HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-05-18, Page 8I,' LGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THUM, MAT 18 1939 BRISKET BOIL, RIB BAIL, VEAL STEW, LAMB STEW, MINCE MEAT, 2 lbs. for 25c • lb. lOc lb. 14c lb. 1;5c IN 15c CONNELL & TYNDALL CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET Phone 162. Albert Street e Call and See our Up -To -The -Minute Electric Washers Get a Demonstration. LAWN MOWERS, with rubber tires, Priced from $7,50 — $15,00 COAL OIL STOVES—ELECTRIC HOT PLATES RANGETTES—IRONERS—TOAI,STERS 1 Second -Hand QUEBEC COOK, with warming' Closet, Complete for" $25.00 SUTTER Co' PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ,ONT. "460 $1..4.A.63:kaI7$!: '�Ii ttE44..1ale : fe'aa'«wS.6atete1.441 4.1.1,:!44.4.4 .1.carhi This is the Season to Have Your Eavestroughing Done HAVE YOURS OVERHAULED BY WORKMEN WHO KNOW THEIR JOB. PRICES ARE RIGHT. BEST MATERIALS USED, MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS LEAD — USE THEMre CI Hardware and ;� 9 PlumbingPhone244 I.Q.hi+0%4,i :4.1.4441 i M1 , tol...1 444..+j+.:++i++'et.4.i41K41 :+'.1.0.1": 1.4e1a .tata:+141 1;4141 =.+ rip a id PLAY BALL— Make this year headquarters for Baseball Supplies. If we haven't got it we can give you 24 hour service. FISHING TIME— You'll find everything you need here and priced to sell too. BICYCLES Repaired and Overhauled. Alt accessories in stock. Also Indian Motorcycles. Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales Superior Stores PHONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR MAY 18 - 19 - 20th CORN FLAKES, Sugar Krisp, 4 pkgs. 25c TOMATOES, Aylmer, Sgt, Size Tin, 5c JAM, Raspberry or Strawberry, 2 lb. jar for 27c SARDINES, Brunswick, .... Tin 5c SHORTENING, Hillcrest, 2lbs. 23c FLOUR, Arctic Pastry, 24 lb. bag 49c HANDY AMMONIA, Ige. pkg. , ; 5c LUX TOILET SOAP, ... 3 cakes 17c TOMATOES, Lge. Size, 2c/2s, 3 tins for 25c PEAS and CORN, 17 oz. 3 tins 25c TOMATO JUICE, Aylmer, 21 oz., 3 tins 25c TEATIME WAFERS, Manning's, , Ib. . . 17c CHOC. BRIDGE DAINTIES, lb. 19c MAGIC WHITE BLEACH, 3 btls. 25c PORK & BEANS, Libby's, 2 tins 17e PINEAPPLES, Lge. Size, . 2 for 39c PINEAPPLES, Size 24s, ... each 15c LEAF LETTUCE, Home -Grown, 2 bunches for 17c TOMATOES, Good Quality, .Ib15c FRESH STRAWBERRIES HOME-GROWN ASPARAGUS T. R. THflMPSON Production Up Huron County produced 39,776 more lbs. of, butter the first four months of 1939 in comparison with the same period a year ago. The production of cheddar cheese during the same period shows' a sharp increase. "PROFESSOR PEPP" a comedy in three acts under the auspices of the Wesley - Willis Y.P.U. in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday, June 2nd • at 8 o'clock. Admission 25c; Children 15c 36.2. SEEDS A Complete Line of Burpees Flower and Vegetable Seeds Summer Flowering Bulbs: Gladioli, Begonias, Tigridias, Montbretias, Lilys, Pompon Dahlias. Also a quantity of nice year-old roots of Foxglove; Long -spurred Colum- bine, 5c per root. Clifford H. Epps Phone 264. THE SALVATION ARMY Tag Day Saturday, May 27th They Came They Saw They Concurred They (nearly al- ways) bought . That is- the way it have been annually for many, years, Some goods soiled or marred, some we just want to anxiously dispose of, offered to you at a very noticeable reduction in price. The goods are in our North window and must be sold. Our method to assure their sale is to daily reduce the price until you see what you Want at the price. you wish to pay. We started the price at "Your Choice $1,00." On. Monday next it will be 95c if you wait till Saturday, May 27th it will be 75c and so it will continue until le is reached. Some articles en display were originally priced as high as $4.00. You have the chance of buying at your own price when that day's price arrives. There may be some goods in the window you want or need at the price you want to pay. If you do not, come the next day and the price will be less. Owing to the daily change of prices, there will be no exchange of articles during this sale. Tue W. D. Fair Go Often the Cheapeet--Amway. the Beet 1 .0 L II�::�� ImIlilVlllll8niiinmlinu�ouin�nuunippuclllj� Mrs. M. Ford and Edna visited Paisley friends on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnston spent Mother's Day in Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Roberton were at Mr. Geo. Roberton's over Sunday last. Mrs. (Dr.) McCallum of Kingstonis visiting her mother, Mrs. John Wiseman. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pinner of Tor- onto visited at Mrs. C. H. Bartliff's over last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Churchill spent several days last week at their cot- tage at Bayfield. Miss Irene Abbott of the Collegiate staff spent the weekend at her home in Hamilton. Mr. Benson Corless came up from Norwich to spent Mother's Day with his parents in town. Mrs. Harry Heslop of Detroit attended the funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Henry McBrien Mrs, J. T. Crich spent Sunday in New Hamburg at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mair. Miss Helen and Mrs. James King of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, are vis- iting friends in town. Mrs, Garnet McBrion has returned to Detroit having attended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. McBrien. Mrs. G. Hunter of Exeter visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Higgins and Mrs. T. J. McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kemp of London spent the weekend with Mrand Mrs. David Eason, Goderich town- ship. ownship. Miss Lina Aro.. of Strasbourg, Sask. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Wilmer Wallace and other rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mutch and Mr, and Mrs'. James Kelly spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mutch. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bishop of Burlington spent the weekend at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jervis. Mr. and Mrs. Barreltrop and Mr. and Mrs. Henderson of Hanover were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Hawke. Miss Gladys Radford, nurse -in -train- ing at Victoria Hospital, London, spent a few days at the home, of her patents, owing to the death of her grandmother, Mrs, Hugh Rad- ford. ' Your assistance will be appreciated. In aid of our Social Service and Missionary Work. BASEBALL "OPENING GAMES MAY 24th 10.00 a.m.-Intermediate HENSALL Vs. CLINTON 3.00 p.m.—Juvenile HENSALL Vs., CLINTON STANLEY Mr. and Mrs, Vietar Taylor, and Morley, Leola . and Arnold, also Mrs. Thos Campbell visited Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Woods of St. Helen's last Sunday. Miss Charlotte Johnson, re- turned home with them to visit for a while, GODERICH NATIVE GETS SCIENCE FELLOWSHIP Dr. Norman S. Buchanan, 32, of Toronto, at present assistant profes- sor of economics, University of. Cali- fornia, has been awarded a fellow- ship by the Social Science Research Council, Rockefeller Foundation. Dr. Buchanan is one of a .dozen out of 400 United States and Cana- dian applicants awarded fellowships by the council. He will spend a year abroad in study, dealing with the problem, of business cycle control. A native of Goderich, Dr. Buchan- an received his early education. in Toronto schools, graduating fro,. the University of Toronto with honors in 1927; received his 1VLA, from Cornell University in 1929, and the degree of doctor of philosophy from Cornell in 1931. r The Red & White Store — Clinton Quality Combined With Service Phone 48 and VEGETABLES Special Values May18--20 Fresh QUALITY FRUITS pkg 7c —A LARGE VARIETY AT A LOWER PRICE CORN FLAKES, Sugar Krisp, TOMATO JUICE, Sun -Ripe 2for15c BEANS, Golden Wax 2 for 15c PEAS, Belle City 2 for 15c CORN, Golden 2 for 15c MACARONI, 16 oz. pkg. 2 for 15c SPAGHETTI, 16 oz. pkg. 2 for 15c PLUM JAM, G. M. 32 oz. jar 21c MARMALADE, Orange, 32 oz. jar 2'1c PICKLES, ' Sweet Mustard, 20 oz. jar 1SC LARD, Pure Elgin ib. lOc CAKES, Chocolate Peanut, Ib. 17c TEA, Lipton's, 1/2 lb. pkg. 31c GRAPEFRUIT Juice, 15 oz. Tin NEW CABBAGE e a pound HEAD LETTUCE 2 for 23c CELERY HEARTS large bunches 2 for 25c TOMATOES selected 16c ib Extra Fancy Hot House pound 29c NEW CARROTS Sc a bunch PINEAPPLEIS GOOD, SIZE IOC each BEETS Top Quality 2 bunches 15c Strawberries fancy quality quart boxes 25c NEW POTATOES 5c a potind -PEAS Sweet - Tender 1Oc pound ASPARAGUS Home -Grown large "bunches , 2 for 15c BEANS Green or Wax 2 pounds 25c CAN , PINEAPPLES - NOW PRICES ARE ADVANCING We will maintain our low prices on case and half -case lot for this week only LARGE SIZE PINEAPPLES, each 19c 7c MEDIUM SIZE PINEAPPLES, each 15c SPRING PLANTS Cabbage Plants which would mat lie by July if planted now. 25c a box Prizetaker Onion Seedlings should be planted early for good results Largo Boxes 35c Asters, Snapdragons, Pansies, Alyssum all hardy for early planting out. 25c a box Cauliflower and Brussels Sprouts 26c a box 1938 Lupin Plants — 25c each Columbine and Cowslips Fine Clumps — 15c and 25c each Delphinium from 3" pets -10e each Climbing Roses, Choice Assort- ment and heavy roots Paul's Scarlet Breeze Hill Silver Moon New Dawn 45c and 50c each SPh1CIAL -- Hybrid Tea Roses Choice Varieties — 25c each F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 RILEY'S GROCERY. Where Quality Sells & Service Tells Large Pine apple and Sugar Week RILEY'S Grocery Phone 39. Free Snappy Delivery. 3 .w +E ; :«I.0 IK: :.,»«or,«Y ;.;,-, +1. ;w,«:4: w ::Mw«w,«w;w;Ko ; Ii(K! .) It Will Pay You TO CALL & SEE OUR BRAND NEW STOCK OF FURNITURE. Business has been good this spring, so you will see the latest styles at lowest prices. You will soon be spending more time out doors—See our stool; of Verandah and Lawn Furniture for style and comfort. Also. New Dining Room & Bedroom Suites, Studio Couches, Occasional Chairs, End Tables and Centre Tables. We have a special price on Bathroom Mats, Hassocks and Pads for seats and Backs of old Kitchen chairs. Hardware Department . • Get your pick of our LAWN. MOWERS while the stock is good, also Lawn and Garden Hose and Tools. All Kinds of PAINTS, VARNISHES, SHELLACS and WAXES, Brushes for all classes of work. A REAL SPECIAL PRICE YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS, SNICK RAZOR with 8 BLADES and ONE TUBE PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM for 49c, The Store With the Stock. BALL and ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Embalmers, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. ,ji Phones: Store 195; N. Ball, 110; J. J. Zapfe, 103 sl en, Boys and Youths Men's Summer -weight . Washable Pants, Zero Shrunk, Sizes 30 to 44, Per Pair $1.59 Boy's Summer -weight Washable Pants, Zerd Shrunk, Ages 14, 16, 18, Per Pair $1.59 Men's Dress Shirts, Cotton Broadcloth in Smart Colors and Patterns, 98c, $1.25, $1.49 Boy's Dress Shirts, new patterns 89c Men's White and Colored Short -Sleeved Jerseys, 59c Boy's Colored Short -Sleeved Jerseys 49c Men's Wool Sweaters, short sleeves 98c Men's Guaranteed 8 oz. Blue Denim Overall Pants, Per Pair $1.49 Walker's High -Grade Overalls, sized from a child 4 years to men's size 44. This line can save you money. Boy's Work Shirt, Blue Cotton, 2' shirts $1 19 ASIVIMBREINNI Boy's Blue Denim Overall Pants, Per Pair $1.15 Men's Work Shirts, blue cotton, wellmade, full cut. 2 shirts $1.29 Men's Broadcloth Shorts and Jerseys, Per Pair 69c Boy's Broadcloth Shorts and Jerseys, Per Pair 49c Men's Balbriggan Combinations,: short sleeves, short legs, no buttons, Per Suit 59c Men's Wool Work Socks 4 Pair 95c Men's Cotton Work Socks, 2 pair 35c Men's Dress Socks, Silk, 3 Pair $1.00. Boy's Golf Socks, 2 Pair 49c We will be pleased to display and price to you our, Oxfords, Work Boots and Summer Lines of Footwear. We Guarantee Our Good Lines. . 1 • „Iri1