HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-05-18, Page 6PAGE 6 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., MAY' '18, 1939 ) INTERNATIONAL S. S. ,LESSON 1 MAY 21 Lesson Text Eph. 5:15-21; 6:1-4. by REV. GORDON A. PEDDIE, B.A. "Drink no wine nor strong drink, tended to be uppermost 1n this week's thou, nor thy sons with thee." These study.: Teas reference provides 'no words are given to us as a `Golden better. •support for the idea of total Text' for this week's lesson. Sunday abstinencethan does the passage 'School teachers are supposed to 'see from which the Editors of these Lee- that this verse is memorized just as sons wrenched the 'Golden Text'. The Broadcasting the Royal Visit To Toronto Toronto, happy in the Royal pseudonym of "Queen City", awaits the visit of Their Majesties. On Monday, May 22, the Riig and Queen arrive at Toronto on the fourth important stage of their journey it stands, by the pupils in their verse from Ephesians reads, "And be across Canada. The pµovincial cap - classes. Sunday School teachers are not DRUNK with wine, wherein is ital plans a memorable welcome. given the task of teaching the Scrip- EXCESS; but be filled with the In eight'rrowded hours, the Royal tures, and the obvious intention of Spirit" (ch 5:18). In radical contrast visitors will drive over a 28 -mile the Editors of the Suleday School to the total abstinence position of route through bedecked city streets, to a sub- Lessons, and oe the sie-called 'Temp; the present day, this. passage -and thronged with a million y l arable picture as. el -lie Majesties en- circle the track in the Royal landeau before alighting directly in front of the Royal box to take the salute. Their Majesties will view the race, surrounded by thousands of their sub- jects, just as they have done on. so many occasions in, England. As the Ring presents the guineas and the trophy es£alilished by Queen Victoria, CBC will terminate its radio cover- age of the Royal visit to Torontm mance Advocates', is to use this the whole of the Scriptures—does jects. They will receive addresses of - `Golden Text' as a 'Scriptural proof speak of TEMPERANCE! • 'welcome at City Hall and Queen s of the necessity for `total abstinence' j In concIu'sion it is necessary to in -,Park, be entertained at Hart House, among Christians. Children who eons- dicate the Scriptural attitude towards , University of Toaonto and attend the mit this 'Golden Text' to memory that, excess which Leads to drunken -180th running of the King's Plate, it will be driven to the belief that the 'nese against which Paul ,speaks in will be the first time in Canadian theory of total abstinence is based such a passage as the following,; history that the Monarch has been upon, Scriptural authority. The temp. "Now the works of the flesh are present to bestow the guineas to the erance advocates will have gained manifest, which are, Adultery, form owner of the victorious racer. their point,—but they will have gain- cation, uncleanness, lasciviousness, The CBC, continuing its planned ed their paint at the expense a a idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, broadcasting of the Royal visit, will gross perversion of the Scriptures emulations, strife, seditions, heresies, schedule four presentations which which amounts to nothing short of a envyings, murders, drunkenness, re- will be carried over a coast-to-coast deceitful lie! Iveilings, and such • like: of the which network during the day. These will The passage from which the 'Gold.. -.I tell you before, as I have also told include a running commentary of the en Text' is taken reads as follows:1you in time past, that they which do historic race at Woodbine track be - "And the Lord Spake unto Aaron, such things shall not inherit the fore an estimated attendance of 140, - saying, Da not drink wine nor strong kingdom of God" (Gal. 5:19-21). This drink, thou nor thy sons with thee, is the position indicated in numerous WHEN YE GO INTO THE TABER- ether passages, of which the reader NACU! of the congregation, lest ye tether see, for example, Luke 21:34; die...." (Leviticus 10:8ff). This pas-lEam. 13:13;'1. Cor. 5;11; 6:10. sage, and this 'Golden Text', have no reference whatever to the general conduct of' men and women either in Old Testament or in New Testament 000 people, a deseription of the scene on University campus when the sure you that we know, and are Queen, as Colonel -in -Chief of the grateful, that it is we, and not the Regiment, presents Colours to the great and mighty of this land, whom Toronto Scottish, and accounts of the,,you have come to visit. official provincial welcome to Their True„ we shall not be presented Majesties within the Legislative to you; our names—which are Jones ANOTHER NEW INDUSTRY Chamber and the Royal party's •ar- and Macdonald and O'Higgins and Hebert and Johanssen and Schneider and Straus and Salvatore—will not be registered in the official diary of your tour nor on the tablets of your retentive royal memory. Never- theless we are the people whom you are visiting—we, and not the three free to drink wine and strong drink' soon. They will be transferred to out- form the background of a ay 's hundred guests with whom you will —but they were forbidden, on pain • side tanks. The females starts laying pageant. dine at Rideau Hall or the five bund - of death, to drink of wine or strong eggs, as many as 2,000 each, and by+ Emerging from the heart of the red at Hart House. These we know mid -town business district, the King have been picked for you by the of - drink when they were engaged in the l Apr]i the eggs will be turning out, ficials according to the rules of the game. We are not jealous of them, for we know that you would much rath- er have dined with us — or, since there are rather too many of us, law governing the Nazirites is given the frogs are in prime condition to and 'a half. Along its way ave with -run-of-the-nine sample 'of us; in Numbers 6:1-21. From this law repay Gould. Then, the sacrifice be- travelled soldiers, homesteaders,'trad- say a farmer or two (yes, we are a it is seen that a man or woman may, gins—for those with the fattest legs ers did 'educators from the days of bit sorry you are going to be short of his or her own desire, take unto are (skinned and bundled in dozen Governor S•imcoe t o this year of on farmers, they are still the back - themselves certain vows, among them lots and put on the market. He re- specie] grace. bone of this country, even if the the vow to have n ,thong whatever sieves from 25 to 40 cents a disci Turning into the broad roadway of backbone is a bit bent with shovlder- to do with the 'fruit of the vine',; and for the frog legs. The largest number i University Avenue, Their Majesties ing the national debt), a printer's this applies not only to ]'quids, but of frogs he has had on hand at one will see the modern sweep of boule- foreman, an automobile mechanic, a even to the dried grapes (w 2, 3)• time is 90,000. yards and fine buildings leading to corner grocer, a telephone switch - The vows are not taken for life, ac- 1 cording to the laws governing the; Nazirite, but only for that period of} LUCKNOW PIPERS HEAD separation purposed by the one who VIITERANS would so consecrate himself — after No doubt the most outstanding en - the `days of separation' are fulfilled mentators will give the first of the night run with the chap who drives ADDREOS OF THE COMMON PEOPLE By 13. K. Sandwell • Your Majesties: WE, THE ordinary, common -or - garden people of Canada, desire to greet you. We desire to welcome you to our country—which is also your country because we are yourpeople. We desire above all to as - Blissfully hibernating in mud and rival at the Parliament Buildings times; and only by a complete distor- water tanks in the cellar of Fred shortly after detraining at North Tor - tion of meaning can this passage be Goulds' farm home, near Crissey, onto Station. used to defend the position that no Oria, are 25,000 frogs unaware that Parks ablaze with tulips, streets believer can ever drink wine or strong' soon they will provide $3,000 in reve- decked with flags and draped ,stand - drink. Even Aaron and his sons, ae-'nue for Gould, The frogs will begin Ards, citizens smiling their welcome cording to the Old Testament, were I emerging from their winter quarters and smart constabulary on duty, will • th d priestly duties of the tabernacle. I thousands of little pollywogs. A and Queen will be transported £or In the Seriptures,oth in Old and string of electric lights hung over the the first two miles of their drive over -b New Testament, the necessity for' pond will be turned on each night.' the most travelled section of one of total abstinence in regard to drink Bugs will be attracted to the lights the longest streets in the world. is confined entirely to the class of:The The frogs and pollywogs will eat the I Yonge street has been the axis of individuals called 'N'aazlirites; The bugs After five months of a bug diet i the community's life for .a century the beautiful approach to Queen's board oPerator, a professor of swine Park. It will be as they pass around husbandry, and the man who mends the lower crescent into the centrad the breaks in the Niagara transmis- driveway to the Parliament BuiId- sion cables. Ings' main entrance, that GBC cons -I' WE WISH you coauld go for a the pasty may again drink wine (vv gagement of (heir careers is the one dayl'sT descriptive :accounts. This the fastest motor truck between Lon - 13 -21 especaaliy verse 20}. There are that will take the members of the broadcast will be heard on the Na- don and Toronto. We wish you could have a lunch with the girl who does the (detretarial wort for old. ----of the—Manufacturing Company; you will meet him, but he won't tell you that he couldn't run the show with- outt roug amen r e w o a en - her assistance. We wish you the— be taken as providing authority for phones, located in the East gallery, could go to the bottom of idea of total abstinence for all ed a recent veteran's meeting in will pick up the proceedings as the Mine- with Old Charlie, who has sav- thebelievers than can the case of Aaron London, when plans were being laid Premier reads the address . of Wel- ed at least Tarty men from .pretty and his sons when they were forbid- 'for the Royal visit, and arrangements' come. certain death because he knows the den to drink when engaged in their to secure the local band - were left The presentation of Colours' to the tricks of the old hole -in -the -ground priestly duties in the tabernacle. I with 1VI . Mitchell, Transportation Toronto Scottish by the Queen, will as a mother knows the tricks of her It is evident from Jesus' own wards will be provided for the Band to Lon- be broadcast from the University baby son. We wish you could take' don and return, north Campus at 12.45 to 1.15 pan. that He was not a Nazirite, for He p set Himself up, both by word and' - ' EDST. deed, in sharp contrast to John thc CHURCH STILL USES ) Proud tradition surrounds Ontario's Baptist. Take, for 'example, Jesus' COMMUNION SET MISS ` principal seat of learning. Largest words' to the Pharisees as recorded NIGHTINGALE BOUGHT in the Dominion of Canada, the Uni- in Luke 7:33,.34, "John the'Baptist versity of 'Toronto owes its origin to came neither eating bread nor drink= Parishioners at the little Church of John Strachan who became first Ang- ing wine; and ye say, He hath a St. John the Evangelist, Elora, still lican Bishop of Toronto. The Charter devil. The'Son of man is come eat-, partake of Holy Communion from the was granted in 1827 to ."King's Col- ing AND DRINKING; and ye say, silver set presented by Florence lege", as, the University was first Behold a gluttonous man, and a wine- Nightingale to Rev: John Smithurst, known. University ,College, facing the hither, a friend of publicans and sin -1 the cousin whom her family refused'south lawn, is one' of the continent's nets," It is.impossible to find any- to let her marry. 'finest examples of Norman architec-I where in the Gospel records either' Inscribed upon the paten are these time. Near by stands Hart House, from Jesus' words or conduct 'any words in Latin: "Acting for someone eentre of the University's social and : support whatever for the so-called else, Ebenezer Hall gives this set of athletic life, 'where Their Majesties � 'temperance' attitude which requires communion to Rev. John Smithurst, a' will take luncheon before piroceeding total abstinence from every form of very dear friend, in grateful reeogni- to the Spring Meet at Woodbine Park.' alcoholic drink' on the part of every tion of many kindnesses, AD. 1852."' The climax of the day's brroadcast- individualbeliever. It may be infelr-,The "someone else" is Florence ing will °vine at 3.15 to 3,45 pan. EDI red that Paul the Apostle took the. Nightingale, the lady with the damp ST (possibly 'with an additional DI - vows of a Nazirite upon one occasion whose ministrations in the Crimean,' teen minutes). CBC Commentators, (Acts 18:18). But if. this be' true War created the nursing profession., located high on the grandstand ansi it shows, not that Paul,always ab -1 For six years, alter spending twice in centre'field close to the steward's stained from 'those things specified that. time among' the Indians in the stand, will give their story of the in his vows, but. rather that he did ; Red River settlement, Mr. Smithurst 'Royal party's arrival and the bestow - so, for estow-so,'for special purposes of consecra was rector at St, John's. Ile died al of the.' Royal purse at the con- tion,' during his period of 'sepia -aeon'. in 1869 at the age of fifty-seven and elusion of -the King's Plate. Cele - The ,:passages ,-in our Lesson Text was buried in St. ;John's Cemetery.'brated as one of the mast beautifully from l0phesians Contain but one ref- where a freestone cross marks his .situated courses in North America, dente to the question which is in- grave. Woodbine Park will present a mem- certain outstanding exceptions to the Lucknow Pipe Band to Lons on a lienal Network at 11.$0 to 11.50 a.m. law governing the Nazirite, in the have a part in the ex -servicemen's men. cases of Samson, Samuel; and John activities, on June 7th on the ow:tel nl Their Majesties will be conducted the Baptist, these taking' the vow. of th sty, of Their Majesties to to the Legislative Chamber by Lieut - for life- But by the very reason that Ithat ei , l enant-Governor Matthews and Preni- The engagement was , secured Ter Hepburn. • There,CBC these are are exceptions they can no more h h J Mich 11 h tt d without our deepest sympathy, into, the hands of official Canada, which' will. see to it that you meet only the Best People—some of whom are very good and some not so good, but all: of whom can be relied upon not to, drink out of the fingc(rebowls nor to slap you on the back and call you "Old Pal." For ourselves, we shall be con- tent to , stand along our lino of march and wave little flags and cheer our little cheers which collectively will make a good flag-waving and quite a noisy cheering, -or even, 'if we are too far from your line of march, to wave our flags mentally' and to cheer in imagination as we think of you passing by, it may be two or three hundred miles away, and yet nearer to us than any King and Queen of Great Britain and of Can- ada have ever been before. AND one other thing, Your Maj- esties. We are emboldened to ad- dress you in these respectful but un- conventional terms, because we be- lieve that both by your short rival experience and by the long -developed instinct of the great families to which you each belong, you are not unskilled in reading beneath the of- ficial veneer to the solid timber of popular feeling that lies below it, We believe that the cheers and the flag- waving of us, the million$ of the Canadian people who will .line your. path, will mean more to you than the conversation of the official din- ner -parties and the resolutions, loyal and we tie* grammatical, of the legislators and the aldermen, the bankers and the beef -barons and the boards of trade. We are the people who will do the fighting for you when your Crown next needs to be defended by force of arms. We are themothers who bring up the- next generation of your Canadian people in, love to your throne. We are the men and women whose brain and brawn keep the life of this your Dominion going, so far as official Canada will let us. We are the people you have come to visit. We welcome you to your own. -Toronto Saturday Night, May 15th. tea with the young wife of a young doctor up in the young Peace River country. We wish you could attend a meeting of one of the little Canad- ian Clubs, say in the Okanagan Val- ley. We thing it would be nice if you could spend a day up in a fire - ranger's tower near the B,C.-Alberta boundary, and just look out over ten - thousand square miles of mountain forest with net a mayor or a provin-. tial Minister or 'a telegraph operator — and scarcely a human being -- nearer nearer than twenty miles away. And we should have liked you to drop • in for ten minutes at the meeting of the United Church Ladies' Aid Society of— ', Sask. WE KNOW that it was not pos- sible that these .things should be clone, though we know also that you would'have liked to have themdone if it had been possible; but we think they would have helped you to do what you are coming to Canada for, namely to know_ and understand your Canadian .people. What can they know of Canada, who only official Canada know? And so, Your Majesties, for the next three weeks we resign you, not The most revolutionary tire design in fifty years. The new Dunlop 'Fort' is the only tire in the world with 2000 TEETH --over 5000 sharp edges to bite and grip the road and giveyou silent, serer traction in every driving condition. e'er Sale By: LESLIE BALL—Pontiac Dealer, Loedesboro NEDIGER'S GARAGE—Chevrolet Dealer. KEN, G. WATERS -Automotive Parts DUNLOP H°9F An outstanding, high-quality 4 -ply ,tire.: Silent -running, Caine Cord Construction anrl extra deep, non-skid tread. R391. 33/4% On Guaranteed. Trust • Certificates A legal' }nvestnient for Trust Funds Unconclitiona.fy Guaranteed THE STEW= T CORPORATION STERLING TOWER TORONTO • 1 How many times have you promised yourself a new furnace . . , and real comfort... before another winter rolls around? ,' Here's . yqur chance to make good- that promise . with a new Clare HECLA Furnace. More heat for your dollar! Fuel savings of i % or more! Freedom from tro u b 1 e, inconven- ience and costly re- pairs.. Let 'us give you the details. CLARE SAVE; 1 TON. N 7 Thanks to i1ECLA's:: ateelribWW F U IRNAC E _ - _ Guaranteed 50. soar-. . and other as:atu eine HECLA features.. AT LOWEST DOWN PAYMENT.. , AND LOWEST S Kevan invests" - MONTHLY PAYMENTS EVER OFFERED. Thos. Hawkins, Hardware HEATING. PLUMBING and TINSMITIIING PHONE No. 244, _ CLINTON. AVERT ACCIDENT Last Friday, Leland Proctor, while driving his truck south on main 'street in front of Semis' Egg Grading Stat- ion was met with what might have been a disastrous accident when Helen Steel ran out from beside L. Echmiers's parked truck, directly in the path of him. In the act of stopping, only a very few feet from the moving vehicle Helen fell head . long and only for the presence of mind of Leland Proctor in applying the brakesand turning off quickly, • it might have been serious. As has been the custom in the past, the parents are asked to teach , their children to Stop, Look and.. Listen before crossing the street. The Brussels Post. ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES, MAY 26-27 From CLINTON TO Stations Oshawa and east to Cornwall inclusive, Uxbridge,. Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford, Newmarket, Collingwood, Meaford, , Midland, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and West to . Beardmore. P.M. Trains May 26 — All Trains May 27 To TORONTO Also to Brantford, Chatham, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, 'London, Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia, , Stratford, Strathroy, Woodstock. See handbills for complete list of destinations For fares, return limits, train information, tickets,: etc. Consult nearest agent CANADIAN •NATI 0 NAL a AN APPRECIATED Se G V L tL. st: l SERVICE in the implement field is no mere appendage or fancy trimming. Time and timeliness are the essence of success in most farming operations. Great loss may be sustained by the farmer, during seeding and. harvesting, through machine breakdowns caused by wear and accidents, if parts are not readily available. It is then, that promptness in securing parts has a definite money value. Massey -Harris hasalways taken a pride In•. the manner in which it has rendered Parts service„ Fit and quality may be taken for granted, for replacement parts are identical with the originals. Its extensive selling organization,with local dealers. in practically every town across Canada, brings. this service within easy reach of every farmer,. No matter, too, how old the machine bearing the name "Massey -Harris" may be, spare parts. can always be obtained for it. 0 Last Spring a farmer ordered a small part fora drill he bought 30 years ago. No demand for many years for this part resulted inthe pattern becoming destroyed. To make a new pattern and part cosi $25.00, an expenditure willingly undertaken to preserve the Company's long and enviable record for service—although the port sold tp the farmer for only 15e.