HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-04-13, Page 1The News -Record Est. 1878
With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New Era
The Kew Era Est. 185Y
NO. 5931.-59TII YEAR.
l.l yarsof
We have just received from the manufacturers what you
have been looking for,
moderately priced.
& CEI.
In order to introduce this beautiful lime we , are selling a
Silverplated DE -LUXE PIERCED SERVER for 35c — regular
price $L50.
Get yours first opportunity.
Gall and see them and we will tell you about the free insurance
that you may : have, without additional cost.
Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j.
Lady Mae Foundation
Wednesday and Thursday,April
19th and 20th
Let Miss Thomson, Expert
Corsetiere discuss with you
your Figure Problems..
(some in at Your Leisure, Or
if you wish, Make an
,Appointment by
produced an exquisite new pattern in Tudor Plate
known as the Fortune design. For medium -price
silverware, this new Fortune design sets absolutely
new standards of refinement in form, balance and
richness of ornamental detail. See the 40 -piece
service inbeautiful chest complete for only $19.95.
The regular open stock %price is $27.45. Quantity
consumer saving $7.50. Come in and see this chest
at any time. We will be pleased to give you any
information you desire about it.
Limped - Quantity
Introductory Offer
tFor 35c we will give you a beautiful DeLuxe
Pierced Server in the new Fortune design which `.
regularly sells at $1.50. Get yours- while our
supply lasts.
Remember WATCH REPAIR is a job- for. experts.
Our work assures your satisfaction.
"Counter's for Finer Jewellery for over Half' a
Century in Huron County
The Farmers' Market
Wheat 57c.
Oats 30c.
Barley 40c,; 42c.
Cream 24e, 23c.
Eggs 17e,14c .13c 12c,
> ,
Hogs $8.40
Discuss Refugee,Problem
Rev.• I{, McGoun was guest 'speaker
at the Lions Club meeting held in
the McKenzie Hotel on Monday even-
ing and gave an interesting talk on
the refugee problem. He suggested
that from a humanitarian .and econ-
omic standpoint Canada could' well
afford to open her doors to those
seeking admittance. These people
should be encouraged to settle in a
country where there is room for in,
creased population. He pointed out
that few of those seeking admittance
were of the unskilled class, many of
them being skilled workmen or pro-
fessional men.
Visitors included R. Stonehouse, F.
Hibbert and H. Edwards, Goderich,
and Ray Gregory of the Petrolia
Lions - Club. The next meeting will
beheld in the Blyth Community Hall
on April 24th.
Farewell Presentations
On Sunday morning after the ser-
vice the choir of the Presbyterian
Church presented Mr. D. C. McNeill
witha small gift in appreciation of
his services as a member of the choir
during his stay in Clinton. The pre-
sentation was made by Mr. Albert
Mitchell who voiced the- regret felt
by the choir in losing a valued mem-
ber who had at all times been willing
to share the responsibilities connect-
ed with the work. .
At the meeting of the Girls Club
held at the home of Mrs. Thomas
Morgan on Monday evening Mrs. Mc-
Neill also received a gift of .remem-
brance from the members of the club,
Mrs. Frank Mutch making the pre-
sentation on behalf of the members.
.Both Mr. and Mrs. McNeill will be
missed .in the, work of the chinch
as they have been faith -till and will-
ing workers.
W. D. Fair Honoured by
Masonic Order
William D. Fair, who tendered his
resignation as treasurer of Clinton
Masonic Lodge after 37 years con-
tinuous service, was guest •of honor
at the regular lodge meeting on Fri-
day night.
Wor Bro. Fair was presented with
an honorary life membership in the
lodge, a set of pipes and tobacco
with a suitable address, and as a
special reeognition`of faithful service -
to the local lodge and to the -. craft
in general, the grand masters' cer-
tificate as a grand - steward of : the
Grand Lodge of Canada. Mr. Fair,
who now takes the rank of Very
Worshipful Brother, was elected
treasurer ,of the lodge in June, 1902.
It was past masters' .night, and
Wor Bro. T. G. Scribbins presided,
assisted in the east by F. B. Penne-
baker and H. W. Gould, other officers
being H. P. Plumsteel, H. A. Mc-
Intyre, A. E. Fines, George. Van -
Horne, G. R. Hall and H. H. Mc-
Brien.The presentations to Mr.
Fair were made by Past D.D.G.M: s
H. E. Rorke, J, W. Shaw and G. H.
Celebrates a Birthday
A very happy Easter Sunday was
spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. J. O'Brien, Tuckersmith, when
they : entertained in honor of his
mother's 80th birthday which was on
April 3rd but. observance held over
a week to have some members of the
family present.
The guests sat clown to a fowl
dinner and there were present four
generations: Mrs, O'Brien, Christoph-
er O'Brien, Eldon O'Brien and , Baby
Frank O'Brien. A gaily decorated
birthday cake with candles represent-
ing the years was served on a cake
stand received as a wedding present
57 years ago. The cake was out by
the guest of honor and all joined in
singing "Happy Birthday". A few
happy hours were spent after dinner
listening to some interesting events
an the homestead during . the time
Mrs. O'Brien and her late husband
livedan the farm which has been
owned by members of the O'Brien
family for more than 75 - years. Her
husband purchased the farm from his
brother when they married and - molt-
ed here front Melton.. Their father
had previously owned the land when Belgrave. (Finals the following week
it was dense forest. Mrs. O'Brien in competition for the cup.)
told of spending tunny' a day binding ,.Ontario Street United Church
sheaves of grain cut by the cradle 10.15 a.m. Sunday School Member -
while the baby was left to sleep on ship ;Class,
a bed of sheaves beside the :fence, 1.1,00 a.m. Reception of members
Mrs. O'Brien resides on Mary st. and into the church, Topic: "The Mean
is still able to do all her own house- ing of the Christian Life."
work and gardening and finds time 2.00 :pan. Turner's Church,
to give a helping hand whenever 2.30 p,ns. Sunday Sehool, Clinton.
. 7, Special Service. exchange
needed. 00 .m p S
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Barnes and choir and preacher., Wingham Choir
Miss Betty, Toronto, and Mr. and at Ontario Street United. Rev. J. F.
Mrs, W. Swinbank were present. Anderson I3.A., 13.1)., of Wingham will
There was a family of Toru sons and preach,
two daughters, all, living but one son Sunday Scheel Anniversary, April
whn dinrl ahnnt 20 vears arn. 22id,
LittleLocals ' '
Mr. D. C, McNeill yesterday moved
his household effects to London.
Mrs. E. W. Morrison spent the East-
' GO'DERICH TOWNSHIP Quality of. Exhibits Good at
Mr. George Miller and Cecil Wood Spring Fair
er weekend in Toronto. of Charlton are visiting at the home P
Dos rte the fact that a cold wind
"Best wishes for the success' of the Mr. Jack Bawden of Hamilton visited of Mr: and Mrs: Arnold' Miller and
Clinton Spring Show" was the mes- Clinton relatives at Easter, other relatives in Goderich township. made the crowd seek sheltered spots.
Easter- last Thursday afternoon the'Clinton
' Mr. Alfred Crozier spent PJa M : ChesterGrigg, ais Mr. Toronto f
Sunday' at his- home in St. Marys, " spending his holidays at the home Spring Fair was one of the best held.
Mr. and Mrs, K. G. _Waters and of his 'father, Mr, Reuben Grigg, int the county this year The quality
contained in:a telegram received
sage n g
ctors'•last Thursday by the dere ay at s
noon from Mr. Ian McLeod, former
agricultural representative. , daughter" spent Easter in Toronto,
Mr,and Mrs, Cecil' Rowden spent of exhibits was exceptionally
good. ood
With Judge C4steno Presiding at Mr Stewart Cook of Toronto anent at he home of his brother, and while the attendance may not
the Division Curt on have been as large as last
'Tuesday, the holiday at the home of his Mr. Bert Rowdon, -year, ars
Charles Mutch ;was acquitted of parents, Mr, and Mrs. Cree Cook. We extend our sincere .sympathy: enthusiastic crowd gathered. fon this,
Mame in an accident involving .a car' Miss Margaret Durst spent the to Mr. and Mrs, 0.. Welsh in the annual event
driven by him .and a truck owned Easter weekend ' at her, home in sudden bereavement of . her father, I Entries in the horse classes,- were,
by Dumarts Ltd: The accident oc-• `Wroxeter, Mr. Guy Hicks, filled by some of the best horses. in
curved last fall, Rev. Hilton, Toronto, was the guest. Hugh Middleton of Toronto Huron County and the showmen used
of Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Johnson spent the holiday with his parents,. all the means at their disposal. to,
Good Friday Cantata on. Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, .C, B. Middleton, deck them out for the parade. Step -
The Sacred Cantata, "Darkness and Miss Isabel Chowen of the Post Miss Reta Beacon of Toronto ping to the music of the Citizen'*
Dawn," was- very ably presented by Office staff spent the weekend !n spent Easter with her parents. ;Band the beauties seemed to know
the choir of Wesley -Willis church to New York,•Mr, Charles Ferguson and Miss they were on parade and behaved,
an appreciative =audience on Good Mr. Gordon Hearn of Toronto Uni Florence Lovett of London were.admirably. There were over thirty
Friday evenin ' '.' versityis spending the holidays at horses representing all types in the:
y g. P Y guests of Mr. and Mus, D. L. Steph
The solo ,work of the presentation his home here. enson on Good Friday.
was particularly ,well performed by Mrs. Geo. A. Walker spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunbar, Kay
Mrs, P. Hearn, Mrs. R. Hewson,. Mrs. end with her sister, Mrs, E. Watson and Roy of Lambeth, spent Good Fri
W. M. Nediger and Mrs. W. A. of Hamilton: clay with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Welsh,
Oakes. Miss Gladys Addison appear- Mr. and Mrs. J, Mutch have been Mrs. Gordon Livermore of London,
ed effectively in; a trio with Mrs, spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Vena Cioden and • daughter,
Hearn and Mrs. Oakes. Messrs. M. Mrs Pied Match. Doris Gene of Detroit, spent the
McEwen and Wm. Mutch joined with Mr, and Mrs, Cyril B. Hale of St weekend at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Miss Addison and. Mrs. Hearn. in an Catharines visited at their . home Lawrence Stephenson.
impressive quartette. - here last weekend. Miss Grace Stirling of Toronto was
The choral work 'was well rendered Miss 0. Brigham of Windsor spent home over the holiday. -
under the capable conducting of Mr, the Easter vacation with her sister, Mr. Don Smith of Toronto was vis -
Morgan Agnew. 'Mrs. Agnew at the Miss L ,Brigham. iting with his father, Mr, D. A.
organ, as usual turned in a splendid Miss Agnes Agnew, Toronto, spent Smith over the weekend. fine in bone, etc., then of course
performance, Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mr.` and Mrs. Allen Beatles and there was the other side of the course.
The work was repeated. Sunday Mrs. Morgan Agnew. ' Alvin have all been laid up with the
evening to .a fine congregation of Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore spent 'flu, tion. It was apparent from the
worshippers. Easter in Teeswater with Mr. and Mr.' and Mrs. Jas. R. Stirling and various conversations that the object
• Mrs, Clarence Green. Fraser, are also laid up with the 'flu, of the fair, that of promoting great -
Mrs. John Walker of Kitchener spent ' Mr, and Mrs. Howard Cox have er interest in better livestock, was
the weekend at the home of her moved to the Cartwright place on the being achieved.
son, Mr. Geo. A. Walker, end of the Sixth. - - As the hands of the town clock
Miss Dinsmore of Wingham . spent The .recent snow storms have kept 'pointed to five o'clock the crowd
the weekend with Miss B. Greene the flow of sap up which has been ;started to thin out, the younger gen-
and other Clinton friends. quite heavy the last week and syrup l eration being anxious to get homer
Miss Clarice Shortt of St. Catharines of fine. quality. to do the evening chores early so
was an Easter visitor at the home Fred Lobb last week purchased e'that they might be on time for the
of Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Epps. good quality two-year-old filly from' dance held in the town hall. Music
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seeley and N. W. Trewartha, Fred likes a good was supplied by Little's Orchestra
grandson Billie spent Easter with horse. and the dance was well patronized.
Toronto and Newmarket friends.
Miss Sadie Elliott of London was an
Easter visitor at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Elliott.
Mrs. Annie Brown spent Easter
Sunday at the hone of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Wni. Hoggart of Lon-
Mr. ,and Mrs. J. C. Shearer visited esties on June 6. The clerk was in -,foaled in 1935 or previous, Robert
the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. utructed to write all school boards; Murdock, Brucefield; Charles Lind
Cornell in Streetsville over the and then forward the information to say, Clinton; T. J. McMichael, Sea-
weekend.Mr. Roberts, The township of How- forth; Charles Lindsay, Clinton. Stat -
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice "'Kingston of ieh sent a resolution favoring no lion foaled in 1936 or 1937-3. E,
Toronto spent the weekend with the snow removal on secondary roads—iFalconer, Dublin; Charles Godbolt„
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. no action. The, account of Miss EdnaExeter; Russel Scott, Cromarty;
, T:
J. Pumsteel. M. Elliott war referred to the BoardJ. McMichael, Seaforth; J. E. Falcon -
of Health. The Dept. of Highways er, T. J. McMichael
informed the council that a subsidy Percheron
would be paid only on not exceeding' Stallion foaled in 1935 or previous,
William Schra Zurich.
Therewere pp six applications
for the treasurership, Mr. Chas, M. Heavy Draft
Whitely was appointed, a change wash Brood mare, James Scott, Crom--
made in road accounting, in future r arty; Harvey Turner, Varna; Roy
the Road Supt. will prepare the road Toll, Blyth; Filly or gelding foaled
vouchers and the treasurer will issue' 1935 or previous, James Scott, Cron:-
ronthe cheques. By-law No. 5 appointing arty, I,2, 4; Ephriam Meadows, Ern -
Mr. Whitely treasurer and iby-law
No. 6 to pay 25% on the purchase
of one acre of land in each school
section for reforestation, the price
not to exceed 50.00, were read and
passed. A donation of 25.00 was vot-
ed to the Goderich Township Schoen
Fair. The clerk was instructed to
engage Monteith & Monteith, char-
tered accountants to audit the town- ;Continued on page 3)
ship accounts to April 1,, then to
addit again at the end, of the year. VAl'21vA
The Tax Collector had a few dilin-
quents, so his time was extended to The April meeting of the Varna
were W.M.S.was held . in the church. - At
May L The following accounts
paid: R. J. Howard, relief account, the absence of the president, Bertha
6.00; Wes. McLean, relief account, Diehl tools charge. "Rejoice the Lord.
7.29; Township of Stanley, relief se- is Ring" was sung, Minutes of the
count, 5,63; News -Record, printing, last meeting were read and adopted
13,50; Geo. Latnphrey, sheep claim, and thirteen members answered yolk
134.40 • Reg. Sturdy, valuing sheep, i call with an Easter thought Precious„
10.80; John Hoggarth, shooting sheep' to be text word for May. It was
dog„ 5.00; Mrs, McNiven, assisting' suggested a letter be sent to some
at treasurer's books, 15.00; R. G. shut-ins. The Easter Tha.nkoffering
Thompson, Pro Tem. 25.00. Council' is to be held soon after Easter. Mrs.
parade, although this . was nat the:
total entered for competition. Horse:
entries were down two in number -
from last year, but cattle entries;
were up two to balance the list-.
Down at the church shed those wean.
were interested in the cattle classea.
used brush and comb to fit out their
charges. It was quite an education,
to listen to the cattlemen discuss,
the merits of certain classes. Those,
who favored the heavier Hereford
breed claimed that Poll -Angus breed
ere were getting their animals too
Among the Churches
The Young Men's Bible Class will
meet as usual on Sunday in St. Paul's
Parish Hall at four o'clock. Dr. Mc-
Innes will conduct the lesson period.
Four members of the Class will speak
on the subject, "Why I should be a
Christian and go to Church."
The Salvation Army
Sunday 11 a.m. "Holiness Through
Speech"; 3 p.m. Sunday School; 7
p.m. "The Call that Saves."
The regular weekly prayer meeting
will be held tonight in the Quarters
at 8 pais.
Presbyterian Church
The April meeting of the W.M.S.
will be held at the home of Mrs. 3.
Wilson, Albert street, on Thursday,
April 20th, at 3 pan. Miss Isabel
Glenn will have charge of the topic.
Current Events will be taken by Mrs.
J. Ii, McEwen.
Baptist Church
The service on. Sunday evening
was conducted by Rev. Hilton of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin. Zinn and family
Toronto. Mr. -Hilton gave an Easter of Lucknow visited friends in Clin-
message26. p taking as Avis text John ton last Thursday and attended the
S rin Show.
On Sunday Rev. A. E. Silvers wilt Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Andrews and son,
have charge of the service. This will Junior of Scarboro Bluffs spent
be Rev, Mr. Silver's first service the holiday and weekend with Mr.
since becoming Pastor of the Auburn and Mrs, Ferg. Van.Egmond.,
and Clinton Churches. Mr. Robert Trick of Dorchester made
Wesley -Willis Church his annual visit to Clinton on the
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- occasion of the Spring Fair and
per will be dispensed at morning renewed many acquaintances in
worship on Sunday next, April 16th. this district.
"Finding God" is the sermon sub- Miss Verle Dudgeon left for her
Monday jest at evening worship.
home in Cheale y on after
Tuesday, April. 18th, Girls Club spending the weekend with her
meet et the home of - Miss Welkin aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R.
shaw at 8 o'clock. Miss Irwin's: and H. Johnson.
Mrs, Hanley's group in charge, Misses Christina and Beatrice Van
St. Paul's Church Diepen of Banes, Cuba, who are at-
Sunday, April 16th, 8 a,m. Holy tending Moulton College, Toronto,
Communion; 11 a.m. Morning were weekend visitors with Mr, and
Prayer. The Rector will conductMrs. Clifford .Epps.
the service and the speaker will be Mr. and Mai, Norman Eagan of
Rev, H, W. Garbutt, B.A,, missionary Toronto spent the Easter weekend
from Africa. at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Geo.
2.30 p.m, Sunday School. Rev. Gar- T, . Jenkins, Mrs, Eagan is remain -
butt will present moving pictures of Inv for a week of two.
the life and work m Africa, Adult Mr• George E. Palmer 5f the Master
Mechanics Office, C.N.R. Montreal,
memberSus y the parish are invited to accompanied by his son, Arthur,
7he m. Eve ngool session. 1 spent Good Friday with his brother
p.m. Evicting Prayer and sermon Mr. Albert'Palmer of town.
by Tuesday,
Rector. 1 Mr.' Cecil VanHorne of Toronto came
Tuesday; April 18-3 p.m. Woman's
Auxiliary meet in Owen Memorial up on Thursday to visit his par -
Hall. .It is expected that Mrs. H. L. ents. Mrs. VanHorne who had
Jennings, wife of the missionary at spent the past week here returned
Fort Norman will speak, to Toronto with him on Sunday.
Wednesday, April 19th -4,1.5 p.m. Mr, Jack Perdue who recently com-
Junigr W. A. meeting in Owen Mem- pleted a winter -engagement with
aria. Hall. Red Ruhl and his orchestra at
8.25 p.m, The Drama Festival in the Windsor, has gone to Hait'lilton for
Parish Hall, The AY,P,A.'s of God- an audition at the Sky Club" in
erieh, Exeter and Middleton will pre- - that city.
sent a ono -act play in thefirst round Mr, Bruce Biggart, who has been
of the Huron Deanery A. Y. P. A. visiting his parents left this week.
Drama' Festival, for. Toronto. and Niagara Falls
Thursday, April- 20th — Wing • ham, whlere he 'will make brief .visits
Clinton and Brussels will: compete in before returning tohis home inHaliburton.
Daniel Glidden Sr. has leased his • Judges in the horse and cattle -
two grass farms on the 11th Con. classes were: heavy horses, Neil Mo-
to N. W. Trewartha for the season.-Kntnon, Hillsburg; light horses, W.
Council Meeting M. Merrifield, Ridgetown; cattle, Dr.
Council met in Holmesville on April i James Pinkney, Cookeville.
6. The County Clerk wished to know The Prize List
how many school children would at- Judge --Neil McKinnon, Hillsburg
tend at Stratford to view their Maj- Henry Horses, Clydesdale: Stallion
Mr. - and 'Mrs. Charles Trickett of
Port Rowan and Mt. and Mrs.
Clayton Moore and daughter,
Thelma of Tillsonburg called on
Mr. and - Mrs. G. E. Hall last Sat-
urday. -
Mr. and Mrs. F. Whitmore of
Hamilton spent the weekend with Mrs. 0. Rodgers spent the week-
end in Toronto,
Mrs. Rev. R. a. McCormick spent
Sunday with Mrs, E. A Yeo.
Mr, McDonald of Teeswater ,spent
Easter with his daughter, Mrs. E.
bro; Filly or gelding foaled in 1936
— William McEwen, Clinton; Roy
Toll, Blyth; E. J; Glenn, ;Clinton;
Filly or gelding' foaled in 1937 Fred
Roney, Mitchell; Horse colt or filly',
foaled in 1938—J. E. Falconer, Dub-
lin, W. J. Dale, Clinton; Team in
harness — James Scott, Cromarty,
1, 2; Roy Toll, Blyth; Sweepstakes,
then adjourned to meet on Monday,
May 1 at, 1.30 p.m..
Chas. Whitely has been appointed
Treasurer of the Township of Goder-
ich, to succeed the late Harry L.
Salkeld. -
McClymont and Violet sang a duet,
"Rise Up 0 Men at God" was sung.
Mrs. Ralph Stephenson gave an: in-
teresting talk front. Study Book. Mrs.
Geo. Reid read the Bible reading.
Mrs. W. Stephenson, read a story
about Testing Brotherhood. Meeting
closed with prayer. -
choir supplying the music. Solo parts STANLEY
were taken by Miss Edna Huller and Miss Kate McGregor of Wingham:
Norman Trewartha and duets by and Miss Margaret McGregor of Tor -
Mrs, E. Potter and Mrs. Les. Jervis i onto, are spending Easter holidays
and Eileen and Marie Glidden. !at the home of their .mother, - Mrs.
Miss Cora Trewartha is spending Neil McGregor;
her 'vacation with her parents, Mr. Mr, and. Mrs, Lorne Pepper of
and Mrs. E. J. Trewartha. Niagara Falls, spent Easter with the, '
Mr.' and Mrs. Macdonold of Tees- former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John,
water spent. Sunday with Mr. and E. Pepper. '
Mrs, E. Potter. Mr, Randal Pepper, spent the week
Mr. .and Mrs. Wm, .Norman visited end ,with his parents. -
relatives in Wellesley on Sunday, Miss Margaret McGregor; Miss:
Miss Alma Trewartha spent Tues- Kate McGregor and their another,. .
day with Miss Delphine Bisback: Mrs. Neil McGregor, spent the week-
end visiting in Paisley.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Baird, and datu.
ghter, Miss Thelma Baird•of Toronto,
visited at the ]tome of his brother„
Mr, Goo. Baird.
Mr. Roy Pepper is visiting' a. few
Mr. and Mrs., Frani Whitmore.
A large congregation attended
church on Sunday evening wheat the
choir presented, the Easter- drama,
"Welcome Happy Morning." The