HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-12-08, Page 58. 1938 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD AUBURN Ss Mae Ferguson has returned tomefollowing a week's visit with ler sister, Mrs, Geo. Durham of St. eorge. Mr. Ben Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips were London visitors on Fri- day. Durnjn Phillips, of St. Helens, clerk a West Wawanosh, was in the vil- lage on Saturday delivering the bal- lot box. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Govier, William and Albert Govier, were i'ecent vis- itors at Exeter' The regular monthly meeting of the Worden's Institute will be held on 'Tuesday, December 13th at 2.30 in the Forester's Hall. The Christmas topic to be taken by NTS. H. C. Wil- son. Roll call, exchanging •of Christ - Inas 'gifts. The hostesses, Mrs. R. J. Phillips, Miss Sadie Carter and Mrs. Edgar Lawkn. Will the mem- bers please note that this meeting •s called a week earlier 'on account f the Christmas season. The Ladies .kid of the Baptist hurch met on, Thursday at the home Mrs. James Raithby. The presi- ent, 'Mrs. Chas.- Howson was in the eliair: The scrip/time was read by re. Annie Wallin' and Mrs. --john eKnight led in 'prayer. The sec- etark's report Vies given" by Mrs. arl'Raithby; and Mrs. R. T. Philips ave the treasurer's report in the ab- eneh, of Mrs. Glen' Raithby. Plans ere'inade to hold a quilting in the urch basement on Thuraday when pot-luek supper will be served. Af- er 'the; besiness the ladies present quilted a quilt Which was finished and Mrst",G. W. Sherman closed the -meet- ing with prayer. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Raithby and Mrs, 'William Haggitt. - Me: and Mrs. Hiram Lindsay were 'remit visitors at -Dunnville. Mr.' and Mrs. R. J. Philips, Mr, 'Ezekiel Phillips and Mr. Harvey Mc- Gee :were in London on Monday. • There was no school in the publh. school meting *to the teacher, Miss Mabel Foster, , being sick with the cold.- The Public Schol and continuation '-;Schecil -will hold their Christmas con- : cell in the Forester's Hall on Thurs- day,- December 22fid. Rev William. Mains of Tilbury call- ead on- friends Imre Thursday, The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. -a Knox 'United Church was held in the church on Tuesday with Mes. Jas. Woods in the chair. The scripture was read by Miss Sadie (Tarter and Mrs. William McElwaihr led in pray- er. Mrs. Jas. Jackson was in charge • of the program, when Mrs. Gordon Murray gave a talk on Missions, Miss Sadiee Carter and Mrs. Harry Wag - eller sitnia duet "Silent Night", Miss Mar,e-areta King, convenor of the nominating committee brought in the ;following shite of officers which were dulyi elected: Honorary Presidents, MTS. J. 1V/cClinchey, Miss Susy Blair, Margaret Small; President, Mrs. Jas, Woods; 1st vice Pees., Mrs. H. ' Wilson; 2nd vice Pres., Mrs. How- ard Robertson; Rec. See., Miss Marg- aret King; Cor. See., Mrs, W. H. Sheppard; Treasurer, Mrs. J. Minch; Literature Sec., Mrs, Jas. Roberton; Miss. Monthly See., MTS. Wm. Me- Illwain; Stewardship See., Mrs. Chas. Straughan; Finance Sec., Mrs. J. Washington; Supply Sec., Mrs. Herb Mogridge; Temperance Sec., Mrs. O. Erratt; Strangers Sec., Mrs. Joe Irwin; Social Sec., Mrs. J. J. Rob- ertson; Pianist, Mrs. R. D. Munro; Music, Mrs. Win. Anderson; Flowers, Mrs. Harry Sturdy. Mrs. Mutch, treasurer, gave her report and the 'ladies were pleased to hear that the allocation had been reached. Mw. Jacksn closed the meeting with pray - The Auburn Public Library Board held a meeting in the Library on Monday night. Arrangements were ',made to hold -the annual meeting the first Wednesday in JanuarY and plans were made for an entertain- :ment in the near future. VA RNA L.O.L. 1035 held their annual meet- ing on Thursday evening, December 1st. There was a good attendance and the following officers were elect- -ad and installed by the District Master Elmer Webster. After the closing of the lodge, the members enjoyed a light lunch and a social lour together. I.P.M., Roy Keys; W.M. Bro. Anson Coleman; D.M. Percy Johnston; Chap, Chas. E. P1 - grim; R.S., Watson Webster; ES., Russel Consitt; treas., Geo. H. John- stone D.C., Wilmer Reid; 1st, Lent., Nelson Reid; 2nd Led., Thos. S. Stin- son; committee, Isaac Rathwell, El- mer Webster, Wm. Stephenson, Chas. ;Stephenson, Carl Diehl; sick corn- inittee, Wor. Master, Percy Johnston, Geo. Clarke. Mr. Bob Taylor had his tonsils re - alloyed in Clinton Hospital last week. Mrs. Stelk has returned home after "ispending a few weeks with her broth - Mr. McNaughton of Kitchener. Rev. Malony of Lucknow will oc- cupy; the pulpit in the Anglican ',church on Sunday in the absence 'of the rector. • Mr. end MTS, Henry Diehl will -.celebrate :Miele "60th wedding anniver- sary en' Menday. Ma. LloYcl, Keys spent Thursday -of last 'week' in London, Mr. and Mrs. 'Lloyd Key§ and fani- Ily sphnt Sunday with Mi.and Mrs. -Jas. '',M.' Reid if •HAYFIELD IVIrs. J. ,Tippett returned home on Saturday after having spent the past ten days in Detroit with her daugh- ter, Mrs. P. Dyment. Miss J. Grant, Mr, J. Lindsay and Mr. Bobt Penhale left on Thursday by motor for Orlando, Florida. They were accompanied by the Misses Wiltse of Clinton, Ont. Mrs, James Ferguson returned home last week after having spent a few days with relatives in Belgrave. Mrs. J. 0. Goldthorpe and babe, returned home last week from Cod- erich. Mrs. R. F. Gairdner left on Sat- urday last to spend a few days in Toronto and Loudon. Mr. and 1VIrs. Fred Davison of De- troit spent the weeltncl at the home of. Mrs, J. Davison. Miss Ethel Fowlie vhe, spent the past week in Zinich the guest •of her sister, Mrs. G. Koehler' returned home last Sunday. On Monday evening the parishes of St. John's, Varna, St. James, Middle- ton and Trinity, Hayfield, held a par- ish party in the Town Hall, Hayfield. Rev. and Mrs - Weeks of Blyth were present, IVIr. Weeks showing- an in- teresting travelogue of Canada, China and Japan, also the missionary work being done in these countries. lVfrs. Weeks giving an interesting talk along with these films. A comedy was also shown. At the close of the program lunch was served by the ladies of the three congregations. , Mr. and Mrs. MacIneish and Mr. Biegernan of Fort Erie were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Goldthorpe over the,weekend, and Mrs. Macin- tosh remaining here for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Smith were in London on Tuesday attending the funeral of the, late Mr. Roy Smith. Mr. and Mrs. L. Smith and family of London spent Sunday in the vil- lage. llakins Beauty Shoppe are install - big' new Aelf-winkling spiral equip- ment. LONDESBORO The Christmas meeting of the Women's Institute was held in Com- munitd Hall on December 1st with a good attendance. Meeting opened in the usual form with the president, NTS. E. Adams presiding. Minutes of last meeting and correspondence were read by the secretary, Mrs. B. Brundson. The roll call was answer- ed by recipes for Christmas candy. and responded to hy 17 members. During the business perio,0 it was de- cided to have the Hensel people present their play with Hiawian music and tap dancing, sometime in the near future. At the conclu- sion of the .business a splendid Christmas program was presented. Kiss Beth Shobbrook sang a solo; Rev. A. .Menzies gave the Christmas message; -.Christmas Carols were sung and Mrs. Menzies contributed a solo, AM were very much enjoyed. Meeting closed by singing the Na- tional Anthem,. Then all repaired to the lunch roour where refresh- ments were served by the group in charge, :the tables being deaMated with' Christmas decorations. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn, Jack and Margaret, visited with Mr. and 1VIrs. Fred Lobb, Goderich township on Sunday afternoon. The White Gift Service to be held on Sunday morning next by the S. S. of the 'United Church promises to be very interesting and will com- mence at 10.30 a.m. Mrs. Wm. Lyon entertained the Mission Circle at her home on Tues- day afternoon, the time being spent in quilting their qtilit for the Christ- mas bale. Mit and Mrs. Geo, .Stevens -and family Of Seaforth spent Sunday' with the ladies parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nott. ' •• BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Wheeler of De- trcdt, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. DMA forget the play, "Too Many Husbands" being put on by the fire- men on December 16th. Mrs, Alice Ifolumer spent Sunday at Goderich. Miss Ellen Scott spent Sunday at her home here. -Mr. and' Mrs. C. Halstead and Floyd of Stratford spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. Miss Anna Cornish spent the week: end in Elyth. Mr. Wm. Simpson of Detroit visit. ed his father, Mr. C. D. Simpson an Saturday. Mr. Melkdn Snider spent the week- end at his home here. Rev. add Mrs. Wright were called to Priceville on 'Sunday night miring to the serious illness of Mrs. Wright's father. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hill and family of Stratford spent Sunday with Mt. and Mrs. J. K: Cornish. ,Mrs. Wilfred Ross and children are visiting in St, Marys. STANLEY Mr. and 1VIrs. Harold Penlale and family spent the weekend at London and St. Thomas and attended the Johnston -Hodgson 'wedding at Wilton Grove. • Mr. Roy Stotchmer and Mr. Joe Wild spent last week at Toronto. Mr. Fred Watton visited friends at London and St. Themes aver' the Weekend, • MARRI.AGES WINTER -HARRIS - At St. Paul's Chnroh, Clintonk on Friday, De- cember 2nd, Josephine Harris and Leonard 'Winter, of Clinton, were united in marriage'by Rev. K. Mc - Goan. NEIL -TALBOT - At the home of Rev. W. A. 13reinnor, Seaforth, on Thursday, December Let Mabel Prances Talbot, of Stanley, was united in marriage to Chester E. Neil, of Kirkton. • BIRTHS OSHALDESTON-In Clinton hospit- al on Wednesday, December 7th, to Mr..and Mrs. Amos Osbaldeston, 4 SO/1. DEATHS ,ROWOLIFFE - In Goderich town- ship, on. Monday, December 5th.. Agnes Helen Turnbull, wife of the late James Roweliffe, in her 96th year. LAIDLAW-In Blyth, on Wednesday, November 30th, 1938, William Cale • Laidlaw, in his 75th Year. IN MEMORIAM ADAMS -In, loving memory of Mrs. Henry Adams, who passed away eleven years ago, December 8th 1927. "Nothing can ever take away . The love a heart holds dear. • Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps her near". -1-Ever remembered by husband and family. • EBENEZER The W.A.. of Ebenezer held their regular monthly meeting on Thurs- day, December 1st at the home of MTS. Wilfred Biggin. Mrs. Bert Lobb presided. The meeting opened with the hymn, "Silent Night". Mr. Wild- ing reed the scripture and lead in prayer. Business was descussed and the following program given: solo, by Mr. Wilding; reading by Mrs. S. Hayden. This being the annual meet- ing the fellowing officers were elect- ed for the coming year: President, 1V/rs. B. Lobb; vice-pres., 1VIrs. I. 'Vim:rill; sec.-treas., Mrs. Carman Tebbutt; corr.sec., Mrs. S. Hayden; buying committee, Mrs. C. Tebbutt, Mrs. E. Little and Mrs. Irwin Teb- butt; ' flower committee, IVIrs. M. Jones and Mrs. Roy Easom; organist IVIrs. S. Hayden. The meeting closed with prayer. Lunch was served by IVIrs. Wilfred Biggin and Mrs. John Tebbutt. Hullett Pioneer Marks Eighty -Fourth Birthday William Patterson, one of Hulett township's pioneers, celebrated his 84th birthday at his home in Hulett on Saturday. .Although not enjoying the best of health, this worthy gent- leman was able to go to Auburn on Monday and cast his vote at the township election. Mr. Patterson's parents were the late Peter Patterson and Helen Mil- ler, who emigrated from Greenock, Scotland in 1820, cothing over in a sailing vessel which took about nine weeks, They came first to Albany, New York, then to Kingston, Ontario. After living in Wentworth County for some time, they came to Huron County and 88 years ago took un the farm on the 13th concession of Htdlett ,now occupied by Ernest Pat- terson, and it was here that William Patterson was born. He was educat- ed at No. D school, Hulett, on the Base Line, and here his children re- ceived their edueation and now his grandchildren are attending the same sehool, He quite -well remembers Ra- th school one morning to 'find that the school building had been burned to the ground, Another log school was built, which was followed by the present brick struethre. ‚Some ef Mr. Patterson's teachers were Messrs. Aikens, McCaw, and MeFaul. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson celebrated their golden wedding four years ago. • Mr. Patterson is a member of the Knox tinned Church,, Auburn and served for six years in the Council of Hulett. Mr. Patterson has one sister, Mrs, William Brown, • of Monkton, Five children were born to this family, Ernest on the homestead, Mrs. Har- old Sprung of llth concession of Hulett, Mrs. Clarence Cox of White- church, Mrs, Alex Manning of Bel - grave and Nelson on 3rd concession of East Wawanosh. Many friends who have enjoyed many evenings of entertainment and dancing at the Patterson home join in wishing them many more yearS of happiness. • • 110LMESVILLE Mr. Elmer Potter, who has been quite ill with bloodpoisoning, is lin- proving. Mr. R. Butt, our genial garage - man is wearing a broad smile these days, a young son having come to live at their house. Mr. Bredgen MacMath spent a few days in Toronto last week. Miss Franck Potter has returned home from a pleasant fortnight's visit at Dresden, the guest of Rev. and Mrs. J. W1 Herbert. Ilr. Norman Mak of New Hamburg called on friends in the village one , day recently, IVIr. Fred Mulholland, who 'Under- went an operation/ in Seaforth hosp- PAGE 5 IRAO' TeLEGRAPH .DELIVERYASSOCIATION ..., • orumAmm THROUGH THE ABOVE SERVICE Y013 CAN HAVE FLOWERS DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. There is stll time to mail an order. Think of the joy your loved 'ones would have. The Perfect Gift For Christmas OR ANY OCCASION One mile Or ten thousand, the cost a few cents for postage, plus the amount you wish to spend and the services of thousands of florists is yours. We are proud to have been a membei foe twelve years of this organization Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j Christmas Poultry In a short tine we will be in the market for large quantities of Dressed Turkeys, Geese and Ducks, Our prices for Milk:Fed Chickens and hens is always the top malice price. Prompt service is always giv en by our experienced egg-candlers N. W. TREWARTITA Phone 214j; Night 214w Stratford-Goderich Coach Line --- TIMETABLE Lv. • EAST Clinton daily for Stratford 8.10 a.m Daily except Sun. es-HolPys, 4.40 p.m Suns, & HolPys 8.i0 a.m. & 5.10 p.m Lv. WEST Clinton daily for Goderich 2.00 pen Daily except Sun. Si- holPys 8.20 p.m Suns. & Heys & 10.40 pen Direct Connectione' to all points. Bartliff & Crich, Local Agents C. Berner, Manager. Get Your Christmas Permanent in Bayfield With Our New Equipment 'we can give You CROQUIGNOLE, SPIRAL or COMBINATION WAVE AT THE LOWEST PRICES Makin' Beauty Shoppe Phone 631r25 13-2 For Sale Large size Quebec Heater in good condition and other articles of furni tme. .22 Savauge Rifle. Will be sold reasonable. Apply to Mrs. Mervyn Batkin, Princess st. or phone 133w 13-1 ital recently, is convalescing Meely. Miss Gay. Whitmore spent a few days last week in Goderith, Miss Lenora, Welsh spent the weak - end with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Whitmore, Miss Alma Trewartha presided over the Y.P.D. meeting on Friday even ing in the absence of Miss Gay Whit- more. Meeting opened with it hymn after which Rev. Mr. Wilding led in Prayer. The scripture was read by Kenneth Trewartho,, Miss Thelma Cudmore :lead the minutes of the last meeting. A splendid topic was then given by Mrs. E. A. Yea. Alta smgmg another hymn t ie niee ing closed with the Mizpah benediction. GODERICEC TOWNSHIP MT. and Mrs. W. A. McGuire at- tended the Guelph Winter Fair on Tuesday. Don't forget the S.S. No. 9 Chiist- rnas tree and concert to be held on the evening of December 31st. Every- body welcome. Mr. Grant Millar of Bellville las been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Miller and other rela, tives in Goderich township. Tuesday night, December 20th from 8.00 to 10 pan. is the time set for the annual Christmas Concert and tree in the Gully School, S.S. No. 8. All are wavely invited to attend, A good remedy to use when one feels a cold starting is the jnice of half of it lemon and one-half tea- spoon of soda with a glass Of water, either warm or cold. This initY be taken every • two hours, and 'we have found it very offeetive..It haS been recommended by a premium/It doctor. 1. ' ROXY THEATRE • Clinton. CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich 11/11111111=111116101111111011P7 REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Now Playing: Gene Autry in "Routin' Toothe Rhythm" - Nu.&: "BIG TOWN GIRL" and "RAWHIDE" o ; 'rho Yodeling Kid from Pine Itidge" Mom, ,Tues, Wed. ERItOL FLYNN in and' OLIVIA. DE 'of "The Charge of the • . . . . „ Light Brigade based on Tennyson's poetic de- scriPtion of a scene in /the Battle • of Balaklava during the Crimean War. • ,...e....._• Mon., Tues., Wed. Bob BURNS - leek OAKIE Kenny BAKER-1Viihen )3ERLE view,. MOORE-Ann MILLER. In a brilliant and lavish top-flight , show' • "RADIO' CITY REVELS" Mon, Tees!. Wed. "KING KONG" , An ambaing, and speetacular ad- venture, with the giant of al beasts on a rampage. Thur, Fri., Sat. Tex ,Retter„ lar Reynolds and Snub Pollard Tex and his partners go after train robbers when "Tex Ride with the Boy, SCOlfte Thur. Fri., Sat. The "DEAD END" Kids preseut another sensational Story "LITTLE TOUGI-I GUY" with ROBERT WILCOX and 'HELEN PARRISH ' Thurs., Fri., Sat. Another treat for those who enjoy- the superb acting , of Will Rogers . ' JUDGE PRIEST" COi-ninge- Lesik- Ilowaid-J, -um • Blondell anti Humphrey Bogart RI • "STAND IN" oming• "Mr Metto Gambles" C • 44 .Luve on a Budget" Coming: "WHITE BANNERS" 1».and Clf,loyd , Douglas Mat. :Sat. and holidays at 3 p.m. Mat: Wed., Sat., Holidays, 3 p.m Mat.: Sat and Holidays at 3 p.m. Come One, Come All • Big and Small! To Clinton's Big Santa Claus Parade On SATURDAY, DEC. 10 WHILE IN TOWN VISIT OUR STORE AND SEE THE NICE ASSORTMENT OF -- CHOCOLATE BOXES • - CIGARETTES & CIGARS - All dressed up in special Christmas •Wrap. partliff & Crich Phone 1, Clinton. Bargains this Week ..• We will allow you $50 or more on your present radio on your choice crf factory clearance models now in stock All new machines. SPECIAL -For this week only our regular $34.95 radios for $31.95. We have several used electric machines from $20 up. Come in while the picking is good. EXTRA -We will give you a , used Battery Set if you purehase the bat- teries from us.. Why be without a radio? GIFT SUGGESTION Give mother or wife a. Sparton Re- frigerator. We can save you $50 on the purchase price by a special ar- rangement with the manufacturer, $30.00 or more in trade on a Spartan Bleetrie Washer. For the Girl Friend -We have a Special Spartori Set designed to win any lady's affections. 9 lie* models to ahoose front. Do It Early - Do It Now. Epps Radio Shop King Street. Sacred Concert _ IN BAPTIST CHURCH Monday, Dec. 12th. 8 p.m. Local talent assisted by Mrs. R. Wil- son, Goderich, elocutionist; Miss Eva Stackhouse, Brucefield, violinist, and other ta4l6mt., Admission 25c, Children 10c OLD & NEW -But Always Different Dance at Kippen To Ukulele Bill and His Hillbillies on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9th Special half-hour Floor Show Don't Miss This ADMISSION 30c Christmas Specials FOR ONE WEEK ON ALL PERMANENT WAVES Including the Machineless Wave. Call early for appointment. Henri Beauty Shop phone 223 Christntas is Coining Get that favprite snapshot enlarg- ed naw; enlarged, tinted, mounted. They make excellent Christmas gifts for 21w -one. /41 eizette all peaces. See our display at Ken's Milk Bar, or inquire front Norman Lever, Jr. 18-2. House Wanted A. smell house wanted. One near Publie echool preferred. .Apply tot Box B,, Clinton Neves-Reeord 13-1. Attentien The, Hospital Aid Association Dance will be' held in the Town Hall, on Wednesday evening, December the twenty-eighth. • The Walkerton Or-. cthestre, will furnish the music. 13-1.1 Santa Claus SPECIALS °21t5Ac NdGo zE.,S 214 libx.edCan 25o CREAMS 89c GLaurmgeD&roPSSInla5lci MIXED NUTS Sib. for 35e CHRISTMAS CRACKERS Box of 12, 25c FRUIT CAKE SHORT BREAD PUDDINGS • LAMM Candy) House $1.00 Wendorf's Bakery and Restaurant PEANUTS our OIVT4 roastbig, 1.0e lb. CANDY CANES lc a.nd Sc NEILSON'S nuisrrs GANONG'S SAGE & SHAW CHOCOLATES "Xmas Wrapped -A GOOD PLACE TO LUNCH Phone 68 Roomers or Boarders I am prepared to accept a number of roomers or boarders, residence centrally located, and modern con- veniences. Apply to Mrs. E. L. Mittell, Princess' street, phone 213. 13-3. BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE IIIRGESS 'Phone 115. Developing and Printing •-• (Open Every Day) Winter Is Here LET IIS LOOK OVER YOUR ovia. COAT, WE CAN REPT' OVATE IT TO LOOK LIKE NEW MODERATE PRICES ALBERT PALMER Isaac St, Clinton. IMPORTANT NOTICE-, ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDGEMENTS COLLECTED Our collecting department is a re - suit of years of successful experi- ence in collecting local or out-of-town accounts. No collection, ,no charge - Mail your list of accounts to -day to Burke's Collecting Agency (License 176) OFFICE-rSEAFORTH, ONT. 41-tf Tenders HEAD Tendene will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, Dec. 21st, 1938 for the electric wiring of U.S.& No. 5, Hul- lett. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Specifications mini be seen • on application to Earl Raithby, Auburn. 13-2. Teacher Wanted For S. S. No. 10 Goderich town- ship. Applications will be received up to December 15 by Geo. Flewete: sec.-treas. R. R. 3, Clinton, 13-1. For Sale --- I Baby cutter. White. Priced to sell., Apply to News -Record. 12-2. Gasoline Engines 1, 11/a b.p. Gilson; 1, 311.p. Inter-' national, clutch pulley and magneto; 1, 4 hm. International; 1, 6 h.p.i Brantford; Giinder, 1, 10 inch Beatty, nearly new, flat plates. A, Seeley, Clinton. 12-3. Stove For Sale Magnet range, as good as eeW. Price very reasonable -Apply to Mrs, John Graham, Rattenbta7 street, east. • „ 12-2 SPECIAL NOTICE Time next Community Sale at Seaforth will be held on. Friday, December 9. The management of the community sales that are being held at Queen's Hotel stables, Seaforth, have reduced their rates one-half. From now on rates ivill be as follows. anything over $10-3% if sold; if not sold only Teeeh. • This Will give the farmers a chance to sell their stock, etc. at a eheap rate. We have the best auctioneer and the, best barn in Huron County. Next week we will offer 60-80 pigs, all sizes; around 20 cattle; 2 springer eons; 2 fat sows; one good general purpose mare, 12 years old, good single or double; 1 yearling' Perch - even filly; ale 2 -ye -old Pereheron gelding; hay.rack, nearly now; good wagon and a few other farm hnple- malts, Anyone wishing to advertise ar- ticles next week may- notify Queen's Hotel at our expense. • J. 3. COYNE, Manager. GEO. II. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. 3. ROACH, Clerk. • 12-2. teem:ma:we 6 tube Battery Set. No 60" battery (Special Price this week) ROGERS & DeFORTIST CROSLEY SPECIALS -Mantel Models 6 tube original prke $99.95 sale $49.95 7 tube, original price 384.95 sale $59.95 9 tube, (9 tube performance) 99.95 sale $69.95 8 tube Automatio Console $149.95 sales 389.95 9 tube Automatic Console 179.95 sale 119.95 2 tube Automatic Console 199.95 • sale 120.95 14 tube Automatic Console 239.50 sale 154.50 '- Every radio, including tubes carries 90 day guarantee. A. W. Groves Special Offer FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY We Will Give You $50.00 Dollars or More for Your Old Radio en a new Stromberg Carlson FULLY GUARANTEED Remember There is nothing finer than a STR,OMBERG CARLSON See them at our Shop MITTELL'S Radio & Electric Service Phone 213 CLINTON House for Sale A good ten -roomed house, on Vic- toria street with modern conven- iences, good garden, house in good. coriditien. Apply to Lorne or Charlie Brown, Clinton, Ont, 09 -If. For Rent House on Huron street in good condition, with furnace and quarter acre land. Apply to this office. 0942. House for Rent Modern conveniences. Good loca- tion. For tent at moderate price. Apply to Noes -Record 0142. Wanted CM horses or cattle for mink feed; if dead phone at once. Will pay ac- ccoxling to value. Elmer Trick, phone 607r5, or Lloyd ,Batkins, 619r14. 84 tf-a-o-w SUPERFLUOUS "HAIR pernianently removed by Electrolysis. MISS E. MERNER VARNA, ONT. Phone Hensel 97r12 or write th Varna, Ontario 04-13 House For Side A very deskable residence on Prin- cess street. Good garden and fruit trees, electric lights and town water. House in good condition. Apply at the News -Record office. 75-0. , Roofing We have a special liquid Fibie Coating or Alumcnix for steel roofs. Also repair flat roof. We sell Ce- ment Tops for chimneys. Apply ta Joe Becker, Clinton. Phone 42. 8641, ' For Sale A house and barn on Wellington dtreet. Water and hydro. Apply to J. E. Howard, 31 en 624, Clinton. 70-tf. Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coats and Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRLNE W. J. AGO, TAILOR If not open work may be left vit' Tfeartris Barber Silky%