The Clinton News Record, 1938-11-10, Page 7'TlH 1JRS, NOV. 10, 1938
[ 6C'IIY 1^i,(i•Sv" f�Li - 1..+5 Y ,4, uNMn, , o- I
e' Better Mace a1� Which to Live and Work
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Here They Will Sing You Their
Once more Remembrance Daya
T • y,
A Series of Letters from Distinguished"'Canadians on Vital 1'
Problems Affecting the Future Welfare of Canada
Gey, Sometimes Sad—But L1Waj'Se Helpful •
and Inspiring.
preaches., Particularly at this titno
our minds travel _backwards and we
visualize a da thin
y y years ago
y«,:, , y ,,�«w<,«y+,»•;«p ,«;«; ,„1Hµ33•
The fifth anniversary of National
In the care of the sick, Uesides
the physician, there are engaged,
practical and trained nurses, drug -
Specially Written for Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association
., s,
Ten million spirits --restless and sighing,.
Scarce yet their bones ate mingled with dust;
'"Tiley died for peace" = an all -glorious vision,
"Ta end all wars;” their sacred trust, .
Little white crosses, what do .they stand for?
Naught"isobut an, eritble war clouds have
The "vision" is blurred, the war clouds have. -gathered,
•. And men have forgotten the promises made.
Oh, Man of the C%oss,' leak down now in pity
On a world all bewildered with friction and hate;
Bring hack the `vision" that ten million died for,
Raise up the Cross of Peace ere 'tis too late!
1 ti� —Maud Kerr.
when the world rejoiced that war was
over, that the nations had learned
a lesson; and that the time had come
when 'Empires never again would
,nest one another on the field; of
battle. We read and re -rend Colonel
John McCrae's immortal ,lines:
"In Flanders fields the poppies blow
.Between the crosses, row on row,
That meek our place and in the slc
' Y
The lark, still bravely singing fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below,
We aro the Dead. Short days ago-
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow
Laved and were loved, now we lie
In Flander's fields.
Take ups Our quarrel with the /foe
Ta you from' failinghands we throw
The torch. Be to hold it high
gists, cooks, dietitians, orderlies,
Cheese week commenced November ambulance drivers, hospital record
7, The object of National Cheese clerks, x-ray and` laboratory techni-
week is to call attention to the value cions, anaesthetists, physical therapy'
of cheese as a ;wholesome and econ- . technicians and thousands of social
omtcal food, and also to serve as a workers. Each. of these are special-
reminder that Canada ms world -fan- fists in their res ective duties. The
ous for its cheese and that cheese physician is, of the entire lot, the
making is a leading feature of Can -only one who'understands the whole
aaas important dairy industry. The problem of the care of the sick. He
following recipes are taken from the
bulletin "Cheesg for Better. 1VPea1s" is the master mind. He is prob-
ably the most highly trained man in
which may be obtained free on ap- our civilization_ It is only after a
plication from the Publicit and Ex -y
tension Division Dominion De art- high school education, 0 years in a
' P medical school, one or two years as
meat of Ag • riculture Ottawa:
' CHEESE SOUP an interne in hospital and from 3
to 5years in further
4 cups milk , Post -graduate
2 . work that he is qualified for a spec-
or 3 slices onion ialt . The cost of his education,in-
Dear Mr. Editor:
' Mr. Geo, W. James, editor Can-
adian Statesman, Bowmanville and
President of the Canadian Weekly
Newspapers Association is strivingtheymight
tb get opinions on How to make
Canada a better land to work and
Live in". His request that the Editor
of the Htintingdon Gleaner trite ex-
pression along these lines is indeed
an honor,
The subject is stupendous for any
humble weekly newspaper editor to
give expression upon,
PYet every other--
adian must have an opinion,
wise he or she are not true citizens
of Canada.. -Your people
pope in their
twenties and thirties, I am inclined
to feel work along the same lines
as I did when passing through that
stage of life; that to attain success
life the accumulation of dollars
is all important. True, they are
essential and beneficial, but dollars
alone do not make for ha ine
pp' ss and
learning how -to live. Usually the,
ambitious youths who are attaining
success in accumulating dollars have
a breakdown in health, and it is then
they take time to consider what is
important in life.
To make Canada a better place to
live in, it must .be a good place to
worlc in. In order to accumulate the
necessary dollars let the individual
realize that all folks mttstn live and
share in accumulation of worldly
goods. In place of assuming all re -1
sponsibilities in operating your busi-I
ness, small or large, share that re -provides
sponsibility with your fellow men.!
They'in turn will appreciate the con -`man
fidenee placed in them. Their brain
and energy is placed in the work that
is confronting them. In other words)
combined brains are exercised in
order to bring about the tangible re-[
sults of a real successful business,
The two men, ornumber of men and
women that may have collaborated
to bring about the accomplished task
p '
have' pleasure in looking back over
their accomplishments, and what
g pursue. ' '
The happy environment that exists
in the various pxogkessive weekly
newspaper offices that I know of are
adopting this very principle of pre:
clueing their newpapers. Where this
spirit of collaboration exists we find
Canada's largest and best newspap-
ers. If such is true to the conduct
ing c newspapers, it must also be
applicable to other business enter-
Canada is generally speaking : a
country made up of rural communi-
ties, small towns and small cities. In
each and every. one of these'coma
munities a Board of Trade is essen-
tial. Havinga Board of Trade does
not necessarily mean it is to function
for 'the' sole purpose of locating in.
dustrials and building up retail sales
programmes. On the contrary, a
Board of Trade is a non-sectarian
organization that affords an oppor.
tunit to bringall men into contact
with one another. The men learn
more about their oppositions in busi-
ness. They learn to acknowledge the
good points in every man's make-up,
After becoming so acquainted with
their fellow citizens the too co -
operate With one another to their
mutual benefit.
After all is said and done we go
through life for the enjoyments it
if we are only open mind-
ed and willing to accept. It is the
with a smile and the greeting
that cheats that makes Canada a
better place to live and work in.
Yours truly,
Editor The Gleaner' .
Huntingdon, Quo.
t With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
England mourns for her dead across the sea.
Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,
Fallen in the cause of the free.
Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal
Sings sorrowup into immortal spheres.
There is music in the midst of desolation
Anda glory that shines upon our tears. "
They went with songs to battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, tree of eye, st$ady and aglow.
They were staunch' to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe,
They shall not old as we that are left grow old;
Ifye break faith with us who die
We slrall not sleep thou h o
g poppies
In Pleader's fields:
The heroes, who fell at that time
have thrown the torch to us and toed
keep faith with them. Have we failed
to hold the beacon light high?- The
condition of the world today is an-
saver to that question. The shame of
the unsettled condition at the present
time rests with the individual.
The story is told of a father, who
was"delighted to look after his young
son for the evening. In order to
carry on with some work he wished
to Purchased a jig saw had he do
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour eluding lost earnings, may reach the
sum of $15' to $20,000.
1 teaspoon salt
1-8 teaspoon pepper By training and by experience, heg
3-4 cup grated cheese is the only one in the group who is
Yolks of 2 eggs. presumed to know the nature of the
Scald. milk with onion, Remove onion. natieut's illness, the tests necessary
to be made for makinga diagnosis,g'
Melt butter in top part of doublem
boiler, Blend in flour. Add hot the various types of treatment re-
milk and seasonings and stir con- quhed and the chances of the pa-
stantly until mixture thickens. Cook tdent's recovery under the treatment
five minutes. Add beaten egg yolks. administered. It is only the physi-
Cook one minute and add grated cion who is concerned with all the
cheese. -Beat with egg beater and aspects of the care of the sick. All
the others are concerned with some
serve at once. Egg yolks maynbe
omitted but they make a richer and single aspect of the case. Who then
more delicious soup. but the physician is entitled to have
the final say as to what is to be
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, r
At the going down of the sun and in the earning
We will remember them,
• They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;
They sit no more at familiar tables at home;
They have no lot in, our labor of the daytime;
They sleep beyond England's foam, .
But where our desires are and our hopes profound,of
Felt as swell -spring that is hidden from sight,
' To the .innermost heart of their -'own land they are knowg
At the stars are known to the Night.
As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust,
Moving in.marches upon the heavenly plain,
As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,
To the end, to the end, they remain.
—Laurence Binyon.
puzzle for the lad. It was an in-
of mind work and when
finished showed the map of the
world. In a short space of time the
boy had it completed. The father
amazed, asked him how he had as-
sembled it so quickly. "Well" replied
the lad, "I saw there was a picture
a man, on the other side so I
put him together and then turned it
over. -
How true that is of. life to -day?
We look at the profit to the ing
diviaual. The world conditions are
secondary to the personal element.
There is a certain amount of greed
and selfishness in each one of us,
and it is a combination of these in-
dividual characteristics which has
done for the patient and how it is
to be done?
CHEESE PUDDING In these days we hear people talk
4 slices buttered bread glibly of state medicine with but 'rho
%inch thick faintest notion of what state medi_
11/3 cups grated cheese ciao is, or how it can be carried out.
• 3 eggs. if state medicine means that doctors
r/3 teaspoon mustard are to become civil servants, to be
2 cups mills hired and fired at the whim of poli-
Salt titian, then we rise to remark that
it won't work. If it means that the
Cut bread in cubes. Arrange altern-
medical practice of the future is) to
ate layers of bread and cheese in
buttered dish. Beat eggs. Add milk be governed and managed by con-
mnercial concerns, like a great factory
and seasonings..Pour over breadthe
and cheese. Set in pan- of hot water the say again'that it -won't work.
and hake in moderate over (850 de- Successful medical practice de-
grecs F,) until pudding is firm— wands intimate confidence between
about 45 minutes. doctor and patient. No bureaucracy,
no committee and no, organization,
For more than a generation
youngsters have been getting cash
gifts frons- aunts and grandparents
in the mails through the medium of
the "shin plaster" which just fitted
an envelope nicely.
But the Canadian government no
longer issues these 25 gent bills and,
what is more, is gradually recalling
those which come into its posses-
slop through the Bank of Canada.
Issue of these notes was stopped
about five years ago,
Local banks, and several other of-
(ices which require a considerable
amount of cash, hoard these bilis for
the convenience of customers. It is
often possible to dig up one or two
on a trip around these banks and of -
As no new bills are being issued
those still in circulation are getting
quite ragged
q and soon will have to
be sent in for cancellation. The time
is not far distant when' these little
cash gifts will have to be sent in
the form of postal notes, which is
probably the government's aim.
brought God's to it is
the members of which do not see
Enoblcd b ythe mightiness of Life
That poured its valour in eager souls,
They turned from boyhood and the pleasant goals
Of sport and home and love, to join the strife
Of God and Chaos, following the fife
And drums of sun -belated Michael, who controls
The cosmic war, and as the battle rolls,
Leads the young champion where death most is rife.
Some 'lost their! bodies, garments of the flesh,
Yet theywill ,come anew, but now theyrestit"
A glorious company in realms of light;naction
With joy they'll come, their spirits to enmesh
Once Wore in dust, still plighted to the quest,
To clear the world of all the brood of night.
--A, E. S. Smythe.way,
world what
to -day.
The great cause of the trouble and
restlessness rampart at this time is
that we will not sit at the feet of
Jesus and learn of Him.
An old adage says: "Money is the
root of all evil' but very closely as-
sociated with that is individual sel-
fishness. We lack the one thing
really needful in our lives, that is
the love of God.all
John Oxenham in "The Hidden
Years" says "It is in God's hands,
He will see to So in this Com
with world affairs. 'The), are
in God's keeping. He will see to
them, but we must support Him with
our prayers. We do not know the
but we have the privilege ;p
knowing our guide, He holds the
ane) examine the patient, can hope
CHEESE RINGS WITI3to succeed as the family doctor suc-
VEGETABLES coeds. In every plan of medical prac-
tic° the doctor, to show the largest
1 cup milk measure of success, must be a free
1 cup soft bread crtunbs agent. No outsider can be allowed
1 egg to dictate the medical procedure, nor
11� cups cooked macaroni the remedies or other measures de-
1 cup cheese, diced signed for cure. The doctor must
1 tablespoon minced parsley remain the master in the house of
1 tablespoon chopped pimento medicine.
1 teaspoon minced onion There is a further consideration.
3 tablespoons melted butter The prevention of disease has made
Salt and pepper such extraordinary advances even
1 PP
Scald milk. Add to bread. Add well winthin the last 25 years, that no
beaten egg and other ingredients. system of so-called state medicine or greasedring
Pour into mould and health insurance which is a different
poach in a moderate oven (350 de- thing altogether, can be economically
groes F.) for about 50 minutes, successful unless attention is given
Turn out on hot latter. Pour fill- to preventive measures against tis-
P p' g
ing in centre and garnish with par- ease. Prevention is verily the basis
i ° acs `
. .vim•
Hope held his hand and ran with him together,
Despair, the coward, at their Doping, fled,
torch and Hewill lead ns. In. spite
of misunderstandings and difficulties
between nations, FIe lives and Ile will
In connection with torches Ralph
Conner in his recent books
sley, Filling -1 cup medium cream of the entire medical problem. We
sauce, 2 cups cooked 'vegetables, sueh can prevent tuberculosis, smallpox,
as 1 cup cooked peas or 1 cup cooked diptheria, scarlet fever, measles and
t, ihoitl fever, for name but a small
carrots salt and to Yl ,
, pepper.
minority of diseases. Future medi-
Like a young rain, he shook his horned head,"
And broke away from his restraining tether.
He loved the sea he loved the cleansing' flame;
No, woman yet, his heart was all too . young;
Over time plain of life his heart was flung,
one of
"Torches in the Bush" tells of the
conversion of Dr, Dugald through the
instrumentalt of the torch of the
love of God held before hint by Mary,
cine, we predict, will be concerned
more with revention than with cure.
In this field 'again, the doctor is the
AS IMPORTANT FOOD master muted.
(4 .¢
y° ;'
4' l��fl.
„„ g, ., .$ DA
Seeking for jeopardies that he might tame.
He cloaked his faith with laughter, but his faith
Was certain, as his confidence was gay,
And laughing went.he, till on that last day
The hands stretched out to life were clasped by death.
—Victor Sackville -West, in Collected Poems,
the 'wife of the resident minister.
The story is beautiful in its simplic-
ity, but it is' no more touching than
the reality of the toselhes which are
being held up to -day by the earthly
saints of God. Are we holding One,
and are we carrying it so high that
everyone may see it?
National Cheese Week sails atten
tion to the merits of cheese as a body
building food. .On this . subject the
Heath Economist of the Dominion. De-
partment of Agriculture have sum
maiized the most important facts
about cheese.
Cheese is a Canadian dairy prod-
Lle Eiblii
y s :,
Y d1x ]w
y m ,,y,
honour all men. Love the broth-
Fear God and "Honor the King"
• A. Er
We have certainly fallen short of
the challenge thrown out to us by
the men and women who fell in the''is
great wax of 1914-18, We honor to-
clay the memo of those who gave
Cheese supplies the highest
bod bulldin =termprotein)quality
Y g (.for
the growth and repair' of tissue,
Cheese, like milk ranks first!
3+C s '' Ike : 4
tzl ` �t3
, rat, o .� '.
s� . ata 'yi
a ;.±
"a y
y{ "'°' a
":"4c�L f
Muriel Watson
se t
d o Worry
about' Bob's fCe-
y 4i
• �, Na
y as,
.�'� �"
a ," ,�
:rhood: Tear Goll Honour the
:ing".—(I Peter 2:17).
Tow can I serve my country
And' honor my gracious Ming,
aithfully and sincerely—
Consistent iu everything?'
ing riot cross the ocean
To bow at the, royal th}one;
'nay not attain high honor',
Or even my name be known,
ret -'I can love mybrother
At home as welas abroad,
Lad find it's onlyanother:
Our gallant sons went worth to war
Against a mighty host
g' Y
And rode with death in crimson. car,
But counted not the, cost,
With lion hearts and souls . aflame
With patriotic fire
Our comrades won immortal fame
Time sons o£'worthy sire.
They invited their name on history's
For.,'ever gto abide
their lives in that great. conflict as,
well as those who were saved from.
the supreme sacrifice at that time.
Many o£ those: have singe lived a
life of intense suffering, bothphysi--
Cally and mentally: Brave as 'they
aro, owing to these conditions, some
have wished that God had seen fit
to take them while on the battle
To these we extend our sympathy,,
Our daily and hourly prayer is that
if it ifi God's will and according'to,
His place that 'the world, may be at
among foods as a source of teeth s
and bone building material (calcium) THE
Cheese contains, fat in a highly�Btl 6��iF�t
concentrated form for :heat and en ,i�� f
ergy .' ,
Its free—write
Cheese is an abundant source of ® Fits the
health -promoting vitamin A. cm of
Cheese dishes are an excellent and Kato
• over
means of providing the protein in the over once
meal.. • Pours
o Protides
Cheese ms tit economical £Dorf—high measurements.
in food value—low in cost.. • makes
table container.
, Cheese can . be used to advantage •Tho yrotecttvo
as a snbstittlte for more ex pensive ,
protein foods,
P ods,
o "Y'
g�pg p g �g
B �C9� �i ����1
for tete NOW
special top Of the 2 lb.
Crown Brand, Lily White
and can be used '
over agate.
without a drip.
means of accurate
the 2 n,. tin an excellent
cap praorlalcove[
raw edges
,zIy'p ,. ,-
. -.
r» ,z� :
fsr 4
( sYstecyetig
alive t. �'
( at cAu�y
to the ,
of Civilization" to mining towns and
camps where life was rough and
few.: Now he telephones her and the
from each new location, cheering them,
and hamself, in the process. "After all",
er e
he muses you re never out; of eiviliza-
,. a y sr
tion as longasyou have the telephone.
Reductions in telephone rates—local and long
distance — in 1935, '36 and '39 have effected
savings to telephone users in Ontario and
Quebec of nearly one million dollars yearly.
Goodway honoring God. •
the Christian standard
I"s task of the first .decree—
faking the place of our land
The home' of .the glad sand free.
:its would I serve m country,
Y Yr
And honor my fellow .men;
'has would I rove my;loyalty--
And glory won from age to age
To stem the crimson tide.
... '
Bright' scarlet , o
g , poppies o'er them
Bright as the blood' they shod,
And watered with the tears that flow
Upon our GIorious Dead,
—•James MacGregor,
,I tf
From ocean o. ocean,
Onr land shall awn Thee Lord
And, filled with true devotion -
Obey Thy sovereign word;
Our prairies and our mountains,
Forest and fertile field,
Our fivers, lakes and fountains
To Thee shall tributes yield."
Cheese adds flavour` when used
•t , - ..- .Tell the boys chat m,ortnke
with bland foods, such as rice, spag gackey stare can e4i1;
potatoes. CROWN B
hetti and r
,. of RAND'•.
Cheese, a highly concentrated food ®RAND
should be served with bulky foods !1®
such as cereals', fruit', and green
leaf ve etables. ®�� �
Y g
Cheese is a highly nutritive food, The Famous Energy
condiment. •
of fxmouo
be ob;fised for
temple ;. '
1t I
CO.,Limited, Toronto