton officiated. The bride was eharmring in a dress of white taffeta, White accessories,. off -the -face hat and corsage of Briarcliffe roses. Miss Beatrice Walters was bridesmaid and wore a pink flowered chiffon dress, off -the - face hat and white accessories. Mr. Reginald Smith, brother of the groom was best man. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a gold Iocket and to the groomsman a gold tie pin and collar pin. After the ceremony the young couple left for a trip to Muskoka, the bride's travelling costume was a powder blue dress with shirred sleeves and bodice, hat to match, white three-quarter flannel coat and white accessories. They will re,ido in Clinton. CARHART-BALL A pretty June wedding took place in Ontario Street United Church on Saturday afternoon when Margaret Isabelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Ball, Clinton, was united in marriage to Mr. John Raymond Gar - hart, Kirkland Lake, son of Mr. and, Mos. John Carhart, Toronto, by Rev, t G. G. Burton, The 'church was attractively dec- orated with pains, ferns and baskets of peonies, iris, columbine and pyrethium. The bride, given in mar- riage by her father, was charming in a floor length gotivn of Regina blue' chiffon, with fitted shirred bodice. She wore a small hat of French forget-me-nots and carried a colonial bouquet of cornflowers and Sweetheart roses with ribbon of blending shade. Miss Ruth Ball, Toronto, was her sister's attendant. She wore a gown of Mimosa yellow chiffon, large Leg- horn hat with matching accessories and carried an arni bouquet of but -1 teacups and daisies. Mr. Graham Garton, Toronto, was groomsman and the ushers were Douglas and William Ball, brothers of the bride. Mrs. E, Wenclerf played the wedding music. Following the ceremony a recepa tion' was held at the home of the bride's parents where the .bride was assisted in receiving by her mother andthe mother of the bridegroom. The roosts were decorated with bas- kets of peonies, roses and orange blossoms. The bride's table was cent- red with the wedding calve surround. - ed. with tulle •and orange blossoms. Those assisting in serving the lunch- eon were Misses Dorothy Rapsey, Beatrice Dowzer, . Louise Hartman, Katherine McTaggart and Clara Ball. For travelling the bride :selected a printedcrepe navy woollen -coat andnavy accessories. On their re- turn from an extended motor trip Mr. and Mrs. Gerhart will reside at Kirkland Lake. wedding -breakfast was served at the bride's home. Later Mr. and Mrs. Walper left by motor on a tripto. the United States, The bride donned a -pretty navy sheer dress with navy coat and white accessories. On their return Mr, and Mrs. Walper will re- side in Clinton. COX-WHITMORE A quiet wedding was solemnized at • the United Church Manse, Bay- field, Saturday morning, June 17th., when Gaynell Isabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin John Whit- more of Holmesville became the bride of Carl Alexander Cox, son of Mrs. Cox and the late John A. Cox of Goderich township. Rev. R. M. Gale officiated. The bride was charming- ly attired in white taffeta. She car- ried white aquilegia and pinks, After the ceremony the bride and groom were served with a dainty luncheon at the home of the groom's mother. After a motor trip to Hamiton and other points the young couple will reside in Goderich. FLEWIrr-BROADFOOT A quiet wedding was solemnized at high noon in Knox Presbyterian Church, St. Thomas, by Rev. J. W. Laud when Agnes Grace Janet Broadfoot, youngest daughter. of Mrs. and the late 1'V;. G. 'Broadfoot of Tuckersmith, was united in marriage to George Thomas Flew,tt, eldest son of Mrs. Flewitt of Goderich township and the late G. T. Flewitt of London, England. After the ceremony the happy couple Left on a motor trip to Ottawa and points east. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Flewitt will reside on the 'groom's ' farm in Goderich town- ship. COREY-O'TOOLE 1 A quiet wedding was solemnized at St. Paul's Church Rectory on Satur- day, June 10th., when Rev, A. H. O`Neil united in marriage Miss Isa- bella O'Toole of London, Ontario and Mr. Henry Corey of Goderich town- ship. The attendants were Mr, and rMrs. Cornelius Hoare, Clinton, I GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr, Jack Stirling and John Arm- strong accompanied by Mrs. Fleming of Kirkland Lake visited friends in this vicinity last week, Mr. Jas. Stirling has completed his survey of the apple orchards and re- ports a heavy set of apples for what. blossoms there were and are growing very rapidly. The Stirling Clan held their annual picnic Saturday, 17, at Harbor Park, Goderich, there were 130 present. Af- ter dinner races were run and created a good deal of exeitment, the prize for the oldest lady went to Mrs. Brooks of Clinton and the man, Mr. Emmerson of Ripley and the young- est baby, was the child of. Mr's. Bert Ilarris, Goderich township. It was decided to hold the annual picnic the 3.rd Saturday in June,the, election of officers were Pres., D. A. Stirling, sec„ Mrs. Percy i earner. MVMiss Agnes Stirling of Consul, Sark., came the longest distance. Mrs. Goo. Wilson and Mr, and Mrs. IC. Watt, Miss Lucy Wilson and Mrs. Stirling, all of Pott Stanley came op for the picnic and visited friends over the weekend, Mo. Edgar Rathwell is moving his barn and raising it up to put a cem- ent foundation under it,. Mr. and Mrs. John Feagan visited Mr, and Mos. John Middleton on Sun- day. Miss Dorothy McIntyre is vis- itin.g• this week with Miss Phyllis Middleton, Mr.. and Mrs, Fred Middleton and daughter .. Margaret, accompanied by Bit,. James Johnston of • Goderich spent the weekend in Toronto and on Saturday attended the wedding of Miss Elizabeth Kennedy, grand -niece of Mrs: Johnston's, who was married to Mt•, Fred Cranston of Galt. Rev. and Mrs. J. 1Z. Thompson and two sons, John Albert and Richard and Miss Emily Thompson of Stret- ford, visited therm parents,. Mr, and Mrs. H. J. 'Thompson hist week. Dr. T. •A. Patrick of Yorkton and daughter, Miss Mabel Patrick of Ed- monton visited with the former's. sister, Mrs, HI. Thompson last ,week, Dr. Patrick is, going to•.. Montreal where he will be honored with a life membership in the Canadian Medical Association at the convention of that body being held in the city. Miss Pattick attended the Canadian Diet- etic • Convention at Bigwin Iiln, Muslcolca, I ADDISO\-SWITZER In a pretty wedding ceremony at the- United Char. eh Manse, Bayfield, on Wednesday, June 14th., at four o'clock, Eva Adella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, 'Earl Switzer, Goderich township, and William Clifford Ad- dison; son of Mr. and Mrs. William Addison, Londesborough, were united in marriage by Rev. R. M. Gale, The .bride was `becomingly gowned in turquoise blur sheer 'with white accessories and wore a corsage of white peonies and a gold locket, a gift front the groom. leer brides- maid was Miss Mary Addison, Lon- desborough, sister of'the groom, wha choose a dress of navy blue sheer, white accessories and a corsage of summer flowers Mr. Iintelcl Long man of Londesborough was, grooms- man• Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride's parents where • the' rooms were attractively decorated in pinli and white. Peonies of the same col- our were used effectively in decorat- ing the table centred with the bride's cake. Later the young couple left for a trip to Guelph, Ilamilton, Tor- onto and Niagara, the bride damning a powder blue summer coat with matching accessories for travelling; On their return they will reside at Londesborough. EX -MAYOR JOAN HANNA At the Conservative- Convention which will be held at Wingham next week, Ex -Mayor John Hanna will seek the Federal Nomination for North Huron, Mr. Hanna served as Mayor for five years and also had four years' experience in the Council, BAYFIELD • Mr, and Mrs, Will Cameron of Sea - forth spent Sunday at the letters parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Talbot. Mr. and Mrs 'Ed. Hinehely, Miss Wightman and Miss Susie Coven - lock of Seaforth visited friends in the village over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. T. Erwin who spent the last month with Mrs. A. E. Er- win left' on Friday for their home in Akron, Ohio. Dr. and Mrs. Stogdill and family of Toronto spent the week end al) their cottage here Mrs. Stogdill and children. remaining for the summer Mrs. S. Cleave was in Kincardine on Sunday to call on her sister who is seriously iii. . Mr. and Mrs Wight, Miss Betty Walters, Miss Nora Balkwill and Bill Ballnvill of London spent the weekend with Miss N. Ferguson Mr. and. Mrs. G. Churchward, Mrs, IC. Moorhouse and Miss Mary Jean Moorhouse of London spent the week- end at their cottage • here. Mr, and Mrs, E: Kendall of Elmira spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jewett, Miss Lola Elliott of Detroit, Mrs, H. Millen, Miss Rosemary Miller and Mr. Otto Reiehrath of Mount Clemens lttich• spent the weekend with Mrs. M. Elliott, Mt, and Mrs. Wm. Campbell and Daughter of Strathelair, Man. call- ed on Mr, and Mrs. '4V, J. Foster on Monday. Mr. and Mrs Roy -Path and son of Caledonia were guests • of Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Jowett over the weekend Mr. and Mrs, Norval Gemeinhardt and family of Saginaw Mich. were guests of Mrs. F. Gemeinhardt over the week end. Mrs. M, Prentice of Toronto spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs W. Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. G. Knight of Toronto spent the weekend at the hone of Mrs. F. Gemeinhardt, STANLEY P313 COLTS BATTING AVERAGESMr. Thomas McDonald Sr. and Mrs, AB R II P McDonald Jr. also Mrs. IVTeLeod of Glew 22 10 15 ,500 London attended the decoration ,ser J, Iiawlnns 12 6 6 .500 White 15 4 '14 �?66 vine at' Baird's 'cemetery on Sunday Draper . , , 1.3 3 .307 also visited at the' home of Mips. Ii, Hawkins , , : 23 3 7 .304 Thomas CarxupUell• Monteith .. 11 2 3 .273 Mrs, William Sinclair visited her I•Iovey21349 4 ^ 5 217 sister Mrs. Arthur Caldwell for a i Gibbs .. , .. , , . 18 ' 1 3 166 few clays last week. Stock 0 2 1 111 Mrs. T. B. Baird has returned home Neilans . 1423 2 1 .071. after spending, the past two weeks in Colquhoun 16 2 ' 1 062 LoMr, and Mrs. Charles Plencow of Johnson . , 2 0 0 .000 Estevan, Saskatchewan visited Mr• Butler 3 0 0 .000 Arthur Caldwell last week, Mrs. Lorne Taylor and daughter Nola of London, spent Sunday at the home . of Mr. Harvey Taylor and Walter Baird.' Mr, and Mrs. Moore of Goderich Mr. Charles Falconer and Mr. Pen - hale of Bayfield spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Hugh Gilmore. LOND'ESBOROof the adherents of Grace Church, Weekend visitors and callers: Mrs. gathered at the tonne of Mr. and (Rev.) E Medd and daughter' of Mrs, Graham Johnston, where a jolly London; Mx. J. D. Ainsley and Mrs. evening was spent with the newly - Alice Tyerman of. Leamington; Mr, weds. An address .,was read and 'a and Mrs. Gordan Ainsley of Munro, beautiful reading lamp and mirror Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stonehouse was presented. Graham made a suit and Mr. Donald Stonehouse, •Goder- able reply. Lunch was served and ieh; Mr, and Mot, Norman, Carter the party broke up about one o'clock, and daughter, .Seaforth; Mr, and i Last weekend Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mrs. Ainsley of Leamington, also Hamner packed their grip and said Mrs. Ainsley's sister of England who good-bye to work fora few days.' is spending the summer with her; they motored to Northern Ointario Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Biles, Clinton; where a happy holiday was enjoyed Dr. and Mrs.' Alton Anderson, Ex- with Mr. Harmer's brother and sister eter; Miss Marjorie and Ruth Me- and family. Math, Toronto; Mrs. Durston Bee: Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, croft and daughter of Whitechurch. Carl Cox who were' married Satur- Miss Rutin Lyon is visiting -her j day; "May your life be a long happy sister, Miss Marjorie Lyon, Reg. N., one " at Coppereiiff, Ontario, Sunday, June 26th., Rev. R. M. Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Lyon, Dr. and I Gale will have the honor of conduct - Mrs, Anderson and Miss ICirk called hog' anniversary service at his all on Lucknow friends Sunday, home church at. Alma, his son Rev. Jas. Gale will conduct On June the 19th. Mrs: Jas. Blsley service in his absence the Mr.evening Colin celebrated her 81st birthday. Several Campbell will have charge of the friends called to offer congratula-/regular service at Graee Church. Nita. On Wednesday, Group Ne. 2 had a rs. Chas Watson is spending- a I quilting at the home of Mrs. Reed few days with Mrs. John Sinclair of Torrance. Kippen.Friday night a large audience en - The friends of Mrs. Margaret Man-, joyed the play "Simple Simon Hing will be pleased to know she is Simple" put on by the Young Peo- slowly improving, , plc of Glmton Anglican Church. This Mn and Mrs. Cockerline of Tor -,was a good play and well presented, onto called on Mrs. E, Mains andThe East group of the Ladies Aid others friends recently. I Were responsible for this play, ;Y M'.w•: arta 4 . r ! a . a i rae iH+,aaaei ; ±H+,.heat. reaasaaateiea.+,«� aei to ;Hreeeie era Orr Nati nab .M � � ,° �i �e y' ;i Mrs. R. Middleton of Port Credit who spent the past week with het mother, Mrs. M. Woods returned to her home on Sunday. Mrs, F. A. Edwards left on Sunday for Kitchener where she will sitend. a few days. 55th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Houston who have spent all their lives in Bayfield and surrounding district celebrated their. 55th wedding Amtiversay on Tuesday June 20th. A family dinner was held for the happy event and two of their three children. and two of their six grand children were present. It was in 1884 Mr. Houston married Miss Mary. A,. Harrison. Both young people were born in the district. They had three children, John Houston now of Fire Mountain, Sask. Car Houston of Bayfield and Mrs, William Moran of Piccadilly St. London. Car Houston's children, Beatrice and. Madge, were present at the dinner as were Mrs. Huston's two sisters and their husbands. Mr, and Mrs Murdock Ross and Mr, and Mrs. San McEwen both of Bayfield, The couple were the recipient of lovely gifts and good Wishes from their family and friends. CONSTANCh Miss Isabel Jamieson has .been re- engaged to teach Healed. school for the coming school year. Miss Beryl Carter has been en- gaged as teacher at S.S. No: 6, Tuck - wand th, uckwandth, Mrs,'Hugh Campbell has returned home after spending a week at the home of her daughter, 'Mrs. John. MacDonald of Walton, Mrs. Wm. Carter is visiting' this week With her cousin, Mrs. Wm, Sproat of Seafoath. • Several families in this community attended the reunion picnic at S. S. No, 4 Hallett; andreport a good time. , Mr, Colin Campbell of Windsor is visiting with his brother H. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Donald. Macltenzie of Lucknow visited en Friday last with Wm. and Geo. Carter. On Sunday Mr: and Mrs. Goo. Con- nell of Varna and Mr. Rey Connell of Brucefield also Mrs. Wm. Connell of Seafot'th visited • et the ;home of Ma. and Mrs, Wm; Carter. • Hitting—Glew, J. Hawkins, ;500. Runs--Glew, 10. .Runs batted in --White, 8, -Hits—Glow, 11. Doubles—Hovey, 4. T iples—GIew, White, 2 . Home `tuns—Draper, 1.: Stolenf °Bases—Glees, White, 5. Pitching= -Drapes, won. 3, last 1. PORTER'S Hifi;- On Tuesday evening last about 40 HURON -NORTH For Nomination of Candidate to represent the National Conservative Party in the forthcoming Federal Election will be held at Winghan, , THan Tuesday, J .:,n a 1039 at 8.30 n.m, The Guest Speaker of the evening will be CeF i ; ss 9 a C. President of The Ontario National Conservative Association ALL THOSE INTERESTED IN GOOD GOVERNMENT are ,.cordially invited to attend. H. J, A. McEWAN, ELVER D. BELL, President. Secretary. North -Huron National Conservative Association GOD SAVE THE KING T KET T PA 0 Take your choice of any fresh new Goodyears in our big stock . , . we'll put them on your car, without delay. You drive on safe new Goodyears and payinsmall amounts weekly. Drive in and see us ... today! 9 $�o i �`J SY s Serviee Stati PRONE 5 CLINTON, ONT. L