HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-12-29, Page 5A y...............„ 1; Special Offer A 0., e, 1 ,FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Fillite Will Give You 550.00 Dollars i or More for Your Old Radio on a new 'O. Stromberg Carlson FULLY GUARANTEED Remember There is nothing finer than a STR,OMBERG CARLSON See them at our Shop MITTELL'S Radio & Electric Service Phone 213 CLINTON Manrs30nrsoMoramr2aoziD2OMtrer THURS., DEC., 29, 1938 TIIE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD with Mrs. Manning's sister and fam- ily Hugh Chesney of Seaforth. 1VIr. and Mis. J. S. Carter were with Mr. and Mis. Geo. Mc:Vitae, Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. R, Townsend enter- tained IVIr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood and children, Mrs. IP. Wood and others on Christmas IVIonday. Mr. and IVIrs. Wm. Govier and fam- ily, Mrs. C. Watson and farnily, W. Lyon and family, Blyth, were with Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon for Christmas. Mr. Peter Brown of London spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs D. Ewan. Miss Helen Young -Mutt, London, Mr. Willis Mountain and family, Were at the home of Robt. Youngblutt Christmas, Mr. HowardBrunsdon and dough. ters, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs, Rich. fli ° R.TWEIVoddera Mr. Beet Brunsdon and aaamr: • "' ily client Christmas with then p •89 YEARS OLD ents, Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Brunsdon. J. W. Ortwein one of Hensall's Mr. C. Troop° and Mrs Troope of •moat prominent residents celebrated Chicago, Mr, ana Mrs. Harvey' Wells, his eighty-ninth birthday on Christ- Blyth, spent Christmas with their sis- Inas Day. Mr. iartwein is a pioneer ter, Miss Elizabeth Mains. merchant of the village and has been! Mr. Jas. Hesselwood spent Christ - reeve and councillor. He was born mac with. his sister, Mrs. J. D. Mel- • in' Tavistock and -went to Heidelberg vale,. • as a youth and there he became post- Mr. Arthur Kerslake with pant of • master telegraph operetta and store family, Centralia; '1Vars. Beet Lobb, owner in turn. He has also earned Goderich township, were with Mrs. H. stores in Zurich and Seaforth. At Lyon on Christmas Sunday. aresent Mr. CnItWein is president of Rev. A. Menzies delivered a very the Bible Society of Western Ontario insphing Christmas sermon on Sun - and has been .superintendent 'of the day morning.. The choir rendered two 'United Church Sunday School for:very fine Christmas Anthems. The twentyathree years. He is hale and Sunday School followed when Mr. • hearty and drives his man auto. Many Menzies again gave the Chriitmas .,of the members of the family carne ajeasage. .from distances to celebrate his birth- - aaday on Christmas Day with him and - • hia wife. Plant Employees Held' Christmas Party Approximately 400 employees and ,aniends, of the Richmond Hosiery Ltd., including forty from their Clinton • Plant and 100 from Mitchell were ens tertained at a Turkey Banquet and ,Dance at Masonic Temple, London. on Thursday evening. A sing song led by Hy Hey of the Mitchell Plant with ,Itatty MoKerracher at the piano was . greatly enjoyed between courses. Roy Allison, boy soprano, rendered solos, and Len. Wayne, magician, provided entertainment. Clinton Plant gave a • special ,number led by their superin- • tendent Mr. A.. Garen. Two members of the Mitchell mill gave a guitar selection. H. P. Richmond, as chairman, wel- comed the guests and Mr. C. W. Nicholls, President, spekabriefly. Mr. Riclunopd called upon Stirling- Young, Manager of the Mitchell Plea for a ..few words, At the close oa.the pro- gram gifts of flowers were presented to Mrs. .0. W. Nicholls and Mrs. H. P. Richmond. A. gift to Mr. Rich - "mond was also presented. Draws for lucky numbets were won • by Hy Hey, Ethel Swift and H. Oa Riley of Mitchell, and Norma Pick- ard, Mrs, Bernard and Cliff Fairies of London. The hall was beautifully decorated -with lighted Christmas Trees, bal- • loons and colored streamers. Dancing and cards were enjoyed during the later part of the evening, with. Mrs. Oliver Ross of London, and 'Gus Ronnenburg of Mitchell as win- ners of the card games. A troupe consisting of Misses Bev- erley Davies, Mary Jane Catalano and Ruth Warren gave tap dente 'numbers, and Miss Doris Martin ac- companied by her brother accordion- ist, also gave special tap dance selec- tions during the dance hour. All employees were presented with nice Christmas gift from the firm. The employees of the local branth sunprieed the manager, Mr. A. Garen 'when they assembled for work on IBaturclayamorning by presenting him .With a fine hunting coat. Ilis deep • nppreciation,for the gift, Was expres- sed in' a few words .of thanks. BAYFIELD • • -Mrs. F. A.: Edwards, Mrs. Robt, Watson and small son, spent the Christmas weekend With friends in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Moran of Lon- don spent Christmas with Mrs. Mor- an's. parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hous- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thorns of Detroit spent Christmas with Mrs. M. Thorns. Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Lewis of Tor- onto -were guests of Mrs. N. W. Woods over the holiday weekend. Miss Margaret Ferguson of Tee- umseh is spending the holidays at her home here. Mrs. M. Ferguson is in London visiting her son' Mr. Thu Ferguson and Mrs. Ferguson. Mrs, C. Brandon is spending the Christmasseason in London. Mr. Lawrence Fowlie of London, and Mr, and Mrs. G. Koehler of Zmieh spent Christmas with the Misses E. and P. Fowlie, Mis Lola. Elliott of Detroit spent Ohristmas with her mother, Mrs. M. Elliott. • Miss J. Manson spent the holiday weekend with friends in Hensel Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murray and son Billy of Detroit ate spending a few days with Mrs. Agnes Murray. Mr. Brenton Ilellyar is spending the holidays at his ammo, in Clinton. Miss Elva Dewar a Toronto is spending the holidays at her home here. . Miss Betty Gardiner visited for a few clays in London last week the guest of Miss Patsy McHale, there she attended the hall given by Mrs. Morgan in honor of Miss Dor- inda Briekenden, and other social functions. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Middleton of Port Credit spent the holiday lama - and with Mrs. N. W. Woods, Rev. Wm. and Mrs. Bugler and family and Mr. Bugler Sr. spent Christmas in London. Mr. and Mrs. V. Bunt and family of London were guests of Mr. and Mrs. FeBaket over the weekend. Miss Patricia Atkinson of Detroit is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Atkinson. Miss M. Cameron spent the holiday with her sister, Miss E. Cameron, re- turning to Detroit On Monday. LONDES130R0 Mr. ana Mrs. Harry Weston are spending a couple of weeks in De - The regular meeting of the W. r. troit, the guests of their daughters, will be held in Community Hall on and while there will celebrate their 'January ,5.• Program expected: Home diamond wedding. on January 1, 1939. economics, Mrs. E, Adams; roll call, Congratulations are extended to something new made out of some- them. thing old; • reading, Miss L. Yourial, Mr. and 'Vars. Jack Ferguson and Ulnae 1VIrs, 3, Armstrong; Solo ,Dor- babe of Kingston are spending the ()thy Griffiths. Hostesses, Mrs. Wm. lmliclays with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. • Lyon, Mrs. J. P. Manning, MIS, L.:Ferguson. !alai Ball. Mrs. Oster District president)! Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rehn of De - 'will be present to give an address.. I trait were the guests of Mrs. Itehn's - The Christmas concert of the Unit-. parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Dewar, over ad Church S-. S. Was held on Wee -Ines -141e Christmas weekend, day, December 21st. The evening was Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pye and three rathee disagreable outdoors but the sons of Windser spent the Christmas hall inside was a ray of brightness weekend with Mrs. Pye's parents, Mr, :and pleasure,. Rev. A.. Menzies open -land Mis, • 0. Widcombe. ed the prograrn with a few well chosen Mr. and Mrs, ROM. Gale of Elora words anci the curtain drawn. Then were with the foriner's parents, Rev. a crowded platform of childree burst and Mrs. R, M. Gale, over the week - forth with a Christmas chorus follow-: end of Christmas. ed by another. The program thaough-I Mist Mary Widcombe who has been 'out was one of the best ever given with her sister in Windsor for sev- by the S. S. consisting- of different l eral weeks returnect home on Friday numbers, drills, pantomimes, etc„ all last. being well done and fully enjoyed by, Miss Jessie L. Metcalf of Detroit • .all present, At last Old Santa ap- is spending the Chrietanas vacation peered, and delivered numerous gifts: with her mother Mrs. W. F. Mt - 'to the expectant children and grown calf. ups as well, which brought a pleasant! Miss Doris Featherston manned to evening to a close. Proceeds were $45. Toronto on Tuesday after having "A 'real old time storm is upon us. spent Christmas with her parenaa, • Snow is piling up which makes Mr. and Mrs. E. Featherston. • tnavelling very difficult. ! • A short carol service, conducted by • alVir. Arthur Lyon o,f Toronto Who Rev. R. M. Gala rand Rev. W. G. • anent thelpast weelaat his home here, Bugler, was held at the Cairn oe -departed taaLeamington Monday a.m. Saturday evening in front a the Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Manning and lighted Christmas tree after which: • Phyllis apent Sunday and Mondayaaanta r Claus diatrilanted ,• Chastities • BIRTIIS ROBERTSON -In Clinton hospital, on Tuesday, December 27th to Mr, and Mrs. Frank. Roberton, Londes- ' bona a son. , • IVIARIAAGES CLIFFORD-McMICHAEL-On Mon- day, December 26th at the Baptist • Parsonage, Clinton, Emila Hazel McMichael of Clinton, and Reginald • Charles Clifford of McKillop, wera mated in marriage by Rev. G. W. Sherman. bags to the children. Public a'caaoi Christmas Concert The Public School presented, their annual Christmas Concert an the Town Hall on Thursday, December 22nd, which was weh attended. Open- ing recitation, Marie Sterling; Open- ing. song, "Merry Christnnas" by the Minn:4; Junior songs, "Up in Santa Land," and 'Jolly, jolly, Jolly; Santa Claus"; reatation be Edward Apfle- beck; Minuela Elsie Lietch, Dawna Thorns, Audrey Branden, Vera Pease; Sewing Circle by Senior agirls; Play- let, "Train to Mauro", Bill Johnston, Keith Brandon and Vera Pease; shad- oiv operation, Senior boys; doll drill, Beverley Yank, Enid' Dyer, Evelyn Osmond, Audrey Sturgeon, Jean Sturgeon, Marion Atkinson; Senior songs, "Ho the Boating", New Year's Song, "All Through the Night"; car stunt by junior boys, Irvin Pease, John Eliicia' Stewart Athinon, Wil- fred Castle, Keith 'Brandon; Play, "Minister's • Mistake", Elsie Lietch, Maleohn McLeod, Dorothy McLeod; Tap dance, Doris Melawen; song by Junior and .Senior •boys,'• "Merry Farmer Boy"; song 'by Junior boys, "Santa's Kitchen Band"; Play, "Knight Rupert", Wilfred Castle, Vera. Pease, Orvin. Pease, Beverley York, Marion Atkinson, Enid Dyer; recitation, John Apflebeck; mono- logue, Beverley York; 'Piano solo, Doris McEwen; Raindrop Song, Bev- erley 'York, Marion Atkinson; "Man- uel Del Popo', Phyllis Lindsay, Ev- elyn Osmond, Donny .McLeod, Lloyd Pease, Marion Castle, Dawns, Thom- as, Elsie Lietch, Opal Dyer; Star Drill, Doris 'Mariam -a Evelyn Os-, mond, Audrey Sturgeon, Dorothy IVIcLeocl, Beryl Castle, Marion Castle; Play, "Uncle Hiram's Cold," Doris McEwen, Bernard Bugler, Evelyn Os- mond, Audrey Sturgeon, Lloyd Pease, Phyllis Lindsay, John 'Pearson; piano solo, Doris McEwen; The School Papa er, "The Tatler" read by Opal Dyer; Two part song, "Silent Night" by the school; "God Save the King", Santa Claus then arrived. After the pro- gram a presentation of a set of crystal bedroom lamps Was make to Miss M.- Shearclown, teacher of the Junior Room, whose resignation took effect at Christmas. ' 'ItCHERSMITH Old IVIen Winter has us ie his grip. Drifts are piled high in most eases but highest right in front of the gar- age doors. The .annual Christmas Tree ,Ein. tertainment in connection with Turn- er's Chtuah was presented last Fie - day evening.. Rev, G. Burton acted in the capacity of chairman. Mr. and Mrs. P. Coleman and fam- ily and Mr, 'and airs. P. H. Townsend Spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Whitmore. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ball and Mrs; N. Ha.bkirk were with Mr, and Mrs, Gif- ford Crich for Christmas. Mr, and Mrs. F. Walters 'and fam- ily and Mr, and Mrs, E. Townsend and Miss Dorothy were with Mr. and Mis. Ray Townsend Cor Christmas. Mr. P. Garrett and Mr. P. Whit- more are home from :their respective schools for the holiday. • VA 11.1NIA • Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. .Reid and :family of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Reid. Miss Savah Ann Keys, returned home Wednesday after spending Christmas with her brother, Mr. A. Keys and family. The Christmas service held at four o'clock on Sunday afternoon was tak- en by the pastor, Rev. J. R. Peters. The theme was "The National Re- sponsibility of Motherhood." The Sunday School at three o'clock was largely .attended. An interesting item was the triosung by Violet Mc- Clymont, Mr. Peters and Catherine Peters. The Carol was "The First Noel", Catherine taking the descant. The Firemen's Concert tonight will provide some interesting entertain - merit. We should all rally round and help out as the Brumfield firemen have done good work hero in the past. , ' Mrs. J. Reid is spending Christmas with her san, Dr. Harvey Reid of Toronto. She was accompanied by her son, Wilmer Reid and family. The 1Vlieses Chatter of London spent Christmas at the home of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cinder. IVIiss Catherine Peters of Chatham is spending her vacation at.her home here: Miss E. Warcl and Mrs. Armstrong spent Christmas with Um J. McGly- mont. • Mr. Ben Rathwell and family were Christmas, visitors with Mr, and Mrs.. Ostrum. a . Mr. Charles Rathwell of London, spent a week with old friends here. Ma and Mrs. Amp. of Toronto, spent Christmas at the home of 'the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. McCon- nell. PAGE S4 , 111194251yrA341.11O. NEW YEAR'S Plants & Flowers We Haie:- AZELEA I3EGONIAS • • POINSETTIA CHERRIES CYCLAMEN AFRICAN wourrs -POT OF NARCISSUS- -PAN OF BULBS IN FLOWER- -TABLE CENTRES=" ' Also:- • MADE UP DISHES & BASKETS OF FLOWERING PLANTS AND FERNS. -Cut Flowers MUMS - ROSES - CARNATIONS Co Vo Cooke • FLORIST Phonon 06w and 86j To Our Many Friends and Customers We extend every Good Wish for • the New Year. N. W. TREWARTHA Phone 214i; Night 214w. Clifford -McMichael A quiet wedding was solemnized on Monday, December 26th at the Bap- tist parsonege, by Rev. G. W. Sher- man, when Emily Hazel, eldest dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Mc- Michael, Clinton, was united in mar- ria,ge to Mr. Reginald Charles Clif- ford, of McKillop, second son of 'Vies. Champ, and the late Mr. Albert Clifford of Bath, England. The bride was 'becomingly gowned in a satin back crepe dress of autumn tan with Gold trimming's and accessories to match, The bride was attended by Miss Audrey Butler, and Mr. Alex Mcalicbael, brother a the bride, was ,best man. Immediately following the marriage a buffet luncheon was serv- ed at the home of tae bride'S par- ents, when about thirty-five immed- iate relatives were present. The young couple were, recipients of Many beauti- ful gifts, showing the esteem in which they are held. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford will reside in aacKillop. District Nominations BLYTH Reeve --George 1VicNall, W. Merritt Council -J, Cook, D. Tanutn, Geo Johnston, J. Potts, W. Merritt, E. Jahnston. School trustees - Ia. Whitmore, 3. Palma) A. Taylar, W. Thuell, W. Mills, S. Sibthape. ZURICH • Village trustees elected by acclama- tion were H. Eriekincier, Oscar Klopp, John Gamin), DASHWOOD Trustees for this village were all re-elected by acclamation. They are Dr. R. Taylor, Addison fireman, Ed- wara Madigan HAY .Reeve - George Armstrong and • Max Tranoull. Council - William Hough, alai Turnbull, F. alaberera Roland Geiger, Arthur Weber, Simon Hoffman; Nel- son' Stanlake and Fred Corbett.' STEPHEN • Reeve - Chester Mawhinney, Ed- ward Lampert. • Deputy Reeve - Edward' Lampert, Roy Rate, Edavard Chapten. Council -Roy Rata Edward Chap - ton, Tom Love,' Arthur Amy, Peter Esenbach, Gasoline trucks have dragging chains to free the trucks from static electricity attracted by moving eta jects, and objects subject to friction. The Means ground any electricity thus generated. A Missouri editor says he will pub- ish no more obituary articles of. peo- ple who do not subacribe tmhis, paper. He says people who do not talce their horne paper are dead anyway; and their passing ie of no news value. , ROXY ItifiATRE CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE Clinton. Goderich • Seaforth Nov Playing: John, Payne, Marg- aret Lindsay and Pat O'Brien in "GARDEN OF THE MOON" , 'a alon., Tues., Wed. g -Double Bill- ' More trouble ancl more fun with 0 filinclorree famous Jones Family. in g "Safety in Numbers 6 and 1 •"RASCALS" ' featuring that peppy little match- maker, Jane Withers 0 ---- Thur1,-Fri.,-Sat. 1 "Flight Into Nowhere" Jack Holt, Dick Purcell and 1 lacuucline Wells ...___ - _ aamarig: "V4Iley of the Giants" ai Technicolor with Wayne Morris, Charles Paelcioal as Claire Trevor • Mat. :Sat. and holidays at 3 p.m. 151 Now "D RAC SA, a and 'PRA .NICE NS TEI " Mon., Tues., Wed. Priscilla Rosemary and' .14/a ane with Gale, Page and ClaUdg lfaiu head the yeas Ie greatest east in it story a two loves. "FOUR DAUGHTERS" Thur., Fri., Sat. Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette and Carol Hughes Music, action and romance in full flower on the lone prairie "The Man from Music Mountain" Corning: "I MET MY Lc/YE" Now: "DRACULA" ancl "FRANKENSTEIN"' • Mon., Tticet, Wed. • Pat O'Brien, Margaret Lindsay- ' -John Payne and Jimmie Fidler go behind the scenes at a world- famous dancing spot for 'GARDEN of the MOON' Thur., Fri., Sat. JOE E. BROWN -Man II:fountain Dean -June Travis -Dickie More old colossal -kisser goes to college for it spot of football "THE GLADIATOR" Coming: "THE DAUGHTERS" Mat.: Wed., Sat., Holidays, 3 p.m. •Mat.: Sat aitd Holidays at 3 PAIL aeaaasaata'easasaaaaazaraiaasa)aaaaeimeaaeaanaeaasaeaaamseaeeaaaaea Wishing You All A HAPPY NEW YEAR Bartliff & Crick Phone 1. ••Clinton. The Friendship which you have shown by y our patronage during the past year is ap- preciated. We extend to you our Best Wishes for the New Year HENRI BEAUTY SHOP Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year and soliciting your Support W G Cook BRUCE:FIELD Mrs. W, Stevens is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Thoinpson, of Sarnia. Mrs. Anna McDonald, Dundas, and Mr. and Mrs, John McIntosh and dau- ghter, of Toronto, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, C. Haugh. Miss Elsa Prouse, London, is spend- ing the Christmas holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I.). Forrest, Miss Violet Petrie, Sault Ste Marie, is visiting aria:Kis in Brumfield and vicinity. , Miss Olive Harrison, London, spent the Christmas holiday with Mr, and Mrs, John Aikenhead. Mr. and Mrs. Mohteith and family of London were Christmas visitors with Mrs. 3. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. T. li. Wheeler spent a few days iii Stratford. Mr. end Mrs, 13. Kaiser of Detroit spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. 11. Zapfe. Miss Irene Snider of London, Misses Eleanor and Kay Snider of Kincardine, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. anti Mrs. J. Snider. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson, Mr. and Mie. G. Voth of Detroit, visited their father, Mr, C. D. 8impson. Mr. 'and Nies. flohner and family Of Goderielt spent a couple of days with Mrs. A. Hohner. • Mr. and Mis. R. Dawson spent a few days with their parents at In- wood. . Mr. and Mrs, T. Dunlop and sons speut • Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. R. Scott and Mrs. Rattenbury. 1VIrs. Dutot .and) children spent a few days in Bayfield. MaHugh McGregor of Detroit, Mr. .8 Knox a Windsor, spent a 'few days with relatives here. Miss Dorothy Swan, Misses Ellen and ..Ina Scott and Margaret Aiken - heed of London spent Christmas. at their holies here. Mr. and Mis. 3. K. Cornish and family spent Christmas in Mitchell. • Mr...and Mrs. J. Smith and family of Wingemin, Mr. and IV/Irs. Alvin Smith, and daughter; Mr. Jahn Smith of .Bluevale, Mr, Elmer Smith of' alorth Dakota, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mr, H. F. Berry, I Mrs, Carr spent Christinas ira Sincere Good wishes for a Happy New • Year Wendorf's Bakery and, Restaurant A G.00D PLACE TO LUNCH Phone a LISTEN TO THE NEW YEAR'S MUSIC DYER CANADA'S • MOST POPULAR RADIOS ROGERS - DeFOREST CROSLEY SNuAle cAtcvste)Z Ssia '„aSeartI \ee't44 (4E gthnt SPECIAL $89.95 A. W. Groves New Year's Dances At Kippen FRIDAY, DECE5113ER 30th 'UKULELE BILL & his Hillbillies Admission 30c NEW YEAR'S JVIIDNIGHT BENNY PALMER Admission 50c YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT AT E THLAST ELECTION IS GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGED I wish to) extend to you all InY sincae wish for a Happy .and Prosperous New Year and solicit your con- tinued confidence. J. T. Menight Community Auction Sales at ConnelPs Sale Barns Clinton on Tuesday, January 3rd at 1.30 p.m. eonsisting of: 1 fresh calved cow; 2 cows springing; 2 cows milking; good; 4 cows due in February and March; number of young cattle and young , calves; 10 young breeding ewes; 2 sows; 60 young pigs and chunks. !Quantity of cedar alt d hard wood. Owing to the storm and a number d telephone lines out of commission con- siderable goods will be offered at this sale which are not listed at the mesent time. -Anything that you have td offer for sale do not fail to bring it to ,Clinton Community Sale where you shall receive fair treatment -and, satisfaction guaranteed. Sales held every smond Tuesday. • Terms -Cash A. E. TOWNSEND Proprietor, 31. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. "If you have made your own bed; don't grumble about the lumps in the mattress," Printing did not originate in, Ger- many, but in China. The Chinese printed • books many hundreds of years before Gutenberg invented Clinton. movable type in 1540. BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by • IRENE 1URGESS Phone 115. Developing and Prinping • (Open Every Day) -WISHING EVERY ONE A HAPPY NEW YEAR 'ALBERT PALMER ' Isaac St, Clinton. • IMPORTANT NOTIdE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDGEMENTS couVernn Our collecting department is a re- sult of Years of successful experi- ence in collecting local or out-of-town accounts. NO colleetion, no charge -- Mail your list of accounts to -day to Burke's Collecting Agency (License 176) ' HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH,,ONT. •41-tf Stratford-Goderich Coach Line - TIMETABLE Li. EAST Clinton daily for Stratford 8.10 a.m. Daily except Sun. & Holrys 4.40 p.m. , Suns. & Holrys 8.10 a.m. & 5.10 p.m. Li. WEST Clinton daily for Godericlt 2.00 p.m. Daily except Sun. & holrys 8.20 p.m. Suns. & Hays 2,00 p.m. & 10.40 p.m. Direct Connections to all points. I3artliff & Crich, Local Agents C. Berner, Manager. Housekeeper Wanted In Clinton, middle aged housekeep- er, at once. Small grown-up house. hold, modern conveniences, Inquire by letter to W. H. kiellyar, Clinton. House for Sale A good ten -roomed house, on Vic- toria street with modern conven- iences, good garden, house in good condition. Apply to Lorne or Charlie Brown, Clinton, Ont. 09-1±. House for Rent Modern conveniences. Good lout- • tion. Per rent at moderate price. Apply to News -Record. 01-tf. Wanted Old horses or cattle for mink feed; if dead ahone at once, Will pay ac- cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 607r5, or Lloyd Batkins, 619r14. 84 ta-e-o-W Roofing We have a special liquid Fibre Coating or Alurnenix for steel roofs. Also repair flat roofs. We sell Ce- ment Tops for chimneys. Apply tn, Joe Becker, Clinton. Phone 42, • 86 -ti,, For Sale A house and barn en Wellington. Street. Water and hydro. • Apply to 3. E. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton. • 70-tf. Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coats and Dresses!: DRY CLEANING AND REPURINO W. J. TAGO, TAILOR It loot open work way be left at liltutor j