HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-12-15, Page 5THURS., DEC. 15, 1938 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD AUBURN Mrs. Geo. McGee of Plymouth, "Mich. aid Mrs. Robt. McItwain of 'Nile visited on Sunday with Mrs. Jas. Carter. Mr. and Mrs, Mate, Allen visited with friends in Stratford on Saturday. Eldon Stoltz of Toxonto visit - sed with his parents, Mr. and Mtn. 7.1.: C. Stoltz last week. '• Mrs „Edgar Lawson visited over the weekend with her mother, Mrs. . Wm. Sclater of Seaforth who is ill at present. 'Mr., Jas. Brundrit who has been teller in the Bank of Commerce for the past twe years has received word of his transfer to Walkerville Bank ,of Commerce, Mr. Walker of Hamil- 'ton is corning in 1VIr. Brundrit's place. Mr. •and MTS. Thomas Wilson vis- ited with the latter's father, Mr. Antos of 'Parkhill last Thursday. Mr.. and Mrs. ThoMas Anderson of Eturgeon River spent a few days with the foemern parents, Mrs and Mrs. 'Win. Anderson. A number of people in this village have been ill with the cold. • Mr. a.nd Mrs. W. T. Rebison were in- London on Saturday. • 9, Presbyterian W.M.S. The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian enliurch met on Thursday afternoon at liee 'home of Me. and Mrs. W. T. Rob- ison. Mrs. E. Lawson was in charge and the scripture Was need responsiv- ely. les. (Rev.) A. Boyle led in prayer. Christmae readings were . ni'Veri-by 'Mn. Geo. Dawson, Mrs. J. 2lWi1Con, Mrs. J. C. Stoltz and Mrs. R S'eoCt. Mrs. Jas. Woods brought the ' Christmas menage. Mrs. K 'DnWsOn and Miss J. Weir sang a •'siteq, accompanied by Mrs. F. Ross Mrs. F. Roes and Miss Josephine inehn'ivere appointed to send a 'Christmas treat to all the phut -ins '4141in following new officers were elect.. s ed for 1939: Hon. Pres., Mrs. Jas Mowitt Pres., Mrs. E. •nawson,. 1n 'nice Pres., Mrs. Geo. ,Dawson; sec.- treas., Mrs. Wesley Brachmck; Home Helper's SSC., MTS. John Houston plad Tidings sec., Mrs. F. Ross; Wel. $are see., Mrs. Win. Robison; Flown. - committee, Mtn. K. Dawson, Mrs. W Bradnock; Birthday fund, Mrs, Jobn Wilson. Mrs. Jas. Woods closed the meeting with prayer. The next 'meeting will be at Miss Josephine 'Weir's. Lunch was served by inns 'Robison and Mrs. Harvey McGee and Miss Weir. The annual Carol Service -will be :held in the Forester's. Hall. on ClITISt TilaS S114114Sr, December' 25th at '7.30 The 'Stinnay School .of, /the Baptist ,ChUrch are holding 'their enlist:nes 'concert this Friday night, Dec. 1.6th. Mr. and Mrs. Ravel& Allen of God- crich visitecnon Sunday with Mr. and 'kn. Maitland Allen, • „Mr. John Symington is not as well • as his friends would like him to be David Gwyn, who traps ani- ntals, ,prophesies that we will have -little snow this winter because the ilicles on the ,artimals are so thin this fall. The Auburn Continuation School .• and Public School are holding then :.• ,,Christmas concert in the Forester's Hall Thursday evening, December 22 , A number from here took theit nnildrett to Clinton on Saturday to see Santa Claus. Mr. and Mrs. Haery Freinlin of 'Clinton visited on Saturday with Mrs •John Ferguson. Mr. Earl Mugford of Clinton is visiting Stewart Ferguson. • Miss Anna Beadle of Detroit and 41iliss Dorothy Blotch of Clinton spent the weekend, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo C. G. L T. The 0.G.I.T. met in the basement lof Knox,' United church on Friday with a goodly monber present. Miss -Dorothy Anderson was in charge Enid :11a. Craig presided at the piano. The inipture was read by Reth Arthm .and prayer was offered by Doi othy ...Andel:soh. • A. singsong of Cheistems ,carols and hymns was enjoyed and Jean Campbell told the story of the hyron "Silent Night". The secretary ',Helen Robertson read a letter from • Miss 1V1wegaret Small of Toronto. The _group will meet again the second Friday in January. Charles Nevins and Thomas Nag - ...gift have completed cutting clown a "large tree on the village playground. :This tree was 15 feet in diameter 'Mid 75 den high and about 20 cords ,of wood were realized when it was all cut up. The tree was located •near Mrs. Joe. Irvvin's house. A Community Christmas tree will • be held on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. A program will be given in the Forester's Hall and Santa • Claue is expected to be present with -treats for the children, The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the "Forester's Hall on Tuesday afters - 00011 with the president, Mrs. Edgar :Lawson in charge., The meeting was "opened by singing, Christmas, Carols, 'with Mrs. It. J. Phillips at the piano. "Ine following Chrietmas program • was then presented: reading, IVIrs. J. Cowan, "How a married man sews on a button"; solo, Mrs. Glen Raithby, 'Heavenly ,'Stranger"; s,eadings Mrs. 'Fred Ross, "Christmas on.the Farm". Mrs., 11. 0. Wilson gave nhe, topic, "Christmas sObservance", which was greatly enjoyed: Miss Josephine Weir 'Tavoren with 4 80111, "The Birthday of the King". The roll call was an- swered by the exchange of Christmas gifts. The singing of the National Anthem brought the meeting to a close after which a dainty lunch was served •by the hostesses, Mrs. Edgar Lawson, llles. R. J. Philips, Mrs. Win. Strauginin and Miss Sadie Garter. ' The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cuing is seriously ill in God- erich hospital with pneumonia. Visitors with Rev. and MTS. Wilson on Sunday were Miss Edna Adams, nurse -in -training in Woodstock hosp- ital, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Eedy and son, John of St. Marys. Peter Patterson attended the 42nd wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Holtzhauer at Blyth on Friday. BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ,Mallett and family, were guests Of Mrs. J. Davi- son on.• Sunday. Mrs. R. ,Gaiedner returned home on Thursday 'after spending the week in Toronto and London. Mr, and MTS. G'eorge Fisher. of Waterloo, And Mr,' end 1VIes., E. Saud - id, Miss Betty. Sauder and Mr. S. McLennan of Kitchener were guests of Mrs. F. A. Edwards on Sunday. Mr.' Lawrence. Fovvlie of London. spent the weekend with his sisters, Misses E. and F. Fowlie. MTS. G. W. Woods left on Wednes- day to epend some time with her daughter, Mrs. II. G. In Crosby in Bolton Landing, N. Y. Rev. W. G. Butler has accepted the parishes nif Trinity Church,. Bur- ford, and, St. Johns, Brantford. He leaves to 'take charge the end of January. • , Rev. James A. Gale of. Caledonia, Ont., spent Wednesdny•ef last Week with his parents the Rev: and Mrs. R. M. Gale. . ' • Mrs. R. 'Yorke. returned home on Tuesday, after spending some time in London. The work ire the harbour has all been oonepleted and the fishermen now have a fine new dock. .Me., H. Shanahan who was in change of the work on the harbour for the Chatham. Dredging Company, left for his home in Chatham on Tuesday, •, The Village Trustees pre having a beand new hardwood floor laicl in, the Town Hall. , On Thersday evening the annual corignegational supper will be held in Knox Presbyterian Church. We are sorry to report that Miss Maud McGregor is ill at her hotne here. A concert will be given by. the Peblic school pupils, in the Town Hall on Thursday„ ,December 22nd. We regret to report that IVIrs. G. W. Bugler has beenconfined to her bed with a nurse ins attendance Her many friends will be glad to know that she is improving in health. Mrs. In W. Baker left this wen,: to spend soine time with her son In London, her granddaughter, Sylvia, being very ill. ANOTHER SHORT CIRCUIT AT THE COURT HOUSE Caretaker George James, of -Gocier- in, who gained countrywide prnen- inence recently over the Hitler mous- tense incident, is getting to be a regular "Hawkshaw" in detecting snort circuits in the lighting system at the Court House. It is fortunate that he is, for there have been four such occurences. The buildings were wired in 1925. Everything went along smoothly un- til 1933 when a short circuit caused rather a serious fire in the wash. rooms. Then again a very sheet time afterward another outbreak was dis- covered and squelched before any damage was done. The third fire came last year, and when the eagle eyed caretaker spotted the fineable, some of the boandi in the cellar were on fire. Last Wednesday's incident was not serious although the service box was hot whennoticed by Me. James. He innnediately called the hydro gang •and they traced the trouble to the transformer on West street, Beyond a few blown fuses ito damage was done. Due to the watchfulness of Mr. James these outbreaks have all been caught in time. Some of these clnys though it may happen in his absence and then it will be just too bad. It appears that something should be done about the defective wiring system at the Court House, • ST. HELENS The Women's Institute are 'holding their first At -Monte in the Cemmun- ny Half on Friday night of this week. Mr. and 1VIrs. T. Mowbray, Seafoeth spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Colin McDonald. Miss Jean Thorns and MISS Helen Lloyd of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thorns recently. Mr. Neely Todd of Stratfoed spent Ike weekend here. Mn. Ewalt InePherson and Mrs, A. Rintoul visited friends in Tononto recently. Mr. and Mrs. Durwin. Phillips spent a few' days in Toronto last week. Another of the old pioneers passed away on Wednesday in the person of Anis. Peter Clark, at the age of 89 years. The funeral took place on Saturday from the residence of her son-in-law, Me. Marvin McDowell of East Wawanosh, where she had re- sided fee some time. Interment took new in Greenhill cemetery. , MARRIAGES / PICOT-MAIR-At the home of Mr. and IVIrs. cleinge Mair, Goderich township, on Saturday, December 10th., the,ir second daughter, Amy Dell WaS united in marriage to Walter Lloyd Picot, son of Mr. and Mn. Frank Picot of Goderich town- ship. Rev. S. K. McClung of God - cinch officiated. BIRTHS SCRUTON-In Clinton hospital, on Thursday, December 8th., to M. and Mrs. Jack Scruton, of Clinton, a dangfiter. HOWATTs-In Clinton hogpital, on Tuesday, December 13th., to Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Howatt of Blyth, a Son. • DEATHS' BALL -In. Sarnia, on Thursday, De- cember 81,h, Roy Ball, formerly of Clinton, aged 53 years. LOVETT-In Clinton, on Wednesday, December 14th Elizabeth Maude Gauley, wife of Noble W. 'Lovett, aged 69 years. ' Watch Fire Hazard on Christmas Tree Warns Safety Head A timely warning is issued today b the Industrial Accident Pieventio Associations to industry asking tha employees he warned of 'potentia dangers in preparing their Christma decorations at home. Too many pets ple, the Association warn, in th nun and bustle of setting up thei Multi -colored Christmas light an wreaths forget ti take reasonabl precautions against the, unseen dang er there may be behind all the glist ening and glitter. • Christmas tree lights that hav beerr tucked away in the cellar sinc last year .should be carefully examin ed to make sure the wiring is in good, condition. Exposed wires may e d be overlooked ,and cause a short cir cuit which may lead to setting fir to the tree. Entension cords an wires strung about the room for tem poraey lighting should be carefully attached to the baseboards to avoid tripping and possible injury fron falls. Be sure of your footing, the warning says, when putting the final decoration at the tip of the Christ- mas tree. Toy manufacturers, like the unto - mobile manufacturers, are becoming more and more safety conscious, ac- cording to the Induetrial Accident Prevention Associating, and aro making things as foolproof as pos- sible, but the complexity of the mod- ern mechanical marvels in the world of toys calls for some parental sup- ervision until children have learned the intricacies of their operation. Officials of the Industrial Accident Prevention Associations join again this yeat, with other safety groups and traffic and lens enforcement•bod- ies, in an urgent appeal to motorists for safe driving in the holiday weeks. The spirit of Chnetmas brings a re- laxation from the pressure of every- day affairs which, they say, should not extend to the driver behind the wheel. The holiday season put a double responsibility on motorists, it is pointed out, since the driver must not only concentrate on his own driving but keep a watchful eye for pedest- rians, and other users of the road, whose holidny moods leads them to slacken their attention to the dangers of the road and take unnecessary chances. n e CONSTANCk, The W.A. and W.MS. held a joint Christmas meeting in the basement of the chnech on Thursday. M -s Adams presided, The meeting °pet - ed with prayer by 1VIrs. Rogersoo and Mrs. Adams. After the reading of minutes the roll call was answered by each one giving' eopp.ers for the expense fund, Mrs, l3ritton then took charge for the W.M.S. Miss Ivy Sim- mons sangs a solo, "Come and Wor- ship" and Mrs. Britton told the Christmas story, using a few well- chosen questions. Mrs. John Ferg- uson, the secretary, read the minutes. Group 4 then assumed charges giving the following, programme: prayer, Mrs. Lindsay; Scripture, Mrs. Roger- son; reading, Mrs. William Jewitt; Study Book, MISS Ivy Simmons; solo, Mrs. Lindsay. The meeting, was clos- ed with prayer 'and lunch was served by the committee in charge. Mrs. Adanit, Miss Donalda Adams, and Kelso and Bernard Riley spent Satunday in London., , Sorry to hear Mrs. Charles Dexter is not as well as her many friends woukl like to see her, • Constance United Church are hold- ing theinChristmas Entertainment on December 23rd. The 01413 of Progress will 'meet on Friday evening isa the school house. A good program is being prepared. The Kinbuni "Red Band" hockey team has been organized for the com- ing season. Mr. Walter, Scott has been appointed manager. Mr. Wilbur Jewitt, who has been n the mining, district, isn,isiting with his brother Bill. Cars for Sale • 1928 Chev. Coach, and 1930 Ford coach. These cars are in, good con- dition and priced to sell. Apply James Elliott or phone 263. . 14-1. PAGE ge, ehteAD7olueell nee nenninesenne CHRISTMAS Plants & Flowers We Have:- AZELEA BEGONIAS POINSETTIA CHERRIES CYCLAMEN AFRICAN VIOLETS -POT OF NARCISSUS- -PAN OF BULBS IN FLOWER -1- -TABLE CENTRES,, -- Mae: - MADE UP DISHES & BASKETS OF FLOWERING PLANTS AND FERNS, CIA Flowers MUMS - ROSES CARNATIONS -NARCISSUS, ETC. - All Christmas Stock now in Greenhouse. . v. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j Christmas- Poultry In a short time we will be in the manket for large quantities of Dressed Turkeys, Geese and Ducks. Our prices for Milk -Fed Chickens and bens is always the top, market price. Prompt service is always giv- en by our experienced egnseandlers• 11•••••••111..m... N. W. TREWARTHA Phone 214j; Night 214w. • THANK YOU The Lions Club wishes to thank those who took part in the Santa Claus Parade on Saturday or assisted in any way in making the day's ac- tivities a success. Card of Thanks The sisters und brother of the late Thomas J. Rapson wish to thank all those wbo assisted them at the time the death of their brother, also for the many beautiful flowers. Card of Thanks The namily of the late Mn. James Rowdiffe wish to express their ap- preciation for the expressions of sympathy received during their recent bereavement. The Boral -tributes and the services of those who loaned cars or assisted in any way are gene - fully adenowledged. For Sale Used lumber and Hemlock scant- ing. Also' square cedes'. Half price. Appy to W. J. Tough, Rattenbury street west. 14-1. To Rent Funnelled house or toms, Al! modern conveniences. Centrally locat- ed. Apply The Clinton News -Record, 14-1. • Saws Sharpened All makes of Cress-Cht SAWS, per- fectly filed and set for speedy cutting with len effort ancl more wood. Plenty of experience, work guaran- teed, prices reasonable. •Cornple Led while you wait. For two weeks only. Harold Armstrong, 16.141, Seatorth. • 14-1. COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE At Connell's Sale Barn, Victoria, se, CLINTON, on Tuesday, December • 20th at 1.30 p.m. Raving had sevenin renuests to open a sale barn for the benefit of farmers and others, I have decided to run a conununity sale every two weeks and will be 'prepared to sell anything you 'wish to offer, Next Tuesday, selling 5 fresh cows and their calves; 5 for- ward springers; 6 cows to freshen later; 10 steers from 800 to 900 lbs.; 20 good quality yearling cattle, mostly Herefords; 2 broad saws; a number of chunks. Terms for selling: 4% if sold; 2% if not sold. All sales strictly cash. For further particulars phone • 606r23 Clinton. A. E. TOWNSHEND, Proprietor: GEO. IL ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. COMMUNIT•Y SALES • Another Big Community Sale will be held •on Friday, December 23rd. at 2 o'clock at the Queen's Hotel Stables, Seaforth. The same number of pigs, from suckers to 125 lbs. So fax we have listed some stockers and 2 speinger cows, right in every way. There will be a nun -tiler 5f cho'ce geese, chickens and ducks, Anyne wishing to sell anything bring it in as our sines are the lowest. Rates are cut in half. If you wish to sell yetis. pigs or cattle to us,phone the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, end Ike will go out and bun it. J. I. COYNE, Manager. GEO. Ff. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. J. ROACH, Clerk. at, RO -....-,....,.....w....-4.....4m..va.akawww.....wc4aptirQgzczciciguCtc3614106t613,4436R331613161314"44t3b416=3,=====041344,6103t3 XV ITHEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE, REGENT THEATRE Cinton. Gotierich Seaforth P' 'Vow: Will Rogers in ' "JUDGE PRIEST" Mon, Tuns., Wed. Joan Blondell, Leslie • Howard and Humphrey Bogart in "STAND IN" A. young human adding-maohine / goes' to Mollywoon to bring order out on chaos. He succeeds and also finds inenance. . ..,__.. - , Thurs., Fri., Sat. "The Old Barn Dance" starring GENE AUTRY and Smiley Burnette & Relen Valkis A horse trader is tricked into singing on a radio program foe a pair of swindling' -tractor de-alers. . • Coming: Tommy Kelly, Jackie • Moran and Ann Gillis in "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" -In, Technicolor - Mat. :Sat, iiiel holidays at 3 pan. 4nanaginni, Now: The "Dead End Kids" in "LITTLE TOUGH GUY" ' Vfon., Tues. & Wed -Double Bill: • Peter Lorre, Lynn Bari and Keye Luke "Mr. Moto's Gamble" Shirley Deane & Russel Gleason n a JONES FAMILY adventure "Love on a Budget" Thur., Fri., Sat. ERROL FLYNN and MARGARET LINDSAY present a grand Lloyd C. Douglas story "GREEN LIGHT" with ANITA LOUISE Coming: "'Vend and Woolly" and "THAT CERTAIN AGE" 1 Corning: Deanne Durbin in • "Borrowing Trouble" Mat.: Wed., Sat., Holidays, 3 pan. Mat.: Sat and Holidays at 3 p.m. IsbrX2=1929=itizialuis,z1ziganclumzle,"..,-"se...,w....vdz..s.....,,e,....ft...0.ss Now: "Tex Rides with the Boy Scouts" Mon., Teen. Wed. Claude RAINS -Fay BAINTER and Jackie Cooper iortray a story of faith, philosophy ....and sacrifice written by , v Lloyd 0. Douglas • "WHITE I3ANNERS" ' Thur., Fri., Sat , none AUTRY-Smiley BURNETTE - • and Carol Hughes take their music o' the plains into a fast paced western adnenture "The Man from Music' • Mountain" THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUY CANDY, NUTS, ORANGES, APPLES & GRAPES MOMS, FRESIIP„ACK, • ANNIE LAURIE, SMILES'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES • CIGARS Sr CIGARETTES All in Attractive Holiday Wrap Christmas Cake Plum Pudding Bartliff & Crick 1Phone 1. Clinton. Bargains this Week We will allow you $50 or ntore on your present radio on your 'choice of factory clearance models new in stock All new machines. SPECIAL -For this, week only our regular $34.95 radios for $31.95. We have several used electric machines from $20 up. Come in while the picking is good. EXTRA -We will give you a usee Battery Set if you purchase the bait - tones from un. Why be without a radio? GIFT SUGGESTION Give mother or wife a. Spavton Re- frigerator, We can save you $50 on the purchase price by a special ar- rangement with the manufacturer. $30.00 or more in trade on is Sparton • Electric Washer. For the Girl Friend- We have a Special Sparton Set designed to will any lady's affections. 9 new models to choose from. Do It Early - Do It Now. Epps Radio Shop Kiug Street. Christmas is Coming Get that favorite snapshot enlarg- ed now; enlarged, tinted, mounted. They make excellent Christmas gifts for anyone. All nnzea, all preen. See our display at Ken's Milk Bar, or inquire from Norman Lever, Jr. 13-2. DANCE Friday, Dec. 16th Kinburn Hall Draw for pair of Kellwood Bletkets. Proceeds in aid of Hockey Club NOTE -New & Old Time Orchestra engaged for this event. Good Music. A Good Time Assured • Admission 25e . CHRISTMAS SPECIALS CRISPY NUT CANDY, 12c lb. Extra Good Value NEW NUTS 2 lb. 35e French Creams • 19c lb.' CHRISTMAS CAKE and PUDDINGS PLAIN or ICED FRUIT and ICANDY BOXES Made To Order CHOCOLATE' DROPS ' 19c lb. CANDY. CANES lc and 5c • HUNTS NEILSON'S LOWNEY'S GANONG'S PAGE & SHAW CHO,COLATES, Finest Quality & Popular Prices Wendorrs Bakery and Restaurant A GOOD PLACE TO LUNCH Phone 68 Roomers or Boarders I itm prepared to accept a number Of roomers or boarders, residence centrally located, and modern con- veniences. Apply to Mrs. E. L. Mittell, Princess street, phone 213. 13-3. Tenders BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by 1 LRENE ZITRGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) Winter Is Here LET ITS LOOK OVER YOUR ovgg. t, COAT, WE ,CAN RENOVATE IT TO LOOK LIKE NP,W MODERATE PRICES ga3m,,a9N ALBERT PALMER Isaac Mt., Chilton. •' IMPORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDGEMENTS COLLECAD Our collecting department is a sult of years of successful expeiri- enee in collecting local or out-of-town accounts. • No collection, no charge - ' Mail your list of accounts to -day le Burke's Collecting Agency (License 176) „HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTIL ONT. 4141 dersigued up to 12 o'clock noon on' Tendens. will be received by the unAostscancisatommtstmatentomoo•?, Wednesday, Dec. 21st, 1938 for the electric wiring of ILS.S. No. 5, Mul- lett. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily- accepted. , Snecifications can be seen on application to 1E3a_2rl Raithby, Auburn. Gasoline Engines 1, 11/4 h.p. Gilson; 1, 3h.p: Inter- national, clutch pulley and magneto; 1, 4 h.p. International; 1, 6 h.p. Brantford; Grinder, 1, 10 inch Beatty, nearly new, flat plates. A. Seeley, Clinton. 12-3. Get Your Christmas Permanent in Bayfield With Our New Equipment We can give you CROQUIGNOLE, SPIRAL or COMBINATION WAVE AT THE LOWEST PRICES Makins' Beauty Shoppe Phone 631r25 13-2. • NEW S.: OLD TYME Dance at Kippen On Friday, Dec. 16th To Ukulele Bill and His Hillbillies General Achnission 30c. C. Watson, Manager Christmas Bargains Having made arrangements where- by we are enabled to purchase re frigerators at reduced prices, we can • save you real money on all 1938 Christmas model Refrigerators. These are \now available at factory clearance prices. They ntake idein Christmas Gifts Bargains slightly used electric Washer, Gfison 2 New Gilson Washers 1 used 2 -volt Battery Radio 1 New Victor Battery Radio, 4 tube 1 Westinghouse Demonstrator Electric Radio, 4 tube Several Furnaces, suitable to heat any home. Demonstrator Willys Overland Sedan, the best ear value on the market. today. , • PHONE. 34-616, CLINTON or see J. E. Hugill AT ONCE CHRISTMAS TREES! Just Received a Shipment of Beautiful Noethern Serum in Sizes for all fainilies. Order Early While They Last. , Apply: V. D. FALCONER'S Phone 97-j. COAL OFFICE Special Offer tIFOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY We Will Give You $50.00 Dollars or More for Your Old Radio on a new 4 Stromberg Carlson FULLY GUARANTEED Remember There is nothing finer than a STROMI3ERG CARLSON See them at our Shop MITTELL'S Radio & Electric Service Phone 213 6LINTONf .atkikatrazDaalllaiZaratZW/M122,7401- Stratford-Goderich Coach Line - TIMETABLE Lv. EAST Clinton daily for Stratford 8.10 a.m. Daily except Sun. & Holinrs 4.40 p.m. Suns. & Holnys 8.10 a.m. & 5.10p.m. Lv. WEST Clinton daily for Goderieh 2.00 p.m. Daily except Sun, & holinrs 8.20 p.m. Suns. & Honys 2.00 p.m. & 10.40P.M. Direct Cenneetions to all points. tartliff & Crich, Local Agents C. Berner, Manager: Mouse for Sale A good ten -roomed house, on Vic- toria street with modern conven- iences, good garden, house in good condition. Apply to Lorne or Charlie Brown, Clinton, Ont. 094f. House for Rent Modern conveniences. Good loca- tion. For xent at moderate price. Apply to News -Record. 01-tf. M We so have SOine real barganie in j Wanted PHILCO RADIOS. Old horses or cattle for mink feed; GLEN COOK Canada's Mos Popular Radios ,:s:,r,x,141.7101,04I7; Model 13/60 Rogers and DeForest Ckosley PRICED FROM $34.95 to $250.00 Special from now until Christmas on all Electric Sets' 20% OFF FOR CASH • On Display at Lockwood's Barber Shop. A. W. Groves if dead phone at once. Will pay ac- cording to valise. Ebner Trick, phone 607r5, or Lloyd 13atkins, 619e14. 84 tnne-o-w • SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed by Electrolysia. MISS E. MERNER VARNA, ONT. Phone HensaR 97r12 or write to Varna, Ontario 94-13 Roofing We have a special liquid Fibre Coating or Alumenix for steel roofs. Also repair flat roofs. We sell Ce- ment Tops for chimneys. Apply to Joe Becker, "Clinton. Phone 42. 8641 ' For Sale A house and barn on Wellington Street. • Water and hydro. Apply tee, L E. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton. • 7044 Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coatis and Dresses' DRY CLEANING AND REP &MIN* '• W.J. AGO, TAILOR If nOti open work may be left MI Hessen Barber , Shop.