The Clinton News Record, 1939-06-15, Page 8'IPAGE 8 THE • CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., ; JUNE" 15; 1939 8 -LB. PAIL DARK CLOVER HONEY LAMB STEWS, SPRING LAMB CHOPS 20 -LB PAIL SCHNEIDERS LARD, ,,, only $1.85 BRISKET BROIL, lb..NCI 75c lb. 15c Ib. 30c CONNELL & ` TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street Call and See OUR GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT WATER PITCHERS • — GLASSES — BOWLS — CASSEROLES ENGLISH TRAYS & ETC. ' GRANITE WARE—Ivory. and Red; 'Ivory and Green We have a few LAWN MOWERS left and are offering same at a Special Price to Clear. DON'T FORGET TO SEE Our New 1939 FRIGIDAIRE. The only Refrigerator with the Meter -Miser SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ,ONT. �NIFIE 4 tY» :31.4.. «+�4.txty. k.: tit t,:t4!.c.m A ! ,t44 �:+Y �D.4.4-34.+.4 �»F�' Have your HAY ROPE renewed now and be ready/ 4 1when you need it. ' MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS and VARNISHES i 1 108-€t. Length and 1 98 -ft. Length at Bargain Prices. PULLEYS of all Kinds HECLA FURNACES F• dins Hardware and Plumbing Ulnbin Phone 249 14144eleletelet f ie#M«:«:44et•eief tefe le :H: ;Hh3H:' .H: .H:.«W»i»:.?4,.. EXAMINATION AWARDS Give the boy or girl a BICYCLE as a Special Prize this year. C.C.M. BICYCLES are reliable and low priced. All models and accessories in stock. .Also a few second-hand machines. FISHING TACKLE is selling well, here's the place to get it. BASEBALL EQUIPMENT, CAMPER'S NEEDS and INDIAN MOTORCYCLES. Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales Superior Stores y 1 PHONE 111--C1LINTON. SPECIALS FOR JUNE 15th 16th 17th SALMON, Maple Leaf, 1/2s tin 16c PEAS, Peter Pan No, 3 sieve, 2 tins for 15c CORN, Belle City Bantam, 2 tins 15c CORN FLAKES, Sugar Crisp, 2 pkgs. for 13c, COFFEE, Royal York, 1 -lb. tin 33c1 FLOUR, Arctic PASTRY, 24's .. 49c CHEESE, Finest New, . , - , lb. 15c TOMATOES, Lynn Valley, 2 large tins for 17ci TOMATO JUICE Libby's, Libby's, 3 26 -oz. tins for 25c The new telephone .system will go into effect here on ,Judy 5th. Instead of using the crank subscribers will signal central by merely lifting the receiver. The new addition to the office will be opened the same day. The assortment of goods in, our North Window and their sale, places us in r' . buyer's market, nota sellers, Its a buyer's market because it is the customer who makes the price,. We daily reduce the price and will continue so, te, do until the near zero point' of one cent is reached. Its all in pleasing accord with the thrifty pocket- book and an economically prud- ent opportunity., We started at "your choice" $1.00. To -day (Thursday) the price is 22c and on Saturday it will be 19e. Thrift is the •password for the buyer and our reward is the disposing of odds and ends of stock. We feel sure the price will be pleas- ing to you. Your decision is simply—Can we use any of the articles displayed? A WINNER In. our opinion at least, is the 5 - Cup Tea Pot now on display in our South Window. Dark brown, decor- ated in rich floral effect, and in three shapes, round, oblong and squaro,. truly an excellent value at 29c each. Worthy of mention are Milk Juga in two patterns„ about 11/2 pint capacity and 15c each, The W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 11111111r ilsllllUllllinni inn Miss Mae Mitchell visited. in Hespele • last weekend. • Rev. McGoun and family moved this week to London. Mr. Tom Cooke of Niagara Falls is holidaying at his home in town. Miss Agnes Agnew of Toronto has been holidaying at her home here. Mrs. A. J. McMurray has returned home after spending six weeks in Toronto. • Mr. Alex. Haddy, Wes. and Don. spent the weekend in Toronto and Bowra erville, Miss K. Durst of Wroxeter spent Sunday with her sister, Miss Margaret Durst. Rev. J. E. Hogg was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Adam Stewart, Stan- ley township, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holland, Sea - forth, were guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. Nediger on Sunday. Mrs, George McDonald returned home on Sunday after spending the past month in Toronto. Mrs. Beaton andaHohnes visted for a couple of days with Mrs. A. S. Durkin near Grand Valley. Mrs. McCague of Hanover has been visiting her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Jim.. Schoenhals. NIBLETS CORN, 2 tins 25c ALL BRAN, I{dllogg's , , pkg. 23c COCOA, Cowan's, Yz's 15c; l's 25e SHOE POLISH, Nugget ... tin 12c PEANUT BUTTER, 2 -Ib. jar . 25c TEA, Blue Boy .... 1/2 -lb, pkg. 25c SHELLED WALNUTS, .. 1/ lb. 19c SHRIMPS, , , , , tin 16c "GRAPEFRUIT, Seedless . 6 for 25c LEMONS, Large Size doz. 29c1 TOMATOES, Hot House ... lb. 20c T. R, THflMPSDN The Lady Bowlers and holding a meeting in the Board Room of the Town Hall on Monday evening, June 19th. Definite arrangements have been made with the'men so that all plans for a successful season can. be made at this meeting. All ladies interested are urged to attend. SPRING PLANTS The Cuninghame Greenhouses can supply you with the following: ALYSSUM ASTERS, mixed and separate colours. All from Wilt -resist- ant seed. AGERATUM, Pink and Blue. BALSAMS CARNATIONS CELOSIA MARIGOLDS. Tagetes, Calen- dulas, Little Brownies, Mum - Flowered, Sunrise, Collarette (odorless). ENGLISH DAISIES NEMESIA (Fine for borders or rockeries) PETUNIAS, Giants, Rosy Morn„ Blue and all double. PANSIES PHLOX 9TATICE RUDBECKIA STRAWFLOWERS, ,for winter bouquets. SCHIANTHUS STOCKS SALVIA, very early red. Also a New Blue Salvia, fine fox cutting. VERBENAS ZINNIAS, Giants, Indian Sum- mer, Cupids and Mexican Hybrids, SNAPDRAGON CHINESE FORGET-ME-NOTS (a lovely blue annual) PENTSTEMON TOMATO PLANTS CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER CELERY Vegetables CELARIAC — recommended by "The filmmaker" for salads PEPPERS BRUSSEL SPROUTS Flowers 25c a box - Vegetables 20c a box Seedling Strawberry Plants, Everbearing 6 for 25e SPECIALS Russel. Lupins 25c each Delphiniums from 4 inch pots 10c each Seedling Plants - Baby's Breath, Gaillardia, Canterbury Bells and. Foxgloves. Clearance Sale of CHOICE HYBRID TEA ROSES While They Last! 20c each or 3 for:, 50c They will bloom this summer. This is a real buy. Get yours before they are all gone. GERANIUMS and VINES for Baskets and Window Boxes. Plants Sold Direct From Hot -Beds Tomato and Cabbage Plants 1.0c doz.—Cauliflower Plants i5c doz. Personal care given every order and special :attention given, to ,fu'neral' orders F. R. CUNINGHANIE Member of Flerists Tel. Del As. Phones 176 and 31. For Fruits Quality Groceries & Vegetables Chase .& unborn COFFEE lb. 35c Burford PEARS 2 tins 17c Carnation MILK 2 tins 15c Golden Net' SALMON Ws 14c tin Spot DOG FOOD tin IOC Irish STEW 2 tins 25c Westons SODAS ...... 2-1b. pkg. 33'c SPECIAL VALUES JUNE 15 TO 21st Eagle Blueberries 2 tins 19c Corned BEEF 2 tins 27c CLARK'S TOM. & VEG. SOUP 3 tins 20c Falcon PEANUT BUTTER _ jar 19c Golden Wax BEANS 2 tins • 15c - Raspberry JAM 21c jar Quality COFFEE lb. 29c ... Festival TOFFEE, lb. 19c Falcon .JELLY POWDERS 5 pkgs. 19c Supreme ;Shortening 2 lbs. 23c Cocoanut, BARS', lb. 17c Quaker' Puffed WHEAT - 3 pkgs. 25c Sun Ripe TOMATO JUICE 4 tins 25c Potatoes No`1,S 254014 .FRESH ' BEETS 2 bunches 15C ' GREEN BEANS FRESH' large FRESH CARROTS bunch 7c 2 pounds 29c LEAF LETTUCE, 2 large bunches 13c 2bunches25c CELERY NEW CROP Large Stalks EATING To atoes, 2 lb 25c HOT HOUSE TOMATOES One Cantalo es EACH 45c,. lb. 19c APPLES LARGE SIZE Fancy Dozen .....45C HEAD LETTUC1 , Large heads. each 2 for 15c HOME-GROWN CABBAGE head 5c IHonie-Grown CAULIFLOWER, each 10c Strawberries DPRAILYICE SHEAR G ORM N The Red & White Store p-- Clinton Miss CIara Meyer of Toronto was a weekend guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. J. McMurray. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bean of Hensall were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton this week, Mrs, Alice Mason has returned to Clinton, having spent the winter months at Romeo, Michigan. Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Walker of Bugessville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, M. T. Corless. Mrs. I•I. Smithendorf of Essex was a. recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore. Miss Linn Douglas of Strasbonrg, Sask., spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Crich. Miss Sadie Elliott of London vas a weekend visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Elliott. Mrs. Garnet McBrien and family of Detroit, were visitors at the home of Mr. -and Mrs. Fred Hanly last week. Mrs. J. E. Watson of Toronto, also Mr, Gifford Beaton visited their mother, Mrs. A, D. Beaton last week. Mr. and Mrs, E. F. Jackson, Strat- ford, are spending a few clays with the lady's sister, Mrs, James Liv- ermore. Mrs. A. D. McCartney, Mrs, G. B. Hanly and Mrs. Nay motored to Sandusky, Mich., on Monday, re- turning Wednesday, accompanied by their cousin, Mrs. Wesley Cole. +_. +H1Hw.+fHiHiH:H4.iHi•.iHi r i••l :!+'. �• :!A`:._ f i'= Strawberry Social .6. auspices Woman's Association ;_ =Thursday, June 29th;= • s at Ontario St. United Church '_ Supper served from 6 to 8 F, z _. Adults 25c 4, Children 12 yrs, and under 16c x 38-2 UHi w e r w♦ e. 1 f HHN:H HrH HiHtflfH* ..r i s Lawn Supper auspices W.A. of Wesley -Willis United Church at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Oakes FRIDAY, JUNE 16th (Note Change of pate) Supper served from 5.30 to 7 o'clock. Menu: Cold Meats, Salads, Straw- berry Shortcake and Whipped Cream. 39-1 viV it!i i Afeetl efteeT mi'c'e iti.e fel :efei': �i". iH *Ce. •+'� IeWll ielef lelefOeal.tci.*-fer'i A Very Interesting Show Of the latest styles of Furniture is on display on our floors, which should be of special interest to the June Brides. The assortment includes Breakfast, Dining, and Bedroom Suites.; Studio Couches, and Occas- Tonal chairs. Some wonderful values in Axminster Rugs. It will pay you to come in, you will be pleased with the real savings we have in store for you. Hardware Dept. YOU WILL LIKELY NEED. A NEW STOVE No trouble finding just what you want, from our assortment of Gasoline or Coal Oil Stoves, Electric Plates or Rangettes, or the old reliable Coal or Wood Stoves and Ranges. ' A large assortlnjent of Graniteware in the °• various colours. A few LAWN MOWERS left which we want V to move out, at special prices. 'The Store With the Stock. BALL and ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Mw Embalmers, Funeral Directors, Ambulance. Service. Phones: Store 195; N. Ball, 110; J. J, Zapfe, 103 TEN DOLLARS REWARD Having leased full rights of fishing in and around a creek or stream situated on lots 39, 40 and 55 in the Bayfield concession of the town- ship of Goderich, the stream is being restocked with fish and will be protected. For information given leading to a conviction of person or persons stealing fish from the said waters, Ten dollars reward will be paid. CLIFFOHD LQBB I 1