HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-05-25, Page 8'PAGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD T1 RS., MAT -25; 19394 BEEF SHANIS, per lb. 7c BRISKET BOILS, per M. l O C RIB BOILS, per lb. 14c per lb• 15c HOME-MADE HEAD -CHEESE, per Ib. 10c 8 -LB. PAIL OF. HONEY 79c CO:NNEiL.L & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street VEAL STEWS; We Carry a Full Line of : RANGETTES, " HOT PLATES, TOASTERS CURLING IRONS, ELECTRIC FANS & etc. COAL OIL STOVES and OVENS COLEMAN STOVES, HOT PLATES & IRONS Lawn Mowers — Hedge Shears Rakes — Hoes and all Tools needed for lawn and. garden use. 1 Second -Hand Quebec Cook Stove at a price. BUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ,ONT. s �e� Ftift»1 F!IkFd» lotto tnkiel:Sve :»4»i»lalefe gealt3_hiekaa I»;»eaaaa*Xe[.:i3t sea' g This is the Season to Have Your Eavestroughing Done HAVE. YOURS OVERHAULED BY WORKMEN WHO KNOW THEIR JOB. PRICES ARE RIGHT. BEST MATERIALS USED. MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS LEAD — USE THEM T. a 1?:I Hardware and 'f kins7 Plumbing Phone 244 : THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY Provides the topic for many a fishing story. Are you going Perch fishing? STOP here. LOOK our stock over. BUY what you need and they won't get away. We have one of the most complete stocks of fishing equipment in Huron county. Headquarters for C, C. M. Bicycles, Indian Motorcycles, acces- sories and repairs Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR MAY 25 26 - 27th CORN, Garden Patch, 17 oz. 2 pkgs. 230 SHORTENING, Hillcrest . , . lb. 10c PICKLES, Sweet Mixed, 27 oz. jet' 23c RICE KRISPIES, Kellogg's, 2.pkgs, 23e TEA, ROYAL YORK, %2 Ib pkg. 31c I PIE CHERRIES, 13 oz. 2 tins 25c MINUTE TAPIOCA, ... 2 pkgs. 19c SALMON, Cascade, is, ... tin 14c PUMPKIN, Aylmer, 21/2s, 2 tins 19c LUX FLAKES, ]ge. pkg. 24c. SOAP, COMFORT, 3 cakes 13c "PROFESSOR PEPP" a comedy in three acts under the auspices of the Wesley - Willis Y.P.U. in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday, June 2nd at 8 o'clock. Admission 25c; Children 15c 36-2. GINGER SNAPS, ib. 16c VANILLA EXTRACT, `8 ozbtl. 15c TOMATOES, STD., 21/2s, 2 tins 17 TOMATO JUICE, Aylmer 21 oz. 3 tins 25e JAM, Apple & Raspberry or Apple 'I & Strawberry, 4 lb. tin 45c PINEAPPLES AT MARKET PRICE GRAPEFRUIT Size 9,6s, .. 6 for 25c NEW POTATOES, 6 lbs. 25c ',GREEN ONIONS & RADISIHES 3 bunches 10e T. RgFree TFJ!Delivery ti TUCKERSMITH ' Mr .and Mrs. Ray Fear spent a few days at Niagara Falls, :Mrs. H. J. Manning of Seaforth spent the holiday at the home of Mr. ROSE BUSHES We still have a good choice in HYBRID TEA ROSES Souvenir Premier Supreme Mary Bart — Briarcliff and Rose Hill. These rose bushes will give you blown in six to eight weeks from time of planting. ONLY 25c EACH FREE ROSE BUSH ONS FREE Rose Bush to every Purchaser of one dollar's worth of this stock. SPRING PLANTS Cabbage Plants which would mat- ure by July if planted now. 25c a box Prizetaker Onion Seedlings 'should be planted early for good results Largo Boxes 35e ' Asters, Snapdragons, Pansies, Alyssum all hardy for early planting out. 25c a box Cauliflower and Brussels Sprouts 25e a box 1938 Lupin Plants - 25c each Columbine and Cowslips Fine Clumps T 15c and 250 each Delphinium from 3" pots -10c each Climbing Roses, Choice Assort- ment and heavy .roots Silver Moon Breeze Hill New Dawn Paul's Scarlet 45e and 50e each F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention givento funeral orders. • and Mrs. R. Fear, Phones 176 and 31 BUY GOODS AT YOUR OWN PRICE The quickest way known to us to clear out odds and ends of stock is tohave no thought of profit and to matte the price just what our Mende are disposed to play. Our method is one we have used before with ad- vantage to ourselves in clearing out the goods but with much greater ad- vantage to our customers as to price. Sonia call it an auction sale up side down, others a left handed auction sale. The goods are assembled in our north window and to -day (Thursday) the price will be choice 85c, Friday 80e and Saturday 75e, and the redue tion will continue until one cent is reached. Some gooc are marred, some slightly damaged, others we have had with us too long, and dis- continued lines in our stock make up the balance. The goods must go and the question for you, to decide is—Do you want any of the articles display- ed and what price da you want to pay?—The original price ofsome o, the pieces was $4.00.. Duo to the nature of this sale we cannot ex- change any articles. IT PAYS TO PLAY And thisis the time of the year to commence. If its Tennis, Base- ball, Softball, Golf, etc., we have most of the things you require to compete in your favorite sport. If your fancy turns to fishing we have a generous assortment of tackle, rods, bait, etc. It has been reliably re- ported that the perch are on their annual spring run at both Bayfield and Goderich. Be sure to get your share of the fish and `remember "If It Swims, We Can Catch It." The W. 11 Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Al«67. the Beet 1 IIII'h�'I�`WII,nIIIIIII IIID num„ „ Nem" Miss Maude Torrance is visiting in Toronto this week. Mrs. J. Silcock and Miss Mary visit- ed Toronto friends last weekend. Mrs. A. D. McCautney spent the weekend with Toronto friends. Mrs. (Dr,) W. A, Oakes and Harris spent the weekend in Toronto. Mrs, Geo. Crooks of Delhi spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil VanHorne of Toronto are visiting with Ide. and Mrs. Frank Layton. Mr. and Mrs. George McCartney and Mrs. Wallace Wheatley of Wood stock spent Monday in town. Miss Sybil Courtiee of Japan has arrived in Vancouver and is ex- pected in Clinton this weekend. Mrs. Frank. Brant and Miss Beverlee are spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. John Watkins of town. Rev. J. H. Colclough of Thornhill paid a brief visit at the home of Itis mother, Mrs. A. Colclough this week. Miss Clara Bali, nurse -in -training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the holiday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ball. Mr. and Mrs. J, F. Johnston and Mr. Keith Johnston of Ashfield were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Johnston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Watkins and son, Jack spent the weekend in Mt. For- est with the fornier's sister, Mrs. Frank Brant and family, Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Aiken spent Sun- day in Thorold, the guests of Rev. and Mrs, M. J. Aiken, also visiting friends in Winona and Delhi. Mrs. John Watkins and Mrs. George Taylor have returned home from Niagara Falls where they attended the meeting of Grand Lodge. Miss Gwen. Holmes, daughter of the late Rev. A. A. Holmes, former pastor of Wesley -Willis United Church, paid) Clinton fr;encs a brief visit on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Keenlyside' of Toronto, recently of Vancouver., spent the weekend at "Woodlands Farm with Mr. , and Mrs. T. R. Jenkins and other relatives in the vicinity. Mrs. Mary Sperling who has spent the past few weeps withher daugh- ter, Mrs. Collett of Niagara Falls returned hone on. Tuesday. MPs, Collett returned with her and will spend the next two weeks in town. Miss Helen Keane and Mr. James Keane have returned to their home at Saskatoon, Sask., after visiting friends in this vicinity, They were accompanied home by Mrs, Thomas Jackson. of .Toronto, formerly of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Edwards of Souris, Manitoba, are visiting the Tatter's brother, Mr. George Cant- elon and other friends Mr, Ed- wards reports that crops in his dis- triot are further advanced than they are in Ontario. Miss Elsie Sperling, R.N., of Detroit who has just returned froma five week's cruise to the West Indies and South America on; the S. S. "Colborne," spent a [few clays i.tt town and leaves today for her home in Detroit. For PrornptService Phone 48 CARROTS, ` bunch 5c PEAS, tender pound IOc CELERY HEARTS, ... 2 bunches 19c 'Home -Grown TOMATOES, ... lb. 29c LEAF LETTUCE, 3 for 25c Imported fancy quality TOMATOES, pound 16c Florida .ORANGES with that extra quality, large size ......... dozen 45c GREEN BEANS, 2 pounds 25c NEW ` No. 1 Grade ' POTATOES 61bs. 25c Fresh Fruits AND Select Vegetables NEW Firm. Heade WAX BEANS, RADISHES, homegrown, large bunches 3 bunches 10c Home-grown, fresh daily ASPARAGUS, 2 ige. bun's. 13e Fancy Eating APPLES, dozen 39c Juicy Russet GRAPEFRUIT, ORANGES, Sunkist CABBAGE 2 lbs. 9c 1 .PINEAPPLES' 2 pounds 25c 6 for 25c 2 doz, 45c each 16c Extra Values in Quality Groceries COOLING DRINKS__ outstanding value Eine quality large 30 oz. of bottles GINGER ALE ORANGE LEMON -LIME ROOT BEER 1 a bottle Cplus 5c bottle deposit PURE LARD! lb. IOC PUFFED RICE The summer cereal 2 pkg. 15c Tasty Chocolate CAKES ib. 15c TOMATO JUICE Choice quality 3 tins 23c SANDWICH SPREADS AssortRed 10C A good quality 30 ft. roll WAX PAPER ROLL, 1OC Sweet Mustard PICKLES, 20 oz, jar 15c , Dainty Paper • SERVIETTES,• 100 in pkg. 15c 40061011.00110.4 SHRIMPS, Sale Price, tin 15c LIPTON'S Delicious TEA, , 1 lb. 31c RINSO, ' 1 large 1 small 25c A Higher Grade SOAPFLAKES, 29c 5 1b. box SIIEARING& NORMAN The Red & White Store — Clinton THE SALVATION ARMY Tag Day Saturday, May 27th Your assistance will be appreciated. In aid of our Social Service and Missionary Work. PRESBYTERIAN Annual Bazaar 0n Sat. Afternoon, June 3 in Church Basement Commencing at 2 o'clock. Convenors of Booths: Country, Store Mrs. Ward Gift Booth Mrs. Roberton Apron Mrs. Cook Rummage Mrs. Streets Candy Mrs. McKenzie 5 to 25c Booth .... Mrs. McTaggart Home -Made Baking ... Mrs. Neilans 25c Supper to he served from 5 to 7 by Girl's Club EVERYBODY WELCOME 37-2. RILEY'S GROCERY. Where Quality Sells & Service Tells SPECIALS • LARGE PINES. MEDIUM PINES. 2 for REDPATH SUGAR .. 10 lbs. for ORANGES, Sunkist .., 2 doz. MEDIUM. ORANGES Sunkist ORANGES 'Large GRAPEFRUIT, Large .... 6 for G. B. CORN 3 for CHOICE TOMATOES ... 3 for PEAS 3 for LEAF LETTUCE 2 for TOMATOES lb. LARGE RINS,O, 1 small P&GSOAP 5 2 for 39c 29c 56c 35c 25c ?5c; 25c 25c 25c 25c 15c 17c 25c , 3a far 19c RILEY'S Grocery Phone 39. Free Snappy Delivery, It Will Pay You TO CALL & SEE OUR BRAND NEW STOCK OF FURNITURE. Business has been good this spring, so you will see the latest styles at lowest prices. You will soon be spending more time out doors—See our stock of VerandahandLawn La i Furniture for style and comfort. Also New Dining Room & Bedroom Suites, Studio Couches, Occasional Chairs, End Tables and Centre Tables. We have a special price on Bathroom Mats, Hassocks and Pads for seats and Backs of old Kitchen chairs. SOME GOOD USED FURNITURE, an Organ and a Portable Electric Sewing Machine. Hardware Department Get your pick of our LAWN MOWERS while the stock is good, also Lawn and Garden Hose and Tools. All Kinds of PAINTS, VARNISHES, SHELLACS and WAXES, Brushes for alt classes of work. A REAL SPECIAL PRICE YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS, SHICIC RAZOR with 8 BLADES and ONE TUBE PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM for 49c. The Store With the Stock. BALL and ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Embalmers, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. Phones: Store 795; N. Ball, 110; J. J. Zapfe, 103 kT:4± 4-4;1«W:t%oR4•Iiieake:.4.1e `mate :.4U',an4144.1a41At4.«2»: :3':=1 cttal4.%t fA CASH BARGAINS Fresh Boneless Beef Rolls, shoulder cuts, lb. 14c, Fresh Boneless Beef Rolls, flank cuts, .,,.,..., lb. 12c Cottage Rolls, by the whole roll, per lb. 22c Bologna in piece, pea lb. '14c Breakfast Bacon in piece, per 1b. 27c Shortening, Buffo, 2 lbs. 23c Lard, Whytes, 2 lbs. for 19c Pork & Beans, Libbys, 2 large tins 23c Tea in bulk, Black or Mixed, per Ib.' 39c' Coffee, Happy Day Brand, quality guaranteed, per lb. 35c Peanut Butter, 2 lbs. in quart jems, each 33c f 5 for 19c, Jelly Powders, IXL Brand, Prunes, Good Cookers, 3lbs' 25c RINSO, 1 large pkg. & 1 small pkg., the twvo 25c Super Suds, 1 large pkg. & 2 tcakes of 'Coleon Toilet Soap 21c Pearl White Naptha Soap, 5 cakes for 17c Palmolive Shave Cream and Schick Injector° Razor with 8 genuine Schick blades, all for 49c Colgates Tooth ,Powder—Buy a large 35c tin and you will be given with it a 20c tin for 1 extra cent. 55c Value for only 36c Fresh Asparagus Cuttings, Carrots, Lettuce, Ona r s, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Grape Fruit, Oran es, an,.; nos,. Lemons and Paneappl' s CLIFFORD L.