HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-03-23, Page 5'THURS., MARCH 23, 1939 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD MODERN, EXP'ERIENCED BANKING SERVICE' .. The Outcome of 121 Years' Successful Operation , . . Where is a spirit of service and co-operation about the Bank of Montreal which appeals strongly to the holders of its more than one million deposit accounts, You will enjoy banking with the Bank of Montreal because it gives the kind of service that customers appreciate. , BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1612 Clinton Branch: H. M. MONTEITH, Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and Thursday. "YOUR BANK AND ROW YOU MAY USE IT"—Add for holler sss LONDESBORO On Thursday evening last (the eve -of St. Patrick's day) neighbors to the number of almost thirty gathered -at the home of Thos. E. Adams, ton - cession nine, Hullett to offer con- gratulations on his birthday.., Mr. Adams although of English decent Inas, a real Irish• birthday and was born on good' old' St. Patrick's day, The evening was pleasantly spent in _games, contests • and music, The gathering breaking up in the wee small hours of the morning by sing- ing "For He's a Jolly Goad Fellow" -and 'wishes that Mr: Adams would live to celebrate many more bi'rth- eays ill the same way. ivliss Edith Stewart spent the past week visiting Constance friends. The afternoon tew and entertain- ment of the W. I, which was post- - pond last week will .be held an Sat- urday of this week. There has been no school at No, 8 this week, the teacher, Miss -Stalker being sick. Art epidermic of colds and -flu has struck the viIlaage and community— scarcely a house being free from it. Mrs. J. D,. Melville has returned to .her home having spent several weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. Collison of Blyth, who has been very 21, but is now able to be around again. Mr. Wallace Riley had the mis- fortune to have his shoulder severely •-injured recently at a hockey .match at Seaforth, he being bumped into by another player. Wallie is missed greatly on the team. A number of others on the team beingalso laid off with the 'fru, which made it dif- ficult to get a team at all, however before all this happened the Londes- boro 'team came through with fly- ing colors. • The regular April meeting of the Woman's Institute, will be held one week early on March 30th as Clinton Spring Show falls on the regular date. Election of officers, Agriculture ee Canadian Industries, Mrs. F. Hall,? Roll Call, To assemble suggestions for the program for the coming year: Community singing. Hostesses, Mrs, Geo, Moon, Mamie Shaddick, Mamie! Ross, Mary Caldwell, Mrs. R. Call: well, While visiting at the home of Mrs. Albert Radford, Mrs. H. Riley suf- fered a paralytic stroke which affect- • ed her throat and speech. The doctor. would not permit her to be removed to her home and Mrs, Radford took care of her for some days. She lin- proved considerably, and is now at her own home. We wish her con- tinued imprevement. Mr. Joseph Gray was stricken with -a paralytic stroke on; Saturday Inst, his right side being affected. He had been quite poorly all winter. CHARLES II. MANNING Death has again claimed a highly 'esteemed' and familiar figure in the person of Chas. H. Manning whose death occurred an Thursday, March 16th at the home of his daughter, Mrs, dos. Shaddick, Hullett Ma Harming was in his 64th year and had lived all his life within two miles' from his ' birthplace. He was the second son of the late Edmund and Ann Manning, pioneers. of Hullett ••township, and -was born on the old . homestead of his father on the .10th' con, of Hullett about 2 miles west.: of Londesboro where Mr. Chas. Vod-' den now lives. Forty-one years ago' he married Alice Maud Moggridgo, also of Hullett, they farmed on the, homestead for some- years until Mrs,' health began to fail. 28 years ago they gave up farming and moved into the village of Londesboro. 'The first year after moving he work- ed for Mr. John Hutton; then took s the job as mechanic With Mr. W. T. Brundson & Son for the Massey - Harris implements. There he served faithfully and well until his health a 1'began to fail a few years ago, when tat times he was not able to. work :a a great deal. He lived in the vil- lage 27 years, until the passing of Mrs. Manning eleven months ago, He then sold his home to Mr. W. Knox and went with his son-in-law, Mr. Joseph Shaddick to their farm a mile east of the village. A few days be- fore his passing he was stricken with a paralytic stroke from which he never rallied. The funeral services were held on Saturday, March 18th, After a brief service at the house, thence to the United church. His pastor, Rev. A. Menzies officiating. Those who survive him are two daughters, Mrs. Stanley Lyon and Mrs. Jos. Shaddick of Londesboro; and two sisters, Mrs. Ben Mason, Blyth, and Mrs. Wm, Gray, Londes- born. A. brother Joseph E. predeceas- ed him 18 years ago. The pallbear- ers were Messrs. Fred Shobbrook, Robt. Youngblutt, Willows Mountain, Alex. Welsh, Wm. Govier, Newman Garrett. Burial took place in the family plot Union Cemetery, Blyth. 'AUBURN Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sheppard and family were in Stratford on Satur- day. Mi. and Mrs. W. T. Robison vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Gar- rett of Blyth on Sunday. Miss Marjorie Arthur of Stratford Normal School, was a weekend vis- itor at her home here. Misses Minnie Snell and Elsie Snell were in Goderich on Monday attend- ing the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Bradford. Miss Anna Beadle of Detroit spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Beadle. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mellwain and Amelia .visited recently with Mr, and. Mrs. Geo. Feagan of Goderich town- ship. Messrs Albert Killough and Gord- on Adams were recent visitors at Toronto. Mr. Harvey McGee and Mrs. R. J. Phillips were at Blyth on . Friday night attending the program put on by the Woman's Institute. Mr. Wm. Robertson was 88 years old on St. Patrick's Day, March 17, while Mrs, John Ferguson was 84 last Thursday, March 16. .A. large crowd -attended Mr. Worthy Fowler's sale of farm stock and farm implements last Thursday. The sale was very successful. Mr. Fowler has rented his farm to Wm. Thom of Colborne township, Mi. and Mrs. John, Houston cele- brated their 25th wedding anniver- sary Monday. Mrs. Richard" Bruce of Goderioh visited recently with her son,' Mr: Darwin MacIam and Mrs, Maclam. The Ladies Aid of Knox Presby- terian church held a hot supper, bazaar and sale of home-made bak- ing in the church basement on Sat- urday, Owing to so much influenza in this district the attendance at this supper was not as large as usual. A marriage of interest to the old- er folk of this connnunity is the marriage of Mr. Menne Baer to Mrs,' John Patterson both of Wadena, Sask, Mr. Baer is well .known here as he lived on the, farm now owned by Mr. Herb Mogridge. Mr. Baer's father, Mr. Cornelius Baer,.1)uiit the lovely home in which Mr. and Mrs. Mogridge reside. Mrs, Patterson was formerly Mary Walper, daughter of, the late Mr. and Mrs. Louis Walper. She is a niece of the late Mr. Peter" Walper of Auburn, The regular B.Y.P.U. was held in the church,.basement Sunday night Mr, Geo, Raithby was in charge, li was a most interesting meeting as Mr. Raithby had John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" dramatized in ong. The opening prayer was given by James Raithby and opening re- marks were given by Geo. Raithby. Lloyd and Marjorie Johnston gave n instrumental duet, and Mr. Elmer Robertson sang a solo. Solos were Iso rendered by Mrs. E. McKnight. MARRIAGES CASTLE-McDOUGALL-In Temple Baptist Church, Toronto, on Wed- nesday, March 15th., Lillian Ross McDougall of Mt. Forest,x and Herbert Clifford Castle, only sen of Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Castle, Clinton, were united in marriage ,by Rev. W. 2, Hodgson.. BIRTHS FOWLER—In Seaforth, on Tuesday, March 21st., to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fowler, a daughter. DEATHS MANNING-Iri Mullett township, on Thursday, March, 16th., Charles 1L Manning, in his 64th year. MAIR-In Hullett township; on Fri- , day, March ,17thi, Thomas ' Knox Mair, hi his 86th year. McNEIL' - In. Clinton, on Friday, March 17th., Thames' James 'Mc-, Neil, in his 64th year. IN• MEMORIAM POTTER In loving memory of Thomas J. Potter, who passed away two years. ago, March 23rd, 1987. "Dear Father how we miss you, No tongue on Earth can tell, Since you went to .be with Jesus, The one 'you Loved so wail." —Ever lovingly remembered by his sons and. daughter. and Miss Amelia Moliwain. Duets were sung by Ila and Betty Craig, Mrs. R. J. Phillips and ,Mrs. Wm: Haggitt. Roy and Harry Webster favoured with a mouthorgant duet. Mr. Geo. Raithby closed the meet- ing with prayer. Mr. John Reid and Mrs. Richard Bruce celebrated their birthdays at a double birthday celebration at Mr. &, Reid's on Saturday. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. J. K. Cornish spent the Week- end in Stratford. Miss Evelyn Grainger of Stratford spent Friday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling and little daughter of Egmondville visited Mee and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. The Brucefield Horticultural So- ciety held a very successful St. Pat- rick's social on Friday night. Mr. John Rattenbury of Burlington has been visiting his mother, Mrs W. Rattenbury. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Patrick visited Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. Carlyle Cornish spent the weekend at Mitchell. Mr, and Mrs. G. Swan visited their daughter, Mrs. E. Schilbe in St, Jos- eph's Hospital, London, Sunday. We are glad to report is getting along fine. - STANLEY The March meeting was held at Mrs, G. Band s home with 22 mem- bens and 4 visitors present, The meeting opened by repeating of the Lord's Prayer and the minutes of the February meeting were read. The roll call was answered by an Irish joke. A letter was read by Mrs. F. Stewart from Mrs. Sieman thanking the Club for the material sent to her to be distributed. Three quilts and some material are ready to send in the next bale. A propram followed con - next bale, A program followed con-' given by Miss Myrtle Pearson; a reading "Irish Romances" by Mary Gilmour; .: a guitar solo by Barbara Graham. Then all joined in a spelling bee, Mrs. Moffatt's side being the winner. The roll call for April is to be an April verse. Big ;Oil and Gas Well in Kent County Prairie Gas and Oil Co. Ltd.,.chill- ing their Prairie No. 7, on the property of J, S. ' Thomas, near Prairie Siding, 12 miles southwest of Chatham, struck Oil at a depth of 3,245 to 3,265 feet' in the Trenton formation. This; new strike extends the field over 2,000 feet easterly from the last completion viz Rowe-Bruette No. 4, completed -less than 3 months ago, which was a large Gas Well, after plugging back 1,250,000 cu. feet of gas and a good show of Oil. The Thomas Well was shot with 400 pounds of nitroglycerine, It is being cleaned out of the broken rock and has been flowing by heads of gas, producing several hundred bar- rels of Oil—sold to the Imperial Oil Co. and delivered by motor truck to their nearest depot at Oil Springs— at $1,97 per bbl. Since Prairie '7 was "shot" with the nitroglycerine, it has been making so much Gas, in addition to the 011, that, it has been found necessary to lay 1700 feet of tubing to connect the Well to the main pipe line• of the Dominion Gas Co. to whom all Gas is on contract. Further drilling being planned for the immediate future. • Rowe- Bruette No, 5 will be approximately 1,000 feet westerly from. Prairie No. '7. And, at the same time, a new test' Well is being drilled on the Conliffe farm, about 2 miles east of Chatham, and its dawn. over 11,000 feet now. - The contractor is H. H. Stubble, Chatham, who, several months ago, tendered to drill the Clinton Well.. CARD ,OF THANKS i1'he family of the late Mr. Thos. K. Mair wish to express their sincere thanks and deep appreciation to. their many friend and neighbors for the acts of knidness, expressions of sympathy, and, Floral tributes extend- ed during the loss of their father. Special thanks 'to Rev. Mr. Peddie. PAGE aFt 5 t 1n1INF (tet, NORM! t putxf/,%lnw.hrAt . CTJT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion Co V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 681 FAT FOWL Will be iv good demand for the approaching` Jewish holidays. If you have any large fat boarders it will be an opportune time to market them at top prices. • We are always in the market for Goose and Duck Feathers. Our Candlcrs wil give good service in grading your eggs. N. W. TREWARTITA Phone 214i; Night 214w. Baby Chicks ENGLISH LEGHORNS — — BARRED ROCKS — CUSTOM HATCHING — Elmslea Chick Farm E. L. Mitten CLINT,ON. PHONE 213 FARMER'S MEETING in COLBORNE TOWNSHIP HALL, CARLOW FRIDAY, MARCH 31st at 2 p.m. PROFESSOR BELL, Chemistry De- partment O.A.C. will speak on "SOIL FERTILITY" Meeting sponsored by Goderich Agricultural Society EVERYBODY WELCOME OLD AND NEW TIME DA ROXY THEATRE Clinton. Now: Tex Ritter and Joan. Wood- bury in "SONG Of The GRINGO" Mon., Tues., Wed. KAY FR4NCIS glamour girl of the screen, in a startling different role as a small- town mother who bravely fights poverty and scandal "MY BILL" with Dickie Moore, Bobby- Jordan, Anita Louise and .Tahn Litel Thurs., Fri., Sat a laugh. -a -minute, chuckle -a -second comedy with 302 PENNER at his funniest "I'M FROM THE, CITY" Richard Lane and Kay Sutton Coming Jane 'Withers in "CHECKERS" Mat: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE • Goderich Now: "' ILEKE'S THAT WOMAN A.GAIN" with Melvyn Douglas Mon., Tues., Wed. A grind Lloyd 'C. Douglas story "THE MAGNIFICENT T OBSESSION" starring Robert TAYLOR & Irene DUNNE Thur., Fri., Sat. Charles Bickford - Preston Foster and Andy Devine present a red-blooded tale of men whostruggle with the sea "THE. STORM" - Coming: "Youth Takes a Fling", Mat: Wed., Sat. & .Holidays 3 p.m •...nig. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Now: Gary Cooper in "The Cowboy and the Lady" Mon., Tues(: Wed. Priscilla, Rosemary' and Lola Lane with Gale Page Four lovely, lively and gay girls in :an appealing story of two loves. "FOUR DAUGIHITERS" Thur., Fri., Sat. Roy ROGERS — Mary HART and Smiley Burnette offer a top: -notch musical Western story "Billy The Kid Returns" Coming: "The Young in Heart" Mat: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. SATURDAY SPECIALS • SPONGE CAKE HOT CROSS BUNS' FRIED CAKES LEMON PIES Bartliff & Couch Phone 1, Clinton, AT KIPPER FRIDAY, MARCH 24th UKULELE BILL and His Hillbillies Floor Shaw --Fun, Frolic, Laughter! Admission 30c Junior Farmers NEW & OLD TIME DANCE IN LEGION HALL CLINTON aster. 29th DANCING 9 to 2 Admission 25c — Lunch Served — EVERYBODY WELCOME — CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Lyda McNeil wishes to ex- press her sincere thanks and ap- preciation to her neighbors, and friends, who were so kind to her, in her husband's illness and death„ Special thanks are extended to Rev. A. Lane and Dr. Oakes, also Nurse Edna Elliott and members of Clinton lodge, No. 84, A.F. & A,M. and those who showed their sympathy with Boards and the ones who loaned cars: CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity of thanking the kind friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness and sympathy.in our recent bereavement --- Charlotte Brownett and Grainger Fanilly. CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Castle wish to thank their manyfriends for the kindnesses received during their ill- ness, also for flowers sent to thein. Farm For Sale 80 acres. Good buildings. Good location, Price reasonable, Apply F. Fingland, 28-3, AUCTION SALE of VALUABLE FARM LANDS The undersigned has received in- structions to offer far sale by Public Auction, subject to a reserve bid and other conditions of sale, at Connell's Sale Barns, Clinton on TUESDAY, 4th. APRIL 1939 at2p.m.. Lot 21, Concession 6, Iiullett Town- ship, the farm property of the late Martin Reynolds. The said farm is said to consist of good farm lands, having been seeded to grass for many years. On the said lands is said to be erected farm buildings, in .need of considerable repairs. For further particulars • apply to the undersigned. F. FingIand, Clinton. Ont., Solicitor for Owen Reynolds,' Executor of the. Estate, of Martin Reynolds. GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Cl-naton, Ont., Auctioneer. 28-2. Order Bray Chicks now, and be "lucky" when egg prices climb next Fall. See sue, pr phone me, right away. Personal attention, prompt delivery. D. M. MALTBY, . Manager, Clinton Creamery CLINTON, ONTARIO For Sale or Rent 100 acre farm, lee. miles north of Clinton. Ploughing done. Ten acres in fall wheat. Apply Walter Mair, Clinton. 28-2. For Sale SERVE Hot Cross Buns "ALWAYS FRESH" ORANGE JUICE CAKE Our special for the weekend EXCLUSIVE ' EASTER NOVELTIES 'MAKE SURE OF YOURS' Wendorfs Phone 68 • Attention Motorists "Rogers -Motorola" Canada's fines` Auto Radios, electric push-button , tuning, exactly fits and matches any make of ear or model. Prices from 34,95 to 99.95 installed free. Monthly payments. , A. W. GROVES Tubes and Batteries in stock. Princess Street, Community Auction Sales at Dick Hotel Stables, Seaforth, FRIDAY, MARCH 24th usual run of pigs, cattle, poultry, furniture, etc. Bring in anything you have to sell. Rates reasonable. HOMER AUNT M Phone Seaforth 228 r 12. BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinctiost by IRENE IURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) SPRING IS HERE SO ARE WE LET US FIX YOUR SUMMER • GARMENTS NOW WE KNOW HOW., 1.LBERT PALMER Isaac; St, Clinton. WE ARE PREPARED TO GIVE Expert Repair Service ON ALL MAKES OF BATTERY AND ELECTRIC RADIOS FOR FIRST CLASS SERYICE PHONE 213 MITTELL'S Radio Electric Service Notice to Farmers Will accept wood on accounts and in trade. S. H..Brunsdon, Clinton. 27-2. House for Rent Frame house on Victoria street, central. Apply Scott's Grocery. 24 -et. House for Rent Comfortable residence on Huron , Manager, street. Good furnace, quarter acre land, Apply Mrs, A. L. Cartwright, GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer, c�a H, .Alexander, R. R, 2, Bayfield, 284tf• Phone 608 r 6. 24-tf. Early Alaska Oats for seed, also Irish e C bbler See Po d to a 0. AC. N 21 •ees o. coed Bail Apply Y J. E, Oriel:, R. le, No. 3, Seaforth, Rave a quantity of these for sale. Phone 24-614 Clinton Central. 28-2. The very highest quality. Geo. For Salo [Hopson, R. R..2 Bayfield, Phone 609x31. 26.5. Will take livestoll preferably horses, in trade on cleaning mill, For Sale chopper or wagon and box. Many Eight roomed brick house on other articles for sale at former Raglan Street with town water Schoenhals Mill. Apply on premises. 28-2,. Seetl Grain` Durham Spring Wheat; Empire Oats and Malting Barley. All suit- able for seed purposes. . Apply Watson Webster, Varna. Phone 622r11., 28-3p. For Sale. McClary Electric Range; solid oak roll-top 'desk; one 4 -section harrow with draw bar, new; quantity of hay fork pulleys; sling chain; broadcast- ing; seed drill attachment for M. -II. on -Riveter; 12 Rock pullets. W. J. Stewart, Huron street.. . 28-1. Seed for Sale Good, clean, home-grown Alfalfa seed, Timothy seed, Early Alaska Oats, White and Irish - Oats, hullos oats, Barley and Spring Wheat. 3. Leslie Cox, R. R. 1, Goderich town- ship or phone 603r2, Clinton Central. 28-t£. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, etc number of cedar posts and end posts, at T. Wilson's farm on 8th concession Apply Chas. E. Wise, R. R. 3, Clin- of Colborne township, opposite stere at Carlow, on MONDAY, MARCH 27th at 1 o'clock sharp, P. and A. McManus, Proprietors. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer 28-1, anal electric lights, two acre lot with a small orchard, good barn. Apply to Mrs, Harry Frenilin, Clin- ton. 24-tf. Uplwlstering Chesterfields, antiques, chairs, etc. reasonably done, wide range of cov- erings. 16 years experience, prices on request, Win. Reid, West street, Goderich. 26 -ti•, House for Sale A most desirable 7 -roomed house in good locality. A few minutes walk from the Collegiate. Electric light and water, large lot with some fruit trees. Apply New -Record Office. 26.e. Position Wanted By young lady, highly qualified' in house keeping, bookkeeping, typing, etc. Telephone 4, or call ft this office, 25-tf. Seed Grain for Sale 0.A.C. No. 21 Seed Barley, grown from registered seed, 65c per bushel; Improved Banner Seed Oats and a AUCTION SALE of Household Effects Victoria Street,. Clinton on SATURDAY, APRIL'lst at 1.30 p.m. Princess Pat cook stove, nearly new; two three burner electric stoves, one with oven; extension table; 6 leather seat diningi •roopi chairs; 3 large rocking .chairs;' 3 small reeking chairs; 3 dressers; 2 washstands; 5 beds with springs and mattresses; 6 high back dining room chairs; sideboa cl 7 ldtchen chairs; 2 kitchen tables; 3 sinall tables;' 2 kitchen cup- boards; studio couch; lounge; vict- rola with 40 records; 3 doz.q uart sealers; quantity of fruit and pickles; linoleum; carpets; kitehen utensils; pictures; pillows; dishes; cutlery and numerous other articles. Terms -Cash Everything to be sold as propriet- ress is giving up boarding house. Mrs. L Mugford, Proprietress. GeO. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 28-2. on. 27-tf. Pasture to Rent Will accomodate 25 head of cattle for summer pasture, One hundred and twenty-five acres choice natural grass, shade, creek, good fences -over- hauled each spring. Mrs. Alice Ferguson, Frederick street, Clinton, 27-2, APPLICATION FOR TREASURER Township of Goderich Applications will be received by the undersigned until April let,, for the office •of Treasurer of Goderich Township. R. G. TH,OMPSON, Clerk, R. R. 2 Clinton. 27-2, NOTICE OF TENDER • .1 Tenders will be received by the undersigned on or before April lst, 1939, for 2,000 yards crushed stone to be crushed and and hauled, a 6,000 60, yards of pit gravel, to be loaded and hauled. Price to be per yard mile. Work to be completed by Oet. 1st, 1989. A marked cheque for $500.00 to accompany tender. • Dated this Sth day of March 1930. CHAS. C. PILGRIM, Clerk of Stanley. 27-2. — Stratford-Goderich Coach Line -- TIMETTABLE Leave Clinton for Stratford: Daily 8.10 a.m. and 5.10 p.m. Leave Clinton for Goderich: Daily except Sundays and Holidays 1.10 pan. & 8.20 pan. Sundays and Holidays 1.10 p,m. & 10.36 p.m. Direct Connections to all points. Under New Management. Bartliff & Crich, local agents, phone 1 CUSTOM SAWING Custom sawing will be done in Clinton and Bayfield as usual during the coming spring. We are in the market for a few good maple,bass- wood and white ash logs. Dry Hem- lock lumber, scantling and joists for sale, McEWEN BROS., BAYFIELD Phone 624x4, Clinton central 21-tf. House for Sale or Rent A good ten -roomed house, on Vic- toria street with modern conven- iences, good garden,house in good condition, Apply to Lorne oe Charlie Brown, Clinton, Ont. 09-tf. House for Rent Modern conveniences. Good loco.. tion. For rent at moderate price. Apply to News -Record. 01-tf. Wanted Old horses or cattle for mink feed; if dead phone at once. Will pay ac- cording to value. .Elmer Trick, phone 6071:5, or Lloyd Batkins, 619r14. 84 t,f-.e-o-w Farm For Sale or Rent 80 acres, Con. 6, Goderich Towne ship, good pasture with spring creek, Brick house, barn and shed,; good bush. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Ellen J. Cox, Clinton Ont. 27-4. Farm Per Sale or Rent 100 acres, Cony 6: Hullett,; well watered, near school, store and high- way. Good libuse' and stabling, im- mediate possession, ploughing done, apply News -Record. 23-tf. House for Sale A very con:feltable frame residence at coiner of Fulton street. All modern conveniences, garage and r,4 acre of land. Good garden and well located. or particulars .apply Mees Bessie Watt, Clinton, Phone 171. 23-tf. Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coals and Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REP AIRING W. Jo AGO, TAILOR IT not open work may be Left at B[earaih Barber Shop.