HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-10-27, Page 5'HUMS., OCT. 27, 1938. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE 5' Arey ou one of the :200,000? THAT'S the approximate number of men and •*omen who come of age every year in Canada. Some start work at fourteen, sixteen or twenty; some go to college; some graduate from the school of hard ;knocks, and some never graduate from it. But there is one common ground on which all can meet, and that is the habit of saving money and putting ft in the bank regularly. A good habit, from which all conditions of men and women 8 Things to SAVE for Regularly recurring expenses, such as life insurance premiums. A home of your own: A child's education. Your wadding. Investments in sound securities. ._ An automobile. Bargains. for cash. A real holiday. will benefit. Money in the bank is far more than a reserve for "rainy" days. To each of this year's 200,000 a bank account will mean confidence, so essential to youth's suc- cess; and when opportunity comes along, a fund of ready cash to provide a means to grasp it. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH - - E. E.PATERSON,Monager AUBURN` Mr. and Mrs. Clayton nett to day for their new home at "Copper Cliff, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stonehouse of • 13e1gtave, Miss Agnes Matheson also • of Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs. R. Walker -.and family of Wingham, visited Mr, -rind Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips on Sunday. Miss Amelia Melllwain of Seaforth -yisited over the weekend with her iparents, Mr. and Mrs, W. McIlwain, We are sorry to report that Mr. .hind Mrs. Wm. Patterson are not as well as their many friends would like .'them to'be. Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Albert E. Millis, of ...Sault Ste, Marie. Mrs. Cullis was • a former resident here. Mrs, James Johnston of Bluevale visited for a few days with her par- ents, M. and Mrs. Wm. Dobie. Miss Mabel Foster spent fhb week- -.end at her home at Sheppardton. :Visitors over ` the weekend with Rev, and Mrs. H. C. Wilson were Mr. and Mrs, Elmo Riddell, Mrs. Frank Riddell, Shirley and Gerald Riddell, Mr. and Mrs, John Rimmer, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Walker, Mr. Lloyd Courtney, Mr. Geo, Culver, Mr. Don- • aid Walker, Miss Winnie' Meltis, Miss Gertrude Hyde and Miss Dorothy Palmer all of Wilsonville. Miss Margaret Ferguson of Park- hill visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson, Word has been received here of the death of Mr. Geo. Letup, aged • S1, of Hamilton. Mr. Lenp conducted an undertaking business here seine years ago. Mr, and Mrs, Wilber Longman, Kiss Edna Longman arid Mr. .Wm. .•Simpson all of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Phillips and Mrs. C. A, Howson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert King of God- ' • erlch, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry A,n- der'son of Lucknow,' visited on Sun- ' day with Mrs. Thomas Doyle. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, and Bernice and Miss Josephine 'Weir vis- ited with Mrs. Wm. Sclater on Sun - ,day. Mlis Weir was guest soloist in First Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning.. Anniversary services will be held in Knox Presbyterian Church here on Sunday November 6, The servicesrn ' will be 11 a,, and 7.30 pm. and the guest speaker will be Rev. C. H. MacDonald of Lucknow-Dungannon charge and Moderator 'of the Synod • of Hamilton and London. Special music will he rendered at this ser- Raithby. Stanley . McNeill gave a reading'. Robertson I On Wednesday night rale 200 friends and relatives gathered at the !Foresters Hall to pay honor to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Robertson who (were recently married. The evening, was spent in dancing to the music, , of Taylor's Orchestra, Rapsons Or- chestra and Mc0linchey's orchestra. At midnight following lunch Mr, and . Mrs. Robertson were called to the platform and Mr.. Alex MacKenzie' after snaking a brief speech present ed the couple with a, gift and follow- ing this Mrs. Emerson Rodger read Ian appropriate address and Mr. 'Al- bert McClinchey presenited the couple with a purse of Money. Dancing was then resumed until 2 a.nt, Church Notes At Knox Presbyterian Church Rev. A. M. Boyle occupied the pulpit and preached on "Christ the Cornerstone" from Matt. 21-42. Communion was !observed at this. service, Rev. H. C. Wilson preached at Knox United on "Heaven of Life" using as his text Matt. 13-33. 4 At the Baptist Church Rev, G. W. Sherman preached on "Remember", from Timothy .4-13, I Rev. R. M, Weekes spoke to St. 'Marks Anglican Congregation on , "Something to Do". 1 A fowl supper in connection with the Anniversary will be served In the basement of the church followed by a concert incluading Mrs. Van 'Wyck, elocutionist, Miss Josephine 'Weir and Mrs. ICalmer Dawson, sol - oasts, Mr. Raymond Redmond, violin- ist,-Mr. HarveyMcGee, comedian and Mrs. Robt, J. Phillips, pianist, Mr. Win. Mather of Parkhill spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A,. J. "Ferguson. B. Y. P. II. -The regular monthly meeting of the B. Y. P. U. was held in the BaptistChurch Sunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Raithby in charge. Harold Reid led in prayer and Geo. Robertson read the scrip- ture. ;Messrs Lloyd Johnston, Roy Webster and Harry Webster favour- ed with •a mouth organ selectionac- companied on the guitar by Marjorie Johnston. The business period was conducted by Earl Raithby and it Was decided' , to - hold a Hallowe'en party Monday night at • the home of Mn and Mrs. Elmer "Robertson, Shir- ley and Emma Robertson sang a duet and the topic was given by Lloyd GAS AND OIL Of Interest to local investors is the news' that Rowe'Bruette No. 4, 12 miles south ,west of Chatham, at a depth of 32'26 feet (400 feet in, the Trenton limestone showed a produc- tion yesterday of 4,000,000 cu, feet of gas per day with a large flow of oil encountered in the last 100 feet. Drilling is continuing and the well may be completed this week, Prairie No. 7, 1300 feet distant will Nye started immediately after. BAYFIELD The Annual Meeting of the Bay- field branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society was held in St. And- rews United Church on Sunday even- ing. The service was in charge of Rev, R. M. Gale and Rev, Gordon Peddie of Knox Presbyterian Church gave the address. In his remarks which he based upon St. Matt. 7, 'verses 24-27, he dealt with the auth- ority of the Written Word and strbs- sed the fact that it is the only guide for entire worship and should be 'read constantly by the people so that familiar with it the priest may as- sist •in the enterpretation as Phillip assisted the Eunich. The Scriptures !are a guide to him who reads but the only interpreter is God, "The things of Gots no man can know ex- cept the Spirit•of God." During tile offertory the choir sang an anthem. Following the service, Rev. R. M. Gale presided over the Aminal Meet- ing. A. E. Irwin was elected Presi- dent and Miss Lucy Woods, secret- ary -treasurer for the ensuing year. Regret was expressed in the passing of Mr. F. A. ildwards who was the President for a number of years. The meeting closed with the Benedic- tion'pronounced by Rev. G.A. Peddie. Mrs. N. W. Woods returned home on Saturday after having visited het daughter, Mrs, R. Ti. Middleton in Port Credit. The latter accompanied. her mother to the village, returning to Port Credit on. Monday. Dr, Blanche :Burton retiirned to Toronto on Monday after having been the guest of Miss Lucy •Woods. Miss Betty Gairdner, who is at- tending St. Hilda's College, Toronto, spent the weekend at her home in th village. Mrs, J. F. Parise returned' to Tor- onto this 'week .after •Ihavingsspent the BIRTHS HUGILL-In Clinton hospital, on Monday, October 24th, to Mr, and Mrs; Clarence Hugill, a 'son. MCLEOD In Clinton hospital, on Tuesday, October 25th, to Kr. and Mrs.' John McLeod ' Bayfield, a daughter. .IJ +BATH'S FIRTH --In Clinton, on Wednesday,. October 26, Major• Alexander Firth, husband of Isabelle Ector, aged p9 years, In Memoriam CRIGH-In loving memory, of my Dad, Mr. Idda Crich, who passed away 'November 3; 1937. "Why God took you`froin, vie Father ,Here-. on earth, I shall not know, But nay heart; still longs to see you, For I loved you= loved you so.", -Ever remembered by his, only daughter, "Lulu." , summer, at ,. her home "Paradise Farm" Miss Bernice Theisen and 1tr, Scott Wigle • of Detroit were the guests .of Mrs. V. C. Quarry over the weekend, Mr. E. Pingreo, who spent the week in Detroit returned with them. • Mr. and Mrs, ,George Fisher of Waterloo spent the'weekend with the former's aunt, Mrs. F. A, Edwards. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Ferguson of Sudbury and Miss Margaret Ferg- uson of Tecumseh spent the week- end under the parental roof. Mr. 6. -A. Featherston returned home on Friday last • after having spent the past two months -at Mal- com, Sask. • Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Brandon and family of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mrs, Q. Brandon, Dr. W. J. Tillmann of London was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 17. C. Quarry on Tuesday night. Mrs. Walter Harvey and little son of London are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon this week. Mr ,and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and two children of Toronto spent the Weekend with Mrs. Knight's mother, bdrs. F. C. Gemeinhardt, Mrs. David Prentice of Toronto visited her another, Mrs. W. J..Stin.. soca, over the weekend. Notice The annual meeting of the Clinton Hospital Association will' be held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening, November let next, ' at 8 p.m. 06-2. For. Sale Medium sized wood or coal heater, good as new, also Coleman lamp. Write Bert Brunsdon, Londesboro. 08-1. Farm For Sale or Rent 100 acres, Con. 6, Hullett, well watered, near school, store and high- way. Good house and stabling, im- mediate possession, ploughing done, apply Mrs. Henry McBrien, Clinton, across from, Public School. 06-tf. • CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity of expressing our thanks to the Fire- men, Scouts, friends and neighbours Or their assidtanco, when fire de- stroyed our home. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Taylor AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements. Geo, H. Elliott has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by Public Auction at Lot 22, Con. 2, East Wawanosle, 1st farm north of Blyth on No. 4 Highway on Wednesday, November 2nd, com• mencing at 1,00 p.m, sharp, the fol. lowing: HORSES -Gelding, 12 years old; Mare, 10 years old, supposed to be in foal; 1 -year-old colt. CATTLE -Durham Cow, 7 years old, due Feb. 24; Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, due April' 1st; BIue roan cow, 3 years old, dee-March 20th; Guernsey coW, 3 yrs olcl, due December 1st; Durham cow, 110 years old, cine Apr: 15; Durham cow, 12 years old, freshened 2 weeks; Durham cow, 3 years old, due Nov. 1st; aged Holstein cow, supposed to be in calf;' Jersey heifer, milking; 7 head cattle, 2 years old; 3 head year- lings; 14 calves, PIGS -Young sow, due , Jan 20th; Sow, 4th litter, due Feb, 1st;' 18 chunks. IMPLEMENTS -41%-H. 2040 tractor; 4 disc plow; 11 ft. tractor cultivator, stiff' tooth; ,\t.•I-I. Pulverizer; 0 -Sec- tion Drag Harrows and 'Stretcher; M.- 14. 13 Hoe Drill; McCormick. -Deering Mower; ' 3 -Section Spring -Tooth Har- row; Tedder Side Raise; Dump Rake; -12,-17. Hay loader; M.4.7. 7 -ft. binder; 2 -furrow gang plow; walking llow; Scuftter(; steel Truck wagon; set woo- den wheels; hay rack; gravel 'box; stock ,rack; Anker Holt Electric Cream Separator; Fanning mill, pui1.. ley attachment; Cutter; set sleighs and rack. MISC0'1LTAN1 OiJS-•Set heavy sin- gle shafts; cutter tongue; quantity lumber; snow fence; harness; sling ropes, forks, shovels; whifflctrees; Beatty stdck trough; quantity of Pure :Early Alaska Oats; Wheat and Barley; Barley.; Buckwheat; fight wagon .with 4 Areo Cushion tires;" 40 foot Extension Ladder. RM5 CASH . TE fi. ae J. ie McGee Prietp•o r.. r P ,. Geo, H, Elliott, Auctioneer. , 66-1. Bulbs Thousands of Then „For Garden or Forcing We have the largest selection for many miles around. I'UL,IPS--iJ rwin & Early Flowering, 20 different varieties. HYACINTHS -5 colors im- bedding o r specially, prepared ,for early for- cing. DAEFODIILS1 - 3 Giant blooming varieties. JONQiUILS-3 New Large,. Flowering Kinds. NARCISSUS -= Pape r white & 4 other Poly- anthus flowering kinds CROCUS White, Bine,' Yellow, Purple • a n d mixed striped. GRAPE HYACINTHS - Heavenly Blue. IRIS BULBS -Spanish & Dutch,4 colors. E ' iSTER,, LILY BULBS= Erabu Formousum. The most easily' grown kind Plant .early & avoid failure. Cultural Hints - 011 YES! We Will show you how we •growours. Chas. V.. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 861 A Good Poultry Market Now that the harvest rush is over you will be able to give more atten- tion to your poultry. When you have any chickens ready or your flock needs culling kindly give us a call. Our experienced egg-candlers will handle your eggs quickly. N. W. TREWARTHA Phone 214j; Night 214w. BAZAAR The Ladies of Holmesville United Church will hold a Bazaar on Saturday afternoon November 5th commencing at 2.30 pan. in the COUNCIL UHAIYIBBIt, CLtN'1'UN There will be fanay work, home-made baking and. candy booths. Afternoon. Tea will be served Menu -Pressed Chicken, bread and butter, salads and tea, 15c; pie or cake 5e each, Firemen's Bail — The Dance of the Season --- TOWN TOWN HALL - CIAN-iON Friday, Oct. 28th. Special prize :610 in cash to the holder of the lucky ticket. DANCING FROIVL 9 '1'O 2 TV ADDIE IRWIN'S HARMONY BOYS Tickets 25c from any fireman. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Henry Galpin, late of the Township of. Goderich int the County of Huron, yoemat Deceased. All persons having claims 'against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the sante with the undersigned Solicitor for the Execu- tors, Thomas Elliott and Richard Mitchell, on ; or before the 12th clay of November 1038, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton,; this 20th day of October, A.D. 1938. F, FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, Thomas Elliott and Richard Mitchell. 07-3 AUCTION SALE of COWS, Young . Cattle,. Grain et; at Lot 60, Bayfield Line, Goderich Township, 51/ miles south west of Clinton oni Tuesday, November 1st at 1.30 p,m, 4 young cows freshened in "Sep- tenmber; 4 young calves; 2 cows due in December; 1 cow due in October; 2 cows due in January; 0 cows due in Feb. and March; 10 heifers, 2 yrs. old; 40 yearling heifers; 8 spring calves; 1 Hereford bull, 2 yrs. old; 1 Hereford biill;, one year old; 1 Durham bull, 8 months old; 1 York sow bred 8 weeks; 10 young pigs. Number of hydro poles, number of cedar posts. 500 bushels mixed grain. 500 bus. good) barley, 200 bus, wheat. Terms -Cash G. 11. 11LL1O'1'r, Anstioneer., A. E. 'TOWNSEND, Proprietor. COURT OF It13VISION of the Town of Clinton The Court of Revision for the Town of Clinton will sit in the Council Chamber, Clinton, on November 9th, 1938, at 8 o'clock, p.m. for the hear- ing of assessment appeals which have been l e a1fy filed with .the Clerk, , IL. ,Ln, Manning, Cterk. 07-1. ROXY THEATRE Clinton. CAPITAL THEATRE - Goderich REGENT THEATRE , Seaforth New Playing: Ruby Keeler, ,Tames Ellison. and Fay Bainter in "1Vlotlier Corey's Chickens" Now: `Letter of introduction" with, Adolph Motion, and Edgar Bergen - Charlie McCarthy Nowc Dich Powell and Pat O'Brien in "Cewboy from J3roolclyn" Mon., Tues., Wed, A: broken down song writer tries to teach song writing, to an Ar- kansas hillbilly who does his best work while asleep. ' "Radio City Revels" with Jacls Oakie, Bob Burns Helen Broderick and Victor Moore Mon,, Tues.,Wed. Bobby Breen•Charlie` Ruggles and Dolores Costello in a quaint and human story or a Mennonite community « Breaking The Tce" featuring Irene Dare the baby ice -star Mon., Tuesf. Wed. Dick Powell-b'rances Langford 'led Healy and Hugh Herbert offer your Atvdril.?, yadao show „ ` Hollywood :Hotel . Thur., Fri., Sat. Bobby Breen - Uliarlie ituggtes IJoaores l.ostelio & Irene Dare in the brilliant singing and skating Mennonite story -play "Breaking The ice" Thurs., Fri., Sat. "Reckless Living" ...tarring Robert Wilcox, Nan Grey and Jimmy Savo Also WILD HORSE RODEO Thur., Fri., Sat. - ERROL FLYNN in 'the " ' Lharge Of the Light Brigade Coming: Danielle 'Darrieux in The Rage of Paris , Coming: Ginger Rogers and'James Stewart in: "V4caciaus Lady" Conning: Alive Faye..in, You're A Sweetheart" Mat. :Sat. and holidays at 3 p.m. Mat.: Wed., Sat., Holidays, 3 p.m. Mat: Sat and Holidays at' 3 p.nt.'"+ alzioneelek '1'A.IneY -_PEANUT NEUTrLPl SPECIAL SU1HiERS I-A-LLOWE'EN IOE CREAM BRICKS PUMPKIN CAKE' and PUMPKIN PIES all for Ha11 lloween Bartliff & Crich Makers of Crispy Crush Bread Phone L Clinton. For Winter Storage Beets, Carrots Parsnips, Potatoes Onions Edward L. Mittell Phone 213 -Clinton. - Stratford-Goderich Coach Line - TIMETABLE Lv. EAST Clinton daily for Stratford 8.10 a,m, Daily except Sun. & Holi'ys 4.40 p.m Suns. & Holi'ys 8:10 a.m. & 5.10 p.m, Ly. WEST Clinton daily for Goderich 2.00p.m. Daily except Sun. & hol'iys 8.20p.m, Suns. & Holi'ys 2.00 pdn. & 10.40 p.m. Direct Cotmections to all points. Bartliff & Crich, Local Agents C. Berner, Manager. Big Amateur 'Contest At KIPPEN Friday, Nov. 4th. With "DOT REID as Major Bowes Cash Prizes: Best Dancer lst $3, 2nd $2 (tap or ballet) Best Musician, 1st $3, 2nd $2 (any instrument) Best Old -Tyne Orchestra (not over 5 pieces) 1st $10, 2nd $5 Best Novelty Number 1st $3, 2nd $2 Best Vocalist 1st $3, and $2 Entries by. phone (77/.21 Hensel]) or mail. .Must, be to by noon, the, day of contest. Dancing after the contest to winners ...... of orchestra contest. .... Admission 35c, Children lOc Wanted to Rent By experienced married main, equip. ped farm on shares or on yearly ,salary. Address replies' to Advertiser, Drawer B. Clinton. 07.1. For Sale Several' articles of good furniture. Privately owned. Apply to News- Record. 06-2p. k NEILSONS CHOCOLATE GOODIES 'A lb. box 19e - NEW Rich Silver Cake 20c DO.Nuts 19c Flaky and Spiced Meat Pies 5c each "The Home of Pure Eats" Wendorf's Bakery and Restaurant - "A GOOD PLACE TO EAT" - Phone 68 If you really want to see some- thing smart, inspect the Deforest Crosley, push button, automatic, on display at Hawkins Hardware. Fel sale by A. W. Groves. 94-tf To Car Owners Cars painted and simonized. Let me show you a sample of my work Prices are reasonable. Ed.' Grealis Huron Street, Clinton. 06-2p Business for Sale Coal Business for Sale. Good sheds scales and office. Reason for sell- ing, owner in i11 health. Apply at house, Ontario street, W. J. Miller' 04tf Cider Mill Our Cider Mill is now running every day. Bring your apples early Lot 21, con. 3, Stanley township John E. Pepper, proprietor, Phone 627 r 13. 04-tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Campbell, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor or the Execut- or, Gordon Peddie, on or before the 22nd day of October, 1938, after which date the assets will be distrib- uted amongst the parties entitle thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shalt have been given, DATED at Clinton, this 5th day of October, A.D. 1938. F. FINGLAND, Clinton ,Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor, Gordon Peddie. 04.3. Spirella Foundation Garments Eliminate that worry when buying a Corset, Girdle or .Brassiere. Have an experienced Corsetiere advise you in your home. Newest models, and newest materials. Mrs. J. Silcock, phone 265w. 06-2. HorseforSale Good driving colt, rising 4 years old. Well broken. Would exchange for cattle. Apply WiIIiam Jenkins, Clinton. Phone 604r11. 06-2. AUCTION SALE Next Community sale at Seaforth, will be Friday, Oct. 28th. From thea on community sales • will - be held every Friday, Anybody having pigs for, sale please phone Queen's Hotel, AUCTION SALE Seaforth, and we will arrange to buy of Household Effects at the home them, We have some choice pigs for. sale privately any day before next of the. late Mrs. Robt. Armstrong, sale, J. J. Coyne, Manager; Geo. H Clinton on Saturday October 29 Elliott, Auctioner. House For Sale A. at 1.30 sharp consisting ofvery* desirable residence on Prin- Mason &Kischpiano in A-1 con= cess street. Good garden and fruit AGENTS!' trees electric lights and to water. dation; 3 piece living room suite; hall g town Send in today £or. cur Profit Build seat and oak mirror; dining room House in good condition. Apply . table, 6 dining room chaffs; Edison. Sales Plan, Build your own' the News -Record office. 75 -cc. phonograph and records; 4 bed roomfinancial Independence by iness working for yourself. Familex Roofing suites; 4 mattresses and springs; 8 sell on sight. Repeat busi-have aspecialliquidi parlor tables; 3 small tables; fern 'Products g pWei v fenstFibre to o vers sure. Start earning NOW. With- Coating or Alumenix for steel roofs, stand; Victor radio; book case; floor obligationn ask for catalogue and Also repair .flat 'roofs. We sell Ce - Damp; table lamps; Jewel kitchen prices, FAMILEX CO. 570 St. Clem- ment Tops for chimneys. Apply to range (new); kitchen suite consisting ent, Montreal. ' Joe Becker, Clinton. Phone 42. of cupboard, table, serving• table, six chairs and what not; kitchen linol- Horse for Sale, eum, (new); flour bin; Singer sewing, Clyde gelding, rising two years old. machine; settee anti Morris chair; Good clean breedy type and priced couch; 4 rocking chairs; 3 -burner right. Apply Chris. O'Brien, Clinton. coal oil stove; coal oil heater; elect- Phone 615r25 08-1. ric iron; Wilton rug; 2 tapestry rugs; 1 BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) YOU CANNOT BLAME US A GOOD SUIT IMPROVES YOUR APPEARANCE.. WE LOOK AFTER YOUR CLOTHING • AT MODERATE PRICES 'ALBERT PALMER Isaac St., Clinton. IMPORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDGEMENTS COLLECTED Our collecting department is a re- sult of years of successful experi- ence in collecting local or out-of-town accounts. No collection, no charge - Mail your list - of accounts to -day to Burke's Collecting Agency (License 176) HEAD OFFICE -SEAPORTS, ONT. 41-tf 1` FOR: SALE 5 Tube Console Radio Completely 'Reconditioned New Tubes. Priced to Sell MITTELL'S Radio & Electric Service House for Sale Good frame house on Huron sreet, In excellent condition and has all modern conveniences. Good garden. Apply John Armstrong, Zurich, or D. A. Kay, Clinton, i .«, pe -2p, (, I, - Farm For Sale 120 acres,' Mile East of Walton; Lots 4 and 5, 18th concession, town- ship of Grey. Large bank barn, frame house, excellent gravel pit, Frank Finglancl, Clinton, Ontario. 05-3 Pullets Wanted Barred Rock, White Rocks„ White Leghorns and New Hampshire Reds. State age and price wanted. Box B, Clinton News -Record. 02-6. House for hent Modern conveniences. Good loca- tion. For rent at moderate price, Apply to News -Record. 01-tf. Wanted 016 horses or cattle for mink feed; if dead phone at once. Will pay ac- cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 607r5, or Lloyd Batkins, 619r14. 84 t,f-.e-o-w' Wanted Highest cash pricespaidfor Old Horses and Cattle fit for mink feed. Everything removed. If dead phone at once. Fred Gilbert, G08r22, Clin- ton. 79-tf•, SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Permanently removed by Electrolysis. MISS E. MERNER VARNA, ONT. Phone Hensaf 97r12 or write to Varna, Ontario 94-13 8641, For Sale A house and barn on Wellington Street. Water and hydro. Apply to J. E. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton.' 70-tf: mats, rugs, hammock and awning; Joe -"I see your aunt sits around - garden tools; kitchen utensils, dishes .an mopes she' i badhumor Cleaning and Pressing d mpg when she's m and numerous other articles. -not very pleasant for you, old Suits, ,Comand Dresses,. Terms-Cash :ha" . DRY CLEANING AND REP4IRI:N ' JOHN ARMSTRONG, Executor. ' Bill -"O" 1 rather • en'o it -I'll TAILOR l �, 1 Y W. J'. T�.GO, TAILOII~ GEO. H. ELLIOTT Auctioneer. . ,tell you why. When she•. s ingoo d Ci, nati open Rork msq be 1cda, 1 06-2. she always sings." HarurAb Ember Slim i,, j i s ,' til,