HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-03-09, Page 5THURS. MARCH 9, -143.9 THE CLINTON NEWS -T ECORIJ • ■ MODERN, EXPE'R1`EN;C•ED BANKING' SERVICE . • The Outcomefdf 121 Years'' Successful Operation . THE BANK OF MONTREAL will be glad to dist cuss with you at any time the borrowing of funds for personal or business purposes. BANK OF MONTREAL BSTABL15HED deli Clinton Branch: H. M. MONTEITH,'Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and Thursday,' PE3tSONAf. CHEQUING'ACCOUNT FOR"YOU"=Ask fo'r 6eoktdbjs TT`.TCKERSMITH CONSTANCY. The Tuckersmith Ladies Club m even - eat the home of Mrs. Albert Pepper rug last was a grand success. The . ;dor their March meeting. Illness and superintendent, Wm. Jewitt gave an bad roads combined to limit the at- interesting talk on "How to filr your •'tendance too twelve members and church" one. way was by, singing. The :three visitors. The roll call -was an- next meeting will be held on March swered by an Irish song or joke. 24th, Program committee, Mrs. O. . Program consisted of solo by Gladys Dale, Mrs. B. B. Stephenson and - Pepper readings by'Mesdames -Gar-(Bernard Riley; .lunch committee, Mrs. tett, Pepper, McGregor and Landes -,G. Addison, Mrs. E. Adams and Mrs. : borough.; Two contests provided a Snell. A short program consisted of bit of brain work. Plans for the an-' a reading by Jean Anderson; Hymn nual social evening were discussed 64 was sung; reading, Mr. Snell; sang and .matters left in the hands of the "Faith of our Fathers". Then 1)1r. • social committee and Club executive. Menzies gave an interesting talk, fol Quilt blocks were handed out to be : lowed by the travelog, which was made and returned at the April meet- much enjoyed by •all. The meeting Eng which will be held at the home closed with prayer. by Mr. Menzies. of Mrs. Norris Sellery on Mareh 29th Lunch was served by the hostesses, instead of April"5th. Members please Mrs. Jewitt, Mrs. E. Lawson and note change of date, The roll call will Mrs. A. Dexter. be answered with a favorite verse or We are glad to hear that Kenneth Thompson. is progressing favorably after his attack of scarlet fever. The W. A. and W. M. S. will hold their monthly meeting in the base - Workmen are busy extending the rent of the church on Thursday af- Hydro down the Maitland concession ternoon. Mr. R. Rogerson's group from jlohnesville, !will be in charge, Mr. J, B. MedMath made a week- The Live Wires Glass will hold 'their • end visit to Toronto. 'regular monthly •social evening ou A meeting held in liolmesville Hall Friday evening, would like all the on Thursday last under the auspices members to attend. of •Che Goderich Agriculture Society ' We are sorry to hear Mr. John was very largely attended. Mr. Hugh Ferguson has been under the doctor's Hill presided. 1%tr. Shearer, Agr. Rep-'ehre for the last two weeks. We resentative'introduced the speaker Dr,'hope for' a speedy recovery. McIntosh of the O.A.O. who spoke " The many friends of Mrs. Hugh very interestingly on "The ,Prevention ,Campbell are very sorry to learn she of Disease in. Farm Animals". his confined to her bed through ill - The Y.', U. of Holmesville United nese. We extend our sincere sympathy • Church visited recently the Young Mr. Ross McGregor is confined to People of Benmiller Church. All re- his bed with the flu. ported a most pleasant evening. Mrs. H. J. Trewartha was called to Toronto in Monday owing to the ill- ness of her sister; Miss MacMath. We are pleased to see Mr. C. Pierce back on duty again. Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliot and family spent Sunday at Atwood. Mr. Robert McCartney spent a week -end in Toronto recently. The regular Young People's Union . held on. Friday evening was .taken by Rev. Mr. Wilding. The meeting open- ed with a hymn a prayer was then read by Aleck Glenn.. The scripture lesson was read by Kenneth Trewar-. tha. After+. singing another hymn the •topie was given by Mr. Wilding who .:also led in the discussion and busi- tiess period. The meeting closed with . singing the hymn "He Liveth Long Who Liveth Well" and all repeated the benediction. Mr. Brodgen MeMath was in Tor: • onto last week. ''?Friends here will be glad to know that Miss Helen MaoMath who has been very ill in London with the flu and complications is nowgreatly inn - et l The Sunday. School on Friday e BIRTHS JACOBS—At Mills MemorialHosp ital, Sen Mateo, Calif., U.S.A., to Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Jacobs, '(nee Margaret Cree) March, 8, 1939, a daughter (Mary Margaret). WRIGHT -- In Clinton hospital on Tuesday, March 7th to Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wright ot Seaforth a son. DEATHS McNESL—Li London, on Wednesday, March 1st., Donald McNeil, former resident of Hullett township, in his 76th year. FRENCH—In Clinton, on Saturday, March 4th,, ` Florence Coleman, -widow of the late Daniel French, in her S3rd year. • poem, HOLMESVILLE the past three monitlhs with her daughter, Mrs. H, G. E .'Crosby, Bolton. Landing, N. Y. Miss J. E. Stirling, who has spent the past, three months with` relatives in Alberta and Saskatchewan re- turned to herhome in the village on Monday. Mr. J. H. Reid underwent an em- ergency operation in Clinton hospital on Sunday. His many friends, wish 'him •a speedy recovery. Mrs. R. ,H. Middleton returned to. her home in Port Credit on Friday after having spent a fortnight with her mother Mrs. N. W. Woods. Miss Margaret Ferguson:, of Tec- umseh spent the weekend , with her parents, -MT. and Mrs. W. Ferguson. Mr. ,Lawrence Fowlie of London spent the weekend with his sisters, Misses F. and E. Fowlie. • Rev. George Morley of Chatham was a guest at the United church manse for a few days last week. Mr, Harold Scotchreer of Toronto is home for a week's vacation., Rev.. and Mrs. W. G. Bugler and Master , David of Burford called • on friends in the village on Monday. A .number of the local fans at- tended the hockey match at Strat- ford on Tuesday night. The A.Y.P'.A. met in the Orange Hall on Tuesday night. The meeting was in charge of the president. Fol- lowing the opening exercises, Rev. J. Graham gave a very interesting pager "What Youth can do with Freedom." Misses Maude Parker and Evelyn Gemeinhardt had charge of the games. Refreshments were served by the lunch committee. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Erwin and Master Jerry Erwin of Kichener were the guess oe the former's aunt, Mrs. F: A. Edwards, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Koehler of Zurich spent Sunday with the latter's sist- ers, Misses F. and E, Fowlie. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. C. IIaistead and F1oycc of Stratford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish and Anna spent Sunday in Exeter. Mrs. John Grainger spent the weekend in Iiderton, Mr. L. Palmer spent the weekend in ;Toronto. Miss Maria Elliott spent Saturday in London. Mr, Ebner Smith of North Dakota who has been visiting his daughters, Misses Elsie and Geneive Smith and other relatives leaves this week for his home in the West. The Brucefield firemen will hold their annual meeting on Monday ev- ening, March 13th in the Odd Fellows Hall. All the men of the vicinity are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. ` Alice '.Helmer . has returned home from Goderich. BAYFIELD Mrs. G. W. Woods returned home proved. on Friday last after having spent ARE SO DELICIOUS, SO FULL OF FRUIT & FLAVOR THAT THEY WILL BE A SUCCESS AT ANY MEAL. Try them Sliced and Toasted. pp �j �p M Place your Order for ALL T WI II ®9p G H L Saturday Delivery. Order from Bartliff & Crich CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 68j A GOOD CASH MARKET FOR EGGS and POULTRY Poultry demand continues good for fattened chickens and fat fowl. Prompt grading service for your eggs by experienced candlers. N. W. TREWARTHA Phone 214i; • Night 214w. POSTAL REVENUE POlS OF. HURON OFFICES The annual report of the Post:nest. er-General gives the fol±owing as the gross postal •revenue of accounting offices in Huron County for the year ending March 31, 1938: Auburn ....$ 1,308.62 Bayfield ....... 1,800.89 Belgrave 523.97 Bluevale 589.86 Blyth 2,480.04 Brucefield 686.30 Brussels 4,119.96 Centralia 857:00 Clinton ..... , 10,040.66 Crediton 1,138.62 Dashwood 14214'27 Dungannon 952.42 Ethel 878.77 Exeter , 7,231.68 Fordwich ....: 1,496436 Goderich 18,528.05 Gerrie .. ,1,110.61 Grand Bend 1,608.21 Hensall 2,814.35 Kippen ... 677.08 Londesborough , 724.19 Seaforth . ,, 104373.40 Varna .... 545.25 Walton . 859.91 Wingham 11,928.76 Wroxeter .... 1,546.76 Zttrich 1,899.20 In addition there are a few "non - accounting" offices in which the re- venue is small. Room and Board. Two young business men require board and room. Separate rooms preferable. Apply P.O. Box 361, Clin- ton. 26-1. For Sale Two young horses, one rising 4 yrs., one rising 3 yrs. Alsoa'Lister cream separator R.S. 11, used only' a few months. Apply Ferg. Van- Egmond, Clinton, Phone 187. 26-2. Clearing Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, household effects and etc. at lot 10, Bayfield Line, Goderich twp., 3 miles east of Bayfield on Tuesday, March 14th at 1 o'clock consisting • of the following: HORSES—Bay team of -mares in foal, 7 and 8 yrs. old, about 1400 lbs.; brown Belgian filly colt, 2 yrs. old; 2 brown Belgian filly colts, •1 yr. old; black Peroheron gelding, 3 yr. old; CATTLE -2 Durham' cows, 6 yr. old, due time of sale; Polled -Angus cow, 4 yr. old, due May 15; Holstein cow, 5 yr. old, due time of sale; Hereford cow, 7 yr. old, due time of sale; 2 Durham steers, 2 yr. old; 2 Durham heifers, 2 yr. old in July; Black Polled Angus heifer, 2 yr. old in July; 2 Hereford calves, 7 months old. PIGS -9 pigs about 125 lbs. each; 2 pure bred York sows with litter at side, IMPLEMENTS Etc.—M.-H. binder, 7 ft. cut; M. -H. cultivator; M. -FL hay rake; M. -H. walking scuffler; Deer- ing mower, 6 ft. cut; Bering disc - harrow, 16 plate; Frost & Wood disc drill 14 run. The above named im- plements are all in good condition, 2 farm wagons, good as new; set of harrows; long sleigh; cutter; 2 riding plows; walking plow; buggy; ladder; gravel box; hay rack; gasoline engine 2% horse 'power; cutting box; hay fork; car, rapes and pullies; 200 cord stove wood; 10 cords cord wood; 200 cedar posts; Model. A Ford roadster, 1931 model in good running order; trailer; 100 bus feed barley; 100 bus. of O.A.C. 21 barley; 150 bus. busk- wheat; quantity of oats and rye; set of britchen hnrness; set of single harness; set of plow harness; root pulper; forks, chains and numerous ether articles. Cook stove; box stove; washing machine; sideboard; 2 beds and springs; cot; cream separator, and other household effects. Terms—Cash Everything to be sold as proprietor has sold his farm and going west. MAURICE SWITZERs Proprietor. GEO, H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. William Lawson and; family wish to thank neighbours for their kind assistance in taking Andrew ns. the hospital. Thapks' are also extend- ed the friends who sent flowers and fruit !ands -.to the nursing staff of Clinton hospital for their careful attention, Clearing Auction Sale of farm steak and implements :at. Lot 17, :.Cont. 3, Tuckersmith, 11/2 miles west of Egmendville' on MONDAY, MARCH 13th at 1 o'clock. W. P. THOMPSON, Proprietor. GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. For Sale Eight roomed brick house on Raglan Street with town water and electric lights, two acre lot with a small orchard, good barn. Apply to Mrs. Harry Fremlin,, Chin - 24 -1f. Milling Equipment Contents of former Schoenhals Mill, belts, pulleys, shafts, tracks, separator, cleargng mill, electric mot- ors, building materials and timber. Apply on premises. 26.).. PAGE 5 RWXY THEATRE Clinton. Now: "Outlaws of Sonora star- ring "The Three Mesquiters" Mon., Tues., Weil. Gene RAYMOND -Aon SOTHERN and Victor Moore in `Sire's Got Everything" When a pampered heiress becomes penniless, one of her creditors tries to marry her off to a millionaire. Thurs., Fri., Sat. The Season's top comedy which won the Academy Award `YOU CANT TAKE IT WITH YOU" Jean Arthur, Lionel Barrymore, James Stewart, Edward Arnold, and Mischa Auer. Coming: "The Ma.guificent Obses- sion" by Lloyd C. Douglas Mat: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich Now: "Smashing the Spy Ring" with Fay Wary Mon. Tues. Wed—A Screen Event Frank Capra's Prize • 'Picture ! ! 'YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU Jean Arthur - Lionel Barrymore James Stewart).— Edward' Arnold Mischa Auer — ,Spring* Byingtonr Thur., Fri., Sat. Gary COOPER—Merle OBERON and Patsy KELLY present a new and sparkling romantic comedy "The Cowboy and the Lady" Coming: "BLONDIE" featuring Arthur Lake Mat: Wed., Sat. & Holidays 8 p.m:. meamanicomennumeanswanmsswr REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Now: "Renfrew of the Royal Mounted" Mon., Tues(, Wed. EDWARD G. ROBINSON BARBARA O'NEIL John Beal and. Wendy Bartle The season's hottest •story in the fight against crime. "I Am The Law" Thur., Fre, Sat. Tex Ritter, Iris Meredith and Horace Murphy cgwboys, vigilantes and hooded outlaws in the vigorous story "The Mystery of the,- Hooded he.-Hooded Norsemen" Coming: Frank Capra's Academy Award "YOJP CAN'T TAKE) IT WITH YOU" Mat: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. tea® Evangelistic Meeting AVERY EVENING AT 8 P.M. Except Saturday at the home of Mr. Robert McGregor (former Robert Smith residence) Bayfield Road, . conducted by EVANGELIST DAVID MILLER, of Barrie, Ontario. A cordial invitation a:i'lended to everyone. Bring Your Bible. Auction Sale Of farm stock and implements at Lot 15, Con. 4, Stanley, Township 1'% miles west of Brucefield, THURSDAY, MARCH 23rd commencing at 1 p,,m. consisting of .the following: HORSES -1 matched team Percher ens, four year old; filly and five V. old gelding; one Clyde mare, 14. CATTLE -Four yr. old Durham cow due ist April; 7 yr. old Hereford cow due 1st April; six yr. old cow due 24th May; six yr. old roan cow fresh; foul yr, old Angus cow bred 6 weeks; five yr. old Hereford cow fresh 2 months; .four yr. old heifer; eight yr. old Holstein co* with calf at foot; two yr. old steer; 2' baby beefs; 1 yr. old bull; 3 yearling heifers; 1 calf three months. 8 shoats around 70. lbs.; 40 one year old hens. IMPLiEMENTS —M.-11. binder; M. - H. bean scuffler with puller; Cock-. shutl9 :manure spreader; 15 -ft. Me: Cormick mower; 18 -hoe Deering drill with fertilizer; Int. cultivator; 1Vlc Cormicic hay rake; land roller; noxon disc; set harrows; set Manitoba sleighs;' steel wheeled wagon •with flat rack; new Fluery walking plow; Chatham fanning Mill; set Stewart power clippers; set new sling ropes; M. -H. root pulper; set heavy har nets; setnew horse' blankets; M. -H. cream separator, 4500 cap. new; Quebec heater, large size; cbuin; 30 rod woven chicken wire; McClary feed cooker;, 200 bus. mixed grain; quantity hay and potatoes; loggiiig chain; tools etc., too numerous to mention. Everything will he solei as owner is giving up farming. Terms—Cash MRS. KATHLEEN' TAYLOR, Prop. GEO. H. El LIOTT, Auc oneer. 26-2. Junior Farmers NEW & OLD TIME DANCE IN REGION HALL —• CLINTON : Wed. Mar. 15th DANCING 9 to 2 Admission 25c — Lunch Served EVERYBODY WELCOME WE ARE UNLOADING CAR OF GOOD PIG FEED, on Friday. If you are going to need feed you should take advantage .of this offer now. PRICES ARE REASONABLE Clinton Creamery t1Ce Attenti▪ on Motorists No VI-TONE MILD and NOURISHING Baked in a Perfect Cake Try One This Weekend. ALWAYS FRESH Cali or have us deliver your favorite Loaf. Sliced any Thickness if you prefer. Hot Cross Buns AT Wend�rfs Phone 68 To Whom It May Concern False rumors are being circulated in and around Clinton, to the effect that I am living under an assumed name. "'hereby make known that such statements are untrue, in every particular. 1 BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) I was legally divorced in the United j; States, in the year of 1928, the Court, granting me the right to assume my maiden name. I have continued to use it ever since, never having re- mar.•ried, Any person or persons, malting statements reflecting on my charact- er, will be guilty of malicious slander, and libel, subject to action at law, i —Lorene Langford, Clinton, Ontario. 26-2.' "Rogers -Motorola" Canada's fines" Because 'of Hockey on Wednesday, Auto Radios, electrie push-button March 8th, the Collegiate Dramatic tuning, exactly fits and matches any — Stratford-Goderich Coach Line make of ear or model. Prices from TIMETABLE Festival has been postponed for one x4,95paymeto nts. 99.95 installed free. Monthly Leave Clinton for Stratford: week. Daily 8.10 a.m. and 5.10 pan. Leave Clinton for Goderich: Daily except Sundays and Holidays 1.10 p.m. & 8.20 p.m, Sundays and Holidays 1.10 p.m. & 10.35 pan. �,qq�� vnTICECommunity Auction Sales Direct Connections to all points. �i''y�"' is saovlL+ at Dick Hotel Stables, Seaforth, Under New Management. FRIDAY, MARCH 10 Bartliff & Crich, local agents, phone 1 usual run of pigs, cattle, poultry, furniture, etc. Bring in anything you have to sell. Rates reasonable. HOMER HUNT, Manager, Phone Seaforth 228 r 12. GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. 284g. WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN THE GARMENT REPAIR BUSINESS Don't Try To Fix That Tear Yourself WE KNOW HOW —ALBERT PALMER Isaac St., Clinton. Entertainment For Parties, Dances, etc. OUR SOUND SYSTEM SOLVES YOUR PROBLEM A Large Selection of Recordings to suit all tastes. Takes the Place of an Orchestra. Ample Volume Pleasing Tone Very Low Rates PHONE 213 MITTELL'S Radio & Electric Service IT WILL BE HELD ON MARC 15th A. W. GROVES Tubes and Batteries in stock. Princess Street, The Regular Monthly Meeting of the CANADIAN LEGION Branch No. 140 whicli was to have been held on Thursday evening, March 9th has been cancelled until the Apr. meeting. N. W. MILLER, Secretary. Strayed Heifer • A red two-year-old heifer strayed Clearing Auction Sale to my premises, Lot 23, Con. 5, Tuck - of farm stock, implements, qic at eremite, Lot 10, Concession 6 Colborne Town- ship on Thursday, March 16th, : at 1 p.m. W. 3. FOWLER, G. H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. Auctioneer. For Sale r Irish Cobbler Seed Potatoes Victor '30 Radio; New Gilson El- Have a quantity of these for sale. ectric Washer; Renfrew Cream Sep- The very highest quality. Geo. arator 600 lb. cap.; .genuine berg - Hopson, 11, R. 2 Bayfield, Phone airs. 1 Fertilizer drill, 13 disc, in 609r31. 26.8.1 wonderful shape. Phone 616r34 or see me at once. J. E. Hugill, Agent. Wanted 25-2p. Old horses or cattle for mink feed; if dead phone at once. Will pay ac - Position Wanted cording to value, Elmer Trick, phone By young lady, highly qualified in 607r5, or Lloyd Batkins, 6193:14. house keeping, bookkeeping, typing, 84 t.f-.e-o-w etc. Telephone 4, or call at this office. 25 -ti. on or about November 15, 1938. Owner may have same by pay- ing expenses and advertising. John Broadfoot, Mill Road, Brucefield. 25-2. CUSTOM SAWING Custom sawing will be done in Clinton and Bayfield as usual during the coming spring. We are in the market for a few good maple, bass- wood and white ash logs. Dry Hem- lock lumber, scantling and joists for sale. McEWEN BROS., BAYFIELD Phone 624r4, Clinton central 21-tf. House for Sale or Rent A good ten -roomed house, on Vic- toria street with modern conven- iences, good garden, house in good condition. Apply to Lorne or Charlie Brown, Clinton, Ont. 09-tf. House for Rent Modern conveniences. Good loca- tion. For rent at moderate price. Apply to News -Record. 01-tf. Upholstering Chesterfields, antiques, chairs, etc. reasonably done, wide range of cov- erings. 16 years experience, prices on request. Wm. Reid, West street, Goderich, 26-e. House for Sale Farm For Sale 100 acres of choice farm land. Well Administrator's Sale of Real Estate watered, good buildings, including 4 A most desirable 7 -roomed house poultry pens; hydro in house in good locality. A. few minutes wait to be held at the premises situated good oultr from the Collegiate: Electric light' on Rattenbury Street ,in the Town and barn.,, For particulars apply to and water, large lot with some fruit of Clinton, on Monday the 20th day Mrs. Charles Watson, Londesboro. trees. Apply New -Record. Office. of March, 1939, at 2 p.m. The prem- 23-4. ises are described as follows: Lots, l Farm For Sale or Rent E. and F. Batterbury Street, in the 100 acnes, Cotn.i G. Hrillett„ well. House for Sale Town of Clinton; PIan 24, being ;fart watered, near school, store and high - A, desirable residence situated at of a sub -division of Lots 219A-220- way. Good house aril stabling, im- cornet of Orange & Huron streets.' 260-261, on which there is situated mediate possession, ploughing done, Hardwood floors, furnace, bathroom. a brick house.appily News -Record. 23-.tf. Hot and .cold water each fitter. Gar- Terms: 20% melt at date of :sale; age and good garden.. For particul- balance. within 80 days. For further' House for Sale ars apply W., J. Stewart, Clinton. particulars apply to George T. El-, A very comfortable frame residence Phone 281. 26-t$. Nett, Clinton ,or: It. C. Hays, K.C., at corner of. Fulton street. All modern Solicitor for Administrator. 25-8. conveniences, garage and I/a acre of Furniture far Sale — land. Good garden and well located. An oak dinin • room suite. Oval House for Rent table buffett 6g chairs. In excellent Frame house' on Victoria street,For particulars apply Miss Bessie condition. Apply 3. M. Elliott, Vic- Apply Scott's Grocer Watt, Clinton, Phone 171. 23�tf. central. '. A 1 y. toria street. 26-1. 24.•tf. Pasture Land for Sale House for Rent Cleaningatld Pressing ., . ' Fifty acres of ideal pasi,ure land. Comfortable residence on Huron Suits, CoatsandDresses,. being south half of Lot 16, Con. 7, street. ' Good furnace, quarter acre DRY CLEANING AND REP.AIRIN0 Hallett township. Plenty, of water land. Apply Mrs. A. L. Cartwright, W. J. JAGO, TAILOR and shade. Apply Robert: Lawson, clo 11. Alexander, R. 11. 2, Bayfield,' if not open work may be lett r.6. Clinton, Ont. 26-1;, Phone 608 r 6. 24-1:F. Heard': Bober 'Shop.