HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-06-01, Page 2PAGE 2 THE CLINTON NEWS-RECOItI THURS., JUNE 1, 1939 Eden Phillpotts 'TOM AYLMER: At the time the story opens is living in Peru, man- aging silver mines belonging to Ms ' father. 1FELICE PARDO: A Peruvian who, although young, has been fifteen years in the service of the Aylmer mining enterprise.. He is the most trusted native employee. PRINCI'PA'L CHARACTERS Mrs. MERCY AYLMER: Tom's mother; egotistical and exacting. JANE-BRADSHAW: • Tom Aylmer's fiancee. At the time the . story opens, the expectation is• that these two will marry on Tom's next leave in England. ANGUS MAINE: A young Scot on Aylmer'sstaff, and close compan- ion of Tom. JACOB FERNANDEZ: A rich, eld- erly South American whose hobby is the study of bird fife. He is a baehelor and is engaged upon: a monumental literary • worts on the. subject of bird life. SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS CHAPTERS Tom Aylmer and Angus Maine are enjoying a holiday an the hills of Peru when Felice Pardo rides out to them with a cabled message announc- ing the death of Tom's father. Tom knows that his father has bequeath- ed to him the Peruvian silver mines of which he (Tom) is the manager. He decides to sail for England at +once and to take Angus for company. Before leaving Lima, Tom buys a parrot, to give to his fiancee, Jane The Clinton News -Record with which is incorporated • THE NEW ERA TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $,1.50 per year in advance, to Can- adian'addresses; $2,00 to the U.S. or other foreign countries. No paper discontinued until all arrears are (paid unless at the option of the pub - :dishes. The date to which every sub- acriptien is paid is denoted on the Jebel ADVERTISING, RATES - Transient advertising 12e per count line for first insertion. Se. for each subse- nguent insertion. Heading counts 2 lines. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as "Wanted", "Lost, "Strayed", etc., inserted once for 35e each subsequent insertion by the dis where and are peculiar to the islanas. disguise the meaning of the message. him on every side, as they had con - They snake the sentence "Table Top fronted a genius in days long past on Equator west Galapagos Cache and led him to mighty conclusions Maneater Gorge at Geyser," and this touching the origin and variation et- is r is construed as being a direction to species, the hiding -place of the jewels In "Here is one thing worth visiting which Benny Boss was interested. ithis grim place for alone,' said Tom. Excited by the theory built about "This. is where the famous lichen, this message, Tom, Angus and Jane orchilla, comes from. It is gathered decide to go and investigate. Tom and sent to England and makes a insists that Felice Pardo should be wonderful ,purple dye." included. 1 For Angus the craters that honey - The estate of Ton's father having combed the islands from mere blow- - been proved to an amount largely in holes to deep cups of great size -- excess of expectations, and Tont be -`impressed him most. ing the sole heir, he feels that he { "If we ever find Tabletop," he told can afford the expense of fitting out them, "it will be much on this pattern — low-lying in tremendously deet, water, shrouded in mists, and with an active, or extinct 'volcano rising in the middle of it. And just as the flora and fauna are extraordinary anti unique here, so they may be still Felice destroyed the letter he was more extraordinary and ,unique there. about to dispatch, and sent another These isolated' places are links, witn instead. 'life from the far past that have "My dear Tom," he wrote, ` "when persisted and escaped the devastation I yetis your letter I 'laughed, ant man brings along with him." \vas in a mind to tell you not tee be It was to Charles Island and not an icliot, but keep your newly -acquit -:Albemarle that the travellers had ed wealth in your pocket; yet,' on conte, and at the little settlement of second thoughts, I. think otherwise, Le 11'loseana, Felice Pardo ewe -ilea There is plenty of buried treasure in them, the ,world, and no doubt we have' Ile interested Jane very much, for enough information to be sure the she was immediately conscious of :c waters of Lake Titicaca hide many mind' cast in a different pattern from priceless things that would make us any, she had yet met in her brief all wonder if they were ever brought existence. to the light again. Why then, should" Sam had never known a foreigner this industrious old treasure -bunter very well before, and the mixes: called 'Benny Boss' have failed. in hie bloods that went to create Felice pro- gtiest? With the amount of detail • duceci' an intellect and outlook that Yon, seem to have 'gleaned and the gave her much to throat about. She wonderful revelation of the parrot, it approached hint cautiously, and wheat does, I think, look good enough, If ; an instinct of doubt and even aversion you really want me to take past in' began 10 dawn in her, she blamed yotir expedition and do everything Ilherself, not him, and told herself that can to lend'a -hand and help you, of only a child, or a savage, mistrusts course you have only got to say the `dle unknown. word. - He was clever and courteous, pour- "In anyCase Idle into her new l notvledge of , the , given a decent little: in which he lived, and obvious - very the much -time, i yod not occupyit ly strove to please her; but she felt very much time, and you can take it hint to be radically different in es - in your stride osi your way. back. Isence :front her own kind. She would "At any rate, if you are game to never understand him, as she under- see). it, I'm game to help you do so. stood the simple natures of Tom or. Wrlte,at once, or telegraph if you're Angus. Yet he did not hide his en- 'in a h tr y nd T' 'll ga t fathomable and his m.00es ,beyond their calculation, Ihtervala of gloom were apt to engulf him like a cloud and obscure him from them; but ouz of these he would usually emerge in riotous spirits and take his uncon- scious place as the mental stimulus cS the others,, Bradshaw. The bird, bought from a swagger one is Albemarle: That's dealer wham: Tom knows and trusts, where Pardo will go. Very few are is according to the dealer, a very inhabited at all." exceptional parrot, and is about sev- They set about their preparations enty years of age—no great age for and six weeks ' later were on their a parrot. way. Aylmer had hoped to hear again On the liner, the bird engages the concerning the mine and had written attention of Jacob Fernandez, a rich to Jacob Fernandez on the'- subject,. telling hint also about the parrot, He sailed before any answer to this letter reached him, and he guesses that the old man had left Panama and must be back in Lima. Jane enjoyed her first taste of tropics and ocean, finding both' a happy and impressive experience. She proved a good sailor and her only fear was that nautical life would make her too fat. a time, fifty years earlier, worked West of Equador by nearly six for Fernandez. They parted company hundred miles lay Galapagos, and the and after an interval, Benny tried, last lap of the journey took some unsuccessfully, to sell to Fernandez days in a slow boat. But the volcanic a large ruby worth much snore than nests of islets, though lacking in the price he put on it. Piecing to- much charm for a chance visitor, gether what he learned about Benny could furnish both Tom and Jane in later years, it seems that Benny with very potent attractions, since had been engaged in dredging on for the naturalist who loves birds, man, of lama, who is bound fox Panama, whose life hobby is the study of birds. ' To Fernandez, the parrot talks, but the only words he can detect in a string of sounds are "Benny Boss." Fernandez says he ltnew a man of that name, and proceeds to tell' Tom and Angus what he knows. Benny was a man of mixed parent- age—English and Peruvian—who, for A. URI? CHARTERED Now, while they found that he batt made Admirable preparations for their enterprise, chartered a useful. little tramp steamer, kept expenses down and secured trustworthy ane experienced men for the cruise, they also discovered Felice himself chang- ed in some subtle fashion. Ile was more saturnine and preoccupied than of old, given to'longer silences, less quick in emerging from the secret chamber of his own thoughts: They could not know that it was his duan thoughts that had created the barrier, any more than Pardo himself knew how his hidden.purpose had altered his outward demeanour. In secret he fought with himself still, in favour of his, intentions, al- though now quite determined. He went round and round, like a squirrel re a cage, arguing each,point of justice and honour in turn, and'spin- ning aweb to entangle and destroy his old loyalties.'He told himself that his mental misery 'was unim- portant and only the'. result of his own, weakness; but it created an in- tense impatience •and desire to get on with. the matter and be through with it. It was his impatience, in- deed, that his friends observed, and both Tom and Angus agreed as to so unusual a phase. "Never knew him in a hurry be- fore," said Maine. "He was always oriental in his contempt for time." "The dear chap's only thinking of my pocket," declared Aylmer. A week still needed to elapse be- fore the steamer could be ready for sea. She was a sturdy little' boat o� about a thousand ton and traded un- ually between the islands and the mainland. Iguana was her name, and Paolo Costa, her master and owner, proved a genial fellow, anxious to forward the trip and amiably inclined to Europeans. He had visited Europe and sailed the Seven Seas in his tame, but the Pacific was his home and on one vexed question he could throw' light. "There is, or was, such an island as Tabletop," Captain Costa told them, "and on large-scale naps you will see it as a nameless pin -point. I have not •heard' it culled by any name, save by one old man, There is an ancient sailor living in La Floreana—a bed -ridden, aged chant who has seen it. Old Pedro FIoris actually knew the man who called this islet Tabletop. Fifty and more years ago he took him to the place, and when I visited Floris, as I s:o sometimes, because he" is a relation, I told hint all that Senor Pardo has told me about Benny Boss. And Pedro—he remembered Benny Boss, so it is all true without a doubt, Therefore, if the island has' not long since sunk into the sea, it will still remain for us to find," Jame was much excited by this piece of news. expected. He proved also more alert than 'usurll,',and though his voice had shrunk to a reedy whistle, the aged man controlled it well and did not wander until he w i,s timed. Tom hat no difficulty in understanding him. "Sit you down,' 'he said. "Spread rug for, them,Clara, and then go away, nay dear," Clara obeyed and departed. Then Aylmer spoke and told Pedro how good it was of him to let then! come. "This is Jane, Senor Floris, and she is going to marry me very soon," he said, "And Captain Costa told va that you had known` Benny Boss long ago,' so that interested at very' neueh indeed. Shall I tell you all that Wo know about him, or 'wottild you like to talk first -and tell us what you re- member,"? "You tell first," answered; Pedro, "then I tell. And we will see if the stades run together."" Tont therefore told his tale white the other listened silently, "And if there is anything in it,"' concluded the .young man, "I shall feel that. we owe a bit to you, my friend, and see you are a gainet." But the other shook his head. "I can only help in a small way." he said. "Now I will talk and show you how the stories run together. And my part of the story of Mr. Boss se perhaps not the end of it, every if it is of the end of him, because you are going• to try and finish the story." Thus the old man's fading mind flickered into subtlety for a moment and surprised his hearers. (Continued Next Week) AUTO ACCIDENT PREVENTS USBORNE RESIDENTS FROM MEETING KING AND QUEEN The great event of a life time, the opportunity of being presented to Their Majesties, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth was frustrated for Mrs. Jas. Ballantyne, daughter Janet and James Ballantyne Jr., when the car in which they were enroute to Toronto overturned in a ditch. Mr. James Ballantyne, M.L.A., accompan- ied by Mrs, Ballantyne , Miss Janet, James . Ballantyne Jr, and Mr. Mate thew Thomson had left by auto dur- ing the early hours of Monday morn- ing for Toronto. About 6.30 a.m. the car driven by Mr, Ballantyne skidded on -.the slippery pavement while max - Lake Titicaca, and that he had dredg- or plants, it offers something unique. ed up jewels thrown into the lake'Not only the gigantic tortoises, that at the time of the Spanish conquest, give the islands their name, rejoiced Arrived in England, Tom obtains the lovers; but for Jane the land the help of an expert linguist, but birds were such as she had never the man is baffled. (seen, Eventually Jane solves the problem Indeed, they cannot be seen else- eovery that most of the 15c. Rates for display advertising' words are English spelt backwards to As for Tom, new plants confrontee amide known on application, Communications intended for pub- •Ileation must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. G.B. HALL - Proprietor „- }L T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer 'Financial, Real Estate and Fire In- surance Agent, Representing 14 Fire insurance Companies. Division Court Office Clinton Frank Fingland,13 A., LL.B. +Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to W. Brydone, K.C. *loan Blocs Clinton. Ont. A. E. COOK Piano and Voice Studio—E. C. Nickle, Phdne 28w. 36 tf. O. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR EIeetro Therapist, Massage 'Office: ' iluron 'Street. (Few Doors west of Royal Bank) Hours --Wed. and Sat. and by appointment. FOOT CORRECTION ley' manipulation dun -Ray Treatment Phone 207 a small expedition. (Now Read On) GEORGE ELLIOTT +ff4censed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Correspondence promptly answered nanmediate arrangements can be made' l or Sales Date at The News -Record, Bunton, or by calling phone 203. 'Obarges Moderate ant) ; Satisfaction Guaranteed, THE McIILLOP MUTUAL &ire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. Officers: President, Thomas Moylan, Sea - forth; Vice.President, William Knox, Londesboro; Secretary -Treasurer, M. A, Reid, Seaforth. Directors,; Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Jatnes. Sholdice, Walton; James Connolly, Goderieh; 'W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; • Chris. 3 eonhardt, Dublin; Alex. ivlcEwing, i'Blyth Frank McGregor, Clinton. List of Agents: E. A. Yeo, RR. 1, +Goderich, Phone 603r31, Clinton; .lames Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper, °Brucefield, 11. R. No. 1;' R. F.,M�IcKer- alier, Dublin, R. R. No. 1; Clias. F. Hewitt, Kincardine; R. G. Jatmuth, ornholna, R. R. No. 1. Any money to be paid may be paid to the Royal Bank, Clinton; Bank of •C,ornmerce, Seaforth,or at Calvin Cirtt's Grocery, Goderich. Parties dedisistg to effect Maur- ance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on'appliea- ioll to any ,of the above oliicere ad- dressed to their respeetive post offi- ces. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene. A. ! l�l,�lP ATIO A °'Al WATS CHAPTER VIII PARDO SAYS "DO I'1" TblgE TABLE Trains will•arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Goderial r)1'v 'Going East, depart ........6.5$ a.m, Going Fast, depart 9.00 rtoing 'West, depart' 11.45 •Going West, depart 10.00 Leaden, Huron 8i Bruce Going North, ar, 11.25 ave. 11.47 Going South or. 2,50, leave 3,08. t r , a wt ii o thnsiasm 02' conceal his strong Social- istic in Equador, cross to the istic convictions. He was 'quite honest Galapagos and meet you. By the in that matter ,• "It means such a lot," se said, "be- cause if this old roan has eetuai;y been there, he must have some idea of how long it tools him, and that ought to tell you how far it is, Cap- tain Costa." "No, Missy. Old Pedro is very shaky' in his mind these days. Soma- titnes his brain -will give a flash dna waken memory; but oftener he lives like a lizard — just lives with the shutters up to hide the past. A word sometimes will lift the shutters, but on many days nothing can lift tlient. I .asked hint, of course, how long he took on the voyage, but he could not tell me, Only this I learned. They did not steam in those bays very much. He was master of a schooner and Benny chartered it, Twice Benny sailed—••with a long space of years before.. Itis second and last journey. But you utast see Pedro Floris, and if it should be a good day with hint, you may charm some sense out or Isim,. He has a little English, but not enough, No doubt your friends from Lima will understand )lull." "Has Mr. Pardo seen him?" welted Jane, and the sailor told her that Felice had visited the ancient twice, "But the shutters were up," he said, "therefore Senor Pardo got no- thing. • For reasons I cannot tell, an - tient Gloria clic) not like your friend. One does not know what may move in the mind of the very old. • ' Perclo, however, consented to see Aylmer and Jane. lie declares) that time that you come I shall have gone , "What I want to see before I dire two- strangers were all that he eotild into the matter of a ship, and if you is a juster world, Miss Bradshaw; anal endure, mut 'Tom . guessed that he give Inc .a free hand, will have chart- that would also be a better world," would be able to tenlerstand anything erect a small steamer equal to our he said. that • the old veteran was. likely to needs. I'll keep down expenses all Site could not deny the force, of say. The first suggestion had been I can, but the jaunt isn't going to be that ambition and observed that that only Pardo and Aylmer should exactly cheap,, and' you must semens- Pardo's• ideas were cast int• a greater iaay the visit; but Felice was con- ber that, even if we find Tabletop, mould than those of her own, or oa: scious of having failed and thought my photographs of the mysterious her friends. Birds and plants and it better ;not to try again, place and the honour of putting it ruined cities seemed small things ems ' "Ilo'il like Jane," he said, "And 513 on the map, may be'all: the advent- basted with the Peruvian's enthus- sure to take him some gifts, He 11 ages you will -win for yourselil 1iasms for humanity; and it was the very poor." • ' "Things jog .on here in a manner sharp contrasts, that, Jane concluded They sounded Costa on. this ,subject quite satisfactory, . % , ;must make her feel uneemfortab a and were advised to make old Floris Always, dear Tont, yours Felice," in Feliee's company.. a present of money, Jana, approved this letter highly, 1 As for Aylmer and Maine, 'they They. found tate old man outside t. "Mr. Pardo sounds a very sensible welcomed their friend •gladly enough tiny cottage with a woman in. at - sort of man," she said, "and he is and for them :a new sensation attend-,ten.dance 'upon hien. • There was no practical. Tell him to get a ship and ed their reunion, They both ,felt it, meed to face the interior, for Pe.rd'o have her ready for sea by the time yet neither could put it into words satin an easy' chair under the tatters ed foliage of banana trees in his Iittie compoend. He smiled upon then, took off his hat to Jane and extended a withered paw, shaking hands with greater vigour than might have been', To the NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR a aboard the trans-Atlantic liner � `utt e ofr�1 is �. , o SAILING FROM MONTREAL; JULY 1. (from Quebec same evening) ' ... Ocean Fare, Montreal to New York, $40 p Automobiles on ship Montreal -New York, $35 Toronto-Monerool roll and• Montreal- W 3p up Circle Tours (i Now York on shlp, Now York-iorgnto )} 1 t'' roll: and sleeping car ����WWWW'"' Treat yourself to a smooth, cool, thrilling cruise down the romantic St. Lawrence, out to sea and so to the magnificent spectacle of the World's fair! It's four days on the stately ' Duchess of Richmond on her Hawaii -Alaska -Mexico Cruise— four days of swimming, sun bathing, dancing,.deck sports and entertainment—all on one of the largest ocean liners sailing from Montreal. CIRCLE Tours, $81.30 up from Toronto (pro rata else- • where), include cruise Duchess of Richmond Montreal -New York; 2 days hotel accommodation and sight-seeing in New York; rail and sleeping car accommodation New York - Toronto or intervening points. Leave Toronto June 30; sail Montreal, July 1; arrive back by train morning July 7: Longer stay in New York, if desired, at moderate cost. Also 9 -Day St. Lawrence Seaway Cruises to New York by ship both ways on the Duchess of Atholl, July 15 and 25,. August 4 and 14, $70 up. Rail to Montreal extra. Fearfull information see your own TRAVEL AGENT or E. P. Thompson Steamship General Agent, Canadian Pacific Bldg., Toronto, `Whiting -Pearce ing a turn in Burlington and went A quiet 'wedding was solemnized TO TRAIN AS JOCKEY Some Joe - day when the Kentucky into a ditch with the four wheels so qu e ,key may be Hughie Bell of Wingham, the air. I4Irs. Ballantyne suffered in Edmonton, Alta„ at the home of Ott Monday Hughie left for Montreal frons shock ,and other injuries white Mrs. 3. F. Knight, a former Han- where he will study to be a jockey Miss Janet was badly shaken up and sal) resident and Dominion president'and the peeple of Wingham wish him received a nasty bump on the back of the W. C. T. U., when Marjorra every success, .Hughie bas taken o. of her head. It was feared at first Gould, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Wil -'great interest in the lace horses that that site had saffered a fractured Ilam C. Pearce of Exeter, and form- were farmed out 'at Robert Cruik skull. They were both admitted to' erly of Hensall was united in mar- ishank'f His enthusiasm was noted the Hamilton Hospital, The threolriage to Dr. John E. Whiting, son'by Mr. Smith, of Montreal, who wilt men escaped with a shoaling up. Ate of Mr. and Mrs, J. E.Whiting of have charge of his training.—Wing- ter getting a wrecker to right his Toronto. The ceremony was per- hath Advocate -Times, car Mr. Ballantyne and Mr. Thomson formed by Rev, S. E. Irving, pastor were :able to proceed to Toronto' of Norwood United Church, Edmon- ton. Following the ceremony Mrs. where Mr. Ballantyne was presented to Their Majesties at the reception' at the Parliament Buildings. Mrs. Ballantyne and Janet returned tot their hone Tuesday the latter still suffering from the effects.—Exeter a.m.we arrive( at the Galapagos." dor explain it to one another. Some - pall. "We've got get there first," he thing had happened to Pardo and said, "and we've also got to know they were conscious of the change, p,n,, where to make for, There is a swarm yet ,could point to no definite sympi p.m..of islands to choose from, but the om. He was always somewhat un. Knight served a wedding breakfast to the bridal party and later Dr, and Mrs. Whiting left for their hums in Hazelton, B. C., where Dr. Whit- ' ing is assistant in an United Church 1h ita1 rinses -Advocate. p , RAIL CIGARETT ES "21» purest Form 1, which tobacco can be smoked" ® t delays y The thoughtful man won't lis- appoint his family on this chance of a lifetime!" He will make sure of his tires before he starts. New Goodyear tires with the deep - cut, road. -holding centre tread will get you there and back... safely! Make doubly sure of safety ; :: equip your car with the positive blowout protection of Goodyear LifeGuards. MORE PEOPLE MILL RIDE TO SEE THE KING AND QUEEN ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND Brownie's . Service Stati CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 5