HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-12-08, Page 1rho News -Record Est. 1878 With ` Which is Incorporated The Clinton New Era NO. 5913. -59TH YEAR The New Era Eat. 18er CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1938. Only 14 More Buying Days Before Christmas Our Stock of the most useful and most durable goods is now ready for your inspection. We are justly proud of our stock of WATCHES. Newest styles, and the movements are of 'a proven and reliable make and absolutely guaranteed., DIAMOND' RINGS reasonably priced perfect stones. See these They are an appropriate gift. We sell the BRIDAL WREATH, and all Bridal Wreath Rings are insured to you free of charge when Sold for $26.00 or more. A In addition 'to the above we have ,a large stock of SILVERWARE; CLOCKS; Mantle & bedroom; CHINA, fancy & Dinner Sets. Ladies and Gents Toilet Sets. • SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Large stock of signet rings in newest designs, leave you order at once and have initials or crest engraved, free of charge. Ask aboutours eekal payment men t pl an. ��. For an evening- appointment phone 1741 W. H. HELLYAR Jeweler and Optometrist Residence ,Phone 174j u Christmas Turkeys at NORMAN'S Here is your opportunityto get the main item for your Christmas Dinner. With every purchase of $35.00 or over made in our store from now un- til Christmas we will give you a Turkey absolutely free. Several members' of one home whose pur- chases total $35.00 or over will be eligible to receive a turkey so remember this when you come out to do your shopping for gifts this Christmas. You can get what you want and really save money at - 1Norman's. Many of our customers have had their, gifts placed away for them and we invite you to do the same. It will save you time and worry later when you Heel you •are too busy. Gifts That Last We invite you to see our new Watches, Waldemar Chains and. Knives, Evans Lighters at, $2.50, Smoker's Stands, Military Brush Sets, Toilet Set; Musical Powder Boxes, Triple Serving Trays, Wall Flower Holders with Muller, Syrup Jwgs$ Relish Dishes, Sandwich Trays, Cocktail Balls, Ice Tub and Tongs, Meat Platters, Silver Tea Service, .Flower Baskets, Pie Plantes, Child's Set of Dishes, Liquor Mixers, Pickle Dishes, Electric Toasters, Clocks, Table Mirrors, Bread Trays, Casseroles, Pie Plater, Chest of Silver and Cups and Saucers. We also have a nice selection of New Lockets, Bracelets and Compacts reasonably priced.. Watch bracelets add straps of all kinds. See our new Stock of RINGS. If we haven't what you want we can got it ns short time. Free engraving on all signet rings if desired. Free insurance on all Bluebird Diamond Rings from. $15:00 up to cover loss or damage. Also a complete range of Pipes, Pouches, Cigarette Cases, Lighters, Bill Fold) Cigars and Tobaccos all done up in attractive wrappings and Gift Boxes. Watch & Jewellery i +ljuw Diamonds l Re )airing �' Jewellery Open Evenings from Eight to Nine. THE HOME PAPER Free Show, Roxy Theatre, Clinton, Saturday, Dec. loth at' 3 and 4.15 p.m. Free to All Public School Children of Clinton and Vicinity. Join the Parade on Free Show for Children of Saturday Public School Age Engagement Announced Mr. and Mres. Thcigh Fairservice, The Covenant Bible Class of Wesley letter has been recoiv- On Saturday ting' for the An air mail le r tiirday afternoon at 3 o'clock Londesbaro, wish to announce the Willis church. held a ince e Claim oaring that he and 4.15 the Lions Club Community engagement of their daughter, Gladys election of officers for the'coming willfrom Santa au s Y g will arrive in town on Saturday. This Betterment Committee under the. dkr- May, to William M. Baigent, Thames- year at the conclusion of the regular ectkan of '.Chairman Oral Noble in, fwd, sora of 'Mrs. John Fulkerson, class period on Sunday with Mr. M. is going to bee great occasion and the town will` be all dressed up as co-operation with local business men' Woodstock and the late Herbert Baig- T. Corless presiding. The following befits one of his importance. Mc -- specially asked in his letter.that all free moving picture shows for all the latter part o2 December. S. Trewlm; Re' See., Mrs. J. 114r - Finley; ILa1T sec. Mi. J, V. Dietl; children of the surrounding districts Country and Town children of public Dies When (lar Crashes' • and Clinton be on hand to meet him. 'school age and kiddies, Boys and Transferred to Toronto Social convenor, Mrs. N. W. Trewar- a Rome t a• Tress A. J. nd ll h TY mother•,� a Truck Ile has •promised that every boy and girls be sure and get dad and Mr. Roy A. East who for eight Class visitor, J. B. Lobb; Teacher, girl will receive a gift. out that day to do their 'Christmas years has .been manager of the St, Elmer Hancock, of Toronto aas Here is just an outline of the pro shopping. You know there is only W J. Tough; Assistant, Mrs. Pre- > At . pre. the a short space of time before Christ - has branch of. the Royal Bank artha, Lookout committee, all the killed last night on the Galt Hassel gramme for the day. p has been transferred to Toronto as tall highway near Sheffield, when members with Mrs. John Turner con- g Y boys and girls, will gather at the pub-� leas. While 'they shop you can en- manager of the Yonge anal Bloor sonar, A motion was passed by the his automobile sideswiped Finch'ss lie school. There a monster parade joy a free thrilling moving picture, streets branch, Mr. East is a Clin- class in appreciation for the splendid truck, rolled over ` three tunes and And don't for et Santa will be in Class Officers Eliected He will put on r two Monster "bang-up" `ent. The marriage will take place were elected: Pres., J. B. Lobb; vice, The Farmers' Market Wheat 54c. Barley 42e. Oats 27c. Buckwheat 39c: Cream 23c, 22c, Hogs $8.35. Eggs ' 26e, 23; 21; 17c. e+• will be formed. Heading the parade g ' ton boy, received his . early training way in . which the lesson had been landed in the ditch. Hancock was will be two motor cycle officers. Then town that day and will give a gift in banking under R. E.Mannan and tra ill come the band the firemen and to every little boy and girl The gg,. presented each Sunday by the teach- pped in the blazing wreckage, but is a brother of Mrs, Gordon Caning 'pi, Mr. Tough, haute of town. a '_ the fire truck. Santa himself will day December 10th the place be seated on a large platform mount- .moving picture theatre, Clinton. Lion ed on a truck high enough for every- Orval Noble who is working hard one to see. Then there will be de- corated fleets, bicycles and' so on, We almost forgot to mention Mutt and all business linen in Clinton who are helping just as hard, hope you will enjoy the show and that not a Gone to Hamilton Lions Hold Regular Meeting the other four passengers were res.,- eued and taken to Galt hospital. Kenneth Hall, Clinton, and his help- er, Frank Becker, said the Hancock car struck the side of the truck and. Mr. John Cuninghame left Friday went into the ditch. The ear was• single kiddie for miles around 1 to take the position of Assistant The meeting of the Lions Club in travelling -in the centre of the high -- and Jeff. They will be there in fancy Engineer i eer at CHML Hamilton. Since St. Paul's' Parish Hall on Monday way and Hall swung the truck over- costume and should provide many a miss it, graduating laht June from the Cap- night dealt mainly with business and to the shoulder of the road to avoid. laugh for old and young. Of course itol Radio Engineering Institute at reports of committees. Lion Monty the collision, The Clinton men as- it is also expected that all the stores Washington, D.C., he has been look- Monteith announced that the Lions sisted m extinguishing the flames and,. will be suitably decorated for the Bible Class' Elects Officers Mg about for a suitable position, his' would sponsor., -is , replete hockey removing the injured from the wreck occasion. President, Ken Reid chief ambition being to obtain work league for boys azo1--Coped' a league age. The driver of the' truck was Here is the route the parade will in connection with the Trans -Canada would be-forii}eddsur-ce iesiex br%Clinton and s- not held. V' P d rt Bert Glidden take. Leaving the public school they i , e rounding towns. � will delle down to the Bank of Mon- a desirable Lion Orval Noble, chairman of the Health is Minister's Subject treal corner. Turn left to the Com- Community Betterment Committee 0 mercial Inn corner, go round the announced that plans are all ready ( Speaking to the young men and block to King street and then straight The 1IOCliey Qn St On for a mammoth Christmas parade on women of his congregation on Sun- down to the M111 corner, then back to Publicity George Walker, John Saturday t t chaldron day evening an the subject of Health Sec•-Treas., Tom Cooke Air Lines. His present position how- Teachers, Dr. McInnes, Wni, everisvery one. Draper. Pianist, Benson Sutter the Christmas tree. There Santa will distribute the good things to the kiddies. Sunday Evening's Band Concert Seating room was at a premium Paul's Parish Hall, on Sunday evening when the Clinton Concert Band, assisted by local art- ists, gave an enjoyable programme art - School Board Meeting in the 'town hall. It is estimated that over 400 people attended. Tho programme was of a Christ- mas nature, opening with "0, Can Following the reading of the min ads" and two Christmas hymns. Rev. utes of previous meeting the follow - G. G. Burton was then called upon ing accounts were passed for pay - for a short address. He expressed anent on motion of McIntyre -Hall. his appreciation in seeing what he Geo. Jenkins 65.00; J Flynn 'i:150; Question Butler, John Hawkins. The burning question at the pros nex ,-o which all j , Social Committee, Benson Satter, ent time is "What's going to happen of school age and kiddies would be Rev. G. G. Burton said "A cross - Willard Aiken, Toin Cooke. to the Clinton Colts this year?". So invited. The town has offered to grained person is as much deformed_ far nosatisfactory answer can be provide twelve strings of lights to as a cross-eyed person" enlarging on S. R. Holmes will bathespecial Y speaker. The. class invites all young given for the simple reason that no, suitable decorate the main streets in his point that we'should pity those men of the town and country to their one knows. Seaforth and Clinton have yule -tide fashion. who do not enjoy good health. He meetings Sunday at 4 o'clock in St. been .battling over 'Harold Stade, they Lion "Pete" Counter announeed admonished young people to protect Zurich netininder. He wants to play, decided improvement in some of the sand guard their health, to build up - for Clinton but Seaforth claim that cases the Clinton Lions Club has talc- their bodies by careful exercise .and. he promised to play for them first. : en on, dealing with crippled children. to refrain from practices and habits 0.11.A. regulations provide a player i The feature moments of the meeting injurious to the sacred temple. Her - must play With the nearest team' by were provided by Lion'Ted Fines and edity Counts it is true and eggs front. The regular meeting of the Public roads open to motor traffic all year.; Vern Franks. Vern, acting the part a pedigreed alien sell for more money''' School Board was held on December Anyway, the 0.H.A. sent up one of of a very capable Professor "Quizz" he said as he spoke on habits ra- id, all members were present.' then representatives • to settle then had several lions puzzled with his tiibuted to heredity, the main thing' road question. Reports are that hen trickly questions,, Lon Fred Ford however is to protect ourselves: found, according to his car speed -i survived the gong the longest and against sins of the flesh, to have a ometer, (that Seaforth was Stade's I was awarded the "mei medal,"emb- clean outlook and to practice those playing field this year, but so far lematic of the championship of being things designed to build up our n i nothing official has been released. the best "answerer." health and character. termed "thus qultural meeting" sa W T Hawkins ,48; W. D. Fair $9.50; In the event that the ruling is It was a real treat to hear Whisp;- At this service the men's choir' well attended. He spoke of the part Ball and Zapfe 31.65. Total $48.13. that Stade must play for Seaforth, ening Ordeal the crooning flag -pole sang two anthems, "Onward Chris,: bands have played in military and Lobb-Hall—That the property 0001- they may suffer from the backfire. sitter., lead his special quartette whol tian Soldiers" and "One Sweetly- public weetlypublic life, always leading the par mittee purchase the required number Seaforth has already been granted softly sang suitable sonatas of Christ- Solemn Thought" adding to the of ade.. He drew from this a lesson in of drinking fountains for school.-- two player transfers: Smokey Harris mss Tide. Not a sound could be;fectiveness of the service. Mrs. E.: the Christian life,awithiJesus always i n Greenshirts. As an intermediate B rocked � with applause when, they: and the minister joined the singers-, n - leading the f to always carried. and Hubert from the Tavistock heard s} the sang,and the hall Wendell accompanied at the Jenkins-McIntyre—That the Prui The .band's next selection was cipal's report be adopted as read,— club they're only entitled to two. If finished. lin both selections. "Faust" by Gounod. Introducing the - selection Bandmaster Agnew gave a brief interpretation of the story lead- ing up to the writing of the com- position. Mrs. P. Hearn's vocal 'solo,c "Open the Gates of the Temple was Boy (Scout Conference import if he plays in the O,H•A. this . ' season and will have to Ontario receive a much enjoyed.Then thesaxophone Meeting in the Presbyterian church transfer back into the Otario As - quartette, Messrs Resell,' Snarling, basement on Friday evening the liar- sociation: Until the O.H.A, and Sea Mr. and Mrs, C. M. Shearing mov- Ieelebrated at their home on Victoria. Plumsteel and Agnew combined their on District Boy Scout's Conference forth make up their minds the In- ed into Mrs. Axon's residence this street where many friends called to talents in two numbers, was held in the form of a banquet terinediate B question is all up in week.. The house has been made over offer their congratulations. carried. Nodiger-Lobb—That we adjourn: they get Stade, they will have to —.— drop either Harris or Hubert. As Stade played in Quebec for part of Little Locals last season he will be treated as an The special meeting of the Rebekah Lodge, called for Friday night, De- cember 9th has been cancelled. Marks 40th Wedding Anniversary Yesterday was the 40bh wedding- anniversary eddinganniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Castle, and the event was quietly Mrs. J. G. McLay's two readings, with approximately 100 scouts, lead - the air as far as Clinton is concerned, into a duplex, the work being done "The Darky's Sermon" and "The Is- ens and committee men attending In the meantime it is definite that by Mr. R. E. McKenzie. land of Prayer were effectively ger- from Clinton, Seaforth, Hensall; the Lions Club will again sponsor en and Sullivan's Operatic Geins by Wingham, London and Toronto,' Table, Juvenile hockey and it looks as if The muffler on the smokestack at parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Liver - the band was followed by a 'splendid the feed mill resembles a steamship p + arrangements were taken care of by' the Clinton and District League £ulnen although it is only an oil bail- more; Clinton, by Rev. Murdock, who solo, The Holy City' by Mr. D. C., members of the Girl Guide rico two P+ might get going too as already 'in- rel. It is proving effective however, at that time was pastor of the Ciin- McNeill. The baled again played while Nelson Hill, Goderieh diatriet� gniries have been received from Km - chairman, ton. Baptist Church. Following their- Christmas heir Christmas hymns, Mrs. P. Hearn and chairman, was in charge of the meet Which is the main thing. Miss Edith Paterson e3nxing a Local bene and Hoimesville; and holies- marriage the young couple inoved'to he, ing and the after-dinner programme. bore are thinking things aver. Mn i r. MacKenzie of the Live Gode ich township where they farm-- duet with band accompaniment int R L, Stratton, vice-president of As soon as enough'entries have Stock Branch, Toronto, is this week ed fora few years and then moved final selection, "Holy Night"the provincial association and con ,been made a' schedule will be drawn making the rounds of the baby beef to London. After a period . of rest' Accompanists for the solo num- p missioner for thecity of London, was up land the contest for. the cup will producers in the county. Ile is at delve there they moved back to the berg were Mrs: Bert'Boyes and Mrs, 1 M'.• A now, It is hoped that the guest speaker, He emtrhasized tolbe on: To make the competition fair companied by Mr. J. a Shearer. farm and came to Clinton in 1025, g the leaders the importance of the no 0.H.A. players will be allowed on where they have since resided. band will hold a series of these Sun Oen Saturday afternoon the Girl work for which they are responsible. these teams. Those considering join- Guides and Brownkes held asuccess- They have one son, Clifford; of day evening concerts throughout the He .also reminded the boys. of their, ing the league are asked to send in. fun sale of handicraft- which was Mount Forest, and one' daughter,, winter.- Judging by the exoeptionallyi duties as members of the scouting their entries to the• News -Record at (Mabel) Mrs. James Vincent, Clinton,. large attendance, programmes of this well patronized. Most of the articles The latter assisted. her mother tri re - movement The toast to Lord Baden- once. it aid Tlie bride, formerly Martha Liver- more, iver more, was married on Wednesday,. December 7, 1898, at the home of her - nature are enjoyed by the public. The silver collections are the only means the band baa of supplementing the council's grant and the money is used to purchase necessary supplies. The donations on Sunday:evening were almost $20.00. Clinton Native Dies in Toronto' sold were the work of the gi' s i dewing the guests. In the evening were ideal Christmas gifts. relatives and a few close friends were: The members of the Rifle Club are entertained at a hot fowl dinner. The putting in some good practice Work in guests were served by Mrs. Harold. tended the meeting of the local LO. preparation for the Dominion Champ- Swan and Mrs. John Livermore. Mrs,. O.F, on Tuesday evening and supplied ionship competition. Next year it :s John Morgan and Mrs. Fawcett pour- a splendid .,' o,ammei, A .special hoped .to enter more than one team. ed tea. Guests -from out of town were. Powell, founder of the movement; was responded to by Mr„ Frank - Ir- Lodge Receives Gavel win, asusiant provincial secretary.• Manyvisitors from Teeswater at - Starting in a small way the member- ship of scouts now totals over three million, with members in all. nations. James Spitball, :assistant commis- feature of the meeting was the pre- sioner,' of Wingham gave. a report New members will be welcomed to Miss Mary'Leckie and Mrs. Alice: de sentation to Clinton Lodge of the make thiswill Fawcett Blyth. of the activities and progress ma travellinggavel byDr. Taylor of possible ' Yt bythe Huron district since its. forma- Mr. and Mrs. Castle received many Teeswater:' 1111, J. V. Diehl quietly celebrated tion in June last. year..A challenge si _his S. J birthday last Saturday, On;beautifui and useful presents to mark A. D. Fisher, president, of the This gavel has travelled erten v the occasion and it Pres addition to Por~ besiFishei raph'Company and the A. sent out by farmer Governor-General ely: It was presented to•the Order Monday of this week his brother, 'sonal congratulations received mauls i Lord Bessbattaui to the Canadian D. Fisher Manufacturing :Company, to promote fellowship among the 'Henry, of Stanley township celebrat telephone calls from those who were:, died 'in. Toronto on Monday. He was scents to +strata: a membersh `off lodges, one stipulation being that it ed his '78th birthday and on the 12th one hundred thousand by October 31, not able to tender their wishes; ins 69 years of age., m:ldt go out ofl the 'di'strict each `he and Mrs: Diehl will mark their poison. Born in Clinton, Mr. Fisher moved 1939, had been accepted by the dist- y- time: Most districts are composed golden wedding anniversary. rict on a quota basis of 250, and they, to Toronto more than 50 years ago of from six to ten lodges and in Nomixistions will be held in Clint - and joined a watch maker's firm; He had already exceeded their objective this, way the lodges are encouraged to by fifteen members with `prospects ben t holding year when most families will later went into the bicycle business visit in other districts. The gavel i be holdinChristmas—Monday, De - of additional groups in course of or - and also engaged in manufacturing of not stay with one lodge for any camber 26th, I£ an election is leder- electrical equipment. He attained ganization. length of time and as it changes some prominence as an inventor encl. On Saturday those who had been hands the presenting lodge gives fhe soon it will be held.the following had designed various electrical and taking the leadership training course programme. . N.G. George Beatty ae- Monday. It is said there will be mechanical appliances. One of his completed their work by written ex- cepted the gavel on behalf of the three in the running for reeve. products was. the Fisher tube skate.` aminations. , Twenty-five boys in, all local lodgeand made a suitable reply A disused • well on Miss, Ford's He was also well known in musical participated and are now waiting to of appreciation to the visitors. property, Ontario street, caved in circles. ! see if they have qualified for the At the regular. meeting of the lodge this week, leaving a cavity about Surviving are Mrs. Fisher and one bronze arrow 'arm badge. The course BroE. L. Mittell was appointed fin- three feet across. Had this happen - daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Alving, of � covered. including Camping and Hik- aneral secretary .to fill the vacancy ed earlier in the year it might have Chicago.. The funeral was held ont mg, Signallkngs anal Knotting and caused by the resignation, of Bro. J. meant serious consequences. lien yboysg I walked over the top of it rot Tuesday, with interment in Mount will prove beneficial to the , as L. McKnight who has moved to Lon have Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. they assume leadership. don, knowing itwas, there. Dr. Shaw Commended for Work as M.O.H. N. W. Treivartha will seek Rs -elections A letter from the Deputy Minister• of Health reminding thecouncil that - when the Medical. Officer of Health, reached the age of 70 years his terve automatically expired each year and' that bbs ra-appointment Could be made by asking the Department for permission to do so, led to Dr. Shaw' receiving warm commendation for his faithful services in that capacity. Thea (Continued on page 4), t Store Open. Evenln s Commencing Monday, December 12th. and every evening until Christmas, We shall be open for Business from 7.30 until 10 p.m. This is -for the Benefit of II Business People ands others who find it impossible to shop during Regular Store Hours. Ask for Goodwill Coupons for Free Gifts, Given with all Cash Purchases, or Cash on Accounts. I RWILT " CLINTON'S LEADING STYLE SHOPPE „. Christmas Turkeys at NORMAN'S Here is your opportunityto get the main item for your Christmas Dinner. With every purchase of $35.00 or over made in our store from now un- til Christmas we will give you a Turkey absolutely free. Several members' of one home whose pur- chases total $35.00 or over will be eligible to receive a turkey so remember this when you come out to do your shopping for gifts this Christmas. You can get what you want and really save money at - 1Norman's. Many of our customers have had their, gifts placed away for them and we invite you to do the same. It will save you time and worry later when you Heel you •are too busy. Gifts That Last We invite you to see our new Watches, Waldemar Chains and. Knives, Evans Lighters at, $2.50, Smoker's Stands, Military Brush Sets, Toilet Set; Musical Powder Boxes, Triple Serving Trays, Wall Flower Holders with Muller, Syrup Jwgs$ Relish Dishes, Sandwich Trays, Cocktail Balls, Ice Tub and Tongs, Meat Platters, Silver Tea Service, .Flower Baskets, Pie Plantes, Child's Set of Dishes, Liquor Mixers, Pickle Dishes, Electric Toasters, Clocks, Table Mirrors, Bread Trays, Casseroles, Pie Plater, Chest of Silver and Cups and Saucers. We also have a nice selection of New Lockets, Bracelets and Compacts reasonably priced.. Watch bracelets add straps of all kinds. See our new Stock of RINGS. If we haven't what you want we can got it ns short time. Free engraving on all signet rings if desired. Free insurance on all Bluebird Diamond Rings from. $15:00 up to cover loss or damage. Also a complete range of Pipes, Pouches, Cigarette Cases, Lighters, Bill Fold) Cigars and Tobaccos all done up in attractive wrappings and Gift Boxes. Watch & Jewellery i +ljuw Diamonds l Re )airing �' Jewellery Open Evenings from Eight to Nine. THE HOME PAPER Free Show, Roxy Theatre, Clinton, Saturday, Dec. loth at' 3 and 4.15 p.m. Free to All Public School Children of Clinton and Vicinity. Join the Parade on Free Show for Children of Saturday Public School Age Engagement Announced Mr. and Mres. Thcigh Fairservice, The Covenant Bible Class of Wesley letter has been recoiv- On Saturday ting' for the An air mail le r tiirday afternoon at 3 o'clock Londesbaro, wish to announce the Willis church. held a ince e Claim oaring that he and 4.15 the Lions Club Community engagement of their daughter, Gladys election of officers for the'coming willfrom Santa au s Y g will arrive in town on Saturday. This Betterment Committee under the. dkr- May, to William M. Baigent, Thames- year at the conclusion of the regular ectkan of '.Chairman Oral Noble in, fwd, sora of 'Mrs. John Fulkerson, class period on Sunday with Mr. M. is going to bee great occasion and the town will` be all dressed up as co-operation with local business men' Woodstock and the late Herbert Baig- T. Corless presiding. The following befits one of his importance. Mc -- specially asked in his letter.that all free moving picture shows for all the latter part o2 December. S. Trewlm; Re' See., Mrs. J. 114r - Finley; ILa1T sec. Mi. J, V. Dietl; children of the surrounding districts Country and Town children of public Dies When (lar Crashes' • and Clinton be on hand to meet him. 'school age and kiddies, Boys and Transferred to Toronto Social convenor, Mrs. N. W. Trewar- a Rome t a• Tress A. J. nd ll h TY mother•,� a Truck Ile has •promised that every boy and girls be sure and get dad and Mr. Roy A. East who for eight Class visitor, J. B. Lobb; Teacher, girl will receive a gift. out that day to do their 'Christmas years has .been manager of the St, Elmer Hancock, of Toronto aas Here is just an outline of the pro shopping. You know there is only W J. Tough; Assistant, Mrs. Pre- > At . pre. the a short space of time before Christ - has branch of. the Royal Bank artha, Lookout committee, all the killed last night on the Galt Hassel gramme for the day. p has been transferred to Toronto as tall highway near Sheffield, when members with Mrs. John Turner con- g Y boys and girls, will gather at the pub-� leas. While 'they shop you can en- manager of the Yonge anal Bloor sonar, A motion was passed by the his automobile sideswiped Finch'ss lie school. There a monster parade joy a free thrilling moving picture, streets branch, Mr. East is a Clin- class in appreciation for the splendid truck, rolled over ` three tunes and And don't for et Santa will be in Class Officers Eliected He will put on r two Monster "bang-up" `ent. The marriage will take place were elected: Pres., J. B. Lobb; vice, The Farmers' Market Wheat 54c. Barley 42e. Oats 27c. Buckwheat 39c: Cream 23c, 22c, Hogs $8.35. Eggs ' 26e, 23; 21; 17c. e+• will be formed. Heading the parade g ' ton boy, received his . early training way in . which the lesson had been landed in the ditch. Hancock was will be two motor cycle officers. Then town that day and will give a gift in banking under R. E.Mannan and tra ill come the band the firemen and to every little boy and girl The gg,. presented each Sunday by the teach- pped in the blazing wreckage, but is a brother of Mrs, Gordon Caning 'pi, Mr. Tough, haute of town. a '_ the fire truck. Santa himself will day December 10th the place be seated on a large platform mount- .moving picture theatre, Clinton. Lion ed on a truck high enough for every- Orval Noble who is working hard one to see. Then there will be de- corated fleets, bicycles and' so on, We almost forgot to mention Mutt and all business linen in Clinton who are helping just as hard, hope you will enjoy the show and that not a Gone to Hamilton Lions Hold Regular Meeting the other four passengers were res.,- eued and taken to Galt hospital. Kenneth Hall, Clinton, and his help- er, Frank Becker, said the Hancock car struck the side of the truck and. Mr. John Cuninghame left Friday went into the ditch. The ear was• single kiddie for miles around 1 to take the position of Assistant The meeting of the Lions Club in travelling -in the centre of the high -- and Jeff. They will be there in fancy Engineer i eer at CHML Hamilton. Since St. Paul's' Parish Hall on Monday way and Hall swung the truck over- costume and should provide many a miss it, graduating laht June from the Cap- night dealt mainly with business and to the shoulder of the road to avoid. laugh for old and young. Of course itol Radio Engineering Institute at reports of committees. Lion Monty the collision, The Clinton men as- it is also expected that all the stores Washington, D.C., he has been look- Monteith announced that the Lions sisted m extinguishing the flames and,. will be suitably decorated for the Bible Class' Elects Officers Mg about for a suitable position, his' would sponsor., -is , replete hockey removing the injured from the wreck occasion. President, Ken Reid chief ambition being to obtain work league for boys azo1--Coped' a league age. The driver of the' truck was Here is the route the parade will in connection with the Trans -Canada would be-forii}eddsur-ce iesiex br%Clinton and s- not held. V' P d rt Bert Glidden take. Leaving the public school they i , e rounding towns. � will delle down to the Bank of Mon- a desirable Lion Orval Noble, chairman of the Health is Minister's Subject treal corner. Turn left to the Com- Community Betterment Committee 0 mercial Inn corner, go round the announced that plans are all ready ( Speaking to the young men and block to King street and then straight The 1IOCliey Qn St On for a mammoth Christmas parade on women of his congregation on Sun- down to the M111 corner, then back to Publicity George Walker, John Saturday t t chaldron day evening an the subject of Health Sec•-Treas., Tom Cooke Air Lines. His present position how- Teachers, Dr. McInnes, Wni, everisvery one. Draper. Pianist, Benson Sutter the Christmas tree. There Santa will distribute the good things to the kiddies. Sunday Evening's Band Concert Seating room was at a premium Paul's Parish Hall, on Sunday evening when the Clinton Concert Band, assisted by local art- ists, gave an enjoyable programme art - School Board Meeting in the 'town hall. It is estimated that over 400 people attended. Tho programme was of a Christ- mas nature, opening with "0, Can Following the reading of the min ads" and two Christmas hymns. Rev. utes of previous meeting the follow - G. G. Burton was then called upon ing accounts were passed for pay - for a short address. He expressed anent on motion of McIntyre -Hall. his appreciation in seeing what he Geo. Jenkins 65.00; J Flynn 'i:150; Question Butler, John Hawkins. The burning question at the pros nex ,-o which all j , Social Committee, Benson Satter, ent time is "What's going to happen of school age and kiddies would be Rev. G. G. Burton said "A cross - Willard Aiken, Toin Cooke. to the Clinton Colts this year?". So invited. The town has offered to grained person is as much deformed_ far nosatisfactory answer can be provide twelve strings of lights to as a cross-eyed person" enlarging on S. R. Holmes will bathespecial Y speaker. The. class invites all young given for the simple reason that no, suitable decorate the main streets in his point that we'should pity those men of the town and country to their one knows. Seaforth and Clinton have yule -tide fashion. who do not enjoy good health. He meetings Sunday at 4 o'clock in St. been .battling over 'Harold Stade, they Lion "Pete" Counter announeed admonished young people to protect Zurich netininder. He wants to play, decided improvement in some of the sand guard their health, to build up - for Clinton but Seaforth claim that cases the Clinton Lions Club has talc- their bodies by careful exercise .and. he promised to play for them first. : en on, dealing with crippled children. to refrain from practices and habits 0.11.A. regulations provide a player i The feature moments of the meeting injurious to the sacred temple. Her - must play With the nearest team' by were provided by Lion'Ted Fines and edity Counts it is true and eggs front. The regular meeting of the Public roads open to motor traffic all year.; Vern Franks. Vern, acting the part a pedigreed alien sell for more money''' School Board was held on December Anyway, the 0.H.A. sent up one of of a very capable Professor "Quizz" he said as he spoke on habits ra- id, all members were present.' then representatives • to settle then had several lions puzzled with his tiibuted to heredity, the main thing' road question. Reports are that hen trickly questions,, Lon Fred Ford however is to protect ourselves: found, according to his car speed -i survived the gong the longest and against sins of the flesh, to have a ometer, (that Seaforth was Stade's I was awarded the "mei medal,"emb- clean outlook and to practice those playing field this year, but so far lematic of the championship of being things designed to build up our n i nothing official has been released. the best "answerer." health and character. termed "thus qultural meeting" sa W T Hawkins ,48; W. D. Fair $9.50; In the event that the ruling is It was a real treat to hear Whisp;- At this service the men's choir' well attended. He spoke of the part Ball and Zapfe 31.65. Total $48.13. that Stade must play for Seaforth, ening Ordeal the crooning flag -pole sang two anthems, "Onward Chris,: bands have played in military and Lobb-Hall—That the property 0001- they may suffer from the backfire. sitter., lead his special quartette whol tian Soldiers" and "One Sweetly- public weetlypublic life, always leading the par mittee purchase the required number Seaforth has already been granted softly sang suitable sonatas of Christ- Solemn Thought" adding to the of ade.. He drew from this a lesson in of drinking fountains for school.-- two player transfers: Smokey Harris mss Tide. Not a sound could be;fectiveness of the service. Mrs. E.: the Christian life,awithiJesus always i n Greenshirts. As an intermediate B rocked � with applause when, they: and the minister joined the singers-, n - leading the f to always carried. and Hubert from the Tavistock heard s} the sang,and the hall Wendell accompanied at the Jenkins-McIntyre—That the Prui The .band's next selection was cipal's report be adopted as read,— club they're only entitled to two. If finished. lin both selections. "Faust" by Gounod. Introducing the - selection Bandmaster Agnew gave a brief interpretation of the story lead- ing up to the writing of the com- position. Mrs. P. Hearn's vocal 'solo,c "Open the Gates of the Temple was Boy (Scout Conference import if he plays in the O,H•A. this . ' season and will have to Ontario receive a much enjoyed.Then thesaxophone Meeting in the Presbyterian church transfer back into the Otario As - quartette, Messrs Resell,' Snarling, basement on Friday evening the liar- sociation: Until the O.H.A, and Sea Mr. and Mrs, C. M. Shearing mov- Ieelebrated at their home on Victoria. Plumsteel and Agnew combined their on District Boy Scout's Conference forth make up their minds the In- ed into Mrs. Axon's residence this street where many friends called to talents in two numbers, was held in the form of a banquet terinediate B question is all up in week.. The house has been made over offer their congratulations. carried. Nodiger-Lobb—That we adjourn: they get Stade, they will have to —.— drop either Harris or Hubert. As Stade played in Quebec for part of Little Locals last season he will be treated as an The special meeting of the Rebekah Lodge, called for Friday night, De- cember 9th has been cancelled. Marks 40th Wedding Anniversary Yesterday was the 40bh wedding- anniversary eddinganniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Castle, and the event was quietly Mrs. J. G. McLay's two readings, with approximately 100 scouts, lead - the air as far as Clinton is concerned, into a duplex, the work being done "The Darky's Sermon" and "The Is- ens and committee men attending In the meantime it is definite that by Mr. R. E. McKenzie. land of Prayer were effectively ger- from Clinton, Seaforth, Hensall; the Lions Club will again sponsor en and Sullivan's Operatic Geins by Wingham, London and Toronto,' Table, Juvenile hockey and it looks as if The muffler on the smokestack at parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Liver - the band was followed by a 'splendid the feed mill resembles a steamship p + arrangements were taken care of by' the Clinton and District League £ulnen although it is only an oil bail- more; Clinton, by Rev. Murdock, who solo, The Holy City' by Mr. D. C., members of the Girl Guide rico two P+ might get going too as already 'in- rel. It is proving effective however, at that time was pastor of the Ciin- McNeill. The baled again played while Nelson Hill, Goderieh diatriet� gniries have been received from Km - chairman, ton. Baptist Church. Following their- Christmas heir Christmas hymns, Mrs. P. Hearn and chairman, was in charge of the meet Which is the main thing. Miss Edith Paterson e3nxing a Local bene and Hoimesville; and holies- marriage the young couple inoved'to he, ing and the after-dinner programme. bore are thinking things aver. Mn i r. MacKenzie of the Live Gode ich township where they farm-- duet with band accompaniment int R L, Stratton, vice-president of As soon as enough'entries have Stock Branch, Toronto, is this week ed fora few years and then moved final selection, "Holy Night"the provincial association and con ,been made a' schedule will be drawn making the rounds of the baby beef to London. After a period . of rest' Accompanists for the solo num- p missioner for thecity of London, was up land the contest for. the cup will producers in the county. Ile is at delve there they moved back to the berg were Mrs: Bert'Boyes and Mrs, 1 M'.• A now, It is hoped that the guest speaker, He emtrhasized tolbe on: To make the competition fair companied by Mr. J. a Shearer. farm and came to Clinton in 1025, g the leaders the importance of the no 0.H.A. players will be allowed on where they have since resided. band will hold a series of these Sun Oen Saturday afternoon the Girl work for which they are responsible. these teams. Those considering join- Guides and Brownkes held asuccess- They have one son, Clifford; of day evening concerts throughout the He .also reminded the boys. of their, ing the league are asked to send in. fun sale of handicraft- which was Mount Forest, and one' daughter,, winter.- Judging by the exoeptionallyi duties as members of the scouting their entries to the• News -Record at (Mabel) Mrs. James Vincent, Clinton,. large attendance, programmes of this well patronized. Most of the articles The latter assisted. her mother tri re - movement The toast to Lord Baden- once. it aid Tlie bride, formerly Martha Liver- more, iver more, was married on Wednesday,. December 7, 1898, at the home of her - nature are enjoyed by the public. The silver collections are the only means the band baa of supplementing the council's grant and the money is used to purchase necessary supplies. The donations on Sunday:evening were almost $20.00. Clinton Native Dies in Toronto' sold were the work of the gi' s i dewing the guests. In the evening were ideal Christmas gifts. relatives and a few close friends were: The members of the Rifle Club are entertained at a hot fowl dinner. The putting in some good practice Work in guests were served by Mrs. Harold. tended the meeting of the local LO. preparation for the Dominion Champ- Swan and Mrs. John Livermore. Mrs,. O.F, on Tuesday evening and supplied ionship competition. Next year it :s John Morgan and Mrs. Fawcett pour- a splendid .,' o,ammei, A .special hoped .to enter more than one team. ed tea. Guests -from out of town were. Powell, founder of the movement; was responded to by Mr„ Frank - Ir- Lodge Receives Gavel win, asusiant provincial secretary.• Manyvisitors from Teeswater at - Starting in a small way the member- ship of scouts now totals over three million, with members in all. nations. James Spitball, :assistant commis- feature of the meeting was the pre- sioner,' of Wingham gave. a report New members will be welcomed to Miss Mary'Leckie and Mrs. Alice: de sentation to Clinton Lodge of the make thiswill Fawcett Blyth. of the activities and progress ma travellinggavel byDr. Taylor of possible ' Yt bythe Huron district since its. forma- Mr. and Mrs. Castle received many Teeswater:' 1111, J. V. Diehl quietly celebrated tion in June last. year..A challenge si _his S. J birthday last Saturday, On;beautifui and useful presents to mark A. D. Fisher, president, of the This gavel has travelled erten v the occasion and it Pres addition to Por~ besiFishei raph'Company and the A. sent out by farmer Governor-General ely: It was presented to•the Order Monday of this week his brother, 'sonal congratulations received mauls i Lord Bessbattaui to the Canadian D. Fisher Manufacturing :Company, to promote fellowship among the 'Henry, of Stanley township celebrat telephone calls from those who were:, died 'in. Toronto on Monday. He was scents to +strata: a membersh `off lodges, one stipulation being that it ed his '78th birthday and on the 12th one hundred thousand by October 31, not able to tender their wishes; ins 69 years of age., m:ldt go out ofl the 'di'strict each `he and Mrs: Diehl will mark their poison. Born in Clinton, Mr. Fisher moved 1939, had been accepted by the dist- y- time: Most districts are composed golden wedding anniversary. rict on a quota basis of 250, and they, to Toronto more than 50 years ago of from six to ten lodges and in Nomixistions will be held in Clint - and joined a watch maker's firm; He had already exceeded their objective this, way the lodges are encouraged to by fifteen members with `prospects ben t holding year when most families will later went into the bicycle business visit in other districts. The gavel i be holdinChristmas—Monday, De - of additional groups in course of or - and also engaged in manufacturing of not stay with one lodge for any camber 26th, I£ an election is leder- electrical equipment. He attained ganization. length of time and as it changes some prominence as an inventor encl. On Saturday those who had been hands the presenting lodge gives fhe soon it will be held.the following had designed various electrical and taking the leadership training course programme. . N.G. George Beatty ae- Monday. It is said there will be mechanical appliances. One of his completed their work by written ex- cepted the gavel on behalf of the three in the running for reeve. products was. the Fisher tube skate.` aminations. , Twenty-five boys in, all local lodgeand made a suitable reply A disused • well on Miss, Ford's He was also well known in musical participated and are now waiting to of appreciation to the visitors. property, Ontario street, caved in circles. ! see if they have qualified for the At the regular. meeting of the lodge this week, leaving a cavity about Surviving are Mrs. Fisher and one bronze arrow 'arm badge. The course BroE. L. Mittell was appointed fin- three feet across. Had this happen - daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Alving, of � covered. including Camping and Hik- aneral secretary .to fill the vacancy ed earlier in the year it might have Chicago.. The funeral was held ont mg, Signallkngs anal Knotting and caused by the resignation, of Bro. J. meant serious consequences. lien yboysg I walked over the top of it rot Tuesday, with interment in Mount will prove beneficial to the , as L. McKnight who has moved to Lon have Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. they assume leadership. don, knowing itwas, there. Dr. Shaw Commended for Work as M.O.H. N. W. Treivartha will seek Rs -elections A letter from the Deputy Minister• of Health reminding thecouncil that - when the Medical. Officer of Health, reached the age of 70 years his terve automatically expired each year and' that bbs ra-appointment Could be made by asking the Department for permission to do so, led to Dr. Shaw' receiving warm commendation for his faithful services in that capacity. Thea (Continued on page 4),