HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-05-11, Page 8• P'AGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD NECK BOILING BEEF, lb. 14c RUB BOIL, lb. 14c BRISKET, lb. 10C 4 -LB. PAIL WHITE CLOVER HONEY, 45c 4 -LB. PAIL DARK CLOVER ;HONEY, .., 39c CONNELL & TYNDALI " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET sic " Phone 162. Call and See our Up -To -The -Minute Electric Washers Get a Demonstration. LAWN MOWERS, with rubber tires, Priced from $7,50 — $15.00 COAL OIL STOVES—ELECTRIC HOT PLATES RANGETTES—IRONERS—TOA,STERS 1 Second -Hand QUEBEC COOK, with warming Closet, Complete for $25.00 SUTTERPERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ,ONT. Neyi.4,1! +4,:3_3tu,,::4%:44 4.4. ..;.:.404.c :« Skil»I»K*N:4.444,»idr7»F` ~•H:';Q This is the Seaton to Have fa Your Eavestroughing Done HAVE YOURS OVERHAULED BY WORKMEN WHO KNOW THEIR JOB. PRICES ARE RIGHT. BEST MATERIALS USED. MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS LEAD — USE THEM {� cz Hardware and Plumb,s, ingPhone 249 4 :M+A ' iH:«14.4: -.W N 4. �H H N N /:«2« b:- +•3�'« «d«,»:wH`.H:H.:H::H.N T»:I»;:g .•+. 3H2a'.S«x3►: T. FISHERMEN'S DELIGHT Pflueger Lines carried in stock together with Leaders, Flies, Hooks, Lines, Reels, Spinners, Rods, Reel Oil, Line Dressing, —yes, anything you want. Other Lines—Schick Razors, Step Watches, Flashlights, Bicycle Accessories, Indian Motorcycles and C.C.M. Bicycles. Far too many other lines to list. Come and see. Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales Superior Stores PHONE 111--CL1NTON. SPECIALS FOR MAY 11 - 12 - 13th PEARL SOAP, 3 cakes 10c CORNED BEEF, Helmet, 2 tins 23e PURE LARD, Bitterest Brand, 2 lbs. 19e CORN STARCH, Durham, , pkg. 9e OLD DUTCH CLEANSER, 2 tins 19c McCormick SODA BISCUITS, 8 oz. pkg. .... 10c COCOA and TEA POT DEAL 1 Ib. Loose COCOA & 1 TEA POT 19c SODA BISCUITS, Crother's, 1 Ib. Bag 13c CORN SYRUP, 19e; 5s 39e SALMON Golden Net %zs 16e; is 27c BLUE BOY COFFEE, ...• lb. 25c BLUE BERRIES, for Pies tier 10c DERBY CHEESE, i/2 lb. pkg. 14c RICE; Choice Blue Rose, . 2 lbs. 17c ICING SUGAR, , .... .. 3 lbs. 25c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 2s, 2 tins 19c FINEST PINEAPPLES—LOWEST, PRICES ORANGES, Doz. 21c; 23c and 27e NEW CARROTS, NEW CABBAGE HOME-GROWN ASPARAGUS & LEAF LETTUCE T. R1• THFMPSON Free Del very If the medicine is bitter but you have to take it, just rub your tongue with ice and gulp the dose. You will not taste it then. This advice was, printed in The Journal of the Amer- ican Medical Association. It was.tak- en from a report, by Dr. Harold 1angl, lecturer at the University of Budapest.' SEEDS A Complete Line of Burpees Flower and Vegetable Seeds Summer 'Flowering Bulbs: Gladioli, Begonias, Tigridias, Montbretias, Lilys, Pompon Dahlias. Also a quantity of nice year-old roots of Foxglove; Long -spurred Colum- bine, 5c per root. Clifford H. Epps Phone 264. Mama's Baby Boy A Riot of Laughs in Three Acts Presented by Dramatic Society o Young People's Union of Ontario Street United Church At SCHOOL HALL, Ontario Street United Church Tuesday, May 16th at 8.00 p.m. Adults 25c, Children 15c f THE SALVATION ARMY Tag Day Saturday, May 27th Your assistance will be appreciated. In aid of our Social Service and Missionary Work. 35-1 NATIONAL HOSPITAL DAY or •FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE DAY Friday, May 12th Hospital open to public from three till six. VISITORS WELCOME. Drop in and see,your Home Iitspital. , ;SUNDAY, MAY 14th IS MOTHER'S DAY It ;is a day specifically' designated as Mother's - Day, the day when, more than ever, our; tboughtts! are, concentrated on the glorification of the one who, has sacrificed so much and whose whole life has been'dedi- cated to the welfare of her children. To all the Mothers . im the world we bring- greetings! To the frail, little white haired Mother whose step is less sprightly than it was .yester year, to the 3Vlother whose hair is threaded with silver, and to the young Mother who runs after tiny toddlers all day ling. • In the flower or thoughtful remembrance, we call' to mind their age-old selfless devo- tion. Don't forget your Mother on Mother's .Day! Choose a suitably worded card from our ample stock to express your sentiments to her. If it pleases your fancy to accompany this greeting with something, more lasting, what could be more desirable than a frem- ed motto, a new Hymn Book or Hymnary, a piece of fine china or any one of dozens of suitable re- membrances to be found on our shelves. Books are always an ap- preciated and thoughtful token of esteem, but she will look for that Greeting Card that tells her you re- membered. A. very fine selection of Mother's Day cards are displayed, priced from 5c upward. Can You Spank The Baby? Off course we don't really mean' that. What we have reference to is one of the many tricks that can be performed with the new "Cheerio" Yo -Yo. An old favorite with boys and girls back with us once more. The large one at 25e is specially de- signed to perform countless stunts. Two more simply, operated sell for 15e each and 10e each Get yours' now and try your skiII. Tlie W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest:—.Always the Best pEn oVIII�II��luu�ipli!Ilpnmululn Iluuiip mom tll Miss .Barbara Forrester of Toronto spent the weekend at her home here. Miss Nellie Rapson of Toronto is this week visiting her sister, Miss. Eva Rapson. Mrs. C. S. Hawke visited friends In the Hensall-Exeter vicinity last weekend. Mrs. Joseph Addison was a weekend guest at the home of Mrs. D. Rob- ertson, Goderich. Mr. G. D. McTaggart has returned to Clinton after spending the wint- er in Toronto, Miss M. Wiltse returned home on Saturday after spending the winter months at Orlando, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Curts and fam- ily of Thedford visited on Sunday with the lady's mother, Mrs. Annie Brown. Miss Violet Fremlin of Toronto, was a weekend visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fremlin, Mrs. Snyder and. Mrs. Jervis are vis- iting at Carlingford this week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dow and other friends. Miss Ella Mae Wilson has left for St. Paul's Hospital, Hearst, where she has accepted a position for the summer months. 1 Mrs, A. L. Cartwright has returned from Toronto and is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Hi Alexand- er, Goderich township. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Manning and family of Toronto, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Manning, Mr. and Mrs, T. H. Barker of Taranto have, recently returned from a vacation in Baltimore, Maryland, and are visiting Clinton friends. Rev. " G. W. and Mrs. Sherman of Sparta visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnson on Monday and call- ed on Clinton and Auburn friends. Misses Mildred and Dorothy Shearing of Tillsonburg returned hone on Sunday after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs, Shearing. Mr. and Mrs. Hearn and family spent the weekend in Hamilton on the occasion of the 50th wedding an- niversary of Mrs; Hearn's, parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Rouse. Mrs. 0. S. ,Durkin and two children, Billie and Barbara Louise of Grand Valley; Mrs. J. E. Watson of Tor- onto; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Moffatt of Bickford were weekend visitors of the ladies' mother, Mrs. A. D. Beaton. New Stamp Issue The Postmaster General and mem- bers of the postal service of the Dominion join with Canadians in pay- ing a tribute of loyalty to Their Majesties on, the occasion of their visit to Canada. To: commemorate the visit a new (series of postage stamps will be issued May 15th, The one -cent stamp bears the likeness of Princess. 'Elizabeth and Princess Mar- garet Rose; the two -cent issue feat- ures the Ottawa Peace Tower, and the three -cent stamp carries the like- ness of Their Majesties, Ring George and Queen Elizabeth.. TEEMS:, lyMAY 11; 1939" The Red Li White Store Quality Comb ned, With Service 5c BIG FIVE CLEANSER tin5c HANDY AMMONIA' pkg: 5c DICED BEETS tin 51c' TOMATO JUICE Sm. Tin 5c ummisionnuommotomp JELLY POWDERS pkg. 5c rBRUNSWICF SARDINES tin 5c LONDON SOAP bar 5C SALE CORNED BEEF 2 tins 27c FRUIT COOKIES 2 lbs. 25c SCHNEIDIERS BOLOGNA 2 lbs. 29c Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes pkg. 7c QUALITY COFFEE Th. 29c ' momaramomsaimeicrezeop l PASTRY FLOUR 49c 24 lb. bag nallisonsinnemactaraws Nut Sundae CAKES Ib. 1.7c IOC semmutenmennters MINUTE ,TAPIOCA. Pkg. 10c PURE .,LARD lb. lOc DICED CARROTS tin 1Oc TOMATO CATSUP 10c QUALITY i,4, PARIAG'US tin 10 C CREAM SODAS ib. 10C DOG FOOD tin 10c Clinton Phone IRESH I�cFRU1TS F&VEGETABLES. CARROTS, NEW bunch NEW bunch 5c PEAS, Sweet, Tender poundac RADISHES, large bunches, 3 bunches 1Oc SPANISH ONIONNS, 1 pound 5c CABBAGE, fresh hard heads, j2oind._,5c ASPARAGUS, fresh daily, large_ bunch 10c LEAF LETTUCE, large bunch 10c NEW POTATOES, Round 5c_. ORANGES, medium large 5,for.;10C LEMONS, ;..: 5 for 10c BANANAS, Golden Medium 'quits, 5 `for 10c HEAD LETTUCE, head` lac PINEAPPLES Good Size—Extra Special, Each 10c CAN — PINEAPPLES — NOW THE QUALITY IS EXCELLENT. THE GENERAL MARKET VERY FIRM LARGE SIZE, each 19c SPECIAL LOW PRICES in Case and Half Case Lots. MEDIUM SIZE, MOTHER'S DAY MAY 14th • Remember Mother with the perfect gift of Flowers. With a choice selection of plants and cut flowers we are sure we can 'please you. HYDRANGEAS CALCEOLARIAS SCHIANTHUS FUSCHIAS- CINERARIAS, Etc. Mother's Day Cards supplied with every flower order. Choice HYBRID TEA ROSE BUSHES on Sale at Flower Shop and Greenhouse. 25c EACH If you want Cabbage to use in July plant our early Cabbage. They are fine strong plants, 25c a box. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order andspecial attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 r,..+.o+v+rrrrM RILEY'S GROCERY. Where Quality Sells & Service Tells 5I: 2 for 29c �w-•,«;iy'a,NjNw .< BRIGHTEN UP ;! Some dark room with a nice bright piece of Lin- oleuni, Congoleum or the new English Feltol. The patterns are very bright and cheery, they will save a lot of hard work at very little cost. You are we1-• come to guess for the G'x9' Congoleum rug we are' giving away on (Sat. at 4 p.m. . H A nice new Breakfast Suite would help to cheer up your Kitchen. You will find a nice range of Bedroom Suites to select front, at very low prices; also a nice assortment of Cedar Chests to store your furs and winter garments in, no worry about f moths, etc. Pineapple Weekt. 3 PINEAPPLE Jumbo Size .. 2 for 39c =€ PINEAPPLE, Large 2 for 29c :ll SPECIAL PRICE ON PINEAPPLES :e BY CASE Olt' DOZ. .4. GRAN. SUGAR, 10 lbs. 56c PEAS, CORN & TOMATO.3 for 25c' X OXYDOL, Large 23e I I. P & G SOAP 5 for 19c SPAGHETTI, Large 2 for 29c I,t Swansdown CAKE FLOUR .... 27c I .t CASTLE WAX, lbs. 25eI . 5c 2 for 15cI1 2 for 13cik MULTIPLIER ONIONS LEAF LETTUCE NEW CARROTS NEW CABBAGE CHOICE BANANAS, 25c doz. RILEY'S Grocery Phone 39. Free Snappy Delivery, Hardware Department Spring is a little late but you will soon be busy in the gardens and lawns. Wo carry all kinds of Garden and Lawn Tools to help you keep your places look smart and clean. A large new shipment of LAWN MOWERS, and are they smart with large heavy rubber tires, which makes the running smooth, and easy on the mower. The Store With the Stock. BALL and ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE 't Embalmers, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. }? Phones: Store 195; N. Ball, 110; J. J. Zapfe, 103 +` SPECIALS ALL -BRAN, 2 Pkgs. with Cream Pitclier oIr' Sugar Bowl for 45c HUSKIE WHEAT FLAKES, - 2 Pkgs. with Free Dish for 19c RED ROSE BLACK TEA, per lb. 50c • COFFEE, Happy Day Brand, Freshly ground from bean, per lb. 39c BANTAM CORN, large sized tins for 19c PEAS, Swift's Canada Pride, large tins, 2 for 19c SOUPS, Clark's, 2 tins 13c PORK & BEANS,' Aylmer, large size, 2 tins 2'3c ;SPAGHETTI, 1 lb, 11 oz. tins, Libby's, 2 for 23c Raspberry and Strawberry JAM, in 4 lb. tins, each 45c DRIED PEACHES, 2 lbs. for 35c PRUNES, 3 lbs. for 25c NUT -CRUSH PEANUT BUTTER in pint gems. weight 16 oz. 25c SOAP FLAKES, Maple Leaf, large pkgswitl>a 2 Cakes of Toilet Soap, all for 19CI SNOW FLAKE AMMONIA, MOODY LYE, BEEF ROLLS, BREAKFAST BACON, Sliced, PINEAPPLES,, Fresh, LETTUCE, LEAF, 2 large bunches 19.c ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS, Fresh, ), 2 bunches for. 15c 2 pkgs. 9c 2 tins 19c per lb. 15c per'.lb. 30c 2 for 25c Oranges, Bananas a Drape.: fruit at lowest prices