HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-12-22, Page 8IPIGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. A Merry Christmas And Happy New Year Let Us Have Your Order for Holiday Poultry or Christmas Meats CONNELL & TYNDALL' "CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET" non. 182. Albert Street MalultlitraMalitlaetalla7411142610.. klyAlMteMaWAVONWAttaileAVAVAteAtig WE EXTEND A MERRY CHRISTMAS ff, tTO ALL quR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS 0 We are offering the Following for this week: 'Ot, M... 1 Beatty Electric Washer, regular 92.50 for 69.00 b , . 4 1 Gilson Snow Bird Washer, reg. 89.00 for 79.00 # Electric Irons , 1.75 to 8.95 06 Teapots, 40c to 2.00 Grillette Toasters for 90c to 8.75 ." ,14 , Coffee Dripolators and Percolators 75c to 2.00 Tea Kettles, 65c to 3.50 Canister Sets, 1.00 to 4.50 ... c, 4 1 Electric Grate, 10.00 7 1 Knight Radio, five tube battery, 45.00 ... •'• 2 Northern Electric, battery, 4 tube -specials 6 ... M Batteries, Tubes and Supplies u... RI .. . SUTTER & PERDUE 0 , HARDWARE, PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, ELECTRICAL g 6 Phone 147w.WIRI• • P.O. Box 48 ZW$65A5AVAii5A5AONG. A5MgagStglikia-4 FelMetutitatent80:z18:64400:248Wata*M=3.gtetesetututatt3uW8unzenzz:818tWat, JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF LARGE GRANITE ROASTING PANS SECONDS AT $1.50 SEE THE BEATTY ELECTRIC WASHER What is better for a Christmas Present for your wife. PYREX WARE — ELECTRIC IRONS — ELECTRIC TOASTERS —CUTLERY OF ALT, KINDS— These make lovely Christmas Presents. — Call M and see them. F 1 T. a, ki g • .z.....ms•mwaawm2=m00.,-,,,,,mmommvavozimow,D,r,,mmtn,,,,,,,,c,Deablib, rtVVWEta,le=CtralteWZWtXse-tekV.C-tesZ-rZSIREWZVZZIZVWL'qqKKIMMVWCEere' –, 6-1 Hardware and '39 Plumbing Phone 249 TO CHRISTMAS EVE SHOPPF,RS: As last minute suggestions FOR THE KIDDIES we have Sleighs from 50c up; Meccano Dinky Toys; Aeroplanes and Toy Cars; di Airguns and TrioYeies. FOR BOYS: Bicycles and Accessories; Guns, Rifles; Skates; BOX' ing Gloves; Toboggans; Flashlights; Scout Knives. FOR MEN: Motorcydies and Bicycles; Skates; A complete line of Hunter's Supplies, also antmunition and a full assortment of -7: Fishing Tackle. FOR LADIES: Skates; Radios, Refrigerators; Washers, Vacuum Cleaners; Bicycles, (See our Radio Ad. for Bargains and Christ- mas Gifts). Watch our advt for particulars of Shooting Match between Christmas and Nev Year's Day. WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF WISHING outt CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales AxtztrawArrimmacagebarmraztomaimmomimoimusmorzorammtmom Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR December 22, 23, & 24 •••••••••••... PEACHES, Aylmer choice, 2 sot., tins for 25c PEAS, Green Giant, 2 17 oz. tins 25c FLOUR, Arctic Pastry, 24 lb. bag 49c SUGAR, Best granulated, 10 lbs. 55c MINCE MEAT, 2 lbs. 25c CHOCOLATE DROPS, lb. 15e FRENCH CREAMS, lb. 15c GUM DROPS, , • „ lb, 15c SATIN MIXED, Vlbs. 25e MOIR'S CHOCOLATES, 3 lb. box 69e MIXED NUS, 2 lbs. 35c PEANUTS in shell, .... . .. lb. 10c ORANGES, doz. 19; 23; 25; 30; 35 TO MY CUSTOMERS & FRIENDS I WISH YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR ig [11,Tliree elff PSO TUCKERSMITH The annual Christmas Concert of g.s. No. 6 was held on Tuesday even - The Salvation Army Christmas Concert Thursday, Dec. 22 at 8 p.m. ADMISSION 15c 12-4, ANNUAL Christmas Dance auspices Clinton Hospital Aid TOWN HALL, CLINTON Wednesday, Dec.I 28th I3ROWN'S ORCI1ESTRA, Walkerton Admission 75; including lunch ing and the whole community were on hand for what proved to be a very enjoyable programme.. Mr. Russell Coleman was chairman and the pro- gramme consisted of choruses, read:,, ings, dialogues, drills, duets and solos. Outstanding numbers included the fol.:: Powing: The Snow .Shovel Brigade, Our Canadian Emigrants and the Modern Minstrels. Recitation were given by Stanley Johns, Roy Tully, Alfred Byerman, Rnth Byerman, Evelyn John a4 and Jack Carnochan, Much credit is due the teacher, Miss °elms», and Miss Greene ,the mnsic teacher, for the splendid way in which they had trained the children. At the conclusion of the programme Santa arrived and distributed. his usual rests to the eager children. VAN. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Reid and family of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Keys and, fam- Christmas Gifts We believe you can select the article you want, at the price you wish to pay, from our large and var- ied assortment of China, Glassware, Books, Toys, Novelties etc. Otirl stationery stock is very complete and has some new and novel packings and decoration. Priced from 25c to 2.75. Don't miss seeing our miniature cedar chest with its lovely writing contents. WATERMAN'S' FOR CHRISTMAS Give Him or Her a Waterman's Pen or Pencil, designed to delight eye and hand . . . No finer writing per- formance at any price. Waterman's fifty-five years ex- perience is your lifelong guarantee. Select your choice from our ample stock. ' Price $2.50 to 7.00. NEW EDITION OF CANADIAN PRAYER AND HYMN ROOKS are now in stock. If they are of interest to you we have many differ- ent styles of bindings, from cloth to smart leather editions specially sel- ected and prepared for gift presen- tation, What, could be a finer gift, than one of these . . breathing the very spirit of Christmas—yet part of our lives every Sunday. (They are not yet in use locally.) RECOMMENDED FOR GIFTS Westminster Watchtower- -Beverly. Baxter—$3.00 O'Absaloni- -Howard Spring—$2.50 Rebecca Daphne- -Dee 1Vlaurier—$2.50 Through the Lands of the Bible- -A. V. Morton—$2,50 To You Mr: Chips- --James Hilton—$1.25. Tile W. D. Fair Co Often the CheaDest—Always Rib Rest ,41/01951 Mr!. Harold McPherson spent the weekend at his. home in Milverton. Mrs. Adam Cantelon is making an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Wise, Goderich town- ship. Mrs. Milton Cook of Sarnia has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Schoenhals. Mr. Wm. Williams of London, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Williams. Mr. and Mrs T. D. Holloway, of Maryfield, Sask, are spending the Christmas holidays with the ferni- er's mother, Mrs. A. j. Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore will have as Christmas guests: Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Livermore and Billy, of Aylmer, and Mrs. and Mrs. Clar- ence Green and Audrey of Tees - water, Recent visitors with Mrs. A. D. Beat- on were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Watson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moffatt, Bickford; Dr. Grant Beat- on, Winnipeg. It is ten years since the latter visited the home town. Mr. and Mrs. D. Churchill: of Clin- ton, and Mrs. McClymont sent Fri- day with Mrs. George McConnell. Diamond R.B.P. 1025 held their an- nual meeting. 071 Monday evening, De- cember 12th when the following of- ficers were elected for 1.939: W.P., Sir K. Elmer Webster; D,P., Sir K. Chas, Stephenson; Chap., Sir K. W. R. Stephenson; Fin, Reg., Sir K. Geo. Clarice; Rec. Reg., Sir K. Geo. H. Johnston; lst Censor, Sir K. Robt. Elliott; 2nd Censor, Sir K. Chas. C. Pilgrim; S.B., Sir K. Roy Keys 2nd S.B., Sir K. Frank Weeks; Pur, Chas. F. Pilgrim., The beefring members held their .annual social evening on Wednesday, December 14th and there was a large crowd. There Were twenty-two tables for progressive euchre which result- ed as follows: 1st prize for lady, Mrs. Abhor McQueen, consolation, Mrs, Austin, Zapfe, gentlemen 1st Mr. Basil O'Rourke, consolation, Mr. Frank Hill and after the euchre a few hours were spent in dancing. All had a very enoyable time. Mr. R. Thompson visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. W, Reid. Mr. and Mrs. George 0/ark° spent Sunday in Goderich attending the funeral of their cousin, Mr. McLean. The beefring society held a very successful party in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howson and Mr. and Mrs. John Hartman spent a few days in Toronto last week. The Christmas tree entertainnient put on by the school children and the United Church was a great suc- cess. Much credit is due Mr. Stewart Beatty and .also Mrs, Bert Boyce for the splendid way in which the child- ren performed. Proeeeds were twenty .tine dollars. Roads are quite slippery in this district, but it looks as if we may have 'a white. Christmas. MT ;An d Ms. Fred Heard and danghtet, Lorna of Goderich spent Sunday with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Elliett. 6.1.711V THURS., DEC. 22, '1983 ostaigawmawawmowmaNteawavim ctowtowtowoogium,ocemowAttri,:;;. SliEliR IN ; Red &White Store Free Delivery Clinton Ont. Phone 4 RED & WHITE TONIATO,JUICE, 2 25 oz. tins 15c KIST PLUS DEPOSIT GINGER ALE, 4 30 oz. bottles 39c CHOICE QUALITY MIXED NUTS, 2 lbs. 35c SATIN MIXED 2 lbs. 25c CHOICE QUALITY MINCE MEAT, ,% lbs. 25c LYNN VALLEY ' P E A S, size No. 3, tin 8c MeLAREN'S JELLY POWDERS, COMBINATION MIXED OLIVES, 11 oz. Jar pkg. 5c 25c CELERY Hearts, GRAPES, Fancy _SPINACH, Fresh, fRADISHES, Crisp GRAPEFRUIT, large seedless, TANGERINES, large size, ORANGES, New Navels, LETTUCE, Firm Heads, CRANBERRIES, TOMATOES, 2 bunches 23c 2 ths• 29c 2 lbs. 23c Bunch 'Sc 6 for 25c doc 2 Doz. 45c- 2 for 19c Quart 25c lb. 19c We Will Have On Hand For Your Christmas Dinner: s FRESH MUSHROOMS, BANANAS, GREEN BEANS, CAULIFLOWER, CUCUMBERS, GREEN PEPPERS, WAXED TURNIPS, SQUASH, CARROTS, .deumme,...mmE We wish Our Customers and Friends Of Clinton nfld District A Very Joy° s ristmas ift • • Q. 5745.0. SeAglitigftVelitIMAgStigAteAgatgAgagattO SigagA5SIOVSfrelttgatkgAgAM510 rme.w.,.....,,.............. 0 Let Flowers Say "MERRY" Christmas F They represent the choicest of d gifts and are always appropriate 6 Our plants are sent out attaetively ;wrapped and with greeting cards ti supplied with each order. UZALEAS, CYCLAMEN, 4 POINSETTIAS, PRIMULAS, p CHERRIES, BEGONIAS eiperns, Bask2e5te otof Aos.s000rted Plants,p q AFRICAN VIOLETS e8.4 U A 0 CEMETERY MEMORIAL 1 WREATHS and CHRISTMAS 41 WREATHS ' ' 1 Dfrfor the honte are reasonably priced, V$1.00 &. up ROSES, CARNATIONS, etc. j CUT FLOWERS Use .our .Telegraph .Service dor; your friends at a distance. Ordersi placed early can be relayed by let-; 1 ter saving Telegraph Charges., Men your own personal card can: be delivered right with the flowers.: F. R. CUNINGHAMEiio Mepiber of Florists Telegraph , Delivery Association, Phone176 and 31,. gerrANgsrebliatrai2130Datlii.giti2f04213.12MAI qmhirsausiatra... RELErs GROCERY. t4t.W.Ivitet:IEC.AtC..94-:«1+7.+.7..407.4:÷.:447K+4+:*0.7.»Iik;.1.4tCt.nte.1.7.4+.. "4-14tit.74. Where Quality Sells & Service Tells CHRISTMAS SPECIALS PEANUTS, 2 lbs. for 19c MIXED NUTS 2 lbs. for 35e BRAZILS, WALNUTS, ALMONDS, per lb. 19c NAVEL ORANGES, 2 aoz. tor 45c 27; 33c, 39; 45e, 590, SATIN 1-1IRISTMAS CANDY, 2 lbs. for 25c GROCER CHRISTMAS CANDY, 2 lbs. for 25e CHOCOLATES, CREAMS & GUM, 2 lbs. for 33c FRENCH CREAMS, 2 lbs. for ..33c CREAMED ALMONDS, 25c X CHOCOLATE DROPS, 2 lbs. for 33c GUM DROPS, Igo. or small, 2 lbs, 29c CELERY HEARTS, Igo, 2 for 190 HEAD LETTUCE, 2 for 19c CAULIFLOWER. 25e TURNIPS, 4 for 10c Christmas BASKETS Made to oHer —WISHING EVERY PERSON- -A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS— RILEY'S Grocery We have an added delivery for Sat. PHONE 39 We Have Enj yed A Very Successful Christmas Business But still have many useful pieces of Furniture,and Lamps to brighten your home, and help make this Joyous Season a little Brighter and More Comfort- able. Then in Hardware department, we would advise you of some bargains in Skates and Boots, and a large selection of Sleighs, Kiddie Cars, Cut- lery, Alluminum, Pyrex and Granite ware, WE EXTEND OUR HEARTIEST WISHES FOR 'A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS Store Open Evenings till Christmas The Store With the Stook ALL and ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Embalmers, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. ' Phones: Store 195; N. Ball; 110; J. 3. Zapfe, 103 ).4'1 .41414141,14,9414141444424141;44:41414141494.1.41.141414444441:11.11414,144+6».4+4,40.941k, ;,4vpi Gift Sug estions DRESSES, Silk, Wool and Print for Women and Misses. ' SNOW SUITS, Ski Pants and Scotch Pleated Presses for Children. AUTO BOOTS, Velvet Fur Trimmed, for Women, Misses and Children. SWEATERS, KNITTED SUITS, Crib Blankets and sleepers for Children. PYJAMAS, Pyjama Bags, Towels, Face Cloths, Table Spreads ana Table Oilcloths. PYJAMAS, Wool, Fleece -lined and Penman Pre- fered Underwear in Comb. and single garment Ider111111111111111110101110210, erry C Bedroom Slippers, Felt Shoes, Mess and Work k Shoes and Hosiery for Women, Misses and , Children. Overshoes, Bedroom iSlippers, Romeos, Oxfords, land Work Rubbers, for Men and Boys. W1NDBREAKERS, MACKINAWS, BREECHES, OVERALLS, 1SMOCKS, WORK SOCKS, MITTS, GLOVES and CAPS. Dress SHIRTS, Socks, Ties, Scarfs, Handkeefs, Gloves, 'Sweaters and Tie & Handkerchief Sets, FLEECE -LINED UNDERWEAR for Girls and Children in Comb. Vests long or short sleeVes, and Bloomers. risit s To r. 40,31%,110r.orirRiaM410102.60-Vrokroot-M-M-POIOV& .