HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-02-16, Page 5THURS., FEB. 16, 1939
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raithby, Maria
and Bill were at Londoin on Saturday.
Mr. Wm. Shepherd of Clinton vis-
ited on Sunday with his sister,
A Govier who we are, glad to say
has recovered from her recent illness.
Miss Josephine Weir visited over
the weekend with her cousin Mrs. W.
Reid of Goderich.
Mrs. A. J, Ferguson and Stewart
spent Saturday at London.
Owing to the very icy conditions
of the Auburn-Goderich road last Fri -
•day the 2 carloads of students going
from Auburn to Goderich were com-
pelled to turn back to Auburn without.
getting to school:
Mr. John Symington quietly cele-
brated his 85th birthday at his home
here on Saturday, and Mrs. John
Raithby was 73 on Sunday.'
The storm of Thursday, night blew
over a large fir tree at the side of
Mrs. John Ferguson's' home.
Miss Margaret Ferguson. of Park-
-hill spent the weekend with her par-
-ents here.
The regular monthly meeting of tests after which lunch was served.
the Woments Institute will be held The Women's Missionary Society
met et the home of Mrs. Walter on
Tuesday afternoon with a very large
attendance. The meeting was in
charge of Mrs. Potter, The scripture
Lesson was read by Mrs. J. Potter,
Mrs. E. Trewartha read a tract en-
titled "One Free Sunday School",
Mrs. Les. Jervis and Miss Del Finlay
sang, a very :sweet duet. Prayer. by
Mrs., Walter. A. story "The Chimes"
was told by )VIr. Wilding in a most
interesting manner. The study book
was taken by Mrs. H. J. Trewartha.
Arrangements were made for a quilt-
ing for our allocation.- The Women's
Association followed with the presi-
dent in the chair, making plans for
the annual concert to be held in
March. The meeting closed with pay-
er by Mr. Wilding._ A dainty lunch
was served by the hostesses Mrs.
Walter and Mrs. Pierce.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
J. Cox is under the doctor's care, also
Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
0. Bodges.
Mrs. J. Halstead is visiting at her
son's Mr. John Ostrom of Varna,
The Tuckersmitlr Ladies Club met
at the home of Mrs. Walter Pepper
on Wednesday, February :1st, Eigh-
teen members were present to answer
the roll call by an exchange of Val-
entine gifts. A. good programme was
given consisting of reading by Mrs.
Lawson and Miss Florence Whitmore;
mouth organ selection, Eileen Walt-
ers; contest conducted by Mrs. Leslie
Lawson. The March meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Albert
Pepper and roll call answered by Irish
jokes of Frith 'Songs. " '"
Y. P. S. of Turner's Church met
Tuesday evening in charge of the mis-
sionary convenor's group. Mr. Erlin
Whitmore took charge, and Mr., Ben-
son Sutter of Clinton gave a talk on
Missions. Refreshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Townsend visited
the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hog-
garth of near Londesboro on Sunday
Last Wednesday's storm blew down
several trees and played havoc with
buildings. Part of the roof of Mr.
Jas. Landesborough's barn was blown
The teacher and pupils of S. S. No.
6 held a Valentine Party on Tuesday
afternoon and entertained the pre-
school age children of the section.
A good time is 'reported.
The February meeting of the club
was held at the home of Blas. Roy
Canteen. Twenty-five. members were
present answering to the roll call of
a Valelttine exchange. The meeting
was opened by repeating the Lord's
Mr, and Mrs. Charles McPhail who
are spending the winter in Exeter,
called on friends in the village on
Mr. Lloyd Stock who has recently
undergone an operation ,in Clinton
hospital, returned home a few days
ago, and is well on the way to re-
Mrs, T. Campbell called on friends
here the past week.
Miss Grace McMath of Goderieh was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. ,Mc
'Math over the weekend, and called
on other friends in,,the village; Grace
expects to commence training for a
nurse in the Alexandra Marine Hos-
pital,.•Goderich around March lst, her
many friends inHolmesville wish her
every success in her chosen profes-
sion, •
A pleasant evening was spent by
the members of the "Pusher and Put-
ter" and the "Pollyanna" classes in
the basement of the church on Mon-
day evening. An enloyable tine was
speitin progressive games and con -
Tuesday, February 21st in the For-
rester's Hall at 2.30 p.m.. The sub-
ject will be taken by Miss Margaret
King. The roll call will be responded
by the name of a Cabinet Minister.
,All members are supposed to bring
old pictures of themselves, for the
purpose of .a . guessing contest.. The
current events' wil be• given by Miss
-Josephine Weir, and the hostesses will
be Mrs. Jas. Woods, Mrs. A. Rollin-
son, Mrs. J. Raithby and Mrs. Glenn
Mr. Victor Youngblutt is quite ill
-at his home with a violent attack ofd
=sciatica. •
Death of Russell Armstrong
Mrs. Martin Armstrong received on
Sunday the sad news of the death
-of her youngest .son, Russell of Lon-
don, Ontario. He was widely known
-as operator of the barber .shop in
the Huron & Erie Building, London.
He died Sunday morning in St. Jos-
eph's Hospital, after 'a few days .al-
.ness was pneumonia. He was 28 years
of age. Mr. Armstrong was born here,
the son of Mrs. M. Armstrong and
the late Mr. Armstrong. He had liv-
ed in London for several years. He
was a member of Centennial United
Church, and of the Moose Lodge. rHe
was active in the Y.M.O.A. and was
a member and director of the Y's
Men's Club and the Vigilanti Club of
the Y.M,C.A. and of the Badminton
Club of the "Y". Besides hismother
he is survived by his wife and two
children, Renard and Shirley; three
brothers, Thomas Armstrong of Van-
couver, Wm. Armstrong of Toronto-,
and Wilfred Armstrong of Saskatche-
wan; one sister, Mrs. Russell Bent-
ley of Blyth. The funeral was held
on Tuesday, and interment was in
Mount Pleasant Cemetery, London.
The annual congregational meeting
-of Knox Presbyterian Church was
'held in the church Monday afternoon.
Rev. A. M, Boyle, the pastor, presid-
•ed and Mrs. J. O. Stoltz acted as
secretary. The minutes were read
and approved. The various depart-
ment ,secretaries reported a success-
ful years work. The treasurer's re-
port showed a balance on hand. The
Ladies Aid were successful in raising
$427. J. C. Stoltz and W. T. Riddell
.the retiring managers were returned
to office. Other officers were Crus -
tees, John Doerr, Herman Daer, J.
b. Stoltz; treasurer, Alfred Rollin-
son; delegates to Central committee,
J. C. Stoltz and W. T. Riddell; ushers
"Herman. Daer, Robt, Scott; auditors,
Mrs. W. T. Robison, Mrs. Lawson;
plate collectors, Mrs. 3. C. Stoltz, Mrs,
Vit. Thom; organist, MTS. John
::Huston; asst. organists, Josephine
Weir and Donald Ross-, printing com-
mittee, 3. C. Stoltz, Herman. Daer;
Sunday School Supt., J. J. Wilson;
sec. -trees., Donald Ross; organist, prayer aiid•-the }ninutesof the Jan -
Donald Ross; Bible Class teachers, nary meeting were read. After the
business part *.;the meeting a very
interesting program followed with a
solo by 'Mrs. J. Innes, and readings
by Mrs. Edward Glen, Mrs. J. McFar-
lane, Mrs. Eddie Glen,,. Mr's'. Murphy
and Mrs. F. Stewart which were much
enjoyed ,. Several community songs
were also sung, The March meeting
is to be held at the home of Miss
Tena Baird with the fall call to- be
answered by an Irish song or joke.
Miss Lenore Welsh entertained a
number.' of friends last Friday even-
ing at a Valentine's Party. All re-
port a very good time.
Rev. A. M. Boyle, Dr. W. T. Taylor
and Dr. J. H. Barnett; boys teacher,
"'Mr. Rollinson, asst. Mr. John Huston;
girls teacher, Bernice Lawson; prim-
ary teacher; Isobel Rollinson; cradle
roll supt., Mrs, Kahner Dawson. A
i'hearty vote of thanks was extended
to the minister and all the .officers of
the church for the splendid work ac-
eonplished :luring the year,
Mr. O. 0. Tichborne left yesterday
for St. Petersburg and Berimida
Where he will remain for a' three
:months visit. Mr. Tichborne usually
spends his holiday travelling.
Miss Ethel Dexter of Orangeville
Initial steps to eventually make the
96 -year-old Huron County jail fire-
proof, , as.. recommended by the in-
spector of prisons, were taken by the
property committee when it was de-
cided to replace wooden walls of the
cell blocks and cells with fire -proof
event the weekend at the home of her material.
parents, Mr. and MA rs. Dexter. The committee deferred action on
NIr. Mentes clehvered his ineSsage• the proposed exchange of the court
on ,Sunday last from the 12th chapter
of Corinthians which was niueh en-
joyed by all -
A young stranger' came to the home A sub -committee of the chairman,
of. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Dale on Sun-
day, the 12th end lie is going to stay,
••°'A Brand.:New Baby Boy.'
.`Mr. William Moore had the mis-
fortane tozfall and fracture two ribs
/ last week. We hope he will •soon be
We are 'sorry to hear Kenneth( sheriff's office, also a new uniform
Thompson'is sickin bed with Scarletfor the caretaker. Some new' equip-'
`fever. Lment was authorized for the registry
Mr. 'Archie 'Roggarth of London office as was the engaging of a char -
spent the weekend at the home' of Mr.'woman for the sable building, to as-
sand Mss.':Biiitton, sist the caretaker.,?
house offices of the county treasurer
and division 'court quarters, which
has ample vault space not now in use.
Reeve James Leiper, 'of Hulled, and
Warden Turner was appointed' to con-
fer with Judge Castello before taking
A reproducing machine was pur-
chased for the treasurer's office and
a new desk and furniture for the
Mrs. Reynolds Honored
Law Association Makes Presentation
in Acknowledgment of Faithful
On Saturday afternoon Mrs, J, B.
Reynolds was honored by the Huron
Law Association for her many years'
of service as' special examiner and
court reporter prior to her recent re-
tirement, 1
'At the annual, meeting' of the Law
Association last month the members
recorded appreciation of the kindly.
and efficient services rendered by
Mrs. Reynolds during her twenty-
eight years in court work, and on
Saturday, as a token of the esteemin
which she is held, Mns. Reyoulds re-
ceived a beautifully fitted travelling
The presentation was made by L
E. Dbneey, K.C.,i president of the
Association, and R. C. Ha$ s, K.C.,
secretary, and with the case, which
bare an engraved metal plate,' 1VIrs.
Reynolds received an ilhuninoted copy
of, the resolution passed at the annual
The resoiution was as follows:
"Be it resolved that, in view of the
long and faithful service which has
been rendered to the profession of
this. County by Mrs. Edna Reynolds
as special examiner and court report-
er for a period of twenty-eight years,
this society desires to place on record
its appreciation of her kindly and
efficient services during that long
period, and acknowledge our grati-
tude for the unfailing courtesy she
has always extended to all our mem-
"And be it further resolved that
a copy of this resolution be suitably,
engrossed and presented to Mrs. Rey-
nolds on the occasion of the presenta-
tion of the Association's token of es-
teem together with the Association's
sincerest good Wishes expressed here-
by for her future welfare and
L.O.L. No. E4 sponsored a very suc-
cessful Euchre Party and Dance in
the Town Hall on Tuesday night. The
hall was very tastefully decorated in
keeping with St. Valentine's Day. The
winners at Euchre were: ladies high,
Mrs. Lloyd Makins; consolation, Bea-
trice Houston; men's high, Leslie
Elliott; consolation, Eugene Castle.
Mrs. John Parker, Wm. Hayter, Mer-
vyn .Stelek and Mr. Rennie played
for the dance. Caul Houston was floor
manager. The Ladies Association ser-
ved refreshments.
Mr, and Mrs, E•. A. Featherston
(nee Miss Clara Parker) celebrated
their Silver Wedding Anniversary on
Saturday, February 11th, They were
married in Trinity Church Bayfield,
by Be', J. H. Condell, and went to
make their hone near Naicarn, Sask.
After living there for twelve years
they returned to Bayfield where they
have resided ever since. On Saturday
evening they entertained the follow-
ing .guests at dinner: Mr. and Mrs.
Charles W. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Parker, Misses Maude and Jacqueline
Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parker,
Masters Wm. and Bob Parker, Mr.
and Mrs,,, Alvin Dutot, all of Bay-
ieicl, and Mr, and Mrs. George' Reid
'Wm., Bob., and Charles Reid of
Varna. Their' daughter, Doris of Tor-
onto, was not able to be present. Mr.
and Mrs. Featherston received a num-
ber of beautiful gifts and good wishes
from their many friends.
Rev. and Mrs. Searle, the Misses
Irene and Winnifred Searle, Mi. and
MrS. Hutchings of Hespeler, Rev.
Gordon Searle of Orangeville, Miss
Hattie Johnston, Toronto, Mr. and
Mrs. Lutes and Mis. Albert Robin-
son, ]dlinir•a, who attended the funeral
of the Iate Albert Robinson, were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Featherston on Monday after-
noon. .
Mr. Frank Keegan has disposed of
his good driving mare, Maxine Har-
vester to Mr. 'Launee Levis: of Clin-
ton. Mr. Keegan hasher colt, Grattan
Harvetter by Tekas Grattan, ansI has
it entered in the Futurity.
Mr, George. Weston.. returned on
Tuesday after having visited in De-
troit. 4,
Messrs. Robert Penhale and John
Lindsay returned home on Friday
night after having spent two and a
half months 'in Florida. '
1VIrs, W, Ferguson spent the week-
end in Windsor with her daughter,
Miss Margaret, Ferguson, who injur-
ed her ankle in an accident in De-
A Community Party was held in
the Town Hall on Friday evening to
honor the newlyweds, Mr. and Airs.
Alf. Scotchrner, Jr. During the even-
ing Miss Jeanne Dunn read an ad-
dress and Mr. Carl Houston present-
ed the yetung couple with a miscel-
laneous shower. On behalf of him-
self and his bride, Mr. 'Scotchner
thanked those present for the many
beautiful gifts. The evening was
spent in, dancing.
St. Valentine Parties were held in
the Junior and Senior rooms of the
Public School. on, Friday afternoon of
last'week. During the course of the,
party in the Senior rooni, Miss Doris
McEwen read an address and Master
Lloyd Pease presented Mr.. -p. Hellyar
with a- case of toilet articles as a
parting gift from the pupils.
Miss Isobel. Kirk of Glanwortb tools
overthe duties' of Principal of the
Bayfield Palle $ tio'oi on --.Monday.
Trustee J'a}iii E. Howard is wear-
ing 'a broad' sinile.this week. A little
daughter has come.( to gladden their
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66w and 86l
Poultry demand continues good for
fattened chickens and fat fowl.
Prompt grading service for your.
eggs by experienced candlers.
Phone 214i; Night 214w.
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fulford,
Clinton, on Wednesday, February
15th. Dorothy Madeline Chamney of
Listowel, and William Daniel Rueg
e1. of Goderich Township, were unit-
ed in marriage By Rev. H. Wilding TRY 'A LUNCH AFTER
of Holmesvrile. A HOCKEY GAME OR
Now: Spencer Spencer Pracy in
Mon., Tues., Wed.
Can a woman recapture the past?
Dame May Whitt-, 3z Louis Platt
Gorier ich
Now: Katharine Hepburn & Cary
Grant in `Bringing Up Baby"
Mon., Tues., Wed.
Chester Morris -Bruce Cabot
and Frances Mercer
urn in a vigorous G-1VPan drama
based on the activities of
"11 Met My Love Again" Thomas E. Dewey
"Smashingthe. Rackets"
urs� �
"Renfrew of the
Royal Mounted".
Carol Hughes. & Wiiiiam Royle
A young "mountie" places duty .be-
fore love in his search for the
murderers of a buddy.
C ming: Chester Morris, Bruce
Cabot and Frances Mercer in
Mat: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m.
The Right Place
Thur., Fri., , Sat.
Richard Dix -Whitney Bourne
and Richard Lane
a superb and unusual' adventure
.story involving blackmailers and.
a "seeing eye" ,log
Now: Victor McLageio in
Men.,;Tipes1. Wed.
and James Ellison
offer an entertaining treat abound-
ing in ,sincerity and human warmth
Thur., Fri., Sat.
Kenny BAKER - Victor MOOREi
Milton Berle & Buster West ,
A glance at the cast is all you need
Coming: Joan ;Mendell in Coming: Madge Evans in
Mat: Wed., Sat, & Holidays 3 p.m. Mat: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m.
Lunch or Dinner
"Home Cooked Meals
HOWARD -In. Clinton hospital on
Monday, February 13th, to Mr. and
Mrs, J. E. Howard, iBayfield; a
KEMP-In Goderich, on Thursday,
February 9th., Henry Kemp, form-
erly of Clinton.
ROBINSON-In Kitchener hospital,
• on Saturday, February llth.,.Albert
Robinson, formerly of Stanley
township, in his 78th year.
Institute to Pack Bale
The regular monthly meeting of
the Women's Institute . will be held
in Agricultural- Hall on Thursday,
conirneircing at 2.30 p.m. Motto for
the day "Would neighbors always
dwell in peace, The troubles of the
world would cease", will be presented
by Mrs. C. V. Cooke. Roll call will
be answered by a Valentine verse,
Much interest will be added to the
meeting if all members go prepared
for roll call response.
Mrs. Oster, Blyth, District Presi-
dent, will be guest of the local branch
and will address the gathering in her
usual interesting manner.
A demonstration on the making of
useful household articles from paper
will be illustrated.
The regular subject for the Feb-
ruary meeting will be given by Mrs.
F. Johnston, subject, "Origin of St.
Valentine." The committee in charge
of the Social Welfare work will be
packing a third bale of warn clothing
for Northern Ontario. Donations of
sweaters, mittens, stockings etc. will
be gratefully accepted.
Mrs. E. Adams and Mrs.' P. Hearn
will sing a duet. Hostesses for clos-
ing social period will be Mrs. A. Cuci-
mnore, Miss Brigham, Mrs. J., Flynn,
Mrs. M. Batkin, Mrs. D, Lindsay,
Mrs. J. Cudmore.
The regular meetingof the :Wom-
en's Missionary Society was held in
the basement of the church on Wed-,
nosday with Mrs. J. P. Manning pre-
siding. The meeting opened: with Lord
of the Lands and we read responsiv-
ely "Our Lord's Sunnnary of the
Law" and prayer by Mrs. J. P. Man-
ning. We then had our minutes, busi-
ness and discussions It was decided
to observe the Day of Prayer on 24th
of February. Visiting committee for
March, Mrs, W. Govier ':and Mrs. J.
Youngblut'{. The, . roIl call will be
answered next month with a verse
containing the word "serve". Mrs.
C. Watson was presented with a life
member certificate, Mrs. R. Townsend
read the address and Mrs. E. Wood
Presented it. Mrs. T. Fairservice then
took charge of'the `meeting "theme",
Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor. We
sang Jesus Stands Among Us, and
Mrs. T. Fairservice led in prayer. The
Scripture lesson 'taken from Luke
Was read by Mas. G. McCall, Mrs.
A. Shadcliek sang a solo "Beautiful
Isle of Somewhere.". The Study Book'
was taken by Mrs. F; Thompson
"Learning to Live Together." The of -
Tering was taken an.cl Mrs. J. C.
Adams gave a prayer. We sang "Rise
Up 'Oh Men of God" and, Mrs. T,
Fairservice closed the Meeting with
prayer.: Attendance forty-five.
"When you begin to know how little
you know, you are at the threshold
of wisdom."
For Sale
A comfortable 7 -room frame house
with all modern conveniences, -situat-
ed at corner of Joseph and Orange
streets, Clinton. Garage, stable, and
acre of land. Apply T. K,:)IViair,
at R. Fairservice, Londesboro. Phone
20x10 Blyth. 23-1.
Bartliff & Crich
Dinner and Party
Phone 1. C1bfton. Phone 68
Card of Thanks
The family of the late Mrs. H.
Corey wish to take this opportunity
of expressing their thanks for the
kindness shown to them during the
illness and death of a loved one. The Feb.many beautiful flowers are gratefully Friday, b17
acknowledged and special thanksr
ex- y,
tended to Mrs. C. V. Cooke and Rev. Added Attraction: A Prize of $5 will
K, McGoun. be awarded the person or persons
presenting the best 15 minute
Floor Show, voting by ballot.
General Admission 30c
Community Auction Sales
At Kippen
Hound Lost
Large black and white dog. Reward
For any . information leading to re-
covery. Tony Phillips, Seaforth,
Ah There Quebec •
Some of our fellow -citizens down
there in Quebec are talking about
setting up house -keeping on their own
account. Some Canadians argue. that
Quebec gets too much of the Canad-
ian puddigig when federal helpings
are being handed out; that the Fed-
eral politician's first concern is to
have "Quebec behind them" Quebec The Mozart
folk are reported to say that they Both of these De Forest Crosley b-
are the real; Canadians, that they tery models give 9 -tube performance
had statesmen like MacDonald and and possess many startling new fes -
are therefore, due first for -a domin- tures including elimi'ination of "C'"
ating consideration in' all matters battery. The new edge -lighting dial
federal and national and are disposed in colors lists the principal foreign
to cherish the opinion that they do stations.
not get all they think is coming to Complete for $59.95 with Batteries.
them. More fortunately than this AA �}�, �p q J�!
Laurier who have kept Quebec and A. 1.17 . GROVES
the rest of the Dominion pulling to-
gether with scarcely any misunder-
standing. Under such leadership no
part of the Dominion had serious
cause to complain of unfair discern
illation. This was as it should be.
Nothing irritates like a sense of in-
What is needed now is a vital lead-
ership in
h• Fed 1 mattersthat '11
at Dick Hotel Stables, Seaforth,
usual run of pigs, cattle, poultry,
furniture, etc.
Bring in anything you have to sell.
Rates reasonable.
HOMER HUNT, Manager,
Phone Seaforth 228 r 12.
GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer.
Farm For Sale
100 acres of choice farm land. Well
watered, good buildings, including 4
good poultry pens; hydro in house
and barn. For particulars apply to
Mrs. Charles Watson, Londesboro.
Farm For Sale or Rent
era is will 100 acres, Cohn.t 6. Hallett,) well
give every Canadian pride in the land watered, near school, store and high-
ef the beaver. We have plenty for way. Good house and stabling, im-
everyone. With open-minded leader- mediate possession, ploughing done,
ship every Canadian may have a job, apply News -Record. 23-tf.
a haine and liberty, We have room.
forevery occupation and class than House for Sale
follows :the ten commandments. Here A very comfortable frame residence
sound learning may be encouraged.' at corner of Fulton street. All modern
The blacksmith and the carpenter and conveniences, garage and r/ acre of
the sailor and the miner and the - land. Good garden and well located.
forester and the fisherman and the For particulars apply Miss Bessie
farmer may thrive side by side' each Watt, Clinton, Phone 171. 23-fif.
contributing to the other's welfareTire and Rim Lost
and happiness. Church and school Old horses or cattle for mink feed;,
In .Clinton, a spare tire and rim, deadphone at once. Will payac-
and home here may flourish under
sizer 500x19. Property of Charles cordingto value. Ehnen Trick, phone
our spreading, broad -leafed maple, Brown. Finder please leave at
each wishing the other well.We haveSutter & Perdue's. 23-1. 6071.5, or Lloyd Batkins, 619n14.
room for everything but . selfishness 84 t.f-.e-e w
and pride .and sectionalism' and ar- DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THE
rogance. Not since the morning stars NEXT COMMUNITY SALE AT
sang together have there been fairer CLINTON
skies or more shining• prospects that
beckon every Canadian to de his best. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21st at 1.30 father and son. Apply at News -
Every Canadian mustsee that he is These sales are being well patronized "tecard. 22-2.
and good prices prevail. .Terms are
an enemy to the race who fosters a g Dog Found
reasonable. For further particulars
diviSsive course. for this good land A black dog Inas strayed to my
that has every opportunity of becom_ phone A. E. Townshend, manager, premises. Owner may have same :by.
606r23. George. H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
ing great .as well as far -stretching proving property, paying expenses for
and rich in every' material and clim-; NOTICE TO CREDITORS keep and taxes andthis advertise.
atic advantage the heart and brai
All persons having claims against anent. S. G. Castle, Clinton. 22-2.
e' estate of Marla Marlow; deeeas-
Colmmunity Auction Saler
at Queen's Hotel Stables, Seaforth, on
of Canada or the natural, resources hereby required to forward. articu- .The usual run of pigs and cattle and
Y q p
of the country. This simply must fans of their claims duly"verified to other articles., Anyone wishing - to
be seen and acted upon without de -1 the undersigned on or before the 4th put anything in sale should bring it
lay. Before now the cloud at first a4.y of March, 19'9, as after that date in as our rates are very low.
no larger than a man's hand has the Executers will proceed to distri- J. 3. COYNE, Manager.
burst upon the land in daolkness and but the estate having regard only G. H. ELLIOTT,' Auctioneer..
tempest and ruin. Political side-step-' t a' the claims of which they'shall
ping and party bickering the tithing' then have notice.
of the mint anise and erumin of gov-1 DATED at Goderch this 6th day of
einmental niceties may easily lead to ) February, 1939. � • ,
the crucifixion of one of: the finest ,FRANK DONNELLY Welles, W. J. TAGO TAILOR
, IL
countries.God's sun ever:shone upon.' Ontario, Sdieitor for the Executors. It not. work may be left at
Exeter Z me)S-Advocate 22.3.' ' Hese% Berbeur. Shop„
Photographs of Distinction
' Phone 115.
Developing and Prin*ing
(Open Every Day)
Special Notice
Isaac St., Clutton.
Entertainment For
Parties, Dances, etc.
A `Large • Selection of Recordings
to suit all tastes.
Takes the Place of an Orchestra.
/Ample Volume
Pleasing Tone
Very Lew Rates
Radio & Electric
- Stratford-Goderich, Coach Line
Leave .Clinton for Stratford:
Daily 8.10 a.m. and 5.10 p.m.
Leave Clinton for Goderich:
Daily except Sundays and Holidays
1.10 p.m. & 8.20 p.m.
Sundays and Holidays
1.10 p.m. & 10.35 p.m.
Direct Connections to all points.
Under New Management.
Bartliff & Crich, local agents, phone 1
Custom sawing will be done in
Quinton and Bayfield as usual during
the coming alining. We are in the
market for a few good maple, bass-
wood and white ash logs. Dry Hem
Jock Imnber, scantling and joists for
Phone 624r4, Clinton central
House for Sale
.A. good ten -roomed house, on Via-
tos:ia street with modern conven-
iences, good garden, house in good
condition. Apply to Lorne or Charlie.
Brown, Clinton, Ont. 09-tf,
House for Rent
Modern conveniences. Good Rica -
tion. For rent at moderate price.
Apply to News -Record. 01-tf.
Housekeeper Wanted
To take full charge of farm home
near Bayfield. Two adults in family,
and hand of man requires for living tla
the fullest and happiest life. If this ed, who died at the town. of Goderich,
country divides the fault will lies with in the County of Huron on or about
Ottawa rather than with, the people 1 the 16thday of January, 1939, are.
Cleaning and Pressing
Suits, Coats and Dresses