HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-10-20, Page 5.00T. 20, 1938. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, PAGE 5 "A BANE; WHERE 'SMALL' ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME"., 1 V o matter where you live, you may do your, banking with the Bank of Montreal. Write for our booklet"How to Bank by Mail,' addressing your request to the undermentioned, or any branch. BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLtenED 1817 Clinton Branch: H. M. MONTEITH, Manager 'Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and Thursday.. "THE FARMER AND HIS BANK"—Ask forboeklet6; AUBURN The pulpit of Knox United Church !was occupied by Rev. H. C. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter' and who spoke on "The Dimensions of a F Reg., of Port Elgin, spent the week-.` Deed"; using as his text „Romans, 12- r4nd with the former's mother, -Mrs. 6.. ;James Carter., " .Owing to anniversary.services in Mis Josephine Weir returned on I Clinton Baptist Church on Sunday, P•Saturday •after a visit with Detroit the service in• the Baptist Church E' .friends. - - here was cancelled. Mrs. G. Pelz, of Preston, is visit- At St. Marks Anglican ..Church the :ling her sitter, Mrs. Joseph Irwin. rector Rev. R. M. Weekes preached • Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. en "Beautiful Ideals and Brutal ',John McKnight were Mr. and Mrs. Facts" using as his text John 3-20. '<Clifford Webb and Mrs. Jessie Gray, Mr. E. 0. Duff has returned to his all of Goderich. , home in Leamington after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wni. McIlwain spent his sister, Mrs. Fred Ross and other the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John friends. McPhee, of Nile. I A number from here attended the Several from here attended the an- re -opening of the Goderich Collegiate "luversary of. Westfield United church Institute on Monday. "while some attended anniversary ser -I The Women's Institute held their, ' 'vices at Blyth Presbyterian Church, regular monthly meeting in the For - others at the anniversary services of esters Hall on Tuesday with Mrs. Nile and Carlow United churches. .Lawson in charge. The meeting was Mr. W. T. `Riddell and Miss Alma opened by singing the "Ode" and re- ' Yungblutt e'"Yungblutt and Mr. Robt. Riddell and peating the Lord's Prayer..A. letter Mr. Win. Riddell, Mr. and Mrs. Win. of apreciation for card received dur- Walcroft and family were at Niagara ing her illness was read from Betty Falls recently. " 'Marsh. A letter from the secretary Mr. Gilbert Hayes, of Denville, of the Clinton Institute to visit their • Man., is visiting his uncle and aunt, branch on Thursday, October 270h ' Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stoltz. 1 was read and accepted. Mrs. Jas. Mr. Joseph Downs and. son, Mi•. Woods and Mrs. Fred Ross were ap- Norval Downs both of Port Colborne' pointed to see after the transporta- visited on Saturday with Mr. and tion. It was decided to have Mrs. Mrs. Edgar Lawson. Mr. Downs has Frgd Oster of Blyth give the report nor been here 'for 30 'years' and is 'of 'the Area Conference held in List- : the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. i owel recently. Miss Vivian Straughan Robt. Downs. !favoured with a solo accompanied by About 80 attended the Straughan Mrs. R. J. Phillips. Mrs. Gordon reunion held in the Foresters Hall on I Taylor gave an interesting travel- 'Friday ravel'Friday evening. The reunion took ogee: of her trip to the West this the form of a dance. I sununer. Mrs. 3. 3. Wilson gave a Mesdames 1i. C. Wilson, James splendid paper on the Historical Re- Mutch, Win, Mcllwain, W. II. Shep-search of Auburn,' Miss Eleanor Wil pard, Herb. Mogridge, James Rob- son gave a demonstration on glove erten, James Woods, 0. E. Erratt,' making. The current events were .Chas. M. Straughan and Miss S.igiven by Mrs. Fred Ross. The roll Blair attended the W. M. S. in the call was answered by the history of United -Church, Dungannon last Fri- a 'relic. The singing of the National , clay. 'Anthem brought the meeting to a The ladies of St. Marks> Anglican' close after which a dainty lunch v' served by the hostesses, Mas, Herb. 'Church held a successful Hot Supper . in .Knox Presbyterian Church base- Edgar Lawson. Mrs. Geo. Bean and Mrs. • 'merit on Saturday night.- The -net :'proceeds were about $56.00, I Robertson-Straughan Mr. and Mrs. A. 3: Ferguson were; Seaforth on Friday. i A quiet but pretty wedding was Mr. Thomas Johnston and IVIr. solemnized at the home of the bride's Wesley Bradnock were in London last' parents at 12 o'clock on Monday, Oc- 'Wednesday. I tober 17th, when Annie May, eldest Mr. George Raithby is visiting his daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William `'brother, Rev. Wm. Raithby and Mrs. Straughan, of East Wawanosh, was Raithby, of St. Thomas. united in marriage to Thomas Clay- Preparatory Services -are being ton Robertson of Copper Cliff, son of held in Knox Presbyterian Church, Mr. and Mr's. 3. J. Robertson of Col-. 'lnext p'riday prior to Communion borne. Rev. H. C. Wilson of the United Church performed the etre- . a next Sunday','October 23rd. Unr ed C u ch per r While Wilfred Kinahan, farmer, of molly. The :bride given in marriage West, Wawanash, was motoring to by her father looked lovely in a cos - 'our village one day last week and tone of Ruby Wine, silk velvet and corning over the brow of the hill carried a bouquet of Token Roses. 'tear George, HallaM's farm, a .horse Miss Vivian Straughan, cousin of the '-‘owned by William Good had wander- bride, played the wedding march, and ed onto the road and was hit by also played daring the signing of the car. It was so badly injured the register. Following the wedding ' . that it had to be shot. • The car a stunptous . dinner was served. The -was badly damaged, the windshield tables and house being artistically :and radiator both being broken. !decorated in. white. For her daught- er's wedding., Mrs. Straughan chose W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church a costume of navy sheer. Mrs. Rob - The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian ertsoi, mother of the • groom wore :held their Thankoffering meeting in Royal Blue silk velvet. The groom's the church on Thursday afternoon, gift to the bride was a gold locket. ,•'at which time they had the Carlow For the wedding trip to London and W.M.S. as their. guests. . Mrs. Edgar Thamesville the bride wore a black 'Lawson presided and Mrs. Jamas and gold dress 'with black coat and ":Howitt, Miss Eleanor Wilson: gave fox trimming with accessories to `the secretary -treasurer's report, Mrs. match. , Mr. and Mrs. Robertson will 'Fred Ross gave a reading "Thanks- reside in Coppereliff. "giving is Thanks Living which ,was written by Miss Margaret Small, a canner resident of the village. Mrs. ` D. J. Lane of Goderich gave a re- . At a depth of 3000 'feet or 100 •'port of the Provincial Meeting held feet in the Trenton, E. P. Rowe's' in Toronto recently and Mrs. II. C. Bruette No..4 near Chatham, Ontar- 1'Dmdop of Goderieh brought a res- io, secured a flow of over 500,000 sage on "Thanksgiving." Mrs. Kal- cubic feet natural gas showing a "mer Dawson favoured with a solo. pressure of 900 lbs. to the square ' A vote of thanks was extended to inch, with another 300 feet of pay ' the Goderieh ladies by Mrs. Win. T. sands still to drill through for fur - Robinson and seconded by Mrs. John ther 'gas and ail. This well will be .'3. Wilson. A dainty hmeh'was sery completed within a week, after which ed by the Auburn ladies. • 'Prairie No. 7,. 1800 feet distant will • Church Notes be drilled. A BIG WELL Rev. Dr. T. W. Taylor conducted '.the service in Knox ,.Presbyterian Chdpel: i ion -Snnd'ay morning and preached on "A ,prescription for a ;Ohnnstian",; •speaking from. ;These. 13-. `I1. Donald Ross rendered a solo, The force of the wind in Canada as a rule is felt most on, the 'Atlantic and Pacific coasts, on tha shores of the Great Lakes, and, , over, the prairies, : • .. . MARRIAGES FERGTJSON.--McKAY - In Knox Presbyterian Church on Saturday, October 15th„ Isabelle S. McKay, Bayfield, was united in marriage to Charles B,. Ferguson of Sudbury by Rev, G. Peddie. BROADFOOCT-ARMSTRONG-At the home of Rev. W. A, Bremner, Sea - forth, on Saturday, October 1st, Margaret Isabel Broadfoot, of Tuckersmith, was united in mar- riage to Robert Allan Armstrong, of Stanley. TURNER-McALLISTER - At the home of the bride's parents in Stanley Township ' on Saturday, October 15th, Jeanette Elizabeth McAllister was united in marriage to Ralph Wesley Turner by Rev. E. F. Chandler, pastor of Hills - green United Church. BIRTHS. GOLDSWORTHY—In Clinton Hosp- ital, on E iday, October 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Goldsworthy, a daughter, Marjorie Anne. DEATHS STEPHENSON—In Goderich town- ship, on Friday, October 14th, Ar- thur Boyes Stephenson, in his:78th year. TAYLOR—In 'Bayfield, on Friday, October 14th, Rachael Taylor, in her 78th year. GAR.RETT—ass Goderich township on Mc(nday,: Oletober 17th, Edith Jane Newton, wife of Joseph A. Garrett, in her 53rd year. KIPPEN i Mr. and Mrs. William Dignan of Lucan, were guests on Sunday with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Thomson and Will. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Thomson vis- ited on Thursday 'last with Dr. and Mrs. A. Moir of Hensall. They were attending a birthday party in honour of Mrs. S. Thomson. Sr. Spirella Foundation Garments Eliminate that worry when. buying a Corset, Girdle or Brassiere. Have an experienced Corsetiere advise you in your. home. Newest models, and newest materials. Mrs. S. Silcock, phone 265w. 06-2. Apples Finely grown and sprayed, Spies and other varieties. Bring your baskets and get your supply from Ed. Ball, Londesboro, phone 640r6. 06-1. Farm for Sale or Rent 100 acres in Hullett township. Well watered; near school; and 3i mile from highway. Good house and stab- ling. Immediate possession if re- quired. Apply Box B, Clinton News - Record. 06-tf. Farm. Help Wanted Experienced couple, middle-aged preferred to manage farm close to. Clinton' by share 'or on yearly sal- ary. State whether with or without equipment, Replies confidential. Box 13, Clinton News -Record. 06-1f. Horse for Sale Aged horse, weight about 1400 lbs. Good worker single or double. Quiet and reliable. Apply A. W. Steep, Frederick street, Clinton. 03-1p. IIouse for Sale Good frame house' on Huron sreet. In: excellent' condition and has all modern conveniences. Good garden. Apply ,John Armstrong, Zurich, or D. A. Kay, Clinton. • 06-2p. For Sale Several articles of good furniture. Privately owned. Apply to News - Record. 06-2p. Notice The annual meeting of the Clinton Hospital Association will be held in the Council Chamber on T•uetday evening, November let next, at 8 p.m. 06-2. Apprentice Wanted Apprentice electrically or mechan- ically inclined. Apply by letter stat- ing age and wage required to P.O. Box 18. 06t -f. Horse for Sale. Good driving colt, rising 4 years old. Well broken. Would exchange for cattle. Apply William Jenkins, Clinton. Phone 604r11. 06-2. Lost Three screw top 5 gallon earls. Finder please leave at any Shell Service Station in Clinton or God- erieh. 06-1. AUCTION SALE of Household Effects at, the home of the late Mrs. Robt. Armstrong. Clinton on Saturday, October 29 at 1.30 sharp consisting of: Mason & Risch piano in A-1 con- dition; 3 piece living room suite; hall seat andoak mirror; dining room table, 6 dining room chairs; Edison phonograph and records; 4 bed room suites; 4 mattresses and springs; 3 parlor tables; 3 small tables; fern stand; Victor radio; book -case; floor lamp; table ' lamps; Jewel kitchen range (new); kitchen suite consisting of cupboard, table, serving table, sic chairs and what -not;. kitchen linol- eum, (new); flour bin; Singer sewing machine; settee and Morris chair;' couch; 4 rocking chairs 3 -burner coal oil stove; coal oil heater; elect- 'ic iron; Wilton rug; 2 tapestry rugs; mats, rugs, hammock and awning; garden tools; kitchen utensils, dishes and numerous other articles. Terms—Cash • JOHN ARMSTRONG,. Executor., GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. 06-2. Bulbs Thousands of Them For Garden or Forcing We have the largest selection for g, many miles around. TULIPS -Darwin & Early Flowering, 20 different varieties. HYACINTHS -5 colors for bedding o r specially prepared for early for- cing. DAFFODIWW — 3 Giant blooming varieties. JONQUILS -3 New, Larger Flowering Kinds. NARCISSUS Pape r white & 4 other Poly- anthus flowering kinds CROCUS — White, Blue, Yellow, Purple a n d mixed striped. GRAPE HYACINTHS -. Heavenly Blue. IRIS BULBS -Spanish :& Dutch,4 colors. E • STIE1 LILY BULBS Erabu Formousum. The most easily grown kind Plant _early & avoid failure. Cultural Hints — OH YES! We will show you how we grow ours. Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j' A Good Poultry Market Now that the harvest rush is over you will be able to give more atten- tion to your poultry. When you have any chickens ready or your flock needs culling kindly give us a call. Our experienced egg-candlers will handle your eggs quickly. N. W. TREWARTC Phone 214j; Night 214w. THEATRE PARTY auspices of 'Women's Institute in ROXY THEATRE, CLINTON THURS. OCT. 27th "M,OT'iER CAREY'S CHICKENS" a 4 bell picture with Ann Shirley, Ruby Keeler, Faye Bainter and Jimmy Ellison Readings between pictures by Mis. George MeLay. Card of Thanks Mrs. A. B. Stephenson and family desire to express their appreciationu for the kindness and sympathy of friends and neighbours extended to them during the illness and death of Mr. Stephenson. They gratefully acknowledge the floral tributes, also the kindly ministrations of Rev. R. M. Gale, Miss Gladys Gale and of- ficers and members of Clinton Mas- onic Lodge. NOTICE Voters' List, 1038, ,Municipality of the Township of Goderieh County of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters List Act and that I have post- ed up at my office in Goderieh town- ship on the 1st day of October, 1938, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said'114nnicipality at.Munieipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection; And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law. Dated at my office this first day of October, 1938. R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk. 04-3 EBENEZER The regular meeting of the W. A. of Ebenezer was held on Thursday, October 6th at the home of Mrs. E. Little. The president, Mrs, I. Mer- rill presided. Meeting opened with a hymn, scripture reading and pray- er by ' Mrs. Morgan Jones. The busi- ness was taken up and a program then given. Reading by Mrs. Bort Lobb, Miss Oakes and Mrs. .I.'Mer- rill. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer by Mr. Wilding. Lunch was served by Mrs. E. Little and Mrs. Roy Easom. VA RNA Mrs. Jas. M. Reid of Clinton spent a few days last weekwith her sire - ca., Mrs. Lloyd. Keys anti' also at- tended the fowl supper. Miss Sarah Ano Keys is visiting with her brother, Mr. Amos. Keys and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Reid of. Clinton. C. P. R. WILL CLOSE SHOPS' Main shops of Canadian Pacific Railway Company throughout Can- ada will be closed for three weeks-- October eeksOctober 24 to November 14, it was announced last week, ROXY ° THEATRE Clinton. , CAPITAL THEATRE Goderieh 'REGENT THEATRE Seaforth t' Now Playing: Ohne of Gene Autrys' latest. pictures. The Xtidelin Kid Front Pine Ridge" Now: Dick Powell and Pat O'Brien "COWBOY FROM BROOKLYN" NOW: Gene Antiry and Smiley Barnette, in - "Rcotinl Tootin' Rhythm" Mon.. Tues., Wed, EDWARD G. ROBINSON CLAIRE TREVOR, Maxie Rosen- bloom and Allen Jenkins in a startling psyshological mystery "The Amazing D. .Clitterhouse" Mon., Tues., Wed. SIMONE SIMON as a New Orleans cafe cutie, doubles for a French songbird who has flown, and becomes entangled in a romance "JOSETTE" WWI Dont Ameche & Robert Young Mon,, Tunes!. Wed. GINGER. ROGERS and DOUG FAIRBANKS Jr. depict the romances and advent - ores of a .summer vacation camp 'Having Wonderful Timet Thur., Fri., Sat. Adolphe Menjou, Andrea Leeds EdgarBergen & Charlie McCarthy present an enthralling' story sell fru a theatrical background "Letter of Introduction" Thur., Fri., Sat. DICK POWELL-PAT O'BRIEN and PRISCILLA LANE head a east that sends a citified buckaroo through a riotous hoaxAnne "Cowboy from Brooklyn" Thurs., Fri., Sat- Mother Carey's Chickens' starring SIIIRLEY, Ruby KEELER' and JAMES ELLISON' Coming: Bob- Burns, Jack Oakie, "RADIO CITY REVELS" Coming: Bobby Breen in,,Conting: "BREAKING THE ICE . "HOLLYWOOD HOTEL"` with Dick Powell Mat. :Sat, and holidays at 3 p.m. ,Mat.: Wed., Sat., Holidays, y , 3 p.m. , Mat : Sat and Holidays at 3 p.m. Week -end Specials Pumpkin Pies AND Pumpkin Cakes Bartliff Crich Makers of Crispy Crush Bread Phone 1, Clinton. For Winter Storage Beets, Carrots Parsnips, Potatoes Onions Edward L. Mitten Phone 213 -Clinton. The decision was disclosed in a brief statement made public by the company: "After a conference between the company's officers and representa- tives of its shop employees through- out the system, an amicable agree- ment was reached that all main shops will be closed for a three-week per- iod—October :24 to November 14— rather than to effect reductions in working forces at the present time." AUCTION SALE of the following articles at Lot 6, Iiuilett Township, bit Mile east of Kinburn, on Saturday, October 22nd at 2 p.m.: Set of Manitoba bob sleighs; 1 horse sleigh; buggy; wag- on; grain box; water trough; set double harness; logging chain; tool box and tools; cream separator; 10 white Leghorn hens; bed and springs; coal oil stove and other articles. Terms Cash. No reserve. G. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. WILFRED MILLSON, Proprietor. 06-1. Old Tyme DANCE At K open Friday, Oct. 21 MURDOCK'S ORCHESTRA The well known band;—Everybody likes tlteni. ADMISSION 25c. WE WANT TO BE YOUR BAKER OUR BREAD, BUNS, CAKES. AND SPECIALS IN PASTRY Contain Only, THE PUREST AND BEST QUALITY INGREDIENTS OLD FASHIONED — "CHOC" DROPS — ' SPECIAL 19c Ib. — BREAD SLICED TO ORDER — AT Wendorf's Bakery and Restaurant — "A GOOD PLACE TO EAT" — Phone 68 If you really want to see some- thing smart, inspect . the DeForest Crosley push button, automatic, on display at, Hawkins Hardware, ,For sale by A. W. Groves. 94-tf. For Rent November 15, brick cottage, Prin- cess street, bathroom, ideal home for small family. Apply on prem- ises to Mr, Druce Fogarty. 06-tf. ;douse for Sale A bargain for quick sale as the, owner is going away. Wm, A. Grant,' To Car Owners Cars painted and simonized. Let me show you a sample of my work. Prices are reasonable. Ed. Grealis, Huron Street, Clinton. Business for Sale Coal Business for Sale. Good sheds, scales and office. Reason for sell- ing, owner in ill health. Apply at house, Ontario street, W. J. Miller. 04tf. Cider Mill Our Cider Mill is now running BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) YOU CANNOT BLAME US A GOOD SUIT IMPROVES YOUR APPEARANCE. WE LOOK AFTER YO UR CLOTHING:' AT MODERATE PRICES 'ALBERT PALMER Isaac St., Clmton. IMPORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDGEMENTS COLLECTED, Our collecting department is a re- sult of years of successful experi- ence in collecting local or out-of-town accounts. No collection, no charge — Mail your list of accounts to -day to Burke's Collecting Agency, (License 176) HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. 41-t.6 MITTELL'S Radio & Electric Service A Few of the Things we de: *Give Expert Radio Repair Service. *Repair and Change House Wiring. ''Repair Electric Stoves, Cords, Irons. *Charge Radia and Car Batteries. *Install Receptacles, Bells Motors. Farm For Sale 120 acres, Mile East of Welton; Lots 4 and 5, 18th concession, town - every day. Bring your apples early. ship of Grey. Large bank barn, frame Lot 21, eon. 3, Stanley township, house, excellent gravel pit. John E. Pepper, proprietor. Phone Trani. IFnngiand, Clinton, Ontario. 627 r 13. 04-tf. 05-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Campbell, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, widow, Deceased. All persons havingclaims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor or the Execut or, Gordon Peddie, on or before the 22nd day of October, 1938, after which date the assets will be distrib- uted amongst the parties entitled thereto, having yegarcl only to the claims of which notice shall have been liven. DATED at Clinton, this 5th day of October, A.D..1038. F. ENGLAND, Clinton Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor, Gordon Peddie. 04-2. NOTICE Apples .The Council of the Town of Clinton requests citizens to please refrain from parking cars near fire hyd- rants and to avoid obstructing the firemen in their work when fighting a fire. G. H. ELLIOTT, Mayor. Thank You For Your Support On Apple Da PP PP y The Cubs and Scouts EUCHRE and DANCE Under Auspjees of Branch No. 140 Canadian Legion and •B.E'.S.L.. and the Ladies' Auxilasy. Friday, October 21st at 8Pan EVERYBODY ' WELCOME FINELY GROWN ez SPRAYED SPIES AND OTHERS Bring your baskets and get a supply Co HOARE Fruit Farm CLINTON 5-2 AUCTION SALE Next Community sale at Seaforth, will be Friday, Oct. 28th. From then on community sales will be held every Friday. Anybody having. pigs for sale please phone Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, and we will arrange to buy them. We have some choice pigs for sale privately any day before next. sale. J. J. Coyne, Manager; Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioner. JOIN FAMILEX to insure you share in the business pick-up and make a decent living. No risk. Experience in door to door pre- ferable, 'but .ngt.. necessary. Every person, a customer,. Exceptional qual- ity. Low prices. Attractive packages, Very profitable plan. For, a perman- ent, growing • business investigate. Full details and catalogue without obligation: FAMILEX CO. 570 St. Clement, Montreal. IN .THE NEWS -RECORD READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS For Sale A quantity of sprayed Spy Apples. Robert G. Smith, Londesboro, Ont„ Phone 34 on 640, Clinton central 05-2. Pullets Wanted Barred Rock, White Rocks;, White Leghorns and Now Hampshire Reds. State age and price wanted. Box B, Clinton News -Record. 02-6. House for Rent ' Modern conveniences. Good loca- tion, For rent at moderate price. Apply to News -Record. 01-tf. Wanted Old horses or cattle for mink feed; if dead phone at once. Will pay aa - cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 607r5, or Lloyd Batkins, 619r14.. 84 t.ii'-,e-o-w Wanted Highest cash prices paid for Old Horses and Cattle fit for ntink' feed. Everything removed. If dead phone at once. Fred Gilbert, 608x22, Clin- ton. 79-tf- SUPERFLUOUS HAIR • permanently removed by Electrolysis. MISS E. MERNER VARNA, ONT. Phone Emma 97r12 or write, to Varna, Ontario 94-13 House For Sale A very desirable residence on Prin- cess street. Good garden and fruit trees, electric lights and town water. House in good condition. Apply at the News -Record office. • 75-e. Roofing We have a special liquid Fibre Coating or Alumenik for steel roofs.. Also repair :fiat roofs. We .sell Ce- ment Tops for chimneys. Apply to Joe Becker, Clinton. Phone 42. 86-11 For Sale A house and barn on Wellington Street. Water and; hydro. Apply to J. E. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton. 70-tf. Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coats and Dressed DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRINit, W. J. TAGO, TAILOR It not open work may be left a4. Hem "Babe! Shia) '