HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-10-20, Page 811 1 1 '4. 1 I 18 v G. 0 PAIN; I ory 306 ' 'PAGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORTI If THURtS., OCT: 20; 1938:' Shoulder Roast of Pork, per, lb. Rib Roast of Pork, per Ib. Loin Roast of Pork, per Ib. Pork Chops per lb. — CHICKENS & DUCKS for WEEKEND 20c 21c 22c 22c CONNEILL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 182. Albert Street Sensational Paint Otter 'J 61111111111111, i Ali Do not miss MONARCH :PAINTS Varnishes and Enamels By special arrangement with the Manufacturers .we are allowed to offer for two weeks only, this amazing' sale. the Product is good the Price Sensational QUARTS 49c this offer --You will save money BUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, ELECTRICAL Phone 147w. WIRING. P.O. Box 4S Imaanuffewanaszonsmesm urommenamomememorassomeastaraussosaammiemeacemosomj " 4*.1.3»;r 4`,s',eTtee;«;»2:S 1 ;+64:»w . eleK«iM:»k4r1,.1r'r' or10140eT»::_os..g :eT WHEN IN NEED OF Nu bang or eating. OF ANY KIND Call T. Hawkins HARDWARE, STOVES AND GLASS OF ALL KINDS T. Hardware and 9 Plumbing Phone 244 • x3:8;4;+»2 N'r. e'«; To.'eT .� .«.»: lel. : «,»;», ww; J. »#»1'L»;»;»ww:;.F.4 : FREE It will cost you nothing to see the SPARTON display in our show window. If considering a trade in radios you owe it to yourself. Make this your headquarters for Guns and Ammunition. Our stock is clean and fresh. Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales tis Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR OCTOBER, 20 - 21- 22 ROYAL YORK TEA, (y/ Ib. Salted Peanuts Free with 1/2 ib.) 33e FANCY RED CORM SALMON, is 22c AYLMER SOUPS, veg. or tom 3 tins for 25e KELLOGG'S ALL -BRAN, large pkg, for 21c PUMPKIN, AYLMER, large 21/2s, 2 tins for 19c LEXIA RAISINS with Seeds, 2 Ib. 25c ASSORTED BISCUITS, 7 varieties, per lb. 19e. SODA BISCUITS, 1 lb. bag 15c NUGGET SHOE POLISH, tin , 12c 777 HALLOW'EEN KISSES, 2 lbs. 25c' HALLOW'EEN JELLY BEANS, 2 lbs. for 25c GINGER SNAP BISCUITS, Ib. IOc RAZOR BLADES, 25 for 25e CHAMPION DOG FOOD, tin , l0c MASTER DOG BISCUITS, 1 1b1 pkg, 2 for 29e MINCE MEAT, 2 lbs. for .... 25e PEARL SOAP, 5 bars for .... 170 ROLLED OATS, Coarse or Fine, 6 lbs. for ., 25c FLAKED WHEAT, 5 lb. bag. 23e SEEDLESS GRAPE FRUIT 6 for 25c T. R. THflMPSON Free Delivery STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguon, of 'Toronto, spent the weekend visiting .Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pepper and other friends. Mr. Ken,' McCowan is visiting his BULBS! BULBS! Last Spring you determined to have Tulips in your garden anoth- er year. Now is the time to put in the bulbs, and once planted you have them for many years. Our Superfine Mixture of Darwin Tulips are special at 35c a doz. Improve, your rock garden with bulbs. Crocus, Hyacinths, Jon- quils, Double Tukps, etc. are all suitable. We can supply you., For Winter in -door bloom plant, how and have a succession of bloom.; Paper White Narcissus will give you bloom for Christmas. See our attractive bulb bowls, reasonably priced. FREE TO OUR CUSTOMERS- Sand and stones for planting Paper White Narcissus Crocus Bulbs 25c a doz. Choice Named Hyacinths 10e each we have all colors. Choice Varieties' of Daffodils 6e each Prepared Soil 15c a pail. Clump of Daffodil Bulbs sold direct from our garden 25c a nice clump. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Telegraph Delivery Association. Phones 176 and 31. HALLOWE'EN Its coming! With staring ,owls, scaryshooks, bad bogies and solemn Jack -o -lanterns everywhere. Boys and girls, decked out in weird costumes and with gruesome or odd false faces peering out from under strange caps, make the rounds and expect you to "shell out" with candies, cookies or something equally pleasing to the palate.. This is also the ideal season for a party and our stook of whim- sically extravagant novelties may be of service to you for the celebration of the evening and contribute to the success of the jolly party.. Come in and see if we have what you want? WE . ARE MUCH ENTHUSED over, aur buying at a price and sell- ing for 29e, a Deckle Edge Vellum Pad in Foldover or Ladies Size, and twenty-five Deckle Edge envelopes to match, (both for 29c) offers to the public a service of especial interest in the conservation of expense. Your purchase' of the set at -the price is the perfect answer to the now -a -days familiar question. Where do I get the most, and the best for the least? sister, Mrs. Albert Batt, of Stouff- ville. Dr. Will. Aikenhead, of Toronto, called on his sister, Mrs. Thos. B. Baird on Monday. Mrs. and 1VIrs. Victor Taylor and children, also Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor and children visited Mrs. Taylor at Forest on Sunday. Mrs. Fornwall, and daughter of Detroit, spent the weekend visiting Mrs. Jas. Thomson and other {friends. The W. D.1 Fair Co Often the Cheapest --Always the test E of i uominn i iiimom - �dI 1� ��IIIIIfl��M li woiiiin� llul Miss Wanda Cluff visited her grand- mother, Mrs. John Cluff during the past week. Mr. W. A. Grant, who has spent the past few weeks in Ottawa has re- turned to Clinton. Mr Fred Leonard spent the past week with friends in Guelph, Bright and Milton. Mr. George Beattie spent Sunday in Ingersoll with his sister and broth- er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Moffatt. Mr, and Mrs. G. D. McTaggart left for Toronto last Thursday where they will remain for the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. E' S. Mcl3rien and Maxine, of Kinbnrn, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel- vin Crich. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jervis, Base Line, spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Bishop, Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. G E Hall, Miss Evelyn and Mr. and Mrs. George Knights visited Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Gee, Wilsonville on Sunday Mrs. J. T. Henderson and Mrs. 11. Mateson, of Niagara Palls, spent the past week with the former's neice, Mrs. W. T. Herman. Mr. Fred. Rumball, Montreal, who has been visiting his mother, Mrs. G. Rumball for the past week, re- turned home on Saturday. Mr. M. T. Corless, Dorothy and Alvin attended the Y. P. U. convention • of the London. Conference held in London Saturday and Sunday, Mr and Mrs. Albert Palmer and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glazier visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Young, Porters Hill, on Sunday. Miss Gladys Addison, Reg.N. of the C.E.E. Hospital staff, Petrolia, is spending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jos- eph Addison. Mr. and Mrs. Barreltrop and sister, of Hanover, and Mrs. Doherty and Mr. A. Barreltrop, Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hawke. Dr. and Mrs. Oakes are spending this week in New York where the doctor is attending the Convention of the American College of Sur- geons. They expect to return on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Ernest 'Crich and grand- daughter, Helen Brown, of Pontiac, Mich., accompanied by Mr. Lester Ragan of Lansing, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Crich last weekend. Mr. J. F. Wasman, of Mitchell, is visiting in town and renewing old acquaintances. Mr. Wasman was blacksmith here about nine years and occupied the shop now used by Mr. Fred Miller on Albert street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Addison, Misses Gladys and Grace Addison, and Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Addison Zurich, motored to Orillia on Sunday where they were guests of the former's brother, Mr. Addison remained for a lohger visit. • Misses Ruth Potter Margaret Sper- ling, Roberta Laidlaw, and Benson Sutter, Ken Reid and Alvin' Oorless attended the 14th annual conven- tion of 'theLondon Conference Young People's Union, of the Un- ited Church of ''Canada in London last weekend ONE FRIEND: TELTJS 'ANOTHER WEEKS RED AND WHITE Always in the Lead,' UMW Big Tea Week, Oct. 20-21°2 Big Syrup Week,Oct. 27•28-t A Special Demonstrator will be in our store, in- troducing different lines of Candy and Desserts in connection with Mrs. Aitken's Cooking School held in the Town Hall, October 25 at 2.30 under 'auspices of Hospital Aid. FOR TEA SALE WE HAVE -- CROWN TEA RED & WHITE TEA BLUE RIBBON TEA RED ROSE, TEA LIPTON TEA SPECIAL DURING SALE Corn Syrup Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails 2 lb.' 19c — 5 lb. 39c at 2'gc per 1 lb. at 34c per /z lb. at 28c per /z lb. at 28c per 1/z Ib,. at 31 c per /z lb.. FREE Knitting Book with 2 large LUX for 48c Hallowe'en Creams and Candy Pea Nuts in Shell Walnuts, Brazil and Pecans 1 CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCET1 RIA Phone 48 FOR THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF COIVIFORT Try Our New Machineless Wave A Lasting, Lovely Permanent $6.00 and $7.00 Henri Beauty Shop Phone 223 BE SAFE Choose a Certified DRY CLEANER They don't use gasoline, they use odorless cleaning solvent, Govern- ment tested every week against shrinkage, color retention, stain re- moval. They also carry proper in- surance and pay all claims promptly. Clothes are one of your greatest as- sets. They need the protection given at Gliddon's Press Shop Tailor Made sults and Overcoats. The New Rain and Shine Coat. Goods called for and delivered. NOTICE POWER WILL BE OFF IN CLINTON RURAL DISTRICT and CLINTON ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23rd 7.30 A.M. to 10.30 A.M. 1.00 P.M., to 5.00 p.m. 06-1. Attention Mrs. Aitken's Cooking School held in Town Hall, Oct, 25th. at 2.30 ADMISSION 15e. A capacity audience is expected, se- cure your tickets early and be sure of a good seat. Under Auspices Hospital Aid Tickets at O'Neil's Grocery, .��tC'.'ai'_,i!'e�:'X:.:a=i_A' :'fit :.; i. . + � �!�'4i7M!++ P�+ M`:HM.i.: s��s 4 :i ?�i:±,t':'i�:�!'i i'!�'1•'�...Wii!'Y { Grand s isplay Ofs a',' If you are looking for ELECTRIC LAMPS of any kind we have them. Your best plan., will be to call in and see for Your- self, as we have a wonderful range, all the latest styles at the lowest possible prices. We also have our FALL STOCK OF CEDAR CHESTS in, it will pay you to look then over. We are showing a large stock of LINOLEUM, CONGOLEUM, FELTOL, and VELFELT RUGS in all sizes, also a few Remnants of Linoleum, IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have a large stock of Electric Irons, Toasters, Curlers, and Special Price on a Sunny Suds Washer. All sizes in WINDOW GLASS, now is the time to fix the panes and keep out the cold. A Nice Assortment of PYREX WARE at 20% DISCOUNT. Then you know we always have a large stock of STOVES & HEATERS. Tho Store With the Stock. BALL and ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Embalmers, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service.' Phones: Store 195; N. Ball 110; J. J. Zapfe, 103 too --"Iiiisatiosotobookasiesatioitotatem~egosaistiosesztonotesiiift, Week -End Specials Seedless Raisins, 2 lb. for 21c Rose Baking Powder, 1 Ib. tin 17c Crisco, 1 Ib. tins 21c Pastry Flour, Huron Brand, 24 lb. 49c Molasses, 1 lb., 5 oz. tins •••9c 'Carnation Milk, large tins 9c Red Rose Black Tea, per lb. 55c Broadway Coffee, 1 lb. with Free Tpmbler ... 33c Broadway Peanut Butter in. Tumbler, 15c Broadway Sandwich Spread in Tumbler, 18c Broadway 'Salad Dressing in Tumbler, 17c Broadway Prepared Mustard in Tuinbler, ......... 15c DeLux Jello Powder, 5 pkgs., 2.3c Pineapple Cubes, large tins, 13c Minute Tapioca, 2 pkgs. with Sherbet, 25c Beef Rolls, fresh, boneless and rolled, per Ib.... 13c Bologna in piece, 2 lbs. for 25c Cottage Rolls, pickled, per ib. 23c Side Bacon in piece, per lb. 29c Corn Beef, 2 tins for 25c Chocolate Bars, 6 for 25c Mixed Candy, per lb. 13c Fruit Drops, per lb. . 15c Spanish Onions, 3 Ib. for 25c Cooking Onions, choice quality, large size, lb. 3c Hubbard Squash, each 15c "maw CLIFFO •, ,n. , 'S: i r. ty', LOBB'S