HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-02-16, Page 1The News -Record Esta 1878
Wit lr' Which
is brat rporated The Clinton New Era
NO. 5923.-59TEI YEAR
The New 1Dxa 1+.'at, L88'
U CAN 's ':END
on getting, up on time with one of
They are Priced from $1000 Ups.
fully guaranteed.
Get Yours Today.
We -are headquarters for Repairing. Bring your
Clock to us if it needs attention..
W. E L L A L`S i
Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j
This is your Grand Opportunity
toP urchased a 45" or 72" Runn-
er for almost half their value.
with jI
In a variety of Shades andw
Fringed ends.
45'' Regular $1.50 for only .89c
72" Regular $L95 for only $1.29
Call Last Ca l FaP Remnants
Look them over once more,
Several attractive pieces of
Cottons, Prints, Broadcloth,
Towelling, Sheeting, etc.
We have just received a nice assortment of" -
popular styles in Earrings.
'The new designs are very striking, and we are sure
you will want a pair when you see them.
They range in price from $1,00 to $2.40 a Pair.
t .
eFlinSilver Thimbles
Gift t Box
We have severaltable and dresser Lamps; inlaid
with different woods in pleasing designs,
They are made of choice materials right here in.
Clinton and sell -at
$2.25 and $3.00
complete with socket and cord.
Also Low Candle Sticks at 75c a pair.
"Counter's for' Finer Jewellery for over Half a
Century in Huron County"
112"01.0171,00•11111:01.110•111M0411101•611.11 trammemamesaare,
Busy Weekend for Colts
The Colts have a busy weeIeend
ahead and with five games in .hand
have a good chance of ending up
the top of the heaps when all scheduled
games have been played. They have
two games with ].Mitchell which Spay
be defaulted, and Goderich have one
acne with Mitchell. Tonight the Colts
oleo on the Seaforth Beavers here
tomorrow night they go to Tavistock
and Tavistock come back to Clinton
t'jSaturclay night. Sea£ortlt will be
through with the schedule after to
zght's game.
Standing 'PPecltiosday
P W. L. T.
eaforth 16 9 5 1
Tavistock 14 8 3 3
Clinton 11 8. 3 0
Goderich 15 410 1
Mitchell 13'2 10 1
it at
Pts. F. A.
19 71 49
19 54 35
16 67 37
9 51 71
5 63 104
Juvenile Hockey
Having played two games with
Stratford, each ending in a tie, the
Juveniles go to Stratford tomorrow
night and play the return game here
Monday night. ht, These. teams are even-
ly matched on playing ability and a
goodsgame is assured fans here Mon-
onday night.
...Coltson S End Short D t nd o f
Tavistock also Lose to Goderich
The weekend games were. upsets
all round. The biggest surprise of
all possibly that Goderieh Sailors
handed the strong Tavistock• aggre-
gation a 2-0 (defeat and the next
surprise that the Colts lost to Sea -
forth. Both games were played on
the losers ice.
The game here was a typical Sea -
forth -Clinton struggle. Nine penalties
were handed out, five to Seaforth,
with Hubert getting the doubtful
honours of two in the first period.
He had previously been warned by
the referee for high_ sticking and did-
n't like it •a bit when ,seconds later
he got the nod.
The Farmers' Market
Wheat 57c.
Oats 30c.
Barley 40e, 42c.
Buckwheat 39c.
Cream 23c, 22e,
Eggs, 20e, 18% 1.6% 15c.
Iogs $9.00.
London.I.O.O.F. Team
Confer Degrees
The visit of the Imperial First to pay for this expensive project the
Friday, February 24th at 3 elo
Degree team of London to Clinton 'Lions Club'have decided to Make Tunepk
Lodge 0.0,F. No. 83 on Saturday 21st e' real liriday-cue to be talked an the Presbyter an church. It is hop -
was outstanding m importance and,about lou after the excitement s ed. that many women of the cont -
interest in the reeordp.of the import -g g mtnity will avail themselves' of the
over. Arian 'caticnts are under way privilege of uniting in this hour at
ant events in the history of the for a baseball game between two
lodge. Noble Grand George •Beattie, pressicnal teams, followed by tram- Worship.
officers and members of the lodge ed greyhound dog races: Baptist Church
were hosts also to lodges of Huron You will Sean be approached to buy Service on Sunday evening ,at 7
District. No. 8 and Odd Fellows were tickets on tate new Plymouth and o'clock. Sunday School at 2.30 o'clock.
present from - Brueefieltl, Blyth, Ex many other priz:s. Of ceurse your.
eters Goderich, Hensall, Seaforth and The Salvation ions
Clinton. in the generous nor Gapp'ca t will help this Sunday 11 a,m. "Visions"
town hall Thet 8 lodgeelock convenedpanLodge worthy cause and encourage the 7 pan, "The Lantli's Book of Life",
room accadation was not sufficient Lions in the, work they are trying 3 pan, "Sunday School".
to accomplish. Mondaynight at 7.30 n
for the large attendance and the the pan. a lantern
The Lions Club has appointed F. service. for YoungPeople.
'rte Cap-
working of the de b
Y p
proper ascslta a the .
B! e tebaker chairman.
norr f
The cottage � •a ti
prayer meeting will
fain W H. Maxton, past D.D.G.M., car committee The following cum- p Y g
London,and his team of 56 trained be held in the Quarters on Orange
mince iviii attend to the details for street tonight at 8 pan.
Little Locals
Mrs. lien Cole is at her hone in a
serious condition, having suffered a
stroke late Saturday.
Through the ,co-operation 04 the The rule o1 facing approaching
Town Council and the special efforts traffic still holds -good. We notiec
of the local Lions Grob, an up-to-date -a number of citizens will persist on
swimm tag peal is an assured fact for using the left -Mind side though when
this summer. Plans are 'Beteg worked
out to select a site and hustle the
wnrlc as scop as the frost is cut of
the ground.
In order to raise sufficient futuls
Among' the Ciuifches
The Interdenominational Day of
Prayer will be observed this year on
men. The lodge was opened by past the ,lune 21st Frolic: chairman, .7.
D.D.G.M. J. A. Sutter, Clinton, who Zapfe, Thos, Churchill, J. Reid, E.
officially welcomed the captain and k. fines, Alox Huddle. The. council's
the of the, team and txe rulin '
g special committee appointed to wcrk
D.D.G.M, M. McKellar of Seaforth.
The meeting was their handed over
to Mr. Martin and three candidates
for initiation were given their first
degree in Odd Fellowship by this
team, which has a province -wide re-
putation for their perfection in dram-
atizing the work of this impressive
with tate Lions in. the pool project is
composed of Kern. Waters, M. J. Ag-
new, J. T. McKnight. •
High School Board Meets
Col. IL T. Rance was re-elected
Wesley -Willis United Church
Mov 'n • O
Morning: e n This Rock",
Evening "God's First Question",
continuing the series in Genesis.
The Girlslub will meet Tuesday,
February 21st at the home cf Mas.
Paterson. Mrs. Latce will give the
topic. Miss Torrance and Miss
O'Neil's group in charge.
Wesley- Willis
Rev. II.. O'Neil, B.A. B.D.
The new rector of St. Paul's church,
Clinton, who on Sunday will com-
mence Isis duties in the parish by
conducting• services at 11 a.m. and
7 pan.
Rev. O'Neil is a graduate of West-
ern University, taking his Ants de-
gree in 1928. The following year he
received his L. Th. from Huron Col-
lege, was ordained Deacon, and as-
sumed parish
At- charg a of the of
wood where he remained until 1935.
He then assumed the responsibility
of the Gerrie charge where he re-
mained until receiving the appoint-
ment to Clinton.
During his active ministry the new
rector has been especially interested
chairman of the High School Board The Sunday School Sleigh Ride in work among the young people and
filet degree. The candidates were
on Monday evening and all other of- and Supper will be held Friday, Feb -
has met with signal success in this
Bros. James Burdge and J. McCaully freers and committees returned to of ruary 17th. Teamsters will leave the field• At his former charge there
d Br . H. W.
o Brea field Lo e nand o
f g flee. Mr. W. H. Hellyar, secretary. church at 4.30 p.m.
Morriett of Blyth Lodge. of the board, was granted, an honor -
Afterward a programof address- The Presbyterian Church
arium of $20 for extra wok in con-
es was carried out and
the speakersvection with fitting uprooms for the The annual meeting and Congrega- Ontario. At the present time he is
were ruling D.D. 0.11$1. McKellar ofnew courses. The principals report tional supper will be held in the base- a member of the Ontario Provincial
Seaforth, and past D.D•G•M.'s'Mart- revealed •a satisfactory condition pre- meat of the Church on Friday even- Council, being appointed: by the
in of London and J. W. Moore, God- February 17th t 7o'clock.An-'Archbishop f Ott
erich. The vote of thanks to degree veils in all departments of .the school,
captain Martin and his well-trained
company was moved by Vice -Grand
Firemen's lice Carnival
George H. Jefferson, Clinton, and
weremembers f tlt A. Y. F. A.
9lo e
and their rector last year was Pro-
vincial Chaplain of A.Y.P.A. work for
utg, a rusty � a p Ottawa.
nual elections will be held; reports I Rev. and Mrs. O'Neil have taken
from all organizations of the church up residence here; moving their ef-
will be presented; and items of in- fects frons Gerrie on Monday to the
Although the crowd was rather late j terest to every member and adherent iresidence formerly occupied by Miss
seconded by Past Grand Ross Scott in arrivi;•g, of the congregation will be discussed,, O'Neil, Before leaving Garde they
In this acne Seaforth got the * the Firemen's Carnival
breaks and tthe superb net minding of he lodield, The teel company repaired on Tuesday night was well patronized !A hearty invitation is extended to all,, were guests. at several farewell gath-
to the lodge room after dosing, where and generally acclaimed a success. land it is hoped that there will be a erings and received beautiful part -
of Stade was an outstanding factor
in err'win. Th first period was a hat sapper had been in prepare Starting off with a softbaIi game the large attendance at this important ing gifts along with the best wishes
Clinton's although it was G. Hilde tion by the ladies of the Rebekah rink resounded 'to fanxiliar baseball meeting. !of former parishioners who join in
Lodge. The Odd hted of the dist-chatter instead of the cousin cheer! Public Worship on Sunday at 11 wishing them much :success in their
brand who first found the net after g
riot were delighted with the work ofusuall heard in the rink. 171e fire- a.m. in Clinton and at 3 p.m. in Bay- new charge,
a . minute and a half of play. The Y
Stadeb -Foster line tailed to beat the visiting team and with the hos- mon were opposing a picked team of 'field, The Sunday School will meet
Stade but was effective in holdin • pitality of Clinton lodge officers and local players> Unfortunately the score -1 ono hour before the church services.
g members, ( The Young People's Society in
offBo many dangerousthiedrushes by the keeper lost ]tis pencil and the true
Beavext hath tied the count at 6.20 verdict could not°be determined as Clinton will meet on Tuesday, Feb-
and at 7.50 Draper netted another Lions Juveniles Tie
on a pass from Pickett after having Stratford Twice
missed on a beautiful' corner shot.
Harris broke away alone for what 1-1 in Stratford; 3.3 in Clinton
looked like a sere goal from the face the fastest on sitates and ran off with' 2.00 p.m. Service at Turner's
off but was effectively taken out by the verdict. Charles Brown was the Church. '
Clinton and Stratford juveniles best dressed gent;Jack Cook,the best
Youngblutt During Hubert's pen 2.30 p.m. Sunday School at Clinton.
7.00 part, Evangelical and Redemp The resignation of W. D. Fair ac
tive Hymns. Time of Serious Think- treasurer of Clinton Lodge, A. f. &
ing. The Season's of Christ's Passion A.M. was tendered at the regular
commences Feb. 22nd. Jesus said to meeting of the lodge held Friday
the hostile forces mobilised against
Him; "But this is your hour and the fir, Fair, a past master of the
Power of Darkness, Luke 22:53. Why ridge, was appointed treasurer in
the dark hour and the Power of Dark -
Juno 1902,succeeding thelate Bro-
ness? Does this mean that Farces ofg
Evil sometimes seems to have the up- then Doan, and has regularly been
per hand? Can the wicked have their returned to office at each succeeding
annual election, .n term lacking only
way for a season: Come and hear this
there were " three dangolons shots saw a fair game. In the first. period a few months of 37 years. He be -
the Clinton defence seemed weak lett discussed. came a member of the lodge in May,
labelled for counters. Youngblutt was ing Stratford- have many shots on Monday 7.00 pan. Young people 1890 and has been a member- of the
sent to the box and seconds lutea Hawkins who really saved the game of both Unions to meet for visit to
Pickett rode Flannery into the boards Wingham. lodge fee 49 years. He was master
and got the nod. With a two man for them, Half way through 'bile Wof the.lodge in 1899•
period Davey scored for Stratford. ednesday 7.00 pini• 1Midweek Ser- F. B. Pennebaker, a past master,
advantage the Beavers put on the vice.
old power play but the good defensive Stratford were given two penalties, was named treasurer m succession to
The second period just started when' The Girls Club held their February Mr. Fair,
world of the McElwens and Rath was meeting at Miss Margaret Balis home
Stratford' stored again, Duchenne
too much for them. As benged hitt s Thursday, February 9th with 20 mem-
the expired Schroeder banged: in a tt th cal Butch McKenzie
di n t a m ms period On Tuesday evening a number of.
friends and neighbors met at the
Young Men's Bible Class
roar ---- at 8.00 m. Meeting at 4 o'clock in St• Paul's
the game .ended. However, it was all! Y p Parish Hall the class will be •addres-
in fun so no one feels hurt. Ontario Street United Church sed by Rev. Andrew Lane. The les -
Then came the various judging and 11,00: Subject, "The Gift and. Pres- son period will be conducted by Dr.
speed events. R. Draper proved to be ence of the Holy Spirit." McInnes.
i have played two tie games m an dressed boy;best dressed girl was
alties play was confined to Seaforth g '
territory and the Colts did everything effort to send a winner "on in the lerdyss Inkley, and ladies Valentine,
except score, juvenile playdowns. On Saturday orf- costume award went to Helen Lobb.
ternoon in Stratford they battled to The size for the oldest skater was
The second period was disastrous ( ll'
from a Clinton standpoint. Timmer the first tie. Both goals were more awarded to Mrs. Frank Dixon.
or less gifts to their teams, Powell In !selecting the Carnival Queen
missed' by inches as play got under was credited with the Clinton goal.
way. Play was up and down the ice the judges found that Olive Finch
and eheckin close throughout.
evened the count at 4.30, then Rath
got the nod for a little shoving duel
with Harris. During his rest the key, but despite this a good crowd
Beavers , put on the pressure and
in e ame.
a penalties th
r n
were Thereg
pwas entitled to the prize,basing their
• i
theyMonday night in the local arenaa verdict on graceful skating, fancy
they played another tie, this time costume and beauty, This is the see -
3 -3. The ice was smelt for good hoc- and time this season that Olive has
carried off honours in this field.
The Clinton Citizens- Band were in
attendance' throughout the evening
and contributed the music. The ice
was in good shape for the skaters
and everyone seethed to have an ex.
cellent time.
37 Years as Treasurer
Farewell Party for
Mrs. J. D. Robertson
ge ing e g
who ' id ' ply i thefirst p ]i d bers present: The president.Miss Presentation t M� ON `I
goal to put his team one up, Hubert J dd ' h Th t o
o lss et
was sent out to centre and played a n rn c urge:' a urea ing pened
came through at 11.30 to increase the. by hymn "Take Time to be Holy". Members of the Girls Club of Wes -
lead and although the Colts stormedreal game' having the weight for the hone of Mrs. Laidlaw, Huron. street, The Lord's prayer was repeated in ley -Willis church and ia.few noremeni
soft ice he was very aggressive, Near
the Beavers citadel on various occas staging a surprise party. in honour unison. Miss Lucy Grant read the hers inet at the .home of the press-
the- end of the period Monteith broke
ions the close chocking and splendid of Mrs. J. D. Robertson who will' scripture lesson Psalm 1, during the dent, Mrs. (Dr,) W. A. Cakes, after
away from a scramble at the' blue
net minding of Stade held thein off leave shortly for Goderich to take up business period it was decided to have the Sunday evening church service to
line and went in to pull out the goalie y pot luck supper", February 21st bid good-bye to Miss
the score sheat. Porterfield bounced residence there. A ver pleasant time a pp y g Y Winnie O'Neil,
and score a beautiful goal. Clinton
some of the ` Beavers around' rather was spent in a 'social way and Mrs. at 6.30 o'clock in the school hall. Mrs, a member of the club, who is leaving
received awa penalties to one for
freely and was instrumental in feed- Robertson was presented with. the fol J. C. Reid pa eseuted a very interest town for an extended visit with her
ing the forward lines with some don- Stratford. At the start of the third
lowing address and a beautiful lamp ing program consisting of Bible con- brother and sister-in-law, Mr. an
Burdett put' Stratford two up again. as a tln 'ft from her. Clinton' test t o a err on the lives of not- Mrs. W. Earl O'Neil, of Halifax, N.
The third period was the fastest friends. 1 d' S. Upwards of sixty of the ladies
of the lot with the Colts desperately Dear Mrs. Robertson: p M' h .of the: church and club members were
trying to cone from behind. Both We, "a few of your friends and present. Miss O'Neil, invited to ,spend
forward lines worked like Trojans and M th and
the evening with Mrs• Cakes, was
it would be unfair to single out any taken entirely' by surprise to see so
one player as the star of the game., penalty. Hawkins had fewer shots
While the 1Ve score
shecer line didto stop, in this pexicd. In the game
not get on the score sheet their work
was' good, together with that of the
defence. The Streets, Draper, Pickett
line was rewarded after ten minutes
of play, Draper scoring on Pickett's
assist, Harris and A. Hildebrand gave
the fans some anxious moments, both
having close shots on goal: .Hubert
broke loose on one occasion and with
only Elliott to beat ,lifted his shot
over the net, On another 'occasion
Streets and. Draper fought they way
out from behind the Seaforth net Porterfield, J. Elliott, Pickett, Streets,
gerous forward passes.
able Wren also a valentine reading aha
a poem "Simplicity". The izpa
benediction closed the meeting. Miss
!neighbors, have gathered here this Margaret Ball and Mrs. G. G. Burton
evening, to, spend a social hour to- were the hostesses for. the social half
gether with you before you leave us. hour.
We cannot tell' you how sorry. we The meeting of the W.M.S. of On -
are to lose you from our circle of ,tali° Street United Church was held in singing and at an appropriate' time
workers. You were always willing to in the lecture room on Tuesday at the guest of honor was presented
lend a hand and open your, home to 2.30 p.m. Mts. M• Wiltse presiding, with a handsome luggage piece and.
us, spending many happy evening to- After the opening hymn, prayer was a garnet satin kimona; Miss R. V.
gather. Your quiet, unassuming man- offered by Mrs. Hawke. The minutes Irwin read a humorous address and
ner has endeared you to us all and
we will miss you very much. How-
ever, we know that our lose will be
another's gain. In. token of your
friendship, kindness and loyalty We
ask you to accept this gift. May God's
richest blessing ga with you to your
new hone.
Mrs. Robertson made a suitable
reply of thanks for the thoughtful-
ness of those responsible for the
gathering and for the gift The serv-
ing of' lunch concluded an enjoyable
Carter and McKenze did some good pas g gi • s , w papers
boring in but failed to score. Izzy
Powell scored two quick goals to put
the Lions even again. He scored the
first on a pass from inter a
the second alone Clinton had one
Clinton had 32 shots on goal to 15
for Stratford:
have won, although the game Was an
even contest with honors. about even.
The Beavers have a strong defence
in Hubert,' Kruse and q. Hildebrand,
and Stade was kept well covered
throughout most of the game. -
Clinton -Goal, Elliott; def., Young-
blurt, -Bath; centre, R. McEwen;
wings, F. McEwen, Foster; alter.,
leaving Pickett in she clear and in
goad shape for it eounter; but in his
over anxiousness he missed the cor-
ner of the net. This was a repeat
of similar plays throughout the game.
011 scoring chances the Colts should
Draper, Neilans,
Seaforth-Goal, Stade; def., Hub-
ert, Kruse; centre, Barris; wings,
Muir, Schroeder; ,atter. G. Hildebrand,'
A. Hildebrand, Flannery, Sills,Willis,
Referee-3elbamti, Kitchener.
many of her friends and associates
gathered there. An hour was spent
of the last meeting were read and
adopted. Reports were given by the
corresponding -secretary, the secretary
of the work committee, the Stranger's
secretary and tine treasurer. Mrs. O'Neil expects to leave for the coast
Sperling gave a temperance reading, city today. •A;vote of thanks to the
and Mrs. Maltby the current events. hostess was voiced by Mrs. Manning
The devotional period was conducted on behalf of the non-members of the
by Mrs. Burton, and'the study book
by Mrs. Farnhamassisted by Mrs.
Reg Ball, Miss Laura Jervis and Mrs.
Lockhart. After the closing exercises
a Valentine tea was served by Mrs.
Holmes' group.'1/4
made the presentation on behalf or
the. club. The. hostess served a delic-
ious'lunch. Mrs. A. T. Cooper and
Mrs. R. E. Maimingpoured tea. Miss'
club for the enjoyable evening. Miss
O'Neil, who has for the past number
of years carried an a grocery bust:
nese here, eu0ceedinglter' father, the
late W. T. O'Neil, recently disposed
of the business and now retires,