HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-12-01, Page 8PAGE S THE CLINTON N 'VITS.RECORU THURS., DEC., 1, 1938. {Vrssn`nu1VSTk3IL W I.TCWr,OWEit by Beverly Moder Tops all books on current •affairs. Behind •the scenes at Westminster, authentic, vivid glimpses of Britain's. leaders in the groat events 01 the. last three years, Edward's resigna- tion, the rise of Chamberlain, the drama of Eden, the onslaught., of the Dictators, the truth about. ,A,ustrla, Germany) and O'zeehoslovakia. The publishera say "advance ordcre Inst - i4 < our confidence that this book will establish a hew high sales, record for a boole on current affair's". "ICs facts are as straight as his style. is • vivid." The price $3.00. The New R, V. Morton "Through the Lands of the Bible" Another one! By the "greatest liv- ing travel writer" This latest book describes the going forth of Christ into the world, and thoso :relics of early Christianity which are still to be found in the historic lands of the Near East. 'Through the Lands of the Bible" is informative, adventur- ous and inspiring, and reveals the author at the very height of hie powers as a descriptive writer." Now on, sale at our book counter. Price $2.50. GROWTH OF A MAN by Maze De La Roche This is the first important novel this lady has Written since•,Jalna was published, except for the novels in the Jalna series. This is the story of a boy burning with the ambition, to lift himself from. the terrors of his early years. Abused by his grandparents, separated from his mother. he matures early, fights his way through insurmountable ob- stacles; and GROWS to the state of manhood. Price $2.25. Our third re -order for "Gone With The Wind" R 31.49 has been placed with the publishers some time ago. We expect to be able to supply those, wha have requested us to ,reserve a copy for then. the first week in De- cember. Thank you. Samples of Private Personal Greet - in Cards Now on Display. Priced from $1.00 per dozen up. The W. D. Fair Co Often the 'dheayest-Always the Beet �uI�IfIII�i�tliIIIIIIuNi,,,����,�i" upiiy-"WimlluiLil 11 � a Mr. N. W, Miller attended the O.H.A, general meeting in Toronto on Sat- urday. Mr, Alex Haddy, Don and Wesley, visited friends in Toronto and Bow manville last weekend. The Misses Maud and Elva Wiltse leave today for Orlando, Florida, where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs, S. H. Stinson of Regina, Saskatchewan, are guests this week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bartliff, of Detroit were guests of Mrs. C. H. Bartliff for a few days last week- end. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McCague and family, of Hanover, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. John Schoenhals, Mrs, Gordon Ball, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Fret) Picketil,i returns to her home in Northern Ontario today. Mrs. W. A. Oakes, who is making satisfactory recovery from her re- cent acident, was brought from Stratford to Clinton hospital on Sunday: Mrs, John Jervis has returned home after an enjoyable visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Dow, Carlingford, and with relatives and .friends at Science Hill, Stratford, London, and Mitchell. HOLMESVILLE Mr. Pierce presided at the meeting of the Y.P.U. held on Friday evening. Opening with a hymn played by Miss Muriel Miller, the members joined in repeating the Lord's Prayer. This was followed by the scripture reading tak- en by Bill .Wilding and then Billy Herbert gave the topic for the even- ing. The president, Frank Yeo con- ducted the business period and a splendid musical number was given by Gordon and Lloyd Stocky Mr. Brogden McMath contributed a read- ing and the meeting was concluded with a short devotional period. BR U CEFIELD To Send Aid to, Western Areas An appeal has been made to the congregation and community of Brucefield Church from the dried -out areas in Western Canada for cloth- ing, bedding, books and magazines. The donations should be left either at the home of Mrs. James McQueen or at the church before' December 14. On that date the bale will be packed in the schoolroom of the church and sent on hi an effort to make the Christmas season a brighter, happier time for those in unfortunate circum- stances. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs, J. Walker return- ed home last week after• visiting friends in Growsell,: Michigan, Mrs..W. Stevens hacl a visit from her four daughter recently. Mr. and .Mrs. Ross Scott and Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Haugh are spending: a fedv; days this week in Toronto. Red �I�TD and �/%te Store Fresh Quality Fruits and Vegetables at all Tames Make up your Order at the following Low Prices GRAPEFRUIT, Florida 'Seedless, large size, FLORIDA ORANGES, Good size, Seedless, Sweet Juicy, one dozen FANCY GRAPES, one pound 6for25c • HEAD LETTUCE, large heads, BANANAS, Golden Yellow, dozen FRESH CRISP CELERY, 25c 1Oc 2 for 19c 23c 2 bunches 9c Washed Coreless Carrots Waxed Table Turnips Cooking Onions Sweet Potatoes Spanish Onions, Home Grown 4 lbs 10c '5 lbs 10c 5 lbs 7c 41bs 15c 2 lbs 13c Spinach, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Green Peppers, Caulifower, Radish, Brussels Sprouts, Celery Hearts, Green Beans, Fresh Mushrooms -at City Prices. A Cordial Invitation is Extended to Everyone to Visit Our \Store and Enjoy a Cup of Hot Fragrant Coffee, and Cookies. Free Suckers for all Children accompanied by Parents or Friends. SEE RED AND WHITE HANDBILLS FOR SPECIAL GROCERY PRICES THIS ADVERTISEMENT EFFECTIVE DEC. 1, 2 & 3 • Winter Wreaths Why not an attractive WINTER WREATH for your lot at the Cemetery re- placing the Summer hanging bas- ket. We have 'Wreaths of pre- pared holly trimmed with red berries which are not expensive, and .are particularly suitable to place at this season. They are available in three sizes. We will be glad to show them to you. WINTER BOUQUETS We have pretty made-up bouquets for small containers. They are only 26c each. Mums large and small in assorted colors are now at their best Bunches of Small Mums Splendid value — 50c a bunch Prepared Oak Leaves n Red, also autumn shades -- 25c a spray. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Telegraph Delivery Association. Phones 176 and 31. RILEY'S GROCERY. Where Quality Sells & Service Tells EXTRA SPECIALS Seedless Raisins, 2 Ib. 23c best quality Seeded Raisins, 2 lb. 29c Valenvia Raisins, 2 Ib. 25c large ).\leached Raisins..........Ib. 18c Recleaned Currants, 2 Ib. 25c Orange and Lennon Peel, .... , . 23c Citron Peel, 32a X Mixed Cut Peel with Red and 3 Green Cherries 25c 44, Loose Cherries .... 45c,£ Shortening, Pie Crust, .... 2 lb. 23c;* 3 Ib. Icing Sugar 25c. Fresh Cocoanut ,, 23e'•; Shredded or Dessicated Grapes, 2 ib. 19c Largo Grape Fruit, 7 for 25e Head Lettuce, 2 for 19c EXTRA! EXTRA! With ' 31.00 Order or More 10 lbs: White or Brown Sugar will be sold for 50c. RILEY'S Grocery — FREE SNAPPY DELIVERY -- PHONE PHONE 39 ..... L!.T_F.I»7 PLEASE YOUR LADY FRIEND A MOST ACCEPTABLE GIFT WOIULD BE A GOOD CEDAR CHEST We are sole agents for that famous Lane line, the kind that are absolutely air tight and all made of Tennessee Red Cedar with the finest Walnut veneer to make a beautiful piece of furniture to match the rest of the furnishings of your room and they carry Insurance against *Moth damage. You will also find other re- liable lines slightly lower in price. Shop early as we will be pleased to store them until you want them, HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Here you will find many useful gifts, Cutlery, Electric Irons, Toasters and Curlers, A Coleman or Alladin, Gas or Coal -011 Lamp, would be a very nice gift. It won't be long before Skating and Hockey will be the past - time. Get the famous C. C, M. Skates and Boots, the kind most champions use. As usual we will be pleased to store away your selections until wanted. The Store With the Stock. BALL and ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE +• Embalmers, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. Phones: Store 195; N. Ball, 110; J. J. Zapfe, 103 .....4.4.;;;•1•34.444...1444.1.44.4:4:434/::" 04,..1 �ItvItC tlelew«I«pet:A3M r•I( *b?*:»'1IT tea ....motootot"vwwaov CHRISTMAS BAKING SPECIALS pugar, Granulated or Yellow, Huron Pastry Flour, 24 lb. Rose Baking Powder, 1 lb. tins Shortening, Crescent Brand, 2 lb. for Seedless Raisins, 2 lb. for Puffed Seeded Raisins, 2 lb. for Bleached Raisins, per lb 10 ib. 53c 45c 15c 21'c 21c 27c 17c 23c Currants, 2 ib. for 25c Dates, pitted, 2 lb. for 23c Lexia. Raisins with Seeds, 2 lb. for Dates with pitts, 3 lb. for Glace Cherries, large and whole, per Ib. Glace Citron Peel, per lb. Mixed Cut 'Pe'el, per lb. 23c 45c 33e 23e Lenton and Orange Peel, per ib. Cooking Figs, 2 lb. Shelled 'Almonds, per lb. Shelled Walnuts, per lb. Mincemeat, 2 ib. carton, each Cocoanut, shredded, per lb. 23c 19c 53c 49c 25c 21c EXTRACTS, Vanilla, Orange, Pineapple, Cherry, Banana, Raspberry, Winter Green, Straw- berry, these extracts are regular 10c num _hers, Sale Price, 2 bottles for 15c Icing (Sugar, 3 lb. for 25c.. •STAR SPECIAL — We will meet any price ort Canned Goods in Clinton this weekend. These , Prices are for cash and good to the end of this week. ;a. I Ct � Smoked Picnics, .shank off, per lb. ' 20c' : ;Smoked Cottage Rolls, per lb. 25c P. M. Cottage Rolls, per ib. 23c Breakfast Bacon -in piece, per lb. 28c Sausage, 2 lbs. for 35c CONNELL & TYNDALL CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Float 162. , Albert street r 5, i / d ( 1 DON'T FORGET .WE SEE OUR FURNACE BEFORE , BUYING All joints Electric Welded. No chance of gas or dust McClary Cook special $43.00 Finley Cook $57.00 Wood�Heater ! $2'1.0'0 : � (Sheet .Iron Heater $5.00 Sheet Iron Heater $4.50 Second Hand Quebec Heater $10'.00 • SUTTER 1 HARDWARE, Phone 147w. ..; , � lu� ll IP ` & TINSMITHING, WIRING. III II il • nii - GILSON" �P_ _-_��_P= t 1\ PLUMBING, PERDUE ELECTRICAL P.O. Boa 48 1 Nwiti:teow.i9)..mtl F3::I»2»etitit. 4t + c4!34+3, 3! ni»3ai!'t4440.. ., 1 Keep Out the Cold ' ' REPAIR THOSE WINDOWS Glass Of AlI Sizes Our Prices Right - Give Us A Call ® .44:1.4'- R;44:++2 441414/444:» .Hardware and rt'.11®■ jS9 Plumbing Phone 249 ,444', : 44.1 44:»::Mat.4+4 »; 4441 43»W4;6 «1 ise"- MAY WE HELP YOU, e C.G.M. Skates are leaders. We have hockey sticks, pucks— in fact anything you need for the hoekey season. We might also suggest for Christmas a new bike for the boy or girl; a new gun for dad; a new Sparton Radio for mother or dad. We haven't space enough to tell you what we have. Won't you drop in and look around? No obligation to buy. Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales 1 Superior PRONE SPECIALS December Golden Wax Beans, 2 no. 2 size Peas, Peter Pan, 3,17 oz. tins Corn, Del Maiz Salmon, Golden TEA, Royal York, (one fancy two Oxydol, large Hilerest Pure Hillcrest Shortening, Baking Powder, 16 oz. tin Icing Sugar, Red or Green Bleached Raisins, Pitted Dates, Sair Dates, with Cut Mixed Peel, d Citron; 'Extracts; 2 oz. McCormick's 1 lb. bag Toasted Wheat 'Quick Quaker Large pkg. Cracked Wheat, Free Stores 111-CLINTON. 1, FOR pp & 2, 3 , .... , . 15c no. 3, 25c 2 tin for 25c 16c, is 27c 65c pot free) 21c for ,. 23e for 25e 23c I 25c �/4 lb. 13e 19e, 23e 3 lbs. for 21c lemon Sale of Handicraft, Home-made Baking and Candy Auspices Girl Guides and Brownies SUPER -TEST SHOWROOMS Saturday, December 3 from 3 to 5 o'clock. AFTERNOON TEA -Menu, Jellied Chicken, Bread and Butter, Cake and Tea. tins for serve for Niblets, Net, %as 1 lb. -cups tea pkg. Lard, 2 lbs. 2 lbs. Superior, for • 3 lbs. for Cherries, Per lb.',..; 2 lbs. for pitts, orange, per Ib. bottles Butter Sodas, Berries, Oats with for 5 lbs, -"" Euchre and Dance Auspices Canadian Legion and Ladies Auxiliary. q Friday, December 2nd LEGION HALL — CLINTON Good Prizes Geed Music : The Salvation Army Christmas Concert 22 Thursday,Dec.1Ji (r Dec. at 8 p.m. ADMISSION 15e 12.4 5 ib. bag chinaware, ® 25c 9c 14e 25e , 31• 15e Rev. Wilding of Holmesville render ed a splendid solo; the choir also sang a much appreciated. number. On Monday evening, Mr, Shearer Agricultural representative, gave a splendid address on the Restricted Area plan. Most of the farmers at this district were present. This look like another step forward. Mrs. J. S. Lockhart, who'has spen the last two weeks nursing her moth er at k, has reno Mr. analDundalMrs. Herb Corbetttured , Phrotonme. and. Mr. Milton Bannon, Flesherton visited with Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Lock hart. "-`•- . Delivery PORTER'S PI1LL ' On, Sunday Rev. Arthur Sinclair sof Blyth was the speaker at Grace church, The church- was well filled. {Vrssn`nu1VSTk3IL W I.TCWr,OWEit by Beverly Moder Tops all books on current •affairs. Behind •the scenes at Westminster, authentic, vivid glimpses of Britain's. leaders in the groat events 01 the. last three years, Edward's resigna- tion, the rise of Chamberlain, the drama of Eden, the onslaught., of the Dictators, the truth about. ,A,ustrla, Germany) and O'zeehoslovakia. The publishera say "advance ordcre Inst - i4 < our confidence that this book will establish a hew high sales, record for a boole on current affair's". "ICs facts are as straight as his style. is • vivid." The price $3.00. The New R, V. Morton "Through the Lands of the Bible" Another one! By the "greatest liv- ing travel writer" This latest book describes the going forth of Christ into the world, and thoso :relics of early Christianity which are still to be found in the historic lands of the Near East. 'Through the Lands of the Bible" is informative, adventur- ous and inspiring, and reveals the author at the very height of hie powers as a descriptive writer." Now on, sale at our book counter. Price $2.50. GROWTH OF A MAN by Maze De La Roche This is the first important novel this lady has Written since•,Jalna was published, except for the novels in the Jalna series. This is the story of a boy burning with the ambition, to lift himself from. the terrors of his early years. Abused by his grandparents, separated from his mother. he matures early, fights his way through insurmountable ob- stacles; and GROWS to the state of manhood. Price $2.25. Our third re -order for "Gone With The Wind" R 31.49 has been placed with the publishers some time ago. We expect to be able to supply those, wha have requested us to ,reserve a copy for then. the first week in De- cember. Thank you. Samples of Private Personal Greet - in Cards Now on Display. Priced from $1.00 per dozen up. The W. D. Fair Co Often the 'dheayest-Always the Beet �uI�IfIII�i�tliIIIIIIuNi,,,����,�i" upiiy-"WimlluiLil 11 � a Mr. N. W, Miller attended the O.H.A, general meeting in Toronto on Sat- urday. Mr, Alex Haddy, Don and Wesley, visited friends in Toronto and Bow manville last weekend. The Misses Maud and Elva Wiltse leave today for Orlando, Florida, where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs, S. H. Stinson of Regina, Saskatchewan, are guests this week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bartliff, of Detroit were guests of Mrs. C. H. Bartliff for a few days last week- end. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McCague and family, of Hanover, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. John Schoenhals, Mrs, Gordon Ball, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Fret) Picketil,i returns to her home in Northern Ontario today. Mrs. W. A. Oakes, who is making satisfactory recovery from her re- cent acident, was brought from Stratford to Clinton hospital on Sunday: Mrs, John Jervis has returned home after an enjoyable visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Dow, Carlingford, and with relatives and .friends at Science Hill, Stratford, London, and Mitchell. HOLMESVILLE Mr. Pierce presided at the meeting of the Y.P.U. held on Friday evening. Opening with a hymn played by Miss Muriel Miller, the members joined in repeating the Lord's Prayer. This was followed by the scripture reading tak- en by Bill .Wilding and then Billy Herbert gave the topic for the even- ing. The president, Frank Yeo con- ducted the business period and a splendid musical number was given by Gordon and Lloyd Stocky Mr. Brogden McMath contributed a read- ing and the meeting was concluded with a short devotional period. BR U CEFIELD To Send Aid to, Western Areas An appeal has been made to the congregation and community of Brucefield Church from the dried -out areas in Western Canada for cloth- ing, bedding, books and magazines. The donations should be left either at the home of Mrs. James McQueen or at the church before' December 14. On that date the bale will be packed in the schoolroom of the church and sent on hi an effort to make the Christmas season a brighter, happier time for those in unfortunate circum- stances. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs, J. Walker return- ed home last week after• visiting friends in Growsell,: Michigan, Mrs..W. Stevens hacl a visit from her four daughter recently. Mr. and .Mrs. Ross Scott and Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Haugh are spending: a fedv; days this week in Toronto. Red �I�TD and �/%te Store Fresh Quality Fruits and Vegetables at all Tames Make up your Order at the following Low Prices GRAPEFRUIT, Florida 'Seedless, large size, FLORIDA ORANGES, Good size, Seedless, Sweet Juicy, one dozen FANCY GRAPES, one pound 6for25c • HEAD LETTUCE, large heads, BANANAS, Golden Yellow, dozen FRESH CRISP CELERY, 25c 1Oc 2 for 19c 23c 2 bunches 9c Washed Coreless Carrots Waxed Table Turnips Cooking Onions Sweet Potatoes Spanish Onions, Home Grown 4 lbs 10c '5 lbs 10c 5 lbs 7c 41bs 15c 2 lbs 13c Spinach, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Green Peppers, Caulifower, Radish, Brussels Sprouts, Celery Hearts, Green Beans, Fresh Mushrooms -at City Prices. A Cordial Invitation is Extended to Everyone to Visit Our \Store and Enjoy a Cup of Hot Fragrant Coffee, and Cookies. Free Suckers for all Children accompanied by Parents or Friends. SEE RED AND WHITE HANDBILLS FOR SPECIAL GROCERY PRICES THIS ADVERTISEMENT EFFECTIVE DEC. 1, 2 & 3 • Winter Wreaths Why not an attractive WINTER WREATH for your lot at the Cemetery re- placing the Summer hanging bas- ket. We have 'Wreaths of pre- pared holly trimmed with red berries which are not expensive, and .are particularly suitable to place at this season. They are available in three sizes. We will be glad to show them to you. WINTER BOUQUETS We have pretty made-up bouquets for small containers. They are only 26c each. Mums large and small in assorted colors are now at their best Bunches of Small Mums Splendid value — 50c a bunch Prepared Oak Leaves n Red, also autumn shades -- 25c a spray. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Telegraph Delivery Association. Phones 176 and 31. RILEY'S GROCERY. Where Quality Sells & Service Tells EXTRA SPECIALS Seedless Raisins, 2 Ib. 23c best quality Seeded Raisins, 2 lb. 29c Valenvia Raisins, 2 Ib. 25c large ).\leached Raisins..........Ib. 18c Recleaned Currants, 2 Ib. 25c Orange and Lennon Peel, .... , . 23c Citron Peel, 32a X Mixed Cut Peel with Red and 3 Green Cherries 25c 44, Loose Cherries .... 45c,£ Shortening, Pie Crust, .... 2 lb. 23c;* 3 Ib. Icing Sugar 25c. Fresh Cocoanut ,, 23e'•; Shredded or Dessicated Grapes, 2 ib. 19c Largo Grape Fruit, 7 for 25e Head Lettuce, 2 for 19c EXTRA! EXTRA! With ' 31.00 Order or More 10 lbs: White or Brown Sugar will be sold for 50c. RILEY'S Grocery — FREE SNAPPY DELIVERY -- PHONE PHONE 39 ..... L!.T_F.I»7 PLEASE YOUR LADY FRIEND A MOST ACCEPTABLE GIFT WOIULD BE A GOOD CEDAR CHEST We are sole agents for that famous Lane line, the kind that are absolutely air tight and all made of Tennessee Red Cedar with the finest Walnut veneer to make a beautiful piece of furniture to match the rest of the furnishings of your room and they carry Insurance against *Moth damage. You will also find other re- liable lines slightly lower in price. Shop early as we will be pleased to store them until you want them, HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Here you will find many useful gifts, Cutlery, Electric Irons, Toasters and Curlers, A Coleman or Alladin, Gas or Coal -011 Lamp, would be a very nice gift. It won't be long before Skating and Hockey will be the past - time. Get the famous C. C, M. Skates and Boots, the kind most champions use. As usual we will be pleased to store away your selections until wanted. The Store With the Stock. BALL and ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE +• Embalmers, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. Phones: Store 195; N. Ball, 110; J. J. Zapfe, 103 .....4.4.;;;•1•34.444...1444.1.44.4:4:434/::" 04,..1 �ItvItC tlelew«I«pet:A3M r•I( *b?*:»'1IT tea ....motootot"vwwaov CHRISTMAS BAKING SPECIALS pugar, Granulated or Yellow, Huron Pastry Flour, 24 lb. Rose Baking Powder, 1 lb. tins Shortening, Crescent Brand, 2 lb. for Seedless Raisins, 2 lb. for Puffed Seeded Raisins, 2 lb. for Bleached Raisins, per lb 10 ib. 53c 45c 15c 21'c 21c 27c 17c 23c Currants, 2 ib. for 25c Dates, pitted, 2 lb. for 23c Lexia. Raisins with Seeds, 2 lb. for Dates with pitts, 3 lb. for Glace Cherries, large and whole, per Ib. Glace Citron Peel, per lb. Mixed Cut 'Pe'el, per lb. 23c 45c 33e 23e Lenton and Orange Peel, per ib. Cooking Figs, 2 lb. Shelled 'Almonds, per lb. Shelled Walnuts, per lb. Mincemeat, 2 ib. carton, each Cocoanut, shredded, per lb. 23c 19c 53c 49c 25c 21c EXTRACTS, Vanilla, Orange, Pineapple, Cherry, Banana, Raspberry, Winter Green, Straw- berry, these extracts are regular 10c num _hers, Sale Price, 2 bottles for 15c Icing (Sugar, 3 lb. for 25c.. •STAR SPECIAL — We will meet any price ort Canned Goods in Clinton this weekend. These , Prices are for cash and good to the end of this week. ;a.