HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-06-15, Page 1it'he News -Record Est. 1878
With Which is Incorporated
NO. 5939. -60TH YEAR
The Clinton
New Era
The New Era Est. 1881
it --;- 3r `'
Call andIns �ect
We have the stock, priced
against loss or damage,
For the Wedding
We can 'supply it to your
1! • H.
Jeweler and Optometrist
When in
a Diamond
our up-to-date
� date
perfect Diamonds
moderate, all diamond
with out extra. cost
need of
rings are insured
to the purchaser.
to buy.
appreciation of the
1 �x/
Phone 174j
Gift you are about
satisfaction, and
receiving it.
H - T��L
.11 3Big
Knee. High
Silk Hosiery
Mostly In desirable
Shades, Sizes 81/2
75c pair, Clearing
2 pair
to 101/2
for 75c
PANTIES for r r
o warm weather
wear, All white, mostly in brief
style, Sizes Small, Medium and
Large, Regular value 49c, Clear-
ing at 35c a pair.
BLOUSES Clearing at half price,
about 2 dozen only in the lot
Sizes 14 to 18 only.
Day is June
him a little
no doubt' one
a watch chain
a Ronson
useful items
Shaving Sets,
Pins, Small
We have Cigarettes
� Y to commemorate
are made in
other Royal
We also have
at 25c
Do not
do nicely
of 50ut
at $1.00.,.
Per -
or if
ash tray,
Tie Clips,
p up
50c and
18th." this year.
We have many
them would please
and knife will
or Evans Lighter,
or Pouch or
we have are Brush.
Razors, Cuff Buttons;
and many
in packages
the Royal
and have
the cover. These
Visit packages
Rogers and Son,
Remember WATCH REPAIR is a job for exerts.
Our work assures your i P 1
y u satisfaction. action. 1
"Counter's for Finer Jewellery for over Half a,
Century In Huron County"
The Farmers' Market
Wheat 57e.
Oats 32c.
Barley 47c.
Cream 24c, 23c,
Hogs $8.75.
Eggs 17e, 13e, 12c, 11e, .'
Mrs, James .Steep, Clinton, wishes
to announce the engagelhent of her
daughter, Vera Effeline, to Mr.
Lloydon Ivan Wainer, only son of
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Walper, Zurich.
The marriage will take place this
Open Air (Service
The Clinton Branch of the 'Canal
ian Legion are sponsoring an ope
air service to commemorate the sign
ing of the Magna Charta on Sunda I
afternoon, June 18th in Library Par
at 2.30 p.m. The band, will be in
attendance. The Scouts, Guides, Cubs
and Brownies will also be on parade.
Rev. K. MeGoun has , very kindly
consented to return from London as
the guest st s caker .
Business Change
Mr. H. Bartliff has purchased the
'nterest of Mr. W. A. Crich, Seaforth,
in the bakery and confectionery busi-
ness here which for the past thirteen
years as been known as Bartliff :&
Crich. For the eighteen years prev-
ious to the formation of partnership
the business was known as Bartliff's
and again reverts to that name.
Asked if he planned to 'make any
changes now 'that he is sole owner
of the business Mr. Bartliff had this
to say "Well, after thirty-three years
in business here I feel T know pretty
well what the public wants. The
Institute Meeting
The June meeting of the Woman's
Institute will be held in the Board
Room, Agricultural Office, on Thurs-
day, -June 22. Report of the District
Annual held in Goderieh will be giv-
en by Mrs. Mervyn Batkin, The
motto, "Marc often than you e're ex-
pect your deed another will affect",
by Mrs. G. Knights.
G Roll tali to be
answered by different uses of straw-
berries. Hostesses; are Mrs. Fred
Hanly, Mrs. N`. W. Txewartha, Mrs.
J.McKinie • Mrs. J.
Y,B. Levis and
Mrs. Harvey Jenkins.
Minor Car Accident
On Monday Mr, H. E. Rorke's car
was involved in a collision with a
light delivery truck opposite the
Cuninghame Greenhouses on Huron
street, resulting in minor damages
to both vehicles.
Mr. Rorke had parked his ear on
the north side of the highway, facing
west. Another car parked in front
of him made it necessary that he
pull out on the highway to turn.
Waitingtil f
un out cars had passed
hedid so and had almostmade n de the
turn when a light delivery truck go-
ing west struck the left front fender
and bumper of his car. Momentarily
out of control the car crashed into
a telephone pole, snapping it off. The
fender and bumper of the car were
badly crushed in the impact and the
grill of the truck' also suffered but
fortunately the occupants of both
vehicles escaped uninjured. Local
police were called and investigated
the accident.
Rural Mail Couriers
A nuiuber of the Rural Mail Cour-
same courteous service we have al- iers of Huron County mot at the
ways tried to give will be continued
of course, and if we can see any
changes which will further that ser-
vice or better our products of which
we are justly proud, those changes
will certainly be made."
Among the Churches
Salvation .Army
"A Case of Blues" and "A Debt
We Owe" are the subjects to be dis-
cussed at the services of the Salva-
tion Army on Sunday. On Thursday
evening at 8 p.m. a meeting will be
held for prayer, the subject "Prayer."
St. Paul's Church.
Holy Communion in St. Paul's
Church at 8 p.m. on Sunday. At 11
a.m. Morning Prayer. Rev, A. C.
Calder, rector of St. George's Church,
Goderieh will preach at the morning
service. e The rector will preach in
the evening. The Church Boys Lea-
gue meets on Monday afternoon at
Ontario Street United Church
Baptism service on Sunday morn-
ing. at 11 o'clock. The minister will
meet with the EIders after the ser-
vice. Children's Day service at
Turner's Church at 2 p.m. Rev. G.
G. Burt will w 1 preach at both ser-
vices. Sacrament June 25th,
The Citizenship :Department will
be in charge of the Young People's
meeting on Monday evening. Meet-
ing for Prayer on Wednesday even-
Wesley -Willis Church
Sunday morning, June 18th will be
observed as Children's Day and
Plower Sunday. Special Children's
Choir will lead the worship praise,
Some of the little folk will assist' in
the service in other ways. Let this
be a real family day with ,parents
and children filling the church in a
setting of birds and flowers, The
evening subject will be, "The. Hands
of Jesus". The Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper will be dispensed at
Morning Worship on Sunday morn-
ing, June 25th.
The Woman's Association held
their June meeting on the lawn at
the home of Mrs, M. T. Corless. Mrs,)
Paterson was chairman, Mrs. Miller
secretary. Business centred around
plans for the lawn social.
The W. M. S. held their regular
meeting. June 8th at 8 o'clock in the
lecture room of the church. The presi-
dent,'Mrs. Chawen inthe chair. After
a short business meeting the Girls
Ctub took charge with their presi-
ent, Mrs. Oakes presiding. Those
taking part ht the program were Mrs.
Miller, Mrs. M. Nediger, Mrs. Ping -
and, Mrs. Heuston and Mrs. Jeffer-
ron. A heart vote of thanks was
tendered the Club for their splendid
rogram. The meeting closed with
She Mizpah" benediction after which
efresbments were served.
The Girls
Club:. will
meet at Mrs.
flee Cook's cottage ' at Bayfield on
seday, June 20th, The group Lead-'
a•s are in charge of the 'programme
nd ,transportation.
The Sunday Scheel and Congire-
ational picnic will be held Wed-
esday afternoon, August 9th. at
home of Mr. Norman Long of Kippen
on Saturday • evening last and organ-
'zed a
county branch of the Rural
Mail Couriers Association of Canada.
This association, with headquarters
at Rodney, Ont., was first organized
in December, 1935, for the purpose
of forming a body that could act in
harmony with th P st, Office De-
pairtment for the'betterment of rural
mail services and a permanent work-
ing condition for rural mail couriers.
Mr. P. B. Lowry, sec.-treas., of the
Dominion Association, was present
at Kippen and in an address to the
assembled couriers explained the
aims and functions of the county
branches. After Mr. Lowry's ad-
dress the following officers were el-
ected for Huron County: President,
Alex. McN•evin, Goderich; vice-pres.,
Norman Long, Kippen; sec.-treas., B.
Marsh, Auburn; Adjustment Officer,
Alex. McNevin, Goderich.
Music Recital
On Tuesday evening the pupils of
Miss Beatrice Greene gave an enjoy-
able recital in the Legion Hall. The
programme included vocal solos,
duets, also piano solos and duets by
the various pupils. Highlights of the
entertainment were readings g Y Mrs.
George McLay and an action 'inter-
pretation of the "Umbrella Man" by
Edward Elliott and Benson Sutter,
At the conclusion of the programme
presented d
Mrs. Me-
with a bouquet for her contribu-
tion to an enjoyable programme
These taking .part were Mary Thomp-
son, Jean Elliott, Betty Ward, June
McCartney, Aileen McCartney, Geo.
Scribbins, Celestine Shanahan, Ally
Lou' Thompson, Shirley Henri, Marg-
aret McQueen, Marie • Connell,. Jean
Morgan, Edward Elliott, Benson. Sut-
ter, .Mrs. Wilfred Jervis, Cherie
Thompon, Eileen Sutter, Helen Mc-
Gregor and Mrs. McLay.
Little Locals
Mr. and Mrs. John Vodden ' will
celebrate their 60th. wedding anni-
versary on Monday, June 19th. They
will be at home to their friends from
two to four o'clock in the afternoon.
Mr. R. J. Fisher ,sihowed us an
interesting souvenir of the. Royal
Visit in the form of a letter pasted
on the Royal Train. The envelope
bears the postmark "Royal Train,
June 12, 10 aan, 1939 Canada" and
also the standard emblematic of the
British Empire.'
Mr. J. C. Shearer has had a busy
week., On Saturday he assisted at
0. A. G„ Guelph in the Wellington
County' Judging Competition; 011
Monday at Walkerton; Tuesday in
Stratford and yesterday was assist-
ing at the Shorthorn sale held at
the farm orf Oliver, Turnbull of
The Collegiate Board have received
:fully seventy applications for the two
vacancies on the teaching staff, No
appointments 1 p rents .have been made al-
though the applications - have been
narrowed down. Awaiting further in-
formation a meeting will be held at
the call of the chairmanwhen the
teachers will be appointed.
Dale -Johnson
St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clin-
ton, was the scene of a pretty June
wedding when Marion Agnes, onl
daughter gh ex of Mr, and Mrs. William
L. Johnson became 'the bride o
Charles Francis Dale, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Christopher Thomas Dale. Rev.
A. H. O'Neil, rector, offieiated.
The bride was lovely in a pink
sheer dress with lace bolero jacket,
large white hat and white shoes and
gloves. IShe carried a bouquet of
pink -butterfly roses. The bride was
attended by Miss Edith Ferguson of
Seaforth, who wore pale blue sheer
with all white accessories, and a cor-
sage of pink carnations. Mr., Charles
Johnson, brother of the bride was
Following• the ceremony a wedding
breakfast was served at the bride's
home. Later Mr. and Mrs: Dale left
by motor' fora 10 -day trip, the bride
donned a pretty
navy sheer
with light blue coat and white a acces-
sories On then return Mr. and Mrs.
Dale will reside on the groom's farm,
on the Huron . Road, east of Clinton.
ALL PLANS COMPLETED FOR Duquette, Robinson, Irwin, C.
LIONS FROLIC Worthy; Phelan; Johnson, B. Worthy.;
Clinton: 'Glew, J. Hawkins, White,
Wednesday, June 21st., is the day
. Hawkins, Hovey, Draper, Colqu_
set for the fourth annual Clinton, n Monteith, Neilans.
Umpires: '
f. Lions Club prone and it is evident) P 1'h or
ndylse, Sales.
A pretty wedding wassolemnized
at the Ontario Street United Manse,
Clinton, at three -thirty o'clock Sat-
urday afternoon, when Dorothy Ellen
Stelek, daughter of Mrs. Andrew
Price of Stanley township and the
late Arnold Stelek, was united in
marriage with Mr, James Robert
Adams, of Dashwood. Rev. Garland
G. Burton, 1VI.A,, B.D., officiated. The
bride looked charming in a gown of
orchid sheer with bolero jacket and
matching accessories. She wore tt
shoulderette of Rapture roses land
wihite forget-me-nots with orchid ties.
The bride was unattended. Miss Jean
Johnston and Mr. James Mair were
witnesses .Innnediatey after the cere-
mony Mr. and Mrs. Adams left on
a trip to Toronto, Hamilton and
Niagara Falls. They will reside on
Huron Road, Goderieh Township.
McCartney -McLachlan
A beautiful cedar arch decorated.
with peonies and iris formed an ef-
fective background for' an interest=
ing wedding on Saturday at high
noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs.'
John McLachlan, Seaforth, when
their younger daughter, Hazel Eli-
zabeth became the bride of Mr. John
Wilson McCartney, son of Mrs. Mc-`
Cartney, Tuckersmith ,and the late
Mr. George R. McCartney. Rev. A.'
Gardiner of Egmondville United
Church officiated and Miss Margaret
Grieve played the wedding music.
The bride, given in marriage by her
father, looked lovely in a white silk
lace :dress over taffeta and carried
a shower bouquet of Templar roses!
and baby's breath„ She wore her
mother's wedding veil held withl
orange blossomy., They were unatr!
tended. After a wedding dinner
v g ser;
ed to the immediate -family by two
cousins of the bride, Misses Isabel'
Forrest and Thelma Elgie, Mr. and'
Mrs. McCartney left for a short trip'
to the United States. The bride;
traveled in a fuschie hand-embroider-
and embroidered sheer dress, white coat, hat and!
on their return they will reside near
Showers for June Brides
On Saturday morning the staff
and employees of the. Clinton Knitt-
ing Company gathered together, to
present Miss Vera Steep with gifts.
Miss Beth Schoenhals read the ad-
dress while Miss Dorothy McDonald,
Reta Carbert and Muriel Mulholland
presented an occasional table and
table lamp.
On Friday evening a pleasant time
was spent at the -home of Mrs. Viola
Lampman when over twenty of the
girl friends of Miss Steep gathered
to present a miscellaneous shower of
gifts. The bride-to-be was taken by
surprise but thanked everyone for!
their kindness. Following a social
hour a dainty lunch was served,
Miss Norma Andrews, also a bride
elect of this month, was the recipient
of many beautiful gifts at a shower;
held at the home of Mrs. Alex Inkley
on : Monday evening, The gifts in-
cluded many useful articles' of ,gran-
iteware, and other miscellaneous
Constables Dismissed
Eighty names have been deleted
from the list of Huron County's
constabulary by reason of an order
made by Judge T. M. Costello, Only p
three t
ht a cans abler a e been, -
v be re
It a en a •-
gg s
ed and have been placed on salary.
The fee system is abolished, insofar
as county police officers are concern-
ed. Those re-engaged are; John Ferg-
uson, Goderich; Arthur 'Jennings,
Dunlop; John Pease, Bayfield. '.Traffic
Officer Norman Lever's name also
remains on the list.
that this will •be one of the out- •
standing events in the history of they '7th Inning ,Rally Wins,
Club, Plans have been. carefully laid " Mitchell Game
far the past four months.
1 The afternoon's programme will be The Clinton Colts added Another
something entirely different to' any-
win to their Iist on Friday night in
thing that hasever been held here Mitchell, taking the game 8-2. Tho
before when the dog races are stag -.W umdvasimueh closer than the score
ed. Thirty-six of the best racing and shad It not been.
!greyhounds in Canada as well es five for a seventh inning rally which pro--
from the United States will compete duced six runs for the Colts it might:
in seven races. The winmer of the have been a different. story, 'Up to.
seventh race will determine the wits that point it had been every man for
Iner of the Plymouth car being given ltlmself as free -for -ells broke out at,
this year with thirty-five consolation various intervals
prizes on display in the Agricultural) The Mitchell team features a.
offce' window.' Another highlight of couple of players who should be'i t.
the afternoon will be the semi -pro -
to meet Joe Louis. They-
baseball game between the would much rather swing fists than.
hickory, Violent
brcaks n
Huron Cardinals ordinal
s andL ondon..
These teams stand se their first encounter with, Blyth, and
Gond and fourth Mitchell have prondsed that team a
in the.league at the present time 1
andthe garrie is a regular league fix- I lively time when they play the return.
tare, not merely an exhibition game. game.
In addition to these feature at -1 In Friday's game Gordie Stock was.
tractions there will be a midway handling pitching duties very nicely
which will operate both afternoon fanning seven batters and allowing
and evening. Refreshment booths and a few scattered hits. The defeat' was
• o'
other amusements will give the park .the third f the season for the Mit-
the appearance of one of the larger Schell Club. Goderieh defeated Hensall
fairs and will give just as much or 4-2 and Lucan whipped Crediton.
more pleasure. In the evening the
prizes will be awarded and to round Juveniles 'Add Another
out the day dances will be held in 1 Win
the town hall and legion hall. Pro- In three starts the Lions Juvenile
seeds will be devoted to child welfare Baseball team have won twice and
work. The cause is worthy of sup- tied once getting away to a good
port and it is expected that one of start on what appears to be another
the largest crowds in the history of good season' for them. Having pre-
tlie town will turn out to show that yiously beaten Hensall here they re. -
they appreciate the work the
peated the performance in Hensall
:Club are doing, not only for the Monday night 6-2. Cook handled the
children of Clinton but also for oth-pitching 'duties very' nicely and re -
I els in the surrorindiug• communities ceived good support from his team
who have been helped to health and urates, allowing only five scattered
happiness through the efforts of the hits while Joynt for Hensall was
Lions Club combed for ten. Counter, Bartliff,
Cook and' Powell each got two, Haw -
Church Anniversary skins and Fremtin one apiece, For
this game C'oIquhoun was placed at
Dr. J. E. Hogg of Dn. tion United shotstop and turned in a whirlwind.
he 000rch renewed many friendships as performance, handling everything
he conducted anniversary services in coming Itis way. Bailiff was also e
Wesley -Willis United Church en sttmdout for the local team. Their
alt n ay. Dr. Hogg was minister here next haute game will be June 26th.
at the time of union, through the when Exeter will furnish the op -
period following the destruction of position.
the Wesley Church by fire and was
when the present church was erected
cchairman of the building committee) Killed in Car Collision'
and ministered to the united can_ 1 In a car accident Tuesday evenings'
at the junction of _Culire'
s side -
gregation for three years in the new and the 10th concession of East'
The church was well filled for the Wawanosh, Peter W. Scott, former
morning service when Dr. Hogg bas- reeve of that township was instantly
ed his sermon on the word "Better," killed and two others seriously injur-
Special music was furnished under ,ed, John Rintoul of Seaforth is said
the leadership of Mrs. M. Agnew. to have suffered the loss of an eye
The evening service at Ontario Street and a broken neck in the crash, ;while
Church was withdrawn to allow the Mr. Scott's stepson, Orville Taylor,
members of that congregtion to join also received injuries. Cameron Rin-
i the service, and their pastor,
also inVolved in the
G. G. Burton assisted in the service received scalp wounds, but was able
in the absence of Rev. Lane who to leave Wingham Hospital after his
was taking Dr. Hogg's work for the II wounds were dressed,
day at Dutton, Assisting in the spec-! Mr. Scott was born in East Wawa -
nosh and tools a real interest Wawa-
ial num. wereg
t e st in the
bats Mrs. Oakes, 0 ke , Mrs,
M. Nediger and Mrs. P. Hearn. affairs of the township. He was for -
years auditor and for eight
lath. 1/C 07 £orGoderieh years after his election was reeve of
The much touted Goderieh Sailors I the township. He. was a former.
i justice of the peace and was welt
didn't do so good here on Tuesday known in fraternal circles being a
night, in fact they just' couldn't do Past Master in the Masonic and
anything night although the game' Orange Orders.
was not as one-sided as the score
would indicate. For instance in the
first inning after garnering one run
they retired with the bases loaded;
in the third with a man on. third
and first; in the fourth men on third
and second, and in the sixth with
Pollock left stranded on third. Glar-
ing errors accounted for the Sailors
downfall and Worthy and Fisher re-
ceived poor Support although their
combined pitching efforts were comb-
ed for fourteen hits. Draper on the
mound for the Coitil allowed only.
five hits. Bob had five strikeouts
to his credit;. Worthy four and Fish-
er one. Two -baggers were garnered
by Hovey and White; Glew had two
three -baggers,' H. Hawljins • four
singles in four tunes at bat and Jack
Hawkins lobbed out. three singles and
also handled the duties at second base
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Hawkins, Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Hawkins and dau-
ghter visited Mr, and Mrs, Alfred
Smith of Dresden on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil VanHorne of
Toronto spent the weekend with
their parents here, carving up to
attend the Pepper picnic at Strat-
ford Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore call-
ed an friends • in London and St,'
Thomas and visited on Sunday with
their son, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Liver-
more at Aylmer.
Miss Agnes Stirling of. Consul, Sask.,
and. Mrs. Currie of Saskatoon mot-
ored from the West this week and
will spend the summer months with;
their sister, Mrs. Jervis, Mary St.
very nicely. Pollock was the worst Mr. and Mrs. Norman McCurdy of
offender, for Goderieh on errors but Hamilton, Mrs. J. Smith and son,.
redeemed himself with two two -base Robert of Stratford, and Benson.
hits C. and 13. Worthy and Phelan Carless of Norwich spent. Wednes-
got a hit apiece, while the re. day with Mr. and Mrs. M. T. •Cal-.
nainder of the batters either went less,
down swinging or were stopped by Mr, J. B. Lobb left on Wednesday.
the fielders, Prom a spectator's view for a visit with friends in Califor
oin.t it was an interesting game, the pia, Washington and British Col
ad parts though thathatattend attendance
=bias He expects to,
visit the,
was not what it should have been Carlsbad Caverns of N.M. and the:
and the ,same . is true of previous Grand Canyon of Arizona:
games In five starts the boys have Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Johnston return-
only lost once but have had to work ed home last week from a two
hard for every victory, . Seine en- week's visit with relatives at Fen-
cauragement is necessary and would wick and Georgetown. They were
be appreciated. in Ilamilton to see Icing George
Goderieh: Pollock, Sheardown, and Queen Elizabeth on June 7th.