The Clinton News Record, 1939-05-18, Page 1She News -Record Eat. 1878 1 1 nit() Irk • With Which is Incorporated ews- The Clinton New Era The New Era Est. 186r NO. 5936. -59TH YEAR CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, • The Farmers'Market Wheat 57e. Oats 32e. Barley 47c. Cream 22c, 21c. Eggs 17c, 14c, 13c, 12c. Hogs $8,00 Fraternal Visit On Friday evening a fraternal visit was paid Clinton Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 84 by Harold E. Reece, Worship- ful Master of St. John's Lodge, Cay- uga, accompanied by Brothers E. S. Allen, G. L. Hall and A. G. Skinner. A4this meeting a third degree was conferred. The visitors were favor- ably impressed with the way the work was carried cut.' Young People Present Play On. Tuesday evening the Dramatic Club of the Ontario Street Church Y. P. U. presented the three -act comedy "Manna's Baby Boy" to a capacity audience in the basement of the church. The story centres arouncl,a widow and widower, both with growls up children. They are seeking marriage for financial reasons, but seek to dis- guise the true age of their children. As. a result the children are compel- led to act and dress very much younger than they actually are. As the widower proposes he is discov- ered by the children who turn the seriousness of the matter into a hil- arious comedy, Many amusingin- cidents occur. Finally the true age of the children is revealed and as the alder people are practically pen- niless the situation looks serious. Both have holdings of stock however which suddenly jump in value. Then a real estate agent seeks to purchase some property owned by the widow and it appears the marriage will not have to take place after all. They discover that their love is mutual however in spite of the deceit which has been evident up to this point. The play is brought to a close with the usual happy ending. Rev. G. G. Burton welcomed the audience and introduced the players. He was an untiring worker in mak- ing preparations for the play, acting as director and stage carpenter. Mus- ical numbers were contributed be- tween acts( by Eirlih Whitmore of Tuckersmith and readings by Miss Eva Stackhouse of Brucefield. The caste of characters was as fol- lows. Mrs, Shephard McLean, a young widow, Hazel Murray; Shephard Mc- Lean,• her young son, Kenneth Reid; Luther Long, a widower, Wilbur Mid - den; Juliet Long, his young daugh- ter, Edna Ford; Mira'. Matilda Black- burn, Mrs. rs McLean's mother, Jean Swan; Wilbur Warren, Shepherd's young i,al, George Knights; Sylvia Kline, Wilbur's girl friend, Pearl El- liott; Mrs. Charlotte Anglin, a friend of Mrs, McLean's, Doris Batkin; Cynthia Anglin, her young daughter, Willa Jervis; Max Moore, a real es- tate agent, Edward Elliott; Minnie, a ypung coloured maid, Vivian Knights. Junior Farmers Football Schedule May 19—London, Road at Brudefield May 26—Brucefield at Baird's May 26—London Rd. at Goderich Tp. May 31—Goderich, Tp. at London Rd. June 2-Baird's at Brucefield June 6--Goderieh Township at Baird's June 9-Brucefield at Goderich Tp. June 12 Baird's at London Road June 14—Goderich T . at Brucefield p June 16—London Roadt Baird's ds June 21—Baird's at Goderich Tp. June 23—Brucefield as London Road, Juvenile Baseball Schedule Five centres were represented at a meeting held here last Friday even- ing for the purpose of arranging a schedule of games in Juvenile O,A.B. A. in Boron and Perth grouping sppnsored by the Lions Clubs and affiliated with the Intermediate ,or- ganization, Places represented were Clinton, Exeter, Goderich, Hensall and Seaforth,' An effort will be made to bring Mitchell into the group also when the schedule would have to be revised. As at present arrang- ed the playing. dates and places are as follows,: ' May 24—Hensall at Clinton (afternoon) May 30—Exeter at Hansen June 8-Hensall at Seaforth Clinton at Exeter. June 12—Clinton at Hensall June 13—Seaforth at Goderich, June 15—Hensall at Exeter June 20 -Exeter at Goderieh June 26—Exeter at Clinton June 29—Goderich at Seaforth July 1 -Clinton at .Goderich July 13—Hensall 13 Si all t Goderich a July 17-Seaforth at Exeter July 21—Seaforth at Clinton July 25—Goderieh at Clinton July 27 -Clinton' at Seafotth Aug, 1—Goderich at Exeter MAY 18, 1939 THE HOME PAPER Engagement . Announced Mr, and Mrs. Ephraim Clarke an- nounce the engagement of their eld- est daughter, Viola. Alberta to Mr. Lorne Edwin Lawson, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson, both of Bullet. The; wedding to take place early in June. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Walker, Hensall, announce the .engagement (of their daughter Helen. Jean, to Mr. George Albert Gould, son, of Mr. H. W. and the late Mrs., Gould of Clinton. The marriage will take place the latter part .of May, Purchases,,for,$wine Club On Monday Mr, J. C. Shearer ac- companied by W.. L. Whyte of Sea - forth were in the Woodstock -St. Marys' district for the purpose :of purchasing Yorkshire sows for the Clinton Lions Swine Club members. As a result of this trip seven pairs of choice Yorkshire sows have been distributed to W. Williams, H. Mc- Cullough, J. Lobb, D. Bisback of Clinton, n and W. . Harris and John Cox of Bayfield. The remainieg thirteen members of the club willreeeive their animal's about May 30th. Wilson -Elliott St: Andrew's United Church manse, Bayfield, was the scene of a quiet wedding' on Wednesday evening, May 10th, when Reva Margaret, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. G. Elliott, of Porter's. Hill became the bride of Chas. F. Wilson, Rev. R. M. Gale officiating, assisted by Rev. Morley of Chatham. The bride was becomingly attired in a dress of sheer white crepe, with white 'turban and shoulder length veil, and wore a corsage of pink rose buds. She was attended by her sis- ter, Elva, wha wore a dress of beige crepe with Brazilian Blue accessories; and coinage, of sunburst roses. Mr. Maurice Frame acted as groomsman. After the ceremony the wedding party drove to the home of the bride's parents where a wedding din- ner was served to immediate relatives. and friends. . Later in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left amid showers of confetti for a short honeymoon trip to Niag- ara and Detroit, the imide travelling in n coat of turquoise blue withdress and accessories of pale cyo]amen. On their return they will reside on the 10th concession of Goderich township. Among the Churches Baptist Church The pastor will speak on the sub- ject "The Work of the Under Shep- herd" at the evening service at 7 pan. Sunday School meets at 11 a.m. Presbyterian Church Public worship in Clinton at 11 Aon. Sunday School meets one hour earlier. Service at Bayfield at 3 pan. Sunday School at 2 p,m. Bayfield Young Peo- ple's Seeiety meets on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. St. Paul's Church Holy Communion at 8 a,in. The Sunday School will meet at 10 a,m, Morning prayer at the usual hour, The rector's sermon subject, "Our Lord's Ascension." The Church Boys League meets on Monday at 4.16, • Ontario Street United Church. 10,00 a.m. Clinton Sunday School. 11,00 a,m, Divine Service. "A Double Share of Wisdom". 2.00 pan. Turner's Church Service and Sunday School. 7.00 pan. International Friendship Sunday. "Our King paying a friendly visit to another great nation." Our boundaries are not fortified; Bridges of Peace and Good Will. Two great countries linked by friendships. Monday, 8.00 p.m. Young People's Union: Literary and` Recreation; thoughts on the King's Visit. Wesley -Willis Church The pastor's subject on Sunday morning: "God Save the Xing". The evening subject: "From Manna to Corn." The Girls Club met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Bunton. Mrs. Oakes presided, After the busi- ness session Mrs. Fingland's group took charge. Interesting papers were given by Miss Stone and Mrs. Jef- ferson...The programme also : included a reading by Mrs: Fingland and an interesting sketch by Miss Brigham on her trip • to Florida. The ,regular meeting of the W.M.S. was held in, the Lecture Room of the Church Thursday evening, May llth with a good attendance. The presr- d:ent, Mrs. Chowen in the chair, Very interesting, reports of the Presbyter- ial held in 'Wingham were given by the delegates Mrs. Addison andrs A.. T. Cooper. Mrs, Pickard, the dele- gate to the Branch meeting in St, Thomas also gave a splendid repo'r't. The meeting erased with the Mizpah benediction.' Many Attend Hydro Demonstration The hydro electric cooking school was well attended' yesterday and the ladies received many valuable point- ers on the art of cooking with el- ectricity, . Local dealers had excep- tionally fine displays of electrically operated household appliances and an interesting programme, was arranged for their benefit by those in charge of the demonstration. The cooked' articles were awarded as prizes to those holding lucky tickets given at the door. In the evening a special programme was arranged for rural residents when the latest in electric equipment for thefarm was exhibited together with moving pictures to further im- press the added advantages of using electricity. An interesting little play was given by local young ladies who were first shown doing housework in the old way. Clouds of dust were be- ing raised as one swept the house with the old broom; another was bent over the washtub, while another was ironing with the old-fashioned iron. The next scene showed them doing housework with electricity which clearly demonstrated how the drudg- ery had been taken out of housework with electricity, School of Commerce Notes The following awards 'have just been made to students of the School of Commerce by the Educational De- pt. of the Gregg Publishing Co., New York, for tests submitted during the past month: '0. G. A. (Order of Gregg Artists) Bronze Pins: Rita C. Alloway, Marion Ibbotson.I Certificates: Pauline Maxwell; El- len Fremlin, Olive Johnson, Marjory Wigg. 0. A. T. Order of Artistic Typists) Jr. Certificate:•, Cecil Holmes, Allan Mischa, Marjory Wigg, Jean Dale, Vera Pollen, Pauline Maxwell. Typewriting • Speed Certificate: Fred Axon, 40 words, Gold Certified Typist Pin: Rita C. Alloway, 64 words. y t Will Celebrate King's Birthday Here Scouts throughout the nation will jointly observe the King's Birthday on Saturday, May 20th. As in former years a chain of beacon fires will be lighted from coast to coast as the hundreds of troops, representing every colour and race, jointly p tribute to their King. The occasion this year holds special significance in view of the visit of Their Majesties and the Clinton organizations are ar- ranging a monster celebration. On Saturday evening the Rovers, Scouts, Cubs, Girl Guides and Brown - ids will meet in Recreation Park where an entertaining programme will be carried out. This will in- clude drill exercises, draping of the colours, scout ceremonies and a host of other interesting things, culminat- ing with the lighting of the bonfire when all will join together in a sing- song. The highlight of the evening's entertainment as far as the kiddies are concerned will be the fireworks display. y Hospital Day Observed Here On Friday many residents from Clinton and district were visitors at the local hospital in observing "Hos- pital Day", an event held annually to mark the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the nurse who brought such primary necessities as cleanli- dss, order and attention into the hospitals of that period, to mark a new era in hospitalization, The local institution presented a bright, homey atmosphere with its decorations of flowers and the visit- ors expressed many favorable com- ments on its cleanliness, comfort and equipment as they ' were shown through the various • departments' by the nurses assigned tothis pleasant task. The guests were received on arrival by Mrs, J. A. ` Sutter, president of the Hospital Aid, and Mrs. H. C. Lawson, past president. Miss Jessie Grainger, superintendent of the hos- pital also assisted in greeting the visitors. Mrs. (Col.) H. 13. Combe and Mrs. E. Paterson preisided at the tea table which was centred with a 1 lovely bouquet of red and white tulips from Mrs. A. T. Cooper's garden. The guests were served by Mrs. F. Fingland, Mrs. G. M. Count- er, Mrs. J. L. -Heard, Mrs. F. 0. Ford, Mrs .J Shanahan and .Mrs. K. G. Waters. The Tag Day held) on Saturday. was • very gratifying both from the standpoint of reception to the taggers and the generosity of donations. On the Whole everything connected with this annual observance was consider- ed satisfactory although regret was expressed that more visitors had not taken advantage` of the opportunity to visit the hospital, COPY EARLY PLEASE Next Wednesday being a holiday it will be necessary for us to reeeive copy as early in' the week as' possible. Advertisers especially are asked to help ue in this zegard by sending in their copy on Monday. Institute Meeting The Woman's Institute meets next Thursday ; afternoon at 2.30. Annual reports will be given and the roll tall will be answered by paying fees, A paper on F'lorence Nightingale will be contributed by Mrs. J. Mc- Kinley. Hostesses: Mrs. F. Lobb, Mrs. F. Layton, Mrs. R. Johneton, and Mrs. J. Radford. Fair Prospects for Apple Crop. A survey of •apple orchards in Huron County was conducted last week by Professor J. E. Howitt and Professor J. Evans of Guelph O.A.C. accompanied by Representative J. C. Shearer. Basing their report an the prospects as determined by the am- ount of bloom their findings indicate an average crop this year. McIntosh Reds, Blenheim, North Star, Salome, St. Lawrence, Russett and Tolman Sweet give good promise; •prospects for. Snows is only fair; fair to poor, Northern Spy. Wind and weather conditions will play a large part in the harvesting of a good apple crop. In the meantime spraying operations are in full swing to combat insects and control disease. District Scouts Committee Met Here Over forty leaders from the scout- ing organizations in Huron County met in the Scout Hall here an.Wed- nesday night for a conference and to elect officers for the year. Re- presentatives were present from Tceswater, Godevich, Wingham, Sea - anti' and Clinton. H. Norman• was elected District Chairman; M. J. Schoenhals, Secretary 'and • Percy Gunn, District Cubmastev, Other of- ficials elected are District Commis- sioner, Jaynes Spittall, Winghain; Treasurer, G. N. Dowkes, Goderich; District Scoutmasters, Sam. Castle, Clinton, and I3. Watson, Goderich. Discussion centred on the Royal Visit to Stratford an June 6th, and it was agreed that the district scouts would leave on the morning train in order to attend the Scout Jamboree being held in Queen's Parry Stratford, on that day. It is expected that more than two hundred scouts from the district will be present to take part. If possible to make arrangements for a special coach on this train the scouts will journey ht a body to avoid confusion on their arrival in Strat- ford. Little Locals Mr. Frank Mutch has purchased the former T. K. Mair residence, on Joseph street. Mrs. A. L. Cartwright has rented her Huron street residence to Mr. Goddatt of Goderich. Mr. J, P. Sheppard is fixing up the farmer Welsh cottage on Ratten- bury street which he recently purch- ased. Reeve Trewartha was in Toronto Monday on business and called at the Parliament Buildings to obtain some advice on local municipal affairs. It is reported that Mr. Douglas, who is in charge of wrecking the Schoenhals Mill has rented the late John McPhee residence on Albert street, In e of Mrs. repenting the funeral n g Henry McBrien lel week an error was made in the names' of pallbear- ers. The name Secord O'Brien should have read Secord McBrien. A group of 0.A.C. graduates from Centre Huron attended an alumnae meeting in London on Tuesday even- ing. Messrs. Lloyd Stephens and 3. C. Shearer were present from Clinton. Dr. R. Drummond of Guelph O.A.C., addressed the gathering on "The Fed- eral Government's New Marketing Legislation. TUCKERSMITH Mother's Day was observed in Turner's Church on Sunday with a special address by Rev. G. G. Bunton and a choir of mothers supplying the music. A baptismal service was held at the p'erviee when the following children' were baptized: Dorothy Elizabeth Townsend; Ruth Christena Brown and foam membera of. the Parsons family, Clayton Alexandra, Dorothy Roberta, gargaret Grace and John Albert. . Pupils of. S. S. No. 4 and No. 0 attended the Music Festival held n Clinton last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Willner Wallace of Clinton, and Miss Lina Douglas of Strathburg, Saskcatchewaln, visited or a Sunday. John Tutnc n Mr. and Mrs. o Y M.a 1 Mo and Mrs. William. Wise of God- erich township, and Mr, .and Mrs. Flatehc' Townsend of Tuekersmite, visited the ladies' parents in Dor- eliester on "Sunday, South Huron Musical Festival is Big ,Success Clinton Church Filled to Capacity at All Sessions; Pupils Display Much Talent. The South Huron Musical Festival! in which Public School pupil's of Ex- eter and Clinton took part was held in the Presbyterian church wit..rur- al schools of Goderieh, Iiullett, •Stan- ley and Tuckersmith.participating. The festival was conducted by School Inspector E. C. Beacom, B.A., who also was chairman during the ses- sions. The interest taken.in the event. was demonstrated by the attendance: which at each session filled .the church to seating capacity. Prof:, 'a Quantz of London wa adjudicatorn& while the pupils were not.in competi- tion the professor marked points one each pupil's work and afterward crit- icized where criticism was in order - and commended where commendatlonc was due. Music instructors, under. whose teaching the various school'. pupils were trained, were: W. R_ Golding, Exeter and Clinton schools; W. Rennie, Hensall; Miss E. Mills,, Wingham; Miss Dorothy Little, Lon- desboro; Miss Beatrice Greene, Clin- ton; Mrs. Charles - Pearce, Holmes- ville; J. Gill, Bayfield; Mrs. Bert Boyes, Clinton; Miss Britton, Clinton, The time table of events and partici-• pants was: Class No. 7, Chorus "Pussy Willows"; 1st, Clinton, 2nd, Exeter Public School; Class 11, girl's solo, "Bye Lo Land"; Audrey Jervis,, Helen Lobb, Anna Glew, Catharine Fingland, Clinton; Norma Snell, Jean Hopper, Muriel Wells, Joan Wells,. Exeter. Class 12, boy's solo, "He Didn't Think"; Bobby Taylor, Francis Denonnne, Francis Huisser, Fred' Tideswell, Clinton; Keith Belson, Murray Bruntncll, Gladwin Watson, - Exeter. Class 8, chorus, "The Clack - (Continued on page 3) Church. Affirms Loyalty to King and Queen The Presbyter of Huron, at its regular meeting, held in Clinton on Tuesday, May 9, unanimously passed the following resolution: "On the occasion of the visit to Canada of Their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, the Presbytery of Huron of The Pres- byterian Church in Canada affirms its loyalty, and the loyalty of its people, to the crown and to British institutions, regarding the crown" as, the unifying force binding together• the wide -flung British peoples of many races. At a time when in many, lands there is conflict between church: and state, we note with gratification: that beneath the British flag haiman y prevails between the two, the state, guarding the freedom of the church and the church supporting the auth- ority of goveazunent. The Presbytery trusts that this visit may increase the loyalty of all Canadians to the Crown and to, the persons of Their Majesties, and help cement in this country the ties of Empire. We rejoice at this demon- stration of deep interest on the part' of Their IiIajesties in the welfare of Canada, believing that as a result of this visit the mutual interest of Their Majesties and the Canadian people for each other will be streng- thened. The Presbytery prays that the blessing of God may rest upon Their Majesties, not only while they Are among' us but also on, their return to the heart' of the Empire to con- tinue their valued work of leadership in all that pertains to the best in- terests of those over whom they reign." Spring Conference of the Deanery of Huron The Rural Dean of Huron, .Rev. R. P. D. Hurford, D.D,, has announced that the Spring. Conference of the Deanery Chapter of Huron, Deanery Laymen's Association and Women's Auxiliary will be held in St. Paul's Church, Wingham, on Thursday, May 25. The Holy Communion will be celebrated at 10 a.m,, when Rt. Rev. G. A. Wells, D.D., Bishop of Cariboo, will preach the sermon.. Dr. Wells. will also address a joint meeting of all delegates to the Conference at 3.30 in the afternoon. The Woman's Auxiliary will con- vene immediately after the Coalmen - ion service, for a business session,. under the direction of Mrs, A. 0.. Calder, President of the Deanery. As- sociation and later on, will hear an address frons Mrs, H; L. (Rev.) Jen- nings, :from, U'ort Norman, Rev, Canon Townshend; will speak to a joint meeting of the Deanery Chapter, and Laymen's 'Association inmmediatelyafter.' lunch. Under the Rural' Dean; and Mr, H. G, Meirs,, President, the Chapter and Laymen's; Association, respectively will conduct business sessions. in, the morning. The Archdeacon of London, Dv. W J. Doherty will be present during the day. FOR We have a Newest designs Dependable — For 25c to commemorate and Queen —' EXPERT In many cases W. Jeweler and GRADUATION or ANY OCCASION large stock to select from, in both Diamond and Watches; Fancy Clocks, Brush and Comb Sets. SPECIAL consisting of Signet Rings. and — Spoons King George these spoons. SPECIALT as received bYy us. Phone 174j CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK we have very good Souvenir the visit of Their Royal Highnesses .Elizabeth. Be sure you eget one of REPAIRING •OF WATCHES OUR you can' get.your watch same day H. HELLYAR Optometrist Residence WHITE WARM At White Neat. Extra White Styles, A Good Special PANTIES: Materials, 59c. Extra ARE GOODWILL LINGERIE FOR WEATHER Prices Which are Attractive WEAR Most with $1.00 in Two Plain Satin. 25c and 35c to to 85c OUR FOR Satin Tailored Slips Embroidery Trim. Sizes 34 to 42 Special at Satin Brassieres Lace Trimmed and durable quality New in Design and Priced at Large `Sizes 59c YOU SAVING COUPONS FREE GIFTS.? LCLUTON'S I7 . -.. S LEADING STYLE SHOPPE " co-mmEmoAATIon 5<. til • a• e Special Price $1.00 OSH TO 1. We are ,Complete The service 8 TEASPOONS, The spoons In addition lovely ' at CHEST Stainless +CHET. .',. with chest , yby �.�. Reg. $2.00 now SEE consists 8 STA):NLBSS chests amazingly want ing No. fir. . {y, MATH) rJ , ".-: COFFCC . .,;:.,, O' sPoOns Price Four lovely CoffeeSpoons in beautiful velvet lined. To acquaint more people with this lovely manufacturers offer these 4 Spoons This offer good for limited time only. ISE SPECIAL COl1:IE01OAYTiOA 4fi-PC. • _ showing in our window the SERVICE for Eight Persons. in tarnish -proof chest for OFFGR1 owui Zf�`� �� gray box, purple pattern, the 'for $1.00 now. 000 62 -PG SETS 34 -PIECE` $34.50 8 TORI{S, SCOOP to protect the two other but will not want- for 8 with for $9.95 Service for 8 in beautiful $19.75 of:— 8 DESSERT SPOONS,'- KNIVES, 1 SUGAR, and 1 BUTTER KNIFE. andforks all have a silver mound point of greatest wear. to the above we are showing of cheaper quality silverware low rices that you gy p to miss if you have been a completeservice of silver. 1-34-PieceSylvia,Service Knives. Complete in chest No. 2 -72 -Piece Chateau, Stainless Knives. Complete for rtkk1 M1. rY A I. "Counter's for Finer Jewellery for Century in Huron County" S over Half a CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, • The Farmers'Market Wheat 57e. Oats 32e. Barley 47c. Cream 22c, 21c. Eggs 17c, 14c, 13c, 12c. Hogs $8,00 Fraternal Visit On Friday evening a fraternal visit was paid Clinton Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 84 by Harold E. Reece, Worship- ful Master of St. John's Lodge, Cay- uga, accompanied by Brothers E. S. Allen, G. L. Hall and A. G. Skinner. A4this meeting a third degree was conferred. The visitors were favor- ably impressed with the way the work was carried cut.' Young People Present Play On. Tuesday evening the Dramatic Club of the Ontario Street Church Y. P. U. presented the three -act comedy "Manna's Baby Boy" to a capacity audience in the basement of the church. The story centres arouncl,a widow and widower, both with growls up children. They are seeking marriage for financial reasons, but seek to dis- guise the true age of their children. As. a result the children are compel- led to act and dress very much younger than they actually are. As the widower proposes he is discov- ered by the children who turn the seriousness of the matter into a hil- arious comedy, Many amusingin- cidents occur. Finally the true age of the children is revealed and as the alder people are practically pen- niless the situation looks serious. Both have holdings of stock however which suddenly jump in value. Then a real estate agent seeks to purchase some property owned by the widow and it appears the marriage will not have to take place after all. They discover that their love is mutual however in spite of the deceit which has been evident up to this point. The play is brought to a close with the usual happy ending. Rev. G. G. Burton welcomed the audience and introduced the players. He was an untiring worker in mak- ing preparations for the play, acting as director and stage carpenter. Mus- ical numbers were contributed be- tween acts( by Eirlih Whitmore of Tuckersmith and readings by Miss Eva Stackhouse of Brucefield. The caste of characters was as fol- lows. Mrs, Shephard McLean, a young widow, Hazel Murray; Shephard Mc- Lean,• her young son, Kenneth Reid; Luther Long, a widower, Wilbur Mid - den; Juliet Long, his young daugh- ter, Edna Ford; Mira'. Matilda Black- burn, Mrs. rs McLean's mother, Jean Swan; Wilbur Warren, Shepherd's young i,al, George Knights; Sylvia Kline, Wilbur's girl friend, Pearl El- liott; Mrs. Charlotte Anglin, a friend of Mrs, McLean's, Doris Batkin; Cynthia Anglin, her young daughter, Willa Jervis; Max Moore, a real es- tate agent, Edward Elliott; Minnie, a ypung coloured maid, Vivian Knights. Junior Farmers Football Schedule May 19—London, Road at Brudefield May 26—Brucefield at Baird's May 26—London Rd. at Goderich Tp. May 31—Goderich, Tp. at London Rd. June 2-Baird's at Brucefield June 6--Goderieh Township at Baird's June 9-Brucefield at Goderich Tp. June 12 Baird's at London Road June 14—Goderich T . at Brucefield p June 16—London Roadt Baird's ds June 21—Baird's at Goderich Tp. June 23—Brucefield as London Road, Juvenile Baseball Schedule Five centres were represented at a meeting held here last Friday even- ing for the purpose of arranging a schedule of games in Juvenile O,A.B. A. in Boron and Perth grouping sppnsored by the Lions Clubs and affiliated with the Intermediate ,or- ganization, Places represented were Clinton, Exeter, Goderich, Hensall and Seaforth,' An effort will be made to bring Mitchell into the group also when the schedule would have to be revised. As at present arrang- ed the playing. dates and places are as follows,: ' May 24—Hensall at Clinton (afternoon) May 30—Exeter at Hansen June 8-Hensall at Seaforth Clinton at Exeter. June 12—Clinton at Hensall June 13—Seaforth at Goderich, June 15—Hensall at Exeter June 20 -Exeter at Goderieh June 26—Exeter at Clinton June 29—Goderich at Seaforth July 1 -Clinton at .Goderich July 13—Hensall 13 Si all t Goderich a July 17-Seaforth at Exeter July 21—Seaforth at Clinton July 25—Goderieh at Clinton July 27 -Clinton' at Seafotth Aug, 1—Goderich at Exeter MAY 18, 1939 THE HOME PAPER Engagement . Announced Mr, and Mrs. Ephraim Clarke an- nounce the engagement of their eld- est daughter, Viola. Alberta to Mr. Lorne Edwin Lawson, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson, both of Bullet. The; wedding to take place early in June. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Walker, Hensall, announce the .engagement (of their daughter Helen. Jean, to Mr. George Albert Gould, son, of Mr. H. W. and the late Mrs., Gould of Clinton. The marriage will take place the latter part .of May, Purchases,,for,$wine Club On Monday Mr, J. C. Shearer ac- companied by W.. L. Whyte of Sea - forth were in the Woodstock -St. Marys' district for the purpose :of purchasing Yorkshire sows for the Clinton Lions Swine Club members. As a result of this trip seven pairs of choice Yorkshire sows have been distributed to W. Williams, H. Mc- Cullough, J. Lobb, D. Bisback of Clinton, n and W. . Harris and John Cox of Bayfield. The remainieg thirteen members of the club willreeeive their animal's about May 30th. Wilson -Elliott St: Andrew's United Church manse, Bayfield, was the scene of a quiet wedding' on Wednesday evening, May 10th, when Reva Margaret, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. G. Elliott, of Porter's. Hill became the bride of Chas. F. Wilson, Rev. R. M. Gale officiating, assisted by Rev. Morley of Chatham. The bride was becomingly attired in a dress of sheer white crepe, with white 'turban and shoulder length veil, and wore a corsage of pink rose buds. She was attended by her sis- ter, Elva, wha wore a dress of beige crepe with Brazilian Blue accessories; and coinage, of sunburst roses. Mr. Maurice Frame acted as groomsman. After the ceremony the wedding party drove to the home of the bride's parents where a wedding din- ner was served to immediate relatives. and friends. . Later in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left amid showers of confetti for a short honeymoon trip to Niag- ara and Detroit, the imide travelling in n coat of turquoise blue withdress and accessories of pale cyo]amen. On their return they will reside on the 10th concession of Goderich township. Among the Churches Baptist Church The pastor will speak on the sub- ject "The Work of the Under Shep- herd" at the evening service at 7 pan. Sunday School meets at 11 a.m. Presbyterian Church Public worship in Clinton at 11 Aon. Sunday School meets one hour earlier. Service at Bayfield at 3 pan. Sunday School at 2 p,m. Bayfield Young Peo- ple's Seeiety meets on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. St. Paul's Church Holy Communion at 8 a,in. The Sunday School will meet at 10 a,m, Morning prayer at the usual hour, The rector's sermon subject, "Our Lord's Ascension." The Church Boys League meets on Monday at 4.16, • Ontario Street United Church. 10,00 a.m. Clinton Sunday School. 11,00 a,m, Divine Service. "A Double Share of Wisdom". 2.00 pan. Turner's Church Service and Sunday School. 7.00 pan. International Friendship Sunday. "Our King paying a friendly visit to another great nation." Our boundaries are not fortified; Bridges of Peace and Good Will. Two great countries linked by friendships. Monday, 8.00 p.m. Young People's Union: Literary and` Recreation; thoughts on the King's Visit. Wesley -Willis Church The pastor's subject on Sunday morning: "God Save the Xing". The evening subject: "From Manna to Corn." The Girls Club met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Bunton. Mrs. Oakes presided, After the busi- ness session Mrs. Fingland's group took charge. Interesting papers were given by Miss Stone and Mrs. Jef- ferson...The programme also : included a reading by Mrs: Fingland and an interesting sketch by Miss Brigham on her trip • to Florida. The ,regular meeting of the W.M.S. was held in, the Lecture Room of the Church Thursday evening, May llth with a good attendance. The presr- d:ent, Mrs. Chowen in the chair, Very interesting, reports of the Presbyter- ial held in 'Wingham were given by the delegates Mrs. Addison andrs A.. T. Cooper. Mrs, Pickard, the dele- gate to the Branch meeting in St, Thomas also gave a splendid repo'r't. The meeting erased with the Mizpah benediction.' Many Attend Hydro Demonstration The hydro electric cooking school was well attended' yesterday and the ladies received many valuable point- ers on the art of cooking with el- ectricity, . Local dealers had excep- tionally fine displays of electrically operated household appliances and an interesting programme, was arranged for their benefit by those in charge of the demonstration. The cooked' articles were awarded as prizes to those holding lucky tickets given at the door. In the evening a special programme was arranged for rural residents when the latest in electric equipment for thefarm was exhibited together with moving pictures to further im- press the added advantages of using electricity. An interesting little play was given by local young ladies who were first shown doing housework in the old way. Clouds of dust were be- ing raised as one swept the house with the old broom; another was bent over the washtub, while another was ironing with the old-fashioned iron. The next scene showed them doing housework with electricity which clearly demonstrated how the drudg- ery had been taken out of housework with electricity, School of Commerce Notes The following awards 'have just been made to students of the School of Commerce by the Educational De- pt. of the Gregg Publishing Co., New York, for tests submitted during the past month: '0. G. A. (Order of Gregg Artists) Bronze Pins: Rita C. Alloway, Marion Ibbotson.I Certificates: Pauline Maxwell; El- len Fremlin, Olive Johnson, Marjory Wigg. 0. A. T. Order of Artistic Typists) Jr. Certificate:•, Cecil Holmes, Allan Mischa, Marjory Wigg, Jean Dale, Vera Pollen, Pauline Maxwell. Typewriting • Speed Certificate: Fred Axon, 40 words, Gold Certified Typist Pin: Rita C. Alloway, 64 words. y t Will Celebrate King's Birthday Here Scouts throughout the nation will jointly observe the King's Birthday on Saturday, May 20th. As in former years a chain of beacon fires will be lighted from coast to coast as the hundreds of troops, representing every colour and race, jointly p tribute to their King. The occasion this year holds special significance in view of the visit of Their Majesties and the Clinton organizations are ar- ranging a monster celebration. On Saturday evening the Rovers, Scouts, Cubs, Girl Guides and Brown - ids will meet in Recreation Park where an entertaining programme will be carried out. This will in- clude drill exercises, draping of the colours, scout ceremonies and a host of other interesting things, culminat- ing with the lighting of the bonfire when all will join together in a sing- song. The highlight of the evening's entertainment as far as the kiddies are concerned will be the fireworks display. y Hospital Day Observed Here On Friday many residents from Clinton and district were visitors at the local hospital in observing "Hos- pital Day", an event held annually to mark the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the nurse who brought such primary necessities as cleanli- dss, order and attention into the hospitals of that period, to mark a new era in hospitalization, The local institution presented a bright, homey atmosphere with its decorations of flowers and the visit- ors expressed many favorable com- ments on its cleanliness, comfort and equipment as they ' were shown through the various • departments' by the nurses assigned tothis pleasant task. The guests were received on arrival by Mrs, J. A. ` Sutter, president of the Hospital Aid, and Mrs. H. C. Lawson, past president. Miss Jessie Grainger, superintendent of the hos- pital also assisted in greeting the visitors. Mrs. (Col.) H. 13. Combe and Mrs. E. Paterson preisided at the tea table which was centred with a 1 lovely bouquet of red and white tulips from Mrs. A. T. Cooper's garden. The guests were served by Mrs. F. Fingland, Mrs. G. M. Count- er, Mrs. J. L. -Heard, Mrs. F. 0. Ford, Mrs .J Shanahan and .Mrs. K. G. Waters. The Tag Day held) on Saturday. was • very gratifying both from the standpoint of reception to the taggers and the generosity of donations. On the Whole everything connected with this annual observance was consider- ed satisfactory although regret was expressed that more visitors had not taken advantage` of the opportunity to visit the hospital, COPY EARLY PLEASE Next Wednesday being a holiday it will be necessary for us to reeeive copy as early in' the week as' possible. Advertisers especially are asked to help ue in this zegard by sending in their copy on Monday. Institute Meeting The Woman's Institute meets next Thursday ; afternoon at 2.30. Annual reports will be given and the roll tall will be answered by paying fees, A paper on F'lorence Nightingale will be contributed by Mrs. J. Mc- Kinley. Hostesses: Mrs. F. Lobb, Mrs. F. Layton, Mrs. R. Johneton, and Mrs. J. Radford. Fair Prospects for Apple Crop. A survey of •apple orchards in Huron County was conducted last week by Professor J. E. Howitt and Professor J. Evans of Guelph O.A.C. accompanied by Representative J. C. Shearer. Basing their report an the prospects as determined by the am- ount of bloom their findings indicate an average crop this year. McIntosh Reds, Blenheim, North Star, Salome, St. Lawrence, Russett and Tolman Sweet give good promise; •prospects for. Snows is only fair; fair to poor, Northern Spy. Wind and weather conditions will play a large part in the harvesting of a good apple crop. In the meantime spraying operations are in full swing to combat insects and control disease. District Scouts Committee Met Here Over forty leaders from the scout- ing organizations in Huron County met in the Scout Hall here an.Wed- nesday night for a conference and to elect officers for the year. Re- presentatives were present from Tceswater, Godevich, Wingham, Sea - anti' and Clinton. H. Norman• was elected District Chairman; M. J. Schoenhals, Secretary 'and • Percy Gunn, District Cubmastev, Other of- ficials elected are District Commis- sioner, Jaynes Spittall, Winghain; Treasurer, G. N. Dowkes, Goderich; District Scoutmasters, Sam. Castle, Clinton, and I3. Watson, Goderich. Discussion centred on the Royal Visit to Stratford an June 6th, and it was agreed that the district scouts would leave on the morning train in order to attend the Scout Jamboree being held in Queen's Parry Stratford, on that day. It is expected that more than two hundred scouts from the district will be present to take part. If possible to make arrangements for a special coach on this train the scouts will journey ht a body to avoid confusion on their arrival in Strat- ford. Little Locals Mr. Frank Mutch has purchased the former T. K. Mair residence, on Joseph street. Mrs. A. L. Cartwright has rented her Huron street residence to Mr. Goddatt of Goderich. Mr. J, P. Sheppard is fixing up the farmer Welsh cottage on Ratten- bury street which he recently purch- ased. Reeve Trewartha was in Toronto Monday on business and called at the Parliament Buildings to obtain some advice on local municipal affairs. It is reported that Mr. Douglas, who is in charge of wrecking the Schoenhals Mill has rented the late John McPhee residence on Albert street, In e of Mrs. repenting the funeral n g Henry McBrien lel week an error was made in the names' of pallbear- ers. The name Secord O'Brien should have read Secord McBrien. A group of 0.A.C. graduates from Centre Huron attended an alumnae meeting in London on Tuesday even- ing. Messrs. Lloyd Stephens and 3. C. Shearer were present from Clinton. Dr. R. Drummond of Guelph O.A.C., addressed the gathering on "The Fed- eral Government's New Marketing Legislation. TUCKERSMITH Mother's Day was observed in Turner's Church on Sunday with a special address by Rev. G. G. Bunton and a choir of mothers supplying the music. A baptismal service was held at the p'erviee when the following children' were baptized: Dorothy Elizabeth Townsend; Ruth Christena Brown and foam membera of. the Parsons family, Clayton Alexandra, Dorothy Roberta, gargaret Grace and John Albert. . Pupils of. S. S. No. 4 and No. 0 attended the Music Festival held n Clinton last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Willner Wallace of Clinton, and Miss Lina Douglas of Strathburg, Saskcatchewaln, visited or a Sunday. John Tutnc n Mr. and Mrs. o Y M.a 1 Mo and Mrs. William. Wise of God- erich township, and Mr, .and Mrs. Flatehc' Townsend of Tuekersmite, visited the ladies' parents in Dor- eliester on "Sunday, South Huron Musical Festival is Big ,Success Clinton Church Filled to Capacity at All Sessions; Pupils Display Much Talent. The South Huron Musical Festival! in which Public School pupil's of Ex- eter and Clinton took part was held in the Presbyterian church wit..rur- al schools of Goderieh, Iiullett, •Stan- ley and Tuckersmith.participating. The festival was conducted by School Inspector E. C. Beacom, B.A., who also was chairman during the ses- sions. The interest taken.in the event. was demonstrated by the attendance: which at each session filled .the church to seating capacity. Prof:, 'a Quantz of London wa adjudicatorn& while the pupils were not.in competi- tion the professor marked points one each pupil's work and afterward crit- icized where criticism was in order - and commended where commendatlonc was due. Music instructors, under. whose teaching the various school'. pupils were trained, were: W. R_ Golding, Exeter and Clinton schools; W. Rennie, Hensall; Miss E. Mills,, Wingham; Miss Dorothy Little, Lon- desboro; Miss Beatrice Greene, Clin- ton; Mrs. Charles - Pearce, Holmes- ville; J. Gill, Bayfield; Mrs. Bert Boyes, Clinton; Miss Britton, Clinton, The time table of events and partici-• pants was: Class No. 7, Chorus "Pussy Willows"; 1st, Clinton, 2nd, Exeter Public School; Class 11, girl's solo, "Bye Lo Land"; Audrey Jervis,, Helen Lobb, Anna Glew, Catharine Fingland, Clinton; Norma Snell, Jean Hopper, Muriel Wells, Joan Wells,. Exeter. Class 12, boy's solo, "He Didn't Think"; Bobby Taylor, Francis Denonnne, Francis Huisser, Fred' Tideswell, Clinton; Keith Belson, Murray Bruntncll, Gladwin Watson, - Exeter. Class 8, chorus, "The Clack - (Continued on page 3) Church. Affirms Loyalty to King and Queen The Presbyter of Huron, at its regular meeting, held in Clinton on Tuesday, May 9, unanimously passed the following resolution: "On the occasion of the visit to Canada of Their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, the Presbytery of Huron of The Pres- byterian Church in Canada affirms its loyalty, and the loyalty of its people, to the crown and to British institutions, regarding the crown" as, the unifying force binding together• the wide -flung British peoples of many races. At a time when in many, lands there is conflict between church: and state, we note with gratification: that beneath the British flag haiman y prevails between the two, the state, guarding the freedom of the church and the church supporting the auth- ority of goveazunent. The Presbytery trusts that this visit may increase the loyalty of all Canadians to the Crown and to, the persons of Their Majesties, and help cement in this country the ties of Empire. We rejoice at this demon- stration of deep interest on the part' of Their IiIajesties in the welfare of Canada, believing that as a result of this visit the mutual interest of Their Majesties and the Canadian people for each other will be streng- thened. The Presbytery prays that the blessing of God may rest upon Their Majesties, not only while they Are among' us but also on, their return to the heart' of the Empire to con- tinue their valued work of leadership in all that pertains to the best in- terests of those over whom they reign." Spring Conference of the Deanery of Huron The Rural Dean of Huron, .Rev. R. P. D. Hurford, D.D,, has announced that the Spring. Conference of the Deanery Chapter of Huron, Deanery Laymen's Association and Women's Auxiliary will be held in St. Paul's Church, Wingham, on Thursday, May 25. The Holy Communion will be celebrated at 10 a.m,, when Rt. Rev. G. A. Wells, D.D., Bishop of Cariboo, will preach the sermon.. Dr. Wells. will also address a joint meeting of all delegates to the Conference at 3.30 in the afternoon. The Woman's Auxiliary will con- vene immediately after the Coalmen - ion service, for a business session,. under the direction of Mrs, A. 0.. Calder, President of the Deanery. As- sociation and later on, will hear an address frons Mrs, H; L. (Rev.) Jen- nings, :from, U'ort Norman, Rev, Canon Townshend; will speak to a joint meeting of the Deanery Chapter, and Laymen's 'Association inmmediatelyafter.' lunch. Under the Rural' Dean; and Mr, H. G, Meirs,, President, the Chapter and Laymen's; Association, respectively will conduct business sessions. in, the morning. The Archdeacon of London, Dv. W J. Doherty will be present during the day.