HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-06-15, Page 5THURS., JUNE 15,1939 TITE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD AUBURN Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wagner and three daughters, Donna, Shirley and Beverley all, of Brewster, _ Ohio, and =Miss Laura, Syracuse, N.Y,, are vis- iting .ting Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Wagner. • Mr: and Mrs. Roy Roberton and .Marylin of Detroit spent the weekend with the former's parents,Mr. and -:Mrs, Win. Roberton, Mr. and Mrs. James McLaren and -fancily of Clinton, spent Sunday with. - Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mogridge are visiting with their, daughter, .Mrs. Gormley Thompson and Mr. Thomp- .son ;of Timmins. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Medd, Donald •.and Stephanie of Woodstock called,• on friends here on Saturday., Bow -On Wednesday, June 7 to -:Mr, and Mrs, Russell Thompson of -Delhi (formerly of. Auburn)—a son. We are sorry torepeet that Mrs. Jbe Carter is very ill at present. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roberton' are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roberton •of Detroit. Miss Anelia Mcllwain is in Clinton employed at present with Mrs. Jean Kyle. Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Mrs: Fred 'Ross, Mrs. C. A. Howson, Mrs. R. J. l?1ii11%pa, Mrs. Jas, Woods, ,Miss Josephine Weir and Mrs. Wni. Mc- . Dwain attended West Huron ;Wom- `an's Institute Annual Meeting held in Goderich on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. David Walker and :Mr. Stewart Walker of Fordwieh -visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Philips and Mr. John Walker. Miss Susie Blair returned to -day .after tieing a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London,where she under- -went- a successful:operatioii of the removal of a +cataract from one of tier eyes. Mr. Robert: Melrose' is in Clinton• 'aospital at present. He is to under- : -go an operation there this week. Mrs. Alice Robb was taken to a hospital at •London today for treatments. • Several from here saw the King :`and Queen at London on Wednesday. 'The school pupils here were among MOSS who had; tl>le a/isappointment of not seeing Their Majesties on the • occasion of their visit to Stratford. The regular . monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Forester's Hall on Tuesday, June 20th at 2.30, A. report of the .district annual will be given by the - delegates. Quite a.; number from here attend- ed the Memorial Service at 'Union • -Cemetery on Sunday afternoon. Rev. A. M. Boyle of .old St. Andtewis Presbyterian Church was the speak- • : er. The Blyth Band was in attendance. NAYLOR-MOSS The farm' home of Mr. and Mrs. ''red Moss of West Wawanosh was • the scene of a pretty June wedding when their daughter, Jessie Dell, was united in marriage to James Gordon Naylor, only son of Mrs, George Naylor and the late George Naylor of East Wawanosh. Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, paster of Knox United , Church, Auburn, officiated. The bride tools her place in front of a bank e summer flowers and ferns. She was given in marriage by her father, She looked lovely in a floorr length gown of pink net over taffeta with match- ing jacket caught with tiny blue velvet bows. She wore a shoulder length pink net veil and carried a shower bouquet of pink roses and blue cornflowers and maiden hair fern. Attending the bride was Miss • Jean Robinson of West Wawanosh, cousin of the bridegroom, who chose a floor length frock of turquoise blue net over taffeta. Her flowers were pink roses and maiden hair fern. Lit- tle Miss Ruth Moss of West Wawa - nosh, niece of the bride, was flower girl dressed in pink crepe de-chene and carried a basket of noses, and Master. Bobbie Mills of Goderich, nephew of the bride, in a white aail- • or suit was page boy. Mr. Harry Moss of Glencoe, brother of the bride Was groomsman, Following the cere- mony a wedding dinner was served. The dining room was prettily decor- ated with pink and white streamers and bouquets of summer flowers. Misses Pearl Rome, Myrtle Man - tyre, Viola Thompson all of Goderieh, Kay Chambrs of Toronto, Mary Car - :roll Auburn and Valetta Chimney of Wingham assisted at the tables. ' There were forty guests present in - eliding relatives. The bride's •mother t received the guests gowned .lin a ' gpretty costume of navy net over taf- feta. . The bridegroom' mother wore black figured sheer over taffeta. The i bridegroom's gift to the bride was a pen and pencil set, to the brides- maid a bracelet, to the groomsman a tie pin. After the reception M•r, and Mrs. Naylor left on a honeymoon `to be spent at Toronto,. Niagara Falls, Paris, Glencoe, Chatham and Detroit. ''The bride chose a turquoise blue suit with white accessories for travelling • and on their return • will reside on the groom's farm on the 9th cones- • Mon of East Wawanosh. Guests were present from Toronto, Chatham, 'Glencoe, Belgrave, Whitechurch, Clin- - ton, Auburn and Goderich. Following the marriage ceremony Marion Ruth, Moss, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wil- liam Moss of West Wawanosh add Gordon James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren James of Goderich were bap- tized by Rev. Hugh C. Wilson. BOGIE PLUNKETT A lovely summer wedding was sol- eninized at high noon on Saturday, •-•June 10th 1939 when 1Jditli� Lillian, youngest daughter of Mrs., Robert Plunkett and the late Robert Plunk- ett of West, Wawanosh was united, m marriage to Robert Manning Bogie of Nile, Ont., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bogie of Colborne township. Rev. Hugh C. Wilson of Knox United Church, Auburn, officiated at the ceremony which took place beneath an arch of evergreen entwined with spirea, his and summer flowers. The bride who was given in marriage by her uncle, Robert James Rutledge of West' Wawanosh entered the living room to the strains ' of Lohengrin's wedding march played by the bride's sister, Mrs. Chester McPhee of Col- borne township. The bride was beautifully gowned in a floor length dress of white', French net with tus- can lace jacket,; and one a coronet of orange blossoms. She carried' a shower bouquet of ;briaeliffe noses and maiden hair fern. Attending the bride was her cousin, Miss Lillian Rutledge of Buffalo, N.Y., who was becomingly gowned in. pink net mar- quisette, The bridegroom was attend- ed by 'the bride's brother, Stewart Plunkett of West Wawanosh. During the signing of the register wedding music was played by the bride's sis- ter, Mrs. Chester McPhee. Following the ceremony a reception was held. The bride's table was very attractive, the dining room decorations being carried •out' in pink and white. The toast taa`the bride was proposed by Rev. H. C. Wilson and responded to by the bridegroom. The waitresses were two nieces of the bride, Misses Helen and Myrtle" McPhee and two girl friends, Misses Cora Finnigan and Margaret Stewart. The bride's mother worn blue and white sheer. navy blue sheer and the bridegroom's mother wore blue and write' sheer. The bre de •oo i t m sgift tothe bride was a white' sand bracelet with •sand stones and marcasites, to the brides- maid, a gold locket . and chain, to the groomsman a gold tie pin. Mr. and Mrs. Bogie left by motor for Muskoka. The bride travelled in a grey tailored suit, pink blouse, white hat, pulree, shoes and gloves. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm at. Nile, Ont. Guests were present from Fulton, N.Y., Buf- fallo,.-Cleveland, Wingham, Goderich, Dungannon and Colborne township. Mr. Joe Washington quietly cele- brated his 83rd birthday last Wed- nesday. The trustees of the Auburn schools have re -hired the teachers, namely: Miss Mabel Foster of the Public School and Miss Violet Sharpe of the Continuation School. Both teachers have been given n an increase in salary. An hoii.our" his come to .a former person in the village in the person of Mrs. Mac Rice now of Ayr. Mrs. Rice is a member of the choir sing- ing at the World's Fair, New York. • Master Grant Raithby returned on Friday to his home here after being a patient in Goderich hospital, where he had to have two fingers wholly amputated and part of another. LONDESBORO Mr. 'and Mrs. Harvey Todd, lair. Frank 'Hays and Miss Ballinger of Detroit spent Sunday with Miss Jennie Austin, Callers at the hone of Mrs. Elsley and Mrs. 7.amblyn Sunday,` were i4Ir. and Mrs, Frank Campbell: and Win- nie of Westfield. • Members of the W. A. are quite busy practising for the Bridal Peg- aeitt which they are presenting in their local church on Friday evening. Ojwingt to a very crowded week- end eekand to the illness of Mrs. Margaret Manning, the group leader for this month, the monthly W. M. S. meet- ing, which was to have been held onWed, afternoon, has been post- poned. MTs, Jacob Maley and son Will visited Mr. James Elsley, on Sunday. On • Monday afternoon while call- ing at the home of a neighbour, Mrs. Margaret Manning was stricken with a severe heart attack and is now ill at her home, 'Miss Helen Snell, a bride -elect of this week entertained her neighbours and many of her former Goderich friends, to a eery •charming trous- seau tea on Monday afternoon. Mrs. C .Troupe of Chicago is visit- ing withsisters, her sts ers, Miss Elizabeth Mains of Londesboro and Mrs. Harry Wells, Blyth. Mrs. E. Oeawford who has spent the winter and 'spring with her daughter, Mrs. Kunkel of Niagara Falls returned home on Saturday and is now visiting with her granddaugh- ter•, Mrs. Russel Brinley of Nile, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper and son, Gladwin of St. Marys spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs,. J. Plsley. , Miss Phyllis Manning visited over the weekend at the hotne of her chum Miss Lois Rathwell of Brucefield. Wedding bells are ringing in, otu- vicinity this'' week: Wire for Sale Used Telephone Wire for sale, Ap- ply J. W. McBeth, Brucefield, or phone 618r24 Clinton, ` 40-2p Choice Strawberries Well -grown; come and get supply; some pickers needed when ripe. C. Hoare, 40-2 For Sale 1 Heifer due to freshen .soon, one Chevrolet car. Apply to James East, R.. Ii,. No. 4. 40-1. Strawberry Festival Auspices W. A. of Ebenezer Church FRIDAY, JUNE 23rd on Carmen Tebbutt's Lawn, Maitland Concession. SUPPER SERVED 6 TO 8 Three -act play: "THE MAN FROM. NOWHERE" Musical 'numbers between acts, ADULTS 25c; Children 150 40-2 HOLMESVILLE Miss' E. Maclalath of Toronto vis- ited over the weekendwith'relatives in the, vicinity. Mrs. R. Butt and children spent the past Week in Stratford, Mr. R. McCartney and Mr, and Mrs. 0. Rodges motored to Ottawa on Friday last for a short visit, The monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was held on Thursday at the home of Mrs. 0. Rodges: Mrs. E. Trewartha had charge of the meet- ing in eet•ingin the absence of Mrs. E. Potter. The meeting opened with hymn 358 and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Scripture lesson was found in Matt. 6:8-10 and Matt, 6:43-48, After the mirnttes and business Mrs, W. Nor- man gave an,instrumental. Readings. were given by Mrs, If, 3, Trewartha on Christian Stewardship; Temper - mice - by Mrs. P. Paltrier and Eka- vango The call by Mrs. Walters, Mrs. E. Yeo gave the chapter out of the Study Book and the meeting closed with Hymn no; 377 and the Bene- diction. Rev. H. Wilding left on Monday afternoon for a two months trip through Western Canada to the coast Before his return he expects to at- tend the Golden Gate Exposition, San. Francisco, also the World's Fair, New York. .: • Next Sunday services will be at 2 p.su. and will be conducted by Rev. A. Lane, Clinton,' school' following directly after the service, Bride -to -be -Showered A most enjoyable afternoon was spent on .saturday last at the home of Mrs. E. Yea when some twenty two friends gathered in honour of Miss Gay Whitmore whose 'marriage is to take •place shortly. The occasion took the form of a miscellaneous shower of useful house- hold articles, The bride to be thanked her friends for their kindness in her ever pleasing manner. .. After a happy social hour a dainty lunch was served, • Mr. Earl Cudmore visited at the hem of his father, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Cudmore, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mair and family of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of his father, Mr. and Mrs. George Mali. Mrs. Mayfield is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grigg Jr. 1VIr. and Mrs. Frank Allsworth spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, John Dempsey, TUCKERSMITK The Tuckersmith Ladies Club met at the home of Mrs. Austin Mathes- on on June 8th with twenty-four ladies 'present. The vice-president, Mrs. Edwin Johns had charge of the meeting. The roll eall was answered by an interesting item about the King and Queen, whom most of the mem- bers had recently seen. After com- munity singing, secretary and treas- urer's reports and a discussion of business matters, Miss Margaret, Crich sang a solo, Miss Sadie Ball. read a poem by Edgar Guest, and Ml's. Johns gave a very interesting article on the value of vitamins in our diet, and ways of attractively serving hone grown fruits and vegetables. Mrs. Howard Crich con- ducted a "King" contest, prize win- ner being Miss Sadie Ball, Meeting closed 'with the Homemaker's prayer, and the ladies spent the time until the ,tea hour in quilting. The July and August meeting of the Club have been withdrawn and instead of the annual picnic a social evening will be held on June 22nd at the home of Mr, and Mrs, 0, J. O'Brien. Sports will commence at 7 o'cloek, followed by community singing g and a w ' er roast. All members and their fam- ilies welcome. Mr, and Mrs. Fletcher Townsend and Mrs. A. L. Trick attended the Salkeld reunion at Goderich on Sat- urday. The Sunday School anniversary servics will be held at Turner's Church next Sunday at 2 p.m. Rev. Albert Allin'of Gctlerich will be the guest speaker, The Y.P.S. of Turner's Church met on Tuesday evening at the heme of Miss . Sadie Ball and `were shown pictures of Mission work and inter- esting Canadian scenes by the past- or, Rev. G. G. Burton. The social committee served refreshments: ` • lairs. A,. L. Trick of Dorchester visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Townsend. Reeve Whitmore made a visit to St. Williams on Wed'ncsday m 'con- nection with the County reforestation plan. Colt Strayed Strayed on the 'premises of Frank Weekes, Parr Line, Stanley,a 2 -year- old filly, dark brown, ownercan have same ,by proving property and pay'- ing expenses. 40-2 MOMS' u'E9:.°laitAl nniea CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion Co V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j A GOOD POULTRY MARKET We are always in the market for all kinds of live poultry. •Culling done alt night by an experienced poultryman. Good service in grading your eggs by competent egg candlers. N. W. TREWARTHA' Phone 214i; ' Night 214w. •, BIRTHS RORICE — At Cobalt, Ontario, 'on Thursday, June "8th., to Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Rorke, a son. SINCLAIR—In Scott Memorial Ho pital, Seaforth, on Friday,` June to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sinclair Kippen, a daughter, Elizabeth Ann PARSONS In Scott. Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, on June 8th., 1939, to Mr. and Mrs, Fred R. Parsons {rile I. Mary Thomson) the gift of a son—Walter Frederick. WASSON—In Seaforth Hospital, on Monday, June 5th., to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wasson of Goderich township, a son. l PAGE 5' BOXY THEATRE Clinton. Now: Charles Bickford & Preston Foster iec "TE15 STORM" Also ROYAL VISIT PICTURES Mon., Tues!, Wed. "DAWN PATROL" Life was short for those dealers in death, so they lived for the clay. and expected no to -morrow. Errol FLYNN, Basil RATHBONR'. David Niven and Donald Criap Thurs., Fri, Sat. A musical western comedy that is sure tt please' "Shine On Harvest Moon" ROY ROGERS — MARY BART and LULU BELLE Coming: "THE MIKADO" In Technicolor CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich Now: "ANGELS WITH DITTY FACES" with Cagney & O'Brien Mon., Tues., Wed. Alfred Hitcheoek's greatest thriller "The Lady Vanishes" A tale of spies and their yen for secret documents, starring' Paul Lukas — Margaret Lockwood and Mi!ehael Redgrave . Thur,, Fri,, Sat. See why the eyes of the fleet have become the strong-arm of defersel "WINGS of the NAVY" George Brent—Olivia, De Haviland and John Payne Corning: "SERVICE DE LUXE" with Constance Bennett Mat: Sat, and Holidays at 3 p.m Mat: Wed., Sat. & Holidays 3 p.m. WEI REGENT 4IIIEATRE Seaferth Now: "LITTLE TOUGH GU'YS'I ' SOCIETY"' Horten! &Boland Mon., Tues., Wed, KENNY BAKER with the D'0YLEY CARTII Opera Conrpaity in Gilbert "& Sullivan's liveliest operatic success "The MIKADO" Ile Technicolor. ' Thurs, Fri, & Sat. ROY ROGERS - MARY HART' and LULU BELLE A new twist to the Western theme with many novelty and musical interludes, Q • "Shine On Harvest Moon" Coning: W. C. Fields in "You Can't Cheat an Honest Man" Mat: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. BUY CAKES MADE AT YOUR LOCAL BAKERS ALWAYS FRESH AND MADE OF THE, BEST FLOUR, FRESH EGGS AND BUTTER. 9 BUY WHERE QUALITY COUNTS of MARRIAGES ADAMS-STELCK—At the Ontario Street United Church Manse, on Saturday, Jurie 10th., Dorothy EI - len Stelck.of Clinton, and James R, Adams of Dashwood were united in marriage by Rev. G. G. Burton, McCARTNEY-McLACHLAN-. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Lachlan, Seaforth, Hazel . Elizabeth McLtichlin and John Wilson Mc- Cartney e-C'artney of Tuckersmith, were unit- ed in marriage by Rev. A. W. Gardiner of Egmondviile. DALE -JOHNSON — In St. Paul's Church, Clinton, on Saturday, June 10th. Marion Agnes Johnson and Charles -F. Dale were united) in marriage by Rev. A. It O'Neil. DEATHS SCOTT In East Wawanosh, on Tuesday, 'June - 13th., Peter W. Scott, aged 74 years. IN MEMORIAM MAIR In ever loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Thos. K. Mali, who passed away June 12th., 1938. Her smiling way and pleasant,,face Are a pleasure to recall, She had a kindly word for each, And died beloved of all; One year has passed since that sad day God called the one we loved away. Forget her? Nol we never will, For in our hearts she liveth still. --Ever remembered by sons and daughter. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Patrick Quigley wishes to thank friends and neighbours for their kindness in sending gifts and flowers during her stay in Clinton Hospital. Also the doctors and nurs- ing staff for their faithful attention, For Sale 1929 Ford Coach, good motor and tires. Inquire at News -Record. 40-1 For Sale Approximately 12 acres alfalfa, 10 acres sweet Clover, and 8 acres tim- othy and clover mixed. For further particulars apply to Miss Mabel Rathwell,aR. R. 3 Clinton,, Ont, 40-1 JOIN FAMILEX to insure your share in the business pick-up and make a decent living. No risk Experience in .door._ to door preferable, but not necessary. Every person, a custom- er. Exceptional quality. Low prices. Attractive packages: Very profitable plan. For a permanent, growing Intel - nese, investigate. Full details and catalogue without obligation: FAM - ILEX 00. 570 St. •Clement, Montreal. 40.1 Teacher Wanted Applications will be received until June 20th., 1989, for. position as teacher of S. S. No. 5 Hullett. Ap- pllications must state qualifications and salary. Some music ability pre- ferred, Wm, Haggart, Sec.-Treas., Londesboro, Ont. 40.1 For Sale or Rent .. Apartments in the 'Sloan Block;' houses and stores, property of S. S. Cooper estate, A. 3. Cooper will be in, town every Thursday afternoon until further notice, 40-4 SUNDAY :IS FATHER'S DAY Include -: . CIGARS or CIGARETTES is your gift. BARTLIFF'S LIFF's Phone 1. Clinton. BABY CHICKS Single Comb Leghorns Barred Rocks New Hampshire Reds E. L. Mittell Clint�ln Phone 213 'A Meeting of the LIBERALS of CLINTON will be held in the Town Hall FRIDAY, JUNE 16th at 8 o'clock To appoint delegates to the Annual Convention in Wingham on Monday, June 19th. T. HAWKINS, Chairman 401p MONUMENTS! ing a Monument Get my prices before buying. Cemetery g JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton - Ontario Successor to Bail & 2apfc 40tf To those contemplating build- Letterin a specialty. Alg. work guaranteed, CLINTON OLD TIME CLUB — BAYFIELD PAVILION — Thursday, June 15 — Music by — ADDIE TItWIN and HER HARMONY BOYS Dancing 9 p.ni. to 2 am. EVERYBODY WELCOME ADMISSION 26c 40-1 AUCTION SALE of Household Effects, Huron St. West, Russel Jervis' particulars apply Lloyd Ferguson, 1 SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 2 p.m. Clinton, Ontario, 39-2 Consisting of bedroom- suite,sewing:.... machine, organ, tables, chairs, side- 75 to 100 -acre farm f LET US BAKE FOR YOU— SAVE TIME AND WORK OUR BAKERY PRODUCTS ALWAYS FRESH AND PERFECTLY BAKED Try Our Chocolate Mallow Roll' V W Viid(/'�'� r fs Phone 68 CEMENT A Fresh Supply of ST. MARYS BRAND CEMENT On Hand W. J. Miller & Son, 30-tf. MONEY LEFT 114 IMILK BOTTLES IS BEING STOLEN, CUSTOMERS ARE' ASKEDTOPURCHASE TIC- KETS AT KEN'S MILK BAR. IF NOT CONVENIENT TO DO S0, PLEASE LEAVE A NOTE' IN THE BOTTLE AND DELIVERY MAN WILL CALL LATER. IN THE DAY. FA:IRHOLME DAIRY C. E. Elliott NOTICE The time limit for, registration of Revolvers and Pistols ends June 30th. After that date anyone found in pos- session of an unregistered revolver or pistol is liable to a fine of $50. Those desiring to register firearms before the above date may do so at the Police Office, Clinton, any even- ing after 7 p.m. A. E. FREMLIN 40-2 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to July lst for the re- decorating of the interior of Holmes - villa United Church. No tender neces- sarily accepted. Mrs. J, Cox, •7th, con. R. R. 2 Bayfield, phone Clinton 608r12. 40-1 For Sale Massey -Harris Hsyloader, in A-1 shape; also Model A Ford Coach. 1930, good running condition, Apply Thos. Reid, Varna, or Geo. H. Elliott, Clinton. 39-tf For Rent Nine -roost brick house, on Raglan street, 2 acres of land, barn, and hen house. Town lights and water. For BJRGES$' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone .115. - Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) 3rd Anniversary To Thal Citizens 'of Clintoii: 'I wish to thank you for your ea' operation. All our Dry Cleaning done by, Deans of London. We do the Pres, sing. 'ALBERT PALMER Isaac St., Clinton. WE ARE PREPARED TO GIVE Expert Repair Service ON ALL MAKES OF BATTERY AND ELECTRIC RADIOS FOR FIRST CLASS SERVICE PHONE 213 MITTELL'S RADIO & ELECTRIC SERVICE Change of Time -Table — Stratford-Gudericlt Coach Line -- Leave Clinton for Stratford, • Daily 8.10 A.M. & 5.10 P.M. Leave Clinton for Goderich, Daily except Suns. & Holidays, 1.15 PM. & 8.00 'P.M. Sundays & Holidays, 1.15 P.M. & 9,40 P.M. BARTLIFF'S, Local Agents, Phone 1 Wanted to Buy Old horses and dead cattle, Must be suitable for mink feed, removed promptly. Fred Gilbert, Phone 608r22 Clinton central. 34-tf. Roofing Why not try Liquid Fibre Coating for steel and flat Asphalt roofs. Only $2.00 a square and we keep them in 1' pair for 5 yearisl, We also sell +cement chimney tops. Joe Becker, Clinton, Phone 42, 36-tf, For Rent 8 room house, choice location, mod- ern conveniences, new hardwood floors, garage, available June 1st. Apply W. M. Aiken. 38-tf. Ford For Sale Ford Coach 1937 Model in perfect condition. Mileage 12,000. Also a Buick 1932 Model, low mileage. W. N. Counter. 30-tf. Wanted Old horses or cattle for mink feed; if dead phone at once. Will pay ac- cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 607x5, or Lloyd Batkins, 619x14. 84 tf-,e-o-w Community Auction Sales at Dick Hotel Stables, Seaforth, FRIDAY, JUNE Ieth usual run of pigs, cattle, poultry, furniture, etc. Bring in anything you have to sell. Rates reasonable. HOMER HUNT, Manager, Phone Seaforth 228 r 12. Wanted to Rent GEO. II. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. with good' . 33-tf board, cupboard, stove, pictures, can-1buidings, near Clinton. Replies should pet sweeper, dishes, and glassware. • be in writing to Advertiser W. % Also bedding, blanket, lounge, one- News -Record. • 38-2. quarter cut oak book case; garden tools and other Wanted o et article too numeral's meth s , 1 u to mention. Terms—Cash AGNES TEI3BUTT, Proprietress. -GEO. 11. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer, Notice Am prepared to twist all weights and lengths of hay -fork rope out on of Household Effects twine; also slings made up. Expert an Victoria Street, Clinton on at all kinds of splicing or piecing. c'SATURDAY, JUNE 24th at 1.30 Call now for particulars as haying is onsisting of rho "following: 9 -piece near. Harold' Armstrong, 141x16, quarter -cut este sliming morn suite, Seaforth, 40-2 nearly new; 3 bedroom suites, coin - Two with spring's and mattresses Two experienced teachers, Protest- ant, for Clinton Public School. Ap- plications to be in the hands of the secretary by June 16. H, C. Lawson, secretary, Clinton, Ontario. 39-2 AUCTION SALE Strawberries Large, ripe, meaty strawberries for sale, For canning or table use. Ap- ply 13,obt.: W. Cole, R. R. 3' Clinton, Phone 606r24. 40-3p Mower for Sale Have no hay and offer fore sale M. -Id. 5 -foot out Mower' which is as good as new, Priced reasonable for quick sale. Apply Phillip Rowcliffe, 2nd. concession; Stanley. 40-1 Help Wanted Lady wanted for general house- work, middle-aged ouse-work,:middle-aged person preferred. J. E. Howard, Bayfield, Pirrone 62031. 40-1 Strawberries • Have a quantity of fine ripe straw- berries, all large fresh berries and first year crop, Gordon Pearson, Olin -I ton.: Phone' 226, • 40-1 2 Singer sewing machines, 1 drop, head; day bed; single antique bed; kitchen range, coal or wood,; 3 -burner coal oil stove with 2 ovens; washing machine; 2 tubs; .copper boiler; small tables;, oak rockers; floor lamps; hand braided mats; carpenters tools; garden tools; " garden hose; lawn Olin-11 ower; 2 congoleumrugs, one near- ly new; quantity of furnace and stove coal; 8 lcitchen chairs; quantity of Rooms to Rent canned fruit and vegetables; dishes; Advertiser has furnished rooms to granitoware, pots, pans & numerous rent, suitable for light housekeeping, other articles. Comfortable home with modern con- Terms—Cash yoniences. Apply Clinton News -Re- MISS MARY A. STEWART, 'Prop.: cord. 40-3 GEO: H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer, House for Sale A most desirable 7-roorned house in good locality. A few minutes walk from the Collegiate. Electric light and water, large lot with some fruit trees. Apply New -Record Office. 26-c. Upholstering Chesterfields, antiques, chairs, etc, reasonably done, wide range of cov- erings. 16 years experience, prices on request. Wm. Reid, West street, Golerieh. 26 -ti, House for Sale or .Rent 1 Comfortable frame residence on Vic- toria street with modern conven- iences, good garden, house in good condition. Apply to Lorne or Charlie, Brown, Clinton, Oat. 09-tf. House' for Sale A very comfortable frame residence at corner of Fulton street, All modern conveniences, garage and Ya acre, of land. Good garden and well located. For particulars apply Mins " Bessie Watt, Clinton, Phone 171. 23-tf. Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coabs - and Ureases DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRINOI W. J. IAGO, TAILOR If not open work may be left a#- Ilesndne. Barber Shag,. J