HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-01-05, Page 5'T'HURS., JAN. `5, 1939
Mr. Arthur Yungblutt of Detroit
is holidaying) with his father, Mr.
"Geo. Yungblutt.
Miss Alma Mutch returned to Tor-
onto on Monday after spending- a
few days with her mother, Mrs. Jas.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robison spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Gar-
Tett of Blyth.
Owing to the heavy roads in this
district, no church service was held
in either the Anglican or Presbyter-
aan Churches, and the watchnight sort -
vice which was to be held in the
Baptist Church Saturday night, was
Born -On Tuesday, January 3rd at
Goderich Hospital to 'Mr. and Mrs,
' -'Charles Nevins - a daughter. 'Con
Miss Martha Adams' has returned
to Kitchener after a visit with her
Cparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams.
`Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Alien spent
New Year's , visiting relatives at
•.h'lint, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Allison and Betty
•of Parkhill spent the 'weekend with
the latter's parents, Mr. and ' Mrs,
-Dive Hamilton.
-At the, annual school meeting last
Wednesday, -Mr.. Sidney McClinchey
"ivas electedin place of Mr. 'Earl
Raithby. The question of putting
h hydro into the school was voted down.
Mr and Mrs. 'John McKnight are
' visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson
of Clinton.
Mrs. John Raithby has a Christ -
'r mas cactus with 100 bloonis'on it.
The W.M.S. of Knox United Church
s niet on Tuesday in the church with
1VIrs. Jas. Woods in charge. ' Miss
Susy Blair read the scripture and
• 'Mrs. Jas. Roberton led in prayer. Mrs.
-IL •C. Wilson• read a chapter from the
Study Book, "Reaching for Help": A
` trio, Mrs. R. D. Munro, Mrs.' H. C.
Wilson and Miss Sadie Carter favor-
. ed with a number. Owing to the bad
•conditions of the roads there was a
, anal! attendance and the' `business
was left till the, February meeting.
The Y. P. S. met in the united
'Church' Tuesday evening. Miss Violet
t Sharp was in charge of the. meeting
' which was prepared by Miss Marjorie
` Toll. Miss Josephine Weir favored
With a solo, "Dear Lord Forgive";
Mrs. H. C. Wilson gave a reading,
• "The Old Man Visits the City". The
abject "Growth" was taken by Mr.
' George Raithby. Misses Ila and Betty
Craig favored with a duet. John Rob-
ertson read 'the scripture and Reid
Sheppard and Stewart Ferguson re-
ceived the offering. ;
Mrs, H. Scott, left for Detroit on
Friday where she will spend the win -
Mr S.
Mrs. F. A. Edwards„Mrs. R. Wat-
son and snnall, son returned home on
Friday from Kitchener wh‘re they
spent Christmas.
•' Miss Margaret Ferguson returned:
to. Tecumseh on Monday after spend-
ing the Christmas vacation with her
parents Here.
Miss Jessie Metcalf returned to De-
troit on Friday:having spent a week
with her mother, Mrs. W. Metcalf.
Mrs. W: Woods and Miss Lucy
Woods spent the New Year's weekend
in Port Credit, the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. • R. Middleton.
lsIr`,'and Mrs. Fred Prest and child
ren spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Crawford.
Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong have
returned, having spent the Christmas
'holidays with friends at Chatham.
Mrs. Agtnes Taylor has gone to
• stay with her friends, Mr. and Mrs.
`Sane Crayton, Blyth, for the winter.
Miss Mamie Shaddick had a tonsil
operation at Clinton Hospital Last
week and returned home on Saturday.
Mr. W. E. Manning is in Clinton
hospital where he underwent an op-
eration on Saturday last. His friends
wish him a speedy recovery.
Miss Peau Griffiths is visiting at
the home of her brother, Cecil Grif-
fiths at Guelph. ,
The attendance at church and S. S.
ori Sunday last was quite small ow-
ing to the bad condition of 'the roads,
some sections being blocked.
1Y4rs. Eldrid Holmes and little data.
gaiter of Dresden are visiting with
her mother, Mrs. H, Lyan.
Quite a number of the Lyon fain-
ilies celebrated .together on New
-Year's at Mr. Stanley Lyons. •
• ' Miss. 'Lara Snell has ietm'ned` to
Eiitpire, Ontario, to resume her teach-
ing; after spending the holidays with
her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' William
Miss -Marion Snell of the Uniger-
si#y of Western Ontario spent the.
Christmas holidays with )ler parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Smell.
January 2nd -Well, we are off to
• a 'good, start on the New Year. It
sine was ushered in ' with a bang.
Viincl, snow' and drifts. Yes, we have
drifts, 8 feet high, New Year's was
spent .mostly .with friends gathered
'together in the different homes where
they cpuld go with sleigh or nutter.,
as, thecars are enjoying a rest. Not
saying . for how long. •
Tliere.:iwas no service at Grace
Chu•eh 'Sunday owing to bad roads,
but service will be held as usual next
; Sunday. Service at 3 o'clock, Sunday
School at 2.30.
Mrs. Robert Fuller is enjoying a
holiday with her ;,brother, Jasper
Fisher who left these -parts 28 years
.ago ' to make his home in the West.
A.. great many changes have taken
• place in .these years. This is his first
`trip home..
Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Powell of
•Hamilton, newlyweds, have, retuned
hone after spending a week with
relatives here.
Miss Irene Woods and. ;friend of
•'Lonldon were, home with %her. parents,
Mr..and Mrs, Milton. Woods. 21 en-
joyed dinner, together at this home.
Miss . Evelyn .Cox,. London ,• was;;
`home with •her parents, Mr. and MTs,,
':Herb Cox.'
Miss Betty Gardiner returned to
St. Hilda's College, Toronto, on Tues-
day after spending the C'hr'istmas
holidays ^ with her•, mother, . Mrs. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pye and family
•returned to Windsor after spending.
the week with M. and Mrs. C. Wid-
On Friday evening L.O.L. No. 24
held a dance and euchre in the Town
Hall, thecrowd Was much smaller
than usual owing. to the bad roads.
Euchre was played the first part of
the evening, the winners being ladies,
Mrs.. L. Makins, ladies consolation,
Miss Dalrymple; gents, Mr. S. Wat-
son, gents consolation, Eugene Castle,
The balance of the evening was spent
in dancing.
Mr. Jack Ferguson returned " to
Queen's '.University, Kingston, after
spending the ,hast two weeks at his
home here.
'Miss Elva Dewar returned to Tor-
onto on Monday having spent,, her
holidays at her home here.
The Misses Emily and Helen Bug-
ler spent the weekend at the -Rectory
the guest of their brother, Rev. Win,
and Mrs. Bugler.
The Rev. George Morley of Chat:-
hat=ham is spending a few days at the
parsonage the guest of the Rev. Mr.
Gale and. Mrs. 'Gale.
Mrs. Delbert Haw, of Proton Sta-
tion, Ont., is spending the Christmas
and New Year's season with her
mother, Mrs. Wm. Heard.
Miss Campbell of Goderich is sub-
stituting for Miss Dorothy Hender-
son who is ill, at the public school.
Much sympathy to WiIIiam Hugill
in the death of his brother, George,
who died in Scott Memorial hospital
on Monday.
Mr. Wilbur Jeivitt left for the
North on Tuesday where he intends
to spend 'the winter.
Mr. Duncan Tudor is very ill. We
hope he win soon be feeling better.
Mrs. Ella Garbed' and daughter,
Marie are spending the New Year
holidays at the home of her brother,
F. and Mrs. Armstrong at Grimsby.
Mr. W. Frolick is back from his
holidays at Wingham to resume his
duties as teacher.
• The hockey boys are busy these
days practising. As the ice is good,
hockey is the order of the day.
Mr. Hugh Middleton of . Toronto
spent NOV Year's with his parents,
1VIr. and Mrs. C. B. Middleton.
Mr. Randall Cole returned on Fri-
day to Madison, Wisconsin, after
spending the holidays with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Cole..
Mrs. John Middleton was called
home on Friday owing to serious ill-
ness and I9ubsequent deathof her
mother, the late Mrs. James Feagan,
of Colborne. The sympathy of the
community is with Mrs. Middleton in
her bcreaveinent.
A very enjoyable social evening
was held at the home of Mr. Fred
Middleton on Thursday evening,
About eighty were present and all
report a very pleasant evening.
Mr. and Mrs Bert Lobb and family,
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lobb, spent
New Yeae1's with Mr. end Mrs. Stan-
ley Lyon, Londesboro.
The W. A. of St. James-clnrch,
Middleton have elected the following
officers for 1939: President, Mrs.J,
Hudie; vice pies., Mrs. Fred Middle-
ton; secretary, Mrs. Stewart Middle
ton; treasurer, Mrs. Wilfred Col -
dough; Dorcas secretary, Mrs., Chas,
Cooper; Dorcas committee, Mrs. Al-
bert Colclough, Mrs. -Harold Graham;
Flower committee,. Mrs. John Middle
ton, Mrs. William Wise,
Mr, and Mrs. John Dowsoh spent
New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd 'Keys and family.
Mr. Roy Keys spent Sunday even-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Erratt,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid and Miss
Jean spent New Year's Day with Mr.
and Mus. Jas. M. Reid and family
of Clinton.
Mr. and Mvs. Wesley Hayter of
Detroit visited his parents, Mr. Berry
Hayter over the new year.
Mr. Melvin Webster is wearing a
smile these days, a little son has
arrived to brightentheir home.
Rev. Mr. Bugler will preach His
farewell sermon on Sunday .morning.
at 11 o'clock in St. John's, Varna.
Wawanosh, in Original
Form Took in Immense
Indian Chief I€ -new It As
`Plea sant Sailing"
Wawanosh was so named by Dr.
Dunlop in honor of his friend, Chief
Wawanosh, of the Chippewas, who
lived in Sarnia. The name means.
"pleasant sailing" and .seems suitable
to the township through which flows
the Maitland in its twisty course be-
tween hillybanks. • • • '
The first settler in the township
was John Jackman who: carne to con-
cession. one about 1840.. His sora was,
the first boy born in the township
and he was named f'John Wawanosh".
A child of Robert :Shannon,• who
also located on concession one, was
the first girl' born, Another early
settler was Charles Girvin who ca•ine
to concession two.
Settlers arrived rapidly and it was
necessary to build a school house on
concession two in 1$45. Jahn 'Me=
Brine was the first teacher and Rev.
Alexander McIcid a Presbyterian min-
ister, conducted the first.religioas
service in a public building, which
was the school house.
Near St. Helens, John and. William
Gordon and Joseph Gaunt settled,
Hugh Rutherford came to concession
10 in 1851, and shortly afterwards
James Sommerville •built the pioneer
mill on the same line. To• this local-
ity also carne the Altons, John
Sheriff, tine McPhersons and Donald
Hezekiah Helps who built his house
near Auburn, in 1852, kept a yoke of
oxen and carried supplies for incom-
ing settlers. His home was always
open to them. At the same time
Frank Brandon, John Owens and
Thomas Agnew took up land near
Beigrave. The Currie Brothers, Rob -
eat, John and David, came to the
Turnberry town line, near Wingham,
in 1854.
Wawanosh was joined with ' Ash-
field until 1852, when they' became
separate municipalities and Wawan-
osh sent its own representatives to
the county council, the first two
reeves being John Pentland .and Chas.
Wawanosh being of large area
(85,640 acres),•and well populated by
1866, the Canadian Parliament in that
year passed 'an act dividing the town-
ship into east and west.
Members of the first council for
East Wawanosh elected in 1867 were:
Robert Currie, reeve; Hezekiah Helps,
David Scott, Lancelot Nethery and
Thomas Taylor. Other officers Were:
.Tames Tisdale, clerk; Donald McGib-
bon, assessor; James Dunbar, collect-
or; James McGowan, treasurer.
The same year a eouncil for West
Wawanosh had Charles Girvin for
reeve and Edward Gaunt for deputy,
and these two men retained their of-,
fices for 12 years. For five of the
years in which they served; from
1873 to 1878, Charles Durnin, William
Kinahan and John Washington as-
sisted them as councillors.
In 1878 Robert Murray was clerk;
William Mullin, treasurer; Hugh Me-
Crostie, assessor; John Pentland, col-
lacteal; John Taylor and Alexander
Pentland, auditors.
Since' those early days changes in
the appearance of the land have been
rapid and progressive. Could Chief
Wawanosh now view the township to
which his name was given, he would
be •amazed to see the well kept farms
of •Wawanosh, which he knew as cov-
ered with unbroken forest threaded
by the winding river which the Ind-
ians called Menesetung By Alice
Aitken in, the London Free Press.
Miss Margaret McQueen spent the
Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs.
James Bowey of Exeter.
ilir•.' Arthur Chapman visited his
mother, Mrs. Chalnnan at Attwood
last week.'
DEATH - McCowan, in Stanley
township, January 2nd, Archibald Mc-
Cowan, aged '70 years.
Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Crich and
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crich spent
New Year•'s at the home'ol Mr, and.
Mrs. J. E. Ball.
"We look upon a world unknown
and nothing we can call our own"
seems a fitting quotation to describe
our •-community at the present time.
The whole countryside is deeply
blanketed in snow end the huge drifts
make everything appear far differ-
Messrs F. Whitmore and F. Gar-
rett leave retrirned to, their respective
schools after spending the holidays
at their homes here.
Visitors for New Year's were Mr.
and Mrs, Walter Pepper and Master,
Freddie and Mr. and Mrs. Austin
Matheson with Mr. ' and Mrs. Fred
Pepper, Seaforth.
Mr. and Mas. J. Turner and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wallace,
of Clinton, were New Year guests
with Mr. and Mrs.. Roy, Pepper.
Mr. ;and Mrs. F. Townsend spent
Newwith Year's Mr. and 1VIts. W. W.
Wise, Goderich township. .
ay,fm,fl lnu 11
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66w and 681
Poultry demand continues good for
fattened chickens and fat fowl.
Prompt' grading service for your
eggs by experienced candlers. •
Phone 2141; Night 214w.
terian Church Manse, •Clinton, on
Wednesday, Jaliiiary 4th,, Doris
Jean ' Neilarr9, •Clinton, and Jahn
Leiper, of Hullet1 township; were
united in marriage by Rev. Gordon
A. Peddie. •
WEAL-In1 Clinton hospital, on
Thursday, .December 22nd., to Mr.
and Mrs. Graydon• Neal, a son -
William Murray.
STEFFLER-In Clinton hospital, on
Tuesday, January; 3rd., to Mr. and
Mes. Clem Steffler, Goderich town-
ship, a son -William Lewis.
WEBSTER-At Varna, on Friday,
December 30th., • to Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin' Webster, the gift of a
"son. -Robert John MelviIIe.
ROBBINS-In Detroit, Mich, on Dec.
28th' to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rob-
bins, (nee, Anne McLeod), a dau-
PECK -At the Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital, Goderich, on Sun-
day, January 1st, to Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Peck, Stanley township, a
STJSWAJIT-In Victoria, B. C., on
Friday, December 23rd., Douglas
Holden Stewart, youngest son of
the late Re:v. Dr. and Mrs. Alexand-
er Stewart of Clinton, in his 49th
1939 Heron, County, Council
Ashfield, Alex F. McDonald
Ashfield, (dep.), Gilbert Frayne
Colborne, George Feagan
Goderich Twp., Wihnot Haack°
Grey, Henry Keys
Grey, (dep.), Thos C. Wilson
Hay, George Armstrong
Howick, J. W. Gamble
Howick, (dap.), David L. Weir
HulIott, James Leiper
McKillop, N. R. Dorrarice
Morris, L. E. Cardiff
Stanley, Fred. Watson
Stephen, Chester Mawhinney
Stephen, (dep.), Ed, Lamport
Tuekersmith, Samuel Whitmore
Turnberry, Roland Grain
Usborne, Percy Passmore
East Wawanosh, Raymond . Red-
West Wawanosh, Thee. Webster
Clinton, N. W. Trewartha.
Goderich, R. E. Turner
Goderich, (clap.), A. D. Brown
Seaforth, J. R. Scott
Wingham, R. S. Hetherington
Blyth, George MoNall
Brussels, W. C. Kerr
Hensall, R. E, Shaddick
Exeter, W. D. Saunders
Generosity to }Iome Inmates
At Christmas
The Christmas spirit was carried be-
yond family circles and the. Christmas
season made a happy one for the
inmates of the County Horne through
the generosity of individuals and or-
ganizations this past season. Among
the . donations acknowledged are two.
bushels of apples from Mr. William
Middleton; crate af: oranges, .. from
Clinton Lions Club; oranges and can-
dies from the Exeter Lions Club, also
the Exeter' Women's Institute;.' or-
anges, grapes, candies, tobacco and
cigars from Seaforth Lions Club.
These splendid . donations, :together
with sixteen geese purchased for the
occasion, enabled the aged people to
have a vary merry and happy Christ-
mas and their genial hosts, Mr. and
Mrs. Jacobs did everything yin their
power to create for them, homelike
surroundings and the happiness as-
sociated with the Christmas season.
The gifts were greatly appreciated
both by the inmates end Mr. and
Mrs.' Jacobs.
The same spirit was evident in
town where local organizations, in-
cluding the Legion' and Lion's Club
packed generous hamliers for ' those
who merited assistance. Organiza-
tions of the various churches also
packed gift boxes' for the sick and
Now: Jack Halt,,l)icic Purcell and
Jacqueline Wells nm
Mon., Tues., Wed.
"Valley of the Giants"
A. life and death struggle between
iandowners. and financial barons
amid the scenic background of•the
giant redwoods, with
Wayne Morris; Charles 'Bickford
and Claire Trevor.'
Thurs., Fri., Sat.
"The Man from Music
'and, Carol Hughes
Mat. :Sat. and holidays at 3" p.m.
"The Man From, Music Mountain"
Mon;, Tues., Wed.
Joan BENNET'i,', Henry FONDA
and ,Alan MARSHALL •
offer a dramatic story _ set amid
the hills of Vermont
"I Met My Love Again"
Thur., Fri., Sat.
Ginger RCj:-ERS--Jas. STEWART
co-starred in -a musical picture
• .richly endowed: with sincerity..
and human warmth
'Coming:' Errol 'Flynn and Bette
Now: JOE. E: BROWN ini
Mon., Tuesl. Wed.
Priscilla, Rosemary and Lola Lane
with Gale Page and Jeffery Lynn
The year's greatest cast in a tale
of two loves
Thur., Fri., Sat."
Thur., Fri., Sat; -Double Feature
Loretta Young, Joel McCrea and
Stuart Irwin. in
Smith Renew and Cecilia Parker
the 1 "usical
Rollr Along uCowboy
Coming: Deanna Durbin) & Melvyn
D 1 "Tl" C t i A"
' Mat.: Wed:, Sat., Holidays, 3 p.m. Mat.: Sat and Holidays at 3 p.m.
Bread at 9c
We make:
Bartliff Crich
Phone 1. Clinton.
Wanted to Buy
Hard Maple and Basswood Logs.
Write Harold Corbett, Luean or phone
51 Lucan central. • 17-2.
Ti,bebinnlY No a
SPECIAL -$39.00 Complete with
At Kippen
BENNY PALMER and His Music
General Admission 50c
needy in their congregations in an
effort to bring happiness and cheer
in keeping with the Christmas' sea-.
Will Satisfy your wants for
Something Different.
Homemade Fudge
Phone 68
To those who gave me their
support at the Polls on Monday
last I. ani deeply grateful. To
;those who didn't, I trust you used
your. very best- judgement. To
the' new council goes - my most
sincere wish for every success
in 1939, and to all may I wish
a very Sappy and Prosperous
New Year.
J. W. Nediger
continued Confidence and
support, and wishing one
and all A Happy and Pros-
perous 1939. "+•
W. M. Aiken
Photographs of Distinction•
by ::..
Phone 115. '
Developing and Printing
(Open Every Day)
There will be no sale at the Queen's
Hotel, Seaforth, for two weeks, until
Friday, January 20th, on account of
bad roads. Joseph Coyne, Manager.'
Wanted to Rent
A fair sized house with all modern
conveniences. Apply to J. D. Rober-
tson, Ontario Street. 17-2.
ML'S. Reynolds Retires 12 cords, 16 -inch Hard Maple Wood
delivered at the Union school, section
The resignation of Mrs. J. B. Rey-. No. 2. Tenders for same to be in
nolds, tendered six months ago, as n by January 14th. Frank Tyndall,
secretary, R.R.4, Clinton. 17-2.
local court reporter, Deputy Local
Registrar of the Supreme Court of
Ontario, Deputy . County Court Clerk
and Deputy Registrar of the Sur-
rogate Court of .the County of Hur-
on, went into effect on January lst,
1939. -
Miss Evelyn Cooper, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Alex Cooper, Goder-
ich has succeeded Mrs. Reynolds as
local court reporter. The other three
'positions are filled by Miss Jean Wal-
ter, daughter of 'MT. and Mrs. R. J.
Walter, of Saltford, Who has held a
stenographic position in the surrogate.
cleric's office for the past two years.
Mrs. Reynolds has held the offices
from which she is resigning for the
past 281 years. During the recent
illness of Sheriff Robert Johnston,
Mrs. Reynolds, in the capacity of de-
puty local registrar of the Supreme
Court of Ontario, performed the
duties of -the office with easy grace
and dignity. She has had a long and
pleasant association with court house
officials and has won, with a never -
failing courtesy, for herself a prov-
ince -wide, esteem.,
Formerly Miss Edna Webb, Mrs.
Reynolds was first appointed to of-
fice at the age of 15. Since' her
marriage, she has at various times,
signified her intention of resigning,
but was always persuaded to remain.
Her husband is the governor of the
county gaol and she occupies the posi-
tion of matron.
Prairie No. 7 Well, 12 miles s. w.
of Chatham, started on December 20, applications and other business re-
was down below the 500 foot level, quiring attention, of council should be
in the hands of the clerk by Jan, 14th.
J. M. ROBERTS, County Clerk
Goderich, Ont.
which was to be held on Tues!•ay,
January 8r'd will be held on Tuesday
January 10th at 1.30 pan. and every
second Tuesday until further notice
at Connell's Sale Barns, Clinton.
Good line of cows, young cattle,
young calves, sheep .and hogs are in
the offering for next' sale, Tuesday
January 10th.
Merchants of the town are offering
special prices on these dates, see last
week's local paper for fuller particu-
lars of sale.
Terms -Cash
A. E. TOWNSHEND,.Proprietor. ,
G. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer.
OCKEY-Championship Game
Mitchell vs Clinton
Game called at 8.15
Public School Children. Free
The Next Meeting of
will be held in the Council Chambers,
Court House,' Goderich, commencing,
Tuesday, January 17th at 2 p.m. 1939.
All accounts, notices of deputations,
at the end of the first ten days and
going strong. • The log of the strata
to date point to another big Well
and also because it it in., direct line
with Prairie 6 and Rowe-Bruette No.
,4, the latter, two being the largest Wanted
Gas and Oil 'Wells in Ontario -with '
all gas on contract to the Dominion Young lady wishes position for
Gat' •Comipany and the Oil to the light housework. Preferably in town.'
'Imperial -Oil Company at Sarnia. 'Inquire at New-Reeord Office. 17-1.
Our collecting department is a re-
sult' of years of successful experi-
ence in collecting local or out -of -tow*
No collection, no charge -
Mail your list of accounts to -day to
Burke's. Collecting Agency',
• (License 176)
41 -tri ..
Stratford-Goderich'' Coach Line
Clinton daily for Stratford 8.10 a.m..' •
Daily ,except Sun. & Holi'ys 4.40 p.m:
Suns. & Holi'ys 810 a.m. & 5.10 p.m.
Lv. WEST `
Clinton daily for' Goderich 2.00 ban.
Daily except Sun. & hali'ys 8.20 p.m.
Suns. & Hol'ys 2.00 pan. & 10.40 Wit.
Direct Connections to all points.
• Bartliff & Crich, Local Agents
C. Berner, Manager.
-For Sale
Four choice young sows, due to,
litter first week in April. Apply
John.,.McGuhre, Blyfield , 1.I;.••.2, 'or
phone 600r23.. 17-2,
Radio & Electric
We are equipped to give prompt
and reliable service our any radio
or electrical equipment. We also
do house wiring and can give very
attractive prices for the next few
weeks on small alterations and ad-
ditions to the wiring in your home.
will be held in, the
Wednesday, Jan;. 11th
Music by the Walkerton Orchestra
Admission 75c including refreshments
House for Sale
A good ten -roomed house, on Vic-
toria street with modern conven-
iences, good garden, house in good
condition. Apply to Lorne or Charlie
Brown, Clinton, Ont. 09-tf.
House for Rent
Modern conveniences. Good loca-
tion. For rent at moderate price.
Apply to News -Record. 01-tf.
Old horses or cattle for mink feed;
if dead- phone at once. Will pay ac-
cording to value. Winer Tricic, phone.
607r5, or Lloyd Batkins, 619r14,
84 t.f-.e-o-w
Roofing ;
We have a special liquid Fibre
Coating or Alumenix for steel roofs.
Also repair flat roofs. We sell Ce-
ment Tops for chimneys. Apply to ,.
Joe Becker, Clinton. Phone 42.
-86 -ti,.
A house and barn on Wellington
Street. Water and hydro. Apply to
J. E. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton.
Cleaning and Pressing
Suits, Coat's and: Dresser.
It not open work may be left 'N:,
Heandlt Barber Skop), s'