The Clinton News Record, 1938-11-10, Page 5'TOURS, NOV. 10, 1938
concerned with money matters
la mule A FAMILY circle the woman of the: house is the executive
head as well as the heart of the home.
"Po conserve family funds; to spend wisely; to safeguard the
present and future welfare of the family . these, as well as
'purely domestic responsibilities, are has today.
IISo she uses ha bank . not merely as a safe place to keep
cher money,but also for friendly talks with the manager when
,financial problems arise.
Neighbourhood branches of The' Royal Bank welcome women's
accounts. The personal attention of the manager is available to
women clients at any time. Ask him for these useful booklets --
• Family Budget Book.
• Financial Training for your Son and Daughter.
The Baptist Ladies Aid met at the
--home of Mrs. Frank Raithby on
Thursday afternoon with a good at-
tendance present. Mrs. Chas. How-
son was in charge. The devotional
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toll.
The W.M.S. of the United Church
held their regular 'monthlymeeting
in the lecture room Tuesday after-
noon with Mrs. Wm. Anderson in
charge of the devotional period. Mrs.
Earl Wightman gave the first chap -
period was taken by Mrs. Jas. Web -
of the study book "Wearing the
• stem and W. M. Robertson, Read -
Mrs. Gordon McClinchey and
. Ings -were given by Mrs. Glen Raith- Mrs. Tom Wilsgn gave readings in
• bd, Mrs. Webster and Mrs. Jas. keeping with the topic. A chorus
Raithby. Mrs. Wm, Haggitt and Mrs. was sung by Mrs. Wm. Anderson,
Earl McKnight sang a duet, The Mrs. G. McClincltey, Mrs. E. Wight -
topic "prayers' which was prepared man, Mrs. Tom Wilson, Mrs. Joe
by Miss Small of Toronto was read' Irwin accompanied by Mrs. R. D.
• by Mrs. Elmer Robertson. The tops'Munro. The president Mrs. Jas.
• of two quilts were donated and the Woods took charge of the business
society will- make another top and period. It was decided to send a
the three quilts will be quilted at a bale of clothing to the West next
' • later date. The December sleeting week,
will be held at the home of Mrs. j Messrs. Ephrein Ball, Jas. Medd,
James Raithby. Mrs. Annie Walper George Beadle, Peter Patterson, and
closed the meeting withprayer. Al Thomas Riddell motored to Sarnia
dainty lunch was served . by the' and Port Huron last . Thursday.
hostess and Mrs. John McKnight. Mr. and. Mrs. Bert Nott and Geral -
The Forester's Hall was the scene dine of Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs.
of ,a happy gathering Friday evening Abe Smith and family of Dungannon
'when about 160 friends and relatives Were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W.
met to honor Mr,, and Mrs. Wesley T. Robison on Sunday.
Bradnock (Eleanor Wilson) who were! Miss Martha Patterson of Toronto
recently married. Dancing was en- spent' the weekend with her cousin,
joyed the early part of the evening.' Miss Josephine Weir,
Following the lunch hour' Roberti Anniversary services were held in
Turner called Mr. and Mrs. Brad- Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday
nock to the platform and Miss Jose -.and very large crowds were in at-
phine Weir read an address and .and
at both services, The special
Charles Jones and Stewart Fergus- speaker was Rev. C. H. MacDonald
on. presented them with a beautiful of the Lueknow-Dungannon charge
walnut cedar chest. Mr. Bradnock and at present Moderator of • the
thanked all for their gift and extend, -,Synod of Hamilton and London. The
ed a hearty invitation to 'visit them preacher's morning subject was
in their home here. Robt. Turner • "Measuring Life in the Terms of the
'was chairman for the following pro- i Cross," speaking from Matt.' 10-36,
gram: solos by Audrey Toll; Misses and the theme at the evening ser -
Betty and Ila Craig favored with a viae was "What is Christianity". The
duet and tap dancing tvith Mrs, Wil -1 text 'being Gat 2:20. In part he
liam Craig as accompanist. I said it was a grievance to hint to
Conlgt•atulations are due Missthink that so many people conte out
Josephine Weir daughter of Dr, B.Ito church only on Anniversary Sun-
' C. Weir, who received third prize, i days. At the morning service Misses
a beautiful bronze medal at the:Peggy, Marion and' Helen MacDonald
'Canadian Musical Festival at London the:
all of Lueknow sang two trios, and,
Nit Tuesday evening. at the evening service they sang one
Mr.; and Mrs, Harry Wagner and trio, and Helen and Peggy MacDon-
Mr, and Mrs. Jasper MCBrien are ald sang a duet, The Hot Fowl Sup-
• oh a motor trip to Detroit. per in connection with the anniver-
Mr, Dan Geddes of Wingham spent
' the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Har-
vey McGee.
Mr, and Mrs. Win. Mutsu and Miss
Dorothy Mutch of Clinton spent Sun-
day with Mrs. M. Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson and
Bernice spent Sunday at Seaforth.
Mr, and Mrs Ezekiel Phillips and
Laura, and Mr. and Mrs, Thos, S.
Johnston. were in London on Monday.
Miss Dorothy Craig of Stratford
• agent the weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Craig.
Mr. Conrad Decker of Lucknow
spent Sunday with Mr. Geo. Yu
ales, Annie •McCool of Stratford is
- vigiting' her daughter, _ Mrs. Wm.
Robison and Iter. Robison.
The regular monthly meeting of
the -•Women's Institute will be held
• in the Forester's Hall on Tuesday,.
November 16th. The, subject "League
of Nations. and International Peace"
will be taken .by Mrs. Howard Rob-
ertson. The roll call, "Your favorite
Mot Supper Dish". The. hostesses,
Mrs. Geo. Sturdy, Mrs. Jas. Howitt
:..and Miss Josephine_Weir. • I
1Mliss Amelia McIlwain has return-
aed !hone after. spending some time
with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Chesney of
Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Donald and;
Misses Peggy, Marion 'aria Helen,
MaeDohald all: of :Lueknow were
• guests 01 Mrs. Fred Ross and Donald
on Sunday, a 1
Mi. Loretta Toil 'Of Nashville • and`
';itfl;,,l owdrd Getalfellow of "Nobleton
sary services will be served in the
I church basement on Friday, Novem-
ber 11th, and a concert will be pre-
sented in` the Forester's Hall. •
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
i Allister Murray. A. little girl has
come to brighten their home.
1 Mr. Clayton Elliott h a s changed
his Chev.. for a '32 Plymouth coupe.
Mr. Alvin Elliott spent the week -
lend at his home here.
Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Chutte
z of Lon-
don spent Sunday wth Mr. and Mrs.
E. Chatter.
Mr. Nelson Reid and Mr. Ernie Me-
Clinchey spent Saturday in London.
Rev. Mr. Peters attended Presby-
terial this week.
Mrs, Roy Dowson went flown to
Thames Road United Church last
evening to assist with the concert
given at the South Huron Plowmen's
banquet. •
Special Artnistice. Day Service will
be held in the township hall, Varna,
on Friday morning at 10 o'clock.
Mrs. Lottie McAsh called on friends
last week on her way to visit her
brother, Mr. Frank Weeks.
• Mr. and Mrs. John Argo'` and babe
of Toronto spent the weekend with
the ladies parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mc-
Beginning on Sunday, November
°13th,services in St. John Church,
Varna, will be held at 11i atm.r:
The aminal reunion of the Lyon
family was held on Saturday, Octob-
er 29th at the home of Mr, and •Mr's,
Arthur Kerslake of Exeter and took
the form of n.fowl dinner. Thirty-
two sat down to well laden tables
where all did justice 16 the good
things to eat. The weather was ideal
and sports were held on the lawn
after which a program was enjoyed
Lunch was served at the supper hour.
Sunday was an ideal day—warm
and bright, baltny as summer, when
a large erowd assembled for the an-
niversary of the United Church. Rev.
Wright of Brucefield preached both
motmnng and• evening. The choir
rendered excellent music, the an-
thems being very fine. The altar was
beautifully decorated with 'mums and
looked very attractive.
Mr. Geo. McVittie has sold his
farm and is now settled in the vil-
lage, having bought the house -re-
cently vacated • by Mt. Bert Bruns -
Mr. Williams of Goderich Townhip
is busily engaged digging a well for
Mr. Wm, Knox.
Mr. and,.Mrs. Campbell of West-
field spent the Weekend with Mrs. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Snelling spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyon.
Mr. Brean of Goderich spent the
weekend at Win. Griffith's.
Mrs. Herb. Oakes of Goderich
township spent a few days recently
at the home of her sister`, Mrs. Fred
Mrs. Arthur Kerslake and babe are
visiting with her mother, Mrs. H.
Miss L. Young spent Saturday at
Ma and Mrs. Dan Crawford, Jack
and Margaret, Mrs. E. Crawford
spent Sunday at Mr. Fred Prest's.
Miss Helen Youngblutt of London
spent the weekend with her parents.
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Stevens and
family of Seaforth spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs..J. Nott.
Mr, J. Miiville returned to her
home on Saturday after spending the
past month with relatives at Trow-
At a recent meetng of the Orange
Lodge the following officers were.
elected for 1939: W.M., Bro. Fred
Gibbs; Deputy. Master, Bro, R. Town-
send; chaplain, Bro. Harry Honking;
rec.-sec., Bro. Art. Weymouth, Blyth;
sec.-treas., Bro. John. Nott, Londes-
bore; Marshall, Bro. Geo. Mains,
Blyth; lecturers, A. Shaddick, E.
Hesk'; committee, Bros., Wm. Brom-
bly, Chas.' Weymouth, Herman Sun-
dercock, Geo. McNall, Frank Little.
Mr. Peter Brown is now employed
in London.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Brinley and son
from near •Dungannon visited with
the lady'g grandmother on Sunday.
Mr. Elsner Lee who met with a
very serious accident some weeks
ago, is -reported to be recovering and
getting stronger. He is expected to
be able to leave the hospital this
week and return to his home.
The regular monthly meeting' of
the Women's Institute was held in
Community Hall on Thursday after-
noon of last week with 37' attending.
Meeting opened by singing commun..
ounu n-
ity songs followed by the Lord's
prayer in unison. Roll call "Sugges-
tions for school lunches" was •re-
sponded to by' 19 members. A dis-
cussion of how to make some money
for the Institute as fonds were get-
ting low. It was decided to have an
afternoon tea "Cafeteria Style" in
Community Hall Saturday, November
12th; tea committee, Mrs. R. Fair -
service, Mrs. G. Moon, Mrs. Caldwell,
Mrs. J. P. Manning; program coin.,
Mrs. D. Little, Mrs. P Manning, Mrs.
13..Brunsdon, Mrs. F. Thompson, The
following program was then present-
ed: Reading, Mrs. R. Vodclen; discus-
sion, "New Course of Study by Miss
D. 'Little who specializes in Kinder=
garden and Primary work; discussion
drawer, Mrs. W. Lyon. Dr. Toll,
Blyth, gave a report on result of
visit ig schools. and condition of
children teeth. He also showed" sev-
eral lantern' slides showing decayed
teeth andtold how to care for teeth,
to prevent decay. Mrs. J. P. Man-
ning, convenor for health and child
welfare arranged the splendid pro-
gram which was enjoyed by all pres-
ent. Lunch was served by committee
in charge.
Mrs. Rose Henderson of Seth, who
has been visiting with her brothers,
Ab. and Chas. Weymouth and other
friends left lastweek to visit . her
sister•, Mrs. Alf. Peters in Michigan.
Mr. and ;Mrs. Thos. Manning, Lon-
don, Mr. John Manning, Carlow, Mr.
and Mrs. Herb. Mogridge, Auburn,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.
P. Manning Sunday.
The W. A. of Ebenezer held their
monthly meeting on Thursday, No-
vembee 3rd, at the hone of Mrs.
Stanley Hebden: The president Mrs.
Merrill presided. The meeting open-
ed with a hymn. Scripture reading
and prayer by Mrs. Carman Maud,
The business' Was discussed and a
program given. Mr. Wilding gave
a talk and a musical contest was
conducted by Mrs, Morgan Jones. The
meeting' closed wth a hymn, followed
by prayer by Mr. Wilding.' Leach
was served by Mus. Howard• Williams
and Mrs. S. Hayden.'
"Mum'' Time
Our Greenhouse is a
beautiful place now.
Hundreds of Plants in
Bud and Blooms
We should appreciate your
Chas. V. Cooke
Phones: 66w and 661
A Good Poultry
Now that the harvest rush is over
you will be able to give more atten-
tion to your poultry. When you have
any chickens ready or your flock
needs culling kindly give us a call.
Our experienced egg-candlers will
handle your eggs quickly.
Phone 214j; Night 214w.
Willis Church, on Thursday, No-
vember 10th, Helen Ruth Powell,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Baden
Powell, Seaforth, became the bride
of Kenneth Charles Elliott, Clin-
ton. Rev. Andrew Lane officiated.
McNAIRN-CURTIS—At the home
of the bride's parents, on Wed-
nesday, November 2, Ruby Curtis,
Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Reuben Curtis, and Jack McNeirn,
St. Thomas, son of Mrs, David Mc -
Nairn, and the late David Mc Nairn
were united in marriage by Rev. `THE BOME OF GOOD EATS"
Levi Hussey. Phos• 2. Clinton.
WELLS-MAINS—At the home of
i Goderich
Now Playing: . Bobby Breen. in
Now: , „
the Howard Hughes L'pic
with the "DEAD END" KIDS.
�" "
Mon., Tues., Wed,
See WILL ROGERS again in one
of his most popular picture
"Life Begins at Forty"
Mon.. Tues., Wed.
IIerbert Marsl all, Cesar homers
and Bimtie Barnes
In the story of a noble sacrifice
Inca love that could not live
Mon., ,Tues!. Wed.
Jackie Moran — Victor .Tory
Present Mark Twain's immortal
story of boyhood hf magnificent
new Technicolor
"The AdVEntuIES Of
with David Holt and May Robson
Thurs., Fri., Sat,'
"Public Cowboy No. 1
Modern cattle rustlers are tracked'
down bya cowboy with a son •
in his heat t, and dynamite in his
Y g
Gene Autry — Smiley Burnette
and Ann Rutherford
Thur, Fri,, Sat.
Gene Autry Smiley Burnett
and Carol Hu hes a
Sin in', ridin', and' Invite in the
glrest western of the 'year.
"Gold Mine in the iBliy.
Thur, Fri., Sat.
Richard Arlen,— Beverly Roberts:'
and Lyle Talbot
an impressive novelty, action pie-
,tare featurin the awe -ins nm
, scenic wonders of Alaska g.
cc is
CaII o£ the Yulion.
. Coming: Fred Astaire and Ginger
Rogers in "CAREFREE"
Mat Sat and Holidays at 3'p,m..
Coming: Miriam Hopkins, Rey
Milland, Walter''Aael and Henry
Stephenson in "Wise Girl". •
Coming: Warren William and Gail
Patrick in 'Wives under Suspicion'
Mat. :Sat. and holidays at 3 pan.
Mat.: Wed., Sat., Holidays, 3 p.m.
Bartliff & Crich
Miss Et Mainsy' Londesbot•o, on
Saturday, November 6th., Marg-
aret Jane Mains and. Harvey John
Wells, of Blyth, were united in.
marriage by Rev. A. W. Gardiner.
MURRAY—In. Clinton hospital on
Sunday, November. 6th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Allister Murray of Varna, a
ANDERSON In Goderich township
on 'h, iiday, November 4th, Louis
A, Anderson, hi his 72nd year.
In loving memory of a dear hus-
band and devoted father, William
Guy Jones, who paseed away Novem-
ber 12th, 1937.
"Thereis a wife who misses you
And findsthe time long since you
And I think of you daily and hourly
But try to • be brave end content.
But the tears that I shed in silence,
And I breathe a sigh of regret
Fe you were Mine, and I remembered
Though all the rest may forget.
A special Armistice Day Service
will be held in the township hall at
Varna on Friday, November llth at
10 a.m. Ministers from the district
churches will take part in the ser-
Miss Langley of Wroxeter, Mr. and
bit's.- Jas. Laney of Toronto, Mr.
and Mrs. D. Bird of Walton, Mrs.
Jas. Walker and Mee. G. Wilson of
Clinton were visitors at the home of
Mrs. Jas. McQueen last week,
Mrs, A. McDonald and Miss Me -
Ash of Hensall are visiting at the
hone of their sister, Mrs. McKenzie
this week.
NIr. L, Robinson and Miss Ella
Robinson of Thanes Road and Mr.
Maucl Heywood of Exeter spent one
clay last week with Mr, and Mrs.
T. H. Wheeler.
Mr. and Mrs. George Doan of In-
wood, Mr. and Mrs. Reese] Wilson
and Mrs. Roy Doan of . Aberfeldy
spent the weekend with Mr,' and Mrs.
R. Dawson.
Mr.. Neil Yellowlees of I3owinanville
spent Sunday with Mrs. A. T. Scott.
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Scott and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe and Mr.
John McIntosh spent the weekend in
Mr, and ' Mrs. L. Cummings and
family of Walton spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. T. II, Wheeler.
Mrs. A. Patterson and children
spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. K.
Miss Hazel .Haugh of Toronto vis-
ited at her hone here one day last
Mr. anti Mrs. P. ',Cameron and
daughter of Kindersly, Sask. are
visiting Mr. Cameron's 'sisters„ Mrs.
H: Aikenhead and Mrs. W. Henry
of the London. Road and other _rela-
Mr.. Carlyle Cornish while playing
football one 'day last' week bad the
misfortune to have a bone in his
heel broken. We hope he will soon
be out again. •
Mr. L. Smillie of Erin, Mrs,' Alma
Shires and Mrs. Platt of Teeswater,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, 11.
F. Berry.
Rev. and Mrs. Wright and family
spent Sunday in, Londesbora where
Mr. Wright.. took the anniversary
bit... and Mrss C. McKenzie 'and
family of London spent Sunday` with
Mrs. 'Margaret' McKenzie;
Still Good
Our Special Offer of Last Week-
-$$50.00 or more in 'trade on your
present radio on the purchase »rice
of your eaoice of factory clearance
models new in stock. All New
Sparton and priced to sell,
We have arranged with the Spartan
factory to do our repair work. Ex,
pert workmanship and the best of
10 different Sparton Models on dis-
play now. See and hear them.
A number of second-hand radios and
one car radio at very low prices.
See your Sparton Dealer if you art,
interested in saving money an the
purchase price of a new radio.
Epps Sport_ Shop
for an Old and New Tyme
3a lb. box 19c
Rico Silver Cake 20c
.Do• Nuts 19c
Flaky and Spiced
Meat Pies Sc each
"The Horne 'of Pure Eats"
Wendorf's Bakery
and Restaurant
Phone 68
— Stratford-Goderich Coach Line —
Clinton daily for Stratford 8.10 a,m.
Daily except Sun. & Holi'ys 4.40 part
Suns. & Holi'ys 8.10 a.m. & 5.10 p,m.
Clinton daily for Goderich 2.00 p.m.
Daily except Sun. & hol'iys 8.20pan.
Suns. & Holi'ys 2.00 pan. & 10,40 p.m.
Direct Connections to all points.
Bartliff & Crich, Local Agents
C. Berner, Manager.
Household Effects
To be sold privately Tuesday to
Friday, November 8 to llth after-
noon,,and evening at J, A, Torranee's,,
, • 08-2,
'Here is a practical plan that will;
enable you to build an independent'
business of your own with the dis-'
tribution of over 200 guaranteed ne-
cessities in select districts. Everad
day is pay day! Repeat orders on
all goods. Low prices. Offer open!
to all honest, ambitious, alert men.
Write today without obligation tol
FAMILEX CO, 670 Iii. Clement, a irnTr.* * 'S
Friday, November 18th Montreal" lvilil j d j;j,I,
"Direct from a Season's .lour of ARMISTICE DAY Radio & Electric
Northern Ontario"
They're bigger and ,better than ever. S
Don't Miss Them, having been proclaimed by the Gov- .Ser'vlce
General Admission 30e ernnent of Canada, a Day of Rement-
C. Watson,Manager. Ibranee and a statutoryholiday, I
, Y,
therefore call upon all citizens to Farm ye Sale or Rent
observe it as such by cessation of acres; Con. 6, Hallett, well
Pigs for Sale all normal business activities. in watered, hear school, store and high -
A number of young pigs, ready to,commemoration of the sacrifices Way. Good house and stabling, im-
wean. Priced reasonable. Adam Steep,lntade by men and women of Canada mediate possession, ploughing done,
Clinton, Phone 606r12. 09-1. in the cause of Justice and Free- apply Mrs. Henry Marion, Clinton,
dom, across from Public School. 06-tf.
Notice "Let ns Remember Them"
I am ready to do knitting, plain GEORGE H. ELLIOTT, Mayor.
or fancy, hand or machine. Quilts.—NOTICE TO CREDITORS—�
and mats made to order. Have a l
double room and bedroom for rent.' In the Estate of Henry Galpin, late
Mrs. J, Ashton, Albert street. 09-1, of the Township of Goderich in
, the County of Huron, yoeman,
All persons having claims against
the Estate of the above deceased are
required to file the sante with the
undersigned Solicitor for the Execu-
tors, Thomas Elliott and Richard Wanted
House for Sale Mitchell, on or before the 12th day Highest cash prices paid for Old'
A good ten -roomed house, on Vic- of November 1938, after which elate Horses and Cattle fit for minis feed.
toria street with modern eonven- the assets will be distributed amongst Everything removed, If dead phone
iences, good garden, house in good the parties entitled thereto, having at once, Fred Gilbert, 608x22, CIin-
condition. Apply to Lorne or Charlie regard only to the claims of which ton. 79-tf-
Brown, Clinton; Ont. 09-tf,rnotice shall have been given.
I DATED at Clinton, this 20th dayf
For. Rent . of October, A.D. 1938.
House on Huron street in good permanently removed by Electrolysis..
condition,with furnace and quarter
acre land. Apply to this office.
Photographs of Distinction
Phone 116.
Developing and Printing
(Open Every Day)
10. Days Special
Isaac St., Clinton.
Our collecting department is a r&.
sult of years of successful experi•
ence in collecting Iocal or out-of-town
No collection, no charge
Mail your list of accounts to -day to
Burke's Collecting Agency,
(License 176)
Stromberg Carlson,
Quality at. New Low Price"
For exatiaple take tlie' new four -
tube battery set. It is equipped
with an economizer switch which
gives maximum performance from
a minimum number of tubes and
batteries. It is very sensitive, has;
lots of volume and a wonderful
tone. All models are built to give
top notch performance for many
A few pupils for guitar.
Mrs, C. Anderson, Maple street,
Clinton, Ont. 09-1.
House for Rent
Modern conveniences. Good lea -
tion. For rent at moderate price.
Apply to News -Record. 01-tf.-
Old horses or cattle for mink feed;;
if dead phone at once. Will pay ac.
cording to value, Elmer Trick, phone
607r5, or Lloyd Batkins, 6191:14.
84 t.f-.e-o-w
aphelia Foundation Garments
Eliminate that worry when. buying
F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors,
Thomas Elliott and Richard
Mitchell. 07-3
Family washing in basket lot or
a Corset, Girdle or Brassiere.. Have by piece. Would also do ironing.
an experienced .Corsetiere advise ou Prices reasonable and all world care cess street, Good garden and fruit
1 a
newest fully
materials. Misr. J.Sileoak,' done. Can arrange to call •for trees, electric lights and town water.
in .your home. Newest 'models, andHouse. in good condition. Apply at
'' an
Phone 265w. 09.2. et,d deliver if necessary. Mrs. Fleteh-
Huron & Erie streets, Clinton. the News -Record office. 75-e.
08-2p. Roofing
Phone Hensel 97r12
or write to Varna, Ontario 94-13
House For Sale
A very desirable residence on Prin.
Cider Mill
VARNA Our Cider Mill is now running
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Reid and every day. Bring your apples early.
family of Clinton spent Saturday Lot 21, con. 3, Stanley township.
with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys and John E. Popper, proprietor. Phone
family. 627 r. 13. 04-tf.
Mrs, W. J. Reid and Miss Etta of COUNTY COUNCIL
Port Huron, Mich, called on Sunday The next meeting of Huron County
on the farmer's brothers, Mr. Amos Council will be held in the Council
Keys and family. (Chambers., Court House, Goderich
Mr. Roy Keys visited on Sunday commencing Tuesday, November 15,
with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Erratt. 11938 at 2 p.m.
Mr. Roy lCeys visited on Tuesday All accounts, notices '01 depute-
with Mr. and Mrs; Win. Marshall of tions and other business requiring
Clinton. attention should be in the hands of
Mr. Lloyd Keys, Mr. Lorne Dow, the -County Clerk by November llth.
son and Mr. Wilfred Chuter spent ' J. M. ROBERTS,
Tuesday in Teeswater. County Clerk, Goderich, Ont.
We have a special liquid Fibre
Coating or Alumenix for steel roofs.
Also repair flat roofs. We sell -Ce-
ment Tops for chimneys Apply tin
Joe Becker, Clinton. Phone 42.
86 -ti',
For Sale
A house and barn. on Wellington
Street. Water and hydro. Apply to
J. E. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton.
Cleaning and Pressing
Suits, Cows and Dresses
If not open work nlsy be left ak
Blew Barber ShoR