HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-04-20, Page 3°THURS+., APRIL 20, 1939
Do You Remember What happened During The Last
Of The Old,Centur
Decade Y
THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, son thinks he can raise enough
APRIL 27, 1899 potatoes to winter the kidss on. Ed.
Iwas for some years foreman on a
If . Rev. Mr. Fairlie, formerly of 4000 -acre farm at Grandin, North
St. Paul's church, Clinton, had' not Dakota.
refused to allow Mr. Israel Tarte the A very sad and fatal accident oc-
privilege of bringing liquor into the carred on the farm of Mrs. Joseph
Indian' School over which he presided Grigg, near Grimsby, last week where
he -would not have been dismissed her son Charles was killed. The T.
says Saturday's, Mail and Empire. H. & B. railway runs through the
The inspectors reports . show that Mr, back' of their farm and the remains
Fairlie was an .excellent principal. l of the young man were found on the
Mrs, Margaret Brownlee died at tracks. He was' born irk Clinton about
her residence on. Victoria street• at thirty years ago, his, deceased father
an early hour Monday morning. She ; residing here for, a number of years,
had been in poor health for over a Deceased was a cousin of Mr. A. J.
year. Her husband died twelve years Grigg, jeweller.
ago: Mr. Robert Hanley of near Bayfield
a i .
At a meeting held in the
chamber on- Monday night officers Idelvered a fat hog to Mr. D. Cant -
elan on Thursday last which ' tipped
were elected for the lawn tennis elub.tthe scale at six hundred ,and forty
President i Captain McTaggart and pounds. At present prices it would
his assistants are Miss M. C. Irwin, net the owner a tidy sum,
and A. Miller. The Masonic Hall will be dedicated
Harland Bros. intend pulling down.on May 6th., the ceremony to be per -
their coal shed at the G.T.R. station.
air! erecting a bigger one;
The W. D. Fair Co. had their store
lighted with acetylene for the first
time on Saturday night. The light
was brilliant, was favorably cons
mented upon' by citizens and satsfied
the company. The machine is of
twenty 'light capacity and was made
here by the patentee, Mr. E. Ashley.
Mr. John Ransford. gave an acety-
lene gas generator a trial in. his resi-
dence on Tuesday night and was so
well pleased with it that he has ord-
ered a forty -light machine from Mr.
Ashley. Mr. Jacob Miller will, we
believe, do the piping.
Dr. D. D. Ross was highly success-
ful in his final examination at the
Ontario Dental College, heading a
class of ninety. He has purchased
the practice of Dr. Tweddle at Sea -
forth and takes possession in May.
The services of the'watering. cart
is again in demand. but it will hardly
make its appearance until after Mon-
day night's council • meeting.
In a few days the Bell Telephoney
Companwill begin an all-night ser-
vice in Clinton and at no extra cost
to the subscribers. Another operator
will be added to the staff, To date
• the number of subscribers has in-
creased to eighty. This makes Clin-
ton about the best telephonetowu in
its` population in the district.
Mr. R. Fitzsimons has retired from
the'buteherng business in which he
has been engaged almost continuous-
ly in Clinton for the past twenty-
eight years. He has gone into the
stock trade and in company with Mr.
George Hudie' makes a shipment of
porkers to Toronto today.
We, hear that Mr. J. 0. Elliott has
rented his corner store lately occupied
by Gilroy & Wiseman to a Petrolia
f?rm with which a member of a Clin-
ton family is connected. They do not
take possession until near midsum-
Mr. T. S. Acheson son of Rev. S.
Acheson of Kippen and a graduate
of. Clinton Collegiate is now' head re-
lieving agent of the C.P.R. in Mani-
toba and the third: highest in point
of salary of the Company's agents
in the province.
Mr. Will Holloway was successful
in passing his ,second year examina-
tion at the Dental College, Toronto,
and has gone to Harriston to prac-
tice with an L.D.S. for the summer.
Mr. Erne Holmes has passed his
final exam. and is looking for a good
place in which to hang his shingle.
It is reported that he may come to
Rev. S. L. Smith, late rector of
Trinity church, Bayfield, is' moving
this week to Forest where the family
will make their home in the future.
Mr. `Smith will be superannuated in
formed by Mr. W. D. Macpherson,
M.L.A., Toronto, Grand Master of the
Grand Lodge of Canada, assisted by
his officers.
A quiet wedding took place in St.
Paul's church on Tuesday afternoon
when Miss ' Etelka Agnes, daughter
cf Mr. and Mrs. Alex Leitch, was un-
ited in marriage to Mr. W. L. John-
son, son of the late Mr. Thos. John-
son and of Mrs. Johnson of town. The
ceremony was performed by Rev, J.
C. Potts. On! their return from a
honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. John-
son will take up residence on Victoria
Rev. Father McCormick, parish
priest at Kingsbridge, is to be the
recipient of an automobile, his people
having arranged for the purchase of
an up-to-date car which will be a
decided asset as his is a large parish.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Corey„ of Big-
gar, Sask., arrived on Tuesday and
are visiting with the lady's -mother,
Mr. P. C'anteion and other relatives.
Mr. Corey is a G.T.E. engineer and
this being his holiday period he and
his good wife will remain for a month
or so.
Mr. Thomas McCuaig of Toronto,
son of Donald McCuaig, formerly of
Clinton, met With a nasty accident
by falling off a moving street car,
straining his back severely. Adding
to his misfortune is the fact that he
has been out of work all winter.
Mr. Frank Hutchings has taken a
position with Mrs. Whitehead as
Mr. George Bradshaw, who has'
been blockman with the I:H.C. Comp-
any has resigned the position to_en-
ter business and has been succeeded
by Mr.. A. J. McMurray.
Mrs. Ed. Johnston and for daugh-
ter, Miss Emma of the 2nd of Hullett
are over on the Goshen Line, Stanley,
attending her mother, Mrs. Jas. Me-
Clinchey, who is over eighty years
of age and quite feeble.
LESSON TEXT AGTS 5:23-29; GAL• 2:1-10
sem,_.... _0_.; „_ 1.0•• . _. „ 4.10,1/..0.1201/ al*
"The Apostles and eraera and the words, "It seemed good to the
brethren send greeting unto the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay ' :bn
• you .no greater burden than these
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Toronto G134 has been received withi.
good volume and clarity.
The inaugural programme ,was;
opened by the Hon C. D. Howe, Min,
stot. of Transport, speaking trorni
Ottawa. He was followed by the:
Premiers of, the three Martime.
provinces who paid tribute to then
'role GRA will play in increasing the
Successful Demonstration to 240 I The set-up, therefore, was entirely contact and understanding of the
Spectators at Ottawa • -- of a temperorary nature. peoples of Eastern Canada with those
lacsirnile broadcasting was offici-1 In essence,, radio facsimile is 'a of the Prairies and the West.,
dIy introduced to Canada on March method by which the colour shades
brethren which are of the Gentiles necessar thing's: thatye abstain 24 when the Radio Committee of the used in writin • or printing, photo
in Antioch and Syria and Cillieia Y g b g T7az!I Baldwin to Broadcast an- CltG
from meats offered to idols, and from l-Iouse of,, Commons witnessed the graphs or cartoon*, can be changed
blood, and from things strangled', and first Canadian demonstration at the into electrical inanities and sent to ' National Network
front fornication: from which ify a invitation of Leonard W. Bucking -
a suitable receiver, attached to. an The third and Last in a special
keep yourselves,yo shall do well"S ton, K.G., Chairman of the Canadian ordinary radio receiving set, there' series of three lectures to be given
(v 28, 29), ; Now the whole argument Broadcasting Corporation. ,to be re -transformed into its original by Earl Baldwin from Convocation
about circumcision would have been This denlonstr'ation, of the trans- format. Hall,• University of Toronto, will be.
in vain, and their liberty in Christ 'mission and visual isprodution of Facsimile can be employed through broadcast over the national network
would be no liberty at all, if these' printed words,- sketches and photo- any circuit:. short-wave, medium- of •CBC, Saturday, April 22, 8.00 to,
injunctions are to be taken as 'neces-I graph by radio -Waves took place in wave, long - wave misio -far this broadcast replace the pro
sary for -salvation' of the Gentiles. the committtee rooirr before some wave, telegraph and telephone 10.00 p.m, EST. The broadcast Will
Let us 'make , no mistake. The 2000 spectators, including in them wires, or normal broadcasting fie- grammes' "Landon, 1 Galling" and,
Apostles who had heard Peter's cabinet ministers, members of the quencies. Thus, a network of facsi- "Hall of Fun", both of which will
words, "Now therefore why temptye Senate, the Radio Committee, effici- mite stations can be assembled in be maintained over the split • network,,
God, to put a yoke upon the neek ials of the CBOT and others. Both the manlier as is a network of sound On Thusday and Friday, April 204
of the disciples, which neither aur sending and receiving instruments broadcasting . stations. A facsimile and 21, 8.30 to 9.39 p,m. EST, the,
fathers nor we were able to wear?" were located in the cominittee room receiver can be used in the same former British Prime Minister will
(v 10), did not intend that "these so that the two operations could be manner as the ordinary sound broad- be heard in the first two teetnree
necessary things" of verse 29, should ' observed r by the spectators. cast receiver, the amount of power: over Statios CBY. only.
be such a yoke, tempting God and The "newspaper page" transmitted used by the transmitting station de- Earl Baldwin, who will be present; -
denying the liberty which was in of three -column size, consisting of termining the . exact distance facsim- ed with an Honorary- Degree by the:
Christ Jesus by faith. The Apostles., the GDC. ma " .ahead" , a statement ile can be transmitted' !
liUniversity on the oecassixin of his:
intended that "the Gentiles were to by the General Manager pertained to; At present, facsimile broadcasts! first lecture, will speak • under the
be left .in possession of their liberty, lthe activities of the Corporation, are being made on the regular wave- auspices of the Sir Robert Faulkner
and not to be disturbed or troubled programme highlights, The demon- lengths of broadcast stations during Foundation series. I't is expected
about the observance of the law; the f stration was a decided success al- the early hours of the morning when I that he will make some phrase of
injunctions which are given do not though the equipment was installed the stations would normally remain international polities the topic of? his;
diminish that Iiberty: they only ad- only on r
the day of the demotstrationidle, addresses.
monish the Gentile& how they ought
to accomodate themselves to their -
brethrento avoid off metheb
. Yes, the Apostles really
believed that there "is neither Jew
nor Greek, bond nor 'free, male or
female: for all,are' one in Christ
Jesus." (Gal. 3:28). And by the
words with which our lesson begins
we see how this real faith went out
actively in its affection for the breth-
ren. How wonderfully the mighty,
Word of God had "brought peace, and
made men one, breaking down the
middle wall of partition." Truly Jesus
Christ had "in His flesh abolished
the enmity --the law of'command-
nients' contained in ordinances" (Eph,
2:14, 15). Jew and Gentile, alike
delivered' in Jesus Christ from the
vanity of.trust in the righteousness
of their own sinful works,' find joy
and fellowship in the grace and faith
of the Gospel. What men are NOT
by nature, that JeW and Gentile had
become by the Word of the Gospel—
brethren in Christ Jesus; (John 1:12,
13). Having been made in Jesus
Christ recipients- of *heir eternal
adoption as sons, (Eph. 1:5), Jew
now writes to Gentile as brother to
brother sending "greetings".....
When The Present Century
Was Young
APRIL 23, 1914
A pretty home wedding tool:: place
Lakeside akeside Farm, ' Goderieh town-
ship, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
McMath, on Wednesday of last week
when, their youngest daughter, Miss
Sadie, became the bride of Mr. Her- The 'flu is very prevalent,here as
bert J. Trewarthaof Holmesville. The hardly a house has escaped without
some one having it.
We are sorry to report the serious
illness of Mrs. Harper, who has been,
ill for some time.
Miss W. I. Rutherford of Kirkland
Lake is spending the holidays at her
home here.
A ind this; word Off "greeting" is
no mere formal, ;salutation! Quite
the contrary—it is the, greeting, to
be .confirmed by the testimony of
the messengers, of men concerned
for the very faith, the very' souls of
brethren threatened by the proclama-
tion of "another gospel: which is not
another, but the perversion of the
gospel of Christ" (Gal. 1:61--7). The
Apostles and elders and brethren at
Jerusalem knew the weakness of
human flesh and they knew' the in-
sidious power of the false doctrine
of justification by works. Peter, for
example, had learned with great dif-
ficulty, and by the grace of God
alone, that without the works of the
law of Gentiles, even by his `mouth,
might hear the word of the Gospel
and believe (Acts 15:7ff). He knew
therefore . that religious rites and
ceremonies were non -meritorious in
that work -of salvation wrought out,
finished and complete, in Jesus
Christ. He knew that "circumcision"
was of no avail whatever—nor any
other outward religious activity
whereby men become identified with
the Church of Jesus Christ.. Ile knew,
with Paul, that' "A man is not just-
ified by the works of the law, but
through faith in Jesus Christ" (Gal.
2:1G). Knowing, therefore; the "lib-
erty wherewith Christ had made
them free", and knowing the horrible
subtlety of the temptation of legal-
ists with their satanic appeal to the
natural pride of'man to trust in the
moral and religious deeds of his own
hands,, the Apostles at Jerusalem
spared no, pains to prevent the be-
lievers at Antioch, Syria and GlideGlidefrom being carried away, from the
true faith by certain "Judaizers"
who were demanding that they be
"circumcised, and keep the law".
(v 24).
(Intended for Iast week)
Miss Audrey Congram, Dungan-
non visited with Miss Vera Taylor
Mrs. Joe McIntosh of Vineland,
and Mr. Neely Todd of Stratford,
spent the weekend , with their par-
ents, Mr.' and Mrs. D. Todd.
Misa Iona Swan of Lucknow is vis-
iting at her parents for the present.
Mr. Damien Phillips motored re -
nutty to Windsor and brought home
a new Dodge Coupe.
Rev. Mr. Gill of Dungannon con-
ducted services in, the United. Church
here on Sunday on account of the
illness of the pastor, Rev. Wright.
Born—In West Wawanosh on Mon-
day, April 3rd to Mr. and Mrs. Har-
vey Webb—a daughter:
The St. Helen's Beef Ring corn -
menus on Thursday, April 13th.
Misses Muriel and Gladys Wright
who have been attending High School
at Leamington are home for the
Mrs. R. 3. Woods has returned
home after spending the winter with
her family in Gtielph, Dundas and
Mis Irene Woods of Waterloo is
spending the holidays at her home
here. ,
We are sorry to report Mr. G. A.
Webb and Mr. Louis Weatherhead
are under the doctor's care at present
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
James Hamilton of Goderieh and only
immediate relatives were included
among the 'guests. Mr. and Mrs;
'l'rewarthe will take up housekeep-
ing at Homesville
Mr. Frank Andrews is going exten-
sively into quicken culture, having al-
ready at his farm just inside the town
limits 'about eight hundred eggs in
process of, hatching and expects to
have twice that number' of chickens
before the season is over.
Mr. Ed. Johnston, the "Yankee
farmer" who has bought the S. A.
Brown farm on the 2nd' of Hullett
is busy seeding with a favorable' sea- se1s.
A new barber strop has opened in
the building formerly occupied by the
rffice of E, D. Bell at Brussels. Mr.
Lee Kiefer, Brucefield, who has been
barbering in London for the pastten
Years is in.eharge of the shop which
is owned by Jno. Rutlerdge of Brus-
, v ie inr
g n y
an abuse of their `liberty."
For the plan of faith, before God,
all things are lawful (1 Cor. 6:12;
10:28), but before man, for the sake
of the brethren, all things are not
expedient. It is precisely the man of
faith who hears and rejoices in Paul's
mighty call, "Stand fast in the lib-
erty wherewith Christ hath made us
free, end be not entangled again with
the yoke of bondage", who willingly
submits also to such injunctions as
given in verse 29, fearing lest his
liberty be turned to licence detrim-
ental to the 'edification of the
We have only to substitute for the.
word 'circumcision' some such word
as 'Clntrch-membership', and for the
word 'law' some such phrase as 'the
observance of religious ceremonies'
(the keeping of the sabbath, for ex-
ample), and to remember how tena-
ciously the Church of our time clings
to these outward forms and active
ities, to see how real the problem
of our lesson is in our very midst.
In answer to the question, What is
a Christian? the average church
member to -day will reply variously,
"One who, does the best that he can;.
one who keeps the Golden Rule; one
who is baptized and confirmed and
tries to keep the. Sabbath; one who
is trying to "follow the teachings
of Jesus", who . is faithful in all
religious activities and who tries to
express his faith -by - active 'good
worlds' in his; community„' ..etc".
But this is precisely themodern'
equivalent of that fearful heresy of
'ircumcision-righteousness', or right
ebusness by works, from which the
Apostles had been marvellously de-
livered thrsilgh faith in Jesus •Christ,
and from • whish' they . themselves
were' so desperately anxious that
the Christians at Antioch, Syria and
Cilieia also be. delivered. Not for the
preservation of their own righteous
mess, but "for the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ, they had hazarded their
lived" (v 26). By the 'name of the
Lord Jesus' they had received that
saving knowledge whereby ' they.
learned' that they could not, by any
effort of their own, earn, achieve,
pay for, or co-operate with the free
and undeserved grace of God! Just-
ified by faith alone they knew the
joyful liberty of the children of God!
the return to 'circumcision, or the
imposition of this ceremony upon the
Gentiles, would be a flagrant denial
of the .liberty wherewith Christ . had
set then free, -just as flagrant a
denial of the Gospel as if we our-
selves were to trust in the observ-
ance of any religious works as a 'co-'
operating' with God in our own sal-
The passage irk Acts concludes with
HENSALL, — Celebrating with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Dougall here on the occasion of their
fifty-fourth wedding anniversary
were their family, including Dr. and
Mrs. R. P. I. Dougall, Petrone. Mr.
and Mrs. Milne Rennie a n d their
family, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Dougall, Hay Township; and Miss
Alice Dougall, Toronto.
New 50 -Kilowatt CBC
Assures Wide Coverage of 2I
There have been plenty of refer-
ences to faithful Old Dobbin and
a recounting of the many years of
service the old nag gave. G. H. Mc-
Kay of Tiverton has a mechanical
counterpart, so faras years of ser-
vice go, in his model T Ford, Turned
out at the Ford plant as one of the
class of 1917, the ear is still used by
Mr. MacKay. This week he purchas-
ed his license for tine vehicle, which,
despite its age, still gets around as
sprightly as it did in its younger
days, and has outcassed not only
nearly all its fellows but many more
recent models as well.
at Watrous, Sask., in June, the CBC
will have in operation four .modern TIME TABLE CHANGES
totes newer transmitters in as many main
The formal opening of CBC's new
geographical areas of Canada.
50,000 -watt transmitter, CBA, at According to reports already re- Sunday, April 30 1939,
Sackville, N.B., on April 8, marked ceived by CBC, the reception of CBA Full information from Agents.
another step in the plans of the' over most of the Maritime regions
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation' has been of exceptional quality. In
to give extensive radio coverage to`no communications received to date
all parts of the Dominion. WhenCBI{, have there been reports of fading
a station identical in type, is opened., or marred performances, Even in
It is designed for its purpose, which is to please the eye .. .
to convince the buyer ... get the reader to act ... to loosen
purse strings.
The wise printer and the wise buyer tailor the job to reasonable
price limits. Money UNWISELY saved on cheap printing IS
Good 'rLtin
has a function to pOrform, and `"The News -Record" will !not
spoil sales opportunities by shoddy work and inferior materials.
The Clilltoll No mud